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Außenwirtschaft Band II: Monetärer Teil. Schwerpunkt Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (Springer Notes Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

by Fritz Breuss

Dieses Skriptum ist als Unterlage zur Vorlesung "Monetäre Außenwirtschaft - Schwer­ punkt Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion" entstanden. Diese Veranstaltung wird seit 1996 an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien angeboten - bis 1996 unter dem Titel "Außenwirt­ schaftstheorie und -politik: Monetäre Theorie und Politik". Das Skriptum erhebt nicht den Anspruch, die vollständige Palette der monetären Außenwirtschaftstheorie in allen Ver­ ästelungen und methodischen Schwierigkeitsgraden abzudecken. Es soll als Lernunterlage und Ersatz furs Mitschreiben dienen. Dieses Skriptum ergänzt den 1997 im selben Verlag erschienenen "Band I: Außenwirtschaft - Realer Teil: Schwerpunkt Europäische Integra­ tion". Von der Fülle der außenwirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen behandelt dieses Skriptum den Teil der monetären Außenwirtschaft. Als Schwerpunkt wird in den einzelnen Kapiteln immer wieder auf die Zusammenhänge mit dem Projekt der Wirtschafts- und Währungs­ union (WWU) der EU hingewiesen. Ein eigenes großes Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der WWU und ihren wirtschaftlichen und wirtschaftspolitischen Konsequenzen. Dazu gehört auch die neue Herausforderung hinsichtlich der wirtschaftspolitischen Kooperation der Teilnehmer an der WWU. Der Autor dankt Frau Dr. Gabriele TondI und den Herren Mag. Bernhard Mahlberg und Mag. Wolf gang Pauer fur die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts sowie Frau Bri­ gitte David fur die Textgestaltung. Für alle noch verbleibenden Fehler übernehme ich die Verantwortung. Ich lade alle ein, mir Verbesserungsvorschläge zu machen.

Außenwirtschaftsförderung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis der ökonomischen Theorie des Föderalismus (Schriften zur Mittelstandsforschung)

by Christian Hauser

Christian Hauser untersucht auf der Basis der ökonomischen Theorie des Föderalismus die Probleme und Vorzüge des föderalen Fördersystems und gibt Handlungsoptionen für eine Neuausrichtung der Außenwirtschaftsförderung, so dass das Fördersystem besser an den Bedürfnissen der Zielgruppe, den kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, ausgerichtet werden kann.

Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik

by Manfred Borchert

Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik

by Manfred Borchert

Dieses nunmehr in sechster Auflage erscheinende Lehrbuch über internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen führt in die grundlegenden Probleme der Theorie und Politik der Außenwirtschaft ein. Im ersten Teil des Lehrbuches wird der theoretische Gesamtkomplex der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen vorgestellt, im zweiten Teil die Anwendung der Theorie in der Politik. Verzeichnis: Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt ein Gesamtkonzept der Außenwirtschaftslehre als Theorie und Politik der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Zu den neueren Entwicklungen zählen der Internationale Währungsfonds und die Europäische Währungsunion, die Neue Makroökonomie und die "new international economics" (Strategische Handelspolitik). Die Grundlagen zur Außenwirtschaftstheorie und Außenwirtschaftspolitik wurden vom Autor überarbeitet.

Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik

by Manfred Borchert

Dieses Lehrbuch führt in die grundlegenden Probleme der Theorie und Politik internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen ein. Im ersten Teil wird der theoretische Gesamtkomplex der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen vorgestellt, im zweiten Teil die Anwendung der Theorie in der Politik.

Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik

by Manfred Borchert

Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik

by Manfred Borchert

Außenwirtschaftslehre: Theorie und Politik

by Manfred Borchert

Dieses bereits eingeführte Lehrbuch vermittelt in aller Kürze und Verständlichkeit ein Gesamtkonzept der Außenwirtschaftslehre als Theorie und Politik der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Für die Neuauflage wurden wesentliche Teile ergänzt, erweitert und vor dem Hintergrund der Europäischen Währungsunion und der Einführung des Euro aktualisiert. Zu den neueren Entwicklungen, die verstärkt berücksichtigt wurden, zählen der Internationale Währungsfonds und die Europäische Währungsunion, die Neue Makroökonomie und die "new international economics" (Strategische Handelspolitik). Die "traditionellen" Grundlagen zur Außenwirtschaftstheorie und Außenwirtschaftspolitik wurden vom Autor überarbeitet. Verzeichnis: Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt ein Gesamtkonzept der Außenwirtschaftslehre als Theorie und Politik der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Zu den neueren Entwicklungen zählen der Internationale Währungsfonds und die Europäische Währungsunion, die Neue Makroökonomie und die "new international economics" (Strategische Handelspolitik). Die "traditionellen" Grundlagen zur Außenwirtschaftstheorie und Außenwirtschaftspolitik wurden vom Autor überarbeitet.

