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Corporate Psychopathy: Studienergebnisse, Herausforderungen und die Rolle der Internen Kommunikation im Umgang mit der Dunklen Triade in Unternehmen

by Annett Bergk Romy Frandrup Christopher Morasch

In diesem Buch gehen Kommunikationsexpert*innen aus Theorie und Praxis der Frage nach, wie „psychopathisch“ es in den heutigen Führungsebenen zugeht. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren ist der Begriff der „Dunklen Triade“ aus psychologischer und medizinischer Forschung bekannt und begegnet uns seitdem regelmäßig in den Medien, die über die Verbreitung dieses Dreiklangs aus Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie in den Führungsetagen und Vorstandszimmern der Welt berichten. Dieses Fachbuch richtet sich an Menschen, die in Teams arbeiten, selbst als Führungskräfte im Einsatz sind oder sich mit der Optimierung von Teamwork beschäftigen. Es soll aufzeigen, wie Personen mit psychopathischen, machiavellistischen oder narzisstischen Tendenzen in Unternehmen agieren, welche Effekte sie auf das Team haben und wie verschiedene Situationen kommunikativ verbessert werden können.. Es wird ein Forschungsüberblick zu narzisstischen, machiavellistischen und psychopathischen Führungskräften in der Arbeitswelt gegeben und vorgestellt, wie Corporate Psychopaths in den Medien dargestellt werden. Ein Beitrag geht der Frage nach, warum Führungskräfte manchmal vielleicht auch narzisstisch wirken müssen. In einem umfangreichen Beitrag werden die Unterschiede psychopathischer Persönlichkeitszüge zwischen Manager*innen und Menschen ohne Führungsverantwortung analysiert und dargelegt, was es bei der Besetzung von Managementpositionen zu berücksichtigen gilt. Mehrere Beiträge beschäftigten sich mit der besonderen Rolle der Internen Kommunikation: Wie kann die Interne Kommunikation schwierige Unternehmenspersönlichkeiten erkennen und welches Wissen braucht sie für einen erfolgreichen Umfang mit diesen? Es wird gezeigt, wie es gelingen kann, die negativen Effekte von Corporate Psychopathy einzudämmen und die Chancen der Personalauswahl bei der Identifikation von Corporate Psychopaths werden eingeordnet.

Corporate Public Affairs: Interacting With Interest Groups, Media, and Government

by Otto Lerbinger

Corporate Public Affairs explores the increasing interest in public affairs by today's organizations. Lerbinger indicates that more and more frequently corporations are establishing public affairs positions--typically within public relations departments--to respond to issues and concerns arising out of the sociopolitical environment in which the corporation functions. He articulates the functions and responsibilities of the public affairs role, and investigates the approaches to dealing with primary constituencies--interest groups, media, and government.Divided into five parts, this book:*provides an overview of the corporate public affairs function;*explores strategies of the myriad interest groups in the United States, such as labor unions and environmental, consumer, women's, and human rights groups;*recognizes the media's increasing coverage of business events, especially negative ones, that have tremendous power both to undermine corporate credibility and to support public policy positions;* deals with legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government; and*raises the question of how corporate power strategies have affected the political marketplace.This book will appeal to advanced-level students, scholars, and practitioners in public relations and business fields.

Corporate Public Affairs: Interacting With Interest Groups, Media, and Government

by Otto Lerbinger

Corporate Public Affairs explores the increasing interest in public affairs by today's organizations. Lerbinger indicates that more and more frequently corporations are establishing public affairs positions--typically within public relations departments--to respond to issues and concerns arising out of the sociopolitical environment in which the corporation functions. He articulates the functions and responsibilities of the public affairs role, and investigates the approaches to dealing with primary constituencies--interest groups, media, and government.Divided into five parts, this book:*provides an overview of the corporate public affairs function;*explores strategies of the myriad interest groups in the United States, such as labor unions and environmental, consumer, women's, and human rights groups;*recognizes the media's increasing coverage of business events, especially negative ones, that have tremendous power both to undermine corporate credibility and to support public policy positions;* deals with legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government; and*raises the question of how corporate power strategies have affected the political marketplace.This book will appeal to advanced-level students, scholars, and practitioners in public relations and business fields.

