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Saddle Club 56: Cutting Horse (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 28)

by Bonnie Bryant

Teen star Skye Ransom is on location at the Bar None Ranch out West. And he’s hired the girls of The Saddle Club to be his technical advisers! Skye’s character has to ride a cutting and roping horse, but the Hollywood-style steed he’s been given doesn’t know a cow from a camera. Carole, Stevie and Lisa get a brilliant idea. But to pull it off they need help from their friend John Brightstar, who works at the ranch – and John doesn’t want to help. He’s had it up to his ten-gallon hat with the California movie crew! It looks as if The Saddle Club is in a fix that will have the movie director looking their way and shouting, “Cut!”

Saddle Club 57: Tight Rein (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 29)

by Bonnie Bryant

Stevie Lake has been grounded. No hanging out with the other members of The Saddle Club. Even worse, Stevie’s not allowed to see her horse, Belle, or to go to riding camp. Carole Hanson and Lisa Atwood have to get their friend out of hot water – and back in the saddle. How are they going to devise the kind of wacky plan it will take to spring her, and get sweet revenge on her brother, Chad, who got Stevie into trouble in the first place? Carole and Lisa have to do something rash. If they don’t, summer is going to be a complete bust!

Saddle Club 58: Wild Horses (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 29)

by Bonnie Bryant

Lisa Atwood thinks the fancy boarding school she visits for the weekend is nice enough. But she;d never want to go there! It’s a two-hour drive from Willow Creek, home of her two best friends, Stevie Lake and Carole Hanson, and her favorite horse, Prancer. Then Lisa learns that her mother has enrolled her in the exclusive school. Is Lisa leaving The Saddle Club for good?

Saddle Club 59: Phantom Horse (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 30)

by Bonnie Bryant

Ever since strange Troy became a stable hand at Pine Hollow, Carole has been feeling spooked. Troy’s scary story about a phantom horse has made her wonder about Starlight. Could her beloved bay horse really be possessed by an evil spirit that appears once every thirteen years? He’s been acting so strange! Soon Carole’s dreams are filled with images of a red-eyed Starlight, snorting, rearing, pawing, and ready to turn on his owner!

Saddle Club 60: Hobbyhorse (The\saddle Club Ser. #No. 60)

by Bonnie Bryant

Lisa’s bratty-cousin Amelia is staying with the Atwoods. The nine-year-old nightmare child is charming around adults, but to other kids, she’s a menace! She lies to Max after she causes a stampede at Pine Hollow Stables that almost gets him crushed. Then she breaks the Atwoods’ expensive, antique hobbyhorse – and tells Mrs. Atwood it was Lisa’s fault.Amelia is taking riding lessons at Pine Hollow. The Saddle Club plans to give her another kind of lesson, too – the kind Amelia will never forget!

Saddle Club 61: Broken Horse (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 31)

by Bonnie Bryant

A sick, abused horse has been rescued and brought to Pine Hollow Stables. The local veterinarian is doing everything she can to save its life, but this horse has more than a broken body. Its spirit is broken too. The girls in The Saddle Club know that it needs more than medicine, food and a comfortable stall. It needs a reason to live. Lisa remembers the heartbreaking story of Sal, another abused horse that eventually died. She swears things will be different this time. But what will save this horse from sad, lonely end?

Saddle Club 62: Horse Blues (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 31)

by Bonnie Bryant

The girls in The Saddle Club are making their New Year’s resolutions. That’s the easy part. Keeping them will be another matter! Can Stevie really be nice to Veronica diAngelo for a whole month – especially when the snobby girl is busy showing off all the expensive loot she got for Christmas? Can Lisa learn embroidery to make her mother happy? And how can Carole give up junk food when her dad is always making delicious buttery popcorn? To keep themselves on the right track, the girls have made a bet. The first one to waver from her resolution must pay a price – and it won’t be pleasant!

