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Moden in der Hip-Hop-Szene: Eine ethnographische Studie über die Bedeutung und Dynamik von Modestrukturen (Erlebniswelten)

by Marco Krause

Diese Arbeit widmet sich dem Thema der szenespezifischen Moden. Der Kern dieser Forschungsarbeit besteht daraus, anhand einer ethnographischen Studie das szenespezifische Modephänomen im Kontext der Hip-Hop-Szene in seinen Strukturen abzubilden und dessen Facetten, Bedeutungen und Differenzierungen aufzudecken, um daran anknüpfend aufzuzeigen, welche Produkte beziehungsweise Produkteigenschaften die Szene-Mitglieder als Mode deklarieren und konsumieren und welchen Stellenwert dieses Phänomen innerhalb der Szene einnimmt. Die übergreifende Zielstellung bildet dabei die Generierung eines differenzierteren Betrachtungsansatzes des Modephänomens, welcher auf die Vergemeinschaftungsform der Hip-Hop-Szene bezogen ist und deren innere Strukturen und Facetten berücksichtigt.Der InhaltForschungsstand: Moden und Szenen • Forschungsstand: Hip-Hop-Szene • Forschungsdesign • Konsumrelevante Werte, Strukturen und Relationen in der Hip-Hop-Szene • Produktkonsum in der Hip-Hop-Szene • Moden in der Hip-Hop-SzeneDer AutorMarco Krause ist Soziologe mit Fokus auf den Bereich Konsumsoziologie und Consultant im Bereich Digital Intelligence.

A Moderate Compromise: Economic Policy Choice in an Era of Globalization

by S. Suranovic

Looking at all sides of the globalization debate, this book analyzes how international economic policy is made and how it has become so controversial. The author offers a solution to the debate between free trade/unregulated markets and the push for greater government involvement that is consistent with both economic efficiency and social justice

Moderation, Präsentation und freie Rede: Darauf kommt es an (essentials)

by Matthias Reckzügel

Matthias Reckzügel liefert eine praktische Sammlung kurz gefasster Tipps und Tricks für die erfolgreiche Durchführung von Moderationen und Präsentationen – von der Gestaltung von Foliensätzen, deren Präsentation bis hin zur Moderation von Vorträgen und Diskussionen sowie dem Umgang mit Störungen. Der Autor legt hier ein essential vor – eine Darstellung der wesentlichen Anforderungen zur kurzfristigen Umsetzung. Denn dies ist klar: Um eine Moderation oder Präsentation kommt heute kaum jemand herum! Es sind wichtige, nicht zu vernachlässigende und nicht zu unterschätzende Aufgaben in Studium und Beruf, zu denen die Leserinnen und Leser hier vielfältige Anregungen finden.

Moderationskompetenzen: Kommunikationsprozesse in Gruppen zielführend begleiten

by Stefan Groß

Dieses Buch vermittelt kompakt und fundiert Moderationskompetenz für alle, die Besprechungen, Meetings, Workshops oder Projektrunden erfolgreich leiten wollen. Wo dies gelingt, werden Kommunikationsprozesse in Gruppen zu zielorientierten, effektiven und effizienten Ergebnissen führen. Der Autor zeigt systematisch auf, wie der Informationsaustausch in solchen Gesprächsrunden klug vorgedacht, dynamisch begleitet und wirkungsvoll gesteuert werden kann. Die Basis dafür ist ein geklärtes Rollen-, Aufgaben- und Kompetenzverständnis. Mit zielführenden Fragen, methodischen Impulsen und unterschiedlichen Formaten der Beteiligung gelingt es, gemeinsam in der Gruppe Probleme zu lösen, Konflikte zu klären, nachhaltige Ideen zu entwickeln und gute Entscheidungen zu treffen. Am Ende solcher Veranstaltungen steht ein Mehrwert für alle: zufriedene Teilnehmer, tragfähige Resultate und eine kooperative Besprechungskultur, die die Grundlage für einen dauerhaften Unternehmenserfolg bilden.

