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Milestones in European Housing Finance (Real Estate Issues)

by Jens Lunde Christine Whitehead

This book provides evidence on how housing finance markets developed across Europe. The objective of the text is to bring together up to date material from across Europe which will help to clarify (i) how national housing finance markets have dealt with the challenges of deregulation and privatisation since the 1980s,(ii) how the financial crisis has impacted on the structure of the industry and the range of financial instruments available, (iii) how governments and the EU have responded to increasing risks and higher indebtedness in most West European countries and the need to grow new finance markets in Eastern Europe, and (iv) how changing housing finance markets impact on the capacity to provide adequate affordable housing into the future.

Militants or Partisans: Labor Unions and Democratic Politics in Korea and Taiwan

by Yoonkyung Lee

The exceptional experiences of South Korea and Taiwan in combining high growth and liberal democracy in a relatively short and similar timetable have brought scholarly attention to their economic and political transformations. This new work looks specifically at the operation of workers and unions in the decades since labor-repressive authoritarian rule ended, bringing Taiwan, in particular, into the literature on comparative labor politics. South Korean labor unions are commonly described as militant and confrontational, for they often take to the streets in raucous protest. Taiwanese unions are seen as moderate and practical, primarily working through formal political processes to lobby their agendas. In exploring how and why these post-democratization states have come to breed such different types of labor politics, Yoonkyung Lee traces the roots of their differences to how unions and political parties operated under authoritarianism, and points to ways in which those legacies continue to be perpetuated. By pairing two cases with many similarities, Lee persuasively uncovers factors that explain the significant variation at play.


by Marcus Matthias Keupp

Dieses Buch erörtert die ökonomischen Probleme militärischer Organisationen aus institutioneller Perspektive. Es diskutiert Effizienz und Effektivität militärischer Leistung im Sinne einer fähigkeitsorientierten Streitkräfteführung. Staatsrechtliche, historische und betriebswirtschaftliche Betrachtungen ergänzen die Analyse.

The Military as an Economic Actor: Soldiers in Business (International Political Economy Series)

by J. Brömmelhörster W. Paes

Armed forces across the globe engage in economic activities both in times of war and peace. This book provides a critical analysis of this phenomenon, comparing experiences with 'military business' from four continents (Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America). Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the volume shows the implications of 'military business' for civil-military relations, good governance and international development policies.

Military Conscription: An Economic Analysis of the Labour Component in the Armed Forces (Contributions to Economics)

by Simon Duindam

In this book, entitled "Military Conscription: an economic analysis of the labour component in the armed forces", military conscription is regarded as an eco­ nomic policy to minimize the cost of labour in the armed forces. The economic cost of conscription becomes clear when we analyse the opportunity costs of conscription. If conscripts were free to choose whether to join the armed forces, many would not under the present day conditions, since for them the costs of conscription far outweighs the benefits. The principle of opportunity costs is always central in the economics of warfare. In this book the analysis begins with an investigation of these oppor­ tunity costs and then uses the results to analyse the formation of an all-volunteer force, which will in fact be achieved, if everything proceeds according to schedule, by 1998. Chapter one concentrates on the structure of the thesis. One of the cor­ nerstones is welfare economics. Welfare economics uses a mechanical view of the state. Translated to military conscription this means that the welfare of the conscript is a central point in the analysis of the economic aspects of military conscription. Also important is the fact that the concept of welfare concentrates on scarcity. Due to conscription the aspects of scarcity of labour in the armed forces are very weak, if not absent.

