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Metaphorical Management: Using Intuition and Creativity as a Guiding Mechanism for Complex Systems

by Klaus Elle

In times of general instability change management is a great challenge. Our fossil mental patterns are not sufficient any more to be able to navigate sensibly the global scenario of complexity. Metaphorical thinking is a method which releases creative impulses into every change process and is of practical use, activating collective knowledge as a new network resource at the same time. This book reflects modern economy, ecology, sustainability and perception from an artistic perspective. However, it is not so much about "art", but rather how the modern artist takes on a serving role in the social arena again. He makes his creative knowledge available to connect processes of large-scale social development, he extends the boundaries of our scientifically limited world view and creates inspired playgrounds where the sensory-visionary can freely interact with the technically-necessary. This is no new aesthetic theory but rather a practical application of the creative process in operation at the crossroads of social interaction. Metaphorical thinking is emotionalized thinking and the observer is not separated from reality, but the centre, the starting point, of every change and new development. This volume offers creative ways to find solutions for a wide range of complex problems. It is a practical instrument for modern leadership and can be used to teach complexity in new ways. This work will help to create a global dialogue for sustainable change.Thsi book is also available in German: ISBN 978-90-481-9678-4

Metaphorisches Management: mit Intuition und Kreativität komplexe Systeme steuern

by Klaus Elle

Scheinbar reichen unsere alten fossilen Denkmuster nicht aus, um in den globalen Landschaften der Überkomplexität navigieren zu können. Metaphorisches Management versteht Kreativität als einen Zugang, um Komplexität steuern zu können. Mithilfe dieser Methode werden kreative Impulse in Veränderungsprozessen ausgelöst und praktisch genutzt. Gleichzeitig wird kollektives Wissen als inspirierende Ressource aktiviert. Der Band richtet sich an Menschen, die in Zeiten erhöhter Instabilität Wandel organisieren müssen. Mit Original-Kunstwerken des Autors. Das Buch ist auch in englischer Sprache lieferbar: ISBN 978-94-007-0340-7

Metaphors for Change: Partnerships, Tools and Civic Action for Sustainability

by Penny Allen Christophe Bonazzi David Gee

How can we get from where we are to where we want to be? Metaphors for Change attempts to answer this question and provide a roadmap for sustainability by bringing together the thoughts of a unique collection of leading change agents from business, government and academia. Environmental questions have previously been dealt with metaphorically, by catastrophism or manicheism (zero growth; Malthusianism, Deep Ecology; "man is the enemy"; less is more). These metaphors have had limited impact because they have failed to connect with the mainstream of cultural, political, and business ideas. This book examines a number of new metaphors – and related partnerships, tools and action – which appear to have greater possibilities for the world in which we now live. The editors argue that Metaphors for Change can deliver to the public and to decision-makers new perceptions ("structured knowledge") that can help interpret the past and the present, and help us forge the future. The wider the gap between the "now" and the "necessary", the stronger the bridging perceptions have to be in order to break through barriers of fear and conservatism. Some of the concepts considered are: sustainable development; the polluter pays principle; the precautionary principle; eco-efficiency; eco-effectiveness; life-cycle assessment; design for the environment; eco-services; dematerialization; industrial symbiosis; industrial ecology; and zero emissions. There are of course other useful metaphors on the horizon, some of them included in this book. Including key contributions from the ground-breaking conferences ECO 97 and ECO 99, along with other specially commissioned and reprinted pieces, Metaphors for Change provides a treasure chest of new ideas, innovations and action. Accessible and forward-thinking, it will prove indispensable both as a student learning tool and as a panoramic overview of the sustainability metaphors key thinkers believe we should be putting into practice.

