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Mentale Stärke im Beruf: Resilienz und Leistungsfähigkeit maximieren (essentials)

by Erich R. Unkrig

Das Buch zeigt, dass mentale Stärke im beruflichen Kontext ein entscheidender Faktor für Leistung und Erfolg von Einzelnen, Teams sowie Organisationen ist.Der Autor beantwortet kompakt und fundiert Fragen zu den Themen: Worin unterscheiden sich mentale Gesundheit, mentales Wohlbefinden, Resilienz und mentale Stärke? Welche Faktoren machen uns mental stark? Wie sieht ein zeitgemäßes Modell mentaler Stärke in der Unternehmenspraxis aus?Mentale Stärke beschreibt die Geisteshaltung, die jeder Mensch bei dem, was er tut, an den Tag legt. Sie erklärt, warum Menschen und Organisationen sich so verhalten, wie sie es tun. Untersuchungen zeigen, dass mentale Stärke die Ergebnisse von Einzelnen und Organisationen beeinflusst. Selbst in schwierigen Zeiten und unter besonderen Herausforderungen bringen mental starke Menschen mehr Leistung, arbeiten zielgerichteter und engagieren sich stärker für ihre Ziele. Dies führt zu einem besseren Output und steigert die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Organisation. Gleichzeitig können mental starke Menschen Stress besser bewältigen und entwickeln seltener psychische Probleme.

Mentales Training: Grundlagen und Anwendung in Sport, Rehabilitation, Arbeit und Wirtschaft

by Jan Mayer Hans-Dieter Hermann

Vorstellungen nutzen - die Leistung optimierenIn diesem Lehrbuch für die Praxis zeigen zwei renommierte Sportpsychologen mit Erkenntnissen aus Psychologie, Neurophysiologie und Sportwissenschaft, wie mentales Training wirkt. Sie zeigen wissenschaftliche Hintergründe auf und geben konkrete Handlungsanleitungen, anschauliche Beispiele und praktische Tipps zum Trainingsaufbau. Geschrieben haben sie dieses Werk für Trainer, Coaches, Sportpsychologen, Psychotherapeuten und Sportwissenschaftler.Insbesondere Sportler, aber auch Chirurgen, Piloten und andere Leistungsträger stehen häufig unter enormem Druck: In Stresssituationen müssen sie ihre maximale Leistung abrufen können. Doch wenn die Belastung durch hohe Erwartungen, unvorhersehbare Ereignisse oder Angst vor negativen Folgen zunimmt, fallen selbst gut eingeübte Handlungen plötzlich schwer oder misslingen sogar, weil "der Kopf nicht mitspielt". Hier setzt das mentale Training an: Das bewährte psychologische Verfahren nutzt Vorstellungen, um Handlungsabläufe vorab durchzuspielen, und hilft, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren – damit der Ernstfall ein Erfolg wird! Aus dem InhaltI Grundlagen – II Anwendungsfelder im Leistungssport, in der Rehabilitation, in Arbeit und Wirtschaft: mit Materialien und Fragebogen.Die AutorenProfessor Dr. Jan Mayer und Professor Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann sind anerkannte Experten im Bereich der Sportpsychologie und seit Jahren in der sportpsychologischen Praxis tätig. Durch ihre Arbeit mit namhaften Spitzensportlern und Nationalmannschaften, u.a. des Deutschen Fußballbundes, sind Sie einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bekannt geworden.

Mentales Training

by Jan Mayer Hans-Dieter Hermann

Leistung bringen, wenn es wirklich darauf ankommt! Sportler und andere Leistungsträger, z.B. Chirurgen, Piloten oder Führungskräfte, stehen häufig unter dem Druck, in stressreichen Wettkampfsituationen auf den Punkt genau ihre maximale Leistung abrufen zu müssen. Handlungen, die sie im Alltag beherrschen, müssen plötzlich in einer geänderten Drucksituation möglichst perfekt ausgeführt werden. Vielen fällt es schwer, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren, wenn die Belastung durch hohe Erwartungen oder Angst vor negativen Folgen zunimmt. Genau hier setzt Mentales Training, ein bewährtes psychologisches Verfahren zur Leistungssteigerung, an: Die Handlungsabläufe werden vorab in der Vorstellung durchgespielt, die Konzentration auf die wesentlichen Dinge fokussiert. Jan Mayer und Hans-Dieter Hermann sind anerkannte Experten des Mentalen Trainings, die durch ihre Arbeit mit namhaften Spitzensportlern, u.a. für Auswahlmannschaften des Deutschen Fußballbundes, einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bekannt geworden sind. Ihr Buch erklärt Trainern, Coaches und Leistungsträgern die Grundlagen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Mentalen Trainings in den Bereichen Sport, Rehabilitation, Arbeit und Wirtschaft - praxisnah und mit spannenden Beispielen.

