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Mergers and Acquisitions Security: Corporate Restructuring and Security Management

by Edward Halibozek Gerald L. Kovacich

In reaction to the continually changing business climate companies develop many business strategies to increase their competitiveness and improve profitability. Companies regularly reshape themselves continually exploring new markets and developing new products. When they can't expand into new markets or develop new products on their own, they seek alternatives. These alternatives include merging with or acquiring other companies to create a single more capable company. Companies acquire other companies for a wide variety of reasons. In some cases company survival may actually be the reason. What does this condition mean to the security professional? In the course of mergers and acquisitions, security plays a vital role in helping to make the endeavor successful. There are numerous titles on the business aspects of M&A such as the ones listed below. However, this unique book focuses on the role security plays in helping to make a merger, acquisition or divestiture successful. It addresses the fundamental security elements that are required to support the effort. In addition, it provides an integrated "how to" approach to implementing M&A security complete with methods and processes that have been quickly and cost-effectively implemented.- First book available that focuses on the role of the Security Manager in M&A - Case studies that highlight the role of the security manager; cases include both best practices as well as illustrations of nightmare examples of what NOT to do - Lead author is an expert that has participated in/managed security for more than 20 high-profile and large-scale acquisitions - Model processes, procedures, checklists, charts and sample forms all serve to ease immediate analysis and implementation in a merger or acquisition

Mergers and Acquisitions Year Book

Mergers and Acquisitions Year Book

Mergers and Productivity (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Steven N. Kaplan

Mergers and Productivity offers probing analyses of high-profile mergers in a variety of industries. Focusing on specific acquisitions, it illustrates the remarkable range of contingencies involved in any merger attempt. The authors clearly establish each merger's presumed objectives and the potential costs and benefits of the acquisition, and place it within the context of the broader industry. Striking conclusions that emerge from these case studies are that merger and acquisition activities were associated with technological or regulatory shocks, and that a merger's success or failure was dependent upon the acquirer's thorough understanding of the target, its corporate culture, and its workforce and wage structures prior to acquisition. Sifting through a wealth of carefully gathered evidence, these papers capture the richness, the complexity, and the economic intangibles inherent in contemporary merger activity in a way that large-scale studies of mergers cannot.

Mergers in the Global Markets: A Comparative Approach to the Competition and National Security Laws among the US, EU, and China

by Felix I. Lessambo

International mergers and acquisitions play a vital role behind the growth of a company. This book explores the hurdles involved and how to navigate through the review processes set up by national regulatory agencies such as the US Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS), the EU Commission, and the Anti-Monopoly Bureau of State Administration of Market Regulation of China (AMB). This book is unique and showcases how to anticipate, develop, and implement successful strategies to support mergers and acquisitions activities, particularly of interest to finance and law students, researchers, and academics.

Mergers, Markets and Public Policy (Studies in Industrial Organization #21)

by Giuliano Mussati

GIULIANO MUSSATI Why do mergers occur, which are their effects on social welfare and which is the best economic policy toward them? These three questions have been puzzling industrial economists since the end of the last century when the first great merger wave has come about in the US. They have returned at the centre of the stage of the theoretical and empirical economic research during the last decade when merger and acquisition activity became one of the most evident firms' activities in all industrialised countries, being fostered by some general and country specific facts. These facts have been identified in the appearance of new financial instruments facilitating fund raising by firms, in the benevolent behaviour of the authorities in charge of competition policy during the Reagan administration in the US, while inter­ nal market completion has become a strong incentive for European firms to reach a true continental dimension in the UE through external growth. However a robust and univocal answer to these questions has not yet been found in spite of its importance not only from the theoretical point of view, but also from the normative one. In fact the correct identification of firms' motivations in pursuing merger and acquisition operations and of their consequences on social welfare would help the choice by administra­ tive authorities of different possible options in competition and industrial policies.

