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Alternative Principles of Economics

by Stanley Bober

This is the first book to provide a complete introduction to Post-Keynesian and other alternative theories of economics. Concise yet comprehensive, and written to be accessible to a wide audience, it offers a unique opportunity to enhance traditional neo-classical economics training with authoritative coverage of the full range of the non-orthodox paradigm.

Alternative Principles of Economics

by Stanley Bober

This is the first book to provide a complete introduction to Post-Keynesian and other alternative theories of economics. Concise yet comprehensive, and written to be accessible to a wide audience, it offers a unique opportunity to enhance traditional neo-classical economics training with authoritative coverage of the full range of the non-orthodox paradigm.

Alternative Real Estate Research

by Ling Hin Li

This book aims to provide insight into the "soft" side of real estate research and the interesting results and implications of the real estate research outside the traditional realm of investment/financial aspects. The book also attempts to answer what constitutes the so-called "soft-side" of real estate research if we shift our focus from the usual financial returns and investment analysis. It also attempts to address whether there is such thing as an alternative real estate research paradigm. The book also argues that research in real estate should not only be limited to land and property market performance analyses as this may greatly impair the potential research implications of various real estate studies. The book argues that such analyses take on a very myopic view of real estate research. This book will interest many who wish to learn more about the alternative aspect of real estate research which is more than just about investment analysis.

Alternative Real Estate Research

by Ling Hin Li

This book aims to provide insight into the "soft" side of real estate research and the interesting results and implications of the real estate research outside the traditional realm of investment/financial aspects. The book also attempts to answer what constitutes the so-called "soft-side" of real estate research if we shift our focus from the usual financial returns and investment analysis. It also attempts to address whether there is such thing as an alternative real estate research paradigm. The book also argues that research in real estate should not only be limited to land and property market performance analyses as this may greatly impair the potential research implications of various real estate studies. The book argues that such analyses take on a very myopic view of real estate research. This book will interest many who wish to learn more about the alternative aspect of real estate research which is more than just about investment analysis.

Alternative Risk Transfer: Integrated Risk Management through Insurance, Reinsurance, and the Capital Markets (The Wiley Finance Series)

by Erik Banks

A practical approach to ART-an alternative method by which companies take on various types of risk This comprehensive book shows readers what ART is, how it can be used to mitigate risk, and how certain instruments/structures associated with ART should be implemented. Through numerous examples and case studies, readers will learn what actually works and what doesn't when using this technique. Erik Banks (CT) joined XL Capital's weather/energy risk management subsidiary, Element Re, as a Partner and Chief Risk Officer in 2001.

Alternative Strategies for Economic Development

by Keith Griffin

The question of alternative strategies for economic development is the subject of great controversy and intense debate amongst practitioners and academics concerned with economic and social progress in the Third World. The core of this book is an analysis of the six most widely adopted strategies of development namely monetarism, the open economy, industrialisation, the green revolution or agriculture-led development, redistributive strategies of development and socialist strategies.

Alternative Theories of Output, Unemployment, and Inflation in Germany: 1960–1985 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #326)

by Christine Sauer

by Jerome L. Stein Disenchantment with Keynesian econollics developed during the post-1968 period when the rate of growth of output declined, the rate of unemployment rose, and the rate of inflation increased in the U.S. and in other countries. This paradox, called stagflation, was inconsistent with the tenet of Keynesian economics that cyclical movemants in prices and output relative to their respective trends are positively correlated. A search occurred for a more satisfactory theory of macroeconomics which could explain the paradox of stagflation and the observed economic phenomena. The New Classical Economics (NCE) developed as the total rejection of Keynesian economics. The Keynesians claimed that their demand management policies contributed to the obsolescence of the business cycle and successfully eliminated the gap between full employment (potential) output and actusl output. The NCE argued just the opposite: the unemplo~nt rate or growth rate of real output is insensitive to systematic demand management policies [Lucas; Sargent and Wallace].

Alternative Theories of the Firm (Humanistic Management)

by Michael Pirson

The Theory of the Firm is commonly viewed as axiomatic by business school academicians. Considerations spanning organizational structures, their boundaries and roles, as well as business strategies all relate to the theory of the firm. The dominant theory of the firm poses that markets act perfectly to maximize the well-being of society when people act to maximize the personal utility of their individual purchases and firms act to maximize financial returns to their owners. However, burgeoning evidence and discourse across the scientific and policy communities suggests that the economic, social, and environmental consequences of accepting and applying this theory in the organization of business and society threatens the survival of the human species, among countless others. This book provides the latest thinking on alternatives to the theory of the firm as cornerstone of managerial decision making. Authors explore and elucidate theories that help us understand a firm differently and suggest alternatives to the theory of the firm. This book will be of value to researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in leadership, strategic management, and the intersection of corporate interests and the wellbeing of society.

