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Corporate Social Responsibility und nachhaltige Entwicklung: Einführung, Strategie und Glossar

by Jan Jonker Wolfgang Stark Stefan Tewes

Das Buch kombiniert eine Einführung in den Inhalt und Kontext von Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) und Nachhaltigkeit mit einem umfassenden Glossar der wichtigsten Begriffe aus dem Themenfeld. Während der erste Teil die wesentlichen Argumentationslinien einer CSR-Strategie zusammenfasst, dient der zweite Teil der Schärfung der Konzepte und Begrifflichkeiten und erleichtert somit das Verständnis für das Thema der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Neben der kompakten Darstellung der Bestandteile der Debatte liefern vielfältige Ressourcen einen vertiefenden Einblick zur thematischen Auseinandersetzung.

A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy

by George Lodge Craig Wilson

World leaders have given the reduction of global poverty top priority. And yet it persists. Indeed, in many countries whose governments lack either the desire or the ability to act, poverty has worsened. This book, a joint venture of a Harvard professor and an economist with the International Finance Corporation, argues that the solution lies in the creation of a new institution, the World Development Corporation (WDC), a partnership of multinational corporations (MNCs), international development agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). In A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty, George Lodge and Craig Wilson assert that MNCs have the critical combination of capabilities required to build investment, grow economies, and create jobs in poor countries, and thus to reduce poverty. Furthermore, they can do so profitably and thus sustainably. But they lack legitimacy and risk can be high, and so a collective approach is better than one in which an individual company proceeds alone. Thus a UN-sponsored WDC, owned and managed by a dozen or so MNCs with NGO support, will make a marked difference. At a time when big business has been demonized for destroying the environment, enjoying one-sided benefits from globalization, and deceiving investors, the book argues, MNCs have much to gain from becoming more effective in reducing global poverty. This is not a call for philanthropy. Lodge and Wilson believe that corporate support for the World Development Corporation will benefit not only the world's poor but also company shareholders as a result of improved MNC legitimacy and stronger markets and profitability.

A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy (PDF)

by George Lodge Craig Wilson

World leaders have given the reduction of global poverty top priority. And yet it persists. Indeed, in many countries whose governments lack either the desire or the ability to act, poverty has worsened. This book, a joint venture of a Harvard professor and an economist with the International Finance Corporation, argues that the solution lies in the creation of a new institution, the World Development Corporation (WDC), a partnership of multinational corporations (MNCs), international development agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). In A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty, George Lodge and Craig Wilson assert that MNCs have the critical combination of capabilities required to build investment, grow economies, and create jobs in poor countries, and thus to reduce poverty. Furthermore, they can do so profitably and thus sustainably. But they lack legitimacy and risk can be high, and so a collective approach is better than one in which an individual company proceeds alone. Thus a UN-sponsored WDC, owned and managed by a dozen or so MNCs with NGO support, will make a marked difference. At a time when big business has been demonized for destroying the environment, enjoying one-sided benefits from globalization, and deceiving investors, the book argues, MNCs have much to gain from becoming more effective in reducing global poverty. This is not a call for philanthropy. Lodge and Wilson believe that corporate support for the World Development Corporation will benefit not only the world's poor but also company shareholders as a result of improved MNC legitimacy and stronger markets and profitability.

Corporate Spirit: Religion and the Rise of the Modern Corporation

by Amanda Porterfield

In this groundbreaking work, Amanda Porterfield explores the long intertwining of religion and commerce in the history of incorporation in the United States. Beginning with the antecedents of that history in western Europe, she focuses on organizations to show how corporate strategies in religion and commerce developed symbiotically, and how religion has influenced the corporate structuring and commercial orientation of American society. Porterfield begins her story in ancient Rome. She traces the development of corporate organization through medieval Europe and Elizabethan England and then to colonial North America, where organizational practices derived from religion infiltrated commerce, and commerce led to political independence. Left more to their own devices than under British law, religious groups in the United States experienced unprecedented autonomy that facilitated new forms of communal governance and new means of broadcasting their messages. As commercial enterprise expanded, religious organizations grew apace, helping many Americans absorb the shocks of economic turbulence, and promoting new conceptions of faith, spirit, and will power that contributed to business. Porterfield highlights the role that American religious institutions played a society increasingly dominated by commercial incorporation and free market ideologies. She also shows how charitable impulses long nurtured by religion continued to stimulate reform and demand for accountability.

