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De familie Yilmaz: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 3, deelkwalificatie 311 (Zorggericht)
by N. van Halem Arno Goedhart G.W. de Nooijer-Janse S. SchippersZorggericht De familie Yilmaz.
De heer Belfort: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 4, deelkwalificatie 407 (Zorggericht)
by A. Haagsma J. Sevenhuijsen J.H. van MeterenZorgcategorie: Geriatrische zorgvragerSetting: Het geriatrisch netwerkKorte inhoud: Deze casus gaat over meneer Belfort en zijn dementie. De verschillende fasen van dementie, de achtergrond en rol van de familie en omgeving komen aan bod, evenals het geriatrisch netwerk van de huisarts, thuiszorg, het algemeen ziekenhuis, de GAAZ, het verpleeghuis en de alternatieve woongroepvormen.
De heer Goossens: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 4, generieke fase (Zorggericht)
by W.C. van Roekel M.H.J. van den Borne M.C.C. HoltmanZorgcategorie: Zorgvrager met darmtumor Setting: Algemeen ziekenhuis, afdeling chirurgie Korte inhoud: Meneer Goossens is de hoofdpersoon uit de casus van dit boek. Daarnaast maak je kennis met meneer Visser. Bij meneer Goossens is kortgeleden darmkanker vastgesteld en hij komt in het ziekenhuis om deze kanker te laten verwijderen. Meneer Visser heeft enige jaren geleden strottenhoofdkanker gehad en heeft inmiddels zijn leven weer opgebouwd. Beide heren hebben een stoma, meneer Goossens krijgt een darmstoma, meneer Visser heeft een tracheostoma.
De heer Kamminga: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 3, deelkwalificatie 309 (Zorggericht)
by Nicolien van Halem C.J.M. van der Cingel J.G.M. HuttenZorgcategorie: Geriatrische zorgvrager Setting: VerzorgingshuisKorte inhoud: Steeds meer mensen bereiken een hoge leeftijd in onze maatschappij. De 'vergrijzing' neemt toe. Dit gegeven kom je veelvuldig tegen in de statistieken van kranten en andere media. De ouderdom kan wijsheid, inzicht en bezinning opleveren, maar ook verdriet door verlies van geliefden en bekenden en eenzaamheid. Daarnaast krijgt het afnemen van psychische en lichaamsfuncties een belangrijke plaats. Je maakt kennis met een aantal ziekten die kunnen horen bij de laatste levensfase en met een aantal voorkomende gedragsproblemen. Je ontwikkelt kennis, houding en vaardigheden om je voor te bereiden op de zorg voor deze bewoners.
De huisarts aan de leiding: De huisarts aan de leiding
by E. RanzijnHuisartsen zijn niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor de zorg voor hun patiënten, maar ook voor de zorg voor hun personeel. Het doel van de huisarts is te zorgen dat medewerkers in de praktijk hun werk beter gaan doen en met meer plezier. Daarvoor is het belangrijk om gestructureerd leiding aan de praktijk te geven. Het boek De huisarts aan de leiding biedt huisartsen praktische handvatten om effectief leiding te geven. In hoofdstuk 1 worden de belangrijkste theorieën over leidinggeven op een rijtje gezet en verschillende leiderschapsstijlen en rollen behandeld. In hoofdstuk 2 staat leidinggeven in de praktijk centraal. De auteur bespreekt verschillende communicatievormen en gespreksvaardigheden en behandelt aan de hand van stappenplannen en praktijkvoorbeelden hoe je als huisarts effectief leiding kunt geven: hoe geef je heldere instructies? Hoe motiveer je je personeel? Hoe los je problemen op? Hoe ga je om met onverwachte situaties? Hoe pak je beoordelingsgesprekken aan? De auteur wijst daarbij ook op de belangrijkste valkuilen.