Saddle Club 63: Stable Hearts (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 32)

by Bonnie Bryant

Saddle up for more great riding with the girls of Pine Hollow!Stevie, Carole, and Lisa are having a blast making plans for the Valentine's Day barn dance at Pine Hollow. Unfortunately, Stevie's boyfriend wants her to go to the dance at his school on the same night. Now Stevie has to figure out how to be in two places at once. In the meantime, The Saddle Club girls have to keep a new rider at Pine Hollow, pesky, old Mr. Stowe out of Mrs. Reg's hair. What would Mrs. Reg do without them!

Saddle Club 64: Horse Capades (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 32)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club’s number one practical joker, Stevie Lake, has decided to reform. The only problem is, no one believes her. Maybe that’s why no one in the cast of the video Stevie is making for school will cooperate. Cinderella on Horseback? Puh-leease! It has to be a setup to make them look stupid and give Stevie the last laugh.That’s when the stars of the film – Stevie’s best friends, Carole Hanson and Lisa Atwood, and Stevie’s boyfriend, Phil – plan a few tricks of their own. The only problem is, the jokes are having a ripple effect. Everyone at Pine Hollow Stables is about to get a taste of practical joking, Saddle Club style.

Saddle Club 65: Silver Stirrups (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 33)

by Bonnie Bryant

Carole Hanson is used to being the best junior rider at Pine Hollow Stables. She doesn’t need to brag about it, but she takes it for granted, in a quiet, nice way. Then a new rider starts taking lessons at the stables – and she’s not only younger than Carole, but also a better rider!Carole soon realizes that the new girl excels in the saddle, but on the ground she’s got a lot to work on. With dread, Carole realizes that she is the best person to help this motherless girl with her problems. But can she forge a friendship with someone she envies? Carole is fighting a battle with jealousy – and it looks like the green-eyed monster is winning!

Saddle Club 66: Saddle Sore (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 33)

by Bonnie Bryant

The girls of The Saddle Clun have headed West to the Bar None Ranch. This time they’ve brought their friend Emily, who has cerebral palsy. Emily is going to help the ranch’s owner make it accessible to riders with special needs. Then the four girls meet a guest their own age. She’s a former rider who has lost part of one leg in a motorbike accident. She doesn’t plan to get on a horse ever again. In the meantime, The Saddle Club and Emily are riding so much, they’re saddle sore!

Saddle Club 67: Summer Horse (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 34)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club girls – Lisa Atwood, Stevie Lake and Carole Hanson – are at one of their favorite places – Moose Hill Summer Camp. This time they’re staying for an entire month. It will be the best summer ever! Or will it? For Lisa is put in a different cabin from her friends, Stevie’s boyfriend is practically ignoring her and, worst of all, horse-crazy Carole has been given a horse to ride that simply won’t cooperate!Then the girls start running into ominous signs that someone wants to close down Moose Hill Camp forever. Can they find out who, before it’s too late?

Saddle Club 68: Summer Rider (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 34)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club girls – Lisa Atwood, Stevie Lake and Carole Hanson – are at one of their favorite places – Moose Hill Summer Camp and the action that began during the first two weeks on Summer Horse continues in this exciting sequel.Everything’s beginning to work out great – except that Stevie and Carole notice that control-crazy Lisa is working too hard on projects that are supposed to be fun. She seems tense and unhappy about something. What could be wrong? Even worse, The Saddle Club continues to see signs that Moose Hill might not reopen the following summer. Who would want to close down the riding camp? Can they find out before it’s too late?

Saddle Club 69: Endurance Ride (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 35)

by Bonnie Bryant

The Saddle Club girls are participating in a new kind of horseback activity – endurance riding. They’ll have to condition their horses and themselves for the grueling contest if they plan to make it across the finish line. But an annoying rider named Chloe keeps getting in the way. Carole Hanson, Stevie Lake and Lisa Atwood are pretty sure they can finish the competition. The question is: can they endure Chloe?

Saddle Club 70: Horse Race (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 35)

by Bonnie Bryant

A corrupt official is after more than money – he’s after the Saddle Club!Stevie Lake, Carole Hanson and Lisa Atwood are at the racetrack, helping to cool off their friend’s sleek Thoroughbred racehorses by walking them. What could be better? Then the girls spot an official somewhere he shouldn’t be, taking money from someone he shouldn’t be talking to. Worse, the official sees the girls and knows they’re on to him. Now the girls are in danger. More than one race is going to run – The Saddle Club girls must race for their lives!

