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Anglo Republic: Inside the bank that broke Ireland

by Simon Carswell

As late as 2007, Anglo Irish Bank was a darling of the markets, internationally recognized as one of the fastest growing financial institutions in the world. By 2008, it was bust. The Irish government's hopeless attempts to save Anglo have led the state to ruin - culminating in a punitive IMF bailout in late 2010 and threatening the future of the euro.Now, for the first time, the full story of the Anglo disaster is being told - by the journalist who has led the way in coverage of the bank and its many secrets. Drawing on his unmatched sources in and around Anglo, Simon Carswell of the Irish Times shows how the business model that brought Anglo twenty years of spectacular growth was also at the heart of its - and Ireland's - downfall. He paints a vivid and disturbing picture of life inside Anglo - the credit committee meetings, the lightning-quick negotiations with property developers, the culture of lavish entertainment for politicians and regulators - and of the men who presided over its dizzying rise and fall: Sean FitzPatrick, David Drumm, Willie McAteer and many others. This is not only the first full account of the Anglo disaster; it will also be the definitive one.

Angola at the Crossroads: Between Kleptocracy and Development

by Rui Santos Verde

Angola is the third largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa and plans to accede to the Commonwealth. However, it is poised at a crossroads between a past marked by civil war and corruption and a future of potential economic development. This book examines the post-Civil War period which began in 2002 and saw the rise of a corrupt ruling elite, as well as recent developments in the country, such as the efforts of the current President, João Lourenço, to reform the regime through political openness, economic growth and a crackdown on corruption. Rui Santos Verde analyses the country's recent history of corruption and the current attempts at reform in order to determine whether economic and political development is on the horizon for Angola, or whether these reforms are simply a move towards consolidating President Lourenço's personal power.

Angola at the Crossroads: Between Kleptocracy and Development

by Rui Santos Verde

Angola is the third largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa and plans to accede to the Commonwealth. However, it is poised at a crossroads between a past marked by civil war and corruption and a future of potential economic development. This book examines the post-Civil War period which began in 2002 and saw the rise of a corrupt ruling elite, as well as recent developments in the country, such as the efforts of the current President, João Lourenço, to reform the regime through political openness, economic growth and a crackdown on corruption. Rui Santos Verde analyses the country's recent history of corruption and the current attempts at reform in order to determine whether economic and political development is on the horizon for Angola, or whether these reforms are simply a move towards consolidating President Lourenço's personal power.

Angry People in Local Newspapers

by Alistair Coleman

The news can be overwhelming, with reports on post-Brexit food shortages, the underfunded NHS, and international trade wars, but local news is filled with many other serious matters.___________Naked gardener puts neighbour off sausagesSports coach irate because KFC staff 'didn't cook him chicken'Fury after Morrisons wouldn't sell couple meat pies before 9amHouse fire started by squirrel disrupts funeralPeople across the UK are suffering the horrors of naked neighbours, large potholes, and parking fines. Packed with the best that regional journalism can offer, there are chapters on antisocial behaviour, transport hell and fast-food nightmares. Local issues may not be worthy of national headlines, but they certainly make people very, very angry...

Angst bewältigen: Selbsthilfe bei Panik und Agoraphobie

by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

Dieser Ratgeber hilft Betroffenen, den Teufelskreis aus Angst und Vermeidung zu durchbrechen – er leitet zur Selbsthilfe an und gibt Tipps, an wen man sich wenden kann, wenn man sich Selbsthilfe nicht zutraut oder wenn man Unterstützung in Selbsthilfegruppen sucht.Panikartige Ängste sind enorm verbreitet. Die Angstzustände sind verbunden mit meist heftigen körperlichen Reaktionen wie Schwindel, Herzklopfen oder Schweißausbrüchen. Sie quälen und schränken Betroffene zusehends ein. Angstpatientinnen und -patienten bringen im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr Situationen mit ihren Angstzuständen in Verbindung und vermeiden sie. Ein Teufelskreis, der sich aber mit Hilfe verhaltenstherapeutischen Wissens und Trainings auflösen lässt. Der Ratgeber ist von einer erfahrenen Therapeutin verständlich und motivierend geschrieben. Fallbeispiele zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, Panikattacken besser in den Griff zu bekommen. Gut strukturiert und übersichtlich – mit vielen Beispielen; wichtige Inhalte und Tipps sind hervorgehoben.