Corporate Punishment: Smashing the Management Clichés for Leaders in a New World

by James Adonis

Think there's no 'I' in team'? There is. Believe that together everyone achieves more? They don't. Asked to give it 110 per cent? You can't. Think employees are your greatest asset? They ain't. Got an open-door policy? For goodness sake — shut it! Whether you're a perpetrator or a casualty of cringe-worthy corporate clichés (or both), Corporate Punishment will challenge the way you think about the world of business and the mind-numbing management mottos that have underpinned it for decades. From teams and leadership to workplace culture and customer service, James Adonis smashes to pieces some of the most deeply entrenched business philosophies, offering in their place a progressive new thought process that's light on rhetoric and boring theory, but heavy on practicality and imagination. This book is a protest, a movement, a changing of the management guard — it is the breath of fresh air every modern business needs and a long overdue break from the hot air that most are forced to endure.

Corporate Punishment: Smashing the Management Clichés for Leaders in a New World

by James Adonis

Think there's no 'I' in team'? There is. Believe that together everyone achieves more? They don't. Asked to give it 110 per cent? You can't. Think employees are your greatest asset? They ain't. Got an open-door policy? For goodness sake — shut it! Whether you're a perpetrator or a casualty of cringe-worthy corporate clichés (or both), Corporate Punishment will challenge the way you think about the world of business and the mind-numbing management mottos that have underpinned it for decades. From teams and leadership to workplace culture and customer service, James Adonis smashes to pieces some of the most deeply entrenched business philosophies, offering in their place a progressive new thought process that's light on rhetoric and boring theory, but heavy on practicality and imagination. This book is a protest, a movement, a changing of the management guard — it is the breath of fresh air every modern business needs and a long overdue break from the hot air that most are forced to endure.

Corporate Purpose – das Erfolgskonzept der Zukunft: Wie sich mit Haltung Gemeinwohl und Profitabilität verbinden lassen

by Annette Bruce Christoph Jeromin

In diesem Buch erläutern die Autoren, was Corporate Purpose ist und warum er ein Unternehmen von Grund auf verändern wird. Unternehmensentscheider erfahren, wie Corporate Purpose sein Nutzenpotential gleichzeitig im Unternehmen und im Gemeinwohl entfalten kann. Sie erhalten einen Leitfaden und jede Menge Praxiswissen, um auf der Grundlage von Purpose ein tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell mit starken Marken und einem überzeugenden Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl entwickeln und implementieren zu können.Nachwachsende Generationen machen zurzeit überdeutlich: Reine Profitorientierung reicht für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens immer weniger aus. Heute wird von Unternehmen und Marken erwartet, dass sie gesellschaftliche, ökologische und soziale Belange in ihrem Handeln fest verankern und auch für diese Verantwortung übernehmen. Die Mühe lohnt, denn erste Studien zeigen: Unternehmen mit einem klar definierten Purpose wachsen überdurchschnittlich.Aus dem Inhalt Das ist Corporate Purpose und so kann er entwickelt und verankert werden Das kann Corporate Purpose für Unternehmen und Gemeinwohl leistenDrei Handlungsszenarien für die Arbeit mit Corporate Purpose in der PraxisCheckliste zur Einschätzung des Potentials von Corporate Purpose in Ihrem Unternehmen16 Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis vom Start-up über KMU bis zum Global Player So können Sie den Erfolgsbeitrag von Corporate Purpose messenVerantwortungseigentum: eine rechtliche Struktur für purpose-orientierte UnternehmenInterviews zu Praxis-Cases mit: Susanne Franz (Audi), Ulrike Haugen (DNV GL Group), Varena Junge (enyway), Gabriella Ekelund (Essity), Jean-Gabriel Duveau (Gillette), Jan Fischer (Hamburg Towers), Dr. Jens Ade (Hinz&Kunzt), Udo Schulte (Lemonaid), Louise Brierley-Ingham (Patagonia), Markus Essing (Philip Morris International), Karen Löhnert (sleeperoo), Nina Witt (Stop the water while using me), Dr. Antje von Dewitz (VAUDE), Carolin Stüdemann (Viva con Agua) sowie Nataliya Yarmolenko (Weleda) sowie mit dem Team von Mercedes-Benz Cars.Mit einem Gastbeitrag von Achim Hensen (Purpose Stiftung).

