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Altersvorsorge für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dieter Homburg

Wie lange muss ich arbeiten? Werde ich ausreichend versorgt sein? Und kann ich überhaupt noch mit staatlicher Rente rechnen? Fragen, mit denen sich früher oder später jeder Arbeitnehmer auseinandersetzen muss. Doch zu kaum einem Thema herrscht mehr Verwirrung und Unsicherheit. Sind Produkte wie Lebens- oder Rentenversicherungen wirklich rentabel? Dieter Homburg schafft Klarheit über eines der größten Probleme unserer Zeit und liefert dem Leser praktisch anwendbares Wissen, mit dem er sich selbst vor den Unzulänglichkeiten der Banken- und Versicherungswelt schützen kann. Die eigene Altervorsorge wird endlich planbar und es ist, finanziell gesehen, möglich, zuversichtlich in die Zukunft blicken.

Altersvorsorge für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Dieter Homburg

Möchten auch Sie in Würde und selbstbestimmt bis ins hohe Alter leben? Aber wie, wo es heute fast keine Zinsen mehr gibt und die staatliche Rente auch nicht die Rettung sein wird? Richtig, in dem Sie es selbst in die Hand nehmen. Hierbei hilft Ihnen dieses Buch. In nur wenigen Stunden können Sie mithilfe einer praktischen Schnellstart-Anleitung Ihren konkreten Rentenfahrplan erstellen. Räumen Sie mit zu teuren und überflüssigen Versicherungen und Sparverträgen auf, senken Sie Ihre Steuerlast und zapfen Sie intelligent staatliche Fördertöpfe an. Das Ergebnis: mehr Altersvorsorge ohne einen Cent mehr auszugeben.

Altersvorsorge von abhängig Erwerbstätigen: Bestandsaufnahme, Modellvergleich und Reformvorschläge (Unternehmen und Steuern #8)

by Rainer Mauer

Die Altersvorsorge von abhängig Erwerbstätigen (Arbeitnehmer in der Privatwirtschaft, Arbeitnehmer im öffentlichen Dienst und Beamte) wird in ihrer derzeitigen Ausgestaltung dargestellt und auf investitionstheoretischer Basis verglichen. Mögliche Reformvorschläge im sozialversicherungsrechtlichen und einkommenssteuerlichen Bereich werden diskutiert. Die Besonderheit des Buchs liegt im Vergleich der Altersversorgungssysteme auf Basis von vergleichbaren Netto-Konsumpositionen in der Erwerbs- und in der Altersphase, wobei sich die Vorteilhaftigkeit anhand von Flächendiagrammen der berechneten Netto-Barwert-Differenzen zeigt. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit zeigt, daß nur eine grundlegende Reform von Einkommens- und Sozialversicherungsrecht in der Lage ist, die aufgezeigten Ungleichbehandlungen zu beseitigen.

Altersvorsorgebesteuerung in Deutschland, USA und Europa: Eine ökonomische und steuerrechtliche Analyse

by Sandra Schwarz

Sandra Schwarz untersucht, ob die nachgelagerte Besteuerung aus ökonomischer Sicht mit einer Einkommensteuer systemkonform ist oder in Richtung Konsumsteuer weist. In einem Ländervergleich werden die Regelungen zur Altersvorsorgebesteuerung in den USA, Österreich und Schweden sowie Frankreich, Großbritannien und Spanien dargestellt und Reformempfehlungen für Deutschland abgeleitet.

Älterwerden in Krisenzeiten: Chancen nutzen, Risiken vermeiden

by Sabine Schröder-Kunz

Dieses Buch spricht junge und ältere Menschen an, die sich nicht nur mit einer Krise wie der Corona-Pandemie, sondern gleichzeitig auch mit dem Älterwerden in unserer Gesellschaft auseinandersetzen möchten. Wie können Geduld, Gelassenheit und Hoffnung sowie die psychische Widerstandskraft gestärkt werden? Inwieweit können Belastungen und Schmerz als Teil des Lebens verstanden, wie kann damit umgegangen werden? Ziel des Buches ist es, die Chancen und Lernmöglichkeiten des Einzelnen stärker in den Mittelpunkt zu rücken. Warum gerade eine Krise wie die Corona-Pandemie eine Chance im Älterwerden sein kann, zeigt die Autorin mit vielen Beispielen und Denkanstößen auf. Dabei werden Aspekte des guten Lebens und Älterwerdens vorgestellt sowie Möglichkeiten zur Alltagsgestaltung – auch in einer Krise.

