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Demokratie braucht Medien

by Melanie Magin Uta Rußmann Birgit Stark

Freie und unabhängige Medien sind die Grundlage einer lebendigen Demokratie. In normativen Demokratiemodellen wird die „Wächterrolle“ von Medien betont, weil neben der Kontroll- und Informationsfunktion der Medien ihr Beitrag zur Legitimierung politischer Prozesse als zentral angesehen wird. Medien unterliegen jedoch im digitalen Wandel einem hohen Anpassungsdruck: Sie drohen ihre traditionelle Gatekeeper-Rolle zu verlieren und konkurrieren mit globalen Tech-Giganten wie Facebook und Google um Werbegelder und die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums. Die Plattformisierung der Medien stellt nicht nur die Vermittlungsleistungen professioneller journalistischer Informationsanbieter in Frage, sondern auch die Rolle der Medien in der Herstellung von Öffentlichkeit. Der Band hinterfragt die sich wandelnde Rolle der Medien im politischen System sowie das Verhältnis von Medien und Politik kritisch. Funktionen und Autonomiegrad von Medien und Journalismus werden analysiert. Mithilfe von Zeitvergleichen werden tiefgreifende Veränderungen wie auch Konstanten herausgearbeitet. Nicht zuletzt gilt es zu erörtern, welche Akteure welche Verantwortung tragen und welche Privilegien sie genießen (sollten).

Demokratiebewusstsein: Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen an ein zentrales Thema der Politischen Bildung

by Dirk Lange Gerhard Himmelmann

Die Politische Bildung ist herausgefordert, international anschlussfähige Kompetenzmodelle für ihre Lerndomänen zu begründen. In den Debatten über die fachwissenschaftlichen, pädagogischen und didaktischen Aspekte des Politischen sind die subjektiven Dimensionen der Demokratie bislang nur unzureichend berücksichtigt worden. Diese stellen aber den Ausgangs- und Endpunkt politischer Bildungsprozesse dar und bedürfen als zentraler didaktischer Reflexionsbereich der genaueren Betrachtung. Dieser Sammelband stellt die Kategorie des Demokratiebewusstseins in das Zentrum einer interdisziplinären Annäherung. Diese ist bedeutsam, da die demokratische Bürgerschaftsbildung auf individueller Ebene als ein Prozess der demokratisch-politischen Bewusstseinsbildung verstanden werden kann. Zwar hat sich die Politikwissenschaft den Mikroperspektiven von Politik und Demokratie verstärkt zugewandt, jedoch ist das Demokratiebewusstsein noch kaum explizit behandelt worden. Die Beiträge zeigen, dass das Demokratiebewusstsein einen komplexen Problembereich darstellt, der sich nicht auf einen einzelnen Wissenschaftsbereich beschränken lässt.

Demokratiedidaktik: Impulse für die Politische Bildung (Bürgerbewusstsein)

by Dirk Lange Gerhard Himmelmann

In jüngster Zeit haben sich neue Begriffe und Ansätze in der demokratisch-politischen Bildung in den Vordergrund geschoben. Dazu gehören der BLK-Ansatz „Demokratie lernen & leben“ und das Förderprogramm „Demokratisch Handeln“, aber auch das Konzept des „Demokratie-Lernens“. Inzwischen hat eine eigene Disziplin „Demokratiepädagogik“ auf sich aufmerksam gemacht. Die Kultusministerkonferenz wiederum hat den Begriff der „Demokratiedidaktik“ geprägt und zu einer Stärkung der „Demokratieerziehung“ aufgerufen. Dieser Sammelband greift den neu in die Diskussion gebrachten Begriff der Demokratiedidaktik auf und setzt entsprechende Impulse für eine erweiterte Politische Bildung.

