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Life Science Venturing: Herausforderung – Spezifika – Prozess

by Jochen Becker Thomas R. Villinger

Die Beitragsautoren dieses Herausgeberbandes decken ein großes Themenspektrum ab: Sie spannen einen Bogen von den bestehenden Möglichkeiten der Venture Capital- und Forschungsfinanzierung, der Bilanzierung und den erforderlichen Strategien in Marketing und Vertrieb, bis zur Herausforderung bei der Führung gewachsener Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Medizintechnik, Molekularbiologie, Biochemie, Biophysik, Bioinformatik oder Immunologie. Durch praxisbezogene Handlungsempfehlungen und reale Fallbeispiele erhält der Leser sowohl einen schnellen als auch umfassenden Einblick in diesen spezifischen Themenbereich. Das Buch bietet jungen und etablierten Life-Science-Unternehmen eine fachliche und praxisnahe Hilfestellung.Der InhaltBesonderheiten und Herausforderungen im Management von Life-Science-UnternehmenSteuerliche Besonderheiten und BilanzierungStrategisches ZulassungsmanagementQualitätsmanagementMarketing- und VertriebsstrategienFinanzierung von Life-Science-UnternehmenBest-Practice-FallbeispieleDie HerausgeberDr. Jochen Becker, CFA, ist Assistant Professor an der GGS Heilbronn sowie Gründer und Leiter des Investment Lab Heilbronn. Er ist Experte im Bereich Finanzen und Unternehmenskommunikation.Thomas R. Villinger ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter des Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn (ZFHN) und Aufsichtsrat bei zahlreichen Start-Up-Unternehmen.

Life Settlements and Longevity Structures: Pricing and Risk Management

by Geoff Chaplin Jim Aspinwall Mark Venn

Recent turbulence in the financial markets has highlighted the need for diversified portfolios with lower correlations between the different investments. Life settlements meet this need, offering investors the prospect of high, stable returns, uncorrelated with the broader financial markets. This book provides readers of all levels of experience with essential information on the process surrounding the acquisition and management of a portfolio of life settlements; the assessment, modelling and mitigation of the associated longevity, interest rate and credit risks; and practical approaches to financing and risk management structures. It begins with the history of life insurance and looks at how the need for new financing sources has led to the growth of the life settlements market in the United States. The authors provide a detailed exploration of the mathematical formulae surrounding the generation of mortality curves, drawing a parallel between the tools deployed in the credit derivatives market and those available to model longevity risk. Structured products and securitisation techniques are introduced and explained, starting with simple vanilla products and models before illustrating some of the investment structures associated with life settlements. Capital market mechanisms available to assist the investor in limiting the risks associated with life settlement portfolios are outlined, as are opportunities to use life settlement portfolios to mitigate the risks of traditional capital markets. The last section of the book covers derivative products, either available now or under consideration, that will reduce or potentially eliminate longevity risks within life settlement portfolios. It then reviews hedging and risk management strategies and considers how to measure the effectiveness of risk mitigation.

Life Settlements and Longevity Structures: Pricing and Risk Management

by Geoff Chaplin Jim Aspinwall Mark Venn

Recent turbulence in the financial markets has highlighted the need for diversified portfolios with lower correlations between the different investments. Life settlements meet this need, offering investors the prospect of high, stable returns, uncorrelated with the broader financial markets. This book provides readers of all levels of experience with essential information on the process surrounding the acquisition and management of a portfolio of life settlements; the assessment, modelling and mitigation of the associated longevity, interest rate and credit risks; and practical approaches to financing and risk management structures. It begins with the history of life insurance and looks at how the need for new financing sources has led to the growth of the life settlements market in the United States. The authors provide a detailed exploration of the mathematical formulae surrounding the generation of mortality curves, drawing a parallel between the tools deployed in the credit derivatives market and those available to model longevity risk. Structured products and securitisation techniques are introduced and explained, starting with simple vanilla products and models before illustrating some of the investment structures associated with life settlements. Capital market mechanisms available to assist the investor in limiting the risks associated with life settlement portfolios are outlined, as are opportunities to use life settlement portfolios to mitigate the risks of traditional capital markets. The last section of the book covers derivative products, either available now or under consideration, that will reduce or potentially eliminate longevity risks within life settlement portfolios. It then reviews hedging and risk management strategies and considers how to measure the effectiveness of risk mitigation.