De-Industrialisierung der Schweiz?: Fakten, Gründe und Strategien im internationalen Vergleich
by Christian Rutzer Rolf WederDas Buch thematisiert die bisherige Entwicklung und die Herausforderungen des Schweizer Industriesektors im internationalen Vergleich. Es wird gezeigt, wie die zunehmende Spezialisierung auf High-Tech und wertschöpfungsintensive Tätigkeiten innerhalb von Wertschöpfungsketten zum hohen Wohlstand des Landes beigetragen haben. Neue digitale Technologien könnten nun aber zu einer «Disruption» dieser Erfolgsgeschichte führen. Denn der Schweizer Industriesektor scheint bei neuen Mega-Trends, wie intelligenten und vernetzten Industrieprodukten und dem Internet der Dinge, nicht zur internationalen Spitzengruppe zu gehören. Deshalb zeigen wir, was es aus unternehmensstrategischer Sicht zu berücksichtigen gilt, damit (kleine und mittlere) Industrieunternehmen auch in der neuen, digitalen Welt erfolgreich sein können. Zudem werden wirtschaftspolitische Vorschläge gemacht, um den Industriestandort Schweiz fit für das Zeitalter der Digitalisierung zu machen. Die Überlegungen dürften auch für Reformen in anderen Ländern, wie zum Beispiel Deutschland, relevant sein.
De Minimis Aid Under EU Law
by Ricardo PedroThis book deals with de minimis aid and demonstrates that it is both a sui generis legal concept in the context of State aid and subject to a complex regime. On the one hand, it is a sui generis concept in that (i) it seeks to strike a balance between simplifying the grant process and not distorting competition in the internal market, while being a tool that Member States are able to apply easily and (ii) it is subject to ex ante control by Member States. On the other hand, it is complex in that (i) it requires determining the sectors of economic activity it applies to; (ii) a few notions specific to the regime are not easy to understand, such as the notion of "single undertaking"; and (iii) it requires combining four de minimis regimes (one general and three special), which in turn requires reconciling those regimes with each other and with other aid, not least because of the cumulation rules. Lastly, these particularities were also reflected in the recovery regime for unlawful de minimis aid. Aimed at lawyers, legal consultants and those working in undertakings as well as students, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the current de minimis regimes and is clear and complete, while also proposing a fresh view on the area of EU State aid law. Ricardo Pedro is Researcher at the Centro de Investigação de Direito Público (CIDP), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
De-Radicalisation in the UK Prevent Strategy: Security, Identity and Religion (Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies)
by M. S. ElshimiThis book examines de-radicalisation policy in the UK and addresses the contradictions evident in the conceptualisation and practice of de-radicalisation. It explores three main themes that touch upon some of the most pressing issues of our day: security, identity and religion. Situated within the Prevent strand of the UK Counter-Terrorism policy and administered by the police through the ‘Channel Programme’, policymakers have promoted de-radicalisation as a vital instrument in the fight against terrorism. Despite the political and legal importance of de-radicalisation as an instrument of counter-terrorism, we continue to know very little about the programme and the profile of individuals who have been de-radicalised, as well as having little or no access to data on the programme. There is also a glaring lacuna in the wider literature regarding the concept, theory, and evidence base for de-radicalisation policies. This book addresses this lacuna and, with the use of data collected from interviews conducted with 27 practitioners, this work reveals the existence of multiple conceptions of de-radicalisation and a number of conceptual features unique to the UK context. Subsequently, the book proposes that de-radicalisation in the UK would be best conceptualised as ‘technologies of the self’. Seen in this way, de-radicalisation is less about tackling terrorism and radicalisation and more about the re-configuring of citizenship, the construction of a mainstream British identity, and the promotion of certain subjectivities in an era of uncertainty about British political identity. This book will be of much interest to students of critical terrorism studies, de-radicalisation, counter-terrorism, UK politics and security studies in general.
De-Radicalisation in the UK Prevent Strategy: Security, Identity and Religion (Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies)
by M. S. ElshimiThis book examines de-radicalisation policy in the UK and addresses the contradictions evident in the conceptualisation and practice of de-radicalisation. It explores three main themes that touch upon some of the most pressing issues of our day: security, identity and religion. Situated within the Prevent strand of the UK Counter-Terrorism policy and administered by the police through the ‘Channel Programme’, policymakers have promoted de-radicalisation as a vital instrument in the fight against terrorism. Despite the political and legal importance of de-radicalisation as an instrument of counter-terrorism, we continue to know very little about the programme and the profile of individuals who have been de-radicalised, as well as having little or no access to data on the programme. There is also a glaring lacuna in the wider literature regarding the concept, theory, and evidence base for de-radicalisation policies. This book addresses this lacuna and, with the use of data collected from interviews conducted with 27 practitioners, this work reveals the existence of multiple conceptions of de-radicalisation and a number of conceptual features unique to the UK context. Subsequently, the book proposes that de-radicalisation in the UK would be best conceptualised as ‘technologies of the self’. Seen in this way, de-radicalisation is less about tackling terrorism and radicalisation and more about the re-configuring of citizenship, the construction of a mainstream British identity, and the promotion of certain subjectivities in an era of uncertainty about British political identity. This book will be of much interest to students of critical terrorism studies, de-radicalisation, counter-terrorism, UK politics and security studies in general.