Angst bewältigen: Selbsthilfe bei Panik und Agoraphobie

by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

Dieser Ratgeber hilft Betroffenen, den Teufelskreis aus Angst und Vermeidung zu durchbrechen – er leitet zur Selbsthilfe an und gibt Tipps, an wen man sich wenden kann, wenn man sich Selbsthilfe nicht zutraut oder wenn man Unterstützung in Selbsthilfegruppen sucht. Panikartige Ängste sind enorm verbreitet. Die Angstzustände sind verbunden mit meist heftigen körperlichen Reaktionen wie Schwindel, Herzklopfen oder Schweißausbrüchen. Sie quälen und schränken Betroffene zusehends ein. Angstpatientinnen und -patienten bringen im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr Situationen mit ihren Angstzuständen in Verbindung und vermeiden sie. Ein Teufelskreis, der sich aber mit Hilfe verhaltenstherapeutischen Wissens und Trainings auflösen lässt. Der Ratgeber ist von einer erfahrenen Therapeutin verständlich und motivierend geschrieben. Fallbeispiele zeigen Möglichkeiten auf, Panikattacken besser in den Griff zu bekommen. Gut strukturiert und übersichtlich – mit vielen Beispielen; wichtige Inhalte und Tipps sind hervorgehoben. Aus dem Inhalt: Zum Verständnis von Angst – Bewältigung der Angst – Materialien zur Selbsthilfe. Die Autorin:Dr. Sigrun Schmidt-Traub, Diplom-Psychologin und -Soziologin, Verhaltenstherapeutin für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene mit über 30-jähriger ambulanter Erfahrung in eigener Praxis. Heute in der Ausbildung von angehenden Verhaltenstherapeuten als Dozentin und Supervisorin tätig. Verfasserin von zahlreichen Selbsthilfe- und Lehrbüchern zum Thema Angststörungen.

Angst in Organisationen – mit emotionaler Authentizität zum Führungserfolg: Ein psychodynamischer Reader für Führungskräfte, Coaches und Coaching-Verantwortliche (essentials)

by Marius Neukom Eva-Maria Lewkowicz Beate West-Leuer

Unliebsame Gefühle sind Merkmale konstruktiv authentischen Führens. Führungskräfte, die Angst erleben und reflektieren können, verfügen über Vorteile. Denn Angst ist nicht nur ein Schlüssel zur Ausbildung von Selbstkenntnis, sondern auch zur Förderung von Motivation, Zusammenarbeit und Veränderungsbereitschaft. In der Arbeitswelt wird Angst jedoch vermieden und tabuisiert, weil sie Abneigung erzeugt und als hemmend erlebt wird. Dieser Leitfaden macht dieses essenziell menschliche Gefühl zugänglich, erläutert seine unvermeidliche, gesunde wie auch krank machende Seite und zeigt Wege auf, wie es sinnvoll und produktiv in Führungsarbeit und Organisationsentwicklung integriert werden kann.

Angst und Leistung in Teams der Medienwirtschaft: Systemtheorie – Marktanforderungen – Wirkfaktoren

