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Showing 6,026 through 6,050 of 100,000 results

Ansätze für eine umfassende Rechnungslegung zur Zahlungsbemessung und Informationsvermittlung: Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Goodwill-Bilanzierung (Unternehmensrechnung & Steuern Bayreuth e.V. #4)

by Ingo M. Schmidt

Ingo M. Schmidts Vorschlag ist die funktionale Zweiteilung der Rechnungslegung in einen objektivierten Zahlungsbemessungsabschluss als Basisrechnung für alle Unternehmen einerseits und einen umfassenden Fair-Value- oder Informationsabschluss als Erweiterungsrechnung für kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmen andererseits. Die bilanziellen Wirkungen, Vorzüge und Problembereiche des Reformkonzepts verdeutlicht er am Beispiel der Goodwill-Bilanzierung.

Ansätze zur betriebsergebnisgestützten Optimierung der Verfügbarkeit von Kraftwerken (DUV Wirtschaftswissenschaft)

by Jürgen Zell

Der Wettbewerb in der Elektrizitätsversorgung zwingt die Kraftwerksbetreiber zu einer stärkeren Kosten-Nutzen-Optimierung der Verfügbarkeit. Jürgen Zell untersucht die entsprechenden Möglichkeiten.

Ansätze zur Bilanzierung des staatlichen Straßeninfrastrukturvermögens: Einstieg in ein ganzheitliches Asset-Management-System (Baubetriebswirtschaftslehre und Infrastrukturmanagement)

by Reinhardt Stuhr

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der handelsrechtlichen Bilanzierung der staatlichen Straßeninfrastruktur und stellt die Vorteile eines Umstiegs auf eine transparentere öffentliche Rechnungslegung heraus. Reinhardt Stuhr zeigt anhand der Zwecke der öffentlichen Rechnungslegung, dass die Bilanzierung der staatlichen Straßeninfrastruktur nach den handelsrechtlichen Grundsätzen ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung sachgerecht ist. Es bedarf dafür keiner weiteren Standardsetzungen. Empirische Ergebnisse zu den bisherigen Ansätzen zur Bilanzierung zeigen ein uneinheitliches Bild in der Handhabung der Rechnungslegungsempfehlungen der Standards staatlicher Doppik sowie eine geringe Bedeutung der vorliegenden Bilanzierungsdaten für die Aufstellung des Haushaltsplanes und für die Fortschreibung der Daten in ein internes Asset-Management-System.

Ansätze zur Kundensegmentierung und zu deren Implementierung im Finanzdienstleistungssektor: Eine empirische Analyse im Privatkundensegment von Banken (Schriften zum europäischen Management)

by Tobias Kleiner

Tobias Kleiner analysiert im Rahmen einer theoriegeleiteten empirischen Untersuchung die Anwendungspraxis und Ziele der Kundensegmentierung im Privatkundensegment von Banken.

Ansätze zur wirtschaftlichen Bewertung von Geschäftsprozess-Compliance: Eine systematische Literaturanalyse (BestMasters)

by Laura Niedzela

Vor dem Hintergrund einer stetig wachsenden Anzahl regulatorischer Anforderungen gilt die Sicherstellung der Compliance von Geschäftsprozessen nicht nur als komplexe technische Herausforderung, sondern auch als kostenintensive Aufgabe. In Wissenschaft und Praxis wurde bereits der Bedarf an Ansätzen vermittelt, die ökonomische Dimensionen bei der Sicherung von Compliance berücksichtigen. Bisher fehlte es jedoch noch an einem systematischen Überblick über diese Art von Ansätzen, der im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung adressiert und geschlossen wird. Dafür werden gleich mehrere Wissensbeiträge generiert, die sowohl für die wissenschaftliche Community als auch für die Praxis eine hohe Relevanz besitzen: 1.) einen zusammenfassenden Überblick über State-of-the-Art-Methoden zur wirtschaftlichen Bewertung von Geschäftsprozess-Compliance, 2.) eine Konzept-zentrierte Auswertung dieser Methoden sowie 3.) die Ableitung einer Forschungsagenda, die als Startpunkt für weitere Forschungsbestrebungen dient.