Mentales Training: Grundlagen und Anwendung in Sport, Rehabilitation, Arbeit und Wirtschaft

by Jan Mayer Hans-Dieter Hermann

Sportler und andere Leistungsträger müssen in Wettkampfsituationen auf den Punkt genau ihre maximale Leistung abrufen. Vielen fällt dies schwer, sobald der Stress durch hohe Erwartungen oder Angst vor negativen Folgen zunimmt. Hier setzt das Mentale Training an: Handlungsabläufe werden durchgespielt, die Konzentration auf das Wesentliche fokussiert. Die Autoren, anerkannte Experten, erklären die Grundlagen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Mentalen Trainings in Sport, Rehabilitation, Arbeit und Wirtschaft – mit Beispielen aus allen Anwendungsbereichen. Geschrieben für Trainer, Coaches in Sport und Wirtschaft, Berater, Sportpsychologen, Reha-Mediziner und alle, die ihre Leistungsfähigkeit in entscheidenden Situationen verbessern möchten.

Mentalisieren als schützende Ressource: Eine Studie zur gesundheitserhaltenden Funktion der Mentalisierungsfähigkeit

by Nicola-Hans Schwarzer

Nicola-Hans Schwarzer untersucht den gesundheitserhaltenden Einfluss der Mentalisierungsfähigkeit anhand einer Stichprobe angehender und bereits berufstätiger pädagogischer Fachkräfte. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die Annahme, die die Mentalisierungsfähigkeit als schützende Ressource konzeptualisiert, auf Basis der ermittelten Befunde bestätigt werden kann. Die Ergebnisse erweisen sich als bedeutsam, da aufgrund des hohen Belastungserlebens pädagogischer Fachkräfte dringend praktikable Konzepte erforderlich sind, die es Betroffenen gestatten, sich angesichts aversiver Erfahrungen trotzdem als gesund und handlungsfähig zu erleben.

Mentaltraining für Finanzdienstleister und Versicherungsvermittler

by Hans-Jürgen Kaschak

Dieses Buch vermittelt die Basics sowie praktikable Tools, um sich in guten wie auch in schlechten Zeiten den unterschiedlichsten Situationen im Finanzvertrieb stellen zu können. Es richtet sich an selbständige Handelsvertreter ebenso wie an Führungskräfte des Innendienstes und des angestellten Außendienstes im Versicherungs- und Finanzdienstleistungsgewerbe.Der Vertrieb von Versicherungen und Finanzdienstleistungen gehört zu den härtesten Vertrieben am Markt. Wer in diesem Verdrängungsmarkt bestehen möchte und langfristig Zufriedenheit mit seiner Arbeit erfahren möchte, muss mental topfit sein. Ähnlich wie im Leistungssport wird nur derjenige in diesem Vertrieb sein Ziel erreichen, der auch mental stets optimal vorbereitet ist.

The Mentee's Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You

by Lois J. Zachary Lory A. Fischler

PRAISE FOR THE MENTEE'S GUIDE "The Mentee's Guide inspires and guides the potential mentee, provides new insights for the adventure in learning that lies ahead, and underscores my personal belief and experience that mentoring is circular. The mentor gains as much as the mentee in this evocative relationship. Lois Zachary's new book is a great gift." —Frances Hesselbein, chairman and founding president, Leader to Leader Institute "Whether you are the mentee or mentor, born or made for the role, you will gain much more from the relationship by practicing the fun and easy A-to-Z principles of The Mentee's Guide by the master of excellence, Lois Zachary." —Ken Shelton, editor, Leadership Excellence "With this deeply practical book filled with stories and useful exercises, Lois Zachary completes her groundbreaking trilogy on mentoring. Must-reading for those in search of a richer understanding of this deeply human relationship as well as anyone seeking a mentor, whether for new skills, job advancement, or deeper wisdom." —Laurent A. Parks Daloz, senior fellow, the Whidbey Institute, and author, Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners

The Mentee's Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You

by Lois J. Zachary Lory A. Fischler

PRAISE FOR THE MENTEE'S GUIDE "The Mentee's Guide inspires and guides the potential mentee, provides new insights for the adventure in learning that lies ahead, and underscores my personal belief and experience that mentoring is circular. The mentor gains as much as the mentee in this evocative relationship. Lois Zachary's new book is a great gift." —Frances Hesselbein, chairman and founding president, Leader to Leader Institute "Whether you are the mentee or mentor, born or made for the role, you will gain much more from the relationship by practicing the fun and easy A-to-Z principles of The Mentee's Guide by the master of excellence, Lois Zachary." —Ken Shelton, editor, Leadership Excellence "With this deeply practical book filled with stories and useful exercises, Lois Zachary completes her groundbreaking trilogy on mentoring. Must-reading for those in search of a richer understanding of this deeply human relationship as well as anyone seeking a mentor, whether for new skills, job advancement, or deeper wisdom." —Laurent A. Parks Daloz, senior fellow, the Whidbey Institute, and author, Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners

The Mentor Connection: Strategic Alliances within Corporate Life

by Michael G. Zey

In the past several years the concept of the mentor has become a part of the common parlance. There is a widespread interest in the pivotal role of mentoring for the success of individuals. Research has made it plain that mentors play a major role in career development. Now human resources and organizational development groups have come to appreciate the role of mentoring on the donor as well as recipient, for the career of the helper no less than the person(s) being helped. Michael Zey, in this study based upon interviews with over 150 executives in Fortune 500 companies and smaller firms, provides a major exploration of the sociological dynamics of the mentoring relationships, locating this phenomenon in the fields of career growth, job satisfaction, and social mobility. In doing so, Zey offers a framework for the understanding of corporate culture, an approach that raises this volume far beyond the usual self-help literature found in this field.

The Mentor Connection: Strategic Alliances within Corporate Life

by Michael G. Zey

In the past several years the concept of the mentor has become a part of the common parlance. There is a widespread interest in the pivotal role of mentoring for the success of individuals. Research has made it plain that mentors play a major role in career development. Now human resources and organizational development groups have come to appreciate the role of mentoring on the donor as well as recipient, for the career of the helper no less than the person(s) being helped. Michael Zey, in this study based upon interviews with over 150 executives in Fortune 500 companies and smaller firms, provides a major exploration of the sociological dynamics of the mentoring relationships, locating this phenomenon in the fields of career growth, job satisfaction, and social mobility. In doing so, Zey offers a framework for the understanding of corporate culture, an approach that raises this volume far beyond the usual self-help literature found in this field.

The Mentor-Disciple Relationship in the Visual Arts and Beyond: Mentoring as Human Nurturing (Routledge Research in Arts Education)

by Gaetano A. LaRoche

This book undertakes a deep examination of mentor and disciple relationships in the development of artists. It draws upon a variety of relationships and models, including an in-person mentor, a mentor or apprentice scenario, and non-physical mentors such as historical figures, in order to investigate their history and philosophy.This volume specifically addresses the role of mentoring in the lives of contemporary aspiring artists, asking if and how mentoring can be considered a form of human nurturance. Deep historical inspections and philosophical inquiries are combined with analyses of interviews with contemporary artists ranging from 35 to 101 years old. These holistic insights present the subject of mentoring in the arts from the multiple angles of art history and relevant ideas about the benefits of nurturance and acceptance in human development.Using artists’ biographies and discussions of their work, this book sheds light on the role that mentoring has played in their development and can play in contemporary education. It will appeal to artists, art history teachers, educators, art students, and art scholars.

The Mentor-Disciple Relationship in the Visual Arts and Beyond: Mentoring as Human Nurturing (Routledge Research in Arts Education)

by Gaetano A. LaRoche

This book undertakes a deep examination of mentor and disciple relationships in the development of artists. It draws upon a variety of relationships and models, including an in-person mentor, a mentor or apprentice scenario, and non-physical mentors such as historical figures, in order to investigate their history and philosophy.This volume specifically addresses the role of mentoring in the lives of contemporary aspiring artists, asking if and how mentoring can be considered a form of human nurturance. Deep historical inspections and philosophical inquiries are combined with analyses of interviews with contemporary artists ranging from 35 to 101 years old. These holistic insights present the subject of mentoring in the arts from the multiple angles of art history and relevant ideas about the benefits of nurturance and acceptance in human development.Using artists’ biographies and discussions of their work, this book sheds light on the role that mentoring has played in their development and can play in contemporary education. It will appeal to artists, art history teachers, educators, art students, and art scholars.