Corporate Spirit: Religion and the Rise of the Modern Corporation

by Amanda Porterfield

In this groundbreaking work, Amanda Porterfield explores the long intertwining of religion and commerce in the history of incorporation in the United States. Beginning with the antecedents of that history in western Europe, she focuses on organizations to show how corporate strategies in religion and commerce developed symbiotically, and how religion has influenced the corporate structuring and commercial orientation of American society. Porterfield begins her story in ancient Rome. She traces the development of corporate organization through medieval Europe and Elizabethan England and then to colonial North America, where organizational practices derived from religion infiltrated commerce, and commerce led to political independence. Left more to their own devices than under British law, religious groups in the United States experienced unprecedented autonomy that facilitated new forms of communal governance and new means of broadcasting their messages. As commercial enterprise expanded, religious organizations grew apace, helping many Americans absorb the shocks of economic turbulence, and promoting new conceptions of faith, spirit, and will power that contributed to business. Porterfield highlights the role that American religious institutions played a society increasingly dominated by commercial incorporation and free market ideologies. She also shows how charitable impulses long nurtured by religion continued to stimulate reform and demand for accountability.

Corporate Stakeholder Communications: Neoinstitutionalistische Perspektiven einer stakeholderorientierten Unternehmenskommunikation (Schriften zur Unternehmensentwicklung)

by Timo Würz

​Notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Unternehmenskommunikation ist eine differenzierte Auseinandersetzung mit den Akteuren der Unternehmensumwelt. Die verschiedenen Modelle des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses der Stakeholdertheorie bieten hierfür ein geeignetes Instrumentarium. Mit Hilfe des Neoinstitutionalistischen Ansatzes als Analyserahmen kann ein Bezug zwischen den Spezifika der Unternehmensumwelt und Strategien und Strukturen der Unterneh-menskommunikation hergestellt werden. In drei Teilen werden in diesem Buch geeignete Ansätze diskutiert, auf ihre Kompatibilität hin überprüft sowie strategische und strukturelle Implikationen herausgearbeitet. Im Fokus steht dabei stets die Unternehmenskommunikation als elementarer Bestandteil der Unternehmenstätigkeit.

Corporate-Startup-Partnerschaften: Innovation durch Kollaboration (Organisationskompetenz Zukunftsfähigkeit)

by Jasmin Weber Alexander Elz

Etablierte Unternehmen sehen sich zunehmend mit Entwicklungen konfrontiert, die die Anforderungen an ihre Transformationsgeschwindigkeit erhöhen – so wird das Rennen um die vorderen Plätze beispielsweise durch die Digitalisierung angefacht. Dabei stellen sie immer häufiger fest, dass ihnen der eigene, teils jahrzehntelange Erfolg durchaus im Weg stehen kann und die benötigte Innovationskraft oft nicht innerhalb, sondern außerhalb des Unternehmens zu finden ist. Eine Möglichkeit, diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, ist die Kollaboration mit Startups.Corporate-Startup-Partnerschaften vereinen die Kapazitäten etablierter Unternehmen mit der Flexibilität von Startups, was zu mehr Innovationsfähigkeit und damit Wettbewerbsvorteilen führen kann. In diesem Buch werden die Vor- und Nachteile solcher Partnerschaften, die Hebel für ihren Erfolg und die Phasen ihrer Evolution durch erfahrene Expert:innen beschrieben. Praktische Handlungsempfehlungen ergänzen die detaillierte Analyse.

Corporate Stewardship: Achieving Sustainable Effectiveness

by Susan Albers Mohrman Edward E. Lawler III James O'Toole

Stewardship entails a profound understanding and acceptance of the challenges that result from the organization’s interdependence with the societal and ecological contexts in which it operates—and of what it takes to embrace the challenges to be a force for building a viable future. This book dares to ask ‘why’ business leaders should embrace stewardship in the current market where profit reigns supreme. A shift in approach represents fundamental change for the corporate world, and even the most advanced corporations consider themselves to be in the starting block of this transition. The book sets out the practical ways in which corporate stewardship can be achieved through embedding new approaches across the different functions of a business. This book, written by the leading thinkers in sustainability research, provides practical guidance on how companies can resolve the paradoxical challenges they face. How can they be at the same time profitable and responsible, effective and ethical, sustainable and adaptable? It explores what businesses are doing, what they can and should do to effectively respond to external challenges, and focuses on how leaders can create cultures, strategies, and designs far beyond “business as usual”.Stewards must not only make proper current use of that which they hold in trust, they also must leave it in better condition for use by future generations. Corporate Stewardship challenges managers, executives, and directors of global corporations to think and act as stewards of both their organizations and the physical and social environments in which they operate.