Life Skills and Career Coaching for Teens: A Practical Manual for Supporting School Engagement, Aspirations and Success in Young People aged 11–18

by Nikki Giant

Setting out a year-long curriculum based programme for education and youth professionals, this book provides a challenging and engaging workshop-based approach to developing school engagement and ambitions in young people aged 11-18. The programme, which is informed by CBT, helps professionals to understand barriers to young people's school engagement and learning. It outlines a case for a practical, well-rounded curriculum that readies students for life post-education through eight core themes, including 'believing in me', 'money matters' and 'business basics'. The second part of the book is a photocopiable manual for use in classroom settings, making this an essential, hands-on manual for nurturing young people's life skills.

Life Skills and Career Coaching for Teens: A Practical Manual for Supporting School Engagement, Aspirations and Success in Young People aged 11–18

by Nikki Giant

Setting out a year-long curriculum based programme for education and youth professionals, this book provides a challenging and engaging workshop-based approach to developing school engagement and ambitions in young people aged 11-18. The programme, which is informed by CBT, helps professionals to understand barriers to young people's school engagement and learning. It outlines a case for a practical, well-rounded curriculum that readies students for life post-education through eight core themes, including 'believing in me', 'money matters' and 'business basics'. The second part of the book is a photocopiable manual for use in classroom settings, making this an essential, hands-on manual for nurturing young people's life skills.

Life Skills Education for Youth: Critical Perspectives (Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life #5)

by Joan DeJaeghere Erin Murphy-Graham

This open access volume critically reviews a diverse body of scholarship and practice that informs the conceptualization, curriculum, teaching and measurement of life skills in education settings around the world. It discusses life skills as they are implemented in schools and non-formal education, providing both qualitative and quantitative evidence of when, with whom, and how life skills do or do not impact young women’s and men’s lives in various contexts. Specifically, it examines the nature and importance of life skills, and how they are taught. It looks at the synergies and differences between life skills educational programmes and the way in which they promote social and emotional learning, vocational/employment education, and health and sexuality education. Finally, it explores how life skills may be better incorporated into education and how such education can address structures and relations of power to help youth achieve desired future outcomes, and goals set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Life skills education has gained considerable attention by education policymakers, researchers and educators as being the sine qua non for later achievements in life. It is nearly ubiquitous in global and national education policies, including the SDGs, because life skills are regarded as essential for a diverse set of purposes: reducing poverty, achieving gender equality, promoting economic growth, addressing climate change, fostering peace and global citizenship, and creating sustainable and healthy communities. Yet, to achieve these broad goals, questions persist as to which life skills are important, who needs to learn them, how they can be taught, and how they are best measured. This book addresses these questions.

Life Space and Economic Space: Third World Planning in Perspective

by John Friedmann

Friedmann perceives a global crisis which he traces to the dissolution of territorial relations. This he believes results from penetration of the global system of markets into the remotest corners of the world, undermining tradition cultures and ways of life. The consequence is incipient breakdown, he asserts, and we need to repoliticize space and subordinate the power of capital to the collective will of people organized to work toward common ends. This deliberately provocative collection of essays includes an autobiographical fragment providing contextual information about the author.

Life Space and Economic Space: Third World Planning in Perspective

by John Friedmann

Friedmann perceives a global crisis which he traces to the dissolution of territorial relations. This he believes results from penetration of the global system of markets into the remotest corners of the world, undermining tradition cultures and ways of life. The consequence is incipient breakdown, he asserts, and we need to repoliticize space and subordinate the power of capital to the collective will of people organized to work toward common ends. This deliberately provocative collection of essays includes an autobiographical fragment providing contextual information about the author.

