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Showing 16,376 through 16,400 of 22,445 results

Qualität im E-Learning aus Lernersicht (Medienbildung und Gesellschaft)

by Ulf-Daniel Ehlers

Was macht E-Learning erfolgreich? In der Qualitätsentwicklung im E-Learning ist es mittlerweile unstrittig, dass dem Lernenden, seinen Präferenzen und Anforderungen eine herausragende Stellung eingeräumt werden muss. In diesem Band wird erstmals ein empirisches Modell individueller Lernerpräferenzen vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, welche Faktoren für Lernende beim E-Learning von Bedeutung sind. Die Basis hierfür bilden Daten aus qualitativen Interviews und der bislang größten Onlinebefragung zum Thema, in der über 2000 Lernende zu ihren Präferenzen, Kompetenzen und Einstellungen in Bezug auf Lernsysteme befragt wurden.

Qualität im Gesundheitsjournalismus: Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis

by Volker Lilienthal Dennis Reineck Thomas Schnedler

Wie kann die Qualität im Gesundheitsjournalismus gesichert werden? Welche Folgen hat es, wenn Medienhäuser trotz der zunehmenden Wertschätzung des Gesundheitsjournalismus die redaktionellen Ressourcen verknappen, während Unternehmen und Verbände ihre Öffentlichkeitsarbeit weiter professionalisieren? Wie wirken sich der hohe Aktualitätsdruck und die wachsende Unübersichtlichkeit im Internet aus? Welche Erkenntnisse aus der Kommunikationswissenschaft und der journalistischen Praxis helfen bei der Bestimmung gesundheitsjournalistischer Qualität? Antworten auf diese Fragen liefert dieser Sammelband.

Qualität im wirtschaftspolitischen Journalismus

by Kim Otto Andreas Köhler

Dieses Buch fasst die aktuelle Diskussion um die Qualität des wirtschaftspolitischen Journalismus zusammen. Ausgehend von den Herausforderungen eines zunehmend komplexeren und globalisierten Berichterstattungsfeldes Wirtschaft werden Anforderungen an den wirtschaftspolitischen Journalismus formuliert. Aufbauend auf diesen theoretischen Herausforderungen werden Strategien der Qualitätssicherung in deutschen Wirtschaftsredaktionen von deren Vertretern vorgestellt und Beispiele qualitativ hochwertigen wirtschaftspolitischen Journalismus‘ von Journalistinnen undJournalisten aus der Praxis dargestellt. Damit gibt der Band einen Überblick über theoretische Anforderungen, Strategien und Beispiele in der journalistischen Praxis.

Qualität in der Krisen- und Kriegsberichterstattung: Ein Modell für einen konfliktsensitiven Journalismus

by Nadine Bilke

Kriege sind zu globalen Medienereignissen geworden. Für den Journalismus hat das gravierende Konsequenzen: Wie kann er objektiv sein, wenn Information im Krieg immer auch ein militärischer Faktor ist? An welchen Kriterien misst sich journalistische Qualität in Krisenzeiten? Die Autorin beantwortet diese Fragen, indem sie Modelle für einen Friedensjournalismus und Qualitätskonzepte der Journalismustheorie kombiniert. So entwirft sie einen konfliktsensitiven Journalismus, der Objektivität und Qualität durch Multiperspektivität und Selbstreflexion anstrebt. Die Arbeit zeigt die Konsequenzen eines solchen Journalismusverständnisses für Ausbildung, Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Qualität in einer Ökonomie der Publizistik: Betriebswirtschaftliche Lösungen für die Redaktion

by Harald Rau

Harald Rau generiert mit einer theoriezentrierten Diskussion journalistischer Qualität und einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Medien innewohnenden Meritorik einen neuen Qualitätsbegriff. Auf dieser Basis gelingt ihm eine Übertragung von in monetär-gewinnmaximierenden Realitäten erprobten Verfahren auf die Publizistik. Dies wird für die beiden Arbeitstechniken Marketing - mit einer publizistischen Erweiterung in Richtung des in den Vereinigten Staaten entwickelten Ansatzes "Total Community Coverage" - und Benchmarking beispielhaft vorgeführt.

