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Zen and the Art of Business Communication: A Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Business Writing Skills (PDF)

by Luck Susan L.

In today’s online world, our professional image depends on our ability to communicate. Whether we’re communicating by email, text, social media, written reports or presentations, how we use our words often determines how others view us. This book offers tips and techniques that can improve anyone’s professional image. The author covers how to analyze multiple audiences and strategies for communicating your message effectively for each; structuring your message for greatest readability and effect; persuasion and tone; and how to face your own fears of writing. The content is delivered in a simple, clear style that reflects the Zen approach of the title, perfect for both the entry-level employee and the seasoned executive.

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays On Creativity

by Ray Bradbury

In this exuberant book, the incomparable Ray Bradbury shares the wisdom, experience, and excitement of a lifetime of writing.

Zend Framework 2 Application Development

by Christopher Valles

The book is really pragmatic, focusing on the key aspects you usually need to create an application. We skip the boring theory and jump straight to the action. Also, the examples don't try to be perfect, they just show the topic in question or the tool/components we are using. Here the focus is on the framework itself not on how to architect applications. The book will spend a lot of time reviewing the examples and each chapter is created around the example used to explain the topics so the example is first, then the explanation.This book is great for you if you are new to Zend Framework 2 and are looking to get a practical approach in how to use the framework. This book will be also really helpful if you are a Zend Framework 1 user but you want to adapt you knowledge to the new version of the framework. It's assumed that you will have good experience using PHP and specially with the Object Oriented programming paradigm.

Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Poka-Yoke System

by Shigeo Shingo

A combination of source inspection and mistake-proofing devices is the only method to get you to zero defects. Shigeo Shingo shows you how this proven system for reducing errors turns out the highest quality products in the shortest period of time. Shingo provides 112 specific examples of poka-yoke development devices on the shop floor, most of them costing less than $100 to implement. He also discusses inspection systems, quality control circles, and the function of management with regard to inspection.

Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Poka-Yoke System

by Shigeo Shingo

A combination of source inspection and mistake-proofing devices is the only method to get you to zero defects. Shigeo Shingo shows you how this proven system for reducing errors turns out the highest quality products in the shortest period of time. Shingo provides 112 specific examples of poka-yoke development devices on the shop floor, most of them costing less than $100 to implement. He also discusses inspection systems, quality control circles, and the function of management with regard to inspection.

Zielführende Kommunikation zwischen Agentur und Kunde: Erfolgreiche und effiziente Zusammenarbeit im Team

by Klaus Pawlowski Peter Pawlowski

In diesem Buch erfahren Agenturen und ihre Auftraggeber, wie sie in allen Stufen der Zusammenarbeit effizient, zielführend und vor allem gemeinsam als Team erfolgreich sein können. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg: eine lückenlose, klare und authentische Kommunikation aller Beteiligten. Beginnend beim Kennenlerngespräch, über das weichenstellende Briefing bis hin zu Vertragsverhandlungen und Konfliktgesprächen – die Autoren erläutern, wie man unnötigen Reibungsverlusten aus dem Weg geht, Missverständnissen vorbeugt und Frustration sowie Fehleinschätzungen verhindert.Ein Buch, gleichermaßen theoretisch fundiert wie auch direkt im Arbeitsalltag anwendbar: mit den wichtigsten Modellen zu Kommunikation und Gesprächsführung, zahlreichen Beispielen, Beispieldialogen und Inspirationen, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Partnern in neuem Licht erscheinen lässt.

ZigBee Network Protocols and Applications

Compared with other wireless communication technologies, such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and UWB, ZigBee is a far more reliable, affordable, and energy-efficient option. It is also the only global wireless communication standard for easily deployed, low-power consumption products.ZigBee Network Protocols and Applications provides detailed descriptions of

The Zimbabwean Crisis after Mugabe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Contemporary Africa)

by Tendai Mangena

This book examines the ways in which political discourses of crisis and ‘newness’ are (re)produced, circulated, naturalised, received and contested in Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe. Going beyond the ordinariness of conventional political, human and social science methods, the book offers new and engaging multi-disciplinary approaches that treat discourse and language as important sites to encounter the politics of contested representations of the Zimbabwean crisis in the wake of the 2017 coup. The book centres discourse on new approaches to contestations around the discursive framing of various aspects of the socio-economic and political crisis related to significant political changes in Zimbabwe post-2017. Contributors in this volume, most of whom experienced the complex transition first-hand, examine some of the ways in which language functions as a socio-cultural and political mechanism for creating imaginaries, circulating, defending and contesting conceptions, visions, perceptions and knowledges of the post-Mugabe turn in the Zimbabwean crisis and its management by the "New Dispensation". This book will be of interest to scholars of African studies, postcolonial studies, language/discourse studies, African politics and culture.