The Altman Close: Million-Dollar Negotiating Tactics from America's Top-Selling Real Estate Agent

by Josh Altman

Land the deals you want and develop your instincts with million-dollar negotiation techniques After selling over $3 Billion in real estate, including the most expensive one-bedroom house in history, Josh Altman, co-star of the hit show Million-Dollar Listing Los Angeles, wants to teach you the real estate sales and negotiation tactics that have made him one of America’s top agents. Buying or selling a house, whether for a client or yourself, is one of the most important (and most stressful) deals anyone can make, demanding emotional intelligence and a solid set of negotiating skills. But by mastering the same techniques that sell multi-million-dollar homes in Bel Air and Beverly Hills, you can attract buyers and close deals on any property. Josh breaks down the art of real estate into three simple parts. First, he’ll help you get business in the door during the Opening. Then he takes you step-by-step through the Work: everything between the first handshake and the last. And finally, the Close, the last step that ensures all your hard work pays off as you seal the deal. Learn how to open with a prospect, work the deal, close, open, and repeat Build and market your reputation, creating more sales opportunities Develop the traits of a closer in you and your team Drive the deal forward and get the best price for your property by creating desire, scarcity, and demand Successful real estate sales are driven by the same principles, whether they happen in the Hollywood Hills or just down the street. Josh wants to put those principles, and the techniques for applying them, in your hands. Learn them and discover what you can achieve.

The Altman Close: Million-Dollar Negotiating Tactics from America's Top-Selling Real Estate Agent

by Josh Altman

Land the deals you want and develop your instincts with million-dollar negotiation techniques After selling over $3 Billion in real estate, including the most expensive one-bedroom house in history, Josh Altman, co-star of the hit show Million-Dollar Listing Los Angeles, wants to teach you the real estate sales and negotiation tactics that have made him one of America’s top agents. Buying or selling a house, whether for a client or yourself, is one of the most important (and most stressful) deals anyone can make, demanding emotional intelligence and a solid set of negotiating skills. But by mastering the same techniques that sell multi-million-dollar homes in Bel Air and Beverly Hills, you can attract buyers and close deals on any property. Josh breaks down the art of real estate into three simple parts. First, he’ll help you get business in the door during the Opening. Then he takes you step-by-step through the Work: everything between the first handshake and the last. And finally, the Close, the last step that ensures all your hard work pays off as you seal the deal. Learn how to open with a prospect, work the deal, close, open, and repeat Build and market your reputation, creating more sales opportunities Develop the traits of a closer in you and your team Drive the deal forward and get the best price for your property by creating desire, scarcity, and demand Successful real estate sales are driven by the same principles, whether they happen in the Hollywood Hills or just down the street. Josh wants to put those principles, and the techniques for applying them, in your hands. Learn them and discover what you can achieve.

Altruism by Design: How To Effect Social Change as an Architect

by Adam R. Wilmes

Altruism by Design: How to Effect Social Change as an Architect is meant to prepare the individual designer – whether a student or practicing professional – for a career dedicated to serving communities in need through design and construction. It will help you understand the complexities, opportunities, and benefits of creating architecture that promotes social equality and community so that you can make a difference. What you'll learn: -How community-based studios can respond to natural disasters and economic conditions-How to build what you design-How to develop relationships with non-traditional clients-How to structure your career to be dedicated to social change and sustainable design-How to discover funding opportunities for projects in a not-for-profit firm-How to consider moral and financial aspects of your practice-How you can collaborate with other design professions to determine the future of the built environment Featuring detailed case studies, including work by Studio 804 and Pyotak Architects, and more than 100 color images; this book is essential reading for providing you with a viable path to altruistic design.

Altruism by Design: How To Effect Social Change as an Architect

by Adam R. Wilmes

Altruism by Design: How to Effect Social Change as an Architect is meant to prepare the individual designer – whether a student or practicing professional – for a career dedicated to serving communities in need through design and construction. It will help you understand the complexities, opportunities, and benefits of creating architecture that promotes social equality and community so that you can make a difference. What you'll learn: -How community-based studios can respond to natural disasters and economic conditions-How to build what you design-How to develop relationships with non-traditional clients-How to structure your career to be dedicated to social change and sustainable design-How to discover funding opportunities for projects in a not-for-profit firm-How to consider moral and financial aspects of your practice-How you can collaborate with other design professions to determine the future of the built environment Featuring detailed case studies, including work by Studio 804 and Pyotak Architects, and more than 100 color images; this book is essential reading for providing you with a viable path to altruistic design.

