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Ambidextres Innovationsmanagement in KMU: Praxisnahe Konzepte und Methoden

by Claus Lang-Koetz Annika Reischl Stephan Fischer Sabrina Weber Anina Kusch

Dieses Open-Access-Buch vermittelt praxisnahes Wissen über Konzepte und Methoden für das Innovationsmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU). Es werden Lösungsansätze für Herausforderungen im gesamten Innovationsprozess – von der strategischen Orientierung über Ideengewinnung, -bewertung und auswahl bis zur Umsetzung – aufgezeigt. Der Hauptfokus liegt auf dem Umgang mit Ambidextrie: Vorhandene Ressourcen sind zu nutzen, um das Tagesgeschäft effizient zu bewältigen und inkrementelle Innovationen zu entwickeln (Exploitation). Gleichzeitig soll offen nach ganz neuen und oftmals radikalen Innovationen gesucht werden (Exploration). Ein Kapitel zeigt, wie KMU ihr Innovationsmanagement auf das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ausrichten können. Auf der Webseite der Hochschule Pforzheim finden sich zahlreiche vertiefende Zusatzmaterialien. Der InhaltStrategische Orientierung/ProblemidentifizierungIdeengewinnung, -bewertung, -auswahl und -umsetzungAmbidextrie und das hybride VorgehenZukunft des Innovationsmanagements: Nachhaltigkeit

Ambidextrie, Führung und Kommunikation: Interne Kommunikation im Innovationsmanagement ambidextrer Technologieunternehmen (Innovationsmanagement und Entrepreneurship)

by Julia Duwe

Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie im deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau zeigt Julia Duwe auf, dass Führungskräfte auf gleichzeitige radikale und inkrementelle Innovation durch ihr tägliches kommunikatives Handeln Einfluss nehmen können. Das vorgestellte Modell der Ambidextrie-orientierten Führungskommunikation veranschaulicht, wie Kommunikation von Führungskräften sowohl Exploration als auch Exploitation ermöglicht, orchestriert und beide Welten verbindet. Im Zuge der Digitalisierung befinden sich Industrieunternehmen zunehmend im Spannungsfeld von Exploitation (Ausbau des bestehenden Geschäfts, inkrementelle Innovation) und Exploration (Erschließen von Neuland, radikale Innovation) – in der Wissenschaft unter dem Begriff der organisationalen Ambidextrie diskutiert.

Ambidextrie in Netzwerken komplexer Produkte: Exploration und Exploitation in der Luftfahrtindustrie

by Daniel Guffarth

Die deutlichen Abweichungen der Luftfahrtindustrie vom typischen Entwicklungsmuster im produzierenden Sektor nimmt Daniel Guffarth für seine innovationsökonomische Arbeit zum Anlass, die Ursachen für diese Anomalien theoretisch und empirisch zu analysieren. Der Autor identifiziert die dynamische Wirkungsebene in dieser Industrie in den Netzwerkarchitekturen des Innovationsprozesses. Es zeigt sich ein technologisches wie industriestrukturelles Spannungsfeld, in dem sich permanente Ambidextrieanforderungen peristaltisch in den Wertschöpfungsebenen nach unten erweitern. Dies stellt Zulieferer vor enorme technologische und ressourcenseitige Herausforderungen, die die Zukunftsfähigkeit der europäischen Luftfahrtindustrie maßgeblich beeinflussen.

Ambidextrie und Unternehmenserfolg bei einem diskontinuierlichen Wandel: Eine empirische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anpassung und Veränderung von Organisationsarchitekturen im Zeitablauf (Strategisches Kompetenz-Management)

by Thomas M. Fojcik

Thomas M. Fojcik befasst sich mit dem Einfluss von Ambidextrie auf den Unternehmenserfolg bei einem diskontinuierlichen Wandel. Aufbauend auf einer quantitativen und qualitativen Studie von KMUs zeigt der Autor, welche Organisationsarchitekturen sich positiv auf den Unternehmenserfolg auswirken und wie sie im Zeitablauf verändert werden. Das Buch zeigt wichtige Implikationen für KMUs auf, wie diese ambidextre Organisationsarchitekturen umsetzen, konzeptionell ausgestalten und im Zeitablauf verändern können.

