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Showing 19,301 through 19,325 of 21,972 results

Taking Flight With OWLs: Examining Electronic Writing Center Work

by James A. Inman Donna Sewell

Taking Flight With OWLs examines computer technology use in writing centers. Its purpose is to move beyond anecdotal evidence for implementing computer technology in writing centers, presenting carefully considered studies that theorize the move to computer technology and examine technology use in practice. Writing centers occupy a dynamic position at the crossroads of computers and composition, distance education, and composition theory, pulling ideas, theories, and pedagogies from each. Their continuing evolution necessarily involves increasing use of computer technology. The move to computer technology so far has occurred so rapidly that writing center staff and administration have not yet had much time or opportunity to study how and when to infuse it into their programs. The need for this collection is evident: Writing center practitioners have long discussed their roles in relation to their supporting institutions; now they are challenged to explore--even reinvent--their roles as computer technologies transform centers and institutions. In exploring varied stages of technology-infusion through field-based accounts, this volume offers readers an important and unique resource.

Taking Flight With OWLs: Examining Electronic Writing Center Work

by James A. Inman Donna Sewell

Taking Flight With OWLs examines computer technology use in writing centers. Its purpose is to move beyond anecdotal evidence for implementing computer technology in writing centers, presenting carefully considered studies that theorize the move to computer technology and examine technology use in practice. Writing centers occupy a dynamic position at the crossroads of computers and composition, distance education, and composition theory, pulling ideas, theories, and pedagogies from each. Their continuing evolution necessarily involves increasing use of computer technology. The move to computer technology so far has occurred so rapidly that writing center staff and administration have not yet had much time or opportunity to study how and when to infuse it into their programs. The need for this collection is evident: Writing center practitioners have long discussed their roles in relation to their supporting institutions; now they are challenged to explore--even reinvent--their roles as computer technologies transform centers and institutions. In exploring varied stages of technology-infusion through field-based accounts, this volume offers readers an important and unique resource.

Taking Liberties: Early American Women's Magazines and Their Readers (Non-ser.)

by Amy B. Aronson

Unlike its British forebears, the early American magazine, or periodical miscellany, functioned in culture as a forum driven by manifold contributions and perpetuated by reader response. Arising in colonial Philadelphia, America's more democratic magazine sustained a range of conflicting ideas, norms, and beliefs—indeed, it promoted their very exchange. It invited and embraced competing voices, particularly during the first 75 years of the Republic. In this first-ever account of the early American magazine as a distinct form, Amy Beth Aronson reveals how such participatory dynamics and public visibility offered special advantages to women, especially to those with sufficient education, access, and financial means, for whom ladies magazines offered unusual opportunities for self-expression, collective discussion, and cultural response.Moreover, the genre opened and sustained dialogue among contributors, whose competing voices played off each other, provoking rebuttal and revision by subsequent contributors and noncontributing readers. This free play of discourse positioned women's words in a uniquely productive way, offering a kind of community of women readers who, together, wrote and revised magazine content and collectively negotiated and authorized new language for a new public's use.

Taking Minutes of Meetings: Set The Agenda; Identify What To Note; Write Accurate Minutes (Creating Success #75)

by Joanna Gutmann

Taking Minutes of Meetings guides you through the entire process behind minute taking: arranging the meeting; writing the agenda; creating the optimum environment; structuring the meeting and writing notes up accurately.The minute-taker is one of the most important and powerful people in a meeting and you can use this opportunity to develop your knowledge, broaden your horizons and build credibility within the organization. Taking Minutes of Meetings is an easy to read 'dip-in, dip-out' guide which shows you how to confidently arrange meetings and produce minutes. It provides hands-on advice about the sections of a meeting as well as tips on how to create an agenda, personal preparation, best practice advice on taking notes and how to improve your accuracy. Brand new chapters of this 4th edition include guidance on using technology to maximize effectiveness and practical help with taking minutes for a variety of different types of meetings. The creating success series of books...With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers.