Ansible: From Beginner to Pro

by Michael Heap

This book is your concise guide to Ansible, the simple way to automate apps and IT infrastructure. In less than 250 pages, this book takes you from knowing nothing about configuration management to understanding how to use Ansible in a professional setting. You will learn how to create an Ansible playbook to automatically set up an environment, ready to install an open source project. You’ll extract common tasks into roles that you can reuse across all your projects, and build your infrastructure on top of existing open source roles and modules that are available for you to use. You will learn to build your own modules to perform actions specific to your business. By the end you will create an entire cluster of virtualized machines, all of which have your applications and all their dependencies installed automatically. Finally, you'll test your Ansible playbooks. Ansible can do as much or as little as you want it to. Ansible: From Beginner to Pro will teach you the key skills you need to be an Ansible professional. You’ll be writing roles and modules and creating entire environments without human intervention in no time at all – add it to your library today.What You Will LearnLearn why Ansible is so popular and how to download and install itCreate a playbook that automatically downloads and installs a popular open source projectUse open source roles to complete common tasks, and write your own specific to your businessExtend Ansible by writing your own modulesTest your infrastructure using Test Kitchen and ServerSpecWho This Book Is ForDevelopers that currently create development and production environments by hand. If you find yourself running apt-get install regularly, this book is for you. Ansible adds reproducibility and saves you time all at once. Ansible: From Beginner to Pro is great for any developer wanting to enhance their skillset and learn new tools.

Ansible 2 Cloud Automation Cookbook: Write Ansible Playbooks For Aws, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, And Openstack

by Aditya Patawari

Ansible is a powerful and versatile tool used for configuration management and orchestration. Ansible's usefulness is derived from its modules. This book focuses on modules that will help you provision cloud resources by interacting with various APIs exposed by cloud providers. Taking a step further, you will learn how to manage cloud resources. Each chapter showcases the deployment of a multi-tier application on the provisioned resources.

Ansible Quick Start Guide: Control And Monitor Infrastructures Of Any Size, Physical Or Virtual

by Mohamed Alibi

Configuration Management (CM) tools help administrators reduce their workload. Ansible is one of the best Configuration Management tools, and can act as an orchestrator for managing other CMs. This book is the easiest way to learn how to use Ansible as an orchestrator and a Configuration Management tool. With this book, you'll learn how to control and monitor computer and network infrastructures of any size, physical or virtual.

Anspruch und Wirklichkeit des Controlling: Eine Untersuchung jenseits des betriebswirtschaftlichen Paradigmas

by Stephanie Bücherl

​Stephanie Bücherl präsentiert eine empirische Rekonstruktion der Controlling-Praxis und greift auf eine Datenbasis zurück, die im Rahmen einer teilnehmenden Beobachtung in der Finanzzentrale eines Weltkonzerns gewonnen wurde. Der „Anspruch“ der controllinggestützten Unternehmenssteuerung an Objektivität und Rationalität wird mit der empirischen „Wirklichkeit“ konfrontiert. Die Studie erbringt den fundierten Nachweis, dass die Diskrepanz von Anspruch und Wirklichkeit nicht zufällig auftritt, sondern selbst systematisches Ergebnis der Verankerung des Controlling in organisationalen Strukturen und Prozessen ist. Die Autorin beschreibt detailliert, mit welchen Techniken und Mechanismen das Controlling den Mythos zahlenbasierter Objektivität und Rationalität aufrechterhält.