Ambidextrous Global Strategy in the Era of Digital Transformation

by Young Won Park

This book deals with the importance of ambidexterity in innovation activities and global strategies. Ambidextrous global strategy (AGS) is crucial for global firms in the turbulent twenty-first century. Here, AGS is defined as simultaneous achievements of global integration and local adaptation, or responsiveness, through utilization of a firm’s core facilities and organizational capabilities. To illustrate the specific implementation mechanism, a framework of AGS with global market strategy and organizational capability is shown for the purpose of analysis. There is also a focus on effective ambidextrous business strategies for the digital transformation era. Distinctive features of the book include, first, a framework of ambidextrous innovation and AGS. Second, there are analyses of examples of many industries to implement ambidexterity strategies, including Korean shipbuilding firms, Korean and Japanese steel firms, LCD panel flat-glass manufacturers, Japan’s trucking industry, agricultural corporations, and other Japanese manufacturing firms. Finally, the book focuses on effective ambidextrous business strategies for the digital transformation era with the integration of open and closed innovation. The book presents specific business strategies for survival in the digital transformation era and then suggests an architectural analysis using artificial intelligence (AI) for the realization of AGS. The target readership is made up of academics, students, and practitioners in the areas of global management, organizational theory, and strategic management. Especially for those readers, the book clarifies the critical practices and business strategies of innovative global firms in the era of digital transformation.

Ambidextrous Leadership: How leaders unlock innovation through ambidexterity

by Julia Duwe

This book prepares leaders for fundamental change processes of organizations. In times of radical changes and unplanned crises, ambidexterity has become a key competence of global companies. Ambidextrous organizations manage to improve their core business, while at the same time opening up new business fields for the future. To unlock innovation next to the running business, it is essential for leaders to be ambidextrous. How these balanced leaders can operate with two different styles is demonstrated in numerous practical examples and tips for successful implementation. The book illustrates how the trade-off can be turned into an elegant balancing act. Learn how to become an ambidextrous leader in this standard work on ambidexterity and leadership. · Ambidexterity as a leadership approach for the digital transformation· Consciously shaping the digital change process· Enabling leaps in innovation· Driving evolution and revolution simultaneously· The relevance of ambidextrous leadership in times of crisis The book provides easy-to-implement courses of action for executives to consciously and actively shape change, to inspire people in companies to release their creative potential and to make the leap into the future as an organization. The book also addresses the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on crisis management. It documents how ambidextrous leadership skills are becoming a key competence in times of crisis.

The Ambidextrous Organization: Exploring the New While Exploiting the Now

by Jens Maier

How can businesses balance the demands of both exploiting and exploring? Companies and their leaders have to use both hands: on the one hand making next quarter's targets through existing business, whilst simultaneously exploring new opportunities. This is the first book to explain how to use this approach to encourage innovation.

Ambidextrous Organizations in the Big Data Era: The Role of Information Systems

by Riccardo Rialti Giacomo Marzi

Addressing the effect of big data analytics-capable information systems on organizational ambidexterity, this book investigates how these systems can be used to enhance organizational agility and flexibility, generally considered to be two key determinants of organizational ambidexterity. With a focus on the opportunities for businesses rather than the burden that big data can represent, the authors highlight the impact of big data on ambidextrous organizations and how current organizational structures can be modified in order to improve big data analytics and implement big data-capable information systems.

Ambient Assisted Living: Italian Forum 2013 (Biosystems And Biorobotics Ser. #11)

by Sauro Longhi Pietro Siciliano Michele Germani Andrea Monteriù

This book presents the refereed proceedings of the Fourth Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), held in Ancona, Italy, in October 2013. A wide range of issues are covered and new technological developments are described which will support the autonomy and independence of individuals with special needs through an innovative and integrated approach, designed to respond to the socio-economic challenges of an aging population. Topics addressed include: health and well-being, prevention and rehabilitation and support for care providers; active aging and its social implications; services for the frail elderly with health problems and their families; nutrition; ICT platforms/technologies for the benefit of the elderly; home automation and control technologies (autonomy, safety and energy saving); smart cities and smart communities; telemedicine, telerehabilitation, and telecare; mobility, participation and social inclusion; games and fun for the elderly; building design; social housing; interface design and interaction (accessibility, acceptance); social policies to encourage and support active aging; business models, market analysis and development of sustainable financing and business and ethics, privacy and data protection. Many experimental validations based on user trials and usability testing are presented and discussed. The knowledge and insights provided in this book will help researchers and others involved in AAL to understand relevant societal trends, novel technological developments and pressing challenges.