Demokratisierung durch Social Media?: Mediensymposium 2012 (Mediensymposium)

by Kurt Imhof Roger Blum Heinz Bonfadelli Otfried Jarren Vinzenz Wyss

Der Sammelband setzt sich kritisch mit einigen Mythen auseinander, die sich immer noch um das Internet ranken. Hierzu gehört die Vorstellung einer sich selbst erfüllenden Demokratisierung durch die schiere Existenz dieses Netzes ebenso wie der technolibertäre Mythos, der das Internet als Sphäre einer spielerischen Selbstkonstitution in Gestalt von anonymen Identitätsentwürfen in virtuellen Räumen und des Downloadens von beliebigen Inhalten beschreibt. Die Kraft dieser Mythen manifestiert sich in vehementen Widerständen gegen die vermeintliche oder faktische Zensur des Internets, das jeglicher Regulation enthoben sein soll, und in einem Kampf gegen ein Urheberrecht, das dem Zeitalter des World Wide Web nicht mehr entspräche.​

Demonstratives and Grammaticalization: A Perspective from Modern Turkish

by Metin Balpınar

Demonstratives and Grammaticalization offers an in-depth analysis of the demonstrative system in Turkish. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis dealing with both the synchronic variations in Turkish demonstratives and their grammatical changes. It sheds light on the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of the demonstratives, systematically describes the various usages of these forms, and provides a unified explanation for the various accounts of their distribution. While the focus is on Turkish, this analysis contributes to our understanding of how a demonstrative system operates in a language with a three-way distinction.

Demonstratives and Grammaticalization: A Perspective from Modern Turkish

by Metin Balpınar

Demonstratives and Grammaticalization offers an in-depth analysis of the demonstrative system in Turkish. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis dealing with both the synchronic variations in Turkish demonstratives and their grammatical changes. It sheds light on the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of the demonstratives, systematically describes the various usages of these forms, and provides a unified explanation for the various accounts of their distribution. While the focus is on Turkish, this analysis contributes to our understanding of how a demonstrative system operates in a language with a three-way distinction.

Demystifying Corpus Linguistics for English Language Teaching

by Kieran Harrington Patricia Ronan

The aim of this edited volume is to demystify corpus linguistics for use in English language teaching (ELT). It advocates the inclusion of corpus linguistics in the classroom as part of an approach to ELT in which students engage with naturally occurring language. The first chapter provides a basic but essential introduction to corpus linguistics, including sections on corpora and corpus methods, and this is followed by a review of the use of corpus linguistics in ELT. Chapters on the traditional ELT strands of skills, vocabulary and grammar as well as chapters on pluricentric approaches (on language and culture, World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca) flow naturally from the second chapter, which reports on a survey of the attitudes of trainee teacher to the use of corpus linguistics in the ELT classroom. The final two chapters show how the work of corpus linguists can benefit classroom teacher preparation, materials development and textbook writing. This book will be of interest not only to academics in fields such as English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics, but also to educators of teacher-trainees and teacher-trainees themselves, as well as teachers who are looking for new interactive approaches to ELT.

Demythologizing Language Difference in the Academy: Establishing Discipline-Based Writing Programs

by Mark Waldo

In this volume, Mark Waldo argues that writing across the curriculum (WAC) programs should be housed in writing centers and explains an innovative approach to enhancing their effectiveness: focus WAC on the writing agendas of the disciplines. He asserts that WAC operation should reflect an academy characterized by multiple language communities--each with contextualized values, purposes, and forms for writing, and no single community's values superior to another's. Starting off with an examination of the core issue, that WAC should be promoting learning to write in the disciplines instead of writing to learn, Waldo proposes: *housing WAC in comprehensive writing centers independent of any other department; *using dialogue and inquiry rather than prescriptive techniques in the WAC program's interaction with faculty in other disciplines; and *phasing out writing assessment that depends on one test measuring the writing abilities of students from all disciplines. In the process of making his case, Waldo discusses tutor training, faculty consultancy, and multilayered assessment programs. In addition to presenting the theoretical and practical advantages of discipline-based WAC programs, he also offers clear and compelling evidence from his own institution that supports the success of this approach to writing instruction. Demythologizing Language Difference in the Academy: Establishing Discipline-Based Writing Programs will be of interest to writing program and WAC administrators; writing center administrators; graduate students studying composition; and educators and graduate students involved in WAC initiatives, research, and study.

