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Corporate China 2.0: The Great Shakeup

by Qiao Liu

This book argues that that the rise of great firms - those with sustainable high return on invested capital (ROIC) - will lay the foundation for China’s successful economic transformation. Drawn from the author’s research on corporate finance and the Chinese economy, the author maintains that being big could be easy but means little for corporate China, especially in the context of China’s transition from an investment-led economy to an efficiency-driven one. The work discusses both internal and external impediments that lead to lack of great companies in China and suggests institutional conditions which foster the rise of great companies in China, including, reversing the government’s obsession with GDP, reforming the financial system, and promoting entrepreneurship. Policy makers, investors, corporate executives, and MBA students and scholars will appreciate case studies of Huawei, Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Lenovo, among others, that illustrate the endeavors made by Chinese entrepreneurs at the grassroots level and highlight what makes successful companies in China.

Corporate Citizenship: Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen in Deutschland (Unternehmen und Gesellschaft)

by André Habisch

Corporate Citizenship - unternehmerisches Bürgerengagement - ist Gegenstand einer wachsenden Diskussion im In- und Ausland. Es formuliert Herausforderungen an die strategische Unternehmensführung, in der Kooperation mit unternehmensexternen Partnern aktiv gesellschaftliche Probleme anzugehen. Unternehmen profitieren in vielfältiger Weise von bereichsübergreifenden Netzwerken, bedürfen aber zu deren Aufbau und Pflege ganz eigener Kompetenzen. Die Bewerbungen um den Unternehmenspreis der Initiative "Freiheit und Verantwortung", die dem Band zugrunde liegen, bilden die umfangreichste Darstellung von "best practices" deutscher Unternehmen. Sie verbinden sich mit einem Überblick über hochaktuelle Dokumente und Initiativen zur Thematik auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene: ein Standardwerk zu einer immer wichtiger werdenden Thematik.

Corporate Citizenship: Business and Society in Botswana

by France Maphosa Langtone Maunganidze

This book discusses corporate citizenship, corporate responsibility and business ethics across Africa generally, and Botswana specifically. It begins by contextualizing Botswana within the broader context of Africa, using nine other countries – Angola, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe – to provide a comparative perspective, examining the common factor: that weak legalization makes it challenging for corporate social responsibility to be actualized.From this background, the book then discusses Botswana as a key study. Botswana has been described as ‘Africa’s economic miracle’ due to its growing economy since independence This puts it in a unique position for the implementation and study of corporate social responsibility. The interdisciplinary team of authors employ various research methods to examine the complex relationship between business, society, corporations and social justice issues.This book will be valuable reading for any academic working on corporate social responsibility in Africa, and will present an interesting insight to an often neglected area of study. France Maphosa is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Botswana. His research interests include migration and transnationalism, the sociology of entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, urban and rural livelihoods, labour studies and alternative dispute resolution (ADR).Langtone Maunganidze is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Midlands State University in Zimbabwe. His research interests include industrial sociology, business and society, rural livelihoods and sustainable development, and entrepreneurship.

Corporate Citizenship: Rechte und Pflichten der Unternehmung im Zeitalter der Globalität (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations)

by Bernhard Seitz

Bernhard Seitz untersucht, wie sich aus dem Prinzip der Gewinnmaximierung soziale Vorleistungen und gesellschaftliches Engagement begründen lassen, und leitet eine Unternehmensstrategie als Corporate Citizen ab.

Corporate Citizenship: Unternehmen im gesellschaftlichen Dialog

by Achim Westebbe David Logan

Der Corporate Citizenship als Teildisziplin der Corporate Identity kommt immer mehr Bedeutung zu. Gemeint ist die Gesamtheit des gesellschaftlichen Engagements von Unternehmen. Die klassischen Instrumente der PR werden dabei ergänzt durch Spenden, Sponsoring und mehr. Mit Praxisbeispielen von ABB, Canon, IBM u.a.

Corporate Citizenship and Family Business (Citizenship and Sustainability in Organizations)

by Claire Seaman

Current models of corporate citizenship largely consider business as one coherent entity. This view of business as a corporate force overlooks the growing evidence that most businesses are run by families. Family businesses are the most common form of business in existence – across countries, continents and geopolitical divides – and yet we know remarkably little about their approach to corporate citizenship. Where families run businesses, they create a concentration of family values that – for good or ill – influence the way business practices and behaviours develop. The role of the family in business has, therefore, an influence on the development of society that is partially mediated through corporate citizenship. This book pulls together current thinking from several diverse research fields that intersect with family business research to offer insight into current research and examples of practice for those studying and researching in the fields of family business, business values and corporate practice. The book will also explore the fact that family businesses tend to take a longer-term approach to business and that this is reflected in their behaviour towards the environment, community engagement, employee development and innovation. Bringing together contributions from researchers in the diverse fields of family business, philanthropy, community engagement, corporate social responsibility, innovation and policy, this book explores the many ways in which family businesses contribute to the corporate citizenship agenda.