Metaphors for Change: Partnerships, Tools and Civic Action for Sustainability

by Penny Allen Christophe Bonazzi David Gee

How can we get from where we are to where we want to be? Metaphors for Change attempts to answer this question and provide a roadmap for sustainability by bringing together the thoughts of a unique collection of leading change agents from business, government and academia. Environmental questions have previously been dealt with metaphorically, by catastrophism or manicheism (zero growth; Malthusianism, Deep Ecology; "man is the enemy"; less is more). These metaphors have had limited impact because they have failed to connect with the mainstream of cultural, political, and business ideas. This book examines a number of new metaphors – and related partnerships, tools and action – which appear to have greater possibilities for the world in which we now live. The editors argue that Metaphors for Change can deliver to the public and to decision-makers new perceptions ("structured knowledge") that can help interpret the past and the present, and help us forge the future. The wider the gap between the "now" and the "necessary", the stronger the bridging perceptions have to be in order to break through barriers of fear and conservatism. Some of the concepts considered are: sustainable development; the polluter pays principle; the precautionary principle; eco-efficiency; eco-effectiveness; life-cycle assessment; design for the environment; eco-services; dematerialization; industrial symbiosis; industrial ecology; and zero emissions. There are of course other useful metaphors on the horizon, some of them included in this book. Including key contributions from the ground-breaking conferences ECO 97 and ECO 99, along with other specially commissioned and reprinted pieces, Metaphors for Change provides a treasure chest of new ideas, innovations and action. Accessible and forward-thinking, it will prove indispensable both as a student learning tool and as a panoramic overview of the sustainability metaphors key thinkers believe we should be putting into practice.

Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought: Crises, Business Cycles and Equilibrium (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Roberto Baranzini Daniele Besomi

Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought: Crises, Business Cycles and Equilibrium explores the evolution of economic theorizing through the lens of metaphors. The edited volume sheds light on metaphors which have been used by a range of key thinkers and schools of thought to describe economic crises, business cycles and economic equilibrium. Structured in three parts, the book examines an array of metaphors ranging from mechanics, waves, storms, medicine and beyond. The international panel of contributors focuses primarily on economic literature up to the Second World War, knowing again that the use of metaphors in economic work has seen a resurgence since the 1980s. This work will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in the history of economic thought, and economics and language.

Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought: Crises, Business Cycles and Equilibrium (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Roberto Baranzini Daniele Besomi

Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought: Crises, Business Cycles and Equilibrium explores the evolution of economic theorizing through the lens of metaphors. The edited volume sheds light on metaphors which have been used by a range of key thinkers and schools of thought to describe economic crises, business cycles and economic equilibrium. Structured in three parts, the book examines an array of metaphors ranging from mechanics, waves, storms, medicine and beyond. The international panel of contributors focuses primarily on economic literature up to the Second World War, knowing again that the use of metaphors in economic work has seen a resurgence since the 1980s. This work will be of interest to advanced students and researchers in the history of economic thought, and economics and language.

Metaphors We Lead By: Understanding Leadership in the Real World

by Mats Alvesson

We live in a leadership-obsessed society. The result is that we assume nearly any social or economic ill can be mended through better leadership. Sometimes, this commitment to leadership is followed by hero worshipping, wishful thinking and misplaced hope. Seeking to understand the faith we place in leadership, the authors draw on a number of in-depth studies of managers trying to "do" leadership. It presents six metaphors for the leader: as gardener, cosy-crafter, saint, cyborg, commander and bully. Some of these offer unexpected insights into how leadership does and does not work. The book sheds light on a varied - often contradictory and sometimes darker - side of leadership. Cutting through the management-speak drenched current literature on leadership, Metaphors We Lead By presents an enlightening and refreshing understanding of an important topic. It will be useful reading for students and researchers, as well as the thinking manager.

Metaphors We Lead By: Understanding Leadership in the Real World

by Mats Alvesson André Spicer

We live in a leadership-obsessed society. The result is that we assume nearly any social or economic ill can be mended through better leadership. Sometimes, this commitment to leadership is followed by hero worshipping, wishful thinking and misplaced hope. Seeking to understand the faith we place in leadership, the authors draw on a number of in-depth studies of managers trying to "do" leadership. It presents six metaphors for the leader: as gardener, cosy-crafter, saint, cyborg, commander and bully. Some of these offer unexpected insights into how leadership does and does not work. The book sheds light on a varied - often contradictory and sometimes darker - side of leadership. Cutting through the management-speak drenched current literature on leadership, Metaphors We Lead By presents an enlightening and refreshing understanding of an important topic. It will be useful reading for students and researchers, as well as the thinking manager.

