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Showing 18,776 through 18,800 of 21,972 results

Stellar Management Teams

by Vesa Ristikangas Tapani Rinne

Management teams at all levels, and individual team members in particular, are often disengaged and disconnected from the management function itself. Statements such as, "we lack common goals or they are unclear", "I have no influence", "I am not listened to nor taken into account", and "I do not feel valued – actually, nobody does", are commonplace. The authors argue this is because we have been entrenched in an era of guru leadership but that it must come to an end if our management teams are to rise to the top. An individual is not capable of controlling the complicated system of an organization, with its countless variables, especially in conjunction with the rapid change in both the economy and market forces, which are unpredictable and uncontrollable. No matter how talented the individual, no one person is in a position to manage this complex system alone – not even a guru leader. The authors contend that what is needed now are resilient trendsetters who will bring about a new era of top-performing teams that together form a "collective guru", which they refer to as a Stellar Management Team. In this book, the reader undertakes a metaphorical journey to the stars, which symbolizes top-level interaction and collaboration. The journey is the development from an ordinary management team into a Stellar Management Team, which elevates its operation up to a new level of performance and success.

Stellar Management Teams

by Vesa Ristikangas Tapani Rinne

Management teams at all levels, and individual team members in particular, are often disengaged and disconnected from the management function itself. Statements such as, "we lack common goals or they are unclear", "I have no influence", "I am not listened to nor taken into account", and "I do not feel valued – actually, nobody does", are commonplace. The authors argue this is because we have been entrenched in an era of guru leadership but that it must come to an end if our management teams are to rise to the top. An individual is not capable of controlling the complicated system of an organization, with its countless variables, especially in conjunction with the rapid change in both the economy and market forces, which are unpredictable and uncontrollable. No matter how talented the individual, no one person is in a position to manage this complex system alone – not even a guru leader. The authors contend that what is needed now are resilient trendsetters who will bring about a new era of top-performing teams that together form a "collective guru", which they refer to as a Stellar Management Team. In this book, the reader undertakes a metaphorical journey to the stars, which symbolizes top-level interaction and collaboration. The journey is the development from an ordinary management team into a Stellar Management Team, which elevates its operation up to a new level of performance and success.

Stellenanzeigen als Instrument des Employer Branding in Europa: Interdisziplinäre und kontrastive Perspektiven (Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation #23)

by Martin Nielsen Magdalène Lévy-Tödter Karin Luttermann

Der Band versammelt Studien zum Thema Stellenanzeige aus sprach-, kultur-, marketingwissenschaftlicher und juristischer Perspektive, die eine differenzierte Herangehensweise an diese Textsorte im Rahmen des Human Resource Management ermöglichen. Untersucht werden im interdisziplinären Zusammenspiel Funktionen und Wirkungsmittel von Stellenanzeigen im europäischen Kontext des Employer Branding. Die Beiträge zeigen, dass Unternehmen im verschärften Wettbewerb um hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter viele Möglichkeiten haben, sich als attraktiver Arbeitgeber zu positionieren.

Stephen King: America's Storyteller (Non-ser.)

by Tony Magistrale

This analysis of the work of Stephen King explores the distinctly American fears and foibles that King has celebrated, condemned, and generally examined in the course of his wildly successful career.Stephen King: America's Storyteller explores the particular American-ness of Stephen King's work. It is the first major examination to follow this defining theme through King's 40-year career, from his earliest writings to his most recent novels and films made from them.Stephen King begins by tracing Stephen King's rise from his formative years to his status as a one of the most popular writers in publishing history. It then takes a close look at the major works from his canon, including The Shining, The Stand, It, Dolores Claiborne, and The Dark Tower. In these works and others, author Tony Magistrale focuses on King's deep rooted sense of the American experience, exemplified by his clear-eyed presentation of our historical and cultural foibles and scars; his gallery of unlikely friendships that cross race, age, and class boundaries; and his transcendent portrayals of uniquely American survival instincts, fellowship, and acts of heroism from the least likely of sources.