Ambient-Marketing für Printmedien: Interviewstudie zu Akzeptanz und Bewertung in den Generationen Y, X und 50plus

by Christoph Kochhan Annkathrin Reiter Holger Schunk

Die Interviewstudie fokussiert Ambient-Marketing als potenzielle Kommunikationsform für Zeitungs-, Zeitschriften- sowie Buchverlage. Die Autoren gehen der Frage nach, inwieweit Zielgruppen dieser Werbeaktivität aufgeschlossen gegenüberstehen, und überprüfen die Akzeptanz und Bewertung der Marketingmaßnahme in der „Generation Y“, „Generation X“ sowie in der Altersgruppe „50plus“. Die qualitative Studie basiert auf leitfadengestützten Interviews.

Ambient Networks: 16th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2005, Barcelona, Spain, October 24-26, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #3775)

by Schönwälder Jürgen Joan Serrat

This volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series contains all the papersacceptedforpresentationatthe16thIFIP/IEEEInternationalWorkshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM 2005), which was held at the University Polit` ecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona during October 24– 26, 2005. DSOM 2005 was the sixteenth workshop in a series of annual workshop and it followed the footsteps of highly successful previous meetings, the most - cent of which were held in Davis, USA (DSOM 2004), Heidelberg, Germany (DSOM 2003), Montreal, Canada (DSOM 2002), Nancy, France (DSOM 2001), and Austin, USA (DSOM 2000). The goal of the DSOM workshop is to bring togetherresearchersintheareasofnetworks,systems,andservicesmanagement, from both industry and academia, to discuss recent advances and foster future growth in this ?eld. In contrast to the larger management symposia, such as IM (Integrated Management) and NOMS (Network Operations and Management Symposium), the DSOM workshops are organized as single-track programs in order to stimulate interaction among participants.

Ambiguities in Decision-oriented Life Cycle Inventories: The Role of Mental Models and Values (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science #17)

by Frank Werner

This book shows for the first time how mental models and values influence conclusions in the life cycle inventory step of LCA. One key finding is that different management rules for a sustainable use of materials must be taken into account for the attribution of material and energy flows to a product. Includes case studies on the modelling of recycling and other end-of-life options of aluminium windows and beech wood railway sleepers in LCA.

The Ambiguities of Experience (Messenger Lectures)

by James G. March

The first component of intelligence involves effective adaptation to an environment. In order to adapt effectively, organizations require resources, capabilities at using them, knowledge about the worlds in which they exist, good fortune, and good decisions. They typically face competition for resources and uncertainties about the future. Many, but possibly not all, of the factors determining their fates are outside their control. Populations of organizations and individual organizations survive, in part, presumably because they possess adaptive intelligence; but survival is by no means assured. The second component of intelligence involves the elegance of interpretations of the experiences of life. Such interpretations encompass both theories of history and philosophies of meaning, but they go beyond such things to comprehend the grubby details of daily existence. Interpretations decorate human existence. They make a claim to significance that is independent of their contribution to effective action. Such intelligence glories in the contemplation, comprehension, and appreciation of life, not just the control of it.—from The Ambiguities of ExperienceIn The Ambiguities of Experience, James G. March asks a deceptively simple question: What is, or should be, the role of experience in creating intelligence, particularly in organizations? Folk wisdom both trumpets the significance of experience and warns of its inadequacies. On one hand, experience is described as the best teacher. On the other hand, experience is described as the teacher of fools, of those unable or unwilling to learn from accumulated knowledge or the teaching of experts. The disagreement between those folk aphorisms reflects profound questions about the human pursuit of intelligence through learning from experience that have long confronted philosophers and social scientists. This book considers the unexpected problems organizations (and the individuals in them) face when they rely on experience to adapt, improve, and survive.While acknowledging the power of learning from experience and the extensive use of experience as a basis for adaptation and for constructing stories and models of history, this book examines the problems with such learning. March argues that although individuals and organizations are eager to derive intelligence from experience, the inferences stemming from that eagerness are often misguided. The problems lie partly in errors in how people think, but even more so in properties of experience that confound learning from it. "Experience," March concludes, "may possibly be the best teacher, but it is not a particularly good teacher."