Corporate Real Estate Asset Management: Strategy and Implementation

by Barry Haynes Nick Nunnington Timothy Eccles

The second edition of Corporate Real Estate Asset Management is fully up to date with the latest thought and practice on successful and efficient use of corporate office space. Written from an occupier’s perspective, the book presents a ten-point CREAM model that offers advice on issues such as sustainability, workplace productivity, real estate performance measurement, change management and customer focus. In addition, new case studies provide real-life examples of how corporations in the UK, USA, Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi actively manage their corporate real estate. The book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students on corporate real estate, facilities management and real estate courses and international MBA programmes.

Corporate Real Estate Asset Management: Strategy and Implementation

by Barry Haynes Nick Nunnington Timothy Eccles

The second edition of Corporate Real Estate Asset Management is fully up to date with the latest thought and practice on successful and efficient use of corporate office space. Written from an occupier’s perspective, the book presents a ten-point CREAM model that offers advice on issues such as sustainability, workplace productivity, real estate performance measurement, change management and customer focus. In addition, new case studies provide real-life examples of how corporations in the UK, USA, Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi actively manage their corporate real estate. The book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate students on corporate real estate, facilities management and real estate courses and international MBA programmes.

The Corporate, Real Estate, Household, Government and Non-Bank Financial Sectors Under Financial Stability (The Theory and Practice of Financial Stability #3)

by Indranarain Ramlall

Sound financial stability assessments necessitate intensive analysis of different sectors, namely, the household sector, the corporate sector, the real estate sector, the government sector, and the non-bank financial sector. This volume provides a complete analysis and risk assessment of each of these sectors which make up the subtle and intricate fabric which contribute to financial stability. The book considers: • Micro-prudential and macro-prudential regulations and how they constitute core ingredients to ensure a sound and smooth functioning financial system. • The role of household debt as a coveted economic indicator of the building up of financial instability pressures. • The relation of the real estate sector to the prevalence of financial crises through asset price bubbles. • The role of the corporate sector in financial stability risk analysis. In particular, the balance sheets of the corporate sector are widely examined to uncover feasible risks to financial stability. • The role of the government sector, with particular emphasis being laid on public debt management. This book will prove valuable to central bankers, economists, and policy-makers who are involved in the field of financial stability, as well as researchers studying the field.

The Corporate, Real Estate, Household, Government and Non-Bank Financial Sectors Under Financial Stability (The Theory and Practice of Financial Stability #3)

by Indranarain Ramlall

Sound financial stability assessments necessitate intensive analysis of different sectors, namely, the household sector, the corporate sector, the real estate sector, the government sector, and the non-bank financial sector. This volume provides a complete analysis and risk assessment of each of these sectors which make up the subtle and intricate fabric which contribute to financial stability. The book considers: • Micro-prudential and macro-prudential regulations and how they constitute core ingredients to ensure a sound and smooth functioning financial system. • The role of household debt as a coveted economic indicator of the building up of financial instability pressures. • The relation of the real estate sector to the prevalence of financial crises through asset price bubbles. • The role of the corporate sector in financial stability risk analysis. In particular, the balance sheets of the corporate sector are widely examined to uncover feasible risks to financial stability. • The role of the government sector, with particular emphasis being laid on public debt management. This book will prove valuable to central bankers, economists, and policy-makers who are involved in the field of financial stability, as well as researchers studying the field.