The Zimbabwean Crisis after Mugabe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge Contemporary Africa)

by Tendai Mangena Oliver Nyambi Gibson Ncube

This book examines the ways in which political discourses of crisis and ‘newness’ are (re)produced, circulated, naturalised, received and contested in Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe. Going beyond the ordinariness of conventional political, human and social science methods, the book offers new and engaging multi-disciplinary approaches that treat discourse and language as important sites to encounter the politics of contested representations of the Zimbabwean crisis in the wake of the 2017 coup. The book centres discourse on new approaches to contestations around the discursive framing of various aspects of the socio-economic and political crisis related to significant political changes in Zimbabwe post-2017. Contributors in this volume, most of whom experienced the complex transition first-hand, examine some of the ways in which language functions as a socio-cultural and political mechanism for creating imaginaries, circulating, defending and contesting conceptions, visions, perceptions and knowledges of the post-Mugabe turn in the Zimbabwean crisis and its management by the "New Dispensation". This book will be of interest to scholars of African studies, postcolonial studies, language/discourse studies, African politics and culture.

Zip Drive and Disk (large print)

by Rnib

This page shows images of a Zip disk and a Zip drive. They are separated by a thin vertical line. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. On the left is a top view of a Zip disk and to the right is a drive viewed from the top. Zip disk: This top view of a disk shows a cover at the top of the image. It slides to the left to give access to the magnetic disk inside the casing. There is a label at the bottom for listing the contents of the disk. Zip drive: On the right of the page is an image of the drive seen from the top. At the top of the image is the casing of the drive. Down the page is a clear window with part of a disk visible through it. At the bottom of the page is the remaining portion of the disk with an arrow to the left of it to show the disk being inserted. To the right of the disk are two indicator lights and an eject button. On the right hand edge of the image, at the top and bottom, are two rubber feet to stand the drive on.

Zip Drive and Disk (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This page shows images of a Zip disk and a Zip drive. They are separated by a thin vertical line. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. On the left is a top view of a Zip disk and to the right is a drive viewed from the top. Zip disk: This top view of a disk shows a cover at the top of the image. It slides to the left to give access to the magnetic disk inside the casing. There is a label at the bottom for listing the contents of the disk. Zip drive: On the right of the page is an image of the drive seen from the top. At the top of the image is the casing of the drive. Down the page is a clear window with part of a disk visible through it. At the bottom of the page is the remaining portion of the disk with an arrow to the left of it to show the disk being inserted. To the right of the disk are two indicator lights and an eject button. On the right hand edge of the image, at the top and bottom, are two rubber feet to stand the drive on.

Zip Drive and Disk (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This page shows images of a Zip disk and a Zip drive. They are separated by a thin vertical line. There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the right way up. On the left is a top view of a Zip disk and to the right is a drive viewed from the top. Zip disk: This top view of a disk shows a cover at the top of the image. It slides to the left to give access to the magnetic disk inside the casing. There is a label at the bottom for listing the contents of the disk. Zip drive: On the right of the page is an image of the drive seen from the top. At the top of the image is the casing of the drive. Down the page is a clear window with part of a disk visible through it. At the bottom of the page is the remaining portion of the disk with an arrow to the left of it to show the disk being inserted. To the right of the disk are two indicator lights and an eject button. On the right hand edge of the image, at the top and bottom, are two rubber feet to stand the drive on.

