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Showing 14,976 through 15,000 of 21,916 results

PR-Beratung in der Politik: Rollen und Interaktionsstrukturen aus Sicht von Beratern und Klienten

by Ulrike Röttger Sarah Zielmann

Diese Studie untersucht erstmals den Markt für externe PR-Beratung auf Bundesebene in der Politik und klammert damit andere Formen wie die wissenschaftliche Politikberatung oder das Lobbying in diesem Bereich aus. PR-Berater und Klienten aus Ministerien und Parteien geben Auskunft über die jeweils erwarteten Beraterrollen, und es werden die Strukturen der Interaktion erläutert. Die Auswertungen verdeutlichen, dass es sich um einen sehr überschaubaren Markt handelt, bei dem den PR-Dienstleistern vor allem die Rolle einer verlängerten Werkbank zukommt. Dies geschieht einerseits, um personelle Defizite der teils schwach besetzten internen PR-Stellen auszugleichen und andererseits, um Know-how beispielsweise für Kampagnen beizusteuern. Die zentralen Beratungsfunktionen – Anregung von Reflexionsprozessen und Steigerung der eigenen Entscheidungsfähigkeit – werden nicht bzw. nur in geringem Ausmaß nachgefragt.

The PR Bootcamp: Take Your Business from Invisible to Unstoppable

by Angelica Malin

The PR Bootcamp is the ultimate toolkit for businesses who want to raise their profile, get featured in the media and boost credibility around their brand. It offers invaluable insights on how to create a successful, objectives-driven PR strategy - without the price tag of an agency - that supports your business goals. This do-it-yourself guide is perfect for businesses, entrepreneurs and founders alike, who want to get featured in the press and get PR results, fast. The PR Bootcamp tells you everything you need to know about creating a successful PR strategy; from what makes a press-worthy story and how to write a great email pitch to editors, to constructing a can't-miss press release and finding free media opportunities for yourself.With a rich mix of case studies, actionable tips and thought-provoking questions for your PR strategy, this book by award-winning entrepreneur Angelica Malin is a commercial, accessible handbook for PR in the digital age.

PR In A Week: A Public Relations Masterclass In Seven Simple Steps (TYW)

by Brian Salter

Brilliant PR just got easierYou are about to discover everything you need to know about Public Relations. PR is the practice of conveying messages to the public with the intention of changing the public's actions by influencing their opinions. By targeting different audiences with different messages to achieve an overall goal, PR practitioners can achieve widespread opinion and behavioural change.Communications is seen as being a key element in business, with PR experts increasingly called on to advise senior management on appropriate communications strategies, before decisions are made, rather than being called on to defend them after they have been made. But PR is not just for self-conscious organizations. If you are looking for a job or an in-house promotion; or if you are trying to publicize a fundraiser for your local charity; if you're trying to advance a cause, or you want others to appreciate your point of view, you need your voice to be heard.Nowadays there is a veritable plethora of communication channels available, ranging from traditional newspapers and magazines to online outlets including ezines, social networking sites and blogs. Some of these are good in some situations, but hopeless in others. Throughout this book we will be concentrating on how we can effect the flow of information and how we can achieve the desired mindset change in our target audiences.- Sunday: Who needs PR- Monday: External audiences- Tuesday: Dealing with the media- Wednesday: Social Media- Thursday: Practical pointers for powerful press releases- Friday: Marketing communications- Saturday: Internal PR