Merging Languages and Engineering: Partnering Across the Disciplines (Synthesis Lectures on Global Engineering)

by John Grandin

At the University of Rhode Island over 25% of engineering undergraduates simultaneously complete a second degree in German, French, Spanish, or Chinese. They furthermore spend an entire year abroad, one semester as exchange students at a partner university and six months as professional engineering interns at a cooperating company. With a close-to 100% placement rate, over 400 graduates, and numerous national awards, the URI International Engineering Program (IEP) is a proven path of preparation for young engineers in today's global workplace. The author of this volume, John Grandin, is an emeritus professor of German who developed and led the IEP for twenty-three years. In these pages, he provides a two-pronged approach to explain the origin and history of this program rooted in such an unusual merger of two traditionally distinct higher education disciplines. He looks first at himself to explain how and why he became an international educator and what led him to his lasting passion for the IEP. He then provides an historical overview of the program's origin and growth, including looks at the bumps and bruises and ups and downs along the way. Grandin hopes that this story will be of use and value to other educators determined to reform higher education and align it with the needs of the 21st Century. Table of Contents: How I became a Professor of German / My Unexpected Path to Engineering / Building a Network of Support / Sidetracked by a Stint in the Dean's Office / Reshaping the Language Mission / Struggling to Institutionalize / Partnering with Universities Abroad / Going into the Hotel and Restaurant Business / Taking the Lead Nationally / Building the Chinese IEP / Staying Involved after Retirement / The Broader Message for Higher Education / Conclusions

Meritocracy and Economic Inequality

by Kenneth Arrow Samuel Bowles Steven Durlauf

Most Americans strongly favor equality of opportunity if not outcome, but many are weary of poverty's seeming immunity to public policy. This helps to explain the recent attention paid to cultural and genetic explanations of persistent poverty, including claims that economic inequality is a function of intellectual ability, as well as more subtle depictions of the United States as a meritocracy where barriers to achievement are personal--either voluntary or inherited--rather than systemic. This volume of original essays by luminaries in the economic, social, and biological sciences, however, confirms mounting evidence that the connection between intelligence and inequality is surprisingly weak and demonstrates that targeted educational and economic reforms can reduce the income gap and improve the country's aggregate productivity and economic well-being. It also offers a novel agenda of equal access to valuable associations. Amartya Sen, John Roemer, Robert M. Hauser, Glenn Loury, Orley Ashenfelter, and others sift and analyze the latest arguments and quantitative findings on equality in order to explain how merit is and should be defined, how economic rewards are distributed, and how patterns of economic success persist across generations. Moving well beyond exploration, they draw specific conclusions that are bold yet empirically grounded, finding that schooling improves occupational success in ways unrelated to cognitive ability, that IQ is not a strong independent predictor of economic success, and that people's associations--their neighborhoods, working groups, and other social ties--significantly explain many of the poverty traps we observe. The optimistic message of this beautifully edited book is that important violations of equality of opportunity do exist but can be attenuated by policies that will serve the general economy. Policy makers will read with interest concrete suggestions for crafting economically beneficial anti-discrimination measures, enhancing educational and associational opportunity, and centering economic reforms in community-based institutions. Here is an example of some of our most brilliant social thinkers using the most advanced techniques that their disciplines have to offer to tackle an issue of great social importance.

Meritocracy, Growth, and Lessons from Italy's Economic Decline: Lobbies (and Ideologies) Against Competition and Talent

by Lorenzo Codogno Giampaolo Galli

This book draws lessons on the importance of meritocracy for economic growth by analysing Italy's economic decline in the past few decades. Connections, rather than merit, are a long-standing feature of the Italian elites, even in the corporate sector. This became a significant problem when Italy's economy could no longer grow due to imitation, devaluation, and public debt, and faced the challenges of becoming a frontier knowledge-based open economy. This book uses international comparisons on social capital, governance, the role of the public sector, efficiency of the judiciary, education, gender and social inequality, social mobility, corporate standards, financial structures, and more to evaluate Italy's economic performance. It argues that the arrogance of mediocracy is more damaging than that of meritocracy. Italy experienced an economic miracle after the Second World War, and it is still an advanced economy and a member of the G7. Until the 1960s it seemed destined to catch up with the best-performing countries. Then the growth engine stopped, its debt skyrocketed, and Italy became a weaker member of the Eurozone. Many other countries in the world have heavy historical legacies and low social capital, and many others have to make the jump from imitation led growth to endogenous growth. The lessons drawn from studying Italy's case can therefore have important international applications.

