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Seeing Silicon Valley: Life inside a Fraying America

by Mary Beth Meehan Fred Turner

Acclaimed photographer Mary Beth Meehan and Silicon Valley culture expert Fred Turner join forces to give us an unseen view of the heart of the tech world. It’s hard to imagine a place more central to American mythology today than Silicon Valley. To outsiders, the region glitters with the promise of extraordinary wealth and innovation. But behind this image lies another Silicon Valley, one segregated by race, class, and nationality in complex and contradictory ways. Its beautiful landscape lies atop underground streams of pollutants left behind by decades of technological innovation, and while its billionaires live in compounds, surrounded by redwood trees and security fences, its service workers live in their cars. With arresting photography and intimate stories, Seeing Silicon Valley makes this hidden world visible. Instead of young entrepreneurs striving for efficiency in minimalist corporate campuses, we see portraits of struggle—families displaced by an impossible real estate market, workers striving for a living wage, and communities harmed by environmental degradation. If the fate of Silicon Valley is the fate of America—as so many of its boosters claim—then this book gives us an unvarnished look into the future.

Seeing Silicon Valley: Life inside a Fraying America

by Mary Beth Meehan Fred Turner

Acclaimed photographer Mary Beth Meehan and Silicon Valley culture expert Fred Turner join forces to give us an unseen view of the heart of the tech world. It’s hard to imagine a place more central to American mythology today than Silicon Valley. To outsiders, the region glitters with the promise of extraordinary wealth and innovation. But behind this image lies another Silicon Valley, one segregated by race, class, and nationality in complex and contradictory ways. Its beautiful landscape lies atop underground streams of pollutants left behind by decades of technological innovation, and while its billionaires live in compounds, surrounded by redwood trees and security fences, its service workers live in their cars. With arresting photography and intimate stories, Seeing Silicon Valley makes this hidden world visible. Instead of young entrepreneurs striving for efficiency in minimalist corporate campuses, we see portraits of struggle—families displaced by an impossible real estate market, workers striving for a living wage, and communities harmed by environmental degradation. If the fate of Silicon Valley is the fate of America—as so many of its boosters claim—then this book gives us an unvarnished look into the future.

Seeking Equity for Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education: A 30-year Update (Routledge Communication Series)

by Ramona R. Rush Carol E. Oukrop Pamela J. Creedon

This volume concentrates on the study and efforts of women and minority men to gain respect and parity in journalism and mass communication, and focuses on trends over the past three decades. Contributions to the volume provide a history of the equity efforts and offer updates on equity in the academy and in the professions. Theoretical and international perspectives on equity are also included, as are the concerns about equity from the new generations now coming into the profession. This anthology serves as a benchmark of women's current status in journalism and mass communication and provides a call to action for the future. As such, it is required reading for all concerned with establishing equity throughout the discipline.

Seeking Equity for Women in Journalism and Mass Communication Education: A 30-year Update (Routledge Communication Series)

by Ramona R. Rush Carol E. Oukrop Pamela J. Creedon

This volume concentrates on the study and efforts of women and minority men to gain respect and parity in journalism and mass communication, and focuses on trends over the past three decades. Contributions to the volume provide a history of the equity efforts and offer updates on equity in the academy and in the professions. Theoretical and international perspectives on equity are also included, as are the concerns about equity from the new generations now coming into the profession. This anthology serves as a benchmark of women's current status in journalism and mass communication and provides a call to action for the future. As such, it is required reading for all concerned with establishing equity throughout the discipline.

Seeking Truth in International TV News: China, CGTN and the BBC (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Vivien Marsh

This book puts CGTN (formerly CCTV-News) and the BBC’s international television news head-to-head, interrogating competing ‘truths’ in the exacting business of news reporting. Written by a media scholar and former long-serving BBC News journalist, Seeking Truth in International TV News asks if China’s English-language television news programmes are little more than state propaganda, and if the BBC can be viewed as a universal news standard to which all other broadcasters should aspire. Over 8 years of Xi Jinping’s rule, it investigates how the international TV news channels of CGTN and the BBC reported on Chinese politics, protests in Hong Kong, disasters, China in Africa, and insurgency and its suppression in Xinjiang. The comparison reveals uneven editorial imperatives at the Chinese broadcaster and raises questions about the BBC’s professed tenets of balance and impartiality. It also illustrates how Chinese journalists commit ‘small acts of journalism’ that push the boundaries of information control. A rigorous analysis of reportage from the two channels, this book will be relevant to scholars of global media, journalism, international relations and public diplomacy. It will also interest those in academia, the media and international affairs who want to examine the nature of news and ‘soft power’ in a comparative context.