Corporate Stewardship: Achieving Sustainable Effectiveness

by Susan Albers Mohrman Edward E. Lawler III James O'Toole

Stewardship entails a profound understanding and acceptance of the challenges that result from the organization’s interdependence with the societal and ecological contexts in which it operates—and of what it takes to embrace the challenges to be a force for building a viable future. This book dares to ask ‘why’ business leaders should embrace stewardship in the current market where profit reigns supreme. A shift in approach represents fundamental change for the corporate world, and even the most advanced corporations consider themselves to be in the starting block of this transition. The book sets out the practical ways in which corporate stewardship can be achieved through embedding new approaches across the different functions of a business. This book, written by the leading thinkers in sustainability research, provides practical guidance on how companies can resolve the paradoxical challenges they face. How can they be at the same time profitable and responsible, effective and ethical, sustainable and adaptable? It explores what businesses are doing, what they can and should do to effectively respond to external challenges, and focuses on how leaders can create cultures, strategies, and designs far beyond “business as usual”.Stewards must not only make proper current use of that which they hold in trust, they also must leave it in better condition for use by future generations. Corporate Stewardship challenges managers, executives, and directors of global corporations to think and act as stewards of both their organizations and the physical and social environments in which they operate.

Corporate Storytelling: Theorie und Empirie narrativer Public Relations in der Unternehmenskommunikation

by Florian Krüger

Florian Krüger befasst sich in seiner Studie mit dem Erzählen von Geschichten durch das Public Relations-Management von Unternehmen. Dabei analysiert und diskutiert er „Storytelling“ als narrativen Kommunikationsmodus, der Mitteilungen in narrativer Form hervorbringt und so das Identitäts-, Aufmerksamkeits- und Deutungsmanagement von Unternehmen unterstützt. Seine These lautet dabei: Unternehmen benötigen neben dem Erfolg auf Finanzierungs- und Absatzmärkten auch ein erfolgreiches Kommunikationsmanagement auf öffentlichen Meinungsmärkten, wo sie in einem zunehmenden Wettbewerb um Aufmerksamkeit und Deutungshoheit stehen. Chancen eröffnen sich für Unternehmen, die eine gute Geschichte erzählen und so öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit und Zustimmung gewinnen können.

Corporate Strategic Business Sourcing

by Kevin Maromonte

Is your company saving money by using outside suppliers? Is outsourcing reliable? As a result, is your company gaining a competitive edge? Or would the company do better by keeping some of the efforts in-house? And how is the performance of outside suppliers and in-house functions measured to facilitate effective sourcing decisions? These are questions the author, a specialist in corporate performance improvement, tackles in this book. The answers are surprising, and the guidance presented will have far-reaching benefits for organizations. He maintains that companies' expectations from outsourcing are not being met, because there is not a methodical approach to measuring and evaluating the performance of sources. By fully assessing the performance of available sources, the best can be selected and the company can benefit long term. Succinctly and comprehensively, Maromonte guides companies step by step through his proprietary techniques for sourcing performance assessment and decision making. His book will be an important, useful resource for senior management and executives, operations managers, finance, purchasing and quality professional, and anyone with responsibility for bottom-line results.To improve competitiveness in the global marketplace, companies are reducing costs through outsourcing—the purchase of goods and services from suppliers. In many cases, outsourcing is less expensive for companies than producing these goods and services internally. Companies, however, do not always achieve their ultimate goal of competing more effectively. This is because decisions to outsource are primarily based on the promise of lower direct costs, without considering other source performance criteria that also impact costs and ultimately competitiveness.Corporate Strategic Business Sourcing guides management in selecting the best sources—those that will raise performance to world-class levels and improve competitiveness. To improve sourcing decisions, the concept of the Strategic Business Unit, or SBU, is applied to each source being considered to provide the company with goods and services. Following the SBU approach, similar product and service lines are grouped together in the corporation. As a result quality levels, delivery performance, customer service, and product advancements, as well as costs, are more easily measured and improved. Just as the focus on these five criteria leads to improved SBU performance, the same approach can be applied to enhance the performance of the individual sources of goods and services. This is accomplished by similarily quantifying and improving the quality, delivery, cost, customer service and product advancement performance of the companies' sources, whether outside suppliers or in-house functions.