The Metaphysics of Liberty (Theory and Decision Library A: #6)

by Frank Forman

Philosophy suffers from an excess of convoluted introspection. One result is that concepts multiply unchecked. That some events have observable causes gets reified into a First Cause or, in a more secular age, to the thesis that every event is fatalistically determined. Another drawback of convoluted introspection is that tiny but crucial assumptions slip in, often unawares, with the result that densely argued counter-tomes are written in reply and no progress is made toward any kind of consensus. At bottom, subjectivity reigns. I exaggerate. Toward the other pole of the subjectivity-objectivity continuum, consensus among scientists is in fact always at a good healthy distance from compulsive unanimity. New theories replace old, and at any one time the evidence can usually be interpreted two ways. Indeed, it is possible to pile epicycle upon epicycle in the Ptolemaic system of the heavens and approximate the ellipses planets travel in the Copernican system. What cinched the case for Copernicus was not simplicity--after all alchemy is simpler than chemisty. Nor was it experiment--there were no moon shots back then. Rather it was Newton's foundations. He established a physics for the earth and the heavens alike. Earthly physics we can verify, and it does not jell with the Ptolemaic system.

Metaphysics of Trust: On Freedom and Calculation in Social Cooperation (Issues in Business Ethics #61)

by Michaël Suurendonk

This book provides the foundations of trust amidst radical uncertainty. Specifically, it addresses the question of under what condition it is possible to trust relative strangers. As the first logical investigation of its kind, the book breaks with many preconceived ideas we have about trust and the scientific method that leads to its clarification. It builds on the insight that, contrary to widespread belief, it is not risk but freedom that is most fundamental for explaining trust. In fact, trust is the giving of freedom, out of freedom, and one’s consciousness of the potential risks involved merely disturbs one’s ability to trust. The book makes the twofold normative claim that any legitimate scientific preoccupation with trust must necessarily include the concept of freedom in its account, and that theories of trust that run against the logical prerequisites of freedom are a-priori falsified. It presents a theoretical proposal that makes sure that trust, instead of being constructed as a passive and functional “illusion” of natural love, is understood as the necessary product of an active reason that is oriented towards developing human autonomy.

Metaskills: Menschliche Kompetenzen für das Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz (essentials)

by Yorck P. von Borcke Nikola Plohr

​Das beginnende Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz braucht menschliche Kompetenzen, wenn es erfolgreich gelingen soll. Anhand von aktuellen KI-basierten Beispielen beleuchtet das esssential den Zusammenhang von technologischer Entwicklung und menschlichen Kompetenzen, die sich nicht an die KI delegieren lassen: den Metaskills.Die Autoren beschreiben ausgewählte Metaskills, die einen reflektierten Umgang mit KI auf individueller, unternehmerischer und globaler Ebene ermöglichen und benennen jeweils konkrete Anwendungsfälle. Zudem erläutern sie zentrale Prinzipien, die nötig sind, um KI-Technologien menschengerecht zu entwickeln.

Metathinking: The Art and Practice of Transformational Thinking (Management for Professionals)

by Nick Shannon Bruno Frischherz

This book compels professionals to actively imbibe self-awareness in their thought process in order to help them manage complexities in business. The authors explore dialectical thinking –in contrast to logical thinking—and introduce a new mind-opening thinking process called “Metathinking”. Four case studies demonstrate the application of Metathinking. The reader shall come across, and learn from, a multitude of mind opening questions on a variety of topics, with particular focus on leadership and transformation. Practical exercises are also offered for training and discussion in the workplace.

Metaverse and Tourism: Rethinking Implications on Virtual Reality (Routledge Insights in Tourism Series)

by Marco Valeri Ahmad Albattat

This innovative and timely book presents an in-depth analysis of how the metaverse revolutionizes tourism management, transforms consumer behaviour and motivates tourists to visit destinations.Adorned with illustrative tables, figures and diagrams throughout, the volume is data-led and explores how metaverse experiences affect tourist satisfaction and loyalty toward metaverse tourism. It also takes a future-focused approach and looks at and how the technologies of metaverse tourism will lead to a new level of immersive virtual reality. The book considers the metaverse in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, post-COVID-19 society and offers practical insights on the topic.This book will be of pivotal interest for students, scholars and academics in the fields of tourism planning and policy, tourism economics, tourism behaviour and tourism development, as well as those with an interest in these areas more generally.

Metaverse and Tourism: Rethinking Implications on Virtual Reality (Routledge Insights in Tourism Series)

This innovative and timely book presents an in-depth analysis of how the metaverse revolutionizes tourism management, transforms consumer behaviour and motivates tourists to visit destinations.Adorned with illustrative tables, figures and diagrams throughout, the volume is data-led and explores how metaverse experiences affect tourist satisfaction and loyalty toward metaverse tourism. It also takes a future-focused approach and looks at and how the technologies of metaverse tourism will lead to a new level of immersive virtual reality. The book considers the metaverse in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, post-COVID-19 society and offers practical insights on the topic.This book will be of pivotal interest for students, scholars and academics in the fields of tourism planning and policy, tourism economics, tourism behaviour and tourism development, as well as those with an interest in these areas more generally.