Saddle Club Book 1: Horse Crazy / Horse Shy (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Bonnie Bryant

Twelve-year-olds Carole Hanson and Stevie Lake have been best friends ever since they met at Pine Hollow stables. So when thirteen-year-old Lisa Atwood shows up for her first lesson dressed in fancy riding gear - and acting chummy with the snobbiest girl in town - the girls aren't sure she'll fit in. But Lisa soon shows herself to be a quick learner, and Carole and Stevie can't help but admire her natural riding talents. Soon the three girls are fast friends. They begin to make plans for the MTO, the long-awaited Mountain Trail Overnight campout for the students of Pine Hollow. There's just one problem: Stevie's parents won't pay for it unless she improves her grades...

Saddle Club Book 10: Saddle Club Bindup 5 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 5)

by Bonnie Bryant

The three members of The Saddle Club -- Carole, Stevie, and Lisa -- are delighted when they get a chance to go to Moose Hill, a sleep-over riding camp in the hills of Virginia. It promises to be two wonderful weeks of riding, meeting new horse-crazy friends, and competing in a genuine horse show. Best of all, the camp has plenty of stable hands to do the heavy chores. It's going to be a real vacation!When the arrive at Moose Hill, the girls are in for some surprises: their groom isn't doing his job, and their cabin mates are snobs who care more about winning the horse show than making friends. Even Stevie's new boyfriend is convinced that he's the best rider around. Then a sudden an emergency at camp tests everyone's courage and results in some unexpected friendships -- adding up to an end-of-the-summer adventure the girls will never forget.

Saddle Club Book 11: Saddle Club Bindup 6 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 6)

by Bonnie Bryant

Max, the owner of Pine Hollow Stables, has decided to start a Pony Club, and Stevie, Carole and Lisa are overjoyed. The Pony Club covers everything from horse care to stable management, and it’s a great chance for the Saddle Club girls to get horse wise. Carole just wishes her usually wonderful father hadn’t volunteered to help out. He doesn’t know the first thing about horses – or how big a responsibility it is to take care of them. That’s something spoiled Veronica diAngelo doesn’t understand either. She’s getting another horse and the girls are angry. None of them, especially Carole, can forget that Veronica’s carelessness killed her first horse. But Lisa’s worries that Carole and Stevie are jealous, as well. How in the world can she tell them that she’s getting a horse, too? Will Lisa have to choose between her dream come true and her best friends? It all comes to a head when Veronica’s reckless behavior puts a young colt’s life in danger – and the Saddle Club to pull together to save a precious life!

Saddle Club Book 12: Saddle Club Bindup 6 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 6)

by Bonnie Bryant

Carole, Stevie and Lisa can’t believe their luck when they get another chance to visit their good friend Kate Devine at her family’s ranch. The Bar None. It’s a perfect time to visit, since the annual rodeo has come to town. Eli Grimes, who works at The Bar None, will be in the rodeo, and the girls can’t wait to watch him compete.But the girls hear some bad news when they arrive. The Bar None has lost a lot of business to a flashy new ranch closer to town. The Devines may not be able to keep their ranch running much longer. That’s when The Saddle Club – including new member Christine Lonetree – comes up with a plan to help. They’ll enter the rodeo’s barrel-racing contest and carry off the cash prize! Can Christine, Kate, Stevie, Carole, and Lisa pull out all the stops and win big for The Bar None?

Saddle Club Book 13: Saddle Club Bindup 07 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 7)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Stevie and Lisa can’t wait for the holidays to begin. But the Christmas season just hasn’t been the same for Carole since her mother died. When the local veterinarian takes her on as a temporary assistant, Carole’s mood slowly brightens. With so much to do she can’t stay sad for long. By the night of Pine Hollow’s Starlight Ride, Carole’s in the Christmas spirit. She’s even looking forward to leading the stable’s traditional moonlit procession through the woods on Christmas Eve. But the real highlight of her Christmas is still to come: Carole doesn’t even suspect the wonderful surprise her father and horse-crazy friends have in store for her!