Stereoanalyse und Bildsynthese

by O. Schreer

In diesem Buch werden die mathematischen Grundlagen der 3D-Bildanalyse dargestellt. Dazu gehören die Modellierung von Kameras, die geometrischen Beziehungen zwischen zwei und mehreren Kameraansichten sowie eine Übersicht über Standardverfahren der Stereoanalyse. Ebenfalls führt der Autor in die mathematischen Grundlagen der Bildsynthese ein und gibt einen Überblick über existierende Verfahren. Das Buch überzeugt durch seine geschlossene Darstellung der mathematischen Grundlagen von Bildanalyse und -synthese in einheitlicher Form und Notation. Es wendet sich an Studierende der Elektrotechnik, der Kommunikationstechnik und Informatik sowie an Praktiker, die sich einen raschen Zugang zum Thema verschaffen wollen.

Stereotype?: Frauen und Männer in der Werbung

by Christina Holtz-Bacha

Frauen sind jung, schön und schlank. Männer sind harte Jungs, die Tölpel in der Küche oder sehen einfach nur gut aus. Die Klage darüber, dass die Werbung Frauen und Männer auf solche Stereotypen reduziert, ist ebenso alt wie die Befürchtungen, dass diese Stereotypen gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen haben. Gelten sie heute noch? Dieses Buch zieht Bilanz nach rund 50 Jahren Forschung zu Werbung und Geschlechterstereotypen und legt neue Ergebnisse aus der Analyse von Werbung vor sowie darüber, wie Rezipientinnen und Rezipienten mit solcher Werbung umgehen.

Stereotype?: Frauen und Männer in der Werbung

by Christina Holtz-Bacha

Frauen sind jung, schön und schlank. Männer sind harte Jungs, die Tölpel in der Küche oder sehen einfach nur gut aus. Die Klage darüber, dass die Werbung Frauen und Männer auf solche Stereotypen reduziert, ist ebenso alt wie die Befürchtungen, dass diese Stereotypen gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen haben. Gelten sie heute noch? Dieses Buch zieht Bilanz nach rund 50 Jahren Forschung zu Werbung und Geschlechterstereotypen und legt neue Ergebnisse aus der Analyse von Werbung vor sowie darüber, wie Rezipientinnen und Rezipienten mit solcher Werbung umgehen.

Stereotype in Marketing und Werbung

by Nina Janich

Der Band vereinigt Beiträge verschiedenster Disziplinen zu Stereotypen in Werbung und Marketing. Schwerpunkte liegen auf Risiken und Potenzialen von Stereotypen in der Markt- und Personalkommunikation, auf ihrer Bedeutung im Nation/Place Branding sowie auf sozialen Stereotypisierungen in unterschiedlichen Kontexten (u.a. in Markenkommunikation, B2B, HRM). Der Begriff des Stereotyps hat sich – so das Ergebnis – fachübergreifend in Sprach-, Kommunikations-, Medien-, Werbe- und Wirtschaftswissenschaft als ein Konzept bewährt, das Einsichten über kultur-, zeit- und branchenspezifische Orientierungs- und Identifikationsangebote in der Unternehmenskommunikation verspricht.

Stereotype und die Wahrnehmung von Medienwirkungen

by Katharina Sommer

Katharina Sommer fragt danach, wie die Aktivierung von Stereotypen die Einschätzung von Medienwirkungen auf Dritte beeinflussen kann: Stereotypisierung findet meist unbewusst statt und ist in sozialen Situationen ein alltäglich ablaufender Prozess. Die Autorin verbindet die Frage nach den Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahrnehmung von Medienwirkungen mit dem Prozess der Stereotypisierung zu unterschiedlichen Personengruppen. Auf diese Weise verdeutlicht sie, dass die Einschätzung von Medienwirkung situativ unterschiedlich ausfallen kann, je nachdem, welche Stereotype gerade aktiviert wurden.