De-Stress at Work: Understanding and Combatting Chronic Stress
by Simon L. DolanBurn-out, excessive hours, office politics, handling complaints, isolated remote working, complex and inefficient processes – this book addresses the full complexities of chronic stress at work. It explains the potential for emotional and physical illness resulting from work, and importantly, presents ways in which occupational health and wellbeing can be enhanced through strengthening chronic stress diagnosis and promoting resilience. The latter is a win-win, for the worker, for the organization, and for society in general. Drawing on 40 years of research in collaboration with some of the best-known occupational stress gurus (including Cary Cooper, Susan Jackson, the late Ron Burke and Arie Shirom), Simon L. Dolan translates abstract concepts of chronic stress into practical guidance for enhancing resilience in a VUCA world. The ILO and many governments recognize stress as a principal cause of emerging physical and mental disease and one of the strongest determinants of high absenteeism, low morale and low productivity. While important advances have been made in the diagnosis of acute stress, the field of chronic stress in the workplace remains less clear. This book seeks to address this by presenting a wealth of diagnostic tools, including "The Stress Map". The text is brought to life for the reader by short vignettes in the form of anecdotes and stories. This book will be of particular interest to HR professionals, consultants, executive coaches, therapists and others who wish to help employees and clients better manage their own and others’ stress and to build resilience that leads to a more productive and healthier workforce.
De-Stress at Work: Understanding and Combatting Chronic Stress
by Simon L. DolanBurn-out, excessive hours, office politics, handling complaints, isolated remote working, complex and inefficient processes – this book addresses the full complexities of chronic stress at work. It explains the potential for emotional and physical illness resulting from work, and importantly, presents ways in which occupational health and wellbeing can be enhanced through strengthening chronic stress diagnosis and promoting resilience. The latter is a win-win, for the worker, for the organization, and for society in general. Drawing on 40 years of research in collaboration with some of the best-known occupational stress gurus (including Cary Cooper, Susan Jackson, the late Ron Burke and Arie Shirom), Simon L. Dolan translates abstract concepts of chronic stress into practical guidance for enhancing resilience in a VUCA world. The ILO and many governments recognize stress as a principal cause of emerging physical and mental disease and one of the strongest determinants of high absenteeism, low morale and low productivity. While important advances have been made in the diagnosis of acute stress, the field of chronic stress in the workplace remains less clear. This book seeks to address this by presenting a wealth of diagnostic tools, including "The Stress Map". The text is brought to life for the reader by short vignettes in the form of anecdotes and stories. This book will be of particular interest to HR professionals, consultants, executive coaches, therapists and others who wish to help employees and clients better manage their own and others’ stress and to build resilience that leads to a more productive and healthier workforce.
De verborgen elite: Twintig gesprekken met dienende zorgbestuurders
by Willem WansinkNederland vergrijst. Ontspoorde jongeren en licht verstandelijk gehandicapten hebben vaker zorg nodig. Hoe reageren bestuurders in de zorgsector op deze uitdagingen? Leidinggeven levert aanzien op. Maar het betekent ook afzien. Daarover praten twintig topbeslissers met interviewer Willem Wansink. Wat drijft de stille krachten van de zorg? Waar heeft hun wieg gestaan? En waren zij zelf ooit ziek?Uiteraard bestaat dé zorgbestuurder niet. De een is atheïst, even ongelovig als de meeste Nederlanders. De ander wordt geïnspireerd door de Bijbel of de Heilige Geest. Een derde citeert de Duitse filosoof Kant. Winti wordt evenmin geschuwd. Wat hen bindt, is de betrokkenheid bij hun werk, dus bij de zwaksten in onze samenleving. Samen vormen zij de verborgen elite van Nederland. Soms onbekend. Wel verantwoordelijk, vaak bescheiden. En vooral dienend ingesteld. Wat hen bindt, is de betrokkenheid bij hun werk, dus bij de zwaksten in onze samenleving. Samen vormen zij de verborgen elite van Nederland. Soms onbekend. Wel verantwoordelijk, vaak bescheiden. En vooral dienend ingesteld.