Taking Minutes of Meetings: How to Take Efficient Notes that Make Sense and Support Meetings that Matter (Creating Success #75)

by Joanna Gutmann

Taking Minutes of Meetings guides you through the entire process of minute taking: arranging the meeting; writing the agenda; creating the optimum environment; structuring the meeting and writing notes up accurately. The often misunderstood role of minute-taker is one of the most important and powerful in a meeting, and this book will help you excel at this crucial skill, allowing you to build your career and credibility. Taking Minutes of Meetings is an easy to read 'dip-in, dip-out' guide, providing hands-on advice about the sections of a meeting as well as tips on how to create an agenda, personal preparation, best practice advice on taking notes and how to improve your accuracy. Fully updated for 2019, this 5th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips, as well as guidance on using technology effectively and minutes for different types of meetings.The Creating Success series of books...Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Talent Relationship Management: Competitive Recruiting Strategies in Times of Talent Shortage (Management for Professionals)

by Armin Trost

In times of growing talent shortage, companies have to find new ways to fill their strategic positions from the outside. This book presents useful and competitive solutions for hiring talented and motivated employees. The author presents four concrete fields of action to achieve this and provides the reader with definitions of strategically relevant key and bottleneck functions. The book emphasizes the fact that employers must sell relevant functions just like they would as part of an employer branding strategy. Employers are moving towards active sourcing strategies beyond job ads and headhunting. They must maintain and manage relations with promising talent once they have been identified. Finally, employers must ensure a positive candidate experience. This book serves as a handy reference for HR managers and talent recruiters.

The Talented Manager: 67 Gems of Business Wisdom

by A. Furnham

In this new collection of articles on talent acquisition and retention, Adrian Furnham, author of The Elephant in the Boardroom , offers an engaging and witty look into the world of the talented manager. Based on solid research this book offers a substantial introduction to the importance of talent in the workplace.

Tales for Trainers: Using Stories and Metaphors to Facilitate Learning

by Margaret Parkin

A concise guide to using stories, anecdotes, metaphors and poety in training and development, Tales for Trainers is packed with ideas to give training more impact. Beginning by setting the use of stories in learning on a sound theoretical footing, the book goes on to include sample stories that trainers can use to read out loud. The author provides 50 tales that will immediately help trainers, managers, educators and coaches to reinforce key messages or stimulate fresh thinking.Proven to work in a variety or training environments, the stories range from ones written specifically by the author to carefully selected extracts from literature. They both work brilliantly as an aid to learning. The book also includes a detailed matrix to show which tales can be effectively used to promote particular actions or concepts. Online supporting resources include audio clips of stories illustrating the benefits of using storytelling in a business context.

Tales for Trainers: Using Stories and Metaphors to Facilitate Learning

by Margaret Parkin

A concise guide to using stories, anecdotes, metaphors and poety in training and development, Tales for Trainers is packed with ideas to give training more impact. Beginning by setting the use of stories in learning on a sound theoretical footing, the book goes on to include sample stories that trainers can use to read out loud. The author provides 50 tales that will immediately help trainers, managers, educators and coaches to reinforce key messages or stimulate fresh thinking.Proven to work in a variety or training environments, the stories range from ones written specifically by the author to carefully selected extracts from literature. They both work brilliantly as an aid to learning. The book also includes a detailed matrix to show which tales can be effectively used to promote particular actions or concepts. Online supporting resources include audio clips of stories illustrating the benefits of using storytelling in a business context.

Tales from the Table: Lovaas/ABA Intervention with Children on the Autistic Spectrum

by Margaret Anderson

Tales from the Table is a practitioner's account of the successes and limitations of using Lovaas/ABA home education with five young boys on the autistic spectrum. The abilities and skills of these children before, during and after intervention are documented with a focus on the realities of undertaking Lovaas/ABA home education: the impact of a 35-hour learning week on both child and parents, changing tutors and issues of commitment to the approach. Each chapter includes a commentary on the programme from a different perspective, with the voices of parents, siblings and teachers providing the context to the individual children's learning processes. This book will help parents to make an informed decision about using Lovaas/ABA interventions and will give professionals and students practical insights and useful information on the approach.

Tales from the Table: Lovaas/ABA Intervention with Children on the Autistic Spectrum (PDF)

by Margaret Anderson

Tales from the Table is a practitioner's account of the successes and limitations of using Lovaas/ABA home education with five young boys on the autistic spectrum. The abilities and skills of these children before, during and after intervention are documented with a focus on the realities of undertaking Lovaas/ABA home education: the impact of a 35-hour learning week on both child and parents, changing tutors and issues of commitment to the approach. Each chapter includes a commentary on the programme from a different perspective, with the voices of parents, siblings and teachers providing the context to the individual children's learning processes. This book will help parents to make an informed decision about using Lovaas/ABA interventions and will give professionals and students practical insights and useful information on the approach.

