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Antisocial: How Online Extremists Broke America

by Andrew Marantz

This is a story about how the extreme became mainstream. It reveals how the truth became ‘fake news’, how fringe ideas spread, and how a candidate many dismissed as a joke was propelled to the presidency by the dark side of the internet.For several years, Andrew Marantz, a New Yorker staff writer, has been embedded with alt-right propagandists, who have become experts at using social media to advance their corrosive agenda. He also spent time with the social-media entrepreneurs who made this possible, through their naive and reckless ambition, by disrupting all of the traditional information systems. Join Marantz as some of the biggest brains in Silicon Valley teach him how to make content go viral; as he hangs out with the conspiracists, white supremacists and nihilist trolls using these ideas to make their memes, blogs and podcasts incredibly successful; and as he meets some of the people led down the rabbit hole of online radicalization.Antisocial is about how the unthinkable becomes thinkable, and then becomes reality. By telling the story of the people who hijacked the American conversation, Antisocial will help you understand the world they have created, in which we all now live.

Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy

by Siva Vaidhyanathan

A fully updated paperback edition that includes coverage of the key developments of the past two years, including the political controversies that swirled around Facebook with increasing intensity in the Trump era. If you wanted to build a machine that would distribute propaganda to millions of people, distract them from important issues, energize hatred and bigotry, erode social trust, undermine respectable journalism, foster doubts about science, and engage in massive surveillance all at once, you would make something a lot like Facebook. Of course, none of that was part of the plan. In this fully updated paperback edition of Antisocial Media, including a new chapter on the increasing recognition of--and reaction against--Facebook's power in the last couple of years, Siva Vaidhyanathan explains how Facebook devolved from an innocent social site hacked together by Harvard students into a force that, while it may make personal life just a little more pleasurable, makes democracy a lot more challenging. It's an account of the hubris of good intentions, a missionary spirit, and an ideology that sees computer code as the universal solvent for all human problems. And it's an indictment of how "social media" has fostered the deterioration of democratic culture around the world, from facilitating Russian meddling in support of Trump's election to the exploitation of the platform by murderous authoritarians in Burma and the Philippines. Both authoritative and trenchant, Antisocial Media shows how Facebook's mission went so wrong.

Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy

by Siva Vaidhyanathan

A fully updated paperback edition that includes coverage of the key developments of the past two years, including the political controversies that swirled around Facebook with increasing intensity in the Trump era. If you wanted to build a machine that would distribute propaganda to millions of people, distract them from important issues, energize hatred and bigotry, erode social trust, undermine respectable journalism, foster doubts about science, and engage in massive surveillance all at once, you would make something a lot like Facebook. Of course, none of that was part of the plan. In this fully updated paperback edition of Antisocial Media, including a new chapter on the increasing recognition of--and reaction against--Facebook's power in the last couple of years, Siva Vaidhyanathan explains how Facebook devolved from an innocent social site hacked together by Harvard students into a force that, while it may make personal life just a little more pleasurable, makes democracy a lot more challenging. It's an account of the hubris of good intentions, a missionary spirit, and an ideology that sees computer code as the universal solvent for all human problems. And it's an indictment of how "social media" has fostered the deterioration of democratic culture around the world, from facilitating Russian meddling in support of Trump's election to the exploitation of the platform by murderous authoritarians in Burma and the Philippines. Both authoritative and trenchant, Antisocial Media shows how Facebook's mission went so wrong.

The Antisocial Network

by Ben Mezrich

This is definitive take on the wildest story of the year— the David-vs.-Goliath GameStop short squeeze, a tale of fortunes won and lost overnight that may end up changing Wall Street forever.

Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays: A Policy in Bed with Procrustes

by A.K. von Moltke

Large digital platforms have been in the doghouse of antitrust decision-makers worldwide in recent years. Antitrust regulators agree, urgent intervention is needed. Interestingly, it is the plight of victimized suppliers—of merchants, app developers, publishers, platform labourers, and the like, who are upstream in the value chain—that has topped the policy agenda, prompting scrutiny of an almost unprecedented intensity. Amid such anxieties, Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays asks a somewhat provocative question: Are upstream platform power plays really 'competition problems', and ones for antitrust, at that? The apparently obvious answer—'yes'—is deceptively simple for a number of reasons. Firstly, it contradicts contemporary antitrust's single-minded focus on consumers, which has all but erased supplier exploitation in the brick-and-mortar economy from the policy's radar. Secondly, the wider antitrust community remains bitterly divided when it comes to judging platform practices. In addition, if any consensus could be had, it would almost certainly confirm the longstanding tenet that antitrust cannot be about supplier welfare, as such. These paradoxes call for a policy introspection-precisely what this book provides. The analysis offered in Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays is altogether normative, theoretical, and practical. Normative because it engages in a supplier-mindful soul-searching exercise, which advances our understanding of antitrust's foundations; theoretical as it sheds multidisciplinary insights on upstream effects in the platform economy and develops new frameworks for rationalizing them; and practical since it takes a deep dive into the complex antitrust machinery whilst staying attuned to other available levers of public action. Answering a compelling question with an equally compelling answer, this work will appeal to scholars and policymakers worldwide with a particular interest in platform regulation, antitrust, and powerful digital platforms.

Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays: A Policy in Bed with Procrustes

by A.K. von Moltke

In recent years, large digital platforms have been in the doghouse of antitrust decision-makers worldwide. Antitrust regulators agree, urgent intervention is needed. Interestingly, it is the plight of victimized suppliers—of merchants, app developers, publishers, platform labourers, and the like, who are upstream in the value chain—that has topped the policy agenda, prompting scrutiny of an almost unprecedented intensity. Amid such anxieties, Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays asks a somewhat provocative question: are upstream platform power plays really 'competition problems', and ones for antitrust, at that? The obvious answer—'yes'—is deceptively simple for a number of reasons. First, it contradicts contemporary antitrust's single-minded focus on consumers, which has all but erased supplier exploitation in the brick-and-mortar economy from the policy's radar. Second, the wider antitrust community remains bitterly divided when it comes to judging platform practices. In addition, if any consensus could be had, it would almost certainly confirm the long-standing tenet that antitrust cannot be about supplier welfare, as such. These paradoxes call for a policy introspection—precisely what this book provides. The analysis offered in Antitrust and Upstream Platform Power Plays is altogether normative, theoretical, and practical. Normative because it engages in a supplier-mindful soul-searching exercise, which advances our understanding of antitrust's foundations; theoretical as it sheds multidisciplinary insights on upstream effects in the platform economy and develops new frameworks for rationalizing them; and practical since it takes a deep dive into the complex antitrust machinery while staying attuned to other available levers of public action. Answering a compelling question with an equally compelling answer, this work will appeal to scholars and policymakers worldwide with a particular interest in platform regulation, antitrust, and powerful digital platforms.

Antwortreaktionszeiten in Survey-Analysen: Messung, Auswertung und Anwendungen

by Jochen Mayerl Dieter Urban

Das Buch erläutert das „Wie und Warum“ der Messung und Analyse von Antwortreaktionszeiten für computergestützte Bevölkerungsumfragen. Verfahren zur empirischen Erhebung von Antwortreaktionszeiten (z.B. aktive oder passive Zeitmessmethoden) werden ebenso erläutert wie statistische Methoden zur Behandlung und Bereinigung der erhobenen Reaktionszeiten (z.B. Operationalisierung und Kontrolle individueller Basisgeschwindigkeiten und statistische Identifizierung ungültiger Zeitmessungen). Das Buch beschreibt viele Anwendungsbeispiele von Reaktionszeitanalysen aus der aktuellen Forschungspraxis. Anwendungen aus der Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung und der Untersuchung von Befragtenverhalten (z.B. Aufdecken von Response-Effekten) verdeutlichen, welch vielfältige Möglichkeiten die Auswertung von Reaktionszeitmessungen zur Verbesserung von Survey-Analysen eröffnet.