Corporate Citizenship and Family Business (Citizenship and Sustainability in Organizations)

by Claire Seaman

Current models of corporate citizenship largely consider business as one coherent entity. This view of business as a corporate force overlooks the growing evidence that most businesses are run by families. Family businesses are the most common form of business in existence – across countries, continents and geopolitical divides – and yet we know remarkably little about their approach to corporate citizenship. Where families run businesses, they create a concentration of family values that – for good or ill – influence the way business practices and behaviours develop. The role of the family in business has, therefore, an influence on the development of society that is partially mediated through corporate citizenship. This book pulls together current thinking from several diverse research fields that intersect with family business research to offer insight into current research and examples of practice for those studying and researching in the fields of family business, business values and corporate practice. The book will also explore the fact that family businesses tend to take a longer-term approach to business and that this is reflected in their behaviour towards the environment, community engagement, employee development and innovation. Bringing together contributions from researchers in the diverse fields of family business, philanthropy, community engagement, corporate social responsibility, innovation and policy, this book explores the many ways in which family businesses contribute to the corporate citizenship agenda.

Corporate Citizenship and Higher Education: Behavior, Engagement, and Ethics

by Morgan R. Clevenger

This book examines corporate citizenship through the inter-organizational relationships between a public American doctoral research university and six of its corporate partners. The author discusses why US corporations engage as corporate citizens in relationships with higher education institutions and gauges the ethical concerns that may arise from such relationships. As governments continue to cut funding, support from individuals and corporations becomes continually more important. This research contributes to the corporate citizenship literature by providing a broad, holistic discussion to understand the range of motives and ROI expectations of corporate engagement in the American society as evidenced by inter-organizational relationships with higher education. This book is useful to provide both researchers and practitioners in corporations and higher education with insights to better design and manage inter-organizational relationships.

Corporate Citizenship and New Governance: The Political Role of Corporations (Ethical Economy #40)

by Ingo Pies and Peter Koslowski

This volume unites the perspective of business ethics with approaches from strategic management, economics, law, political science, and with philosophical reflections on the theory of Corporate Citizenship and New Governance. In view of the internationalization of the (global) economy and the free movement of capital, new instruments of political coordination are needed. These societal changes trigger the two closely intertwined challenges examined in this book. The first challenge relates to the role and the self-conceptualization of business firms as corporate citizens within society. Companies are increasingly expected to assume the social responsibility of helping to shape the rule-framework of globalization. The second challenge refers to the form of the engagement in local, national and international processes of governance. To more credibly and effectively tackle these challenges, corporate actors are ever more participating in rule-setting processes together with civil society organizations and the government.

Corporate Citizenship aus der Sicht der Landespolitik: Verständnis, Ziele, Instrumente (Schriften zum europäischen Management)

by Jonna Barth

Jonna Barth untersucht, was die landespolitischen Akteure in vier Bundesländern unter Corporate Citizenship verstehen, wie sie in diesem Zusammenhang ihre Rolle definieren, was sie von Unternehmen erwarten bzw. inwieweit sie Regeln setzend eingreifen wollen. Die Analyse macht die politische Praxis transparent; sie bietet damit den Ländern einen Vergleichsmaßstab für ihr Handeln und sie zeigt der Wirtschaft, womit sie rechnen muss.

Corporate Citizenship im Nachwuchsleistungssport: Perspektiven deutscher Großunternehmen

by Sebastian Braun Marcel Pillath

Der Nachwuchsleistungssport in Deutschland ist mit einem Abbau staatlicher Unterstützungsleistungen konfrontiert. Zugleich hat das Sportsponsoring durch Großunternehmen jenseits des Spitzensports enge Grenzen. Insofern suchen zahlreiche Akteure wie Verbände, Vereine, Stiftungen oder Sportschulen, die an der Produktion sportlicher Höchstleistungen von jungen Athletinnen und Athleten beteiligt sind, alternative Kooperationsformen mit der Wirtschaft. Dabei scheinen sich speziell Großunternehmen im Zuge internationaler Debatten über „Corporate Citizenship“ zunehmend für ein gesellschaftliches Engagement zur längerfristigen Lösung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen auch im Sport zu öffnen, um in Kooperation mit gemeinnützigen Akteuren den „Business Case“ mit dem „Social Case“ zu verbinden. Auf der Basis qualitativer Experteninterviews analysieren die Autoren Sichtweisen und Positionen von Sponsoring-, Public Relations- und CSR-Beauftragten im Hinblick auf Corporate Citizenship-Engagements im Nachwuchsleistungssport.