Meritocracy, Growth, and Lessons from Italy's Economic Decline: Lobbies (and Ideologies) Against Competition and Talent

by Giampaolo Galli Lorenzo Codogno

This book draws lessons on the importance of meritocracy for economic growth by analysing Italy's economic decline in the past few decades. Connections, rather than merit, are a long-standing feature of the Italian elites, even in the corporate sector. This became a significant problem when Italy's economy could no longer grow due to imitation, devaluation, and public debt, and faced the challenges of becoming a frontier knowledge-based open economy. This book uses international comparisons on social capital, governance, the role of the public sector, efficiency of the judiciary, education, gender and social inequality, social mobility, corporate standards, financial structures, and more to evaluate Italy's economic performance. It argues that the arrogance of mediocracy is more damaging than that of meritocracy. Italy experienced an economic miracle after the Second World War, and it is still an advanced economy and a member of the G7. Until the 1960s it seemed destined to catch up with the best-performing countries. Then the growth engine stopped, its debt skyrocketed, and Italy became a weaker member of the Eurozone. Many other countries in the world have heavy historical legacies and low social capital, and many others have to make the jump from imitation led growth to endogenous growth. The lessons drawn from studying Italy's case can therefore have important international applications.

The Meritocracy Trap: Or, The Tyranny of Just Deserts

by Daniel Markovits

Even in the midst of runaway economic inequality and dangerous social division, it remains an axiom of modern life that meritocracy reigns supreme and promises to open opportunity to all.The idea that reward should follow ability and effort is so entrenched in our psyche that, even as society divides itself at almost every turn, all sides can be heard repeating meritocratic notions. Meritocracy cuts to the heart of who we think we are.But what if, both up and down the social ladder, meritocracy is a sham? Today, meritocracy has become exactly what it was conceived to resist: a mechanism for the concentration and dynastic transmission of wealth and privilege across generations. Upward mobility has become a fantasy, and the embattled middle classes are now more likely to sink into the working poor than to rise into the professional elite. At the same time, meritocracy now ensnares even those who manage to claw their way to the top, requiring rich adults to work with crushing intensity, exploiting their expensive educations in order to extract a return. All this is not the result of deviations or retreats from meritocracy but rather stems directly from meritocracy's successes.This is the radical argument that The Meritocracy Trap prosecutes with rare force, comprehensive research, and devastating persuasion. Daniel Markovits, a law professor trained in philosophy and economics, is better placed than most to puncture one of the dominant ideas of our age. Having spent his life at elite universities, he knows from the inside the corrosive system we are trapped within, as well as how we can take the first steps towards a world that might afford us both prosperity and dignity.

Merits and Limits of Markets (Publications of the Egon-Sohmen-Foundation)

by Herbert Giersch

The 1997 Symposium of the Egon-Sohmen-Foundation, which gave rise to this book, took place in the United States, on the East Coast between New Y C)rk and New Haven, more precisely in Stamford (Conn.). The original choice had been a place close to Yale University, where Egon Sohmen taught economics from 1958 to 1960, subsequent to his period at MIT. But the hotel in New Haven was closed down by a new owner-to pass through a process of creative destruction. Change of ownership-on a large scale and as a transition from public to private hands-had been the topic of the preceding Egon­ Sohmen-Symposium (in Budapest in 1996) published under the head­ ing: Privatization at the End of the Century (Springer-Verlag, 1997). Yet mere change of ownership, some of us at the Foundation felt in subsequent months, was too narrow a focus to properly deal with the movement under consideration: a transition of ownership together with a general move towards a competitive market system charac­ terized by global openness, uncertainty, decentralized risk-bearing, and the increasing importance of information and innovation.

The Merits of Regional Cooperation: The Case of South Asia

by Siegfried O. Wolf Paulo Casaca Anne J. Flanagan Cátia Rodrigues

This book highlights various cutting-edge topics and approaches to cooperation and regional integration in South Asia. Contributions from both South Asian and EU scholars carry the distinctive flavour of differing perspectives, in order to identify possible driving factors for regional cooperation.The book is divided into four parts:Peace and Stability focuses on how to combat terrorism and ideologies of hate, looks at governance in the context of cultural diversity, and examines the role of education in achieving traditional and human security;Economic Cooperation deals with potential EU-India trade relations as well as the issue of how to transform the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) into an effective and coherent economic space;Efficient Use of Resources analyses how the region can achieve more development;EU-South Asia relations elaborates on potential areas of cooperation between the two regions.