Anwendung von RFID-Systemen (VDI-Buch)

by Christian Kern

Die Radio-Frequenz-Identifikation (RFID) dient seit etwa 15 Jahren zur Identifikation von Personen, Objekten und Tieren. Mit der inzwischen gut entwickelten Technologie können heute Rationalisierungen in vielen Wirtschaftsbereichen erreicht werden. Das Buch bietet eine Darstellung bestehender Anwendungen und Technologiegrundlagen sowie eine Beschreibung der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von RFID. Es soll dem Projektleiter zugleich als Leitfaden für die Auswahl geeigneter RFID-Systeme dienen. Eine Abgrenzung von Funktionseinheiten ist in einer Systembetrachtung enthalten. Der Leser wird in die Lage gebracht, eine RFID-Anwendung von der Idee bis zur Praxis aufzubauen und die richtigen Ressourcen zusammenzustellen. Im Anhang aufgeführt sind: Firmen, die im Bereich RFID tätig sind, eine Übersicht zu bestehenden Anwendungen in verschiedenen Branchen sowie Gremien und Institute, die sich mit RFID beschäftigen und kompetente Beratung geben können.

Anwendung von RFID-Systemen (VDI-Buch)

by Christian Kern

Die Radio-Frequenz-Identifikation (RFID) ermöglicht den drahtlosen Informationsaustausch zwischen Objekten, Personen, Tieren und dem IT-Netzwerk. Objekte, Personen oder Tiere werden dabei selbst zu Datenträgern. Leser werden hier in die Lage versetzt, eine RFID-Anwendung von der Idee bis zur Praxis aufzubauen. Wie aktuell das Thema und entsprechend groß die Nachfrage ist, zeigt das Erscheinen der 2. Auflage nach nur einem Jahr.

Anwendungen und Technik von Near Field Communication (NFC)

by Josef Langer Michael Roland

NFC ist eine systematische Weiterentwicklung von kontaktloser Smartcard- und Reader-Technologie. Das Buch „Anwendungen und Technik von NFC“ ist das Standardwerk zur NFC-Technologie. Es bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über Grundlagen, Technik und Anwendungszenarien von NFC. Für Praxis und Ausbildung kann es sowohl als Einführung sowie als Grundlagen- und Nachschlagewerk dienen.Die Autoren stellen anhand der Grundlagen und der Technik die NFC-Technologie und die klassische RFID-Technologie einander gegenüber. Es werden der aktuelle Stand der Normung, die weiterführenden Spezifikationen und die Protokolle ausführlich anhand von zahlreichen Abbildungen erklärt. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Integration von NFC in Mobiltelefone gelegt. Zahlreiche beispielhafte Anwendungen (z.B. Smart Poster, Zahlungsverkehr, Zutritt) geben einen praxisnahen Einblick in die Umsetzung der Technologie und das NFC-Ökosystem mit seiner Vielzahl von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.

Anxiety for Beginners: A Personal Investigation

by Eleanor Morgan

Foyles paperback of the year, Anxiety for Beginners offers a vivid insight into the often crippling impact of anxiety disorders, a condition that is frequently invisible, shrouded in shame and misunderstood. It serves as a guide for those who live with anxiety disorders and those who live with them by proxy.Combining her own experiences (rendered in emotive detail) with extensive research with experts (neuroscientists, psychiatrists, psychologists and fellow sufferers – including some familiar faces), Eleanor Morgan explores not just the roots of her own anxiety, but also investigates what might be contributing to so many of us suffering around the world.Anxiety for Beginners is, at its heart, a book about acceptance, as Morgan discovers the ways in which people can live a life that is not just manageable but enjoyable, learning to accept anxiety as part of who we are rather than spending a life fighting and being ashamed of it.