Qualität managen: Das ISO-Handbuch für Kreative in Medien (Journalistische Praxis)

by Christian Chang-Langhorst Dirk Heynen Sylvia Homann Ursula Wienken

"Mind the GAPZ" - mit dieser Formel zeigt das Autorenteam, wie man ganzheitlich Änderungen gestaltet, Prozesse lebt und Ziele definiert. Qualität und damit Erfolg erreichen Medien langfristig nur, wenn sie sich nicht nur mit dem Produkt, sondern auch mit Strukturen und Strategien beschäftigen. Das Handbuch kristallisiert die Grundgedanken und Leitlinien der Qualitätsmanagement-Norm DIN EN ISO 9001 heraus und bricht diese auf den Medien- und Redaktionsalltag herunter. So wird die tägliche Arbeit in strukturierte Bahnen gelenkt - trotz knapper Zeit entsteht ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt.

Qualitative Communication Research Methods

by Bryan C. Taylor Thomas R. Lindlof

While many volumes discuss qualitative methods, only Qualitative Communication Research Methods focuses on the history and diversity of their use within the communication discipline. This volume is written by, for, and about communication scholars. It introduces readers from any background to every step of the qualitative research process, from developing research topics and questions, all the way through writing a final report. In addition to covering the scope of theories and methods currently used in qualitative communication research, this book also discusses important trends influencing the future of that research. Key features in this new edition include: - A more clear and direct writing style, suitable for use in both undergraduate and graduate courses. - Numerous practical examples and exercises designed to reinforce student learning of concepts. - A critical guide to the contexts of qualitative research. More than ever, qualitative researchers operate in institutional contexts that present new dilemmas. The book brings readers up to date on related ethical, political, and practical issues, including: the influences of globalization on the design and conduct of research; the appropriate use of recording technology in conducting fieldwork; the unique challenges and opportunities related to studying multi-media, on-line environments; and ongoing innovation and controversy surrounding genres and formats of qualitative writing. - An integrated "suite" of chapters on data-producing methods. In addition to updated discussions of participant-observation and qualitative interviewing, this edition includes a new chapter on the study of material culture and documents. Together, these three chapters help readers to learn how fieldwork methods can successfully combine in a flexible, integrated fashion. - Cutting-edge technological developments. The book informs and advises readers about the latest developments in technology for qualitative communication research. This discussion focuses on how "new" media - such as e-mail, texting, cell phone video, and blogging - not only form topics of research, but also the means of recording, analyzing, and textually "representing" data.

Qualitative Evaluation: Der Einstieg in die Praxis

by Udo Kuckartz Thorsten Dresing Stefan Rädiker Claus Stefer

Das Buch bietet einen kompakten Einstieg in die Grundlagen qualitativer Evaluation und die konkrete Durchführung.

Qualitative Evaluation: Der Einstieg in die Praxis

by Udo Kuckartz Thorsten Dresing Stefan Rädiker Claus Stefer

Am Beispiel eines von den Autoren realisierten Evaluationsprojektes führt dieses Buch in die Planung und praktische Durchführung von qualitativer Evaluation ein. Anhand einer detaillierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung werden die Bestandteile eines Evaluationsprozesses von der Gegenstandsbestimmung, Erhebung und Codierung der Daten bis hin zur computergestützten, kategorienbasierten Auswertung mit Hilfe der Software MAXQDA und der Verfassung des Berichts nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Die im Buch beschriebene computergestützte Vorgehensweise lässt sich auch bei knappen zeitlichen und finanziellen Ressourcen umsetzen. Eine Checkliste und weitere Arbeitshilfen unterstützen die Gestaltung eigener qualitativer Evaluationsprojekte.