The Metaverse Economy: How Finance Professionals Can Make Sense of Web3

by Arunkumar Krishnakumar Theodora Lau

The Metaverse Economy equips fintech professionals with an in-depth understanding of the emergent economic models in the Metaverse and across Web3. In this book, fintech and metaverse experts Arun Krishnakumar and Theodora Lau help technology and financial services professionals prepare for the convergence of several technology paradigms: Web3, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), game and finance (GameFi) and the Metaverse. The Metaverse Economy provides an overview of the types of economic models that companies can use to scale business in Web3. Offering balanced insight into the complex world of the Metaverse, the book demystifies the technology and economic paradigms that have triggered the rise of the Metaverse. The book also focuses on the convergence of these economic models into a unified system that competes directly with traditional frameworks. The authors break down the new qualitative and quantitative attributes professionals must consider to capture the opportunities of the market. The Metaverse Economy tackles popular questions many financial services professionals have about market shares, value permanence, the ownership economy and play-to-earn models. Packed with case studies from some of the biggest brands in blockchain, DeFi, NFTs and gaming, the book helps finance professionals understand the risks associated with the Metaverse and prepare for what lies ahead.

The Metaverse Economy: How Finance Professionals Can Make Sense of Web3

by Arunkumar Krishnakumar Theodora Lau

The Metaverse Economy equips fintech professionals with an in-depth understanding of the emergent economic models in the Metaverse and across Web3. In this book, fintech and metaverse experts Arun Krishnakumar and Theodora Lau help technology and financial services professionals prepare for the convergence of several technology paradigms: Web3, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), game and finance (GameFi) and the Metaverse. The Metaverse Economy provides an overview of the types of economic models that companies can use to scale business in Web3. Offering balanced insight into the complex world of the Metaverse, the book demystifies the technology and economic paradigms that have triggered the rise of the Metaverse. The book also focuses on the convergence of these economic models into a unified system that competes directly with traditional frameworks. The authors break down the new qualitative and quantitative attributes professionals must consider to capture the opportunities of the market. The Metaverse Economy tackles popular questions many financial services professionals have about market shares, value permanence, the ownership economy and play-to-earn models. Packed with case studies from some of the biggest brands in blockchain, DeFi, NFTs and gaming, the book helps finance professionals understand the risks associated with the Metaverse and prepare for what lies ahead.

Metaverse For Dummies

by Ian Khan

Your first step to understanding what the metaverse is all about You've probably heard that the metaverse—a word that seemingly went from nonexistent to everywhere — is the next big thing in technology. What is it, anyway? Written by a leading futurist, Metaverse For Dummies unravels the mysteries of the metaverse, for the curious and for anyone looking to get in on the ground floor. Discover how to carve out your niche in the metaverse with easy-to-understand breakdowns of the major technologies and platforms, a guide to doing business in the metaverse, and explorations of what meta means for sports, education, and just about every other area of life. The book even gives you a guide to safety in the metaverse, including how much of your real life you should share in your virtual one. This book answers all the big questions about the metaverse, in simple terms. Explore the metaverse and the major players Get a look at how the metaverse will disrupt industries from gaming to online commerce Discover business opportunities on the metaverse Dive into metaverse gaming and virtual events—safely This book is a must for anyone looking for an approachable primer on what the metaverse is, how it works, and the opportunities within it.

Metaverse For Dummies

by Ian Khan

Your first step to understanding what the metaverse is all about You've probably heard that the metaverse—a word that seemingly went from nonexistent to everywhere — is the next big thing in technology. What is it, anyway? Written by a leading futurist, Metaverse For Dummies unravels the mysteries of the metaverse, for the curious and for anyone looking to get in on the ground floor. Discover how to carve out your niche in the metaverse with easy-to-understand breakdowns of the major technologies and platforms, a guide to doing business in the metaverse, and explorations of what meta means for sports, education, and just about every other area of life. The book even gives you a guide to safety in the metaverse, including how much of your real life you should share in your virtual one. This book answers all the big questions about the metaverse, in simple terms. Explore the metaverse and the major players Get a look at how the metaverse will disrupt industries from gaming to online commerce Discover business opportunities on the metaverse Dive into metaverse gaming and virtual events—safely This book is a must for anyone looking for an approachable primer on what the metaverse is, how it works, and the opportunities within it.