Corporate Strategies for South East Asia After the Crisis: A Comparison of Multinational Firms from Japan and Europe

by J. Legewie H. Meyer-Ohle

Corporate Strategies for South East Asia After the Crisis presents an in-depth analysis by experts from Europe, Japan and South East Asia who have long-standing research experience in Asian economies and international business. The authors draw upon empirical research to analyze the questions facing multinational corporations active in the region, and go on to examine their strategies in production, marketing and corporate finance. They present a comprehensive overview of the current activities of multinational firms from Europe and Japan in South East Asia. The authors address both questions of international strategy and the role of multinational companies in a global economy, while taking into account how national differences affect strategic decision making. More than an essential reader for business people in Southeast Asia, the book will strongly influence policy makers and all those interested in the shift from national to transnational business.

Corporate Strategy: (pdf)

by W. Stewart Howe

Corporate Strategy: Theory and Practice

by Ulrich Pidun

This textbook offers a personal perspective on the broad and complex topic of corporate strategy. The book is structured to follow the journey of systematic corporate strategy development and implementation. “Corporate Strategy” presents frameworks and concepts for strategy development that have proven to be useful in corporate practice. The book covers the fundamental questions of daily strategy work and illustrates them with examples from real companies. It addresses all key elements of corporate strategy in a clear and systematic way: • Corporate ambition and capabilities • Corporate portfolio analysis • Corporate growth and portfolio strategy • Managing and transforming the corporate profile • Corporate parenting strategy and organization • Corporate financial strategy • Corporate strategy process The book serves not only as a practice-oriented textbook for students and teachers of corporate strategy, it also functions as a sophisticated handbook for practitioners who are responsible for developing and implementing effective corporate strategies.

Corporate Strategy: Tools For Analysis And Decision-making

by Phanish Puranam Bart Vanneste

Many companies are not single businesses but a collection of businesses with one or more levels of corporate management. Written for managers, advisors and students aspiring to these roles, this book is a guide to decision-making in the domain of corporate strategy. It arms readers with research-based tools needed to make good corporate strategy decisions and to assess the soundness of the corporate strategy decisions of others. Readers will learn how to do the analysis for answering questions such as 'Should we pursue an alliance or an acquisition to grow?', 'How much should we integrate this acquisition?' and 'Should we divest this business?'. The book draws on the authors' wealth of research and teaching experience at INSEAD, London Business School and University College London. A range of learning aids, including easy-to-comprehend examples, decision templates and FAQs, are provided in the book and on a rich companion website.

Corporate Strategy in the Age of Responsibility

by Peter McManners

As the era of ever expanding markets and ample resources ends, governments and business will have to behave differently. The world is facing weak economic growth, limits to affordable resources and increasing concerns about environmental consequences. During the boom times, governments championed de-regulation and business responded by adopting an anything-goes attitude. In these straitened times, strategic analysis has to engage with the challenges that society faces to create resilient corporations fit for the 21st century. In Corporate Strategy in the Age of Responsibility, Peter McManners, who has for nine years run strategy workshops on the Henley MBA focusing on the global business environment, sets about providing a strategic framework for navigating the new economic environment. Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs) now exist, but they struggle to find the strategic rationale for the improvements they champion. The author argues that their good intentions often lack traction, partly because others in management don’t get it, but also because they are not ambitious enough. The book is not about preaching semi-charitable behaviour or how to enhance the reputation of the corporation instead it is about surviving and thriving in a challenging and changing environment. A corporate audience familiar with strategy books will relate to this book, but will find it steers them towards radically new strategic thinking suitable for a turbulent period of transition.

Corporate Strategy in the Age of Responsibility

by Peter McManners

As the era of ever expanding markets and ample resources ends, governments and business will have to behave differently. The world is facing weak economic growth, limits to affordable resources and increasing concerns about environmental consequences. During the boom times, governments championed de-regulation and business responded by adopting an anything-goes attitude. In these straitened times, strategic analysis has to engage with the challenges that society faces to create resilient corporations fit for the 21st century. In Corporate Strategy in the Age of Responsibility, Peter McManners, who has for nine years run strategy workshops on the Henley MBA focusing on the global business environment, sets about providing a strategic framework for navigating the new economic environment. Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs) now exist, but they struggle to find the strategic rationale for the improvements they champion. The author argues that their good intentions often lack traction, partly because others in management don’t get it, but also because they are not ambitious enough. The book is not about preaching semi-charitable behaviour or how to enhance the reputation of the corporation instead it is about surviving and thriving in a challenging and changing environment. A corporate audience familiar with strategy books will relate to this book, but will find it steers them towards radically new strategic thinking suitable for a turbulent period of transition.

Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I: High Performance Strategy and Leadership in a Volatile, Disrupted World

by Paul Hunter

Since 2000, more than half of the Fortune 500 companies have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or are experiencing stagnation or decline as a result of extreme digital and social disruption. In recognition of this dilemma, Corporate Strategy (Remastered) was developed and designed to assist even the most experienced strategy practitioner tackle disruption and all aspects of change head on. This is the first book in the series; it provides a prescriptive solution to the way all approaches to strategy should be practiced. It embodies a context we refer to as Third Wave Strategy and its construct, a fully integrated Strategic Management Framework. The second volume is a fieldbook; it describes the methods and means to ensure successful implementation. An illustration of Third Wave Strategy in practice is reflected in a description of strategy deployed by the highly successful Amazon corporation. Many of the components of strategy that are included in the framework will already be familiar to the reader, while others are very new. Each of the individual components discussed are supported by examples drawn from real-life case studies. The overall value of the book is its representation of a fresh, holistic, dynamic and systemic approach to strategy in a format that, frankly, hasn’t existed before. In this book, readers are also introduced to many of the soft/human elements of strategy – the primary components that make it work. Examples of topics addressed include open strategy; communities of strategy practice; reframing; sponsive strategic thinking; systemic, cognitive strategy practice; organisational learning; and strategic business intelligence.

Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I: High Performance Strategy and Leadership in a Volatile, Disrupted World

by Paul Hunter

Since 2000, more than half of the Fortune 500 companies have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or are experiencing stagnation or decline as a result of extreme digital and social disruption. In recognition of this dilemma, Corporate Strategy (Remastered) was developed and designed to assist even the most experienced strategy practitioner tackle disruption and all aspects of change head on. This is the first book in the series; it provides a prescriptive solution to the way all approaches to strategy should be practiced. It embodies a context we refer to as Third Wave Strategy and its construct, a fully integrated Strategic Management Framework. The second volume is a fieldbook; it describes the methods and means to ensure successful implementation. An illustration of Third Wave Strategy in practice is reflected in a description of strategy deployed by the highly successful Amazon corporation. Many of the components of strategy that are included in the framework will already be familiar to the reader, while others are very new. Each of the individual components discussed are supported by examples drawn from real-life case studies. The overall value of the book is its representation of a fresh, holistic, dynamic and systemic approach to strategy in a format that, frankly, hasn’t existed before. In this book, readers are also introduced to many of the soft/human elements of strategy – the primary components that make it work. Examples of topics addressed include open strategy; communities of strategy practice; reframing; sponsive strategic thinking; systemic, cognitive strategy practice; organisational learning; and strategic business intelligence.

Corporate Strategy (Remastered) II: A Fieldbook Implementing High Performance Strategy and Leadership

by Paul Hunter

Since the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution numerous corporations have found that traditional ‘strategic planning’ is ineffectual in responding to, or capitalising on, unforeseen or unexpected change. In recognition of this and associated symptoms of inertia, bankruptcy or worse, this fieldbook was written for the purpose of guiding strategy practitioners through their intended or unintended journey into the future by providing meaningful strategy practices that enable responses to disruption and more importantly, better strategy practices overall. With a focus on strategy practice (‘doing’ strategy), this book represents a ‘how-to’ of Third Wave Strategy as defined in detail in the introductory book Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I. In addition to a description of methods that contribute to the philosophy of Third Wave Strategy, readers will witness the experiences of a virtual illustrative company that is travailing the same journey of organisational transformation and renewal that the methodologies described in this book also seek to address. The overall value of the book, therefore, is its ability to relate theory to practice in a factual and experiential format. A key part of the use of the virtual case study based on the illustrative Third Wave Industries (T-wI) Corporation is the blending of the system and process mechanisms that are a part of Third Wave Strategy and its framework, the strategy tools and techniques that are drawn from new and existing strategy practice and the soft issues that are represented by the human responses to change, as well as the management of change enacted in a corporate environment.