The Life Table: Modelling Survival and Death (European Studies of Population #11)

by Guillaume Wunsch Michel Mouchart Josianne Duchêne

This work covers various important issues in life table construction and use. It. includes a non-technical overview, compares various methods of decomposing the difference in life expectancies, discusses the finding of suitable indicators and models, and deals with age, period, and cohort effects in mortality.

A Life Well Lived: Dialogues with a “Kabouter"

by Manfred F. Kets de Vries

Manfred Kets de Vries wears many “hats”—psychoanalyst, executive coach, consultant, management educator, researcher, writer—but he has noticed that whichever hat he is wearing, every question he is asked boils down to one thing: “How can I live a well-lived life?” Over many years of practice in all these disciplines, Professor Kets de Vries has realized the unsurpassed value of stories in tackling human dilemmas and providing answers to this question. The book is, therefore, one of the most important books he has written for coaches, students, leaders, managers, educators—or anyone seeking a more reflective text to guide them through the multitude of questions that we face in work and in life. He draws on a long literary tradition of the unexpected encounter with a wise “other,” fantastic or magical—think The Little Prince, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Once and Future King, the Harry Potter novels—to animate an exploration of the deepest questions and concerns of human beings. He constructs an extended Socratic dialogue between his two “selves”; the first a naïve traveler, lost in the Siberian wilderness, and the second a reflective avatar who comes to his aid. The avatar takes the form of a “kabouter,” a familiar figure in Dutch folklore whose counterpart can be found in different cultures around the world and throughout centuries of storytelling. Through stories, riddles, and puzzles, the kabouter challenges the traveler to question and reflect upon his life and values, guiding him—and readers—toward the insights that will help them achieve a life well lived.

A Life Well Lived: Dialogues with a “Kabouter"

by Manfred F. Kets de Vries

Manfred Kets de Vries wears many “hats”—psychoanalyst, executive coach, consultant, management educator, researcher, writer—but he has noticed that whichever hat he is wearing, every question he is asked boils down to one thing: “How can I live a well-lived life?” Over many years of practice in all these disciplines, Professor Kets de Vries has realized the unsurpassed value of stories in tackling human dilemmas and providing answers to this question. The book is, therefore, one of the most important books he has written for coaches, students, leaders, managers, educators—or anyone seeking a more reflective text to guide them through the multitude of questions that we face in work and in life. He draws on a long literary tradition of the unexpected encounter with a wise “other,” fantastic or magical—think The Little Prince, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Once and Future King, the Harry Potter novels—to animate an exploration of the deepest questions and concerns of human beings. He constructs an extended Socratic dialogue between his two “selves”; the first a naïve traveler, lost in the Siberian wilderness, and the second a reflective avatar who comes to his aid. The avatar takes the form of a “kabouter,” a familiar figure in Dutch folklore whose counterpart can be found in different cultures around the world and throughout centuries of storytelling. Through stories, riddles, and puzzles, the kabouter challenges the traveler to question and reflect upon his life and values, guiding him—and readers—toward the insights that will help them achieve a life well lived.

Life Word: Discover Your One Word to Leave a Legacy (Jon Gordon)

by Jon Gordon Jimmy Page Dan Britton

Discover your Life Word! In One Word that will Change your Life authors Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page helped readers discover their yearly word to live with more intention, focus and purpose. Now with Life Word they help readers discover a word that will significantly impact their life and legacy. Life Word reveals a simple, powerful tool to help you identify the word that will inspire you to live your best life while leaving your greatest legacy. In the process you’ll discover your why which will help show you the way to live with a renewed sense of power, purpose and passion. The authors walk you step-by-step through the process of discovering your Life Word and share an action plan with the most successful ways to live and share it. If you’re ready to live with more clarity, confidence and courage and leave a lasting legacy, let’s get started!

Life Word: Discover Your One Word to Leave a Legacy (Jon Gordon)

by Jon Gordon Jimmy Page Dan Britton

Discover your Life Word! In One Word that will Change your Life authors Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page helped readers discover their yearly word to live with more intention, focus and purpose. Now with Life Word they help readers discover a word that will significantly impact their life and legacy. Life Word reveals a simple, powerful tool to help you identify the word that will inspire you to live your best life while leaving your greatest legacy. In the process you’ll discover your why which will help show you the way to live with a renewed sense of power, purpose and passion. The authors walk you step-by-step through the process of discovering your Life Word and share an action plan with the most successful ways to live and share it. If you’re ready to live with more clarity, confidence and courage and leave a lasting legacy, let’s get started!