Corporate Citizenship in Africa: Lessons from the Past; Paths to the Future

by Wayne Visser Malcolm McIntosh Charlotte Middleton

Corporate citizenship is enmeshed in the debate about Africa's future. Africa is the continent where the social needs are greatest and where the benefits of globalisation have been least felt. What makes corporate citizenship in Africa not only fascinating, but also of critical importance, is that the continent embodies many of the most vexing dilemmas that business faces in attempts to be responsible, ethical and sustainable. This unique collection for the first time brings together in one publication the critical debates, perspectives, experiences and success stories in the emerging field of corporate citizenship in Africa. The book addresses a number of key questions: What research has been conducted on corporate citizenship in Africa over the past ten years? How are the concepts and challenges of corporate citizenship in Africa different, compared to other regions of the world? Which industry sectors are leading in the implementation of corporate citizenship in Africa? What are some of the dilemmas facing companies that are striving to be good corporate citizens in Africa? What are some of the best-practice case studies of companies' corporate citizenship programmes in Africa? What can Africa learn from the rest of the world about corporate citizenship, and what can it teach others? The book acts as a bridge in many ways: between academic theory and business practice; between notions of corporate citizenship originating in developed countries and emerging concepts incubated in a developing-country context; between the experiences of multinationals and the perspectives of small and medium-sized enterprises; between different countries and regions within Africa and around the globe. This publication marks a change in the tide – a groundswell towards a more vigorous debate and robust research agenda on corporate citizenship in Africa. It will be essential reading for all those involved in the rapidly growing corporate responsibility movement.

Corporate Citizenship in Deutschland und den USA: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im gesellschaftlichen Engagement von Unternehmen und das Potential eines transatlantischen Transfers (neue betriebswirtschaftliche forschung (nbf))

by Matthias Fifka

Matthias S. Fifka untersucht, inwieweit sich das bürgerschaftliche Engagement von Unternehmen in Deutschland und den USA unterscheidet und in welchem Maße aufgrund der verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen ein transatlantischer Transfer von Corporate Citizenship möglich ist.

Corporate Citizenship in Latin America: A special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 21)

by Jose Antonio Puppim De Oliveira

Corporate citizenship and corporate social responsibility have become hot topics of debate for business, academia and organised civil society in Latin America. However, although there is a lot of material in Spanish and Portuguese, there are few publications available in English. This special issue of JCC opens the discussion in English across different countries in the region.

Corporate Citizenship in Latin America: A special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 21)

by Jose Antonio Puppim De Oliveira

Corporate citizenship and corporate social responsibility have become hot topics of debate for business, academia and organised civil society in Latin America. However, although there is a lot of material in Spanish and Portuguese, there are few publications available in English. This special issue of JCC opens the discussion in English across different countries in the region.

Corporate Citizenship und Korruption: Ein systematisches Konzept von Unternehmensverantwortung (Schriftenreihe der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management)

by Stephanie Muche

Stephanie Muche untersucht, wie Unternehmen und Manager mit Konflikten und Moral umgehen können und stellt Investitionsmöglichkeiten in Corporate-Citizenship-Maßnahmen vor, die zur Überwindung dieser Konflikte zwischen Gewinn und Moral beisteuern können.

Corporate Co-Evolution: A Political Perspective (Organization and Strategy #4)