PR-Kampagnen: Über die Inszenierung von Öffentlichkeit

by Ulrike Röttger

Greenpeace besetzt Brent Spar, Shell entschuldigt sich öffentlich in Anzeigen, VW geht mit den Rolling Stones auf Tournee und Hamburg hat ein Parlament mehr, das "Spendenparlament". PR-Kampagnen als Mittel zur Inszenierung von Öffentlichkeit haben Hochkonjunktur und sind stärker als je zuvor in der Diskussion. Und: die Grenzen zwischen Solidaritäts- und Mobilisierungskampagnen von gemeinnützigen Organisationen und moralisch argumentierenden Kampagnen von kommerziellen Wirtschaftsunternehmen sind fließend geworden. Welche Folgen die zunehmende Moralisierung und Professionalisierung von PR-Kampagnen für die öffentliche Diskussion, für VerbraucherInnen, JournalistInnen und die Public Relations hat, wird in diesem Band aus theoretischer und praktischer Perspektive beleuchtet. WissenschaftlerInnen nähern sich dem Thema aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher, politischer und soziologischer Perspektive; PraktikerInnen aus renommierten Unternehmen, bekannten Organisationen und PR-Agenturen skizzieren in Fallstudien die Voraussetzungen, Entstehungsbedingungen und die praktische Umsetzung von Kampagnen.

PR-Kampagnen: Über die Inszenierung von Öffentlichkeit

by Ulrike Röttger

PR-Kampagnen: Über die Inszenierung von Öffentlichkeit

by Ulrike Röttger

PR-Kampagnen: Über die Inszenierung von Öffentlichkeit

by Ulrike Röttger


PR-Perspektiven: Reflexionen zur Theorie der Praxis

by Lars Rademacher Peter Szyszka

Mit seinen Beiträgen wendet sich der Band bewusst gegen Mainstream-Positionen in Wissenschaft und Praxis rund um Public Relations. Die teilweise essayistische Form der Beiträge wurde bewusst gewählt, um einen kreativeren Umgang der Mitwirkenden mit ihren jeweils ausgewählten Gegenständen zu erleichtern. Die Auswahl orientiert sich an Themenfeldern, die in enger Verbindung mit dem Wirken von Klaus Kocks zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis stehen.Herausgekommen sind zwölf theoretische Reflexionen von Praxis, die der Provokation des Einleitungsbeitrages folgend bekannte Themen neu oder anders denken und deren Durchdringung in weiterführenden Diskussionen herausfordern.

PR- A Persuasive Industry?: Spin, Public Relations and the Shaping of the Modern Media

by T. Morris S. Goldsworthy

Public relations is a big and rapidly growing industry, with annual growth rates of 20-30%. It spans the worlds of business, politics and culture, sport and entertainment. PR is everywhere. And yet, though it is much talked about it is little analyzed.

PR - A Persuasive Industry?: Spin, Public Relations And The Shaping Of The Modern Media (PDF)

by Trevor Morris Simon Goldsworthy

Public relations is a big and rapidly growing industry, with annual growth rates of 20-30%. It spans the worlds of business, politics and culture, sport and entertainment. PR is everywhere. And yet, though it is much talked about it is little analyzed.

PR Power: Inside Secrets From The World Of Spin (Virgin Business Guides)

by Amanda Barry-Hirst

Whether you're just starting out or have been in business for years, it's never too late to start harnessing the incredible power of public relations. PR Power offers advice on how to get the most from your PR consultancy or in-house team and what to do if you're running the PR yourself, with:* practical hints and tips* toolkit exercises* case studies from real businesses* priceless advice from leading experts in PR

The PR Professional's Handbook: Powerful, Practical Communications (PR In Practice)

by Caroline Black

At a time when rapid changes in communications technology, such as social media, are having a major impact on the way businesses choose to communicate, more and more people are having to understand the principles of modern PR and how they can use it to underpin effective business management. The PR Professional's Handbook offers practical advice and solutions for anyone involved in the public relations function. The PR Professional's Handbook guides practitioners in preparing and evaluating campaigns. In addition to providing a full breakdown on the individual skills required in briefing, writing and presenting projects of different shapes and sizes, the book covers the role and importance of public relations and communications in organizations, addressing, in full, key theories for PR, skills and disciplines, channels and creativity. About the PR in Practice series: Published in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), the PR in Practice series comprises accessible, practical introductions to day-to-day issues of public relations practice and management. The series' action-oriented approach keeps knowledge and skills up to date.