The Ambiguity Advantage: What Great Leaders are Great At

by D. Wilkinson

This new work shows that a key factor for great leadership is the ability to recognize, explore and profit from ambiguous situations. Drawing upon his own research and including compelling international cases, the author reveals how to lead others through times of uncertainty so as to create opportunity, innovation and competitive advantage.

Ambit Stochastics (Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling #88)

by Fred Espen Benth Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen Almut E. Veraart

Drawing on advanced probability theory, Ambit Stochastics is used to model stochastic processes which depend on both time and space. This monograph, the first on the subject, provides a reference for this burgeoning field, complete with the applications that have driven its development. Unique to Ambit Stochastics are ambit sets, which allow the delimitation of space-time to a zone of interest, and ambit fields, which are particularly well-adapted to modelling stochastic volatility or intermittency. These attributes lend themselves notably to applications in the statistical theory of turbulence and financial econometrics. In addition to the theory and applications of Ambit Stochastics, the book also contains new theory on the simulation of ambit fields and a comprehensive stochastic integration theory for Volterra processes in a non-semimartingale context. Written by pioneers in the subject, this book will appeal to researchers and graduate students interested in empirical stochastic modelling.

Ambition: Why It's Good To Want More And How To Get It

by Rachel Bridge

Be bold. Be brave. Embrace your ambition. Ever have that nagging feeling that you are better than the sum of your current achievements? Do you have a secret desire to be achieving much more, to change the world or to reach the top of your game? Then it is time to use your ambition to your advantage. It has been proven that ambitious people achieve greater levels of success, whether that be a higher level of education, a more prestigious job, a higher income or more satisfaction in life. Grounded in scientific research and with contributions from people at the height of their success in business, music, the arts and sport, Ambition will help you to harness your aspirations to achieve your lifetime goals. It will give you practical insights into how to use your talents and learn from others who have done it before, so that you can get to where you want to be. If you want to get that promotion, achieve that big life-changing goal, start your own successful business, receive that distinctive acclaim, or make a positive difference to the world, then the good news is that you already have the fuel of ambition in you. This book will show you how to use it to drive your success. Reveals how you can do more than you think with what you've already got Helps discover your true motivation using a psychology model and shows you how to use that as the fuel for greater success Contains insights from successful people in all fields including John Torode, Myleene Klass, Will Greenwood, Katie Hopkins and Gavin Patterson Shows that the world is an exciting place and you can do anything if you use your ambition to help you

Ambition Redefined: Why the Corner Office Doesn't Work for Every Woman & What to Do Instead

by Kathryn Sollmann

It's time to acknowledge that not all working women are interested in climbing the corporate ladder or securing the corner office. Most want and need flexible, less life-consuming work to accommodate their real lives, and it's not weak, lacking ambition or letting down the sisterhood to pursue professional fulfillment and financial security through less lofty, or headline-making ways.Eye-opening and practical, Ambition Redefined is a welcome alternative to 'women's business books'. Sollmann calls it like it is: everyday women want and need flexible work that allows them to unapologetically pursue their own brand of ambition and success. She shows them how without sacrificing themselves, their careers or their families. Armed with practical insights and tools, readers will be empowered to go after opportunities beyond traditional definitions of work, career and success. They will learn why they should never leave the workforce, how to make a case for flexibility in a current full-time job, how to find flexible employers, industries and job functions and how to return to work after time away raising children or caring for elderly parents.