Altruistic Reveries: Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences

by Kim-ChongChong Basant K. Kapur

Altruistic Reveries is a unique volume, which arises out of an Interdisciplinary Conference on Perspectives on Altruism from the Humanities and Social Sciences organized by the Centre for Advanced Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, in October 1999. Altruism is a deep, multi-faceted phenomenon, of great interest and relevance to scholars across the entire range of disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Centre therefore brought together experts in diverse disciplines - Philosophy, Literature, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, and Political science - to examine and discuss the significance and role of altruism from their respective perspectives. A total of 10 papers in all were presented, and the volume is completed by an Introduction by the editors, and a final Concluding Chapter by one of the editors. Among the issues discussed are: the efficacy of motivational altruism in the resolution of public issues; the genetic origins of altruism and its attendant risks; the metaphysical basis of altruism; empathy and altruism; altruism or social exchange; altruism in wartime; and the welfare state. A notable feature of the volume is that the various authors have not `talked past' one another. Although each is a specialist in his field, the papers are accessible to those in other fields, and to non-specialists. Both individually and together, they provide a rich set of insights and perspectives on altruism as a fundamental human and social phenomenon, which will edify, interest, and stimulate all readers of the volume.

Altruistically Inclined?: The Behavioral Sciences, Evolutionary Theory, and the Origins of Reciprocity (Economics, Cognition, And Society)

by Alexander J. Field

Alexander J. Field is the Michel and Mary Orradre Professor of Economics at Santa Clara University.

Alts Democratized: A Practical Guide to Alternative Mutual Funds and ETFs for Financial Advisors (Wiley Finance)

by Jessica Lynn Rabe Robert J. Martorana

A Comprehensive Review of the Liquid Alts Market and How ‘40 Act Products Can Enhance Client Portfolios Liquid alternatives give investors access to hedge fund strategies with the benefits of ’40 Act products: lower fees, higher liquidity, greater transparency, and improved tax efficiency. Alts Democratized is a hands-on guide that offers financial advisors and individual investors the tools and analysis to enhance client portfolios using alternative mutual funds and ETFs. Well-grounded in research and replete with more than 100 exhibits of Lipper data, Alts Democratized profiles the top ten funds in each of the eleven Lipper liquid alt classifications. This includes total net assets, fund flows, risk and return metrics, and the factor exposures that drive performance and help explain correlations to various forms of beta. Jessica Lynn Rabe and Robert J. Martorana, CFA, combine this research with a comprehensive framework for fund selection and portfolio construction to enhance the asset allocation process, facilitate portfolio customization, and manage client expectations. In addition, the book includes functional perspectives on issues pertinent to financial advisors such as fees, client suitability, and volatility management. This helps advisors apply the concepts to portfolios and offer actionable investment advice. The authors also interviewed executives at leading wealth management firms to provide color on industry trends and best practices. The companion website provides ancillary materials that reinforce and supplement the book, including: The authors’ top ten takeaways Classification cheat sheet Portfolio construction guide (full color) Talking points for clients Q&A on liquid alts Presentation with all 118 exhibits from the book (full color) Alts Democratized comprises a complete resource for the advisor seeking new sources of alpha, diversification, and hedging of tail risks.

Alts Democratized: A Practical Guide to Alternative Mutual Funds and ETFs for Financial Advisors (Wiley Finance)