by Stefanie Sorge

Es kann anhand der Literaturanalyse gezeigt werden, dass Ängste auf den drei Systemebenen: Individuum, Team, Organisation - motivierend, integrierend, ordnend und organisierend auf das Denken und Handeln wirken. Die Angst kann motivierende oder hemmende Wirkungen auf die Arbeitsleistung in einem Team besitzen. Um Ängste sinnvoll in einem Medienunternehmen steuern zu können, werden Kenntnisse der Operatorwirkung der Angst, Reflexionskompetenz, emotionale Intelligenz und Selbstorganisationsfähigkeit benötigt. Diese Kenntnisse werden innerhalb der vier systemischen Wirkfaktoren: Wirkung angstbesetzter Stimmungslagen auf Arbeitsprozesse, Grad der Selbstreflexion in angstbesetzten Stimmungslagen zur Systemstabilisierung, Grad der Leistungsbeschränkung der durch Ängste verursachten Abwehrreaktionen und Strategien der Emotionsregulierung und Konfliktbewältigung erarbeitet. Durch die Beschreibung systemfunktionaler Operatorwirkungen der Angst können die Wechselwirkungen innerhalb unterschiedlicher Systemebenen auf die Teamleistung dargestellt werden.​

Angst vor Erfolg?: Wie Sie aufhören, sich selbst zu sabotieren

by Maximilian Lackner Markus E. Huber

Sie wünschen sich Erfolg - aber der will sich einfach nicht einstellen? Wenn Sie gerne erfolgreich wären, es aber Ihrer Meinung nach (noch) nicht sind, könnten Sie sich im Grunde davor fürchten und unbewusst Ihre eigenen Anstrengungen sabotieren. Immer wieder hält die meist unbewusste Furcht vor Veränderung Menschen davon ab, ihre ersehnten Ziele zu erreichen. Insbesondere die Angst vor dem Scheitern kann ihnen im Weg stehen. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, latente Ängste zu entlarven, sich ihnen zu stellen und sie zu überwinden. Sie erfahren, was Sie ganz konkret unternehmen können, um die angestrebten Ziele zu erreichen und wie Sie dabei Ihre eigene Erfolgsgeschichte schreiben. "...ein äußerst informativer und kompakt geschriebener Ratgeber, der einem hilft, die Steine des Misserfolgs, die in der eigenen Psyche oft genug den Weg versperren, beiseite zu räumen."Mag. Adam Silye, Künstler "Sehr gründlich und gut recherchiert, ohne dabei belehrend zu wirken. Das Buch motiviert sehr, sich mit der Thematik auseinanderzusetzen und daraus für sich persönlich eine Lehre zu ziehen."Katharina Kuhlmann, HR-Managerin

Angstbewusste Führung: Besser und produktiver arbeiten durch den motivierenden Einsatz von Angst (Internationalisierung und Management)

by Florian Neuhaus

​Angst gilt allgemein als unerwünscht und wird oft totgeschwiegen. Das ist gerade im Arbeitsumfeld und in der BWL der Fall. Dabei kann Angst starke Auswirkungen auf Mitarbeiter, Unternehmenskultur und wirtschaftlichen Erfolg haben – allerdings nicht nur negative, sondern gerade auch motivierende und unterstützende. Dieses Buch erklärt ausführlich die Mechanismen, nach denen die Angst Erkenntnissen von Neurowissenschaften und Psychologie zufolge funktioniert. Es gibt dazu Empfehlungen für Führungskräfte, woran sich Ängste erkennen lassen und wie sie im Management zum Vorteil von Unternehmen und Mitarbeitern eingesetzt werden können.

Animal Oppression and Capitalism [2 volumes]: [2 volumes] (Critical Perspectives On Animals: Theory, Culture, Science, And Law Ser.)

by David Nibert

This important two-volume set unapologetically documents how capitalism results in the oppression of animals ranging from fish and chickens to dogs, elephants, and kangaroos as well as in environmental destruction, vital resource depletion, and climate change.Most traditional narratives portray humanity's use of other animals as natural and necessary for human social development and present the idea that capitalism is generally a positive force in the world. But is this worldview accurate, or just a convenient, easy-to-accept way to ignore what is really happening—a systematic oppression of animals that simultaneously results in environmental destruction and places insurmountable obstacles in the path to a sustainable and peaceful future?David Nibert's Animal Oppression and Capitalism is a timely two-volume set that calls into question the capitalist system at a point in human history when inequality and the imbalance in the distribution of wealth are growing domestically and internationally. Expert contributors show why the oppression of animals—particularly the use of other animals as food—is increasingly being linked to unfavorable climate change and the depletion of fresh water and other vital resources. Readers will also learn about the tragic connections between the production of animal products and global hunger and expanded regional violence and warfare, and they will understand how many common human health problems—including heart attacks, strokes, and various forms of cancer—develop as a result of consuming animal products.