Ambition: Why It's Good to Want More and How to Get It

by Rachel Bridge

Be bold. Be brave. Embrace your ambition. Ever have that nagging feeling that you are better than the sum of your current achievements? Do you have a secret desire to be achieving much more, to change the world or to reach the top of your game? Then it is time to use your ambition to your advantage. It has been proven that ambitious people achieve greater levels of success, whether that be a higher level of education, a more prestigious job, a higher income or more satisfaction in life. Grounded in scientific research and with contributions from people at the height of their success in business, music, the arts and sport, Ambition will help you to harness your aspirations to achieve your lifetime goals. It will give you practical insights into how to use your talents and learn from others who have done it before, so that you can get to where you want to be. If you want to get that promotion, achieve that big life-changing goal, start your own successful business, receive that distinctive acclaim, or make a positive difference to the world, then the good news is that you already have the fuel of ambition in you. This book will show you how to use it to drive your success. Reveals how you can do more than you think with what you've already got Helps discover your true motivation using a psychology model and shows you how to use that as the fuel for greater success Contains insights from successful people in all fields including John Torode, Myleene Klass, Will Greenwood, Katie Hopkins and Gavin Patterson Shows that the world is an exciting place and you can do anything if you use your ambition to help you

Ambitious Like a Mother: Why Prioritizing Your Career Is Good for Your Kids

by Lara Bazelon

In this captivating and radical look at &“work-life balance,&” Lara Bazelon reframes our understanding of working women—and shows how prioritizing your career benefits mothers, kids, and society at large.In this singular cultural moment, mothers have unparalleled opportunities to succeed at work while continuing to face the same societal impediments that held back our mothers and grandmothers. We still encounter entrenched gender bias in the workplace and are expected to shoulder the lion&’s share of labor and burdens at home while being made to feel as if we&’re never doing enough. All the while we&’re told that the perfect work-life balance is possible, if only we try hard enough to achieve it.It&’s time to change the conversation—about work, life, and &“balance.&” Work and life are inextricably, intimately intertwined. We need to celebrate what we do give our children—even and especially in moments of imbalance—rather than apologizing for what we don&’t. In this way, we can model for our children how we use our talents to help others and raise awareness about the issues closest to our hearts. We can embrace the personal fulfillment and financial independence that pursuing meaningful work can bring as a way of showing our children how to live happy, purpose-driven lives. Bazelon argues not only that we can but that we should. Being ambitious at work and being a good mother to our children are not at odds—these qualities mutually reinforce each other.Backed up by research and filled with personal stories from Bazelon&’s life, as well as that of her mother and the many other women she interviewed across the cultural and financial spectrum, Ambitious Like a Mother is an anthem, a beacon for all to recognize and celebrate the pioneering women who reject the false idols of the Selfless Mother and Work-Life Balance, and a call to embrace your own ambitions and model your multiplicities for your children.

Ambivalent Joint Production and the Natural Environment: An Economic and Thermodynamic Analysis (Contributions to Economics)

by Stefan Baumgärtner

Many environmental damages are caused by substances which come into existence as undesired joint outputs in the production of desired goods. Whether an output is desired or not, however, is not an inherent property of the substance itself but depends on the context of production. This book studies in an interdisciplinary way the role of the potential ambivalence of joint outputs for the description and analysis of dynamic economy-environment interactions and for the design of environmental policy.

Ambivalenzen der digitalen Transformation: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Gestaltung von Wertschöpfungsprozessen

by Stefan Burges

Durch technische Neuerungen wie Internet-of-Things, Machine Learning und Künstliche Intelligenz verändert sich das Marktumfeld für Unternehmen schnell und ständig. Darauf gilt es in der Unternehmensführung ebenso schnell zu reagieren bzw. diese Neuerungen besser noch zu antizipieren. In seinem Buch richtet Stefan Burges seinen Blick nicht nur auf die technischen Möglichkeiten, sondern auch auf den Menschen. Er unterscheidet zwischen Arbeiten und Prozessen, die durch Digitalisierung an Schnelligkeit und Zuverlässigkeit gewinnen, und Abläufen, die auf der Kommunikation zwischen Menschen beruhen. Folgerichtig analysiert Burges im ersten Teil des Buches den Wertschöpfungsprozess, die Protagonisten – digitale Systeme und Mitarbeiter – sowie deren Kommunikation. Im zweiten Teil werden strategische Handlungsfelder identifiziert und Alternativen für einen nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungsprozess vorgestellt.