by Jessica Lynn Rabe Robert J. Martorana

A Comprehensive Review of the Liquid Alts Market and How ‘40 Act Products Can Enhance Client Portfolios Liquid alternatives give investors access to hedge fund strategies with the benefits of ’40 Act products: lower fees, higher liquidity, greater transparency, and improved tax efficiency. Alts Democratized is a hands-on guide that offers financial advisors and individual investors the tools and analysis to enhance client portfolios using alternative mutual funds and ETFs. Well-grounded in research and replete with more than 100 exhibits of Lipper data, Alts Democratized profiles the top ten funds in each of the eleven Lipper liquid alt classifications. This includes total net assets, fund flows, risk and return metrics, and the factor exposures that drive performance and help explain correlations to various forms of beta. Jessica Lynn Rabe and Robert J. Martorana, CFA, combine this research with a comprehensive framework for fund selection and portfolio construction to enhance the asset allocation process, facilitate portfolio customization, and manage client expectations. In addition, the book includes functional perspectives on issues pertinent to financial advisors such as fees, client suitability, and volatility management. This helps advisors apply the concepts to portfolios and offer actionable investment advice. The authors also interviewed executives at leading wealth management firms to provide color on industry trends and best practices. The companion website provides ancillary materials that reinforce and supplement the book, including: The authors’ top ten takeaways Classification cheat sheet Portfolio construction guide (full color) Talking points for clients Q&A on liquid alts Presentation with all 118 exhibits from the book (full color) Alts Democratized comprises a complete resource for the advisor seeking new sources of alpha, diversification, and hedging of tail risks.

Alumni Leadership and University Excellence in Africa: The Case of Lagos Business School (Palgrave Studies in African Leadership)

by Henry O. Onukwuba

Focusing on Lagos Business School (LBS) in Nigeria, this book explores the impact of strong alumni leadership on university excellence in Africa. Strong leadership is crucial to the success of educational institutions and great importance is placed on their effective governance and management. However, many institutions fail to realise the positive impact that a strong alumni body can have on university excellence. Drawing on definitions and theories of leadership, the author seeks to establish the significance of alumni in enhancing a university’s growth and development. Providing comprehensive analysis of LBS, this book is a unique resource for leaders of educational institutions, as well as those studying and teaching in African business schools.

Alumni Leadership and University Excellence in Africa: The Case of Lagos Business School (Palgrave Studies in African Leadership)

by Henry O. Onukwuba

Focusing on Lagos Business School (LBS) in Nigeria, this book explores the impact of strong alumni leadership on university excellence in Africa. Strong leadership is crucial to the success of educational institutions and great importance is placed on their effective governance and management. However, many institutions fail to realise the positive impact that a strong alumni body can have on university excellence. Drawing on definitions and theories of leadership, the author seeks to establish the significance of alumni in enhancing a university’s growth and development. Providing comprehensive analysis of LBS, this book is a unique resource for leaders of educational institutions, as well as those studying and teaching in African business schools.

Alumni-Netzwerke von Unternehmen: Theoretische und praktische Perspektiven (essentials)

by Christian Schwägerl

Christian Schwägerl beschreibt, wie Alumni-Netzwerke in die Kommunikationsfunktion von Unternehmen integriert sind. Das essentialvermittelt Reflexionswissen über das Spannungsfeld der netzwerkkonstituierenden Peer-to-Peer-Kommunikation und der interessengeleiteten Kommunikation des Unternehmens mit den ehemaligen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Darüber hinaus stellt der Autor die Wertbeiträge dar, die Unternehmen auf ihrem Absatz-, Ressourcen- und Meinungsmarkt mithilfe von Alumni-Netzwerken erzielen können.

Alvin Hansen: Seeking a Suitable Stabilization - An Academic Biography (Great Thinkers in Economics)

by Robert J. Bigg

This book examines the academic life of Alvin Hansen and his contribution to modern economics. Through tracing the development of his early work and pre-Keynesian ideas, the influence of Keynes and the 1937-8 recession on the direction of his work is explored, particularly in relation to his theoretical backing of the New Deal and subsequent American policy. The subsequent chapters focus on his later work on secular stagnation, savings and investment, American Keynesianism, managing the post-war mixed economy and the often overlooked contributions to global questions and wider aspects of political economy and public policy. This book aims to highlight the intellectual influence and academic value of Alvin Hansen’s work. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in economic policy, political economy, and the history of economic thought.