Außenwirtschaftspolitik (Die Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

by Hans Möller

Die "Außenwirtschaftspolitik" baut auf der Außenwirtschaftstheorie auf, die für einen anderen Band dieser Reihe vorgesehen ist. Sie steht zwischen dieser und der Abhandlung über "Internationale Wirtschaftsorganisationen", die bereits erschienen ist und hier als bekannt vorausgesetzt wird. Gleich­ wohl habe ich versucht, eine in sich geschlossene und auch für sich allein genommen verständliche Darstellung zu bieten. Da im Rahmen dieser Reihe für eine Außenwirtschaftspolitik nur ein be­ schränkter Raum verfügbar sein kann, mußte der gebotene Stoff strikt be­ grenzt werden. Die dabei zugrunde gelegten Kriterien sind in der Einfüh­ rung angedeutet. Auch bei der Abfassung dieser Schrift haben mich meine Assistenten, Fräulein Dipl.-Volkswirt Maria-Dolores Schulte und Dipl.-Volkswirt Hans-Joachim Heinemann, mit vielen sachlichen Anregungen unterstützt und mir bei den mit einer Drucklegung verbundenen technischen Arbeiten geholfen. Das Namens-und Sachregister wurde von Herrn Dipl.-Volkswirt Peter Hermann zusammengestellt. Prof. Egon Sohmen hat in dankehSwerter Weise die Korrekturfahnen mitgelesen und wertvolle Verbesserungen empfohlen, die teilweise noch berücksichtigt werden konnten.

Außerplaninstandhaltung von Eisenbahnfahrzeugen: Algorithmus für einen vorhersagbaren Schadindex

by Ingo Heinrich

Ingo Heinrich untersucht die außerplanmäßige Instandhaltung und beschreibt die methodische Herleitung eines mathematischen Modells, um den Grad der Schädigung einer Flotte von Eisenbahnfahrzeugen in eine valide Korrelation mit vorhandenen betrieblichen Ressourcen zu bringen. Diese Wechselbeziehung wird in einen Schadindex überführt und mittels eines Prognosemodells in seinem zeitlichen Verlauf vorhersagbar dargestellt. Die Prognose berücksichtigt auch die Möglichkeit zur iterativen Anpassung, beispielsweise das zukünftige Schädigungsverhalten in Abhängigkeit einer veränderten Fahrzeugzahl oder einer Umstellung der Mitarbeiterbesetztzeiten in den Instandhaltungswerken. Damit erhalten Eisenbahnver-kehrsunternehmen mehr Handlungsspielräume zur Verfolgung ihrer strategischen und wirtschaftlichen Ziele.

Austerität als gesellschaftliches Projekt: Zwischen Theorie und Praxis (Studien der Bonner Akademie für Forschung und Lehre praktischer Politik)

by Roland Sturm Tim Griebel Thorsten Winkelmann

Das Buch spürt die komplexen Ursachen und Wirkungen von Austerität nach. Denn kaum ein Begriff löst derzeit solch heftige und unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Reaktionen aus wie Austerität. Aufgrund der weitreichenden Wirkungen von Austerität wird auch von manchen Beobachtern bereits von einem „age of austerity“ gesprochen. Schwerpunkte des Bandes bilden u.a. die diskursive Konstruktion und die sozio-ökonomischen und politischen Folgen von Austerität.