by Suzana B. Rodrigues John Child

WINNER OF THE GEORGE R. TERRY ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT BOOK AWARD 2009 "This superb study of a Brazilian state company's transition to private ownership is marvellously comprehensive in its coverage of the firm's entire life span and the full spectrum of its interactions with all aspects of its environment. The outstanding quality of this volume's contribution to co-evolutionary thinking and institutional and political theory has invaluable implications for culture, politics, identity, learning, and adaptation, making it an absolute 'must read' for all organization, management and strategy scholars." —Christine Oliver, Professor and Henry J. Knowles Chair in Organizational Strategy, Schulich School of Business, York University "This book by Suzanna B. Rodrigues and John Child is destined to become a classic study for several reasons. It is an exemplary study of co-evolutionary case study research, it is one of a very few longitudinal studies that focus on the interdependencies between firm evolution and the macro political and institutional environment and it provides a comprehensive and integrated state of the art framiing of current co-evolutionary theories and empirical research, It is a must read for scholars in Organization Science." —Arei Y. Lewin, Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, Durham NC "Corporate Co-evolution is a valuable contribution to the small but precious collection of studies of long-term change in business organizations. Tracking the evolution of a telecommunications company in Brazil over a 27 year period, Rodrigues and Child perform a delicate balancing act, according equal attention to the constraining/empowering effects of a changing institutional environment and to the strategic decisions and actions of the company's leaders." —W. Richard Scott, Stanford University Corporate Co-Evolution is a work of major scholarship that develops broad macro-economic principles of corporate strategy by examining and analyzing the history and growth of Telemig, a major Brazilian telecommunications company. Analyzes the different domains of the corporate environment - economic, social, cultural and political - that impact on the evolution of companies Traces the multi-level changes in a major Brazilian telecommunications company, uncovering the dynamics of change over the course of 30 years Develops a broader contextual and historical perspective that enriches our understanding of today’s international corporate environment Includes a general introduction to the complex political factors in the corporate environment that impact the growth of companies Co-authored by internationally-renowned author and business consultant, John Child

Corporate Code: Wege zu einer klaren und unverwechselbaren Unternehmenssprache

by Martin Dunkl

Wie können Unternehmen einen unverwechselbaren Sprachstil entwickeln? Wie gelingt ein einheitlicher und stimmiger Corporate Code? Wie erreiche ich damit meine Dialogpartner und gebe ein sympathisches, überzeugendes Gesamtbild ab? Antworten auf diese wichtigen Fragen liefert dieses Buch anschaulich und leicht verständlich. Der Autor vereint Erkenntnisse aus Psychologie und Linguistik mit praktischen Methoden der Markenführung und erklärt die Hintergründe für die Wirkung von Unternehmenssprache sowie ihre Bedeutung für die Corporate Identity (CI). Anhand des direkt anwendbaren Tools „Corporate-Code-Marker“ zeigt er, wie Sie unternehmenstypische Sprache selber entwickeln können. Mit zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen, Vorher-Nachher-Übungen und einer anschaulichen Fallstudie, die den kompletten Prozess einer Corporate-Code-Entwicklung und -Anwendung darstellt. Ein nützliches Buch für Unternehmer, Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter in Marketing, Vertrieb, Unternehmenskommunikation, Human Resources sowie für alle, die beruflich Texte verfassen.

Corporate Communication: a Guide to Theory and Practice (PDF)

by Joep Cornelissen

Written specifically for students interested in knowing more about the organizational and management context of communications, and to get more hands-on learning, practical experience and skills to help them get off to a flying start in their career, this book is a guide to corporate communication that will help students and practitioners navigate the area, understand the main theories and put these into practice through examples and case studies. Academically grounded, it covers the key concepts, principles and models within corporate communication by bringing together academic knowledge and insights from the subject areas of management and communication. At the same time, it combines this academic base with a clear practical outlook - practical cases illustrate the theory and each chapter also focuses on models and exercises that equip students with practical expertise and skills. The international scope of the book, featuring cases from around the globe has been instrumental in its success and has now been used by nearly 20,000 students across over 50 different countries from New York to Helsinki, Tokyo to Rio de Janeiro for students studying Corporate Communication, Organizational Communication, PR and Marketing Communications and as an invaluable source for reflective practitioners. The new fourth edition has been revised and updated with new cases and covers developments is areas such as reputation management, leadership communication and CSR communication. It features: A new chapter on social media and increased coverage of new media in existing chapters New up-to-date material on emerging CSR standards, transnational governance and corporate citizenship Extended focus on media relations, internal communications and leadership and change communication New full-length and shorter international case studies Enhanced companion website material including new case studies and video material available on publication at