Saddle Club Book 14: Saddle Club Bindup 07 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Bk. 7)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Ever since they formed the Saddle Club, Stevie, Carole and Lisa have been inseparable. So they’re all feeling a little sad at the thought of not being together over the Christmas holidays. But while Lisa is riding along the beautiful beaches of sunny San Marco, Stevie will be combing the shopping mall for the perfect New Year’s Eve dress. And Carole will be training Starlight, the gorgeous bay gelding she was given for Christmas.But no one’s holiday goes smoothly, especially Lisa’s. On her first day at San Marco stables, she takes an embarrassing fall, just like a beginner! And that’s not the worst of it: the volcanic terrain and tricky footing of the tiny island can be confusing for horses – and lethal for their riders. Just as Lisa’s confidence in her riding plummets to an all-time low, a dangerous mishap will put all her riding skills to the ultimate test… and have her missing her Saddle Club friends like crazy!

Saddle Club Book 15: Team Play (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

A riding team from Italy is coming to Pine Hollow, and Stevie volunteers to entertain them during their visit. It’s a job that stuck-up Veronica diAngelo wanted for herself, and now Veronica is determined that Stevie will pay!Suddenly, with the big weekend approaching, Stevie finds out that someone has “volunteered” her to organize the annual school fair, to run the Children’s Hospital Festival, and to debate for election as class president. They all take place on the same day- just when her Bar None Ranch friends, Kate and Christine, and the Italian riding team are due to visit! Can one person do four things at once? With the help of her Saddle Club friends and a lot of imagination, Stevie is determined to try. The result will be the greatest event ever… or the biggest disaster of all time!

Saddle Club Book 16: Horse Games (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Stevie is excited about a great new sport – polocrosse. When she learns that the Horse Wise Pony Club will be playing against her boyfriend’s team, she’s thrilled. Now she’ll finally have the chance to show him what a good rider she is! Her best friends, Carole and Lisa, are enthusiastic about anything to do with horses, but they don’t share Stevie’s fierce drive to win. Carole would rather spend time with her new friend Marie, who was injured in an accident. Marie needs help, and Carole knows that horses are the answer. Is she can interest Marie in riding again, she’ll be on the road to recovery.When Stevie sprains her ankle, her determination is as strong as ever. Carole and Lisa thought she was a terror as a player, but they can’t believe what she’s like as a coach! Her competitive spirit is starting to threaten their friendship. What will it take to get the Saddle Club team spirit back again?

Saddle Club Book 17: Horsenapped!

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Stevie, Carole and Lisa are best friends and horse-crazy members of the Saddle Club. The three are looking forward to the Combined Training Event at Pine Hollow stables where all riders compete in dressage, cross-country and show-jumping. It’s a horse lover’s dream!When snooty Veronica blames her bad performance on her horse Garnet and storms out of the ring, Carole follows, fearing Veronica’s threat to give away her horse. But horse and rider have disappeared!Later, when Lisa finds $10,000 ransom note in the stall, the reality becomes all too clear: Veronica and Garnet have been kidnapped!Who would have thought that the Saddle Club would ever feel sorry for Veronica? The girls resolve to catch the horsenappers and soon find themselves in a daring escape that puts all their horse-riding skills to the test.

Saddle Club Book 18: Saddle Club Bindup 09 (The\saddle Club Bindup Ser. #No. 9)

by Bonnie Bryant-Hiller

Carole, Stevie and Lisa are thrilled when they get a call from their friend Kate from The Bar None Ranch. Kate has an offer for them: would the girls like to go on a pack trip in the mountains? The answer is an enthusiastic yes! When they meet the other riders, they couldn’t be happier. Lisa feels instantly drawn to Seth, while his fun-loving sister Amy seems to be a perfect pal for Stevie. Another boy, John, is as serious and horse wise as Carole. The group hits it off immediately.But first impressions can be deceiving. Amy isn’t just high spirited and impulsive; she’s downright reckless. As her behaviour gets more outrageous and dangerous Seth tries to cover for her, which puts Lisa in the middle. Can the girls work out what to do about Amy before her next wild stunt threatens all their lives?

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