Steuerungs- und Regelungsprobleme in der Informationsgesellschaft (Mediensymposium #5)

by Kurt Imhof Otfried Jarren Roger Blum

it Bezug auf die bemerkenswerten Veränderungen der öffentlichen politischen Kommunikation seit den sechziger Jahren, insbesondere jedoch seit der Deregulierung der elektronischen Medien und der ökonomischen Konzentration, Globalisierung und Diversifizierung des Mediensystems in den achtziger Jahren, gilt das Interesse des Bandes den Steuerungs- und Regelungsproblemen in der Informationsgesellschaft. Dies erfordert eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Perspektive, die das Verhältnnis der Systeme Politik, Ökonomie und Medien fokussiert. Der gewandelte Zusammenhang der drei Teilsysteme lässt sich beschreiben als Resultat zweier gegenläufiger Entwicklungen: der Ausdifferenzierung des Mediensystems vom politischen System einerseits sowie der Entdifferenzierung der Medien vom ökonomischen System andererseits.

Steuerungstechnik für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

Für selbstarbeitende und automatisierte (Produktions-) Prozesse werden Steuerungstechniken genutzt. Die hierzu eingesetzten Elemente arbeiten mechanisch, pneumatisch, hydraulisch, elektrisch oder elektronisch. Ausführende Organe sind unter anderem Ventile, Pumpen, Motore, Schalter, Sensoren und Relais. Die hierfür gängigen Symbole werden vorgestellt und können in Schemata eingesetzt werden. Gelegentlich ist die Erstellung sequenzieller Schaltungen hilfreich. Für eine hohe Flexibilität bietet sich die speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung (SPS) an.

STFU: The Power Of Keeping Your Mouth Shut In A World That Won't Stop Talking

by Dan Lyons

Would our lives, relationships and careers be better if we just STFU for a while?

Stick It Up Your Punter!: The Uncut Story of the Sun Newspaper

by Chris Horrie Peter Chippindale

Newly updated to 2012 and the Leveson Inquiry, Stick It Up Your Punter! is the classic story of the Sun newspaper, its part in the rise of Rupert Murdoch's business empire, and the extraordinary role it came to play in British society and politics. From Murdoch's purchase and rebranding of the old loss-making Sun in 1969, through the soaraway-successful and often scandalous years of success under foul-mouthed editor Kelvin MacKenzie, to the 'phone-hacking' disgrace of 2012 which put Murdoch's business affairs under scrutiny as never before - this is the story of the paper that, for better or worse, redefined 'tabloid journalism'.'[This] anarchic account... could be a script for Carry On Up Fleet Street.' Alan Rusbridger, Guardian'The funniest book of the year, perhaps of the decade.' Times'Splendidly racy.' Economist'A story which social and political historians of the 20th century will not find easy to ignore.' London Review of Books

Stickier Marketing: How to Win Customers in a Digital Age

by Grant Leboff

In Sticky Marketing Grant Leboff argued that the old marketing system of shouting messages at people was finished, replaced by providing value around your product or service: brands needed to become sticky. This new edition of Sticky Marketing, Stickier Marketing, remains a complete guide to producing effective marketing communications in a world of consumers empowered by new digital technology who do not want to be shouted at but engaged with. It shows readers how providing return on engagement, rather than return on investment, and a customer engagement point, rather than a unique selling point, is what will make the difference in today's cluttered marketing place. Updated throughout, this new edition also includes brand new chapters on content marketing, discovery and mobile marketing.

Stickier Marketing: How to Win Customers in a Digital Age

by Grant Leboff

In Sticky Marketing Grant Leboff argued that the old marketing system of shouting messages at people was finished, replaced by providing value around your product or service: brands needed to become sticky. This new edition of Sticky Marketing, Stickier Marketing, remains a complete guide to producing effective marketing communications in a world of consumers empowered by new digital technology who do not want to be shouted at but engaged with. It shows readers how providing return on engagement, rather than return on investment, and a customer engagement point, rather than a unique selling point, is what will make the difference in today's cluttered marketing place. Updated throughout, this new edition also includes brand new chapters on content marketing, discovery and mobile marketing.