Mentor Myth: How to Take Control of Your Own Success

by Debby Carreau

Mentors are over-utilized, under-trained and, as studies show, under-deliver. From an employer's perspective, assigning a mentor is often a band-aid to a larger problem. From an employee's perspective, a lack of formal mentorship is seen as a serious, career-inhibiting problem, the equivalent of sailing a boat without a rudder. In The Mentor Myth, Debby Carreau represents this dichotomy, explaining that while a mentor's counsel can be invaluable, it is not the silver bullet human resources professionals often purport it to be. The opinions of a mentor are one data point, one piece in the much more complex game of navigating a career. In fact, the increasing overreliance on mentorship can actually be a hindrance to a successful career. Instead of continually looking outward for career guidance, aspiring professionals must realize that they possess all the tools necessary to take control of their own careers by using their own strengths, capabilities, and visions of success. Through her years of experience consulting, speaking, and writing about career development, Debby has created a comprehensive, easy-to-implement guide for taking ownership of your professional success. Debby begins by helping the reader create a professional roadmap, including how to build a personal brand, project the right amount of confidence, and manage time. She addresses mentors in the context of networks and sponsors, advising the reader how to incorporate outward influences rather than be defined by them.

Mentor Myth: How to Take Control of Your Own Success

by Debby Carreau

Mentors are over-utilized, under-trained and, as studies show, under-deliver. From an employer's perspective, assigning a mentor is often a band-aid to a larger problem. From an employee's perspective, a lack of formal mentorship is seen as a serious, career-inhibiting problem, the equivalent of sailing a boat without a rudder. In The Mentor Myth, Debby Carreau represents this dichotomy, explaining that while a mentor's counsel can be invaluable, it is not the silver bullet human resources professionals often purport it to be. The opinions of a mentor are one data point, one piece in the much more complex game of navigating a career. In fact, the increasing overreliance on mentorship can actually be a hindrance to a successful career. Instead of continually looking outward for career guidance, aspiring professionals must realize that they possess all the tools necessary to take control of their own careers by using their own strengths, capabilities, and visions of success. Through her years of experience consulting, speaking, and writing about career development, Debby has created a comprehensive, easy-to-implement guide for taking ownership of your professional success. Debby begins by helping the reader create a professional roadmap, including how to build a personal brand, project the right amount of confidence, and manage time. She addresses mentors in the context of networks and sponsors, advising the reader how to incorporate outward influences rather than be defined by them.

Mentored by a Millionaire: Master Strategies of Super Achievers

by Steven K. Scott

Unlike any book you’ve ever read, Mentored by a Millionaire is made up of fifteen mentoring sessions in which you will be mentored in the strategies, skills, and techniques used by super achievers who have become the world’s most successful men and women. You will be mentored in these sessions by Steve Scott, a man who has not only made millions himself, but has helped dozens of others make millions as well.

Mentored by a Millionaire: Master Strategies of Super Achievers

by Steven K. Scott

Unlike any book you’ve ever read, Mentored by a Millionaire is made up of fifteen mentoring sessions in which you will be mentored in the strategies, skills, and techniques used by super achievers who have become the world’s most successful men and women. You will be mentored in these sessions by Steve Scott, a man who has not only made millions himself, but has helped dozens of others make millions as well.

Mentoring: A Henley Review of Best Practice

by J. Cranwell-Ward P. Bossons S. Gover

In the last few years there has been a big expansion in the range of applications of mentoring in business and in the scope of particular schemes in specific organizations. This book draws upon valuable case study material and includes advice on best practice from leading companies on setting up, running and evaluating mentoring schemes. The book is an easy-access compendium of collected wisdom with a multitude of insights, ideas and shared experience from the most successful and effective mentoring schemes.

Mentoring: Das Praxisbuch für Personalverantwortliche und Unternehmer

by Nele Graf Frank Edelkraut

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den wichtigsten Aspekten zur erfolgreichen Konzeption und Durchführung von Mentoringprogrammen. Ergänzt um Arbeitshilfen, Fallstudien und Checklisten, bietet das Buch einen praxistauglichen und zukunftsorientierten Leitfaden für erfolgreiches Mentoring.Die neuen Anforderungen der Personalentwicklung wie zum Beispiel Lernen im Arbeitskontext, individualisierte Lernmaßnahmen und partnerschaftliches Lernen kann Mentoring ideal bedienen. Hinzu kommt, dass Mentoring auch für den Mentor selbst und das Unternehmen einen signifikanten Nutzen besitzt. In der 2. Auflage werden neue Fallstudien vorgestellt und das Thema der Evaluation von Mentoringprogrammen umfassender beleuchtet. Darüber hinaus wird die Einbindung des Mentoring in zukunftsfähige Systeme der Personalentwicklung diskutiert.

