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Showing 1,626 through 1,650 of 21,919 results

Being a Successful Interpreter: Adding Value and Delivering Excellence

by Jonathan Downie

Being a Successful Interpreter: Adding Value and Delivering Excellence is a practice-oriented guide on the future of interpreting and the ways in which interpreters can adjust their business and professional practices for the changing market. The book considers how globalisation and human migration have brought interpreting to the forefront and the subsequent need for interpreters to serve a more diverse client base in more varied contexts. At its core is the view that interpreters must move from the traditional impartial and distant approach to become committed to adding value for their clients. Features include: Interviews with leading interpreting experts such as Valeria Aliperta, Judy and Dagmar Jenner and Esther Navarro-Hall Examples from authentic interpreting practice Practice-driven, research-backed discussion of the challenges facing the future of interpreting Guides for personal development Ideas for group activities and development activities within professional associations. Being a Successful Interpreter is a practical and thorough guide to the business and personal aspects of interpreting. Written in an engaging and user-friendly manner, it is ideal for professional interpreters practising in conference, medical, court, business and public service settings, as well as for students and recent graduates of interpreting studies. Winner of the Best Book Prize 2016.

Being a Successful Interpreter: Adding Value and Delivering Excellence

by Jonathan Downie

Being a Successful Interpreter: Adding Value and Delivering Excellence is a practice-oriented guide on the future of interpreting and the ways in which interpreters can adjust their business and professional practices for the changing market. The book considers how globalisation and human migration have brought interpreting to the forefront and the subsequent need for interpreters to serve a more diverse client base in more varied contexts. At its core is the view that interpreters must move from the traditional impartial and distant approach to become committed to adding value for their clients. Features include: Interviews with leading interpreting experts such as Valeria Aliperta, Judy and Dagmar Jenner and Esther Navarro-Hall Examples from authentic interpreting practice Practice-driven, research-backed discussion of the challenges facing the future of interpreting Guides for personal development Ideas for group activities and development activities within professional associations. Being a Successful Interpreter is a practical and thorough guide to the business and personal aspects of interpreting. Written in an engaging and user-friendly manner, it is ideal for professional interpreters practising in conference, medical, court, business and public service settings, as well as for students and recent graduates of interpreting studies. Winner of the Best Book Prize 2016.

Being An Older Woman: A Study in the Social Production of Identity (Everyday Communication Series)

by Isabella Paoletti

The study presented in this volume examines how older women's identities are socially constructed and, in particular, how they can be influenced by institutional intervention. The interest in identity production is not only theoretical, but also practical. Different perceptions of oneself as an older woman involve considerable differences in the definition of that person's possible sphere of action, and therefore, in her life perspectives. The data -- collected during a four-year project studying older women -- consist of video recordings of the committee meetings of the Older Women's Group of Perugia, Italy. Other video recordings of theater workshops and of the management committee meetings of the Senior Citizen Centers in Perugia are used as a source of comparison. Transcripts of the video material are analyzed through a detailed discourse analysis within an ethnomethodological framework. The data are used to explore how gender and age identities are interactionally constructed in specific institutional contexts. The first part of the book focuses on the interactional construction of aging. It shows how "being old" is constructed conversationally, in particular, through the use of membership categories. Distancing from the category "old" and denial of aging are frequently encountered conversational moves. However, the category is perceived as acceptable, even desired and invoked, when it becomes an institutionally relevant category, giving access to interesting activities or special benefits. The second part of the book explores gender identification. Conflict among different institutional subjects is shown to fade into gender conflict. The study analyzes how institutional interventions exert a powerful influence on older women's identities, giving them new opportunities for action. It also looks at how the conversational styles, attitudes, and activities of specific women influence the features of those very institutions. In short, this book describes the discourse and social practices that constitute older women's identities -- helping to identify and deconstruct stereotypes that tend to produce marginalization of older people. The book's existence is itself a contribution to the construction of older women as busy, lively, appealing human beings; it is the first research publication to emerge from The European Older Women's Project. Of interest to those in any discipline studying the topics of ethnomethodology, gender, aging, and identity.