Demythologizing Language Difference in the Academy: Establishing Discipline-Based Writing Programs

by Mark Waldo

In this volume, Mark Waldo argues that writing across the curriculum (WAC) programs should be housed in writing centers and explains an innovative approach to enhancing their effectiveness: focus WAC on the writing agendas of the disciplines. He asserts that WAC operation should reflect an academy characterized by multiple language communities--each with contextualized values, purposes, and forms for writing, and no single community's values superior to another's. Starting off with an examination of the core issue, that WAC should be promoting learning to write in the disciplines instead of writing to learn, Waldo proposes: *housing WAC in comprehensive writing centers independent of any other department; *using dialogue and inquiry rather than prescriptive techniques in the WAC program's interaction with faculty in other disciplines; and *phasing out writing assessment that depends on one test measuring the writing abilities of students from all disciplines. In the process of making his case, Waldo discusses tutor training, faculty consultancy, and multilayered assessment programs. In addition to presenting the theoretical and practical advantages of discipline-based WAC programs, he also offers clear and compelling evidence from his own institution that supports the success of this approach to writing instruction. Demythologizing Language Difference in the Academy: Establishing Discipline-Based Writing Programs will be of interest to writing program and WAC administrators; writing center administrators; graduate students studying composition; and educators and graduate students involved in WAC initiatives, research, and study.

Dense Image Correspondences for Computer Vision

by Tal Hassner Ce Liu

This book describes the fundamental building-block of many new computer vision systems: dense and robust correspondence estimation. Dense correspondence estimation techniques are now successfully being used to solve a wide range of computer vision problems, very different from the traditional applications such techniques were originally developed to solve. This book introduces the techniques used for establishing correspondences between challenging image pairs, the novel features used to make these techniques robust, and the many problems dense correspondences are now being used to solve. The book provides information to anyone attempting to utilize dense correspondences in order to solve new or existing computer vision problems. The editors describe how to solve many computer vision problems by using dense correspondence estimation. Finally, it surveys resources, code and data, necessary for expediting the development of effective correspondence-based computer vision systems.

Dent's Modern Tribes: The Secret Languages of Britain

by Susie Dent

Did you know that . . . a soldier's biggest social blunder is called jack brew - making yourself a cuppa without making one for anyone else? That twitchers have an expression for a bird that can't be identified - LBJ (the letters stand for Little Brown Job)? Or that builders call plastering the ceiling doing Lionel Richie's dancefloor? Susie Dent does.Ever wondered why football managers all speak the same way, what a cabbie calls the Houses of Parliament, or how ticket inspectors discreetly request back-up? We are surrounded by hundreds of tribes, each speaking their own distinct slanguage of colourful words, jokes and phrases, honed through years of conversations on the battlefield, in A&E, backstage, or at ten-thousand feet in the air. Susie Dent has spent years interviewing hundreds of professionals, hobbyists and enthusiasts, and the result is an idiosyncratic phrasebook like no other. From the Freemason's handshake to the publican's banter, Dent's Modern Tribes takes us on a whirlwind tour of Britain, decoding its secret languages and, in the process, finds out what really makes us all tick.