Corporate Real Estate Management: Schnelleinstieg für Architekten und Bauingenieure (essentials)

by Thomas Glatte

Thomas Glatte vermittelt in kompakter Form die Grundlagen und ausgewählte Spezifika des Corporate Real Estate Managements. Der Autor erläutert den Einfluss der Unternehmensstrategie auf die Immobilienstrategie von Non-Property-Unternehmen sowie die Bedeutung der betrieblichen Immobilienportfolien, den Aufbau einer CREM-Organisation und den Umgang mit immobilienwirtschaftlichen Dienstleistungen. Zudem erklärt er spezifische Aspekte des CREM wie CSR, Nachhaltigkeit, Corporate Architecture & Design und Workplace Management.Der Autor: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Glatte ist Director Group Real Estate Management bei einem Industriekonzern sowie Lehrbeauftragter an der TU Dresden und der Universität Stuttgart. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Fachpublikationen zu immobilienwirtschaftlichen Themen. Darüber hinaus ist Dr. Glatte Vorstand im CREM-Fachverband CoreNet Global sowie Mitglied des Immobilienbeirats der DGNB.

Corporate Real Estate Management: Schnelleinstieg Für Architekten Und Bauingenieure (essentials)

by Thomas Glatte

Thomas Glatte provides a comprehensive view on the essentials of corporate real estate management (CREM). The author explains in the influence of corporate strategies on real estate strategies for non-property-companies as well as the importance of corporate real estate portfolios, the set-up of CREM organizations and the handling of respective services. He also elaborates the specifics of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, corporate architecture & design and workplace management.

Corporate Realities: The Dynamics of Large and Small Organisations (Routledge Revivals)

by Robert Goffee Richard Scase

Corporate Realities, first published in 1995, provides a concise but comprehensive review of the management issues relating to different types of organisation. Avoiding academic jargon, it describes the characteristics of administrative, manufacturing, service and professional organisations. It explores the features of both small and large businesses. The authors demonstrate how the transition from small to large scale can be achieved, as well as reviewing recent attempts to recreate entrepreneurial forms of organisation in the context of larger, more complex ones. Most importantly, it identifies future trends and the skills that will be needed to manage corporations at the turn of the century. This book will be of interest to students of business studies.

Corporate Realities: The Dynamics of Large and Small Organisations (Routledge Revivals)

by Robert Goffee Richard Scase

Corporate Realities, first published in 1995, provides a concise but comprehensive review of the management issues relating to different types of organisation. Avoiding academic jargon, it describes the characteristics of administrative, manufacturing, service and professional organisations. It explores the features of both small and large businesses. The authors demonstrate how the transition from small to large scale can be achieved, as well as reviewing recent attempts to recreate entrepreneurial forms of organisation in the context of larger, more complex ones. Most importantly, it identifies future trends and the skills that will be needed to manage corporations at the turn of the century. This book will be of interest to students of business studies.

Corporate Recovery in an Integrated Europe: Harmonisation, Coordination, and Judicial Cooperation

by Irene Lynch Fannon Jennifer L.L. Gant Aoife Finnerty

Exploring the considerable qualitative research conducted by the Judicial Cooperation in Economic Recovery (JCOERE) Project, this book provides a rich analysis of the questions surrounding the contrasting legal traditions and cultures within the European framework. Building on existing research, this book analyses the EU Directive (2019) harmonising ‘preventive restructuring’ law in a number of member states of the EU. Embodying a modern approach to business failure involving radical concepts, it examines the imposition of a stay or moratorium, the process of agreeing a compromise of existing debt through cram-down and final approval, and ultimately financing the rescued business into the future. These concepts are considered in addition to the obligations imposed on courts through EU Regulation (2015) to cooperate in cross-border litigation in insolvency generally. Chapters also provide a critical analysis of legal texts and commentary, studying the development of the Preventive Restructuring Directive (PRD) and domestic preventive restructuring processes. Critically considering the legal initiatives affecting business rescue within a broader EU legal context, this book will be an insightful read for EU policy-makers and insolvency lawyers and practitioners. Academics and researchers with an interest in European law and EU integration will also benefit from this comprehensive book.