Corporate Strategy (Remastered) II: A Fieldbook Implementing High Performance Strategy and Leadership

by Paul Hunter

Since the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution numerous corporations have found that traditional ‘strategic planning’ is ineffectual in responding to, or capitalising on, unforeseen or unexpected change. In recognition of this and associated symptoms of inertia, bankruptcy or worse, this fieldbook was written for the purpose of guiding strategy practitioners through their intended or unintended journey into the future by providing meaningful strategy practices that enable responses to disruption and more importantly, better strategy practices overall. With a focus on strategy practice (‘doing’ strategy), this book represents a ‘how-to’ of Third Wave Strategy as defined in detail in the introductory book Corporate Strategy (Remastered) I. In addition to a description of methods that contribute to the philosophy of Third Wave Strategy, readers will witness the experiences of a virtual illustrative company that is travailing the same journey of organisational transformation and renewal that the methodologies described in this book also seek to address. The overall value of the book, therefore, is its ability to relate theory to practice in a factual and experiential format. A key part of the use of the virtual case study based on the illustrative Third Wave Industries (T-wI) Corporation is the blending of the system and process mechanisms that are a part of Third Wave Strategy and its framework, the strategy tools and techniques that are drawn from new and existing strategy practice and the soft issues that are represented by the human responses to change, as well as the management of change enacted in a corporate environment.

Corporate Structure and Banking Resolution: Analysing the Case of Financial Conglomerates (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions)

by Marcelo J. Sheppard Gelsi

This book provides a legal analysis of the regulation of bank-based financial conglomerates from a structural, commercial, and regulatory perspective. It includes a comparative analysis of the regulation of bank-based financial conglomerates from the standpoint of the three jurisdictions that established a distinct regulatory model, i.e. Germany, the UK, and the US. At the same time, it analyses which banking resolution strategy is most appropriate for different models, taking into account four factors applicable to bank insolvency. The book further examines the types of capital structure associated with each model, and in particular how BBFCs have influenced industry developments in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the EU. While there are several books that focus on the regulation of banks, insurance companies, and securities firms, this book will include the first analysis of BBFC from a structural, commercial, and resolution standpoint, analysing not only the three major jurisdictions but three different BBFC models, and will be of particular interest to students, researchers, and professors of banking and financial institutions.

Corporate Success Stories In The UAE: The Key Drivers Behind Their Growth

by Dr Boštjan Gomišček Prakash Vel

In the domains of business and management, organizations across the world imbue insiders and outsiders with multiple 'strategies of success' that can be learnt from them. Corporate Success Stories In The UAE is a rich collection of these evidence-based cases that have led to the success of various companies in the United Arab Emirates. The corporate milieu has been transforming at a rapid pace in the last decade and companies are constantly in an endeavour to craft suitable strategies to survive and progress during normal and critical business environments, including the recent COVID -19 scenario. This accentuates the need for having regionally contextualised knowledge inputs needed to enhance strategic thinking among the corporate decision makers and the academic fraternity. Regional ‘Case studies’ have been a major tool for such knowledge enhancement. This book is a focused attempt at bringing out case studies on 13 successful companies in the UAE, belonging to different sectors and industries. All cases come with ‘Teaching notes’ and ‘Summary presentations’ to cater to the needs of corporate managers to train their employees, lecturers to train their undergraduate and post graduate students. The cases have been prepared to serve three major target audiences namely Company managers, Universities professors and Researchers. The chapters in the book provide rich insight on the companies, their products and services, key indicators of success and the strategic drivers behind them and finally the potential areas of future study. Thus, the book serves as a repository of curated best practices across industries in the UAE.

Corporate Success Stories In The UAE: The Key Drivers Behind Their Growth

by Prakash Vel Bostjan Gomis 269 Ek

In the domains of business and management, organizations across the world imbue insiders and outsiders with multiple 'strategies of success' that can be learnt from them. Corporate Success Stories In The UAE is a rich collection of these evidence-based cases that have led to the success of various companies in the United Arab Emirates. The corporate milieu has been transforming at a rapid pace in the last decade and companies are constantly in an endeavour to craft suitable strategies to survive and progress during normal and critical business environments, including the recent COVID -19 scenario. This accentuates the need for having regionally contextualised knowledge inputs needed to enhance strategic thinking among the corporate decision makers and the academic fraternity. Regional ‘Case studies’ have been a major tool for such knowledge enhancement. This book is a focused attempt at bringing out case studies on 13 successful companies in the UAE, belonging to different sectors and industries. All cases come with ‘Teaching notes’ and ‘Summary presentations’ to cater to the needs of corporate managers to train their employees, lecturers to train their undergraduate and post graduate students. The cases have been prepared to serve three major target audiences namely Company managers, Universities professors and Researchers. The chapters in the book provide rich insight on the companies, their products and services, key indicators of success and the strategic drivers behind them and finally the potential areas of future study. Thus, the book serves as a repository of curated best practices across industries in the UAE.

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