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice

by Joep P. Cornelissen

This popular, market-leading textbook for corporate communication continues to be the authoritative and definitive textbook for students and educators. The text has been fully updated to include: • changes to the workplace in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on employee communication via platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams • the ongoing impacts of digital disruption and transformation on corporate communication at the advent of the ‘metaverse’ and alongside consideration of popular newer social media such as TikTok • the increasing focus on sustainability and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); societal impact, purpose and corporate social responsibility; and the importance of social justice and inclusion within organizations and how these relate to organizational communication New case studies include Black Lives Matter (Starbucks); surveillance capitalism (Facebook); diversity and inclusion (Microsoft); and hybrid working (British Airways). This textbook is essential reading for communication courses including: corporate communication; organizational communication; management communication; strategic communication; and public relations. Joep Cornelissen is Professor of Corporate Communication and Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice

by Joep P. Cornelissen

This popular, market-leading textbook for corporate communication continues to be the authoritative and definitive textbook for students and educators. The text has been fully updated to include: • changes to the workplace in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on employee communication via platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams • the ongoing impacts of digital disruption and transformation on corporate communication at the advent of the ‘metaverse’ and alongside consideration of popular newer social media such as TikTok • the increasing focus on sustainability and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); societal impact, purpose and corporate social responsibility; and the importance of social justice and inclusion within organizations and how these relate to organizational communication New case studies include Black Lives Matter (Starbucks); surveillance capitalism (Facebook); diversity and inclusion (Microsoft); and hybrid working (British Airways). This textbook is essential reading for communication courses including: corporate communication; organizational communication; management communication; strategic communication; and public relations. Joep Cornelissen is Professor of Corporate Communication and Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice

by Joep P. Cornelissen

This popular, market-leading textbook for corporate communication continues to be the authoritative and definitive textbook for students and educators. The text has been fully updated to include: • changes to the workplace in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on employee communication via platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams • the ongoing impacts of digital disruption and transformation on corporate communication at the advent of the ‘metaverse’ and alongside consideration of popular newer social media such as TikTok • the increasing focus on sustainability and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); societal impact, purpose and corporate social responsibility; and the importance of social justice and inclusion within organizations and how these relate to organizational communication New case studies include Black Lives Matter (Starbucks); surveillance capitalism (Facebook); diversity and inclusion (Microsoft); and hybrid working (British Airways). This textbook is essential reading for communication courses including: corporate communication; organizational communication; management communication; strategic communication; and public relations. Joep Cornelissen is Professor of Corporate Communication and Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice

by Professor Joep P. Cornelissen

The Sixth Edition of Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice? continues to be the market leading text in its field, having been fully revised by the author to reflect new trends and developments in social media and to capture emergent topics such as CEO activism and corporate character and purpose. New to This Edition: A revised chapter on comm's in the rapidly changing media landscape, incorporating new technologies and social media. Deeper coverage of key topics such as employee, crisis, and leadership communication alongside sustainability. New case studies with reflective questions to highlight the broad application of corporate communications. Corporations featured include: Apple, Facebook, Gilette, Lenovo and Nestlé. Corporate Communication is essential reading for students studying Corporate Communication, Organizational Communication, Strategic Communication, PR and Marketing Communications, as well as a valuable resource for reflective practitioners. It continues to be supported by comprehensive and fully updated online resources.

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice

by Professor Joep P. Cornelissen

The Sixth Edition of Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice continues to be the market leading text in its field, having been fully revised by the author to reflect new trends and developments in social media and to capture emergent topics such as CEO activism and corporate character and purpose. New to This Edition: A revised chapter on comm's in the rapidly changing media landscape, incorporating new technologies and social media. Deeper coverage of key topics such as employee, crisis, and leadership communication alongside sustainability. New case studies with reflective questions to highlight the broad application of corporate communications. Corporations featured include: Apple, Facebook, Gilette, Lenovo and Nestlé. Corporate Communication is essential reading for students studying Corporate Communication, Organizational Communication, Strategic Communication, PR and Marketing Communications, as well as a valuable resource for reflective practitioners. It continues to be supported by comprehensive and fully updated online resources.

Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice

by Professor Joep P. Cornelissen

The Sixth Edition of Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice? continues to be the market leading text in its field, having been fully revised by the author to reflect new trends and developments in social media and to capture emergent topics such as CEO activism and corporate character and purpose. New to This Edition: A revised chapter on comm's in the rapidly changing media landscape, incorporating new technologies and social media. Deeper coverage of key topics such as employee, crisis, and leadership communication alongside sustainability. New case studies with reflective questions to highlight the broad application of corporate communications. Corporations featured include: Apple, Facebook, Gilette, Lenovo and Nestlé. Corporate Communication is essential reading for students studying Corporate Communication, Organizational Communication, Strategic Communication, PR and Marketing Communications, as well as a valuable resource for reflective practitioners. It continues to be supported by comprehensive and fully updated online resources.

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