Merkin and Flannery on the Arbitration Act 1996 (Lloyd's Arbitration Law Library)

by Robert Merkin Louis Flannery

This book is an essential resource for anybody involved in arbitration. It is an updated section-by-section commentary on the Arbitration Act 1996, split into a separate set of notes for each section, and subdivided into the relevant issues within that section. It contains elements of international comparative law, citing authorities from many other common law and civil law jurisdictions. Beyond the development of law since the last edition, this sixth edition contains new practical features to aid the reader. Each section now has a new contents table, with each separate topic set out clearly and in a logical order, which acts as reminder for the reader. Further, each separate topic now has a specific individual reference, and the topics are grouped in a more systematic and logical way within each section, to improve readability. The book is primarily aimed at practitioners of arbitration both in the UK and abroad, including solicitors, barristers, arbitrators and judges who are involved in the practice of arbitration (whether domestic or international). It is also aimed at UK and international students of international arbitration, especially in relation to the sections with comparative legal analysis and comprehensive discussions on the interaction between the Arbitration Act 1996 and institutional arbitration rules.

Merkin and Flannery on the Arbitration Act 1996 (Lloyd's Arbitration Law Library)

by Robert Merkin Louis Flannery

This book is an essential resource for anybody involved in arbitration. It is an updated section-by-section commentary on the Arbitration Act 1996, split into a separate set of notes for each section, and subdivided into the relevant issues within that section. It contains elements of international comparative law, citing authorities from many other common law and civil law jurisdictions. Beyond the development of law since the last edition, this sixth edition contains new practical features to aid the reader. Each section now has a new contents table, with each separate topic set out clearly and in a logical order, which acts as reminder for the reader. Further, each separate topic now has a specific individual reference, and the topics are grouped in a more systematic and logical way within each section, to improve readability. The book is primarily aimed at practitioners of arbitration both in the UK and abroad, including solicitors, barristers, arbitrators and judges who are involved in the practice of arbitration (whether domestic or international). It is also aimed at UK and international students of international arbitration, especially in relation to the sections with comparative legal analysis and comprehensive discussions on the interaction between the Arbitration Act 1996 and institutional arbitration rules.

MES Compendium: Perfect MES Solutions based on HYDRA

by Jürgen Kletti Rainer Deisenroth

Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is the central part and data hub in a manufacturing environment, connecting ERP and shop floor through horizontal and vertical integration. As a perfect example of modern and Industry 4.0 orientated MES, HYDRA is described, basically modular structured with plenty of standard functions, covering all production areas and departments in a factory, such as machine connectivity, production management, production logistics, quality management, resource management, energy management, and HR.Collecting vast real-time production data is just the very first step, where many MES systems linger about. More important is to analyze and utilize mass production data, turning Big Data into Smart Data. MES Hydra offers various analysis tools and reports for the sake of efficiency and transparency.

MES-Kompendium: Ein Leitfaden am Beispiel von HYDRA

by Jürgen Kletti Rainer Deisenroth

Manufacturing Execution Systeme (MES) sind eine wichtige Disziplin der Fertigungs-IT. Sie helfen Schwachstellen, Verschwendungen und Qualitätsprobleme in der Produktion zu erkennen. Sie sind nicht nur die Basis für einen kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozess, sondern auch ein Werkzeug für die effiziente Steuerung der Fertigung und eine stetig steigende Produktqualität. Mit Blick auf zukünftige Technologien und Konzepte wie Industrie 4.0, Integrated Industry, Smart Factory oder die allgemein geforderte Digitalisierung werden MES weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die große Bandbreite an Funktionalitäten am Beispiel des MES HYDRA. Eine klare Gliederung der üblichen MES-Module und deren Rolle in einer industriellen Fertigung zeigen, welche Nutzeffekte zu erzielen sind und wie sich der Einsatz moderner MES-Technologien auf Unternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb auswirkt.

MES-Kompendium: Ein Leitfaden am Beispiel von HYDRA

by Jürgen Kletti Rainer Deisenroth

Manufacturing Execution Systeme (MES) sind eine stark wachsende Disziplin im Bereich der Informationstechnik für die Produktion. Sie helfen dabei, Schwachstellen, Verschwendungen und Qualitätsprobleme in der Fertigung zu erkennen. Auf diese Weise sind sie nicht nur die Basis für einen kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprozess, sondern auch ein Werkzeug für eine effiziente Steuerung der Produktion und für eine stetige Steigerung der Produktqualität. Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die große Bandbreite an Funktionalitäten von MES am Beispiel des Systems HYDRA. Eine klare Gliederung der heute üblichen MES-Module und deren Zuordnung zu Funktionseinheiten in einer industriellen Fertigung zeigen, welche Nutzeffekte zu erzielen sind und wie sich der Einsatz moderner MES-Technologien auf Fertigungsunternehmen im globalen Wettbewerb auswirkt.