Military Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and practice (Routledge Studies in Defence and Peace Economics)

by Francois Melese Anke Richter Binyam Solomon

This is the first comprehensive book on Military Cost-Benefit Analysis and provides novel approaches to structuring cost-benefit and affordability analysis amidst an uncertain defense environment and cloudy fiscal prospects. Lifting the veil on military Cost-Benefit Analysis, this volume offers several new practical tools designed to guide defense investments (and divestments), combined with a selection of real-world applications. The widespread employment of Cost-Benefit Analysis offers a unique opportunity to transform legacy defense forces into efficient, effective, and accountable 21st century organizations. A synthesis of economics, statistics and decision theory, CBA is currently used in a wide range of defense applications in countries around the world: i) to shape national security strategy, ii) to set acquisition policy, and iii) to inform critical investments in people, equipment, infrastructure, services and supplies. As sovereign debt challenges squeeze national budgets, and emerging threats disrupt traditional notions of security, this volume offers valuable tools to navigate the political landscape, meet calls for fiscal accountability, and boost the effectiveness of defense investments to help guarantee future peace and stability. A valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, novices and experts, this book offers a comprehensive overview of Military Cost-Benefit Analysis and will appeal to anyone interested or involved in improving national security, and will also be of general interest to those responsible for major government programs, projects or policies.

Military Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and practice (Routledge Studies in Defence and Peace Economics)

by Francois Melese Anke Richter Binyam Solomon

This is the first comprehensive book on Military Cost-Benefit Analysis and provides novel approaches to structuring cost-benefit and affordability analysis amidst an uncertain defense environment and cloudy fiscal prospects. Lifting the veil on military Cost-Benefit Analysis, this volume offers several new practical tools designed to guide defense investments (and divestments), combined with a selection of real-world applications. The widespread employment of Cost-Benefit Analysis offers a unique opportunity to transform legacy defense forces into efficient, effective, and accountable 21st century organizations. A synthesis of economics, statistics and decision theory, CBA is currently used in a wide range of defense applications in countries around the world: i) to shape national security strategy, ii) to set acquisition policy, and iii) to inform critical investments in people, equipment, infrastructure, services and supplies. As sovereign debt challenges squeeze national budgets, and emerging threats disrupt traditional notions of security, this volume offers valuable tools to navigate the political landscape, meet calls for fiscal accountability, and boost the effectiveness of defense investments to help guarantee future peace and stability. A valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, novices and experts, this book offers a comprehensive overview of Military Cost-Benefit Analysis and will appeal to anyone interested or involved in improving national security, and will also be of general interest to those responsible for major government programs, projects or policies.

Military Economics: The Interaction of Power and Money

by Ron Smith

Military power needs to be financed and economic development is often shaped by military conflict, thus the interaction of military and economy, power and money is central to the modern world. This book provides an accessible introduction to the economics of the use of organized force, with a wide range of historical and current examples.

Military Expansion, Economic Decline: Impact of Military Spending on United States Economic Performance

by R.W. DeGrasse

By assessing the costs and benefits of military spending, the authors provide a "second opinion" on the subject of military economics. While advocates of increased military spending often stress the positive effects of the Pentagon on the economy, there has been little systematic summary of the "opportunity costs" that society pays for a large military establishment. This book fills that gap.

Military Expansion, Economic Decline: Impact of Military Spending on United States Economic Performance

by R.W. DeGrasse

By assessing the costs and benefits of military spending, the authors provide a "second opinion" on the subject of military economics. While advocates of increased military spending often stress the positive effects of the Pentagon on the economy, there has been little systematic summary of the "opportunity costs" that society pays for a large military establishment. This book fills that gap.

Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in the Middle East

by L. Wahid

This book investigates the role and the impacts of armies and military regimes in the Middle East. It argues that one of the main causes of the slow and stagnated economic development in the region is high military expenditure perpetuated by strong grips of armies on the politics of the region.

Military Families' Health and Well-Being: A Socioecological Model of Risks

by Janja Vuga Beršnak Jelena Juvan Živa Humer Andreja Živoder Ljubica Jelušič Alenka Švab Bojana Lobe

This book examines military families' well-being and health outcomes by providing a critical theoretical perspective on their position and the risks and challenges affecting them. Authors explore the tension between demands made by two greedy institutions—the military and the family—and how the well-being of families is negotiated between the two. Uniquely, the book employs an integrative approach to observing and analyzing military-specific risk and protective factors for health outcomes of military families on various social-ecological levels, including relationship satisfaction and dissatisfaction, intimate partnership violence, parent-child relationships, child well-being, psychoactive substance abuse, depression, and PTSD. Throughout the chapters, the authors analyze research findings that reveal new health outcomes and present an empirically-tested model of military-specific risk and protective factors.