Moderationskompetenzen: Kommunikationsprozesse in Gruppen zielführend begleiten

by Stefan Groß

Dieses Buch vermittelt kompakt und fundiert Moderationskompetenz für alle, die Besprechungen, Meetings, Workshops oder Projektrunden erfolgreich leiten wollen. Wo dies gelingt, werden Kommunikationsprozesse in Gruppen zu zielorientierten, effektiven und effizienten Ergebnissen führen – ob virtuell oder in Präsenz.Der Autor zeigt systematisch auf, wie der Informationsaustausch in solchen Gesprächsrunden klug vorgedacht, dynamisch begleitet und wirkungsvoll gesteuert werden kann. Mit zielführenden Fragen, methodischen Impulsen und unterschiedlichen Formaten der Beteiligung gelingt es so, gemeinsam in der Gruppe Probleme zu lösen, Konflikte zu klären, nachhaltige Ideen zu entwickeln und gute Entscheidungen zu treffen.Am Ende solcher Veranstaltungen steht ein Mehrwert für alle: zufriedene Teilnehmer, tragfähige Resultate und eine kooperative Besprechungskultur, die die Grundlage für einen dauerhaften Unternehmenserfolg bilden.„Trotz der Vielzahl von Büchern über das Thema eine Bereicherung.“ Dr. Joachim Freimuth, ZOE, 01/2019.„Dieses Praxisbuch bietet eine zeitgemäße Handreichung für die zahlreichen Herausforderungen, der sich eine dynamische Moderation stellen muss.“ Prof. Kai Beiderwellen, Hochschule Mannheim„Das Buch ist eine Einladung zur vertieften und reflexiven Entwicklung der eigenen Rolle.“ Dr. Wolfgang Widulle, Socialnet.deNeu in der zweiten Auflage: Die Kapitel zu virtueller Moderation, zum gemeinsamen Lernen und praxiserprobte Strukturhilfen, Vorlagen, Checklisten und Projektskizzen als Download.

Moderecht: Rechtsgrundlagen für Designer, Hersteller und Händler (essentials)

by Christopher Hahn

Christopher Hahn vermittelt einen Einblick in die Grundzüge des Moderechts. Die Kreation von Modekollektionen ist ein zeitaufwendiger und kostspieliger Prozess für Designer und Produzenten. Alle Akteure der Modeindustrie sehen sich im Rahmen ihrer Geschäftstätigkeit mit Rechtsfragen aus unterschiedlichen Gebieten konfrontiert. Der bestmögliche und nachhaltige Schutz von Modeerzeugnissen ist nur ein wichtiges Element für den langfristigen Erfolg. Neben den grundsätzlichen rechtlichen Fragestellungen zur Herstellung und zum Vertrieb von Modeerzeugnissen werden in diesem essential die rechtlichen Querschnittsmaterien mit Bezug zu Modeprodukten dargestellt. Der Autor erläutert die rechtlichen Besonderheiten des marken- und designrechtlichen Gestaltungsschutzes ebenso wie Fragen der rechtlichen Ausgestaltung von Kooperationen mit den Akteuren der kreativen Wertschöpfungskette (Designer, Models, Influencer).Der Autor:Dr. Christopher Hahn ist als Wirtschaftsanwalt in Berlin und München vor allem im Bereich Unternehmensrecht aktiv. Zu seinen Mandanten gehören neben Designern auch namhafte Unternehmen der Modeindustrie. Daneben ist er selbst als Business Angel an Modeunternehmen beteiligt.

Moderieren mit System: Besprechungen effizient steuern

by Uwe Böning

Besprechungen, die ins Leere laufen pervertieren das Mittel der Kommunikation. Je größer die Unternehmen und je komplexer die Arbeitsabläufe, desto notwendiger ist die sachgerechte Moderation der Meetings. Dieses Buch vermittelt Moderatoren und Teilnehmern das Rüstzeug für effiziente und effektive Besprechungen.