The Anxiety Solution: A Quieter Mind, a Calmer You

by Chloe Brotheridge

The Anxiety Solution is your guide to being a calmer, happier and more confident young woman.'Remarkable, pioneering, could change your life' Daily Mail'I know what it's like to be stuck in a cycle of anxiety. I used to feel as though fear and worry were a permanent part of who I was . . . but I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way. The truth is, your natural state is one of calmness and confidence - and I'm going to teach you how to get there.'This is a book about and for every anxious young woman - at home, in school or at work, in social situations or on their own - one that will benefit everyone from worried mums to stressed teens.Therapist Chloe Brotheridge has used the latest scientific research and her own personal experience to create a programme that has already helped thousands of women to overcome fear and stress. The Anxiety Solution will provide you with simple yet powerful practical tools to help you manage your symptoms and start feeling better every day. From recognising symptoms of anxiety to understanding its root causes, Chloe takes an in-depth look at anxiety in the modern world and the steps we can take to manage it. Whether it is social media pressure, perfectionism or fear of failure, this book will show you how to regain control of your life. It will guide you through easy practical methods for minimizing anxiety, including meditation tips, breathing exercises and a self-care diary. With chapters focusing on mindful eating, boosting self-esteem and managing decision-making, Chloe equips you with everything you'll need to tackle your anxiety head-on and embrace a happier, calmer life.If you want to spend less time worrying and restore your confidence, this book is the solution for you. You'll be surprised how quickly you can be back in control and able to enjoy your life once again.If The Anxiety Solution has become your guide to being calm, happy and confident and you want other readers like you to discover this remarkable, life-changing book, then leave a review below . . .

Anything You Can Do: A Grammar Tales Book To Support Grammar And Language Development In Children (Grammar Tales)

by Jessica Habib

Belle loves to try and get involved with all of the things that her big bother, Pete, can do, but she’s not quite big enough to sprint or swim or read. They discover things that they can both do. Targeting Subject-Verb sentences, pronouns and the auxiliaries ‘can’ and ‘do’, this book provides repeated examples of early developing syntax and morphology which will engage and excite the reader while building pre-literacy skills and make learning fun, as well as exposing children to multiple models of the target grammar form. Perfect for a speech and language therapy session, this book is an ideal starting point for targeting client goals and can also be enjoyed at school or home to reinforce what has been taught in the therapy session.

Anything You Can Do: A Grammar Tales Book to Support Grammar and Language Development in Children (Grammar Tales)

by Jessica Habib

Belle loves to try and get involved with all of the things that her big bother, Pete, can do, but she’s not quite big enough to sprint or swim or read. They discover things that they can both do. Targeting Subject-Verb sentences, pronouns and the auxiliaries ‘can’ and ‘do’, this book provides repeated examples of early developing syntax and morphology which will engage and excite the reader while building pre-literacy skills and make learning fun, as well as exposing children to multiple models of the target grammar form. Perfect for a speech and language therapy session, this book is an ideal starting point for targeting client goals and can also be enjoyed at school or home to reinforce what has been taught in the therapy session.