Talk: The Science of Conversation

by Elizabeth Stokoe

We spend much of our days talking. Yet we know little about the conversational engine that drives our everyday lives. We are pushed and pulled around by language far more than we realize, yet are seduced by stereotypes and myths about communication.This book will change the way you think about talk. It will explain the big pay-offs to understanding conversation scientifically. Elizabeth Stokoe, a social psychologist, has spent over twenty years collecting and analysing real conversations across settings as varied as first dates, crisis negotiation, sales encounters and medical communication. This book describes some of the findings of her own research, and that of other conversation analysts around the world. Through numerous examples from real interactions between friends, partners, colleagues, police officers, mediators, doctors and many others, you will learn that some of what you think you know about talk is wrong. But you will also uncover fresh insights about how to have better conversations - using the evidence from fifty years of research about the science of talk.

Talk about Writing: The Tutoring Strategies of Experienced Writing Center Tutors

by Jo Mackiewicz Isabelle Thompson

Talk about Writing: The Tutoring Strategies of Experienced Writing Center Tutors offers a book-length empirical study of the discourse between experienced tutors and student writers in satisfactory conferences. It analyzes writing center talk, focusing on tutors’ verbal strategies, at the macro- and microlevels. The study details tutors’ use of three categories of tutoring strategies—instruction, cognitive scaffolding, and motivational scaffolding—with each chapter of the analysis ending in practical advice about tutor training. The second edition adds to the discussion of research provided in the first edition, maintaining the two previous goals: to provide a theory-based coding scheme for analyzing tutoring strategies according to their potential for instructing and scaffolding student writers’ learning, and to demonstrate that analysis on 10 satisfactory conferences conducted by experienced writing center tutors. New to this edition, the authors expand the previous discussion of the coding scheme with additional details about its development. Along with the expanded Chapter 3 about research methods, this edition features new examples from the corpus of conferences and updates the literature review.

Talk about Writing: The Tutoring Strategies of Experienced Writing Center Tutors

by Jo Mackiewicz Isabelle Thompson

Talk about Writing: The Tutoring Strategies of Experienced Writing Center Tutors offers a book-length empirical study of the discourse between experienced tutors and student writers in satisfactory conferences. It analyzes writing center talk, focusing on tutors’ verbal strategies, at the macro- and microlevels. The study details tutors’ use of three categories of tutoring strategies—instruction, cognitive scaffolding, and motivational scaffolding—with each chapter of the analysis ending in practical advice about tutor training. The second edition adds to the discussion of research provided in the first edition, maintaining the two previous goals: to provide a theory-based coding scheme for analyzing tutoring strategies according to their potential for instructing and scaffolding student writers’ learning, and to demonstrate that analysis on 10 satisfactory conferences conducted by experienced writing center tutors. New to this edition, the authors expand the previous discussion of the coding scheme with additional details about its development. Along with the expanded Chapter 3 about research methods, this edition features new examples from the corpus of conferences and updates the literature review.

Talk auf allen Kanälen: Angebote, Akteure und Nutzer von Fernsehgesprächssendungen

by Jens Tenscher Christian Schicha

Wie kaum ein anderes Genre steht die Entwicklung und Ausdifferenzierung von Talkshows für den ökonomischen, inhaltlichen und präsentativen Wandel, den das deutsche Fernsehen seit der Dualisierung der Rundfunklandschaft durchlebt. Zugleich spiegeln Talkshows tiefergehende kulturelle, mediale und politische Veränderungen moderner Gesellschaften wider, wie sie in der alltäglichen Vermischung von Privatem und Öffentlichem, von Unterhaltsamen und Informativem, von Sensationellem und Trivialem und letztlich auch von Politischem und Unpolitischem zum Ausdruck kommen. Hier zieht der Sammelband eine umfassende Zwischenbilanz.