Being An Older Woman: A Study in the Social Production of Identity (Everyday Communication Series)

by Isabella Paoletti

The study presented in this volume examines how older women's identities are socially constructed and, in particular, how they can be influenced by institutional intervention. The interest in identity production is not only theoretical, but also practical. Different perceptions of oneself as an older woman involve considerable differences in the definition of that person's possible sphere of action, and therefore, in her life perspectives. The data -- collected during a four-year project studying older women -- consist of video recordings of the committee meetings of the Older Women's Group of Perugia, Italy. Other video recordings of theater workshops and of the management committee meetings of the Senior Citizen Centers in Perugia are used as a source of comparison. Transcripts of the video material are analyzed through a detailed discourse analysis within an ethnomethodological framework. The data are used to explore how gender and age identities are interactionally constructed in specific institutional contexts. The first part of the book focuses on the interactional construction of aging. It shows how "being old" is constructed conversationally, in particular, through the use of membership categories. Distancing from the category "old" and denial of aging are frequently encountered conversational moves. However, the category is perceived as acceptable, even desired and invoked, when it becomes an institutionally relevant category, giving access to interesting activities or special benefits. The second part of the book explores gender identification. Conflict among different institutional subjects is shown to fade into gender conflict. The study analyzes how institutional interventions exert a powerful influence on older women's identities, giving them new opportunities for action. It also looks at how the conversational styles, attitudes, and activities of specific women influence the features of those very institutions. In short, this book describes the discourse and social practices that constitute older women's identities -- helping to identify and deconstruct stereotypes that tend to produce marginalization of older people. The book's existence is itself a contribution to the construction of older women as busy, lively, appealing human beings; it is the first research publication to emerge from The European Older Women's Project. Of interest to those in any discipline studying the topics of ethnomethodology, gender, aging, and identity.

Beliefs About Text and Instruction With Text

by Ruth Garner Patricia A. Alexander

Every day in classrooms, teachers and students think about and with text. Their beliefs about what text is, who created it, and how to evaluate it are an influence, often a profoundly important one, on how they use text. This book brings together research on epistemology, belief systems, teacher beliefs, and text -- research that is usually presented separately, and in different disciplines. The editors illustrate what a cross-disciplinary body of work looks like, what varied insights are possible, and when the central concerns are beliefs and text. Written by respected researchers in the fields of psychology and education, the chapters are clustered thematically into three sections: * childrens' and adults' beliefs about text. * beliefs about what should be taught and how particular content should be taught and assessed in classrooms. * commentary on knowing versus believing, on the literatures that inform this body of work, and on belief systems. The first to address this important topic in a single volume, this book provides an essential synthesis of current research in an active area of inquiry. The chapters are pieces framed in a time and place with particular intentions -- one of those intentions is that they separately and as a whole stimulate discussion about beliefs and text.

Beliefs About Text and Instruction With Text

by Ruth Garner Patricia A. Alexander

Every day in classrooms, teachers and students think about and with text. Their beliefs about what text is, who created it, and how to evaluate it are an influence, often a profoundly important one, on how they use text. This book brings together research on epistemology, belief systems, teacher beliefs, and text -- research that is usually presented separately, and in different disciplines. The editors illustrate what a cross-disciplinary body of work looks like, what varied insights are possible, and when the central concerns are beliefs and text. Written by respected researchers in the fields of psychology and education, the chapters are clustered thematically into three sections: * childrens' and adults' beliefs about text. * beliefs about what should be taught and how particular content should be taught and assessed in classrooms. * commentary on knowing versus believing, on the literatures that inform this body of work, and on belief systems. The first to address this important topic in a single volume, this book provides an essential synthesis of current research in an active area of inquiry. The chapters are pieces framed in a time and place with particular intentions -- one of those intentions is that they separately and as a whole stimulate discussion about beliefs and text.