Lifeblood: How to Change the World One Dead Mosquito at a Time

by Alex Perry

In 2006, the Wall Street pioneer and philanthropist Ray Chambers flicked through some holiday snapshots taken by his friend, development economist Jeff Sachs, and remarked on the placid beauty of a group of sleeping Malawian children. "They're not sleeping,” Sachs told him. "They're in malarial comas. A few days later, they were all dead.” Chambers had long avoided the public eye, but this moment sparked his determination to coordinate an unprecedented, worldwide effort to eradicate a disease that has haunted humanity since before the advent of medicine. Award-winning journalist Alex Perry obtained unique access to Chambers, now the UN Special Envoy for Malaria. In this book, Perry weaves together science and history with on-the-ground reporting and a riveting exposé of the workings of humanitarian aid to document Chambers' campaign. By replacing traditional ideas of assistance with business acumen and hustle, Chambers saved millions of lives, and upturned current notions of aid, forging a new path not just for the developing world but for global business and philanthropy.

Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health

by Kenneth A. Couch Mary C. Daly Julie M. Zissimopoulos

In Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and Declines in Health, editors Kenneth A. Couch, Mary C. Daly, and Julie Zissimopoulos bring together leading scholars to study the impact of unexpected life course events on economic welfare. The contributions in this volume explore how job loss, the onset of health limitations, and changes in household structure can have a pronounced influence on individual and household well-being across the life course. Although these events are typically studied in isolation, they frequently co-occur or are otherwise interrelated. This book provides a systematic empirical overview of these sometimes uncertain events and their impact. By placing them in a unified analytical framework and approaching each of them from a similar perspective, Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences illustrates the importance of a coherent approach to thinking about the inter-relationships among these shifts. Finally, this volume aims to set the future research agenda in this important area.

Lifecycle Investing: A New, Safe, and Audacious Way to Improve the Performance of Your Retirement Portfolio

by Ian Ayres Barry Nalebuff

Diversification provides a well-known way of getting something close to a free lunch: by spreading money across different kinds of investments, investors can earn the same return with lower risk (or a much higher return for the same amount of risk). This strategy, introduced nearly fifty years ago, led to such strategies as index funds. What if we were all missing out on another free lunch that&’s right under our noses? In Lifecycle Investing, Barry Nalebuff and Ian Ayres—two of the most innovative thinkers in business, law, and economics—have developed tools that will allow nearly any investor to diversify their portfolios over time. By using leveraging when young—a controversial idea that sparked hate mail when the authors first floated it in the pages of Forbes—investors of all stripes, from those just starting to plan to those getting ready to retire, can substantially reduce overall risk while improving their returns. In Lifecycle Investing, readers will learnHow to figure out the level of exposure and leverage that&’s right for youHow the Lifecycle Investing strategy would have performed in the historical marketWhy it will work even if everyone does itWhen not to adopt the Lifecycle Investing strategy Clearly written and backed by rigorous research, Lifecycle Investing presents a simple but radical idea that will shake up how we think about retirement investing even as it provides a healthier nest egg in a nicely feathered nest.

Lifecycle of a Technology Company: Step-by-Step Legal Background and Practical Guide from Startup to Sale

by Edwin L. Miller Jr.