Talk Lean: Shorter Meetings. Quicker Results. Better Relations.

by Alan Palmer

The businessperson's guide to saying what needs to be said and asking questions that need to be asked In the business world, the first step to great results is good communication. Talk Lean uses original research and a fresh approach to teach businesspeople how to say difficult things and ask difficult questions in a way that is positive, effective, and comfortable for everyone involved. You'll learn how to begin meetings and conversations in a way that is succinct, empathetic, and effective, while putting people in a positive and receptive frame of mind. You'll learn how to listen and respond during meetings to maximise both productivity and empathy and how to close meetings in positive ways that lead to great results. Offers proven techniques for improving communication and making an impact professionally Written by Alan Palmer, head of Interactifs UK, which offers communication coaching to major corporate clients Ideal for executives, team leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone whose success depends on great communication

Talk Lean: Shorter Meetings. Quicker Results. Better Relations.

by Alan Palmer

The businessperson's guide to saying what needs to be said and asking questions that need to be asked In the business world, the first step to great results is good communication. Talk Lean uses original research and a fresh approach to teach businesspeople how to say difficult things and ask difficult questions in a way that is positive, effective, and comfortable for everyone involved. You'll learn how to begin meetings and conversations in a way that is succinct, empathetic, and effective, while putting people in a positive and receptive frame of mind. You'll learn how to listen and respond during meetings to maximise both productivity and empathy and how to close meetings in positive ways that lead to great results. Offers proven techniques for improving communication and making an impact professionally Written by Alan Palmer, head of Interactifs UK, which offers communication coaching to major corporate clients Ideal for executives, team leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone whose success depends on great communication

Talk Less, Say More: Three Habits to Influence Others and Make Things Happen

by Connie Dieken

Talk Less, Say More is a revolutionary guide to 21st century communication skills to help you be more influential and make things happen in our distracted, attention-deficit world. It's loaded with specific tips and takeaways to ensure that you're fully heard, clearly understood, and trigger positive responses in any business or social situation. It's the first book to deliver a proven method to master the core leadership skill of influence. Talk Less, Say More lays out a powerful 3-step method called Connect, Convey, Convince (R) and guides you in how to use these habits to be more influential. This succinct book solves your modern communication issues in today's demanding, distracted world at a time when interaction skills are plummeting. Communication is the single greatest challenge in business today. It takes just 3 habits to conquer it. Talk Less, Say More will help you achieve more with less. Less wordiness. Less tune-out. Less frustration. You'll gain more time. More positive outcomes. More rewarding relationships.

Talk Less, Say More: Three Habits to Influence Others and Make Things Happen

by Connie Dieken

Talk Less, Say More is a revolutionary guide to 21st century communication skills to help you be more influential and make things happen in our distracted, attention-deficit world. It's loaded with specific tips and takeaways to ensure that you're fully heard, clearly understood, and trigger positive responses in any business or social situation. It's the first book to deliver a proven method to master the core leadership skill of influence. Talk Less, Say More lays out a powerful 3-step method called Connect, Convey, Convince (R) and guides you in how to use these habits to be more influential. This succinct book solves your modern communication issues in today's demanding, distracted world at a time when interaction skills are plummeting. Communication is the single greatest challenge in business today. It takes just 3 habits to conquer it. Talk Less, Say More will help you achieve more with less. Less wordiness. Less tune-out. Less frustration. You'll gain more time. More positive outcomes. More rewarding relationships.

Talk Like TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds

by Carmine Gallo

Discover the secrets to a perfect TED Talk and learn how to deliver an exceptional presentation with Carmine Gallo's Talk Like TED.TED Talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking around the world. And yet the techniques that top TED speakers use are the same ones that will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking.Communications coach and bestselling author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, Carmine Gallo has broken down the top TED Talks and interviewed the most popular TED presenters to uncover the nine secrets of all successful TED presentations. From 'Unleashing the Master Within' and 'Delivering Jaw Dropping Moments' to 'Sticking to the 18-minute Rule' Gallo provides a step-by-step method that makes it possible for anyone to create, design, and deliver a TED-style presentation that is engaging, persuasive, and memorable.Ideas are the true currency of the 21st century, and Talk Like TED gives readers a way to create presentations around the ideas that matter most to them, presentations that will energize their audiences to spread those ideas, launch new initiatives, and reach their highest goals.