Seeking Truth in International TV News: China, CGTN and the BBC (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Vivien Marsh

This book puts CGTN (formerly CCTV-News) and the BBC’s international television news head-to-head, interrogating competing ‘truths’ in the exacting business of news reporting. Written by a media scholar and former long-serving BBC News journalist, Seeking Truth in International TV News asks if China’s English-language television news programmes are little more than state propaganda, and if the BBC can be viewed as a universal news standard to which all other broadcasters should aspire. Over 8 years of Xi Jinping’s rule, it investigates how the international TV news channels of CGTN and the BBC reported on Chinese politics, protests in Hong Kong, disasters, China in Africa, and insurgency and its suppression in Xinjiang. The comparison reveals uneven editorial imperatives at the Chinese broadcaster and raises questions about the BBC’s professed tenets of balance and impartiality. It also illustrates how Chinese journalists commit ‘small acts of journalism’ that push the boundaries of information control. A rigorous analysis of reportage from the two channels, this book will be relevant to scholars of global media, journalism, international relations and public diplomacy. It will also interest those in academia, the media and international affairs who want to examine the nature of news and ‘soft power’ in a comparative context.

Selbst- und Ko-Regulierung im Mediamatiksektor: Alternative Regulierungsformen zwischen Staat und Markt

by Michael Latzer Natascha Just Florian Saurwein Peter Slominski

Dieses Buch analysiert theoretische Probleme der Selbst- und Ko-Regulierung im Kommunikationsbereich. Eine erstmals umfassende empirische Untersuchung der alternativen Regulierungsinstitutionen des österreichischen Mediamatiksektors lässt auch Rückschlüsse auf Wirkungsbereiche, Steuerungsziele und die neue Aufgabenverteilung zwischen privaten und staatlichen Akteuren für andere Länder zu.

Selbstgewiss ins Ungewisse: Auftragskommunikation in der Krise (essentials)

by Andreas Galling-Stiehler Jürgen Schulz Robert Caspar Müller

​Das letzte Jahrzehnt war geprägt von globalen Krisen: Finanz-, Flüchtlings-, Klima- und die Corona-Pandemiekrise haben Gewissheiten in Frage gestellt. In Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik wurde und wird von Menschen eine Anpassung an neue Bedingungen gefordert. Transformation erscheint als Gebot der Stunde. Dazu braucht es den Mut von Menschen und Organisationen, Bedrohungen entgegenzutreten sowie den vitalen Willen, Chancen zu ergreifen. Voraussetzung dafür ist Selbstgewissheit. Das Problem: Ungewisse Zeiten sind meist keine selbstgewissen. Es braucht den Austausch mit anderen Menschen, um Risiken gemeinsam einzugehen. Wir müssen uns mit den neuen Bedingungen ebenso vertraut machen wie mit- und untereinander, um zu neuen Gewissheiten zu gelangen. Anstatt Verständigung zu fördern, setzen Politik und Wirtschaft auf das Gegenteil: Paternalismus und Verhaltensökonomie sollen die Sinnsuche verkürzen. Das Gespräch soll durch sein Ergebnis ersetzt werden. Das ist eine Transformation, die auf Anpassungsdruck und Drohung setzt, weil sie Menschen wie Organisationen einen Wandel zum Guten letztlich nicht selbst zutraut. Die Autoren schlagen einen anderen Weg vor: selbstgewiss ins Ungewisse.

Selbstorganisation und Public Value: Externe Regulierung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks (VS College)

by Corinna Wenzel

Die Legitimation des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks und sein Beitrag zur Generierung eines „Public Value“ werden immer öfter in Frage gestellt. Anhand einer strukturellen Analyse medienökonomischer und verfassungsrechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen geht Corinna Wenzel der Frage nach, ob im österreichischen Fall staatliche Regulierungskonzepte des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks zur Sicherstellung eines „Public Value“ benötigt werden oder ob ein Mehrwert für die Gesellschaft durch Selbstorganisation geschaffen werden kann. Die Autorin untersucht am Beispiel des ORF, welche ökonomischen und verfassungsrechtlichen Strukturen zu einem optimalen Output führen und zeigt, dass seine externe, staatlich-gesellschaftliche Regelung ökonomisch notwendig und verfassungsrechtlich zulässig ist.

Selbstreferentielles Entertainment: Televisionäre Selbstbezüglichkeit in der Fernsehunterhaltung

by Michael Frieske

Am Beispiel der „Harald Schmidt Show“ belegt der Autor, daß mediale Selbstbezüglichkeit vor allem in der Fernsehunterhaltung einen bemerkenswerten Stellenwert erreicht hat.