Praise for Lifecycle of a Technology Company "Lifecycle of a Technology Company is a comprehensive business and legal handbook for all but the most experienced technology entrepreneurs. I shared my copy with a few colleagues at MIT who have either started or are contemplating launching their own companies, and I had a real problem retrieving it. The data supports my opinion that this book will attain 'handbook' status on the desks of technology entrepreneurs." -Dr. George B. Kenney, Associate Director Materials Processing & Microphotonics Centers at MIT "This book will help entrepreneurs avoid the pitfalls on the long road to success for venture-backed technology companies. It distills a lifetime of experience in advising technology companies in a concise and understandable way." -Howard Berke, Serial Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist "Lifecycle of a Technology Company provides a valuable resource for lawyers at a variety of experience levels. The junior lawyer will use this resource for the basics. More experienced lawyers with a broad practice will use this for a 'sanity check' relative to market terms and business rationale. In the trenches, it will assist lawyers by providing practical, plain speaking explanations for why things operate as they do in the finance, intellectual property, and merger & acquisition segments of the technology world. If you expect to represent technology clients, keep this book nearby." -James O'Hare, Partner Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis, Boston

The Lifecycle of Trust in Education: Leaders as Moral Agents

by Benjamin Kutsyuruba Keith D. Walker

Understanding the dynamics of trust is an imperative undertaking for educational leaders. In this book, using an ecological perspective of the lifecycle, the authors situate trust as an essential ingredient of school leaders’ moral agency and ethical decision making.Based on their 15 years of research on trust in education, the authors describe the nature and dimensions of trust, its importance and imperative, and its fragility and usefulness for school leaders, positioning them as trust brokers in school organizations. The book offers a detailed description of trust’s lifecycle stages, namely establishing, maintaining, sustaining, breaking, and restoring, as pertinent to educational settings. It discusses leaders' trust brokering in relation to social capital and psychological contract and interconnected hosting virtues of compassion, hope, and trust. The authors conclude with the role of maturing vision of moral agency, the subjective and objective responsibilities of educational leaders, and the necessary ethical commitments and courage to enact transformative practices in order to provide trustworthy leadership.With its theoretical and empirical basis, this book is an excellent resource for scholars in the fields of education, business, and leadership. It is also a valuable resource as required or supplementary reading for graduate courses in educational administration, leadership, and policy studies. Practitioners in these areas will find valuable insights that they can incorporate into their work.

Lifelogging for Organizational Stress Measurement: Theory and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Information Systems)

by Thomas Fischer René Riedl

In recent decades, organizational stress researchers have repeatedly called for more longitudinal studies. This book argues that tools and devices that have been developed for the private or organizational domains could be helpful when it comes to studying longitudinal phenomena, as they offer unobtrusive measurement and are frequently employed by many individuals in daily life. In particular, the book examines lifelogging, a research field that addresses the computer-based collection of individual experiences. Further, it highlights areas in organizational stress research that benefit from insights in the lifelogging literature and provides a summary of tools that can be used for stress measurement. It also offers an overview of the latest research and current developments on lifelogging and organizational stress for researchers interested in self-measurement of stress-related effects and for organizational stress researchers.

Lifelong Employability: Thriving in an Ageing Society (Schriftenreihe der Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz)

by Philippa Dengler

Increased longevity means that current structures for employment and retirement in Switzerland are not sustainable. To enable individuals and companies to thrive in our ageing society, changes in our social norms and attitudes about work and ageing need to occur. Philippa Dengler examines what these changes are, and what companies can do to support their employees to take control of their individual employability for a longer life. The practical implications benefit individuals, the companies they work for, and society as a whole.

Lifelong Learning and Education in Healthy and Sustainable Cities (World Sustainability Series)

by U. M. Azeiteiro M. Akerman W. Leal Filho A.F.F. Setti L. L. Brandli

This book presents essential insights into lifelong learning and education in healthy and sustainable cities, providing a basis for strategies to help achieve the 2030 Agenda sustainable development and health promotion goals. The interface between environment, health and lifelong learning is fundamental to attaining these goals, and as such, the book gathers interdisciplinary reflections from researchers, educators and other experts concerning the links between environmental quality, human health, human education and well-being, and addressing inequality, unplanned urbanization, migration, lifestyles, and consumption and production patterns. Topics include: Urban planning to address inequality in health and urban poverty; Healthy cities and healthy environments; Governance for sustainable development; Social determinants of health oriented on sustainable development goals; Education and lifelong learning for sustainability; Energy security, access and efficiency; Sustainable cities, buildings and infrastructure.