Alternative Theories of the Firm (Humanistic Management)

by Michael Pirson David M. Wasieleski Erica L. Steckler

The Theory of the Firm is commonly viewed as axiomatic by business school academicians. Considerations spanning organizational structures, their boundaries and roles, as well as business strategies all relate to the theory of the firm. The dominant theory of the firm poses that markets act perfectly to maximize the well-being of society when people act to maximize the personal utility of their individual purchases and firms act to maximize financial returns to their owners. However, burgeoning evidence and discourse across the scientific and policy communities suggests that the economic, social, and environmental consequences of accepting and applying this theory in the organization of business and society threatens the survival of the human species, among countless others. This book provides the latest thinking on alternatives to the theory of the firm as cornerstone of managerial decision making. Authors explore and elucidate theories that help us understand a firm differently and suggest alternatives to the theory of the firm. This book will be of value to researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in leadership, strategic management, and the intersection of corporate interests and the wellbeing of society.

Alternative Theories of the State

by S. Pressman

This book examines the role and function of the state in contemporary economics from a number of diverse economic perspectives, including Austrian, feminist, institutionalist, Marxian, radical and Post Keynesian.

Alternative Tourism in Turkey: Role, Potential Development and Sustainability (GeoJournal Library #121)

by Istvan Egresi

This book takes inventory of and evaluates the available resources for the development of alternative tourism in Turkey. It examines the role of alternative tourism in future tourism development plans and proposes public policies necessary to assure sustainability. Although tourism started later in Turkey than in the Western Mediterranean countries it has grown very rapidly during the last three decades and today the country ranks among the top ten countries in the world in terms of both arrivals and receipts. However, most of the tourism development has been in the mass tourism sector or the so-called sun-sea-sand tourism. While crucial for the economic development of Turkey, mass tourism, in the absence of proper planning, has happened in a haphazard manner leading to numerous environmental and socio-cultural problems. This book argues that, in order to mitigate these problems, Turkey should encourage the development of alternative forms of tourism.

Alternative-Trading-Systems als Zukunftsoption: Perspektiven im globalen Konsolidierungs- und Wettbewerbsprozess von Wertpapierbörsen (Gabler Edition Wissenschaft)

by Matthias Ludwig

Auf der Basis ökonomischer Kriterien analysiert Matthias Ludwig die Motivation zum Betreiben von ATS aus Anbietersicht und das mögliche Motivationsprofil aus Nachfragersicht. Es wird deutlich, dass etablierte Börsen global oder zumindest innerhalb großer Regionen agieren können, um neue Wachstumspotenziale zu erschließen, und dass sie dies aufgrund der technologischen Möglichkeiten von Netzwerkstrukturen realisieren können.

Alternative Unternehmensfinanzierung für den deutschen Mittelstand

by Bernd Fischl

Bernd Fischl analysiert die derzeitigen Finanzprobleme des deutschen Mittelstands. Der Autor bietet einen systematischen und umfassenden Überblick über Finanzierungsalternativen, die auch den Einsatz von Mezzanine-Kapital und Asset-Backed-Securities beinhalten, die gerade in der letzten Zeit Bekanntheit erlangt haben.

Alternative Unternehmensfinanzierung für den deutschen Mittelstand

by Bernd Fischl

Unter Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse von Basel II analysiert Bernd Fischl die derzeitigen Finanzprobleme des deutschen Mittelstands. Er zeigt, dass jüngste Entwicklungen auf dem Kapitalmarkt bei der Mittelstandsfinanzierung nur teilweise umgesetzt werden und bietet einen systematischen und umfassenden Überblick über Finanzierungsalternativen, die auch den Einsatz von Mezzanine-Kapital und Asset-Backed-Securities beinhalten.

Alternative Views of the New International Economic Order: A Survey and Analysis of Major Academic Research Reports

by Jorge Lozoya Jaime Estevez Rosario Green

Alternative Views of the New International Economic Order: A Survey and Analysis of Major Academic Research Reports focuses on research on the principles and objectives of the New International Economic Order, including concerns on nutrition, self-reliance, information technology, global security, and energy resources. The manuscript first discusses development as a global concept, as well as global security, nutrition, development, and energy and natural resources. The book then takes a look at international monetary and financial issues and international trade. Topics include reform of the international monetary system; collapse of the general agreement on tariffs and trade; and proposals in global projects. The publication examines transnational enterprises and technology transfer and food program, including transnational corporations and self-reliance, national sovereignty, technology transfer, and transnational enterprises. The book is a vital reference for readers interested in the study of the New International Economic Order.