Qualitative Forschung: Ein Überblick (Studientexte zur Soziologie)

by Thomas Brüsemeister

Dieses Buch stellt Grundzüge von fünf Verfahren der qualitativen Forschung vergleichend vor: · qualitative Einzelfallstudien, · narratives Interview, · Grounded Theory, · ethnomethodologische Konversationsanalyse · und objektive Hermeneutik. Die Darstellung beginnt mit qualitativen Einzelfallstudien, bei denen Beschreibungen von Daten im Mittelpunkt stehen. Am Ende werden Methoden diskutiert, die ihren Gegenstand stärker theoretisch deuten. Alle Verfahren werden weitgehend aus Sicht der Anwendungspraxis geschildert.

Qualitative Forschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung (Studienbücher Zur Kommunikations- Und Medienwissenschaft Ser.)

by Michael Meyen Maria Löblich Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger Claudia Riesmeyer

Das Lehrbuch versteht sich als Anleitung zum Forschen: Wo lassen sich qualitative Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft gewinnbringend einsetzen? Wie muss eine Untersuchung aufgebaut werden und wie werden Befragte oder Texte so ausgewählt, dass man am Ende verallgemeinern kann? Wie konstruiere ich einen Interview-Leitfaden und was muss ich beachten, damit eine Gruppendiskussion oder eine Beobachtung wirklich funktionieren? Befrage ich offline oder online und was kann ich tun, damit ich nicht in einem Materialberg untergehe? Mit zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Forschungspraxis.

Qualitative Forschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung (Studienbücher zur Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft)

by Michael Meyen Maria Löblich Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger Claudia Riesmeyer

Das Lehrbuch versteht sich als Anleitung zum Forschen: Wo lassen sich qualitative Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft gewinnbringend einsetzen? Wie muss eine Untersuchung aufgebaut werden und wie werden Befragte oder Texte so ausgewählt, dass man am Ende verallgemeinern kann? Wie konstruiere ich einen Interview-Leitfaden und was muss ich beachten, damit eine Gruppendiskussion oder eine Beobachtung wirklich funktionieren? Befrage ich offline oder online und was kann ich tun, damit ich nicht in einem Materialberg untergehe? Mit zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Forschungspraxis.

Qualitative Interviewing: The Art Of Hearing Data (PDF)

by Herbert Rubin Irene Rubin

The book describes in-depth qualitative interviewing from the very beginning to last step, from its underlying philosophy and assumptions to project design, analysis and write up. In responsive interviewing, the stages of research-design, data gathering, and analysis-are intimately linked. Researchers perform analysis throughout their projects, not just at the end, so that as they learn more, they can modify both the research problem they are exploring and the questions they ask. The book assumes no prior knowledge or experience, and the authors′ tone is conversational, revealing that interviewers can make mistakes, recover from them and still obtain rich and meaningful information.

Qualitative Methods in Communication and Media (Research to the Point)

by Sandra L. Faulkner Joshua D. Atkinson

Qualitative Methods in Media and Communication offers a learning-centered guide to designing, conducting, and evaluating qualitative communication and media research methods. Drawing upon years of teaching qualitative research methods, Sandra L. Faulkner and Joshua D. Atkinson introduce and unpack qualitative communication research method design, analysis, representation, writing, and evaluation using extended examples and clear discussion. The authors use key terms, extended examples, discussion questions, student-tested writing and research activities, examples of student work and questions, and suggested resources to help readers design, do, and analyze qualitative research. As a textbook, its pedagogical goals for the student include: (1) becoming a critical reader of research studies by understanding the epistemologies and methodological assumptions used by researchers, (2) learning the various methods, strategies, and approaches for doing qualitative research, (3) developing a strong basic vocabulary and understanding of concepts relating to qualitative and humanistic research methods, (4) understanding special concerns related to particular research methods, and (5) designing, executing, and representing original qualitative research projects. With numerous elements intended to engage students and enrich the learning process, the book provides examples of how to do qualitative and critical analyses, including arts-based and media and textual analyses to understand, describe, and query communication and media research in a variety of communication areas. There is also an extensive discussion of ethics in qualitative research and spotlights with renowned researchers on hot topics in qualitative research.