Moderieren mit System: Besprechungen effizient steuern

by Uwe Böning

Modern Actuarial Risk Theory

by Rob Kaas Marc Goovaerts Jan Dhaene Michel Denuit

The book contains important material on topics that are relevant for recent insurance and actuarial developments including determining solvency measures, fair-value computations, reserving, ranking of risks, modelling dependencies and the use of generalized linear models. Numerous exercises and the hints for solving them make the book useful as a textbook. Practical paradigms in insurance are presented in a way that is appealing to actuaries in their daily business.

Modern Actuarial Risk Theory: Using R

by Rob Kaas Marc Goovaerts Jan Dhaene Michel Denuit

Modern Actuarial Risk Theory contains what every actuary needs to know about non-life insurance mathematics. It starts with the standard material like utility theory, individual and collective model and basic ruin theory. Other topics are risk measures and premium principles, bonus-malus systems, ordering of risks and credibility theory. It also contains some chapters about Generalized Linear Models, applied to rating and IBNR problems. As to the level of the mathematics, the book would fit in a bachelors or masters program in quantitative economics or mathematical statistics. This second and much expanded edition emphasizes the implementation of these techniques through the use of R. This free but incredibly powerful software is rapidly developing into the de facto standard for statistical computation, not just in academic circles but also in practice. With R, one can do simulations, find maximum likelihood estimators, compute distributions by inverting transforms, and much more.

Modern Advertising and the Market for Audience Attention: The US Advertising Industry's Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Transition (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)

by Zoe Sherman

Modern advertising was created in the US between 1870 and 1920 when advertisers and the increasingly specialized advertising industry that served them crafted means of reliable access to and knowledge of audiences. This highly original and accessible book re-centers the story of the invention of modern advertising on the question of how access to audiences was streamlined and standardized. Drawing from late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century materials, especially from the advertising industry’s professional journals and the business press, chapters on the development of print media, billboard, and direct mail advertising illustrate the struggles amongst advertisers, intermediaries, audience-sellers, and often-resistant audiences themselves. Over time, the maturing advertising industry transformed the haphazard business of getting advertisements before the eyes of the public into a market in which audience attention could be traded as a commodity. This book applies economic theory with historical narrative to explain market participants’ ongoing quests to expand the reach of the market and to increase the efficiency of attention harvesting operations. It will be of interest to scholars of contemporary American advertising, the history of advertising more generally, and also of economic history and theory.

Modern Advertising and the Market for Audience Attention: The US Advertising Industry's Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Transition (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)

by Zoe Sherman

Modern advertising was created in the US between 1870 and 1920 when advertisers and the increasingly specialized advertising industry that served them crafted means of reliable access to and knowledge of audiences. This highly original and accessible book re-centers the story of the invention of modern advertising on the question of how access to audiences was streamlined and standardized. Drawing from late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century materials, especially from the advertising industry’s professional journals and the business press, chapters on the development of print media, billboard, and direct mail advertising illustrate the struggles amongst advertisers, intermediaries, audience-sellers, and often-resistant audiences themselves. Over time, the maturing advertising industry transformed the haphazard business of getting advertisements before the eyes of the public into a market in which audience attention could be traded as a commodity. This book applies economic theory with historical narrative to explain market participants’ ongoing quests to expand the reach of the market and to increase the efficiency of attention harvesting operations. It will be of interest to scholars of contemporary American advertising, the history of advertising more generally, and also of economic history and theory.

Modern Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy: Essays in Honor of Gordon Rausser (Natural Resource Management and Policy #55)

by Harry De Gorter Jill McCluskey Johan Swinnen David Zilberman

This volume celebrates the life and career of Gordon Rausser, pioneer and leader in natural resource economics, while critically overviewing the emerging literature in the field. As the chair of the Agriculture and Resource Economics department at UC Berkeley, Rausser led the transformation of the department from a traditional agricultural economics department to a diverse resource economics department addressing issues of agriculture, food, natural resources, environmental economics, energy, and development. This book builds on this theme, showcasing not only the scope of Rausser's work but also key developments in the field. The volume is organized into two parts. The first part speaks about the lessons of Gordon Rausser's career, in particular, his role as a leader in different spheres, his capacity to integrate teaching and entrepreneurship, and his impact on the world food system. The second part will address some of the significant developments in the field he contributed to and how it relates to his work. The chapters include contributions from modern leaders in the economics field and cover diverse topics from many subfields including public policy, public finance, law, econometrics, macroeconomics, and water resources. Providing an excellent reference, as well as a celebration of a pivotal figure in the field, this volume will be useful for practitioners and scholars in agricultural and resource economics, especially the many individuals familiar with Gordon Rausser and his career.