Apache Kafka 1.0 Cookbook

by Raúl Estrada

Simplify real-time data processing by leveraging the power of Apache Kafka 1.0 Key Features * Use Kafka 1.0 features such as Confluent platforms and Kafka streams to build efficient streaming data applications to handle and process your data * Integrate Kafka with other Big Data tools such as Apache Hadoop, * Apache Spark, and more * Hands-on recipes to help you design, operate, maintain, and secure your Apache Kafka cluster with ease Book Description Apache Kafka provides a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform to handle real-time data feeds. This book will show you how to use Kafka efficiently, and contains practical solutions to the common problems that developers and administrators usually face while working with it. This practical guide contains easy-to-follow recipes to help you set up, configure, and use Apache Kafka in the best possible manner. You will use Apache Kafka Consumers and Producers to build effective real-time streaming applications. The book covers the recently released Kafka version 1.0, the Confluent Platform and Kafka Streams. The programming aspect covered in the book will teach you how to perform important tasks such as message validation, enrichment and composition.Recipes focusing on optimizing the performance of your Kafka cluster, and integrate Kafka with a variety of third-party tools such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Elasticsearch will help ease your day to day collaboration with Kafka greatly. Finally, we cover tasks related to monitoring and securing your Apache Kafka cluster using tools such as Ganglia and Graphite. If you're looking to become the go-to person in your organization when it comes to working with Apache Kafka, this book is the only resource you need to have. What you will learn * Install and configure Apache Kafka 1.0 to get optimal performance * Create and configure Kafka Producers and Consumers * Operate your Kafka clusters efficiently by implementing the mirroring technique * Work with the new Confluent platform and Kafka streams, and achieve high availability with Kafka * Monitor Kafka using tools such as Graphite and Ganglia * Integrate Kafka with third-party tools such as Elasticsearch, Logstash, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and more Who This Book Is For This book is for developers and Kafka administrators who are looking for quick, practical solutions to problems encountered while operating, managing or monitoring Apache Kafka. If you are a developer, some knowledge of Scala or Java will help, while for administrators, some working knowledge of Kafka will be useful. Table of Contents * Configuring Kafka * Kafka Clusters * Message Validation * Message Enrichment * The Confluent Platform * Kafka Streams * Managing Kafka * Operating Kafka * Monitoring and Security * Third Party Tools integration

Apache Kafka Quick Start Guide: Leverage Apache Kafka 2. 0 To Simplify Real-time Data Processing For Distributed Applications

by Raúl Estrada

Learn how to use Apache Kafka for efficient processing of distributed applications. This book focuses on programming rather than configuration management of Kafka clusters or Dev Ops. Each chapter focuses on a practical aspect and tries to avoid the tedious theoretical sections. By the end of this book, you will be familiar with solving everyday problems in fast data and processing pipelines.

An Apartment on Uranus: Chronicles Of The Crossing (Semiotext(e) / Foreign Agents Ser.)

by Paul B. Preciado

Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system, a frozen giant named after a Greek deity. It is also the inspiration for Uranism, a concept coined by the writer Karl Heinrich Ulrichs in 1864 to define the ‘third sex’ and the rights of those who ‘love differently’. Following in Ulrichs’s footsteps, Paul B. Preciado dreams of an apartment on Uranus where he can live, free of the modern power taxonomies of race, gender, class or disability. In this bold and transgressive book, Preciado recounts his transformation from Beatriz into Paul B., and examines other processes of political, cultural and sexual transition, reflecting on socio-political issues including the rise of neo-fascism in Europe, the criminalization of migrants, the harassment of trans children, the technological appropriation of the uterus, and the role artists and museums might play in the writing of a new social contract. A stepchild of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler, Preciado argues, with courage and conviction, for a planetary revolution of all living beings against the norm.‘Paul B. Preciado has the magic ability to fire off imperatives that don’t feel bossy, but rather incite us to join him in whatever crackling energy, urgent curiosity, and dynamic nomadism is flowing through him. Reading these chronological missives offers the real pleasure of Preciado’s company in time, and inspires us not just to stay with our trouble, but to greet it with unstoppable speech, complex solidarity, glitter, and defiance.’ — Maggie Nelson, author of The Argonauts

The Apology Impulse: How the Business World Ruined Sorry and Why We Can’t Stop Saying It

by Cary Cooper Sean O'Meara

Saying sorry is in crisis. On one hand there are anxious PR aficionados and social media teams dishing out apologies with alarming frequency. On the other there are people and organizations who have done truly terrible things issuing much-delayed statements of mild regret. We have become addicted to apologies but immune from saying sorry. In January 2018 there were 35 public apologies from high-profile organizations and individuals. That's more than one per day. Between them, in 2017, the likes of Facebook, Mercedes Benz and United Airlines issued over 2,000 words of apologies for their transgressions. Alarmingly, the word 'sorry' didn't appear once. This perfectly timed book examines the psychology, motivations and even the economic rationale of giving an apology in the age of outrage culture and on-demand contrition. It reveals the tricks and techniques we all use to evade, reframe and divert from what we did and demonstrates how professionals do it best. Providing lessons for businesses and organizations, you'll find out how to give meaningful apologies and know when to say sorry, or not say it at all. The Apology Impulse is the perfect playbook for anyone - from social media executive through to online influencers and CEOs - who apologise way too much and say sorry far too infrequently.