MES - Manufacturing Execution System: Moderne Informationstechnologie unterstützt die Wertschöpfung

by Jürgen Kletti

Mit der Veränderung der klassischen Fabrik von einer Produktionsstätte zu einem modernen Dienstleistungszentrum ergeben sich neue Herausforderungen: Wirtschaftlichkeit der modernen Wertschöpfung ist keine Eigenschaft der Produkte, sondern des Prozesses. Komplexe Prozesse benötigen eine ganzheitliche Unterstützung durch moderne und flexible IT-Systeme.Neben einer grundsätzlichen Einführung in das Thema beschreibt das Buch die Struktur eines Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Dem Leser wird ein umfassender Überblick über die Leistungsfähigkeit und die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines Manufacturing Execution Systems vermittelt und er erhält einen Einblick in zukünftige Produktionsszenarien unter Industrie 4.0.Der Leser lernt die Motivation hinter einem MES-System kennen und erfährt, wie die einzelnen Anwendungen ineinander greifen. Auch die technische Realisierung eines MES wird ausführlich erläutert. Hierfür werden Szenarien aus der Praxis aufgezeigt. In einem eigenen Kapitel werden die spezifischen Anforderungen bestimmter Branchen an ein MES erörtert und ein praktikabler Lösungsweg aufgezeigt.Anhand einer umfangreichen Checkliste kann der Leser jedes beliebige MES-System dahingehend prüfen, ob es für den individuellen Einsatz im eigenen Unternehmen geeignet ist.

MES - Manufacturing Execution System: Moderne Informationstechnologie zur Prozessfähigkeit der Wertschöpfung

by Jürgen Kletti

Aus den Rezensionen: "… Neben einer grundsätzlichen Einführung in das Thema MES geben ausgewählte Fachbeiträge dem Leser einen umfassenden Überblick über die Leistungsfähigkeit und die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Manufacturing Execution Systemen (MES). Dieser Bestseller ist in deutscher und englischer Sprache erhältlich." (Produktion, 2007)

MESH – Die Evolution der Zusammenarbeit: Warum vernetzte Kompetenz mehr ist als bloße Kooperation

by Christoph Zulehner

Dieses Buch beschreibt eine neue Welt der Zusammenarbeit. Ihre große Chance besteht im Teilen von Wissen innerhalb eines Netzwerks aus kooperierenden Spezialisten, dem MESH. Dabei geht es um weit mehr als klassische Arbeitsteilung. MESH ist nicht weniger als ein nächster Schritt in einem evolutionären Prozess. Indem menschliche Spezialisten ihre Gehirne ko-kreativ zusammen­„schalten“, entsteht ein neuartiges, kollektives Bewusstsein, das allen arbeitenden Menschen ermöglicht, über sich hinauszuwachsen und die drängenden Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts gemeinsam zu meistern.

Mesoamerican Myth: A Treasury of Central American Legends, Art, and History

by Anita Ganeri

In order to understand the course of economic and social disintegration in the Soviet Union, various questions were put to Soviet officials and economic and other policy advisors of the 1980s. This text assembles the analyses of key issues and turning points into a history of the systemic collapse.

Mesoamerican Myth: A Treasury of Central American Legends, Art, and History

by Anita Ganeri

In order to understand the course of economic and social disintegration in the Soviet Union, various questions were put to Soviet officials and economic and other policy advisors of the 1980s. This text assembles the analyses of key issues and turning points into a history of the systemic collapse.

A Message from Ukraine

by Volodymyr Zelensky

The words of a man. The message of a people.Bringing together a new introduction by Volodymyr Zelensky with his most powerful war speeches, this book recounts Ukraine's war through the words of its president. It is the story of a people valiantly defending themselves from Russian aggression. And it is a battle cry for us all to stand up, support Ukraine and fight for democracy.'The Ukraine president's storytelling skills and sense of moral purpose elevate his war speeches in this compelling collection . . . The tribune of freedom.' ObserverIncludes a new preface plus three additional speeches selected by President Zelensky.

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