The Modern Airport Terminal: New Approaches to Airport Architecture

by Brian Edwards

This comprehensive guide to the planning and design of airport terminals and their facilities covers all types of airport terminal found around the world and highlights the environmental and technical issues that the designer has to address. Contemporary examples are critically reviewed through a series of case studies. This new edition covers the most recent examples of high quality, technically advanced designs from the Far East, Europe and North America. This book will be a source of inspiration and guiding principles for those who design, commission or manage airport buildings.

The Modern Airport Terminal: New Approaches to Airport Architecture

by Brian Edwards

This comprehensive guide to the planning and design of airport terminals and their facilities covers all types of airport terminal found around the world and highlights the environmental and technical issues that the designer has to address. Contemporary examples are critically reviewed through a series of case studies. This new edition covers the most recent examples of high quality, technically advanced designs from the Far East, Europe and North America. This book will be a source of inspiration and guiding principles for those who design, commission or manage airport buildings.

Modern Algorithms of Cluster Analysis (Studies in Big Data #34)

by Slawomir Wierzchoń Mieczyslaw Kłopotek

This book provides the reader with a basic understanding of the formal concepts of the cluster, clustering, partition, cluster analysis etc. The book explains feature-based, graph-based and spectral clustering methods and discusses their formal similarities and differences. Understanding the related formal concepts is particularly vital in the epoch of Big Data; due to the volume and characteristics of the data, it is no longer feasible to predominantly rely on merely viewing the data when facing a clustering problem. Usually clustering involves choosing similar objects and grouping them together. To facilitate the choice of similarity measures for complex and big data, various measures of object similarity, based on quantitative (like numerical measurement results) and qualitative features (like text), as well as combinations of the two, are described, as well as graph-based similarity measures for (hyper) linked objects and measures for multilayered graphs. Numerous variants demonstrating how such similarity measures can be exploited when defining clustering cost functions are also presented. In addition, the book provides an overview of approaches to handling large collections of objects in a reasonable time. In particular, it addresses grid-based methods, sampling methods, parallelization via Map-Reduce, usage of tree-structures, random projections and various heuristic approaches, especially those used for community detection.

Modern America: A Documentary History of the Nation Since 1945

by Robert H Donaldson

This primary source reader assembles key documents and firsthand accounts that are emblematic of American life from the end of World War II to the present. Designed to complement a core text for a typical post-1945 U.S. history course, the book offers conciseness and selectivity with balanced coverage of domestic and foreign, societal and cultural issues grouped together chronologically. The readings afford students compelling and sometimes startling insights into the nation's postwar adaptation to its new position of global power and responsibility, wealth, and rapid social change; on through years of energy and ambition, conflict and tragedy, to the post-Vietnam malaise and the rise of Ronald Reagan, the frenzied nineties, and the arrival of the new millennium. Each chapter includes an introduction that sets the documents in historical context, a biographical sketch of a significant person of the time, study questions, and suggestions for further reading.

Modern America: A Documentary History of the Nation Since 1945 (G - Reference, Information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Robert H Donaldson

This primary source reader assembles key documents and firsthand accounts that are emblematic of American life from the end of World War II to the present. Designed to complement a core text for a typical post-1945 U.S. history course, the book offers conciseness and selectivity with balanced coverage of domestic and foreign, societal and cultural issues grouped together chronologically. The readings afford students compelling and sometimes startling insights into the nation's postwar adaptation to its new position of global power and responsibility, wealth, and rapid social change; on through years of energy and ambition, conflict and tragedy, to the post-Vietnam malaise and the rise of Ronald Reagan, the frenzied nineties, and the arrival of the new millennium. Each chapter includes an introduction that sets the documents in historical context, a biographical sketch of a significant person of the time, study questions, and suggestions for further reading.