Mentoring: Das Praxisbuch für Personalverantwortliche und Unternehmer

by Nele Graf Frank Edelkraut

Mentoring hat eine jahrhundertalte Tradition und dennoch nichts an Aktualität eingebüßt. Die neuen Anforderungen der Personalentwicklung wie zum Beispiel Begleitung des Lerntransfers, individualisierte Lernmaßnahmen und partnerschaftliches Lernen kann Mentoring ideal bedienen. Hinzu kommt, dass Mentoring auch für den Mentor selbst und das Unternehmen einen signifikanten Nutzen besitzt und dieser in den Fokus rückt. Die Autoren zeigen die wichtigsten Aspekte zur erfolgreichen Konzeption und Durchführung von Mentoringprogrammen auf. Ergänzt um Arbeitshilfen, Fallstudien und Checklisten, bietet das Buch einen praxistauglichen und zukunftsorientierten Leitfaden für erfolgreiches Mentoring.

Mentoring and Diversity: An International Perspective

by Belle Rose Ragins David Clutterbuck Lisa Matthewman

Organizations with a diverse workforce will have a leading edge in the New World economy. 'Mentoring and Diversity' illustrates the importance of mentoring as a proactive tool in diversity initiatives, and demonstrates how mentoring can be used to recruit, develop and retain a diverse and innovative workforce. This book brings together new and innovative perspectives on diversity and mentoring relationships within a variety of international settings. 'Mentoring and Diversity' provides a unique blend of research and practice, and is an indispensable guide for any company that seeks to develop a more diverse workforce. It will serve as a fundamental text for practitioners interested in developing effective mentoring programmes and for researchers seeking to understand these critical and complex relationships. Interviews, cases and qualitative data from a variety of international settings are used to support the models and theries developed in the text. These cases illustrate "diversity in action" in mentoring relationships, and provide guidance for developing effective mentoring programmes and diverse mentoring relationships in organizations.The book is composed of four sections that reflect theory, research and practice:* An overview of the theory and research on diversified mentoring relationships, followed by an applied model of diversity in mentoring relationships.* Some empirically based and pragmatic observations of "best practices" that are used by diversified mentoring programmes in various international contexts.* A collection of international case studies of diversity in both mentoring programmes and individual mentoring relationships. These cases illustrate the challenges and benefits associated with diversity in mentoring relationships. Organizational cases are drawn from such companies as Procter & Gamble, Volvo and World Bank. These cases provide practical guidance on how to develop effective mentoring programmes.* An integrative analysis of some of the recurring themes in the case studies that are supported by existing research but also chart new ground for emerging reseach and theory.

Mentoring and Diversity

by Belle Rose Ragins David Clutterbuck Lisa Matthewman

Organizations with a diverse workforce will have a leading edge in the New World economy. 'Mentoring and Diversity' illustrates the importance of mentoring as a proactive tool in diversity initiatives, and demonstrates how mentoring can be used to recruit, develop and retain a diverse and innovative workforce. This book brings together new and innovative perspectives on diversity and mentoring relationships within a variety of international settings. 'Mentoring and Diversity' provides a unique blend of research and practice, and is an indispensable guide for any company that seeks to develop a more diverse workforce. It will serve as a fundamental text for practitioners interested in developing effective mentoring programmes and for researchers seeking to understand these critical and complex relationships. Interviews, cases and qualitative data from a variety of international settings are used to support the models and theries developed in the text. These cases illustrate "diversity in action" in mentoring relationships, and provide guidance for developing effective mentoring programmes and diverse mentoring relationships in organizations.The book is composed of four sections that reflect theory, research and practice:* An overview of the theory and research on diversified mentoring relationships, followed by an applied model of diversity in mentoring relationships.* Some empirically based and pragmatic observations of "best practices" that are used by diversified mentoring programmes in various international contexts.* A collection of international case studies of diversity in both mentoring programmes and individual mentoring relationships. These cases illustrate the challenges and benefits associated with diversity in mentoring relationships. Organizational cases are drawn from such companies as Procter & Gamble, Volvo and World Bank. These cases provide practical guidance on how to develop effective mentoring programmes.* An integrative analysis of some of the recurring themes in the case studies that are supported by existing research but also chart new ground for emerging reseach and theory.