Animal Oppression and Capitalism [2 volumes]: [2 volumes]

This important two-volume set unapologetically documents how capitalism results in the oppression of animals ranging from fish and chickens to dogs, elephants, and kangaroos as well as in environmental destruction, vital resource depletion, and climate change.Most traditional narratives portray humanity's use of other animals as natural and necessary for human social development and present the idea that capitalism is generally a positive force in the world. But is this worldview accurate, or just a convenient, easy-to-accept way to ignore what is really happening—a systematic oppression of animals that simultaneously results in environmental destruction and places insurmountable obstacles in the path to a sustainable and peaceful future?David Nibert's Animal Oppression and Capitalism is a timely two-volume set that calls into question the capitalist system at a point in human history when inequality and the imbalance in the distribution of wealth are growing domestically and internationally. Expert contributors show why the oppression of animals—particularly the use of other animals as food—is increasingly being linked to unfavorable climate change and the depletion of fresh water and other vital resources. Readers will also learn about the tragic connections between the production of animal products and global hunger and expanded regional violence and warfare, and they will understand how many common human health problems—including heart attacks, strokes, and various forms of cancer—develop as a result of consuming animal products.

Animal Patents

by William H. Lesser

Following the US Patent Office's announcement in 1987 that it considers animals "to be patentable subject matter within the scope" of patent laws, there has been worldwide debate on this subject. This work comprises the proceedings of the Animal Patents Symposium 1988 at Cornell University.

Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism

by Robert J. Shiller George A. Akerlof

The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "animal spirits" are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, acclaimed economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynesianism, they detail the most pervasive effects of animal spirits in contemporary economic life--such as confidence, fear, bad faith, corruption, a concern for fairness, and the stories we tell ourselves about our economic fortunes--and show how Reaganomics, Thatcherism, and the rational expectations revolution failed to account for them. Animal Spirits offers a road map for reversing the financial misfortunes besetting us today. Read it and learn how leaders can channel animal spirits--the powerful forces of human psychology that are afoot in the world economy today. In a new preface, they describe why our economic troubles may linger for some time--unless we are prepared to take further, decisive action.

Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism (PDF)

by Robert J. Shiller George A. Akerlof

The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "animal spirits" are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, acclaimed economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynesianism, they detail the most pervasive effects of animal spirits in contemporary economic life--such as confidence, fear, bad faith, corruption, a concern for fairness, and the stories we tell ourselves about our economic fortunes--and show how Reaganomics, Thatcherism, and the rational expectations revolution failed to account for them. Animal Spirits offers a road map for reversing the financial misfortunes besetting us today. Read it and learn how leaders can channel animal spirits--the powerful forces of human psychology that are afoot in the world economy today. In a new preface, they describe why our economic troubles may linger for some time--unless we are prepared to take further, decisive action.

Animal Spirits with Chinese Characteristics: Investment Booms and Busts in the World’s Emerging Economic Giant

by M. DeWeaver

Will China eventually be able to eliminate its socialist animal spirits? Highlighting the importance of China's investment booms and busts for both the Chinese and the world economy, Animal Spirits with Chinese Characteristics describes the origins and evolution of the investment cycle during the command economy period.

Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Núria Almiron

Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal-industrial complex—the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalised exploitation of animals.Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans’ (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics—which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration—and more recently by other approaches from the social sciences, including critical animal studies. In this volume, we aim to start an entirely unaddressed discussion within the field of public relations: The need to problematise the ethics of persuasion when nonhuman animal suffering is involved, particularly the impact of persuasion and lobbying on compassion towards other animals in the cases of food, experimentation, entertainment, and environmental management. This book provides an interdisciplinary, theoretical discussion illustrated with international case studies from experts in strategic communication, public relations, lobbying and advocacy, animal ethics, philosophy of law, political philosophy, and social psychology.This unique book merges the fields of critical public relations, animal ethics, and critical animal studies and will be of direct appeal to a wide range of researchers, academics, and doctoral students across related fields.

Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Núria Almiron

Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal-industrial complex—the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalised exploitation of animals.Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans’ (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics—which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration—and more recently by other approaches from the social sciences, including critical animal studies. In this volume, we aim to start an entirely unaddressed discussion within the field of public relations: The need to problematise the ethics of persuasion when nonhuman animal suffering is involved, particularly the impact of persuasion and lobbying on compassion towards other animals in the cases of food, experimentation, entertainment, and environmental management. This book provides an interdisciplinary, theoretical discussion illustrated with international case studies from experts in strategic communication, public relations, lobbying and advocacy, animal ethics, philosophy of law, political philosophy, and social psychology.This unique book merges the fields of critical public relations, animal ethics, and critical animal studies and will be of direct appeal to a wide range of researchers, academics, and doctoral students across related fields.

Animal Welfare and International Trade Law: The Impact of the WTO Seal Case (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law series)

by Katie Sykes

This thought-provoking book examines the rise of animal welfare as a serious policy concern in the international trade law regime. The central focus is an in-depth study of the background and legal analysis of the landmark EC – Seal Products case, which confirmed the importance of animal welfare in WTO law. The book explores how the WTO handled the relationship between trade disciplines and animal welfare, including the particularly challenging questions around Indigenous seal hunting rights. Katie Sykes argues that international trade law has made a significant contribution to global animal law. This is a notable development, considering that the WTO has long been seen as a threat to animal welfare. The book traces the evolution of animal welfare in the trade regime, the growth of global animal law, and the potential for new trade agreements to promote international cooperation on animal welfare. It offers a detailed account of animal welfare and animal conservation commitments in new trade agreements, as well as mechanisms for enforcement, cooperation, and citizen participation. Animal Welfare and International Trade Law will be a key resource for scholars and students of global animal law, international trade law, and trade and the environment. It will also prove valuable for legal practitioners, activists, advocates, and policymakers interested in how trade law tools can be used to improve international animal welfare standards.

Animals and Business Ethics (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

by Natalie Thomas

This book engages with some of the most pressing ethical issues that arise from the use of animals in various business practices, providing interdisciplinary approaches to improving the nonhuman and human lives in animal-related industries. The chapters in this volume provide conceptual, theoretical and practical analyses of these issues that will shape the future direction of business ethics to more fully refl ect the impacts and implications of animal-based businesses on society, its members, and nature. The authors in this volume engage with topics including animal suffering and emotions, the commodifi cation of animals, vegetarian and vegan businesses and diets, technological innovations such as gene editing and lab-cultured meat, as well as captivity, corporate disclosure of animal welfare policies, and the possibility of humane jobs as well as the consideration of animals as stakeholders.

Animals and the Economy (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

by Steven McMullen

This book explores the economic institutions that determine the nature of animal lives as systematically exploited objects traded in a market economy. It examines human roles and choice in the system, including the economic logic of agriculture, experimentation, and animal ownership, and analyses the marginalization of ethical action in the economic system. Animals and the Economy demonstrates that individual consumers and farmers are often left with few truly animal-friendly choices. Ethical participants in the economy must either face down an array of institutional barriers, or exit mainstream markets entirely. This book argues that these issues are not necessary elements of a market system, and evaluates a number of policy changes that could improve the lives of animals in the context of a market economy.