Selected Advances in Nanoelectronic Devices: Logic, Memory and RF (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #175)

by Mojtaba Joodaki

Nanoelectronics, as a true successor of microelectronics, is certainly a major technology boomer in the 21st century. This has been shown by its several applications and also by its enormous potential to influence all areas of electronics, computers, information technology, aerospace defense, and consumer goods. Although the current semiconductor technology is projected to reach its physical limit in about a decade, nanoscience and nanotechnology promise breakthroughs for the future. The present books provides an in-depth review of the latest advances in the technology of nanoelectronic devices and their developments over the past decades. Moreover, it introduces new concepts for the realization of future nanoelectronic devices. The main focus of the book is on three fundamental branches of semiconductor products or applications: logic, memory, and RF and communication. By pointing out to the key technical challenges, important aspects and characteristics of various designs are used to illustrate mechanisms that overcome the technical barriers. Furthermore, by comparing advantages and disadvantages of different designs, the most promising solutions are indicated for each application.

Selected Journalism 1850-1870 (Penguin Classics Ser.)

by Charles Dickens David Pascoe

Throughout his writing career Charles Dickens was a hugely prolific journalist. This volume of his later work is selected from pieces that he wrote after he founded the journal Household Words in 1850 up until his death in 1870. Here subjects as varied as his nocturnal walks around London slums, prisons, theatres and Inns of Court, journeys to the continent and his childhood in Kent and London are captured in remarkable pieces such as 'Night Walks', 'On Strike', 'New Year's Day' and 'Lying Awake'. Aiming to catch the imagination of a public besieged by hack journalism, these writings are an extraordinary blend of public and private, news and recollection, reality and fantastic description.

Selected Papers from the 12th International Networking Conference: INC 2020 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #180)

by Bogdan Ghita Stavros Shiaeles

The proceedings includes a selection of papers covering a range of subjects focusing on topical areas of computer networks and security with a specific emphasis of novel environments, ranging from 5G and virtualised infrastructures to Internet of things, smart environments and cyber security issues. Networking represents the underlying core of current IT systems, providing the necessary communication support for complex infrastructures. Recent years have witnessed a number of novel concepts moving from theory to large scale implementations, such as Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualisation, 5G, smart environments, and IoT. These concepts change fundamentally the paradigms used in traditional networking, with a number of areas such as network routing and system or business security having to adjust or redesign to accommodate them. While the benefits are clear, through the advent of new applications, use cases, improved user interaction and experience, they also introduce new challenges for generic network architectures, mobility, security, traffic engineering.

Selected Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

by Dennis Keene

This book is a collection of selected poems of Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey, who is revealed as subtle and graceful poet and a translator whose vigorous and faithful versions of the Aeneid continue to enrich the literary tradition.

Selected Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

by Dennis Keene

This book is a collection of selected poems of Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey, who is revealed as subtle and graceful poet and a translator whose vigorous and faithful versions of the Aeneid continue to enrich the literary tradition.

Selections from The Female Spectator (Women Writers in English 1350-1850)

by Eliza Haywood

After Aphra Behn, Eliza Haywood was the most important English female novelist of the early eighteenth century. She also edited several serial newspapers, the most important of which, the Female Spectator, was the first modern periodical written by a woman and addressed to a female audience. This fully annotated collection of articles selected from the Female Spectator includes romantic and satiric fiction, moral essays, and social commentary, covering the broad range of concerns shared by eighteenth-century middle-class women. Perhaps most compelling to a twentieth-century audience is the evidence of what we might be tempted to call feminist awareness. By no means revolutionary in her attitudes, Haywood nonetheless perceives the inequities of her periods social conditions for women. She offers pragmatic advice, such as how to avoid disastrous marriages, how to deal with wandering husbands, and what kind of education women should seek. The essays also report on a broad range of social actualities, from the craze for tea drinking and the dangers of gossip to the problem of compulsive gambling. They allude to such larger matters as politics, war, and diplomacy, and promote the importance of science and the urgency of developing informed relations with nature.

Selective Exposure To Communication (Routledge Communication Series)

by Dolf Zillmann and Jennings Bryant

First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Selective Exposure To Communication (Routledge Communication Series)

by Dolf Zillmann Jennings Bryant

First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Selective Mutism In Our Own Words: Experiences in Childhood and Adulthood

by Carl Sutton Cheryl Forrester

An eye-opening and enlightening collection of stories from people living with Selective Mutism (SM), this book provides a much-needed platform for people with SM to share experiences of the condition in their own words.Exploring all aspects of SM, from symptoms and diagnostic criteria, to triggers and the consequences of being psychologically unable to speak, the stories in this book dispel the myths around this often misunderstood condition. Far from refusing to talk, or choosing not to, the contributors offer genuine insights into why they simply cannot speak in certain situations or in front of certain people. Children, teens and adults from the UK and US share experiences of feeling isolated, struggling at school, and finding ways to communicate. Letting people with SM know that they are not alone with the condition, the book will also help family, friends and professionals to understand what it is like to live with SM.