Mentoring and Sponsoring: Keys to Success

by Maria Angela Capello Eve Sprunt

This book is a compilation of very personal approaches to mentoring and sponsoring, breaking the stereotypes of seniority, age or experience. The authors have provided a platform to understand that mentoring and especially sponsoring are in fact a win-win relation, in which both sides, mentors and mentees; and sponsors and sponsored individuals learn from each other, enhancing their career paths. How they managed to create a growth space for themselves and their teams through mentoring and sponsoring, is a story of professional leadership. They shared a privileged outlook to understand the root causes of barriers, as well as to envision plausible solutions for difficult career crossroads, in which mentorship or sponsoring was key to steer step changes.The authors propose not only their vision, but a remarkable collection of unfiltered interviews with young and renown professionals in many sectors, from photography to music, research, sports, energy, and more, completing a vision of what is key for both sides of the equation pertinent to mentoring and sponsoring: the givers and the receivers. They explain what is needed to gain the most out of the mentoring and sponsoring loops, with their own career stories.Success is supported by many factors, in which the most important are the technical competency and performance aligned with resilience. However, in the long path of a career, mentors and particularly sponsors play a foundational and frequently a changing-life role, improving our perspective or triggering reflections and actions that benefitted our journeys at work and in life.This book provides insights on what works for an effective mentoring and sponsoring process. It is useful for all professionals, especially those starting their career journeys.

Mentoring beim Übergang vom Studium in den Beruf: Eine empirische Studie zu Erfolgsfaktoren und wahrgenommenem Nutzen

by Stephan Pflaum

Stephan Pflaum untersucht in einer dreijährigen Panel-Studie systematisch den Nutzen von Mentoring beim Wechsel vom Studium in den Beruf aus Sicht der Mentees und der MentorInnen. Der Autor präsentiert Rahmenbedingungen für gutes Mentoring und erfolgreiche Mentoringprogramme anhand quantitativer und qualitativer Daten. Untersuchungsgegenstand ist das bundesweit in dieser Form größte, fakultäts- und branchenübergreifende Mentoringprogramm der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Aus den Ergebnissen der Studie werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die optimale Gestaltung von Mentoringprogrammen an Universitäten abgeleitet.

Mentoring Digital Media Projects: Project-Based Learning and Teaching for Professional Development

by Patrick Parra Pennefather

Mentoring is often a crucial, yet informal part of an organization’s best practices and skill development, whether targeted towards a team lead, project manager, designer, developer or a valued senior team member. This book provides practical strategies and methodologies for professionals to mentor others to successfully develop and deliver digital media projects across different types of settings.Many professionals working with teams in the digital media industry (games, web development, XR, IoT, mobile) are drawn to teaching others, but may not know how or where to start. Many might be a subject expert but may not have the structure and skills in place to be able to teach others effectively in workplace and institutional settings. This handbook will give professionals a guide on how to mentor junior designers, developers and other learners in formal and informal learning environments. Mentoring Digital Media Projects offers the right tools and strategies to use in digital media and emerging tech projects for you to better guide junior team members What You'll Learn Understand the difference between mentoring and teachingDesign thinking strategies to better identify where, when and how you can help and mentor othersBuild mentoring pipelines, end-to end, especially in post-secondary learning environmentsCreate emerging technology projects with teams Who This Book Is For Digital media professionals (game, web development, XR, mobile, IoT, etc.) who have experience working in teams in their specific discipline and who want to mentor others.

Mentoring Diverse Leaders: Creating Change for People, Processes, and Paradigms

by Audrey J. Murrell Stacy Blake-Beard

Mentoring Diverse Leaders provides up-to-date research on the impact of mentoring relationships in organizations, particularly as they relate to cultivating diverse leadership. Contributions from experts in the fields of psychology, business, law, non-profit management, and engineering draw connections between mentoring research, theory, and practice in both domestic and global organizations. Rather than standing apart from the broader goals and objectives of these organizations, they demonstrate the ways mentoring for diversity actually drives innovation and change, talent management, organizational commitment, and organizational success.

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