Ambulantes Operieren in Klinik, Praxis und MVZ: Rahmenbedingungen - Organisation - Patientenversorgung (Erfolgskonzepte Praxis- & Krankenhaus-Management)

by Thomas Standl Christoph Lussi

In diesem Buch beschreibt ein erfahrenes Herausgeber- und Autorenteam, wie die praktische Umsetzung des ambulanten Operierens in der Klinik, in einer Praxis oder in einem medizinischen Versorgungszentrum effektiv und ökonomisch gelingt. Das Werk wendet sich an Ärzte aller Fachdisziplinen, die in ambulanten OP-Einrichtungen arbeiten sowie an Klinikdirektoren, Verwaltungsdirektoren und Gesundheitsökonomen. Die 3. Auflage erscheint inhaltlich und strukturell komplett überarbeitet und trägt den neuesten Entwicklungen Rechnung. Der Schwerpunkt des Werkes liegt dabei auf den strukturellen und organisatorischen Aspekten des ambulanten Operierens, wobei auch für Anästhesisten und Operateure vieler Fachrichtungen medizinisch relevante Aspekte dargestellt werden.

Ambush Marketing & the Mega-Event Monopoly: How Laws are Abused to Protect Commercial Rights to Major Sporting Events (ASSER International Sports Law Series)

by Andre M. Louw

This book undertakes a critical examination of commercial rights to sports mega-events (focusing on sponsorship), the exclusivity of such rights and the legal implications of the modern mega-event sponsorship model. It examines ambush marketing of events and the law’s treatment of ambushing (specifically in the form of sui generis event legislation) in a review of 10 major jurisdictions selected on the basis of the importance of the events they are to host in the near future or have hosted recently, and the relevant domestic legislation. It critically examines the legitimacy of such commercial rights protection by means of the use of laws in the context of accepted principles of intellectual property law, competition law and human rights law. Specifically, it questions the legitimacy of the creation of statutory ‘association rights’ to mega-events, and considers potential future developments in respect of the law’s treatment of mega-event commercialisation. Valuable for practitioners and academics (in the fields of sportslaw/sponsorship/marketing/intellectual property law); sports administrators (sports governing bodies); corporate sponsors of sports and other events; potential mega-event host governments and law-makers; civil rights organisations.

Ambush Marketing und Markenschutz: Die Eventmarketingmarke als Abwehrmittel gegen Nicht-Sponsoren sportlicher Großereignisse (Markenkommunikation und Beziehungsmarketing)

by Mandy Risch-Kerst

Mit einer vertieften fachübergreifenden wirtschafts- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung im nationalen und europäischen Kennzeichenrecht gelingt Mandy Risch-Kerst eine Darstellung der bestehenden Schutzmechanismen und Gesetzeslücken für Großveranstalter im Kampf gegen Ambush Marketing. Ambusher erfahren gleichzeitig ihren verbleibenden Spielraum für kreative Werbemethoden im Zusammenhang mit sportlichen Großevents. Die Autorin entwickelt pragmatische Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Handlungsempfehlungen bis hin zu einem neu entwickelten Schutzkonzept der „Eventmarketingmarke“ und gibt sie dem Leser als Lösungsansätze für eine erfolgreiche Unternehmenskommunikation an die Hand.


by Alexandra Guisinger

Americans have contradictory beliefs about how international trade affects the country as whole and specific communities. Yet notwithstanding the heat of political rhetoric, these beliefs are rarely mobilized into political action. Alexandra Guisinger examines this apparent disconnect by examining the bases of Americans' trade preferences in today's post-industrial economy and why do so few politicians attempt to take advantage of these preferences. The changing American economy has made the direct effects of trade less obvious, making the benefits and costs more difficult to determine. In addition, information sources, including the media, have changed in content and influence over time, their influence varies across different groups of individuals, and partly as a result individuals hold countervailing beliefs about the effect of trade on their own and others' economic outcomes. American Opinion on Trade provides a multi-method examination of the sources of attitudes, drawing on survey data and experimental surveys; it also traces how trade issues become intertwined with attitudes toward redistribution as well as gender and race.

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