Believe. Build. Become.: How to Supercharge Your Career

by Anna Jones Debbie Wosskow

Want to be your own boss? Or want to be THE boss? Start here.Believe. Build. Become. is a hands-on manual designed to help any woman develop the skills and mindset she needs to become a successful leader. Based on the AllBright Academy courses created by entrepreneur Debbie Wosskow (OBE, Founder of Love Home Swap) and leading businesswoman Anna Jones (former CEO of Hearst), Believe. Build. Become. offers a chapter-by-chapter system for readers to work through, focusing on the skills and confidence required to master the mindset of leadership. Debbie and Anna also reveal their own journeys to success - the gritty reality, the lessons learned and how they really got to the top. This is an inspirational, practical and accessible guide to becoming the boss you want to be.

Berater-Klienten-Interaktion in der PR-Beratung: Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Analyse einer komplexen Dienstleistung

by Clarissa Schöller

Clarissa Schöller betrachtet die PR-Beratung im Kontext der Kommunikator-Forschung sowie der Professionalisierungsdebatte des Berufsfeldes Public Relations. Dabei stellt sie die Interaktion zwischen PR-Beratern und ihren Klienten aus der Perspektive beratungstheoretischer Konzepte dar und fasst sie in einem Theoriebaustein-Modell zusammen. In einer quantitativen Befragung von PR-Beratern und Klienten vergleicht die Autorin die Sichtweisen der beiden Gruppen auf die Interaktions-Beziehung miteinander und misst Konstrukte wie Macht, Erfolgsverständnis und Kooperationsbereitschaft. Aus den Daten generiert sie Realtypen für Klienten und Berater, die einen Rückbezug auf die theoretische Fundierung im ersten Teil der Arbeit zulassen.

Bericht über die Einundfünfzigste Zusammenkunft der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft: In Heidelberg 1936

by A. Wagenmann

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Bericht über die Fünfzigste Zusammenkunft der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft in Heidelberg 1934

by A. Wagenmann

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Bericht über die Sechsundvierzigste Zusammenkunft der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft in Heidelberg 1927

by A. Wagenmann

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Berufs- und Karriereplaner Medien und Kommunikation 2003/2004: Für die Medienmacher von morgen

by Margaretha Hamm Dorothee Köhler Hergen Riedel Karin Suttheimer

Der "Berufs- und Karriereplaner Medien und Kommunikation" beantwortet die meisten Fragen rund um den richtigen Berufseinstieg in die Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche.

Berufserfolg in der PR-Branche: Expressivität, Instrumentalität, Motivation

by Katrin Hassenstein

Katrin Hassenstein stellt die nach gängiger These den Frauen zugesprochenen besseren kommunikativen, empathischen und sozialen Fähigkeiten, die im feminisierten Berufsfeld Public Relations (PR) angeblich zu einem beruflichen Vorteil führen sollen, in den Fokus. Unter welchen konkreten Bedingungen machen Frauen und Männer im Berufsfeld Public Relations Karriere? Befragt wurden Pressesprecherinnen und Pressesprecher in Deutschland. Damit liefert die Autorin Erkenntnisse zum Zusammenhang zwischen geschlechtsspezifischen Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, der beruflichen Motivation und dem Berufserfolg weiblicher und männlicher PR-Praktiker.