The Apology Impulse: How the Business World Ruined Sorry and Why We Can’t Stop Saying It

by Cary Cooper Sean O'Meara

Saying sorry is in crisis. On one hand there are anxious PR aficionados and social media teams dishing out apologies with alarming frequency. On the other there are people and organizations who have done truly terrible things issuing much-delayed statements of mild regret. We have become addicted to apologies but immune from saying sorry. In January 2018 there were 35 public apologies from high-profile organizations and individuals. That's more than one per day. Between them, in 2017, the likes of Facebook, Mercedes Benz and United Airlines issued over 2,000 words of apologies for their transgressions. Alarmingly, the word 'sorry' didn't appear once. This perfectly timed book examines the psychology, motivations and even the economic rationale of giving an apology in the age of outrage culture and on-demand contrition. It reveals the tricks and techniques we all use to evade, reframe and divert from what we did and demonstrates how professionals do it best. Providing lessons for businesses and organizations, you'll find out how to give meaningful apologies and know when to say sorry, or not say it at all. The Apology Impulse is the perfect playbook for anyone - from social media executive through to online influencers and CEOs - who apologise way too much and say sorry far too infrequently.

Apostles of Certainty: Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)

by C.W. Anderson

From data-rich infographics to 140 character tweets and activist cell phone photos taken at political protests, 21st century journalism is awash in new ways to report, display, and distribute the news. Computational journalism, in particular, has been the object of recent scholarly and industry attention as large datasets, powerful algorithms, and growing technological capacity at news organizations seemingly empower journalists and editors to report the news in creative ways. Can journalists use data--along with other forms of quantified information such as paper documents of figures, data visualizations, and charts and graphs--in order to produce better journalism? In this book, C.W. Anderson traces the genealogy of data journalism and its material and technological underpinnings, arguing that the use of data in news reporting is inevitably intertwined with national politics, the evolution of computable databases, and the history of professional scientific fields. It is impossible to understand journalistic uses of data, Anderson argues, without understanding the oft-contentious relationship between social science and journalism. It is also impossible to disentangle empirical forms of public truth telling without first understanding the remarkably persistent Progressive belief that the publication of empirically verifiable information will lead to a more just and prosperous world. Anderson considers various types of evidence (documents, interviews, informational graphics, surveys, databases, variables, and algorithms) and the ways these objects have been used through four different eras in American journalism (the Progressive Era, the interpretive journalism movement of the 1930s, the invention of so-called "precision journalism," and today's computational journalistic moment) to pinpoint what counts as empirical knowledge in news reporting. Ultimately the book shows how the changes in these specifically journalistic understandings of evidence can help us think through the current "digital data moment" in ways that go beyond simply journalism.

APOSTLES OF CERTAINTY OSDP C: Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt (Oxford Studies in Digital Politics)

by C.W. Anderson

From data-rich infographics to 140 character tweets and activist cell phone photos taken at political protests, 21st century journalism is awash in new ways to report, display, and distribute the news. Computational journalism, in particular, has been the object of recent scholarly and industry attention as large datasets, powerful algorithms, and growing technological capacity at news organizations seemingly empower journalists and editors to report the news in creative ways. Can journalists use data--along with other forms of quantified information such as paper documents of figures, data visualizations, and charts and graphs--in order to produce better journalism? In this book, C.W. Anderson traces the genealogy of data journalism and its material and technological underpinnings, arguing that the use of data in news reporting is inevitably intertwined with national politics, the evolution of computable databases, and the history of professional scientific fields. It is impossible to understand journalistic uses of data, Anderson argues, without understanding the oft-contentious relationship between social science and journalism. It is also impossible to disentangle empirical forms of public truth telling without first understanding the remarkably persistent Progressive belief that the publication of empirically verifiable information will lead to a more just and prosperous world. Anderson considers various types of evidence (documents, interviews, informational graphics, surveys, databases, variables, and algorithms) and the ways these objects have been used through four different eras in American journalism (the Progressive Era, the interpretive journalism movement of the 1930s, the invention of so-called "precision journalism," and today's computational journalistic moment) to pinpoint what counts as empirical knowledge in news reporting. Ultimately the book shows how the changes in these specifically journalistic understandings of evidence can help us think through the current "digital data moment" in ways that go beyond simply journalism.