The Talk of the Clinic: Explorations in the Analysis of Medical and therapeutic Discourse (Routledge Communication Series)

by Ronald J. Chenail G. H. Morris

This collection of original papers by scholars who closely analyze the talk of the clinic features studies that were conceived with the aim of contributing to clinical practitioners' insight about how their talk works. No previous communication text has attempted to take such a practitioner-sensitive posture with its research presentations. Each chapter focuses on one or more performances that clinical practitioners -- in consort with their clients or colleagues -- must achieve with some regularity. These speech acts are consequential for effective practice and sometimes present themselves as problematic. Rather than calling for research to be simplified or reoriented in order for practitioners to understand it, these authors interpret state-of-the-art descriptive analysis for its practical import for clinicians. Each contributor delves deeply into clinical practice and its wisdom; therefore, each is positioned to identify alternative clinical practices and techniques and to appreciate practitioners' means of performing effectively. When reflective practitioners encounter these new pieces of work, productive alterations in how their work is done can be stimulated. By reading this work, reflective practitioners will now have new ways of considering their talk and new possibilities for speaking effectively. The volume is uniquely constructed so as to engage in dialogue with these reflective practitioners as they struggle to articulate their work. A practical wisdom-as-research trend has recently emerged in the clinical fields stimulating these practitioners to explore new and more informative ways -- communication and literary theory, ethnography, and discourse analysis -- to express what they do in clinics and hospitals. With the studies presented in this book, the editors build upon this dialectical process between practitioner and researcher, thus helping this productive conversation to continue.

The Talk of the Clinic: Explorations in the Analysis of Medical and therapeutic Discourse (Routledge Communication Series)

by G. H. Morris

This collection of original papers by scholars who closely analyze the talk of the clinic features studies that were conceived with the aim of contributing to clinical practitioners' insight about how their talk works. No previous communication text has attempted to take such a practitioner-sensitive posture with its research presentations. Each chapter focuses on one or more performances that clinical practitioners -- in consort with their clients or colleagues -- must achieve with some regularity. These speech acts are consequential for effective practice and sometimes present themselves as problematic. Rather than calling for research to be simplified or reoriented in order for practitioners to understand it, these authors interpret state-of-the-art descriptive analysis for its practical import for clinicians. Each contributor delves deeply into clinical practice and its wisdom; therefore, each is positioned to identify alternative clinical practices and techniques and to appreciate practitioners' means of performing effectively. When reflective practitioners encounter these new pieces of work, productive alterations in how their work is done can be stimulated. By reading this work, reflective practitioners will now have new ways of considering their talk and new possibilities for speaking effectively. The volume is uniquely constructed so as to engage in dialogue with these reflective practitioners as they struggle to articulate their work. A practical wisdom-as-research trend has recently emerged in the clinical fields stimulating these practitioners to explore new and more informative ways -- communication and literary theory, ethnography, and discourse analysis -- to express what they do in clinics and hospitals. With the studies presented in this book, the editors build upon this dialectical process between practitioner and researcher, thus helping this productive conversation to continue.

Talk Radio’s America: How an Industry Took Over a Political Party That Took Over the United States

by Brian Rosenwald

The march to the Trump presidency began in 1988, when Rush Limbaugh went national. Brian Rosenwald charts the transformation of AM radio entertainers into political kingmakers. By giving voice to the conservative base, they reshaped the Republican Party and fostered demand for a president who sounded as combative and hyperbolic as a talk show host.

Talk, Thinking and Philosophy in the Primary Classroom

by John Smith

Talk, thinking and philosophy are crucial components of children's learning. This book is a practical and readable guide to the ways in which teachers can provide children with the opportunities to develop and use these skills to their greatest effect. It begins by asking why talking and thinking should be taught and examines current approaches in this area. It goes on to look at how teachers can develop talking and thinking skills across the six Areas of Learning to help children gain confidence and deepen understanding.

Talk to Strangers: How Everyday, Random Encounters Can Expand Your Business, Career, Income, and Life

by David Topus

Connect to the world around you and realize the enormous potential in talking to strangers Everyday, random encounters really can change lives, when you make them happen the right way and leverage the connection at the other end. Talk to Strangers explains how to stand out and tap the potential of others by taking notice of who is standing alongside you on the bank line, the latte pickup point, or the ticket counter at the airport. David Topus' life-changing message is that we should "always connect," which means going beyond online relationships and engaging in the random, real-life interactions that have unlimited potential to supercharge businesses, accelerate careers, and enrich your life. Why there is opportunity through the people you meet wherever you go The four key beliefs of successful random connectors Techniques for creating comfort and trust quickly with complete strangers How to optimize and monetize your newly-established contacts When you connect to those in your everyday world, you'll discover the life-expanding potential of random encounters and unlimited opportunities.

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