Always a Winner: Finding Your Competitive Advantage in an Up and Down Economy

by Peter Navarro

"In much the same way that Good to Great uncovered hitherto hidden secrets of highly successful companies, Navarro’s Always a Winner uses extensive research to reveal the overriding importance of learning how to forecast and strategically manage the business cycle for competitive advantage. In doing so, this book provocatively explores a critical aspect of successful management virtually untapped by the existing strategy literature." —Dan DiMicco, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nucor Steel " Always a Winner is an important and timely guide to thriving in challenging economic times. Prof. Navarro deftly bridges the academic and business communities, showing corporate leaders how to read economic tea-leaves to anticipate business cycles. His "Master Cyclist" credo offers many practical tips and real-world case studies for steering companies through turbulent economic seas." —Mark Greene, Ph.D, Chief Executive Officer, FICO (Fair Isaac Corp.) "Navarro’s Always a Winner shows why forecasting the economy with a ruler can be lethal for corporate executives and money managers. He demonstrates how to skillfully anticipate the ups and downs of the economy and successfully navigate through them. The current economic crisis clearly demonstrates why this book is so important to have on your bookshelf." —Mark Zandi, Chief Economist and Cofounder of Moody’s "Always a Winner is required reading for every entrepreneur, money manager, and independent investor hoping to outperform the market and retire one day." —Mark T. Brookshire, Founder of and " Navarro’s wealth of real world examples will show you how to make both economic recessions and recoveries invaluable allies in executing competitive corporate strategies. A must read!" —Lakshman Achuthan, Managing Director, Economic Cycle Research Institute Why recessions are far more dangerous than any 10 competitors Most companies make a lot of money during economic expansions-and lose a lot of money during recessions. That is the way it has always been. That is the way it need not always be. This book will show you how to "always be a winner" over the course of the entire business cycle-not just when economic times are good. To do this job, this book will arm you with all the strategies and tactics and forecasting tools you will need to profitably manage your organization through the business cycle seasons-from the best of boom times to the worst of recessionary times. In this book, you will learn to Forecast movements and key recessionary turning points in the business cycle Implement a set of powerful "battle-tested" strategies over the course of the business cycle Rebuild your organization with a strategic business cycle orientation and thereby make it much more recession-resistant and resilient over the longer term The forecasting tools and management strategies revealed in this book have been developed over the last five years by the author-the world's leading expert on managing the business cycle for competitive advantage. By learning to strategically manage the business cycle, your organization will be able to create a powerful competitive and sustainable advantage over its rivals and thereby find the grail sought by every executive team in the world-superior financial performance. In this way, Always a Winner provides you with the in-depth insight and practical advice you need to help your company survive and thrive in the increasingly risky conditions of the 21st century.

Always a Winner: Finding Your Competitive Advantage in an Up and Down Economy

by Peter Navarro

"In much the same way that Good to Great uncovered hitherto hidden secrets of highly successful companies, Navarro’s Always a Winner uses extensive research to reveal the overriding importance of learning how to forecast and strategically manage the business cycle for competitive advantage. In doing so, this book provocatively explores a critical aspect of successful management virtually untapped by the existing strategy literature." —Dan DiMicco, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nucor Steel " Always a Winner is an important and timely guide to thriving in challenging economic times. Prof. Navarro deftly bridges the academic and business communities, showing corporate leaders how to read economic tea-leaves to anticipate business cycles. His "Master Cyclist" credo offers many practical tips and real-world case studies for steering companies through turbulent economic seas." —Mark Greene, Ph.D, Chief Executive Officer, FICO (Fair Isaac Corp.) "Navarro’s Always a Winner shows why forecasting the economy with a ruler can be lethal for corporate executives and money managers. He demonstrates how to skillfully anticipate the ups and downs of the economy and successfully navigate through them. The current economic crisis clearly demonstrates why this book is so important to have on your bookshelf." —Mark Zandi, Chief Economist and Cofounder of Moody’s "Always a Winner is required reading for every entrepreneur, money manager, and independent investor hoping to outperform the market and retire one day." —Mark T. Brookshire, Founder of and " Navarro’s wealth of real world examples will show you how to make both economic recessions and recoveries invaluable allies in executing competitive corporate strategies. A must read!" —Lakshman Achuthan, Managing Director, Economic Cycle Research Institute Why recessions are far more dangerous than any 10 competitors Most companies make a lot of money during economic expansions-and lose a lot of money during recessions. That is the way it has always been. That is the way it need not always be. This book will show you how to "always be a winner" over the course of the entire business cycle-not just when economic times are good. To do this job, this book will arm you with all the strategies and tactics and forecasting tools you will need to profitably manage your organization through the business cycle seasons-from the best of boom times to the worst of recessionary times. In this book, you will learn to Forecast movements and key recessionary turning points in the business cycle Implement a set of powerful "battle-tested" strategies over the course of the business cycle Rebuild your organization with a strategic business cycle orientation and thereby make it much more recession-resistant and resilient over the longer term The forecasting tools and management strategies revealed in this book have been developed over the last five years by the author-the world's leading expert on managing the business cycle for competitive advantage. By learning to strategically manage the business cycle, your organization will be able to create a powerful competitive and sustainable advantage over its rivals and thereby find the grail sought by every executive team in the world-superior financial performance. In this way, Always a Winner provides you with the in-depth insight and practical advice you need to help your company survive and thrive in the increasingly risky conditions of the 21st century.