Zirkuläre Positionen 3: Organisation, Management und Beratung

by Theodor M. Bardmann Torsten Groth

An Organisationen und ihr Management werden wie selbstverständlich gesteigerte Rationalitätsansprüche gestellt. Doch können sie leisten, was man ihnen zumutet? Systemtheoretische Ansätze haben für eine Desillusionierung überzogener Ansprüche und für eine Neuorientierung in Theorie, Management und Beratung gesorgt. Organisationen sind keine verfügbaren Instrumente in den Händen eines rational entscheidenden Managers, sondern eigensinnige, komplexe, selbstorganisierende Systeme, die sich einer direkten, ziel- und zweckorientierten Einflussnahme entziehen. Was heißt Management in derartigen Systemen? Welche Aufgabe übernimmt Beratung? Welche Rolle spielt die Organisationstheorie? Führende Vertreter systemischer Denk- und Handlungskonzepte geben im vorliegenden dritten Band der "Zirkulären Positionen" Antworten auf diese Fragen. Neben den Klassikern J.G. March und K.E. Weick kommen Wissenschaftler zu Wort wie D. Baecker, A. Kieser und G. Ortmann, aber auch Grenzgänger, die sich sowohl in der Wissenschaft als auch in der Praxis profilieren: H. Geißlinger, P. Gomez, F. Malik, G. Probst, S. Sackmann, F.B. Simon, R.K. Sprenger, H. Willke und R. Wimmer. En passant werden neueste Erfahrungen zu den zentralen Managementthemen Unternehmenskultur, Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, Führung, Motivation und Selbstverantwortung präsentiert. Kommentierende Begleittexte runden die Interviewbeiträge ab und verorten sie auf dem weiten Feld systemtheoretischer, konstruktivistischer, kybernetischer oder ganzheitlicher Konzepte.

Zokit Membership Guide: How to get the most out of your membership (Zokit Business Evolution)

by Zokit

Zokit is a business networking organisation based in South Wales, UK. This membership guide is free to members, so if you buy it and like what you see, and then subsequently join, we'll refund the cover price! Our unique Business Evolution SystemTM underpins your membership and is designed to be flexible and customisable so you can access our tools, events, and networks to create success on your own terms. Our networking events across South Wales are informal and facilitated. So, you can make the most of your time and our conveniently scheduled Business Wisdom MasterClasses that bring cutting-edge business knowhow in a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point way, so you can update and upgrade your skills to work smarter, not harder. You simply pick and choose the events you’d like to attend and we’ll send you reminders so you won’t miss out on what’s going on.

Zombies in Western Culture: A Twenty-First Century Crisis (PDF)

by John Vervaeke Christopher Mastropietro Filip Miscevic

Why has the zombie become such a pervasive figure in twenty-first-century popular culture? John Vervaeke, Christopher Mastropietro and Filip Miscevic seek to answer this question by arguing that particular aspects of the zombie, common to a variety of media forms, reflect a crisis in modern Western culture. The authors examine the essential features of the zombie, including mindlessness, ugliness and homelessness, and argue that these reflect the outlook of the contemporary West and its attendant zeitgeists of anxiety, alienation, disconnection and disenfranchisement. They trace the relationship between zombies and the theme of secular apocalypse, demonstrating that the zombie draws its power from being a perversion of the Christian mythos of death and resurrection. Symbolic of a lost Christian worldview, the zombie represents a world that can no longer explain itself, nor provide us with instructions for how to live within it. The concept of 'domicide' or the destruction of home is developed to describe the modern crisis of meaning that the zombie both represents and reflects. This is illustrated using case studies including the relocation of the Anishinaabe of the Grassy Narrows First Nation, and the upheaval of population displacement in the Hellenistic period. Finally, the authors invoke and reformulate symbols of the four horseman of the apocalypse as rhetorical analogues to frame those aspects of contemporary collapse that elucidate the horror of the zombie. Zombies in Western Culture: A Twenty-First Century Crisis is required reading for anyone interested in the phenomenon of zombies in contemporary culture. It will also be of interest to an interdisciplinary audience including students and scholars of culture studies, semiotics, philosophy, religious studies, eschatology, anthropology, Jungian studies, and sociology.

Zoom For Dummies

by Phil Simon

Unlock the full potential of Zoom with this straightforward resource Zoom For Dummies shows readers how to stay connected to their friends, family, colleagues, and peers with this explosively popular communication platform. Written by business professional Phil Simon, Zoom For Dummies allows you to take full advantage of Zoom’s multi-faceted feature set, including: The "Meetings" feature Webinar capabilities Instant messaging functionality Zoom’s “Channel” features Zoom For Dummies goes beyond video conferencing and unlocks the full power of this service. You’ll be able to connect with people around the globe, record and replay video, share your screen with others, and use Zoom on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile device. The book shows you how to follow best practices when it comes to Zoom’s enhanced security features, as well as how to keep Zoom up to date. Written in the friendly style the For Dummies series is famous for, Zoom For Dummies is perfect for anyone who uses Zoom for school, work, business, or personal reasons.