PR Technology, Data and Insights: Igniting a Positive Return on Your Communications Investment

by Mark Weiner

Data, technology and insights have forever changed the public relations and corporate communications function. Failure to adapt is more a matter of willingness than inability.Now, technology, data and insights inform more meaningful objectives and elevate performance evaluation. The result is a positive return on PR investment, reduced reputational risk and optimal efficiency. By ignoring these essential assets, PR professionals risk losing executive attention and organizational investment. While "building buzz" or "breaking through the media clutter" may have been adequate measures of success in the past, the top executives who fund and evaluate corporate communications expect much more, including a quantifiable and positive return on PR investment.Leaders assume that corporate communications and PR professionals already understand the fundamentals of business, and they expect an ability to contextualize PR objectives, outputs and outcomes in the language of business. PR Technology, Data and Insights helps communications professionals understand the purpose-built technologies, data assets and actionable insights available to them while sharing best practices to apply these assets for improved PR performance over time, versus objectives and against competitors.Using case studies from industries as varied as financial services, technology, travel, automotive and more, along with best practice examples from Adobe, Mastercard, Southwest, Ford and other world class organizations, PR Technology, Data and Insights shows professional communicators how to optimize technology, lead with data, quantify PR's ability to convert public relations outputs to business outcomes, and deliver insights that empower executive decision-making.

PR Today: The Authoritative Guide To Public Relations (PDF)

by Trevor Morris Simon Goldsworthy

Whether you're a student of public relations, someone who hopes to break into one of today's most popular growth industries or someone who wants or needs to understand PR better, this book is for you. PR Today is a new and comprehensive guide to public relations, spanning all aspects of PR work, from fashion to government and from celebrity PR to corporate communications and digital PR. It combines essential, up-to-date and hands-on practical guidance on PR, including individual and group exercises, with thought-provoking analysis of this exciting but enigmatic industry, its ethical dilemmas and the role it plays in the contemporary world - not least its controversial but vital relationship with the media. With many international examples and specially commissioned contributions from leading experts from around the world, PR Today offers a fresh, lively and realistic perspective on its subject, based on the authors' rare combination of top level experience, insider knowledge and years of teaching and writing about PR in many countries.

PR Today: The Authoritative Guide to Public Relations

by Trevor Morris Simon Goldsworthy

This new and fully-updated second edition of this acclaimed textbook offers a guide to public relations, spanning all aspects of PR work, including fashion, event management, crisis communications, politics, celebrity PR and corporate communications, and takes account of the rapid change in the PR industry. It It combines essential practical guidance with a thought-provoking analysis of this exciting but enigmatic industry, its ethical dilemmas and the role it plays in the contemporary world-not least its controversial but crucial relationship with the media.PR Today offers a fresh, lively and realistic perspective on its subject, based on the authors' rare combination of international top-level experience, insider knowledge and years of teaching and writing about PR. It will be invaluable for students taking public relations at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and essential reading for those seeking to start a career in this dynamic, fast-growing profession. New to this Edition:- Content has been fully updated throughout to ensure up-to-date overview of the topics at hand- Interviews with leading figures in PR and beyond- A thoroughly revised and expanded chapter on digital PR

PR Today: The Authoritative Guide to Public Relations

by Trevor Morris Simon Goldsworthy

This new and fully-updated second edition of this acclaimed textbook offers a guide to public relations, spanning all aspects of PR work, including fashion, event management, crisis communications, politics, celebrity PR and corporate communications, and takes account of the rapid change in the PR industry. It It combines essential practical guidance with a thought-provoking analysis of this exciting but enigmatic industry, its ethical dilemmas and the role it plays in the contemporary world-not least its controversial but crucial relationship with the media.PR Today offers a fresh, lively and realistic perspective on its subject, based on the authors' rare combination of international top-level experience, insider knowledge and years of teaching and writing about PR. It will be invaluable for students taking public relations at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and essential reading for those seeking to start a career in this dynamic, fast-growing profession. New to this Edition:- Content has been fully updated throughout to ensure up-to-date overview of the topics at hand- Interviews with leading figures in PR and beyond- A thoroughly revised and expanded chapter on digital PR