Qualitative Methods in Communication and Media (Research to the Point)

by Sandra L. Faulkner Joshua D. Atkinson

Qualitative Methods in Media and Communication offers a learning-centered guide to designing, conducting, and evaluating qualitative communication and media research methods. Drawing upon years of teaching qualitative research methods, Sandra L. Faulkner and Joshua D. Atkinson introduce and unpack qualitative communication research method design, analysis, representation, writing, and evaluation using extended examples and clear discussion. The authors use key terms, extended examples, discussion questions, student-tested writing and research activities, examples of student work and questions, and suggested resources to help readers design, do, and analyze qualitative research. As a textbook, its pedagogical goals for the student include: (1) becoming a critical reader of research studies by understanding the epistemologies and methodological assumptions used by researchers, (2) learning the various methods, strategies, and approaches for doing qualitative research, (3) developing a strong basic vocabulary and understanding of concepts relating to qualitative and humanistic research methods, (4) understanding special concerns related to particular research methods, and (5) designing, executing, and representing original qualitative research projects. With numerous elements intended to engage students and enrich the learning process, the book provides examples of how to do qualitative and critical analyses, including arts-based and media and textual analyses to understand, describe, and query communication and media research in a variety of communication areas. There is also an extensive discussion of ethics in qualitative research and spotlights with renowned researchers on hot topics in qualitative research.

Qualitative Netzwerkanalyse: Konzepte, Methoden, Anwendungen

by Betina Hollstein Florian Straus

Qualitative Netzwerkanalysen finden derzeit Eingang in unterschiedlichste Forschungsfelder. Das Handbuch bietet erstmalig eine Systematisierung der Forschungsstrategien und Methoden, mit denen qualitative Netzwerkanalysen durchgeführt werden können. Neben systematisierenden und konzeptionellen Beiträgen werden anhand von exemplarischen Studien methodische Designs qualitativer Netzwerkanalysen vorgestellt und grundlegende Probleme der Durchführung, Erhebung und Auswertung von qualitativen Netzwerkstudien erörtert.

Qualitative Online-Erhebungen: Voraussetzungen - Möglichkeiten - Grenzen

by Daniela Schiek Carsten G. Ullrich

Qualitative Online-Forschung wird zwar immer häufiger durchgeführt, aber nur selten methodologisch reflektiert: Welche Funktionen und Merkmale haben Online-Kommunikationen und wie können diese erkenntnisgewinnend für die Qualitative Forschung genutzt werden? Diese und weitere Fragen sind Gegenstand dieses Bandes. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei (reaktive) Verfahren der qualitativen Datenerhebung wie Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen.

Qualitative Online Interviews: Strategies, Design, And Skills

by Janet Salmons

The Second Edition of Qualitative Online Interviews provides researchers the guidance they need to extend the reach of their studies beyond physical boundaries. Focusing on designing, conducting, and assessing data drawn from online interviews as well as from observations, materials, and artifacts collected online, the book emphasizes the use of in-depth interviews in qualitative research or mixed-methods designs. Written in an easy-to-read manner, the thorough Second Edition offers the practical information and scholarly foundations needed to make thoughtful decisions in technology-infused research.

Qualitative Research in Journalism: Taking It to the Streets

by Sharon Hartin Iorio

This volume highlights the integration of qualitative research methods into traditional journalism, offering new ways of expanding and enhancing news coverage. Designed for readers without prior experience in social science research, this collection presents a wide variety of qualitative techniques and their applications in journalistic practice. The work brings together contributions from professional journalists and journalism scholars who are highly experienced in conducting qualitative research. These experts demonstrate how valid, reliable qualitative procedures can be used to increase coverage and offer new insights. Written in a straightforward, reader-friendly style, features in this volume include: *real-world examples from contemporary newsrooms and interviews with practicing journalists who use the techniques of qualitative research in reporting; *a rationale for the use of qualitative methods in journalism, with an illustration of how various qualitative methods tie together; *step-by-step instructions for applying each methodology; *a solid foundation for understanding the history and theory behind qualitative research and its usefulness in journalism; *chapters on pairing qualitative and quantitative methods in journalism and on detailing partnerships between academics and professional journalists to facilitate newsroom research and reporting; and *a discussion of "objectivity" in qualitative research and in journalism that offers an ethic for journalists of today. The methodologies covered here include oral and life histories, textual analysis, focused interviews, ethnographies, focus groups, and case studies. In addition, a recently developed technique, civic mapping, is presented as a qualitative tool for reporting. Qualitative Research in Journalism is an indispensable resource for current and future journalists interested in enhancing their coverage of the news.