De Waayenborg: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 3, deelkwalificatie 308 (Zorggericht)
by J. Sevenhuijsen C.J.M. van der Cingel D.E. Zwart Nicolien van Halem J.G.M. Hutten J.H. van Meteren M. van der Linden A. Ormel A. SmitZorgcategorie: Revaliderenden Setting: Verpleeghuis, afdeling revalidatie Korte inhoud: De Waayenborg is een verpleeghuis midden in een woonwijk van een middelgrote stad. Dit heeft zo zijn voordelen: de bereikbaarheid is goed en er is altijd wel wat te beleven in en om het huis. Er wonen psychogeriatrische zorgvragers en mensen met een somatische aandoening. Zoals zo veel verpleeghuizen heeft De Waayenborg ook een revalidatieafdeling.
DEA-Effizienz: Entscheidungs- und produktionstheoretische Grundlagen der Data Envelopment Analysis (Schriften zur quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre)
by Andreas KleineAndreas Kleine führt unterschiedliche Effizienzkonzepte der Entscheidungs- und Produktionstheorie ein und entwickelt einen allgemeinen DEA-Ansatz zur Beurteilung der Effizienz bzw. Ineffizienz von Organisationen.
Dead Aid: Why aid is not working and how there is another way for Africa
by Dambisa MoyoWe all want to help. Over the past fifty years $1 trillion of aid has flowed from Western governments to Africa, with rock stars and actors campaigning for more. But this has not helped Africa. It has ruined it. Dambisa Moyo's excoriating and controversial book reveals why millions are actually poorer because of aid, unable to escape corruption and reduced, in the West's eyes, to a childlike state of beggary.Dead Aid shows us another way. Using hard evidence to illustrate her case, Moyo shows how, with access to capital and with the right policies, even the poorest nations can turn themselves around. First we must destroy the myth that aid works - and make charity history.
Dead Firms: Causes and Effects of Cross-Border Corporate Insolvency (Advanced Series in Management #15)
by Miguel M. Torres Virginia Cathro Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-PerezWhy do firms die? This volume seeks to explore international and cross-disciplinary perspectives, if you like a forensic examination, autopsy or post mortem of 'how and why' companies die. This alternate perspectives flips the focus on survival, as all existing firms are in truth survivors, to consider through the metaphors of death, (with forensic analysis, autopsy, post mortems and crime scene investigations) the lessons 'dead firms' might offer. This book will contribute to the understanding of the development, antecedents, processes and consequences of corporate insolvency around the world. In general lines, insolvency is a state in which the debtor is proven unable to pay corporate debtors. We aim to explore the contemporary causes and effects of corporate cross-border insolvency (CCBI). In the realms of international business, CCBI could be mediated by events experienced during the internationalization of the firm, which may encompass a loss of capital, loss of revenue and loss of credit.
Dead in the Water: Murder and Fraud in the World's Most Secretive Industry
by Matthew Campbell Kit Chellel'Triumphant... A well-written, well-paced thriller.' Financial TimesInside the corrupt and secret business of global shipping, the explosive true story of a notorious international fraud and murderIn July 2011, the oil tanker Brillante Virtuoso was drifting through the treacherous Gulf of Aden when a crew of pirates attacked and set her ablaze in a devastating explosion. But when David Mockett, a maritime surveyor working for Lloyd's of London, inspected the damaged vessel, he was left with more questions than answers. Soon after his inspection, he was murdered. Dead in the Water is a shocking expose of the criminal inner-workings of international shipping, an old-world industry at the backbone of our global economy. Through first-hand accounts of those who lived the hijacking - from members of the ship's crew and witnesses to the attacks, to the ex-London detectives turned private investigators seeking to solve Mockett's murder - award-winning reporters Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel piece together the astounding truth behind one of the most brazen financial frauds in history.
Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare's Misinformation Illness
by Geeta NayyarSave lives and improve public health by countering misinformation In Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare’s Misinformation Illness, a team of health misinformation experts delivers a first-hand account of the dangers posed by false narratives and snake oil in the face of deadly healthcare crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic. In the book, you’ll explore the challenges facing those who fight to restore truth to a place of primacy in the United States healthcare system, the strategies they use, and the lessons you can draw from their real-world stories. Through interviews with healthcare leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and an intuitive discussion of contemporary academic research, the authors highlight issues of critical importance in the quest to bring accurate information to the American public. You’ll also find: An exhortation to healthcare professionals to take up the cause of countering misinformation as if their lives and livelihoods depend on it A compelling portrait of the seriousness of the information predicament in which we currently find ourselves Actionable, practical strategies for countering misinformation in today’s information ecosystem Perfect for clinicians, public health leaders, health-tech leaders, and health marketers, Dead Wrong will also earn a place in the libraries of media professionals and community leaders with an interest in keeping the American public healthy and vibrant.
Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare's Misinformation Illness
by Geeta NayyarSave lives and improve public health by countering misinformation In Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare’s Misinformation Illness, a team of health misinformation experts delivers a first-hand account of the dangers posed by false narratives and snake oil in the face of deadly healthcare crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic. In the book, you’ll explore the challenges facing those who fight to restore truth to a place of primacy in the United States healthcare system, the strategies they use, and the lessons you can draw from their real-world stories. Through interviews with healthcare leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and an intuitive discussion of contemporary academic research, the authors highlight issues of critical importance in the quest to bring accurate information to the American public. You’ll also find: An exhortation to healthcare professionals to take up the cause of countering misinformation as if their lives and livelihoods depend on it A compelling portrait of the seriousness of the information predicament in which we currently find ourselves Actionable, practical strategies for countering misinformation in today’s information ecosystem Perfect for clinicians, public health leaders, health-tech leaders, and health marketers, Dead Wrong will also earn a place in the libraries of media professionals and community leaders with an interest in keeping the American public healthy and vibrant.
Deadly Beat: Inside the Royal Ulster Constabulary
by Richard Latham'You go to work and you might be shot dead. You imagine being horribly maimed in a bomb blast. You come home and wonder if you'll be shot at the door. You go to bed with a revolver on the bedside cabinet. At times you wonder if this is really part of the UK'This was the world inhabited by Richard Latham during his service with the Royal Ulster Constabulary – a force that remains an institution of contradictions and intrigue to many outside observers. Considered by some to be one of the finest police forces in the world, its officers are looked upon by others as the evil storm-troopers of Unionism and the British Goverment. The RUC is now a force undergoing sweeping change in response to Republican demands, yet for 30 years it stood alongside the British Army in a war with Republicans that killed over 300 policemen and injured thousands more. For 14 years Latham, an Englishman, served as a police officer, both in England and in Ulster, transferring from the English Special Branch to the RUC in 1991. Deadly Beat is his raw and hard-hitting story, giving a unique insight into the grim reality of policing Ulster. Latham charts the dedication and restraint of officers who witnessed their colleagues die, yet were obliged to play within the rules of the law - rules so loaded in favour of the killers that comparatively few were brought to justice.This book exposes incidents of racism and religious bias experienced by the author himself. It looks behind the scenes to reveal the extremes of behaviour, alcohol abuse, womanising and petty corruption that the heady cocktail of stress, big pay packets and a sense of 'living for the day' bring to many of the men who don the RUC uniform. Deadly Beat is an open, warts-and-all view of the RUC by a man who makes intuitive comparisons between policing on the mainland and serving in Ulster.
The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism: How the IMF has Undermined Public Health and the Fight Against AIDS
by Rick Rowden'The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism' explores the history of and current collision between two of the major global phenomena that have characterized the last 30 years: the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases of poverty and the ascendancy of neoliberal economic ideas. The book explains not only how IMF policies of restrictive spending have exacerbated public health problems in developing countries, in particular the HIV/AIDS crisis, but also how such issues cannot be resolved under these economic policies. It also suggests how mounting global frustration about this inability to adequately address HIV/AIDS will ultimately lead to challenges to the dominant neoliberal ideas, as other more effective economic ideas for increasing public spending are sought.In stark, powerful terms, Rowden offers a unique and in-depth critique of development economics, the political economy dynamics of global foreign aid and health institutions, and how these seemingly abstract factors play out in the real world - from the highest levels of global institutions to African finance and health ministries to rural health outposts in the countryside of developing nations, and back again.