Stilistik für Journalisten

by Josef Kurz Daniel Müller Joachim Pötschke Horst Pöttker

Sprache ist das wichtigste Handwerkszeug des Journalisten, sie gekonnt zu handhaben die Grundlage für seinen Beruf und die Bewältigung seiner Aufgabe: das Herstellen von Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Lehrbuch ist die derzeit umfassendste Darstellung der journalistischen Stilkunde. Alle wichtigen Bereiche des journalistischen Sprachgebrauchs werden behandelt: Von der Wortwahl über die Satz- und Textgestaltung bis zu Stilverfahren bestimmter Genres wie Nachricht oder Kommentar und zum Jargon von Politikern. Die Stilistik ist für die journalistische Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie als Handbuch für den Gebrauch im Arbeitsalltag gedacht.

Stilistik für Journalisten

by Josef Kurz Daniel Müller Joachim Pötschke Horst Pöttker Martin Gehr

Sprache ist neben dem Bild das wichtigste Handwerkszeug des Journalisten, sie gekonnt zu handhaben stellt die Grundlage für seine Berufstätigkeit und die Erfüllung seiner Aufgabe dar: das Herstellen von Öffentlichkeit. Dieses Lehrbuch ist die derzeit umfassendste Darstellung der journalistischen Stilkunde. Alle wichtigen Bereiche des journalistischen Sprachgebrauchs werden behandelt: von der Wortwahl über die Satz- und Textgestaltung bis zu Stilverfahren bestimmter Genres wie Nachricht, Kommentar oder Reportage und zum Jargon von Politikern. Die Stilistik ist für die journalistische Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie als Handbuch für den Gebrauch im Arbeitsalltag gedacht.

Stimmt! AQA GCSE German Foundation Vocabulary Book (PDF)

by Pearson Education

A handy vocabulary learning tool containing key vocabulary. Key vocabulary arranged by topic. Ensures students always have the vocabulary they need for learning and revision. Vocabulary Books available in packs of 8.

Stimmt! Edexcel GCSE German Foundation Vocabulary Book (PDF)

by Pearson Education

Key vocabulary arranged by topic. Ensures students always have the vocabulary they need for learning and revision. Vocabulary Books available in packs of 8.

Stochastic Control and Filtering over Constrained Communication Networks (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #178)

by Qinyuan Liu Zidong Wang Xiao He

​Stochastic Control and Filtering over Constrained Communication Networks presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies on stochastic control and filtering for networked systems under constrained communication networks. It provides a framework of optimal controller/filter design, resilient filter design, stability and performance analysis for the systems considered, subject to various kinds of communication constraints, including signal-to-noise constraints, bandwidth constraints, and packet drops. Several techniques are employed to develop the controllers and filters desired, including:recursive Riccati equations;matrix decomposition;optimal estimation theory; andmathematical optimization methods.Readers will benefit from the book’s new concepts, models and methodologies that have practical significance in control engineering and signal processing. Stochastic Control and Filtering over Constrained Communication Networks is a practical research reference for engineers dealing with networked control and filtering problems. It is also of interest to academics and students working in control and communication networks.

Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Multi-Antenna Wireless Networks

by Xianghao Yu Chang Li Jun Zhang Khaled B. Letaief

This book presents a unified framework for the tractable analysis of large-scale, multi-antenna wireless networks using stochastic geometry. This mathematical analysis is essential for assessing and understanding the performance of complicated multi-antenna networks, which are one of the foundations of 5G and beyond networks to meet the ever-increasing demands for network capacity. Describing the salient properties of the framework, which makes the analysis of multi-antenna networks comparable to that of their single-antenna counterparts, the book discusses effective design approaches that do not require complex system-level simulations. It also includes various application examples with different multi-antenna network models to illustrate the framework’s effectiveness.

Stochastic Methods and their Applications to Communications: Stochastic Differential Equations Approach

by Serguei Primak Valeri Kontorovich Vladimir Lyandres

Stochastic Methods & their Applications to Communications presents a valuable approach to the modelling, synthesis and numerical simulation of random processes with applications in communications and related fields. The authors provide a detailed account of random processes from an engineering point of view and illustrate the concepts with examples taken from the communications area. The discussions mainly focus on the analysis and synthesis of Markov models of random processes as applied to modelling such phenomena as interference and fading in communications. Encompassing both theory and practice, this original text provides a unified approach to the analysis and generation of continuous, impulsive and mixed random processes based on the Fokker-Planck equation for Markov processes. Presents the cumulated analysis of Markov processes Offers a SDE (Stochastic Differential Equations) approach to the generation of random processes with specified characteristics Includes the modelling of communication channels and interfer ences using SDE Features new results and techniques for the of solution of the generalized Fokker-Planck equation Essential reading for researchers, engineers, and graduate and upper year undergraduate students in the field of communications, signal processing, control, physics and other areas of science, this reference will have wide ranging appeal.

Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Networks

by Laurent Decreusefond Pascal Moyal

This book addresses the stochastic modeling of telecommunication networks, introducing the main mathematical tools for that purpose, such as Markov processes, real and spatial point processes and stochastic recursions, and presenting a wide list of results on stability, performances and comparison of systems. The authors propose a comprehensive mathematical construction of the foundations of stochastic network theory: Markov chains, continuous time Markov chains are extensively studied using an original martingale-based approach. A complete presentation of stochastic recursions from an ergodic theoretical perspective is also provided, as well as spatial point processes. Using these basic tools, stability criteria, performance measures and comparison principles are obtained for a wide class of models, from the canonical M/M/1 and G/G/1 queues to more sophisticated systems, including the current “hot topics” of spatial radio networking, OFDMA and real-time networks. Contents 1. Introduction. Part 1: Discrete-time Modeling 2. Stochastic Recursive Sequences. 3. Markov Chains. 4. Stationary Queues. 5. The M/GI/1 Queue. Part 2: Continuous-time Modeling 6. Poisson Process. 7. Markov Process. 8. Systems with Delay. 9. Loss Systems. Part 3: Spatial Modeling 10. Spatial Point Processes.

Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Telecom Networks

by Laurent Decreusefond Pascal Moyal

This book addresses the stochastic modeling of telecommunication networks, introducing the main mathematical tools for that purpose, such as Markov processes, real and spatial point processes and stochastic recursions, and presenting a wide list of results on stability, performances and comparison of systems. The authors propose a comprehensive mathematical construction of the foundations of stochastic network theory: Markov chains, continuous time Markov chains are extensively studied using an original martingale-based approach. A complete presentation of stochastic recursions from an ergodic theoretical perspective is also provided, as well as spatial point processes. Using these basic tools, stability criteria, performance measures and comparison principles are obtained for a wide class of models, from the canonical M/M/1 and G/G/1 queues to more sophisticated systems, including the current “hot topics” of spatial radio networking, OFDMA and real-time networks. Contents 1. Introduction. Part 1: Discrete-time Modeling 2. Stochastic Recursive Sequences. 3. Markov Chains. 4. Stationary Queues. 5. The M/GI/1 Queue. Part 2: Continuous-time Modeling 6. Poisson Process. 7. Markov Process. 8. Systems with Delay. 9. Loss Systems. Part 3: Spatial Modeling 10. Spatial Point Processes.

Stochastic Network Optimization with Application to Communication and Queueing Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Learning, Networks, and Algorithms)

by Michael Neely

This text presents a modern theory of analysis, control, and optimization for dynamic networks. Mathematical techniques of Lyapunov drift and Lyapunov optimization are developed and shown to enable constrained optimization of time averages in general stochastic systems. The focus is on communication and queueing systems, including wireless networks with time-varying channels, mobility, and randomly arriving traffic. A simple drift-plus-penalty framework is used to optimize time averages such as throughput, throughput-utility, power, and distortion. Explicit performance-delay tradeoffs are provided to illustrate the cost of approaching optimality. This theory is also applicable to problems in operations research and economics, where energy-efficient and profit-maximizing decisions must be made without knowing the future. Topics in the text include the following: - Queue stability theory - Backpressure, max-weight, and virtual queue methods - Primal-dual methods for non-convex stochastic utility maximization - Universal scheduling theory for arbitrary sample paths - Approximate and randomized scheduling theory - Optimization of renewal systems and Markov decision systems Detailed examples and numerous problem set questions are provided to reinforce the main concepts. Table of Contents: Introduction / Introduction to Queues / Dynamic Scheduling Example / Optimizing Time Averages / Optimizing Functions of Time Averages / Approximate Scheduling / Optimization of Renewal Systems / Conclusions

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