App-Entwicklung – effizient und erfolgreich: Eine kompakte Darstellung von Konzepten, Methoden und Werkzeugen

by Christian Aichele Marius Schönberger

Dieses Buch ermöglicht durch die Darstellung fachlicher und technologischer Grundlagen sowie der Beschreibung notwendiger Aktivitäten zur mobilen Anwendungsentwicklung einen Einstieg in die Thematik. Anhand eines standardisierten Vorgehensmodells werden die einzelnen Phasen der mobilen Anwendungsentwicklung aufgezeigt und die Unterstützung der phasenbezogenen Aktivitäten durch den Einsatz etablierter Entwicklungswerkzeuge dargestellt. Das Buch wendet sich vornehmlich an Unternehmer, IT-Verantwortliche und IT-Praktiker aus IT-anwendenden Unternehmen und IT-Unternehmen. Ferner an Lehrende und Studenten der Wirtschaftsinformatik und BWL.

Application of Social Media in Crisis Management: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

by Babak Akhgar Andrew Staniforth David Waddington

This book explores how social media and its advances enables citizens to empower themselves during a crisis. The book addresses the key issues related to crises management and social media as the new platform to assist citizens and first responders dealing with multiple forms of crisis, from major terrorist attacks, larger scale public disorder, large-scale movement of people across borders, and natural disasters. The book is based on the results and knowledge gained during the European Commission ATHENA project which has been addressing critical issues in contemporary crisis management and social media and smart mobile communications. This book is authored by a mix of global contributors from across the landscape of academia, emergency response and experts in government policy and private industry. This title explores and explains that during a modern crisis, the public self-organizes into voluntary groups, adapt quickly to changing circumstances, emerge as leaders and experts and perform life-saving actions; and that they are increasingly reliant upon the use of new communications media to do it.

Application of Visible Light Wireless Communication in Underground Mine

by Simona Mirela Riurean Monica Leba Andreea Cristina Ionica

This book provides a chronological literature review of optical wireless communication, followed by a detailed blueprint of a visible light communication (VLC) setup with the key characteristics of LEDs and photodetectors. Next, the optical channel impulse response and its description for different possible topologies is presented together with a description of the optical and electrical setup for both optical transmitters (oTx) and optical receivers (oRx). Different single carrier and multi-carrier modulations particularly applied in visible light communication setups are also presented. Both the optical and electrical modules of oTx and oRx are simulated and then prototyped and tested as embedded devices in an underground positioning and monitoring system for a continuous real time identification of the personnel on the main underground galleries where the illumination network is already installed.Presents a comprehensive look at visible light communication technology, both in description and application;Shows where and how VLC has been launched on the market as an alternative or partner technology to the existing wireless communication technologies based on radio frequency;Includes special focus on underground positioning and monitoring with embedded VLC.

Application of Wavelets in Speech Processing (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology)

by Mohamed Hesham Farouk

This new edition provides an updated and enhanced survey on employing wavelets analysis in an array of applications of speech processing. The author presents updated developments in topics such as; speech enhancement, noise suppression, spectral analysis of speech signal, speech quality assessment, speech recognition, forensics by Speech, and emotion recognition from speech. The new edition also features a new chapter on scalogram analysis of speech. Moreover, in this edition, each chapter is restructured as such; that it becomes self contained, and can be read separately. Each chapter surveys the literature in a topic such that the use of wavelets in the work is explained and experimental results of proposed method are then discussed. Illustrative figures are also added to explain the methodology of each work.

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