Corporate Regulation for Climate Change Mitigation in Africa: A Case for Dilute Interventionism (Routledge Research in Sustainability and Business)

by Kikelomo O. Kila

This book critically analyses the prospects of overhauling the legal framework of climate change regulation of corporations in African state. It adopts the dilute interventionism regulatory framework to tackle the culture of regulatory resistance by corporations in Africa. Over the course of this volume, Kikelomo O. Kila critiques the climate change legal framework in all 53 African states and conducts an in-depth case study of the two largest economies in Africa – Nigeria and South Africa – to highlight the commonality of the problems in Africa and the potential for the dilute interventionism paradigm to significantly address these problems. The book establishes why African states should directly intervene through legislative mechanisms to compel corporations to incorporate climate change mitigation in their business activities. It proposes that this direct intervention should comprise a blend of prescriptive and facilitative mechanisms structured in a dilute interventionism regulatory model. Overall, this volume argues that implementing this model requires the institution of a strong and independent regulator with a veto firewall protection system that guarantees its de facto independence from government and external influences. Corporate Regulation for Climate Change Mitigation in Africa will be of great interest to climate change stakeholders at the international, regional, and domestic levels, policymakers, regulatory practitioners, and legal experts on corporate regulation. It will also be an insightful resource for students and scholars of climate change and environmental law, policy, and governance.

Corporate Regulation for Climate Change Mitigation in Africa: A Case for Dilute Interventionism (Routledge Research in Sustainability and Business)

by Kikelomo O. Kila

This book critically analyses the prospects of overhauling the legal framework of climate change regulation of corporations in African state. It adopts the dilute interventionism regulatory framework to tackle the culture of regulatory resistance by corporations in Africa. Over the course of this volume, Kikelomo O. Kila critiques the climate change legal framework in all 53 African states and conducts an in-depth case study of the two largest economies in Africa – Nigeria and South Africa – to highlight the commonality of the problems in Africa and the potential for the dilute interventionism paradigm to significantly address these problems. The book establishes why African states should directly intervene through legislative mechanisms to compel corporations to incorporate climate change mitigation in their business activities. It proposes that this direct intervention should comprise a blend of prescriptive and facilitative mechanisms structured in a dilute interventionism regulatory model. Overall, this volume argues that implementing this model requires the institution of a strong and independent regulator with a veto firewall protection system that guarantees its de facto independence from government and external influences. Corporate Regulation for Climate Change Mitigation in Africa will be of great interest to climate change stakeholders at the international, regional, and domestic levels, policymakers, regulatory practitioners, and legal experts on corporate regulation. It will also be an insightful resource for students and scholars of climate change and environmental law, policy, and governance.

Corporate Religion: Bindung schaffen durch starke Marken

by Jesper Kunde

Die lukrativsten Marktpositionen besetzen Unternehmen nur, wenn sie eine tief verwurzelte, kraftvoll spirituelle Überzeugung haben - eine starke Corporate Religion.