Military Industry in Taiwan and South Korea

by Janne E. Nolan

Since World War II, the United States has done much to support economic, political, and social development in the Third World. At the same time, its policies toward developing nations often reflect an overly narrow conception of national and global security in which the influences of the modernization process seem scarcely to have been taken into account. Both strains in US policy are mirrored in strong academic traditions upon which policy-makers have drawn liberally in the postwar years. Developmentalists and security scholars alike will find much that is familiar in the case studies presented in Military Industry in Taiwan and South Korea. Dr Nolan's discussion of the stresses of rapid economic and political development in both states draws deeply on the modernization and dependencia studies of the last two decades, while her treatment of the 'security environment' within which domestic policies must be made will satisfy the international relationist concerned with states as actors within the international system. Throughout, Dr Nolan provides a detailed presentation of the behaviour of both polities that will be of interest to North-east Asian area specialists and students of US arms policy.

Military Logistics: Research Advances and Future Trends (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series #56)

by Vasileios Zeimpekis George Kaimakamis Nicholas J. Daras

This book highlights recent advances in the development of effective modeling and solution approaches to enhance the performance of military logistics. It seeks to further research in global defense-related topics, including military operations, governmental operations and security, as well as nation support. Additionally its purpose is to promote the global exchange of information and ideas amongst developers and users of military operations research tools and techniques.Over the course of its nine chapters, this edited volume addresses significant issues in military logistics including: a) Restructuring processes via OR methods aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the military logistics, b) Sense-and-Respond logistics prediction and coordination techniques that provide competitive advantage, spanning the full range of military operations across the strategic, operational and tactical levels of war, c) Procurement and auctioning, d) Inventory and stock control theories and applications, e) Military transport and logistical equipment, and, f) Maintenance, repair and overhaul on operational capability in general and equipment availability.The book aims to bridge the gap between the abundant literature on commercial logistics and its scarce defense & combat counterpart. This collection of useful insights into new trends and research will offer an ideal reference for practitioners and army related personnel interested in integrating scientific rigor to improve logistics management within defense organizations & agencies. Ultimately this book should provide a relevant platform for the latest contributions of operations management, operations research, and computational intelligence towards the enhancement of military logistics.

Military Missions in Democratic Latin America (Politics, Economics, and Inclusive Development)

by David Pion-Berlin

This book demonstrates through country case studies that, contrary to received wisdom, Latin American militaries can contribute productively, but under select conditions, to non-traditional missions of internal security, disaster relief, and social programs. Latin American soldiers are rarely at war, but have been called upon to perform these missions in both lethal and non-lethal ways. Is this beneficial to their societies or should the armed forces be left in the barracks? As inherently conservative institutions, they are at their best, the author demonstrates, when tasked with missions that draw on pre-existing organizational strengths that can be utilized in appropriate and humane ways. They are at a disadvantage when forced to reinvent themselves. Ultimately, it is governments that must choose whether or not to deploy soldiers, and they should do so, based on a pragmatic assessment of the severity and urgency of the problem, the capacity of the military to effectively respond, and the availability of alternative solutions.

Military, Monarchy and Repression: Assessing Thailand's Authoritarian Turn

by Kevin Hewison Veerayooth Kanchoochat

Thailand’s politics has been contentious in recent years. With a military coup in 2006 and another in 2014, the country has moved from being a promising electoral democracy to a military dictatorship. Electoral politics was embraced enthusiastically by some groups, including those in rural areas of the north and northeast, but came to be feared by groups variously identified as the old elite, royalists and the establishment. The transition to authoritarianism saw large and lengthy street protests and considerable violence. This book examines the background to and the sources of conflict and the turn to authoritarianism. It addresses: the return of the military to political centre stage; the monarchy’s pivotal role in opposing electoral democracy; the manner in which sections of civil society have rejected electoral politics; and the rise of powerful non-elected bodies such as the Constitutional Court.