Modern American Lives: Individuals and Issues in American History Since 1945

by Blaine T Browne Robert C. Cottrell

The individuals presented in these narrative biographies significantly, and sometimes decisively, impacted contemporary American life in a wide range of areas, including national politics, foreign policy, social and political activism, popular and literary culture, sports, and business. The combined biographical/thematic approach is designed to serve two purposes: to present more substantive biographical information, and to offer a fuller examination of key events and issues. The book is an ideal supplement for undergraduate courses on The United States Since 1945, as well as for courses on Modern America and 20th Century America.

Modern American Lives: Individuals and Issues in American History Since 1945

by Blaine T Browne Robert C. Cottrell

The individuals presented in these narrative biographies significantly, and sometimes decisively, impacted contemporary American life in a wide range of areas, including national politics, foreign policy, social and political activism, popular and literary culture, sports, and business. The combined biographical/thematic approach is designed to serve two purposes: to present more substantive biographical information, and to offer a fuller examination of key events and issues. The book is an ideal supplement for undergraduate courses on The United States Since 1945, as well as for courses on Modern America and 20th Century America.

The Modern American Wine Industry: Market Formation and Growth in North Carolina (Studies in Business History)

by Ian M Taplin

This study is both a history of the American wine industry and an examination of its current structure and performance. In analysing market formation, Taplin focuses on a complex network of winery owners, winemakers and grape growers to see how relationships have shaped the evolution of this sector.

The Modern American Wine Industry: Market Formation and Growth in North Carolina (Studies in Business History #1)

by Ian M Taplin

This study is both a history of the American wine industry and an examination of its current structure and performance. In analysing market formation, Taplin focuses on a complex network of winery owners, winemakers and grape growers to see how relationships have shaped the evolution of this sector.

Modern Analysis of Customer Surveys: with Applications using R (Statistics in Practice #117)

by Ron S. Kenett Silvia Salini

Customer survey studies deals with customers, consumers and user satisfaction from a product or service. In practice, many of the customer surveys conducted by business and industry are analyzed in a very simple way, without using models or statistical methods. Typical reports include descriptive statistics and basic graphical displays. As demonstrated in this book, integrating such basic analysis with more advanced tools, provides insights on non-obvious patterns and important relationships between the survey variables. This knowledge can significantly affect the conclusions derived from a survey. Key features: Provides an integrated, case-studies based approach to analysing customer survey data. Presents a general introduction to customer surveys, within an organization’s business cycle. Contains classical techniques with modern and non standard tools. Focuses on probabilistic techniques from the area of statistics/data analysis and covers all major recent developments. Accompanied by a supporting website containing datasets and R scripts. Customer survey specialists, quality managers and market researchers will benefit from this book as well as specialists in marketing, data mining and business intelligence fields.

Modern Analysis of Customer Surveys: with Applications using R (Statistics in Practice #116)

by Ron S. Kenett Silvia Salini

Customer survey studies deals with customers, consumers and user satisfaction from a product or service. In practice, many of the customer surveys conducted by business and industry are analyzed in a very simple way, without using models or statistical methods. Typical reports include descriptive statistics and basic graphical displays. As demonstrated in this book, integrating such basic analysis with more advanced tools, provides insights on non-obvious patterns and important relationships between the survey variables. This knowledge can significantly affect the conclusions derived from a survey. Key features: Provides an integrated, case-studies based approach to analysing customer survey data. Presents a general introduction to customer surveys, within an organization’s business cycle. Contains classical techniques with modern and non standard tools. Focuses on probabilistic techniques from the area of statistics/data analysis and covers all major recent developments. Accompanied by a supporting website containing datasets and R scripts. Customer survey specialists, quality managers and market researchers will benefit from this book as well as specialists in marketing, data mining and business intelligence fields.

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