The Department: How a Violent Government Bureaucracy Killed Hundreds and Hid the Evidence

by John Pring

‘A must-read exposé of one of Britain’s biggest hidden scandals’ Frances Ryan, Guardian journalist and author of Crippled: Austerity and the Demonisation of Disabled People‘This is the definitive proof of how government austerity hasn’t just harmed disabled people, it has killed them’ John McDonnell MPIn the early 2010s, reports began to emerge of deaths linked to a government department. Suicide notes, coroners’ reports, and research by disabled activists pointed to failings within the Department for Work and Pensions – the DWP – the government body responsible for the disability benefits system.As years passed, and austerity tightened its grip, the death toll mounted, and an even more disturbing picture emerged: bureaucracy, politicians, and the private sector had combined over thirty years to reckless, deadly effect.For the last decade, disabled journalist John Pring has meticulously pieced together how the DWP ignored pleas to correct fatal flaws in the social security system and covered up its role in the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of disabled people. Having spent years researching the heartbreaking stories of twelve individuals who died, he describes how their bereaved families have fought for justice and accountability.John Pring is founder and editor of the news agency Disability News Service. He is co-creator of the Deaths by Welfare timeline, and co-editor and specialist advisor on the award-winning Museum of Austerity project. His stories have appeared in the Guardian, Daily Mirror and Private Eye. He is also the author of Longcare Survivors: The Biography of a Care Scandal.

Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)

by Ajit Kumar Verma Srividya Ajit Manoj Kumar

The measurement of dependability attributes on real systems is a very time-consuming and costly affair, making analytical or simulation modeling the only viable solutions. Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems explores reliability, availability and safety modeling of networked computer-based systems used in life-critical applications such as avionics, nuclear power plants, automobiles and chemical process industries.Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems gives an overview of basic dependability modeling concepts and addresses new challenges in dependability modeling of networked computer-based systems, as well as new trends, their capabilities and limitations. It covers a variety of dependability modeling methods:stochastic processes,Markov and semi-Markov models,response-time distribution,stochastic Petri-net-based modeling formalisms, andMonte Carlo simulation models.Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems provides students and researchers with a detailed overview of dependability models and analysis techniques. Practicing engineers will also find this text a useful guide to decision-making based on system dependability at the design, operation and maintenance stages.

Dependable IoT for Human and Industry: Modeling, Architecting, Implementation

by Vyacheslav Kharchenko Ah Lian Kor Andrzej Rucinski

There are numerous publications which introduce and discuss the Internet of Things (IoT). In the midst of these, this work has several unique characteristics which should change the reader’s perspective, and in particular, provide a more profound understanding of the impact of the IoT on society. Dependable IoT for Human and Industry covers the main aspects of Internet of Things and IoT based systems such as global issues of applications, modeling, development and implementation of dependable IoT for different human and industry domains. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Introduction in Internet of vital and trust Things Modelling and assessment techniques for dependable and secure IoT systems Architecting and development of IoT systems Implementation of IoT for smart cities and drone fleets; business and blockchain, transport and industry Training courses and education experience on Internet and Web of ThingThe book contains chapters which have their roots in the International Conference IDAACS 2017, and Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems and IoT Dependability CyberIoT-DESSERT 2017.

Dependable IoT for Human and Industry: Modeling, Architecting, Implementation

There are numerous publications which introduce and discuss the Internet of Things (IoT). In the midst of these, this work has several unique characteristics which should change the reader’s perspective, and in particular, provide a more profound understanding of the impact of the IoT on society. Dependable IoT for Human and Industry covers the main aspects of Internet of Things and IoT based systems such as global issues of applications, modeling, development and implementation of dependable IoT for different human and industry domains. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Introduction in Internet of vital and trust Things Modelling and assessment techniques for dependable and secure IoT systems Architecting and development of IoT systems Implementation of IoT for smart cities and drone fleets; business and blockchain, transport and industry Training courses and education experience on Internet and Web of ThingThe book contains chapters which have their roots in the International Conference IDAACS 2017, and Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems and IoT Dependability CyberIoT-DESSERT 2017.