Military, Monarchy and Repression: Assessing Thailand's Authoritarian Turn

by Veerayooth Kanchoochat Kevin Hewison

Thailand’s politics has been contentious in recent years. With a military coup in 2006 and another in 2014, the country has moved from being a promising electoral democracy to a military dictatorship. Electoral politics was embraced enthusiastically by some groups, including those in rural areas of the north and northeast, but came to be feared by groups variously identified as the old elite, royalists and the establishment. The transition to authoritarianism saw large and lengthy street protests and considerable violence. This book examines the background to and the sources of conflict and the turn to authoritarianism. It addresses: the return of the military to political centre stage; the monarchy’s pivotal role in opposing electoral democracy; the manner in which sections of civil society have rejected electoral politics; and the rise of powerful non-elected bodies such as the Constitutional Court.

Military Operational Planning and Strategic Moves (Contributions to Economics)

by Lucía Martínez Ordóñez

This book employs game theory to warfare and in particular to military operations. It aims at scrutinizing the validity of the two ideas that have governed the literature on war and warfighting: One is the Clausewitzian Fog of War, which suggests that he who is able to "see" through the gunsmoke and observe his opponent’s moves before he has to commit to some strategy himself, should be able to gain an advantage over that enemy; the other is the tradition of understanding military conflict as a zero-sum game. Combined, these ideas seem to imply that war always gives rise to a second-mover advantage. This book questions the validity of this presumption at the operational level of military planning. It provides a simple but rigorous game-theoretic framework in order to analyse operational alternatives for a whole range of typical conflicts Western military forces are facing, including the most recent ones such as Anti-Access/Area-Denial and supporting host nations' counterinsurgency campaigns.

Military Operations Research: Quantitative Decision Making (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #5)

by N.K. Jaiswal

Operations Research (OR) emerged in an effort to improve the effectiveness of newly inducted weapons and equipment during World War II. While rapid growth ofOR led to its becoming an important aid to decision making in all sectors including defense, its contribution in defense remained largely confined to classified reports. Very few books dealing with applications of quantitative decision making techniques in military have been published presumably due to limited availability ofrelevant information. The situation changed rapidly during the last few years. The recognition of the subject of Military Operations Research (MOR) gave tremendous boost to its development. Books and journals on MOR started appearing. The number of sessions on MOR at national and international conferences also registered an increase. The volume of teaching, training and research activities in the field of MOR at military schools and non-military schools enhanced considerably. Military executives and commanders started taking increasing interest in getting scientific answers to questions pertaining to weapon acquisition, threat perception and quantification, assessment of damage or casualties, evaluation of chance of winning a battle, force mix, deployment and targeting of weapons against enemy targets, war games and scenario evaluation. Most of these problems were being tackled on the basis of intuition, judgment and experience or analysis under very simple assumptions. In an increasingly sophisticated and complex defense scenario resulting in advances in equipment and communications, the need for supplementing these practices by scientific research in MOR became imperative.

Military R&D after the Cold War: Conversion and Technology Transfer in Eastern and Western Europe (NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 4 #6)

by Philip Gummett

Countries establish defence industries for various reasons. Chief among these are usually a concern with national security, and a desire to be as independent as possible in the supply of the armaments which they believe they need. But defence industries are different from most other industries. Their customer is governments. Their product is intended to safeguard the most vital interests of the state. The effectiveness of these products (in the real, rather than the experimental sense) is not normally tested at the time of purchase. If, or when, it is tested, many other factors (such as the quality of political and military leadership) enter into the equation, so complicating judgments about the quality of the armaments, and about the reliability of the promises made by the manufacturers. All of these features make the defence sector an unusually political industrial sector. This has been true in both the command economies of the former Soviet Union and its satellites, and in the market or mixed economies of the west. In both cases, to speak only a little over-generally, the defence sector has been particularly privileged and particularly protected from the usual economic vicissitudes. In both cases, too, its centrality to the perceived vital interests of the state has given it an unusual degree of political access and support.