Austerität statt Deficit Spending: Parallelen und Divergenzen kommunalwirtschaftlicher Haushaltsdisziplin in der Endphase der sozialliberalen Ära im Bund (1978-1982)

by Philipp Kissing

Philipp Kissing untersucht die kommunale Finanzwirtschaft im Kontext einer komparativen Mehrjahresanalyse. Hierzu nimmt er detaillierte Haushaltsprüfungen mehrerer Städte vor, um sowohl austeritätsbezogene Maßnahmen als auch deren Treiber zu identifizieren. Neben dem finanzwirtschaftlichen Leidensdruck der Kommunen als zentrale Determinante, die insbesondere auf haushaltstechnischen Vorgaben beruht, skizziert der Autor in der Maßnahmenkonkretisierung ein einheitliches kaskadenartiges Vorgehensmodell.Der Autor:Philipp Kissing studierte Wirtschaftswissenschaften an den Universitäten Mannheim und Münster und erlangte seinen PhD in Paris. Parallel zu seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit im Risiko- und Investmentmanagement eines Versicherungskonzerns promovierte er ferner mit einer komparativen Studie zur kommunalen Finanzwirtschaft an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Austerity: When It Works and When It Doesn't

by Alberto Alesina Carlo Favero Francesco Giavazzi

A timely and incisive look at austerity measures that succeed—and those that don’tFiscal austerity is hugely controversial. Opponents argue that it can trigger downward growth spirals and become self-defeating. Supporters argue that budget deficits have to be tackled aggressively at all times and at all costs. In this masterful book, three of today’s leading policy experts cut through the political noise to demonstrate that there is not one type of austerity but many.Looking at thousands of fiscal measures adopted by sixteen advanced economies since the late 1970s, Austerity assesses the relative effectiveness of tax increases and spending cuts at reducing debt. It shows that spending cuts have much smaller costs in terms of output losses than tax increases. Spending cuts can sometimes be associated with output gains in the case of expansionary austerity and are much more successful than tax increases at reducing the growth of debt. The authors also show that austerity is not necessarily the kiss of death for political careers as is often believed, and provide new insights into the recent cases of European austerity after the financial crisis.Bringing needed clarity to one of today’s most challenging subjects, Austerity charts a sensible approach based on data analysis rather than ideology.

Austerity: When It Works and When It Doesn't

by Alberto Alesina Carlo Favero Francesco Giavazzi

A timely and incisive look at austerity measures that succeed—and those that don’tFiscal austerity is hugely controversial. Opponents argue that it can trigger downward growth spirals and become self-defeating. Supporters argue that budget deficits have to be tackled aggressively at all times and at all costs. In this masterful book, three of today’s leading policy experts cut through the political noise to demonstrate that there is not one type of austerity but many.Looking at thousands of fiscal measures adopted by sixteen advanced economies since the late 1970s, Austerity assesses the relative effectiveness of tax increases and spending cuts at reducing debt. It shows that spending cuts have much smaller costs in terms of output losses than tax increases. Spending cuts can sometimes be associated with output gains in the case of expansionary austerity and are much more successful than tax increases at reducing the growth of debt. The authors also show that austerity is not necessarily the kiss of death for political careers as is often believed, and provide new insights into the recent cases of European austerity after the financial crisis.Bringing needed clarity to one of today’s most challenging subjects, Austerity charts a sensible approach based on data analysis rather than ideology.

Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea

by Mark Blyth

Selected as a Financial Times Best Book of 2013 Governments today in both Europe and the United States have succeeded in casting government spending as reckless wastefulness that has made the economy worse. In contrast, they have advanced a policy of draconian budget cuts--austerity--to solve the financial crisis. We are told that we have all lived beyond our means and now need to tighten our belts. This view conveniently forgets where all that debt came from. Not from an orgy of government spending, but as the direct result of bailing out, recapitalizing, and adding liquidity to the broken banking system. Through these actions private debt was rechristened as government debt while those responsible for generating it walked away scot free, placing the blame on the state, and the burden on the taxpayer. That burden now takes the form of a global turn to austerity, the policy of reducing domestic wages and prices to restore competitiveness and balance the budget. The problem, according to political economist Mark Blyth, is that austerity is a very dangerous idea. First of all, it doesn't work. As the past four years and countless historical examples from the last 100 years show, while it makes sense for any one state to try and cut its way to growth, it simply cannot work when all states try it simultaneously: all we do is shrink the economy. In the worst case, austerity policies worsened the Great Depression and created the conditions for seizures of power by the forces responsible for the Second World War: the Nazis and the Japanese military establishment. As Blyth amply demonstrates, the arguments for austerity are tenuous and the evidence thin. Rather than expanding growth and opportunity, the repeated revival of this dead economic idea has almost always led to low growth along with increases in wealth and income inequality. Austerity demolishes the conventional wisdom, marshaling an army of facts to demand that we austerity for what it is, and what it costs us.

Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea

by Mark Blyth

Selected as a Financial Times Best Book of 2013 Governments today in both Europe and the United States have succeeded in casting government spending as reckless wastefulness that has made the economy worse. In contrast, they have advanced a policy of draconian budget cuts--austerity--to solve the financial crisis. We are told that we have all lived beyond our means and now need to tighten our belts. This view conveniently forgets where all that debt came from. Not from an orgy of government spending, but as the direct result of bailing out, recapitalizing, and adding liquidity to the broken banking system. Through these actions private debt was rechristened as government debt while those responsible for generating it walked away scot free, placing the blame on the state, and the burden on the taxpayer. That burden now takes the form of a global turn to austerity, the policy of reducing domestic wages and prices to restore competitiveness and balance the budget. The problem, according to political economist Mark Blyth, is that austerity is a very dangerous idea. First of all, it doesn't work. As the past four years and countless historical examples from the last 100 years show, while it makes sense for any one state to try and cut its way to growth, it simply cannot work when all states try it simultaneously: all we do is shrink the economy. In the worst case, austerity policies worsened the Great Depression and created the conditions for seizures of power by the forces responsible for the Second World War: the Nazis and the Japanese military establishment. As Blyth amply demonstrates, the arguments for austerity are tenuous and the evidence thin. Rather than expanding growth and opportunity, the repeated revival of this dead economic idea has almost always led to low growth along with increases in wealth and income inequality. Austerity demolishes the conventional wisdom, marshaling an army of facts to demand that we austerity for what it is, and what it costs us.

Austerity (What is Political Economy? #286)

by Suzanne J. Konzelmann

Austerity has been at the center of political controversy following the 2008 financial crisis, invoked by politicians and academics across the political spectrum as the answer to, or cause of, our post-crash economic malaise. However, despite being the cause of debate for more than three centuries, austerity remains a poorly understood concept. In this book, Suzanne J. Konzelmann aims to demystify austerity as an economic policy, a political idea, and a social phenomenon. Beginning with an analysis of political and socioeconomic history from the seventeenth century, she explains the economics of austerity in the context of the overall dynamics of state spending, tax, and debt. Using comparative case studies from around the world, ranging from the 1930s to post-2008, she then evaluates the outcomes of austerity in light of its stated objectives and analyzes the conditions under which it doesn’t – and occasionally does – work. This accessible introduction to austerity will be essential reading for students and scholars of political economy, economics, and politics, as well as all readers interested in current affairs.

Austerity: The Great Failure

by Florian Schui

Austerity is at the center of political debates today. Its defenders praise it as a panacea that will prepare the ground for future growth and stability. Critics insist it will precipitate a vicious cycle of economic decline, possibly leading to political collapse. But the notion that abstinence from consumption brings benefits to states, societies, or individuals is hardly new. This book puts the debates of our own day in perspective by exploring the long history of austerity-a popular idea that lives on despite a track record of dismal failure. Florian Schui shows that arguments in favor of austerity were-and are today-mainly based on moral and political considerations, rather than on economic analysis. Unexpectedly, it is the critics of austerity who have framed their arguments in the language of economics. Schui finds that austerity has failed intellectually and in economic terms every time it has been attempted. He examines thinkers who have influenced our ideas about abstinence from Aristotle through such modern economic thinkers as Smith, Marx, Veblen, Weber, Hayek, and Keynes, as well as the motives behind specific twentieth-century austerity efforts. The persistence of the concept cannot be explained from an economic perspective, Schui concludes, but only from the persuasive appeal of the moral and political ideas linked to it.

Austerity: Vintage Minis (Vintage Minis)

by Yanis Varoufakis

VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS.How do we choose between what is fair and just, and what our debtors demand of us? Yanis Varoufakis was put in such a dilemma in 2015 when he became the finance minister of Greece. In this rousing book, he charts the absurdities that underpin calls for austerity, as well as his own battles with a bureaucracy bent on ignoring the human cost of its every action. Passionately outspoken and tuned to the voices of the oppressed, Varoufakis presents a guide to modern economics, and its threat to democracy, like no other. Selected from the books And the Weak Suffer What They Must? and Adults in the Room