The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism: How the IMF has Undermined Public Health and the Fight Against AIDS
by Rick Rowden'The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism' explores the history of and current collision between two of the major global phenomena that have characterized the last 30 years: the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases of poverty and the ascendancy of neoliberal economic ideas. The book explains not only how IMF policies of restrictive spending have exacerbated public health problems in developing countries, in particular the HIV/AIDS crisis, but also how such issues cannot be resolved under these economic policies. It also suggests how mounting global frustration about this inability to adequately address HIV/AIDS will ultimately lead to challenges to the dominant neoliberal ideas, as other more effective economic ideas for increasing public spending are sought.In stark, powerful terms, Rowden offers a unique and in-depth critique of development economics, the political economy dynamics of global foreign aid and health institutions, and how these seemingly abstract factors play out in the real world - from the highest levels of global institutions to African finance and health ministries to rural health outposts in the countryside of developing nations, and back again.
Deakin and Morris’ Labour Law
by Zoe Adams Catherine Barnard Simon Deakin Sarah Fraser ButlinDeakin and Morris' Labour Law, a work cited as authoritative in the higher appellate courts of several jurisdictions, provides a comprehensive analysis of current British labour law which explains the role of different legal and extra-legal sources in its evolution, including collective bargaining, international labour standards, and human rights. The new edition, while following the broad pattern of previous ones, highlights important new developments in the content of the law, and in its wider social, economic and policy context. Thus the consequences of Brexit are considered along with the emerging effects of the Covid-19 crisis, the increasing digitisation of work, and the implications for policy of debates over the role of the law in constituting and regulating the labour market. The book examines in detail the law governing individual employment relations, with chapters covering the definition of the employment relationship; the sources and regulation of terms and conditions of employment; discipline and termination of employment; and equality of treatment. This is followed by an analysis of the elements of collective labour law, including the forms of collective organisation, freedom of association, employee representation, internal trade union government, and the law relating to industrial action.The seventh edition of Deakin and Morris' Labour Law is an essential text for students of law and of disciplines related to management and industrial relations, for barristers and solicitors working in the field of labour law, and for all those with a serious interest in the subject.
Deakin and Morris’ Labour Law
by Zoe Adams Catherine Barnard Simon Deakin Sarah Fraser ButlinDeakin and Morris' Labour Law, a work cited as authoritative in the higher appellate courts of several jurisdictions, provides a comprehensive analysis of current British labour law which explains the role of different legal and extra-legal sources in its evolution, including collective bargaining, international labour standards, and human rights. The new edition, while following the broad pattern of previous ones, highlights important new developments in the content of the law, and in its wider social, economic and policy context. Thus the consequences of Brexit are considered along with the emerging effects of the Covid-19 crisis, the increasing digitisation of work, and the implications for policy of debates over the role of the law in constituting and regulating the labour market. The book examines in detail the law governing individual employment relations, with chapters covering the definition of the employment relationship; the sources and regulation of terms and conditions of employment; discipline and termination of employment; and equality of treatment. This is followed by an analysis of the elements of collective labour law, including the forms of collective organisation, freedom of association, employee representation, internal trade union government, and the law relating to industrial action.The seventh edition of Deakin and Morris' Labour Law is an essential text for students of law and of disciplines related to management and industrial relations, for barristers and solicitors working in the field of labour law, and for all those with a serious interest in the subject.
The Deal from Hell: How Moguls and Wall Street Plundered Great American Newspapers
by James O'SheaIn 2000, after the Tribune Company acquired Times Mirror Corporation, it comprised the most powerful collection of newspapers in the world. How then did Tribune nosedive in to bankruptcy and public scandal? The Deal from Hell is the riveting narrative in which veteran editor James O'Shea takes us behind the scenes of the decisions that led to that ongoing disaster.