The Depiction of Poland and Poles in The Daily Telegraph, 2007-2010 (PDF)

by Dorota Kokowicz

A country's distinct image is directly related to its recognisability in the international arena and, as a result, greater potential for influencing other countries and global affairs more effectively. In fact, a country's image exerts an effect not only on the perception of this country abroad, but also on attitudes to whatever concerns the country, its products, services and places, as well as its residents. This book explores the image of Poland as constituted by articles published in the online version of The Daily Telegraph from 2007 to 2010. Therefore, this investigation answers the questions of how one of the most influential British newspapers was depicting a certain section of the Polish reality and, consequently, of the elements that were usually foregrounded and of the way in which they were presented to the readers. Firmly grounded in the context of an outline of PR measures adopted by the Polish administration in the years 2007-2010, the study also indicates the extent to which the image of Poland as portrayed in the online version of the British newspaper reflected the Polish governments PR objectives of that time.

Deploying Mobile WiMAX

by Max Riegel Aik Chindapol Dirk Kroeselberg

Focusing on the foundation and interactions among components of Mobile WiMAX, Deploying Mobile WiMAX illustrates scenarios of network and radio technology. This book enables readers to utilise the flexibility of IP-based mobile broadband access networks with the scalable OFDMA radio interface. Describing the principles of the Releases 1.0 and 1.5 network and air interface specifications, it also identifies the technical challenges of integrating Mobile WiMAX, and examines its future enhancements. The underlying principles behind the WiMAX network specifications are provided, allowing network designers to decide which features and options to use when planning deployments. Introduces the fundamentals of Mobile WiMAX deployments within both new and established telecommunications networks Explains the rationale behind the Mobile WiMAX network and radio specifications enabling designers to make use of all applicable features Sets out the major building blocks of the topic and acts as a general reference for developers Utilizes the latest Release 1.5 network and radio specifications of the WiMAX Forum Written by expert authors who have actively contributed to the design of the fundamental concepts adopted in the standardized specifications

Depression – Medien – Suizid: Zur empirischen Relevanz von Depressionen und Medien für die Suizidalität

by Sebastian Scherr

Sebastian Scherr führt vor dem Hintergrund der zahlreichen Studien zum Werther-Effekt die theoretischen Überschneidungen der Modellvorstellung von Depression und Suizidalität in ein integratives handlungstheoretisches Modell im Medienkontext zusammen. Er überprüft dieses mithilfe empirischer Untersuchungen. Dabei spielen Depressionen, die individuelle Suizidalität sowie die Mediennutzung, Medienrezeption und Medienwahrnehmung eine zentrale Rolle. Die Studie zeigt: Suiziddarstellungen in den Medien haben nicht auf alle Rezipienten eine gleichförmige, schädliche Wirkung. Vielmehr ist ein komplexes Zusammenspiel aus spezifischer Medienzuwendung und individuellen Personenmerkmalen dafür verantwortlich, welchen Einfluss Medien auf die individuelle Suizidalität entfalten.

Depth Public Relations: After the Masquerade (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Johanna Fawkes

Contemporary global culture, rooted in neoliberalism and free market forces, increasingly emphasises appearance over substance. People and organisations are judged by image and reputation while social media encourages and enables us to develop our own public persona. Communication is increasingly about performance, contributing to a culture of smoke and mirrors. This book explores the role of public relations (PR) in promotional culture and extends this to include public relations as performance. Public and private bodies, including universities, have to perform their roles to secure social approval and economic survival. The PR field has benefitted from this emphasis on appearances. This book asks: at what cost? Has PR played a pivotal part in the creation of what Fawkes calls a ‘masquerade’. The first half of the book explores the darker aspects of promotional culture; the second half suggests taking a depth approach to find new foundations for public relations theory and practice. Carl Jung’s ideas about shadow, persona and integration offer pathways for new approaches. A key chapter explores the role of PR in the climate crisis and asks what PR can learn from those contemplating societal collapse. The book concludes with emerging principles of depth public relations and suggestions for future research. Depth Public Relations has implications for public relations, communication and cultural scholars, as well as those researching professions, identity and the challenges of the climate crisis.