Zoom For Dummies

by Phil Simon

Unlock the full potential of Zoom with this straightforward resource Zoom For Dummies shows readers how to stay connected to their friends, family, colleagues, and peers with this explosively popular communication platform. Written by business professional Phil Simon, Zoom For Dummies allows you to take full advantage of Zoom’s multi-faceted feature set, including: The "Meetings" feature Webinar capabilities Instant messaging functionality Zoom’s “Channel” features Zoom For Dummies goes beyond video conferencing and unlocks the full power of this service. You’ll be able to connect with people around the globe, record and replay video, share your screen with others, and use Zoom on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile device. The book shows you how to follow best practices when it comes to Zoom’s enhanced security features, as well as how to keep Zoom up to date. Written in the friendly style the For Dummies series is famous for, Zoom For Dummies is perfect for anyone who uses Zoom for school, work, business, or personal reasons.

Zoom für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Phil Simon

Sie wollen oder müssen Zoom zur Kommunikation nutzen? Egal ob privat oder geschäftlich, es gibt viele Funktionen, Einstellungen und Tipps, die Ihnen das Leben leichter machen. Phil Simon erklärt Ihnen in diesem Buch alles, was Sie über Chat, Videokonferenzen und das Einbinden von Apps wissen müssen. Egal ob das Erstellen von Einladungen, das Aufzeichnen von Konferenzen oder die Nutzung von Zoom Phones, alles wird ausführlich und leicht verständlich anhand von Screenshots erklärt. So nutzen Sie Zoom entspannt und effizient.

Zu Gast in Deiner Wirklichkeit: Empathie als Schlüssel gelungener Kommunikation

by Peter Michael Bak

Mit Scharfsinn, Humor und auf der Basis neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse wird in diesem Sachbuch das alte Thema Kommunikation ganz neu beleuchtet. Das Thema Empathie steht dabei als Voraussetzung erfolgreicher Kommunikation im Mittelpunkt. Was aber ist Empathie ganz konkret? Wie funktioniert sie? Können wir den anderen wirklich verstehen? Wie können wir überhaupt empathisch sein? Gibt es Empathie auch im Internet? Wie hängen Empathie und Moral zusammen? Wie entstehen Konflikte und warum führt Empathie zur Selbsterkenntnis? Psychologieprofessor Peter Michael Bak gibt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele und auf der Grundlage aktueller psychologischer Forschungsergebnisse anregende und teilweise überraschende Antworten auf diese Fragen. Das Buch setzt dabei keinerlei Vor- oder Fachwissen voraus, sondern wendet sich an alle interessierten Leserinnen und Leser, die wissen möchten, warum es überhaupt Missverständnisse gibt und warum das Miteinander reden manchmal so schwierig sein kann. Den Leser erwarten dabei nicht nur interessante Einblicke zur gelingenden Kommunikation, sondern auch spannende Einsichten über sich selbst.

Zucked: The Education Of An Unlikely Activist

by Roger McNamee

This is the dramatic story of how a noted tech venture capitalist, an early mentor to Mark Zuckerberg and investor in his company, woke up to the serious damage Facebook was doing to our society and set out to try to stop it.

A Zulu Manual or Vade-Mecum: A Companion Volume to ''The Zulu-Kafir Language'', And The '' English - Zulu Dictonary''. (Routledge Revivals)

by Charles Roberts

Published in 1900, this book provides a companion volume to the Zulu Kafir Language and the English Zulu Dictionary. Including a dictionary and examples of language structure and grammar, this book makes Zulu accessible to all levels of learner.

A Zulu Manual or Vade-Mecum: A Companion Volume to ''The Zulu-Kafir Language'', And The '' English - Zulu Dictonary''. (Routledge Revivals)

by Charles Roberts

Published in 1900, this book provides a companion volume to the Zulu Kafir Language and the English Zulu Dictionary. Including a dictionary and examples of language structure and grammar, this book makes Zulu accessible to all levels of learner.

Zur Geschichte des Rundfunks in Österreich: Programm für die Nation

by Wolfgang Pensold

Das Buch bietet erstmals eine Gesamtschau auf die Geschichte des Österreichischen Rundfunks von den 1920er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart. Es schildert die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Radios ab 1924 und dessen Erweiterung um das Fernsehen ab 1955, und es spannt den Bogen bis zur jüngsten Erweiterung von Radio und Fernsehen um das Internet. Dabei integriert es unterschiedliche Gegenstandsfacetten – technische, politische, ökonomische, soziale und kulturelle – zu einer konsistenten Erzählung. Den roten Faden bildet dabei die Genese der öffentlichen Aufgabenstellung des Rundfunks.

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