PR und Organisationskommunikation im Gesundheitswesen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Wertehorizonte und deren Spannungsfelder

by Doreen Reifegerste

​Das Gesundheitssystem ist geprägt von medizinischen, gemeinwohlorientierten und ökonomischen Interessen. Diese Zielgrößen sind dabei vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher und systembezogener Wandlungsprozesse wie der Patientenorientierung und Digitalisierung zu bewerten. In der Gesamtschau ergibt dies ein Spannungsfeld konkurrierender und komplementärer Ziele in der internen und externen Kommunikation von Kliniken, Pharmaunternehmen, Krankenversicherungen und einzelner Akteure des Gesundheitswesens. Auf dieses Spannungsfeld geht dieser Band ein und integriert dabei die Perspektiven der PR-und Organisationskommunikation sowie der Gesundheitskommunikation.

A Practical Approach to Corporate Networks Engineering

by Antonio Nogueira Paulo Salvador

A Practical Approach to Corporate Networks Engineering is dedicated to corporate network design and engineering, covering the different levels of network design and deployment. The main theoretical concepts are explained and the different functioning mechanisms are illustrated with practical experiments. Using an open source network simulator that is able to emulate real network equipment and run concrete network scenarios (Graphical Network Simulator), the authors present several realistic network scenarios that illustrate the different network protocols and mechanisms and can be easily replicated by readers at home. Readers will be able to configure the different network equipments, run the scenarios and capture traffic at the different network links on their own, ordinary PC, acquiring a deep knowledge of the underlying network protocols and mechanisms.This interactive and practical teaching approach is very motivating and effective, since students can easily follow the explanations that are given throughout the book, making this work a valuable addition to the existing literature.

A Practical Approach to Corporate Networks Engineering

by Antonio Nogueira Paulo Salvador

A Practical Approach to Corporate Networks Engineering is dedicated to corporate network design and engineering, covering the different levels of network design and deployment. The main theoretical concepts are explained and the different functioning mechanisms are illustrated with practical experiments. Using an open source network simulator that is able to emulate real network equipment and run concrete network scenarios (Graphical Network Simulator), the authors present several realistic network scenarios that illustrate the different network protocols and mechanisms and can be easily replicated by readers at home. Readers will be able to configure the different network equipments, run the scenarios and capture traffic at the different network links on their own, ordinary PC, acquiring a deep knowledge of the underlying network protocols and mechanisms.This interactive and practical teaching approach is very motivating and effective, since students can easily follow the explanations that are given throughout the book, making this work a valuable addition to the existing literature.

A Practical Approach to WBEM/CIM Management

by Chris Hobbs

System architects and engineers in fields such as storage networking, desktop computing, electrical power distribution, and telecommunications need a common and flexible way of managing heterogeneous devices and services. Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and its Component Information Model (CIM) provide the architecture, language, interfaces,

A Practical Approach to WBEM/CIM Management

by Chris Hobbs

System architects and engineers in fields such as storage networking, desktop computing, electrical power distribution, and telecommunications need a common and flexible way of managing heterogeneous devices and services. Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and its Component Information Model (CIM) provide the architecture, language, interfaces,

Practical Channel-Aware Resource Allocation: With MATLAB and Python Code

by Michael Ghorbanzadeh Ahmed Abdelhadi

This book dives into radio resource allocation optimizations, a research area for wireless communications, in a pragmatic way and not only includes wireless channel conditions but also incorporates the channel in a simple and practical fashion via well-understood equations. Most importantly, the book presents a practical perspective by modeling channel conditions using terrain-aware propagation which narrows the gap between purely theoretical work and that of industry methods. The provided propagation modeling reflects industry grade scenarios for radio environment map and hence makes the channel based resource allocation presented in the book a field-grade view. Also, the book provides large scale simulations that account for realistic locations with terrain conditions that can produce realistic scenarios applicable in the field. Most portions of the book are accompanied with MATLAB code and occasionally MATLAB/Python/C code. The book is intended for graduate students, academics, researchers of resource allocation in mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering departments as well as working professionals/engineers in wireless industry.