Qualitative Research in Journalism: Taking It to the Streets

by Sharon Hartin Iorio

This volume highlights the integration of qualitative research methods into traditional journalism, offering new ways of expanding and enhancing news coverage. Designed for readers without prior experience in social science research, this collection presents a wide variety of qualitative techniques and their applications in journalistic practice. The work brings together contributions from professional journalists and journalism scholars who are highly experienced in conducting qualitative research. These experts demonstrate how valid, reliable qualitative procedures can be used to increase coverage and offer new insights. Written in a straightforward, reader-friendly style, features in this volume include: *real-world examples from contemporary newsrooms and interviews with practicing journalists who use the techniques of qualitative research in reporting; *a rationale for the use of qualitative methods in journalism, with an illustration of how various qualitative methods tie together; *step-by-step instructions for applying each methodology; *a solid foundation for understanding the history and theory behind qualitative research and its usefulness in journalism; *chapters on pairing qualitative and quantitative methods in journalism and on detailing partnerships between academics and professional journalists to facilitate newsroom research and reporting; and *a discussion of "objectivity" in qualitative research and in journalism that offers an ethic for journalists of today. The methodologies covered here include oral and life histories, textual analysis, focused interviews, ethnographies, focus groups, and case studies. In addition, a recently developed technique, civic mapping, is presented as a qualitative tool for reporting. Qualitative Research in Journalism is an indispensable resource for current and future journalists interested in enhancing their coverage of the news.

Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact

by Sarah J. Tracy

Qualitative Research Methods is a comprehensive, all-inclusive resource for the theory and practice of qualitative/ethnographic research methodology. Serves as a “how-to” guide for qualitative/ethnographic research, detailing how to design a project, conduct interviews and focus groups, interpret and analyze data, and represent it in a compelling manner Demonstrates how qualitative data can be systematically utilized to address pressing personal, organizational, and social problems Written in an engaging style, with in-depth examples from the author’s own practice Comprehensive companion website includes sample syllabi, lesson plans, a list of helpful website links, test bank and exam review materials, and exercises and worksheets, available upon publication at

Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact

by Sarah J. Tracy

The definitive step-by step resource for qualitative and ethnographic research Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is a comprehensive guide on both the theoretical foundations and practical application of qualitative methodology. Adopting a phronetic-iterative approach, this foundational book leads readers through the chronological progression of a qualitative research project, from designing a study and collecting and analyzing data to developing theories and effectively communicating the results—allowing readers to employ qualitative methods in their projects as they follow each chapter. Coverage of topics such as qualitative theories, ethics, sampling, interview techniques, qualitative quality, and advice on practical fieldwork provides clear and concise guidance on how to design and conduct sound research projects. Easy-to-follow instructions on iterative qualitative data analysis explain how to organize, code, interpret, make claims, and build theory. Throughout, the author offers her own backstage stories about fieldwork, analysis, drafting, writing, and publishing, revealing the emotional and humorous aspects of practicing qualitative methods. Now in its second edition, this thorough and informative text includes new and expanded sections on topics including post-qualitative research, phenomenology, textual analysis and cultural studies, gaining access to elite and difficult to access populations, on persuasive writing, novel interviewing approaches, and more. Numerous examples, case studies, activities, and discussion questions have been updated to reflect current research and ensure contemporary relevance. Written in an engaging and accessible narrative style by an acclaimed scholar and researcher in the field Offers new and updated examples of coding and qualitative analysis, full-color photos and illustrations, and a companion instructor website Synthesizes the most up-to-date multidisciplinary literature on qualitative research methods including seven main approaches to qualitative inquiry: grounded theory, case study, ethnography, phenomenology, narrative and autoethnography, participatory action research, and arts-based research Presents innovative qualitative data collection methods and modern representation strategies, such as virtual ethnography, photo-voice, and mobile interviewing Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is an ideal resource for undergraduate and graduate students, instructors, and faculty across multiple disciplines including the social sciences, healthcare, education, management, and the humanities, and for practitioners seeking expert guidance on practical qualitative methods.

Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact

by Sarah J. Tracy

The definitive step-by step resource for qualitative and ethnographic research Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is a comprehensive guide on both the theoretical foundations and practical application of qualitative methodology. Adopting a phronetic-iterative approach, this foundational book leads readers through the chronological progression of a qualitative research project, from designing a study and collecting and analyzing data to developing theories and effectively communicating the results—allowing readers to employ qualitative methods in their projects as they follow each chapter. Coverage of topics such as qualitative theories, ethics, sampling, interview techniques, qualitative quality, and advice on practical fieldwork provides clear and concise guidance on how to design and conduct sound research projects. Easy-to-follow instructions on iterative qualitative data analysis explain how to organize, code, interpret, make claims, and build theory. Throughout, the author offers her own backstage stories about fieldwork, analysis, drafting, writing, and publishing, revealing the emotional and humorous aspects of practicing qualitative methods. Now in its second edition, this thorough and informative text includes new and expanded sections on topics including post-qualitative research, phenomenology, textual analysis and cultural studies, gaining access to elite and difficult to access populations, on persuasive writing, novel interviewing approaches, and more. Numerous examples, case studies, activities, and discussion questions have been updated to reflect current research and ensure contemporary relevance. Written in an engaging and accessible narrative style by an acclaimed scholar and researcher in the field Offers new and updated examples of coding and qualitative analysis, full-color photos and illustrations, and a companion instructor website Synthesizes the most up-to-date multidisciplinary literature on qualitative research methods including seven main approaches to qualitative inquiry: grounded theory, case study, ethnography, phenomenology, narrative and autoethnography, participatory action research, and arts-based research Presents innovative qualitative data collection methods and modern representation strategies, such as virtual ethnography, photo-voice, and mobile interviewing Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is an ideal resource for undergraduate and graduate students, instructors, and faculty across multiple disciplines including the social sciences, healthcare, education, management, and the humanities, and for practitioners seeking expert guidance on practical qualitative methods.

Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact

by Sarah J. Tracy

Qualitative Research Methods is a comprehensive, all-inclusive resource for the theory and practice of qualitative/ethnographic research methodology. Serves as a “how-to” guide for qualitative/ethnographic research, detailing how to design a project, conduct interviews and focus groups, interpret and analyze data, and represent it in a compelling manner Demonstrates how qualitative data can be systematically utilized to address pressing personal, organizational, and social problems Written in an engaging style, with in-depth examples from the author’s own practice Comprehensive companion website includes sample syllabi, lesson plans, a list of helpful website links, test bank and exam review materials, and exercises and worksheets, available upon publication at

Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact

by Sarah J. Tracy

Step-by-step advice for constructing a qualitative project from beginning to end, covering both foundational theory and real-world application Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact guides you through sequential stages of a qualitative research project, from project design and data collection to analysis, interpretation, and presentation. Drawing on her background in qualitative research methods and human communication, Sarah J. Tracy shares personal and backstage stories while showing you how to code data, craft meaningful claims, develop theoretical explanations, and communicate research that impacts key stakeholders. Employing a practical, problem-based contextual approach, the third edition of Qualitative Research Methods incorporates developments in textual, media, visual, arts-based, and digital analysis. New coverage includes social media data-scraping techniques, AI and ChatGPT, fieldwork and interviewing, digital ethnography, working with neurodivergent populations, adopting digital and traditional archival approaches, and much more. This edition includes a wealth of new examples, case studies, discussion questions, full-color visuals, and hands-on “Project Building Blocks” activities you can use at any stage of your qualitative research project. Supported by a companion website containing extensive teaching and learning tools, Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact is an indispensable resource for undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty across multiple disciplines, as well as researchers, ethnographers, and user experience professionals looking to hone their methodological practice.

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