Always Ahead im Marketing: Offensiv, digital, strategisch

by Silke Bartsch Christian Blümelhuber

​Hochkarätige Wissenschaftler und Praktiker zeigen, wie man mit einem proaktiven Marketing dem Wettbewerb vorauseilen und nachhaltig erfolgreich sein kann. Mit dem Weitblick für Innovationen und der Antizipation von latenten Kundenbedürfnissen kann es gelingen, Kunden glücklich zu machen, starke Marken aufzubauen und die digitale Transformation zu meistern: Kurz bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Die Autoren stellen unterschiedliche Perspektiven, Themen und Zukunftsentwürfe vor und setzen Impulse für die Zukunft des Marketing.Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Anton Meyer

Always Day One: How the Tech Titans Stay on Top

by Alex Kantrowitz

At Amazon, 'Day One' is code for inventing like a startup with little regard for legacy. Day Two is, in Jeff Bezos's own words, is 'stasis, followed by irrelevance, followed by excruciating, painful decline, followed by death.'Most companies today are set up for Day Two. They build advantages and defend them fiercely rather than invent the future. But Amazon and fellow tech titans Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are operating in Day One: they prioritize reinvention over tradition and collaboration over ownership.Through 130 interviews with insiders, from Mark Zuckerberg to hourly workers, Always Day One reveals the tech giants' blueprint for sustainable success. Kantrowitz uncovers the engine propelling the tech giants' continued dominance at a stage when most big companies begin to decline. And he shows the way forward for everyone who wants to compete with, and beat, the titans.

Always Making Progress: The Fundamentals of Continuous Improvement for the Process Industry

by Ian Madden

This book guides process-industry professionals from the implementation of the basic foundations of Continuous Improvement (CI) through to an organization where CI is a “way of life” and a defining feature of the culture of the organization. The readers of this book are seeking solutions to such pressing issues as: • Elimination of accidents and near misses. • Reducing customer complaints. • Improving customer delivery performance. • Introducing new products. • Improving staff productivity. • Removing costs to meet the budget. • Dealing with absence and poor morale. • Improving staff retention. This book provides them with guidance on how to address issues in these areas in a way that enables improvements to be realized quickly but not at the expense of a long-term goal of a sustainable Continuous Improvement culture. In addition, this book presents the implementation of CI as a cyclical journey with no endpoint. The stages are ordered in a sequence that enables the reader to get started in their area of the company and build up the elements without the need for an overall organizational strategy at the beginning. Continuous Improvement is a vast subject with many takes on principles, approaches, and tools. This book is about how all the fundamentals of these areas fit together and, as such, covers only some of them. However, within the bibliography, I have signposted the books that have guided me during my career and which go into the principles, approaches, and tools further.

Always Making Progress: The Fundamentals of Continuous Improvement for the Process Industry

by Ian Madden

This book guides process-industry professionals from the implementation of the basic foundations of Continuous Improvement (CI) through to an organization where CI is a “way of life” and a defining feature of the culture of the organization. The readers of this book are seeking solutions to such pressing issues as: • Elimination of accidents and near misses. • Reducing customer complaints. • Improving customer delivery performance. • Introducing new products. • Improving staff productivity. • Removing costs to meet the budget. • Dealing with absence and poor morale. • Improving staff retention. This book provides them with guidance on how to address issues in these areas in a way that enables improvements to be realized quickly but not at the expense of a long-term goal of a sustainable Continuous Improvement culture. In addition, this book presents the implementation of CI as a cyclical journey with no endpoint. The stages are ordered in a sequence that enables the reader to get started in their area of the company and build up the elements without the need for an overall organizational strategy at the beginning. Continuous Improvement is a vast subject with many takes on principles, approaches, and tools. This book is about how all the fundamentals of these areas fit together and, as such, covers only some of them. However, within the bibliography, I have signposted the books that have guided me during my career and which go into the principles, approaches, and tools further.

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