Corporate Reorganization Law and Forces of Change

by Sarah Paterson

Corporate Reorganisation Law argues that corporate reorganisation law is seen by market participants as a tool they can mobilise and adapt according to practices, logics, and identities in the of the financial and non-financial corporate markets. Thus changes in market practice, in the participants in the process, or in how the participants view their objectives, can significantly change the ways in which corporate reorganisation law is mobilised and adapted, even if the law has not undergone any reform. This book argues that corporate reorganisation law cannot be evaluated using a theoretical model in isolation from the wider institutional context in which corporate reorganisation law is mobilised and adapted by the participants to the process. In establishing the new methodology, the book undertakes a detailed analysis of six key changes in market practice, logic and identities in the financial and non-financial corporate fields. A comparative US/UK approach is adopted in analysing both the process of institutional change and the implications for law. This provides a fascinating lens through which to see how different institutional environments in the financial and non-financial markets in different jurisdictions are drawing together, and interacting with very different legal systems which were adapted to the distinct, original institutional environments in which they were developed. From this analysis important lessons for legal harmonisation efforts in Europe and in non-European jurisdictions are drawn out. The work emphasises the need to look at formal legal rules in combination with other, non-legal and legal institutions and argues that current reform debates in both the US and UK have suffered because scholars, practitioners, and policy makers have not started their evaluation of the case for reform by placing corporate reorganisation law in this wider institutional context. The book aims to fill this gap, and to provide a methodological approach for the future.

Corporate Reorganization Law and Forces of Change

by Sarah Paterson

Corporate Reorganisation Law argues that corporate reorganisation law is seen by market participants as a tool they can mobilise and adapt according to practices, logics, and identities in the of the financial and non-financial corporate markets. Thus changes in market practice, in the participants in the process, or in how the participants view their objectives, can significantly change the ways in which corporate reorganisation law is mobilised and adapted, even if the law has not undergone any reform. This book argues that corporate reorganisation law cannot be evaluated using a theoretical model in isolation from the wider institutional context in which corporate reorganisation law is mobilised and adapted by the participants to the process. In establishing the new methodology, the book undertakes a detailed analysis of six key changes in market practice, logic and identities in the financial and non-financial corporate fields. A comparative US/UK approach is adopted in analysing both the process of institutional change and the implications for law. This provides a fascinating lens through which to see how different institutional environments in the financial and non-financial markets in different jurisdictions are drawing together, and interacting with very different legal systems which were adapted to the distinct, original institutional environments in which they were developed. From this analysis important lessons for legal harmonisation efforts in Europe and in non-European jurisdictions are drawn out. The work emphasises the need to look at formal legal rules in combination with other, non-legal and legal institutions and argues that current reform debates in both the US and UK have suffered because scholars, practitioners, and policy makers have not started their evaluation of the case for reform by placing corporate reorganisation law in this wider institutional context. The book aims to fill this gap, and to provide a methodological approach for the future.

Corporate Reporting: From Stewardship to Contract, the Annual Reports of the United States Steel Corporation 1902-2006 (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought #26)

by Kevin Christopher Carduff

Volume 26 of Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought was written by the late Professor Kevin Christopher Carduff, who taught at several institutions including Case Western Reserve University and the College of Charleston. Establishing a historical account explaining financial reporting’s current form, Corporate Reporting examines the complete annual reports from 1902 to 2006 of The United States Steel Corporation – the first United States’ company to attain the billion-dollar capitalization in U.S. markets. Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought informs readers of the historical foundations on which the profession is based, the historical antecedents of today’s accounting institutions, the historical impact of accounting, as well as exploring the lives and works of pre-eminent individuals in the profession’s history. The series focuses on bringing the past into today and using it to point towards the future. Topics featured include finding and utilizing archival materials; the growing importance of the Internet in historical research; the issues involved in writing to historical paradigms; and the pivotal influence and immediacy of oral history.

Corporate Reporting: From Stewardship to Contract, the Annual Reports of the United States Steel Corporation 1902-2006 (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought #26)

by Kevin Christopher Carduff

Volume 26 of Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought was written by the late Professor Kevin Christopher Carduff, who taught at several institutions including Case Western Reserve University and the College of Charleston. Establishing a historical account explaining financial reporting’s current form, Corporate Reporting examines the complete annual reports from 1902 to 2006 of The United States Steel Corporation – the first United States’ company to attain the billion-dollar capitalization in U.S. markets. Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought informs readers of the historical foundations on which the profession is based, the historical antecedents of today’s accounting institutions, the historical impact of accounting, as well as exploring the lives and works of pre-eminent individuals in the profession’s history. The series focuses on bringing the past into today and using it to point towards the future. Topics featured include finding and utilizing archival materials; the growing importance of the Internet in historical research; the issues involved in writing to historical paradigms; and the pivotal influence and immediacy of oral history.