Animals, Food, and Tourism (Routledge Research in the Ethics of Tourism Series)

by Carol Kline

Food is routinely given attention in tourism research as a motivator of travel. Regardless of whether tourists travel with a primary motivation for experiencing local food, eating is required during their trip. This book encompasses an interdisciplinary discussion of animals as a source of food within the context of tourism. Themes include the raising, harvesting, and processing of farm animals for food; considerations in marketing animals as food; and the link between consuming animals and current environmental concerns. Ethical issues are addressed in social, economic, environmental, and political terms. The chapters are grounded in ethics-related theories and frameworks including critical theory, ecofeminism, gustatory ethics, environmental ethics, ethics within a political economy context, cultural relativism, market construction paradigm, ethical resistance, and the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. Several chapters explore contradicting and paradoxical ethical perspectives, whether those contradictions exist between government and private sector, between tourism and other industries, or whether they lie within ourselves. Like the authors in Tourism Experiences & Animal Consumption: Contested Values, Morality, & Ethics, the authors in this book wrestle with a range of issues such as animal sentience, the environmental consequences of animals as food, viewing animals solely as a extractive resource for human will, as well as the artificial cultural distortion of animals as food for tourism marketing purposes. This book will appeal to tourism academics and graduate students as a reference for their own research or as supplementary material for courses focused on ethics within tourism.

Animals, Food, and Tourism (Routledge Research in the Ethics of Tourism Series)

by Carol Kline

Food is routinely given attention in tourism research as a motivator of travel. Regardless of whether tourists travel with a primary motivation for experiencing local food, eating is required during their trip. This book encompasses an interdisciplinary discussion of animals as a source of food within the context of tourism. Themes include the raising, harvesting, and processing of farm animals for food; considerations in marketing animals as food; and the link between consuming animals and current environmental concerns. Ethical issues are addressed in social, economic, environmental, and political terms. The chapters are grounded in ethics-related theories and frameworks including critical theory, ecofeminism, gustatory ethics, environmental ethics, ethics within a political economy context, cultural relativism, market construction paradigm, ethical resistance, and the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. Several chapters explore contradicting and paradoxical ethical perspectives, whether those contradictions exist between government and private sector, between tourism and other industries, or whether they lie within ourselves. Like the authors in Tourism Experiences & Animal Consumption: Contested Values, Morality, & Ethics, the authors in this book wrestle with a range of issues such as animal sentience, the environmental consequences of animals as food, viewing animals solely as a extractive resource for human will, as well as the artificial cultural distortion of animals as food for tourism marketing purposes. This book will appeal to tourism academics and graduate students as a reference for their own research or as supplementary material for courses focused on ethics within tourism.

Animals Inc.: A Business Parable for the 21st Century

by Vandana Allman Kenneth A. Tucker

With its previous bestsellers - First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths - The Gallup Organization rewrote the book on great management. Now Gallup finally makes its classic, hilarious parable, ANIMALS, INC., available to the general public. A story that has proven effective and popular with Gallup clients for over thirty years, this tale introduces you to a group of unforgettable barnyard animals trying to run a successful business. Deciding that education is the key, the members of Animals, Inc. conduct employee surveys, evaluate competencies, and set up training classes. Filled with the excitement and hope that accompany any new project, they work hard to overcome their natural shortcomings. The workhorse tries to operate the computer, the shy sheep makes sales calls, the scarecrow attempts to lay eggs. What results will seem uncannily familiar to the human reader. As revelatory as Who Moved My Cheese? and as funny as Fish!, ANIMALS, INC. will have you laughing and learning at the same time. Recharge your thinking with invaluable practical insights. Get an edge in the business world you won?t discover anywhere else. And discover the key to effective management, reenergized morale, and super-heightened performance. Just listen to the animals.

Animals Inc: A Business Parable For The 21st Century

by Kenneth A Tucker Vandana Allman

Animals,Inc is a time-tested business parable that has been tremendously popular with Gallup clients for more than 30 years: it's a favorite at corporate seminars and has even been released on video. It's the story of a group of animals who want to get rid of their shortcomings, or weaknesses, in order to make themselves more efficient. They decide to attend a school to learn how to improve themselves. But as the rabbit struggles to learn how to swim, as the pig attempts to climb trees, and as the other animals try to improve their weaknesses, they end up frustrated, unhappy, and quarrelling with each other. This simple but powerful parable explains a basic, very vital business lesson: that people should learn how to focus on their strengths in their workplace and offices rather than concentrating on their weaknesses.

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