Austerity and Recovery in Ireland: Europe's Poster Child and the Great Recession

by Andrea Prothero William K. Roche Philip J. O'Connell

In international commentary and debate on the effects of the Great Recession and austerity, Ireland has been hailed as the poster child for economic recovery and regeneration out of deep economic and fiscal contraction. While the genesis of Ireland's financial, economic, and fiscal crisis has been covered in the literature, no systematic analysis has yet been devoted to the period of austerity, to the impact of austerity on institutions and people, or to the roots of economic recovery. In this book a group of Ireland's leading social scientists present a multidisciplinary analysis of recession and austerity and their effects on economic, business, political, and social life. Individual chapters discuss the fiscal and economic policies implemented, the role of international, and, in particular, of EU institutions, and the effects on businesses, consumption, work, the labour market, migration, political and financial institutions, social inequality and cohesion, housing, and cultural expression. The book shows that Ireland cannot be viewed uncritically as a poster child for austerity. While fiscal contraction provided a basis for stabilizing the perilous finances of the state, economic recovery was due in the main to the long-established structure of Irish economic and business activity, to the importance of foreign direct investment and the dynamic export sector, and to recovery in the international economy. The restructuring and recovery of the financial system was aided by favourable international developments, including historically low interest rates and quantitative easing. Migration flows, nominal wage stability, the protection of social transfer payments, and the involvement of trade unions in severe public sector retrenchment - long-established features of Irish political economy - were of critical importance in the maintenance of social cohesion.

Austerity and Recovery in Ireland: Europe's Poster Child and the Great Recession

In international commentary and debate on the effects of the Great Recession and austerity, Ireland has been hailed as the poster child for economic recovery and regeneration out of deep economic and fiscal contraction. While the genesis of Ireland's financial, economic, and fiscal crisis has been covered in the literature, no systematic analysis has yet been devoted to the period of austerity, to the impact of austerity on institutions and people, or to the roots of economic recovery. In this book a group of Ireland's leading social scientists present a multidisciplinary analysis of recession and austerity and their effects on economic, business, political, and social life. Individual chapters discuss the fiscal and economic policies implemented, the role of international, and, in particular, of EU institutions, and the effects on businesses, consumption, work, the labour market, migration, political and financial institutions, social inequality and cohesion, housing, and cultural expression. The book shows that Ireland cannot be viewed uncritically as a poster child for austerity. While fiscal contraction provided a basis for stabilizing the perilous finances of the state, economic recovery was due in the main to the long-established structure of Irish economic and business activity, to the importance of foreign direct investment and the dynamic export sector, and to recovery in the international economy. The restructuring and recovery of the financial system was aided by favourable international developments, including historically low interest rates and quantitative easing. Migration flows, nominal wage stability, the protection of social transfer payments, and the involvement of trade unions in severe public sector retrenchment - long-established features of Irish political economy - were of critical importance in the maintenance of social cohesion.

Austerity Bites: A Journey To The Sharp End Of Cuts In The UK (PDF)

by Mary O'Hara Mark Thomas

Since taking power in 2010, the Coalition Government in the United Kingdom has pushed through a drastic program of cuts to public spending, all in the name of austerity. The effects on large segments of the population, dependent on programs whose funding was slashed, have been devastating and will continue to be felt for generations. This timely book by journalist Mary O'Hara chronicles the real-world effects of austerity, removing it from the bland, technocratic language of politics and showing just what austerity means to ordinary lives. Drawing on hundreds of hours of first-person interviews with a wide range of people and, in the paperback edition, featuring an updated afterword by the author, the book explores the grim reality of living amid the biggest reduction of the welfare state in the postwar era and offers a compelling corrective to narratives of shared sacrifice.

Austerity Business: 39 Tips for Doing More With Less

by Alex Pratt

"These tips are worth their weight in gold to businesses of all sizes." —Peter Jones, CBE, Entrepreneur and star of TV's Dragon's Den For any business, less really can be more. We all face new, austere times. Whether starting up, surviving or seeking to dominate its niche, every business needs to adjust. Based on years of real business experience, this book shows you how. From reinvigorating staff with Dunkirk spirit, to building revenues on a shoestring, this book tells you where to cut and where to keep spending. Packed with witty anecdotes, inspirational quotes and common sense advice, Austerity Business is a reinvigorating read for any business leader sworn down by daily bad news – the age of austerity really can be about thriving, not just surviving.

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