The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift

by QuHarrison Terry Scott "DJ Keeney

The metaverse is here. Are you ready? In The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift, a duo of experienced tech and culture experts delivers a can't-miss guide to participating in the most promising new technology since the advent of the web. Through dozens of metaverse creator case studies and concise, actionable insights, you'll walk away from this book understanding how to explore and implement the latest metaverse tech emerging from blockchain, XR, and web3. In The Metaverse Handbook, you'll discover: What the metaverse is, why you should care about it, and how to build your metaverse strategy The history of the metaverse and primers on critical technologies driving the metaverse, including non-fungible tokens, XR, the blockchain, and web3 How to unearth unique metaverse opportunities in digital communities, commerce, and immersive experiences As the metaverse has rapidly become the technology platform and marketing buzzword of the future, this new reality for companies, creators, and consumers is not easily understood at the surface level. Those who aim to be at the forefront of this exciting new arena must first understand the foundations and central technologies of the metaverse. An essential resource for digital professionals, creators, and business leaders in the vanguard of the coming technology revolution, The Metaverse Handbook provides the go-to roadmap for your journey into the metaverse.

The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift

by QuHarrison Terry Scott "DJ Keeney

The metaverse is here. Are you ready? In The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating for the Internet's Next Tectonic Shift, a duo of experienced tech and culture experts delivers a can't-miss guide to participating in the most promising new technology since the advent of the web. Through dozens of metaverse creator case studies and concise, actionable insights, you'll walk away from this book understanding how to explore and implement the latest metaverse tech emerging from blockchain, XR, and web3. In The Metaverse Handbook, you'll discover: What the metaverse is, why you should care about it, and how to build your metaverse strategy The history of the metaverse and primers on critical technologies driving the metaverse, including non-fungible tokens, XR, the blockchain, and web3 How to unearth unique metaverse opportunities in digital communities, commerce, and immersive experiences As the metaverse has rapidly become the technology platform and marketing buzzword of the future, this new reality for companies, creators, and consumers is not easily understood at the surface level. Those who aim to be at the forefront of this exciting new arena must first understand the foundations and central technologies of the metaverse. An essential resource for digital professionals, creators, and business leaders in the vanguard of the coming technology revolution, The Metaverse Handbook provides the go-to roadmap for your journey into the metaverse.

Metaverse kompakt: Begriffe, Konzepte, Handlungsoptionen

by Ralf T. Kreutzer Sonja Klose

Dieses Buch ist ein erster Aufschlag, um die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Metaverse in Wissenschaft und Praxis voranzutreiben. Wie wird das Metaverse aussehen? Worum geht es? Wo stehen wir? Was benötigen wir? Wohin geht die Reise? Zunächst ist das Metaverse eine Idee bzw. ein Versprechen. Ralf T. Kreutzer und Sonja Klose versuchen, eine Vision greifbar und vorstellbar zu machen. Wie beim Internet ist es zu diesem Zeitpunkt schwierig vorherzusagen, welche Entwicklungen und Technologien von welchen Personen und Unternehmen in welcher Art und Weise erstellt und kombiniert werden.Die Autoren nehmen Sie an die Hand und empfehlen Ihnen: Ignorieren Sie diese Entwicklungen nicht! Es müssen nicht gleich umfassende Investitionen ins Metaverse getätigt werden. Aber ein paar Fingerübungen sind ratsam. Damit Sie schon an Bord sind, wenn der Zug tatsächlich Fahrt aufnimmt. Außerdem kann es Ihnen beim Employer Branding zu Vorteilen verhelfen, wenn sichtbar wird, dass Sie sich auch mit spannenden Zukunftsthemen beschäftigen.„Das vorliegende Werk zeigt einen spannenden, wissenschaftlich gut fundierten Blick auf das Metaverse.“ Dirk Lueth, Co-Founder von Upland und Mitverfasser des Werkes „Navigating the Metaverse“