Berufswege von Alumni einer Filmhochschule: Arbeitsmarktsituation und Spezifika des Studiums

by Marion Jenke

​Die Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen „Konrad Wolf“ ist die einzige Kunsthochschule in Brandenburg. Sie nimmt nach wie vor mit ihrer vielfältigen Fächerstruktur unter den Filmhochschulen eine Sonderstellung ein, was die Diversifizierung auf unterschiedliche Bereiche der Medien angeht. Alle Bereiche filmkünstlerischen Schaffens sind in den Studienfächern vertreten und alle Anforderungen innerhalb des Herstellungs- und Distributionsprozesses können prinzipiell durch Absolventen dieser Hochschule bedient werden. Marion Jenke untersucht, ob sich dies in der Medienbranche wiederfindet. Da in den Nachwendejahren mehr Veränderungen an der HFF „Konrad Wolf“ im Vergleich zu den anderen Filmhochschulen stattfanden, ist die Frage nach der Karriereentwicklung der Absolventen dieser Hochschule von besonderer Relevanz.

Berufsziel Journalismus: Aufgaben, Anforderungen und Ansprechpartner

by Claudia Mast


Berufsziel Social Media: Wie Karrieren im Web 2.0 funktionieren

by Nico Lumma Stefan Rippler Branko Woischwill

„Berufsziel Social Media“ gibt einen fundierten und aktuellen Überblick zur Entwicklung eines Arbeitsfelds, das dem Ruf des Arbeitsmarktes nach Spezialisierung wie Strategie-Kompetenz oder Wissen um „Kundenbindung 2.0“ folgt. Das Werk stellt Einstiegs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten vor, wagt einen Blick in die zukünftige Entwicklung der interaktiven Arbeitswelt und gibt anhand von Best-Practice-Beispielen Anregungen und Inspiration für die operative Social Media Arbeit. Der Arbeitsmarkt für Social Media Fachkräfte entwickelt sich rasant. Der unmittelbare und schnelle informelle Austausch, Beschäftigte als Aushängeschild bzw. Botschafter des Unternehmens und weitere interaktive Aspekte haben Kommunikationsstrukturen und Arbeitsformen grundlegend verändert. Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen soziale Netzwerke zur Steuerung von Unternehmenszielen wie Markenloyalität durch Interaktion, Marktforschung oder Produktentwicklung. Dennoch sind in vielen Betrieben die Chancen und Risiken von Social Media noch weitestgehend unerprobt – wie social Unternehmen sind und welche Herausforderungen sie stemmen müssen, zeigt u.a. eine Befragung von mehr als 100 Social Media Managern.

Berufsziel Social Media: Wie Karrieren im Web 2.0 funktionieren

by Nico Lumma Stefan Rippler Branko Woischwill

Der Arbeitsmarkt für Social Media-Fachkräfte entwickelt sich rasant. Der unmittelbare und schnelle informelle Austausch, Beschäftigte als Aushängeschild bzw. Botschafter des Unternehmens und weitere interaktive Aspekte haben Kommunikationsstrukturen und Arbeitsformen grundlegend verändert. Immer mehr Unternehmen nutzen soziale Netzwerke zur Steuerung von Unternehmenszielen wie Markenloyalität durch Interaktion, Marktforschung oder Produktentwicklung. Dennoch sind in vielen Betrieben die Chancen und Risiken von Social Media noch weitestgehend unerprobt. „Berufsziel Social Media“ gibt einen fundierten und aktuellen Überblick zur Entwicklung eines Arbeitsfelds, das dem Ruf des Arbeitsmarktes nach Spezialisierung wie Strategie-Kompetenz oder Wissen um „Kundenbindung 2.0“, folgt. Das Werk stellt Einstiegs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten vor und wagt einen Blick in die zukünftige Entwicklung der interaktiven Arbeitswelt.

Besser präsentieren für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Malcolm Kushner

Es gibt unzählige Anlässe zu denen Sie etwas präsentieren und sich und Ihre Idee überzeugend vertreten müssen: - egal, ob Sie die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen vorstellen, einen Vortrag vor Ihren Vereinskollegen halten oder aus dem Stegreif etwas präsentieren müssen. Malcolm Kushner zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Lampenfieber umgehen, was eine gute Präsentation ausmacht, wie Sie Ihrer Präsentation Leben einhauchen und sie mit Zahlen und Informationen aufpeppen. Außerdem lernen Sie, das Präsentationsprogramm PowerPoint richtig einzusetzen. Ihr Leitfaden für sicheres und unterhaltsames Präsentieren!