Lifelong Learning for Tourism: Concepts, Policy and Implementation (Advances in Tourism)

by David Airey Violet V. Cuffy Georgios C. Papageorgiou

Since the middle of the last century tourism has demonstrated almost continual growth, with international tourist arrivals now recorded in excess of one billion per annum. Given the global socio-economic significance of tourism, it is imperative to develop educational opportunities for those working in tourism-related industries. These opportunities should fulfil the changing needs of both industry, travellers, and the learners themselves. While the concept of lifelong learning in the tourism industry plays an important role, it has received little academic attention to date. This book provides a theoretical overview of lifelong learning for tourism, exploring its history, practice, and conceptualization. It demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning for tourism from a variety of perspectives, drawing on educational, industry, policy, and socio-economic insights. The book explores managerial and political implications, critical issues, best practice examples, and draws on a range of international case studies to demonstrate theory in practice. Finally, it offers a conceptual framework for future curriculum approaches. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of tourism studies, hospitality, business and management, and international development. It will also appeal to those interested in adult education, vocational training, professional development, and pedagogy.

Lifelong Learning for Tourism: Concepts, Policy and Implementation (Advances in Tourism)

by David Airey Violet V. Cuffy Georgios C. Papageorgiou

Since the middle of the last century tourism has demonstrated almost continual growth, with international tourist arrivals now recorded in excess of one billion per annum. Given the global socio-economic significance of tourism, it is imperative to develop educational opportunities for those working in tourism-related industries. These opportunities should fulfil the changing needs of both industry, travellers, and the learners themselves. While the concept of lifelong learning in the tourism industry plays an important role, it has received little academic attention to date. This book provides a theoretical overview of lifelong learning for tourism, exploring its history, practice, and conceptualization. It demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning for tourism from a variety of perspectives, drawing on educational, industry, policy, and socio-economic insights. The book explores managerial and political implications, critical issues, best practice examples, and draws on a range of international case studies to demonstrate theory in practice. Finally, it offers a conceptual framework for future curriculum approaches. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of tourism studies, hospitality, business and management, and international development. It will also appeal to those interested in adult education, vocational training, professional development, and pedagogy.

Lifelong Learning in Paid and Unpaid Work: Survey and Case Study Findings

by D.W. Livingstone

Lifelong Learning is essential to all individuals and in recent years has become a guiding principle for policy initiatives, ranging from national economic competition to issues of social cohesion and personal fulfilment. However, despite the importance of lifelong learning there is a critical absence of direct, international evidence on its extent, content and outcomes. Lifelong Learning in Paid and Unpaid Work provides a new paradigm for understanding work and learning, documenting the active contribution of workers to their development and their adaptation to paid and unpaid work. Empirical evidence drawn from national surveys in Canada and eight related case studies is used to explore the current learning activities of those in paid employment, housework and volunteer work, addressing all forms of learning including: formal schooling, further education courses, informal training and self-directed learning, particularly in the context of organisational and technological change. Proposing an expanded conceptual framework for investigating the relationships between learning and work, the contributors offer new insights into the ways in which adult learning adapts to and helps reshape the wide contemporary world of work throughout the life course.

Lifelong Learning in Paid and Unpaid Work: Survey and Case Study Findings

by D.W. Livingstone

Lifelong Learning is essential to all individuals and in recent years has become a guiding principle for policy initiatives, ranging from national economic competition to issues of social cohesion and personal fulfilment. However, despite the importance of lifelong learning there is a critical absence of direct, international evidence on its extent, content and outcomes. Lifelong Learning in Paid and Unpaid Work provides a new paradigm for understanding work and learning, documenting the active contribution of workers to their development and their adaptation to paid and unpaid work. Empirical evidence drawn from national surveys in Canada and eight related case studies is used to explore the current learning activities of those in paid employment, housework and volunteer work, addressing all forms of learning including: formal schooling, further education courses, informal training and self-directed learning, particularly in the context of organisational and technological change. Proposing an expanded conceptual framework for investigating the relationships between learning and work, the contributors offer new insights into the ways in which adult learning adapts to and helps reshape the wide contemporary world of work throughout the life course.

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