Anspruchsgruppenkommunikation: Wertorientierte Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten mit wissensbasierten Stakeholder-Informations-Systemen

by Martin Stößlein

Der Autor zeigt Innovationspotenzial, Konzepte und Umsetzungen des rechnergestützten Stakeholder Relationship Managements auf. Er bildet Informationsbedarfe der Anspruchsgruppen in "intelligenten" Checklisten ab und entwickelt Stakeholder-Informations-Systeme, die sich automatisch an Situationen, Rollen sowie an Eigenschaften der Benutzer anpassen. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des Instruments wurde am Bayerischen Forschungszentrum für wissensbasierte Systeme (FORWISS) mit Partnern aus der Praxis überprüft.

Anspruchspolitik im Rahmen der Patentanmeldung (Schriften zum Produktionsmanagement)

by Marcus Lange

Marcus Lange gelingt es, die aus den juristischen Grundlagen der Patentpolitik resultierenden Risiken der Patentdurchsetzung zu operationalisieren und den Anspruchsumfang von Patenten anhand von Ersatzindikatoren automatisiert zu erfassen.

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ

by Brian Glibkowski

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ is a book about six answers: story, metaphor, theory, concept, procedure, and action. By fully incorporating questions into those answers, Brian Glibkowski showcases how readers can not only elevate their understanding of questions and answers, but also reimagine what it means to communicate effectively. The book identifies five High AQ practices that distinguish expert communicators. Featuring chapters which each cover a different form of AQ such as Sales AQ, Interview AQ, Coaching AQ, and more, the book includes real-life examples of elevated answers. With contributions from representatives of organizations such as Salesforce, Center for Healthcare Innovation, Boston Mutual Life Insurance, as well as academics, the book provides comprehensive insight into AQ from across the professional and research spaces. Giving readers access to an app allowing them to do an AQ self-assessment, the author equips his audience to use the skills and behaviours presented to improve and hone their own AQ.

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ

by Brian Glibkowski

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ is a book about six answers: story, metaphor, theory, concept, procedure, and action. By fully incorporating questions into those answers, Brian Glibkowski showcases how readers can not only elevate their understanding of questions and answers, but also reimagine what it means to communicate effectively. The book identifies five High AQ practices that distinguish expert communicators. Featuring chapters which each cover a different form of AQ such as Sales AQ, Interview AQ, Coaching AQ, and more, the book includes real-life examples of elevated answers. With contributions from representatives of organizations such as Salesforce, Center for Healthcare Innovation, Boston Mutual Life Insurance, as well as academics, the book provides comprehensive insight into AQ from across the professional and research spaces. Giving readers access to an app allowing them to do an AQ self-assessment, the author equips his audience to use the skills and behaviours presented to improve and hone their own AQ.

Answering the Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business

by Richard Owen Laura L. Brooks PhD

Fred Reichheld's 2006 book The Ultimate Question, that question being, "How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?"-challenged the conventional wisdom of customer satisfaction programs. It coined the terms 'bad profits' and 'good profits' and pointed to a faster, much more accurate way of gauging customers' real loyalty to a company, introducing a quantitative measure (the Net Promoter Score) for establishing a baseline and effectively tracking changes going forward. Richard Owen and Laura Brooks are co-developers, along with Reichheld, of the methodology behind answering the question. In this book, Owen and Brooks tell how based on a variety of real case studies' to actually embed Net Promoter discipline in organizations of all types.

Answering the Ultimate Question: How Net Promoter Can Transform Your Business

by Richard Owen Laura L. Brooks PhD

Fred Reichheld's 2006 book The Ultimate Question, that question being, "How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?"-challenged the conventional wisdom of customer satisfaction programs. It coined the terms 'bad profits' and 'good profits' and pointed to a faster, much more accurate way of gauging customers' real loyalty to a company, introducing a quantitative measure (the Net Promoter Score) for establishing a baseline and effectively tracking changes going forward. Richard Owen and Laura Brooks are co-developers, along with Reichheld, of the methodology behind answering the question. In this book, Owen and Brooks tell how based on a variety of real case studies' to actually embed Net Promoter discipline in organizations of all types.