Besser schreiben für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Monika Hoffmann

Schreiben gehört immer mit dazu. Je besser Sie es draufhaben, desto besser stehen Sie da. Das gilt für Ausbildung und Beruf ebenso wie für jede Online-Präsentation und jedes Buchvorhaben. Hier können Sie etwas dafür tun, dass Ihr Schreiben Ihnen leichter von der Hand geht und beim Leser punktgenau landet. Monika Hoffmann zeigt Ihnen Denkansätze und Techniken, gibt Ihnen Tipps, verrät Ihnen Kniffe und schlägt die passenden Übungen vor. Neu in dieser Ausgabe sind das kreative Schreiben und Online-Texte.

Best American Political Writing 2008

by Royce Flippin

The Best American Political Writing 2008 draws from a variety of publications and political viewpoints to present the year's most insightful, entertaining, and thought-provoking pieces on the current political scene. This year's edition will include full coverage of the presidential candidates and conventions, and will offer incisive reporting on America's most pressing political concerns-from the threat of a looming economic recession, to the continued struggles in Iraq and Afghanistan.Selections will include Jane Mayer's investigation of the various highly coercive interrogation techniques routinely employed by the CIA and the Pentagon, Jonathan Chait's report on how radical economic extremists have hijacked national policy, Andrew Sullivan's article on "Why Barack Obama Matters,” George Packer's analysis of the contrasting appeals of Obama and Hillary Clinton, Parag Khanna on America's struggle to retain its status as the world's great superpower, and John Judis's essay on how politicians wield power by tapping into our deepest anxieties, from such publications as The New Yorker, The New Republic, the Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and Vanity Fair.

Best American Political Writing 2009

by Royce Flippin

A must-have anthology for political junkies, Best American Political Writing compiles the year's best political stories from a variety of publications and points of view, in a single, comprehensive volume. Culling from the most memorable reporting of what promises to be a thrilling political year, the 2009 American Political Writing edition will include incisive coverage of the new Obama presidency and its impact nationwide, as well as the most pressing political concerns facing America today-from the depressed economy to our participation in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Best Business Books Ever: The Most Influential Management Books You'll Never Have Time To Read

by Basic Books

Every manager could benefit from a solid grounding in the history and evolution of business thinking. The Best Business Books Ever is a uniquely organized guide and an illuminating collection of key ideas from the 130 most influential business books of all time. It places both historical and contemporary works in context and draws fascinating parallels and points of connection. Now fully revised and more than 30 percent bigger, this one book highlights the information you need to know and why it's important to know it, and does it all in a succinct, time-saving fashion. Business moves faster than ever these days. For the businessperson who has a growing list of tomes that they can never quite seem to get to, The Best Business Books Ever is a must-have.

The Best Dick: A Candid Account of Building a $1m Business

by Mike Sharman

Mike Sharman invites you to share in the hustle, in this business book The Best Dick. From the enthusiastic, entrepreneurial beginnings of a bootstrapped startup founder - a relatively inexperienced 26 year old - to a seasoned, professional, storyteller, who has built a boutique social media advertising agency that has made more brands go viral, globally, than any other studio in Africa.Mike seamlessly and hypnotically entwines business insights and universal premises of first hires, cash flow challenges, brand building, networking and pitches, with his humorous storyselling approach to deliver a page-turner complete with armed robberies, fancy-dress competitions and partnering with some of the planet’s most coveted brands.The Best Dick is the catalyst you’ve been waiting for, your entire life, to encourage your emancipation from the payroll hamster wheel, in order to just start your own business. And, for the existing entrepreneur to find solace in the fact that founding your own company is the best, damn decision you ever made.Life is short. Play naked!

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