Practical English Language Skills for Lawyers: Improving Your Legal English

by Natasha Costello Louise Kulbicki

A high level of English remains essential for any lawyer wishing to work internationally, but transferring language skills from the classroom to the workplace can be challenging. This book shows non-native, English speaking lawyers how to apply their English language skills to everyday legal situations and contexts, providing essential guidance to ensure they can work confidently in different settings and mediums.Including activities based on real-life scenarios, the book will allow lawyers and law students to practise their English in key areas of working life, from networking and client meetings, to telephone and conference calls, contract drafting and contract negotiations, presentations and using social media. Written by two highly experienced legal English language tutors, both former legal professionals, it also features online support material that includes listening exercises to complement those based on writing and reading comprehension.Designed to hone skills required in working life, Practical English Language Skills for Lawyers is practical, accessible and fun. Including guidance on job applications and interview practice, this book is an invaluable resource not only for current legal professionals but also for those students considering their first career step.Support Material (including Audio Tracks, Audio Notes and Teacher Notes) can be accessed from the Support Material section at

Practical GIS

by Gabor Farkas

Learn the basics of Geographic Information Systems by solving real-world problems with powerful open source tools About This Book • This easy-to-follow guide allows you to manage and analyze geographic data with ease using open source tools • Publish your geographical data online • Learn the basics of geoinformatics in a practical way by solving problems Who This Book Is For The book is for IT professionals who have little or no knowledge of GIS. It's also useful for those who are new to the GIS field who don't want to spend a lot of money buying licenses of commercial tools and training. What You Will Learn • Collect GIS data for your needs • Store the data in a PostGIS database • Exploit the data using the power of the GIS queries • Analyze the data with basic and more advanced GIS tools • Publish your data and share it with others • Build a web map with your published data In Detail The most commonly used GIS tools automate tasks that were historically done manually—compiling new maps by overlaying one on top of the other or physically cutting maps into pieces representing specific study areas, changing their projection, and getting meaningful results from the various layers by applying mathematical functions and operations. This book is an easy-to-follow guide to use the most matured open source GIS tools for these tasks. We'll start by setting up the environment for the tools we use in the book. Then you will learn how to work with QGIS in order to generate useful spatial data. You will get to know the basics of queries, data management, and geoprocessing. After that, you will start to practice your knowledge on real-world examples. We will solve various types of geospatial analyses with various methods. We will start with basic GIS problems by imitating the work of an enthusiastic real estate agent, and continue with more advanced, but typical tasks by solving a decision problem. Finally, you will find out how to publish your data (and results) on the web. We will publish our data with QGIS Server and GeoServer, and create a basic web map with the API of the lightweight Leaflet web mapping library. Style and approach The book guides you step by step through each of the core concepts of the GIS toolkit, building an overall picture of its capabilities. This guide approaches the topic systematically, allowing you to build upon what you learned in previous chapters. By the end of this book, you'll have an understanding of the aspects of building a GIS system and will be able to take that knowledge with you to whatever project calls for it.

A Practical Guide to Body Language: Read & Send the Right Signals (Practical Guide Series)

by Glenn Wilson

An INTRODUCING PRACTICAL GUIDE to understanding the body language of others and being aware of your own. INTRODUCING BODY LANGUAGE explains how to read other people and how to be more aware of what you are saying with your own body language. This easy to read guide teaches you how to understand non-verbal messages, dealing separately with different parts of the body, such as facial expressions, posture and hand movements.

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