Alternative Work Organizations

by Maurizio Atzeni

Current and historical examples in the labour movement worldwide have helped to debunk the myth that workers cannot run production. This volume uses geographically and historically diverse examples to analyse the challenges and questions that alternative forms of work present to those involved.

Alternativen zur Erwerbsarbeit?: Entwicklungstendenzen informeller und alternativer Ökonomie (Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung #111)

by Volker Teichert

Alternativen zur Erwerbsarbeit? Dieser Titel klingt auf den ersten Blick für den einen oder anderen Leser sicherlich sehr provokatorisch. Ist doch unser herrschendes Wirtschaftssystem fast ausschließlich auf Erwerbsarbeit aufgebaut, die im all­ gemeinen das Leben der meisten Menschen in erheblichem Maße beeinflußt. Die Erwerbsarbeit bestimmt über die zur Verfügung stehende Freizeit, die Dauer der Urlaubszeit und die Möglich­ keiten, in der informellen ökonomie aktiv zu werden. Auf ei­ nen kurzen Nenner gebracht: Sie gibt die Rahmenbedingungen vor, an denen sich alles andere auszurichten hat. Selbst die Arbeitslosen leiden auf ihre Weise unter dem Aus­ schluß von der Erwerbsarbeit: Sie reagieren oft mit psychoso­ matischen und psychischen Krankheitsbildern sowie mit Apathie auf ihre Erwerbslosigkeit. Da mag es für viele Leser geradezu zynisch klingen, wenn hier von Alternativen zum Erwerbssystem gesprochen wird. Diese Alternativen gibt es aber in der Tat, sie dürfen jedoch nicht so verstanden werden, als würde neben dem Erwerbssystem noch etwas bestehen, mit dem die Menschen ihren Lebensunter­ halt allein finanzieren könnten. Worauf aber mit diesem Band hingewiesen werden soll, sind die Bereiche, die jenseits von Markt und Staat existieren, und die in aller Regel von der herrschenden ökonomie nicht als wertschaffend und wohlstands­ fördernd angesehen werden. Sie haben für das kapitalistische Wirtschaftssystem aber durchaus ihre Bedeutung, indem sie Wohlstand und Wohlfahrt dieser Industriegesellschaft verbes­ sern helfen.

Alternativer Risikotransfer von Katastrophenrisiken: Die Rückversicherung mit Anleihen und börsengehandelten Optionen im Vergleich

by Michaela Strube

Michaela Strube beurteilt Katastrophenanleihen und börsengehandelte Optionen als Mittel des alternativen Risikotransfers von Katastrophenrisiken und vergleicht diese Instrumente mit der traditionellen Rückversicherung

Alternatives Führen: Mitarbeiter qualifizieren

by Wolfgang Saaman

Alternatives in Development: Local Politics and NGOs in China and India

by Liyiyu Abhijit Dasgupta

This book deals with the dynamics of local-level politics in China and India. China introduced new policies to restructure local politics in 1978. In place of communes, civil society organizations and cooperatives were introduced in villages. More changes came about with the introduction of the Organic Law of the Villagers' Committees of the People's Republic of China in 1998. The new local power structure includes state-sponsored institutions like Villagers Committees and the traditional civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-government organizations (NGOs). As in China, local politics in India undergoes considerable changes during the last few decades. Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) were reformed in 1992 with a constitutional amendment act. CSOs and NGOs were allowed to function. Against this background, the present book is undertaken with the objectives first, to present two different models of local politics and second, to compare the two, finally to focus on the two different models of development. This book will interest scholars of rural governance, rural transformation, and the role of the grassroots CSOs and NGOs in shaping development program and growth in the two large countries in Asia.

Alternatives to Capitalism: Proceedings of a conference held in honour of James Meade by the International Economic Association at Windsor, England (International Economic Association Series)

by Avril Alba

]At a time of rapid change in Central and Eastern Europe, there is widespread interest in alternative forms of market economy. Is it possible to combine the best features of capitalism with the best features of socialism? The first part of the volume examines the idea of `Agathotopia' put forward by Nobel-Prize winner James Meade; the second with worker participation and economic democracy, including the Yugoslav experience and the third with partnership at macro- and micro-levels.

Alternatives to Economic Orthodoxy: Reader in Political Economy

by Randy Albelda

Exploring the question of whether China's peasantry was a revolutionary force, this volume pays particular attention to the first half of the 20th century, when peasant-based conflict was central to nationwide revolutionary processes. It traces key themes of social conflict and peasant resistance.

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