Military Strategy and Tactics: Computer Modeling of Land War Problems

by Reiner Huber

This volume brings forth a set of selected papers from the Conference on Modeling Land Sattle Systems for Military Planning. Sponsored by the Special Programme Panel on Systems Science of the NATO Science Committee, the conference took place in Ottobrunn, Germany, at the War Gaming Centre of Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft. The idea to organize a conference on land battle systemmodelswas first suggested to me in 1g72 by Andreas Mortensen, then a member of the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and presently at the SHAPE Technical Centre, when we discussed the apparent inconsistencies of various evaluations of force capability within NATO. Frequently, decision­ makers are confronted by contradictory results of different studies addressing essentially the same problern leaving them with the impression that the tools of systems analysis and operations research may not be very objective guides. However, experienced systems researchers know that a detailed comparison of models, their assumptions and inputs, would generally show that results are not really contradictory. But not only seem the decision processes in large national and international organizations tobe suchthat a comparison can hardly ever be accomplished, also the docu­ mentation available is rarely sufficient to really camprehend the differences in results. For these reasons, we felt that an effort to review the state of the art of model ing in support of force capabil ity assessments was overdue.

Military Transition For Dummies

by Angie Papple Johnston

Conquer civilian life after the serviceYou’ve served your country proudly. Now it’s time to discover all the things your country can do for you! In Military Transition For Dummies, you’ll learn how to tackle civilian life from a tactical standpoint, head on and full bore. Find out how to set yourself up for success before you leave the service and what to do when you land in the civilian world. Whether your sights are set on re-entering the workforce or you’re aiming to go back to school, this book walks you through each step of the way.Inside…Prepare for your separationFind your place as a civilianAccess veteran resourcesPerfect your resumeConquer job interviewsFind a great job or schoolManage your money wiselyGet the support you need

Military Transition For Dummies

by Angie Papple Johnston

Conquer civilian life after the serviceYou’ve served your country proudly. Now it’s time to discover all the things your country can do for you! In Military Transition For Dummies, you’ll learn how to tackle civilian life from a tactical standpoint, head on and full bore. Find out how to set yourself up for success before you leave the service and what to do when you land in the civilian world. Whether your sights are set on re-entering the workforce or you’re aiming to go back to school, this book walks you through each step of the way.Inside…Prepare for your separationFind your place as a civilianAccess veteran resourcesPerfect your resumeConquer job interviewsFind a great job or schoolManage your money wiselyGet the support you need

Milk and Dairy Products: Some Challenges for the Dairy Industry (ISTE Consignment)

by Thomas Croguennec Valérie Gagnaire

Milk is considered a complete food, consumed at all stages of life. It is transformed into numerous products, fermented or not, as well as into a variety of ingredients, in order to preserve it or some of its constituents from a few days to a few years. This book addresses the innovations that deal with milk and the use of gentle techniques that best preserve dairy constituents. This book explores some of the current challenges facing the milk processing industry, namely: i) showing the advances in infant milk formula to best mimic breastfeeding and the in vitro models that study newborn digestion, ii) combining tradition and new consumer expectations on emblematic dairy products, such as yogurt and fermented milk products, iii) defining optimal cheese-making practices to control both cheese quality and yield, iv) outlining the current research approaches to meet “consum’actor” demands, as well as those dealing with v) the fouling and cleaning of dairy equipment in a context of increasingly constrained water and energy use.

Milk and Dairy Products: Some Challenges for the Dairy Industry (ISTE Consignment)

by Thomas Croguennec Valérie Gagnaire

Milk is considered a complete food, consumed at all stages of life. It is transformed into numerous products, fermented or not, as well as into a variety of ingredients, in order to preserve it or some of its constituents from a few days to a few years. This book addresses the innovations that deal with milk and the use of gentle techniques that best preserve dairy constituents. This book explores some of the current challenges facing the milk processing industry, namely: i) showing the advances in infant milk formula to best mimic breastfeeding and the in vitro models that study newborn digestion, ii) combining tradition and new consumer expectations on emblematic dairy products, such as yogurt and fermented milk products, iii) defining optimal cheese-making practices to control both cheese quality and yield, iv) outlining the current research approaches to meet “consum’actor” demands, as well as those dealing with v) the fouling and cleaning of dairy equipment in a context of increasingly constrained water and energy use.

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