The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals: Small Steps, Big Changes

by Maggie Johnson Junhua Reitman

This workbook provides hands-on Activities, Strategies, planning sheets and progress trackers for use with children with selective mutism at home, at school and in the wider community. Written by selective mutism expert Maggie Johnson and parent coach Junhua Reitman, the workbook includes first-hand accounts of how children can overcome SM successfully using the Activities and Strategies described in this book. Activities are organised around the daily routines of school and family life and each Activity is broken into a progression of small steps with appropriate Strategies and an accompanying record sheet to track progress. Activities include: • Using the toilet at school • Attending social gatherings • Organising a successful playdate • Initiating conversation • Talking in the classroom • Eating with peers This workbook is essential reading for parents, professionals and anyone who is looking for a toolkit for selective mutism. It also provides a useful extension to The Selective Mutism Resource Manual, 2nd edition, focusing on the ‘how’ to complement the manual’s ‘what’ and ‘why’. Small steps really do lead to big changes but taking the first step can be the most difficult. This book helps you make that first step.

The Selective Mutism Workbook for Parents and Professionals: Small Steps, Big Changes

by Maggie Johnson Junhua Reitman

This workbook provides hands-on Activities, Strategies, planning sheets and progress trackers for use with children with selective mutism at home, at school and in the wider community. Written by selective mutism expert Maggie Johnson and parent coach Junhua Reitman, the workbook includes first-hand accounts of how children can overcome SM successfully using the Activities and Strategies described in this book. Activities are organised around the daily routines of school and family life and each Activity is broken into a progression of small steps with appropriate Strategies and an accompanying record sheet to track progress. Activities include: • Using the toilet at school • Attending social gatherings • Organising a successful playdate • Initiating conversation • Talking in the classroom • Eating with peers This workbook is essential reading for parents, professionals and anyone who is looking for a toolkit for selective mutism. It also provides a useful extension to The Selective Mutism Resource Manual, 2nd edition, focusing on the ‘how’ to complement the manual’s ‘what’ and ‘why’. Small steps really do lead to big changes but taking the first step can be the most difficult. This book helps you make that first step.

Self and Other in an Age of Uncertain Meaning: Communication and the Marriage of Minds (Psychology and the Other)

by Timothy Stephen

Self and Other in an Age of Uncertain Meaning explores the nature and origins of widespread problems of self in modern societies. It examines the paradoxical interplay between the modern world's many benefits and freedoms, and its mounting social challenges and psycho-emotional impacts. Over time the character of consciousness has shifted in concert with societal trends. The experienced world has become more nuanced, fragmented, and uncertain, as well as increasingly personal and intimate, reshaping social relationships. Chapters analyze the interdependence of language, mind, intimacy, the self, and culture, arguing that as the coevolution of these five factors produced the modern world, many features of contemporary culture have become disruptive to security of being. The book explores the importance to the vital sense of self in constructing relationships based in mutual recognition of moral and intellectual equality between partners.Rich with examples from everyday experience, this text offers profound insights for those interested in sociology, psychoanalysis, psychology, communication, history, and culture.

Self and Other in an Age of Uncertain Meaning: Communication and the Marriage of Minds (Psychology and the Other)

by Timothy Stephen

Self and Other in an Age of Uncertain Meaning explores the nature and origins of widespread problems of self in modern societies. It examines the paradoxical interplay between the modern world's many benefits and freedoms, and its mounting social challenges and psycho-emotional impacts. Over time the character of consciousness has shifted in concert with societal trends. The experienced world has become more nuanced, fragmented, and uncertain, as well as increasingly personal and intimate, reshaping social relationships. Chapters analyze the interdependence of language, mind, intimacy, the self, and culture, arguing that as the coevolution of these five factors produced the modern world, many features of contemporary culture have become disruptive to security of being. The book explores the importance to the vital sense of self in constructing relationships based in mutual recognition of moral and intellectual equality between partners.Rich with examples from everyday experience, this text offers profound insights for those interested in sociology, psychoanalysis, psychology, communication, history, and culture.

Self-Complementary Antennas: Principle of Self-Complementarity for Constant Impedance

by Yasuto Mushiake

An antenna with a self-complementary structure has a constant input impedance, independent of the source frequency and of the shape of the structure. The principle for this property of constant impedance was discovered by Professor Mushiake himself. This is the first study which comprehensively describes the principles of self-complementarity in antennas. It explains the theory which was the basis of the development of this principle and presents various engineering applications with an emphasis on extremely broadband self-complementary antennas. Self-Complementary Antennas will be of particular interest to antenna engineers working with extremely large bandwidths and more generally to electrical engineers with an interest in the development of the field since 1948.

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