Depth Public Relations: After the Masquerade (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Johanna Fawkes

Contemporary global culture, rooted in neoliberalism and free market forces, increasingly emphasises appearance over substance. People and organisations are judged by image and reputation while social media encourages and enables us to develop our own public persona. Communication is increasingly about performance, contributing to a culture of smoke and mirrors. This book explores the role of public relations (PR) in promotional culture and extends this to include public relations as performance. Public and private bodies, including universities, have to perform their roles to secure social approval and economic survival. The PR field has benefitted from this emphasis on appearances. This book asks: at what cost? Has PR played a pivotal part in the creation of what Fawkes calls a ‘masquerade’. The first half of the book explores the darker aspects of promotional culture; the second half suggests taking a depth approach to find new foundations for public relations theory and practice. Carl Jung’s ideas about shadow, persona and integration offer pathways for new approaches. A key chapter explores the role of PR in the climate crisis and asks what PR can learn from those contemplating societal collapse. The book concludes with emerging principles of depth public relations and suggestions for future research. Depth Public Relations has implications for public relations, communication and cultural scholars, as well as those researching professions, identity and the challenges of the climate crisis.

Der Aufstand der Populisten: Die Krise des liberalen Westens und die nationalkonservative Wende Osteuropas

by Marc Stegherr

Der Band untersucht die Entstehungsgeschichte, die politischen Programme der neurechten, rechtspopulistischen Parteien und Gruppierungen in Osteuropa und vergleicht sie mit jenen Westeuropas, und versucht die Ursachen ihres Erfolges zu identifizieren und zu erklären, die abseits der sonst üblichen Muster liegen. Der „Triumph“ der Populisten kann, so die These, nur durch eine fundamentale programmatische Kehrtwende der etablierten Politik beendet werden. Die sozialen, soziokulturellen und ideologischen Entwicklungen in Osteuropa, die zur Entstehung neurechter Denksysteme und Parteien geführt haben, werden im Detail beschrieben und die Systeme im Detail analysiert, ihre politische und kulturelle Motivierung erklärt und ein europäischer Ausweg aus der kulturellen Entfremdung zwischen West und Ost skizziert.

Der Bertelsmann-Konzern und die französische Medienpolitik: Analysen der Strategien, Medienberichterstattung und parlamentarischen Debatten (Studies in International, Transnational and Global Communications)

by Marlen Bartsch

Marlen Bartsch analysiert das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Interessen und Strategien des multinational ausgerichteten Bertelsmann-Konzerns und der als protektionistisch bezeichneten Medienpolitik des Nationalstaats Frankreich. Basierend auf dem theoretischen Modell der Akteurtheorie des Soziologen Uwe Schimank untersucht sie die französische Medienpolitik und die Aktivitäten und Strategien des Medienkonzerns weltweit sowie mit Fokus auf Frankreich. Inhaltsanalysen der Medienberichterstattung und der parlamentarischen Debatten in Frankreich verdeutlichen eine parteipolitische Relevanz in der Interpretation des Verhältnisses. Die Autorin bietet neben der Analyse von Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene der Kommunikation zusätzlich neue Ansätze für ein erweitertes Verständnis und eine Neubewertung der französischen Medienpolitik.

Der Buchverlag: Geschichte, Aufbau, Wirtschaftsprinzipien, Kalkulation und Marketing

by Eduard Schönstedt

Für Auszubildende empfohlen. Die umfassende Einführung gehört in die Hand eines jeden, der professionell mit der Ware Buch zu tun hat. Sie informiert über die Entwicklungen von der ersten verlegerischen Tätigkeit bis heute, über Aufbau, Formen, Wirtschaftsprinzipien, Kalkulation und Marketing. Mit einem Adressenverzeichnis für die Aus- und Weiterbildung.

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