Metaversed: See Beyond The Hype

by Samantha G. Wolfe Luis Bravo Martins

Understand the coming metaverse—and discover how to look past the hype and harness the future of technology. Metaversed is an insightful discussion and analysis of the next, rapidly approaching technological revolution. The authors deliver a compelling new exploration of how the metaverse and emerging technologies combine to define our collective future. In addition to identifying the business opportunities, the book pulls back the curtain on major safety and privacy issues that will arise and the expected shifts in both our private and social spheres. In the book, you’ll understand: How multiple industries will be changed and challenged in a 3D spatial world and how to navigate the future crypto-ladden business landscape; Legal and policy considerations necessary to build and maintain safe, shared digital spaces The economic and social impacts, including the potential for our digital lives to outlive our physical selves Actionable insights, so you can make the most out of the next digital revolution Metaversed is a can’t-miss presentation of the most significant market opportunities and societal challenges posed by the metaverse. It also will empower readers to take positive action that avoids the same online mistakes that happened on social media and create more responsible tech usage habits in our personal and professional lives.

Metaversed: See Beyond The Hype

by Samantha G. Wolfe Luis Bravo Martins

Understand the coming metaverse—and discover how to look past the hype and harness the future of technology. Metaversed is an insightful discussion and analysis of the next, rapidly approaching technological revolution. The authors deliver a compelling new exploration of how the metaverse and emerging technologies combine to define our collective future. In addition to identifying the business opportunities, the book pulls back the curtain on major safety and privacy issues that will arise and the expected shifts in both our private and social spheres. In the book, you’ll understand: How multiple industries will be changed and challenged in a 3D spatial world and how to navigate the future crypto-ladden business landscape; Legal and policy considerations necessary to build and maintain safe, shared digital spaces The economic and social impacts, including the potential for our digital lives to outlive our physical selves Actionable insights, so you can make the most out of the next digital revolution Metaversed is a can’t-miss presentation of the most significant market opportunities and societal challenges posed by the metaverse. It also will empower readers to take positive action that avoids the same online mistakes that happened on social media and create more responsible tech usage habits in our personal and professional lives.

Method and Morals in Constitutional Economics: Essays in Honor of James M. Buchanan (Ethical Economy)

by Geoffrey Brennan Hartmut Kliemt Robert D. Tollison

This Festschrift was "presented" in electronic form to Buchanan on the occasion of his eightieth birthday on October 3, 1999, after dinner in Fairfax, Virginia. As one might have expected, the response to our call for papers was vo­ luminous. In looking over the many contributions, we felt that a "published" Festschrift was also possible and fitting for the eightieth birthday of so prodi­ gious and influential a scholar as Professor Buchanan. To that end we have assembled the following volume. In selecting the papers to be included here we have basically tried to choose those papers which in some way bear on Buchanan's contributions. Perfectly good papers about issues not related to Buchanan's research agenda or not referring directly to Buchanan's work were not included. Space constraints did not allow universal coverage, so choices had to be made. It should be stated clearly that these were our choices based on the criterion that the contribution be relevant to Buchanan's work. Buchanan had nothing whatsoever to do with the selection of papers for this volume. Once choices had been made, we arranged the papers by subject matter ranging from various aspects of Buchanan's work in economics, political science, philosophy, and related areas, to some more personal recollections of Jim as a professor, friend, and colleague. Including the latter material was also our decision, and this probably represents a choice with which Jim would not have agreed. We think, however, that the reader will find these pieces interesting and informative.

Methoden-Baukasten für ganzheitliches Prozessmanagement: Systematische Problemlösungen zur Organisationsentwicklung und -gestaltung

by Hartmut F. Binner

In diesem Buch wird mit dem MITO-Methoden-Tool ein generischer Methodenbaukasten zur prozessorientierten Organisationsentwicklung vorgestellt, mit dem sich eine große Anzahl von strategischen und operativen Aufgaben innerhalb des Organisations- und Prozessmanagements leicht umsetzen lassen.Anhand einer großen Zahl von Praxisbeispielen gibt der Autor mit dem MITO-Methoden-Tool konkrete Orientierungs- und Umsetzungshilfen zur Gestaltung und Optimierung von Unternehmen, Organisationen und Prozessen. Das Tool liefert über alle Führungsebenen innerhalb der Organisation unabhängig von Branche und Betriebsgröße strukturierte Umsetzungs- und Entscheidungshilfen innerhalb der Prozessdurchführung. Damit bietet dieses Buch eine ausgewogene Mischung von Fach- Methoden und Expertenwissen, um dem Anwender die notwendige Handlungs- und Entscheidungskompetenz für zukünftige Aufgabenstellungen im Sinne einer nachhaltigen und erfolgreichen Problemlösung zu vermitteln.

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