Corporate Reputation: Managing Opportunities and Threats (Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of Risk)

by Ronald J. Burke Graeme Martin

Increasing media scrutiny, global coverage and communication via the internet means corporate reputation can be damaged quickly, and failing to successfully address challenges to corporate reputation has consequences. Companies generally suffer almost ten times the financial loss from damaged reputations than from whatever fines may be imposed. According to Ernst & Young, the investment community believes up to 50 per cent of a company's value is intangible - based mostly on corporate reputation. So recognizing potential threats, or anticipating risks, emerges as a critical organizational competence. Organizations can regain lost reputations, but recovery takes a long time. Corporate Reputation contains both academic content along with practical contributions, developed by those serving as consultants or working in organizations in the area of corporate reputation and its management or recovery. It covers: why corporate reputation matters, the increase in reputation loss, threats to corporate reputation, monitoring reputation threats online and offline, the key role of leadership in reputation recovery, and making corporate reputation immune from threats. Any book that is going to do justice to a subject that is so complex and intangible needs imagination, depth and range, and this is exactly what the contributors bring with them.

Corporate Reputation: Managing Opportunities and Threats (Psychological and Behavioural Aspects of Risk)

by Ronald J. Burke Graeme Martin

Increasing media scrutiny, global coverage and communication via the internet means corporate reputation can be damaged quickly, and failing to successfully address challenges to corporate reputation has consequences. Companies generally suffer almost ten times the financial loss from damaged reputations than from whatever fines may be imposed. According to Ernst & Young, the investment community believes up to 50 per cent of a company's value is intangible - based mostly on corporate reputation. So recognizing potential threats, or anticipating risks, emerges as a critical organizational competence. Organizations can regain lost reputations, but recovery takes a long time. Corporate Reputation contains both academic content along with practical contributions, developed by those serving as consultants or working in organizations in the area of corporate reputation and its management or recovery. It covers: why corporate reputation matters, the increase in reputation loss, threats to corporate reputation, monitoring reputation threats online and offline, the key role of leadership in reputation recovery, and making corporate reputation immune from threats. Any book that is going to do justice to a subject that is so complex and intangible needs imagination, depth and range, and this is exactly what the contributors bring with them.

Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation

by Leslie Gaines-Ross

Praise For Corporate Reputation: 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation "In a sea of business books, Corporate Reputation is a beacon of light for all leaders and future leaders looking for direction in the treacherous waters of a volatile business environment. It delivers a message that's provocative, insightful, and needs to be heard." —Heidi Henkel Sinclair, Director of Communications, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation "Every CEO, senior executive, and, increasingly, board member now appreciates the importance of building and protecting a company's reputation. Anyone who depends upon or shapes a company's reputation—customers, employees, news media, NGOs, and bloggers—will benefit from reading Dr. Gaines-Ross's book and will learn more about the influence they wield over corporate reputations." —Dr. Robert G. Eccles, Senior Lecturer, Harvard Business School "At a time when companies are facing unprecedented reputation crises comes a timely primer from Dr. Gaines-Ross that tells us what companies need to do to bring their reputations back from the brink. The book's 12-step reputation recovery model captures what we know about effective crisis management, and brings the process to life with a host of detailed case examples. It's right on the mark!" —Dr. Charles Fombrun, CEO, Reputation Institute "Finally, a book that clearly, realistically, and compellingly explains how companies of all types and sizes can protect and restore an invaluable company asset—corporate reputation. Brilliant insights and practical solutions leap from each page! A definite must-read for business professionals everywhere." —Anthony Sardella, CEO, Evolve24 and Adjunct Professor at the Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis

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