Answering Tough Interview Questions for Dummies

by Rob Yeung

Written for all job hunters – new entrants, mid-level people, very experienced individuals, and technical and non-technical job seekers – Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies is packed with the building blocks for show-stopping interviews.

Answering Tough Interview Questions for Dummies

by Rob Yeung

Written for all job hunters – new entrants, mid-level people, very experienced individuals, and technical and non-technical job seekers – Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies is packed with the building blocks for show-stopping interviews.

Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies - UK

by Rob Yeung

A guide to stunning your interviewer with perfect answers to stumping questions In today's competitive job market, a stellar interview lends you an edge over the competition, which can make or break your chances at a new career. Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies, 2nd Edition teaches you how to perform professionally and productively under stressful interview conditions. With this handy guide, you'll learn to breeze through tricky questions and accentuate your most impressive qualities. This updated second edition features a ten-step guide to having a great interview, ten tips for projecting confidence, ten techniques for trouble-shooting your job search, 200 tough sample interview questions with detailed advice and model answers, proven strategies to combat nerves, and guidelines for perfecting your social media presence and handling questions that may arise from an online search. There is no need to enter an interview feeling unprepared with this guide by your side. Rob Yeung's holistic approach helps you make a positive first impression Shows you how to prepare to answer questions regarding your online presences (and how to avoid embarrassing search results) Provides essential preparation so that you can familiarize yourself with tricky questions before embarking on the stressful interviewing process Whether you're an entry-level worker or a mid-level professional, Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies prepares you to blow the competition away with your poised and professional responses.

Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies - UK

by Rob Yeung

A guide to stunning your interviewer with perfect answers to stumping questions In today's competitive job market, a stellar interview lends you an edge over the competition, which can make or break your chances at a new career. Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies, 2nd Edition teaches you how to perform professionally and productively under stressful interview conditions. With this handy guide, you'll learn to breeze through tricky questions and accentuate your most impressive qualities. This updated second edition features a ten-step guide to having a great interview, ten tips for projecting confidence, ten techniques for trouble-shooting your job search, 200 tough sample interview questions with detailed advice and model answers, proven strategies to combat nerves, and guidelines for perfecting your social media presence and handling questions that may arise from an online search. There is no need to enter an interview feeling unprepared with this guide by your side. Rob Yeung's holistic approach helps you make a positive first impression Shows you how to prepare to answer questions regarding your online presences (and how to avoid embarrassing search results) Provides essential preparation so that you can familiarize yourself with tricky questions before embarking on the stressful interviewing process Whether you're an entry-level worker or a mid-level professional, Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies prepares you to blow the competition away with your poised and professional responses.

Answers for Ethical Marketers: A Guide to Good Practice in Business Communication

by Deirdre K. Breakenridge

With recent changes in technology, media, and the communication landscape, the journey to ethics has become more complicated than ever before. This book aims to answer ethical questions, from applying ethics and sound judgment through your organization and communication channels to taking your ethics and values into every media interview. With the understanding of how personal and professional ethics align, business leaders, managers, and students will maneuver their way around this new landscape showcasing their values in ethical conduct. This book is divided into eight important areas based on where and why a breakdown in ethical behavior is likely to occur, and delivers advice from experts on the frontlines of business communications who know what it means to face the inherent changes and challenges in this field. With more than 80 questions and answers focused on guiding marketing, PR and business professionals, readers will uncover situations where ethics are challenged, and their values will be tested. This straightforward Q&A guidebook is for professionals who realize ethics are a crucial part of decision-making in their communications and who want to maintain trust with the public and their positive brand reputations in business. Readers will receive answers to pressing ethical questions to help them apply best practice guidelines and good judgment in their own situations, based on the stories, theories, and practical instruction from the author’s 30 years of experience as well as the thought leaders featured in this book.

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