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Showing 4,801 through 4,825 of 22,445 results

Detection Algorithms for Wireless Communications: With Applications to Wired and Storage Systems

by Gianluigi Ferrari Giulio Colavolpe Riccardo Raheli

Wireless channels are becoming more and more important, with the future development of wireless ad-hoc networks and the integration of mobile and satellite communications. To this end, algorithmic detection aspects (involved in the physical layer) will become fundamental in the design of a communication system. This book proposes a unified approach to detection for stochastic channels, with particular attention to wireless channels. The core idea is to show that the three main criteria of sequence detection, symbol detection and graph-based detection, can all be described within a general framework. This implies that a detection algorithm based on one criterion can be extended to the other criteria in a systematic manner. Presents a detailed analysis of statistical signal detection for digital signals transmitted over wireless communications Provides a unifying framework for different signal detection algorithms, such as sequence detection, symbol detection and graph-based detection, important for the design of modern digital receivers operating over mobile channels Features the hot topic of graph-based detection Detection Algorithms for Wireless Communications represents a novel contribution with respect to the current literature, with a unique focus on detection algorithms, as such it will prove invaluable to researchers working in academia and industry and in the field of wireless communications, as well as postgraduate students attending advanced courses on mobile communications.

Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grid Cyber-Physical Systems (Wireless Networks)

by Beibei Li Rongxing Lu Gaoxi Xiao

​This book discusses cybersecurity issues of smart grid cyber-physical systems, focusing on the detection techniques against false data injection attacks. The authors discuss passive and proactive techniques that combat and mitigate two categories of false data injection attacks, false measurement data injections and false command data injections in smart grid cyber-physical systems. These techniques are easy to follow for either professionals or beginners. With this book, readers can quickly get an overview of this topic and get ideas of new solutions for false data injections in smart grid cyber-physical systems. Readers include researchers, academics, students, and professionals.Presents a comprehensive summary for the detection techniques of false data injection attacks in smart grid cyber-physical systems; Reviews false data injections for either measurement data or command data; Analyzes passive and proactive approaches to smart grid cyber-physical systems.

Determinanten der Auslandsberichterstattung: Eine Mehrebenenanalyse des internationalen Nachrichtenflusses

by Christine Heimprecht

Christine Heimprecht zeigt anhand einer Weiterentwicklung theoretischer Konzepte der Nachrichtenwerttheorie sowie einer Mehrebenenanalyse des internationalen Nachrichtenflusses aus 16 Ländern, wie Journalisten in den verschiedensten Regionen der Welt Auslandsnachrichten gestalten, woran sie sich bei der Darstellung des Auslands orientieren und welche Einflüsse der Gesellschaft die Arbeit der Journalisten prägen. Hierbei wird zum einen die enorme Bedeutung internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen deutlich. Zum anderen wird die Relevanz der Pressefreiheit und des neu eingeführten Nachrichtenfaktors Krisenstatus bestätigt. Insgesamt wird ein neuer Blick auf die internationale Kriegs- und Krisenberichterstattung geworfen und die engen Verbindungen zwischen Politik, Militär und den Medien beleuchtet, welche weltweit die Arbeit der Journalisten beeinflussen.

Deutsch-Chinesische Perspektiven interkultureller Kommunikation und Kompetenz (Perspectives of the Other. Studies on Intercultural Communication)

by Jürgen Henze Steve J. Kulich Zhiqiang Wang

Wie gestaltet sich Interkulturelle Kommunikation als wissenschaftliche Disziplin in China und Deutschland im Vergleich? Inwieweit gibt es Unterschiede und Ähnlichkeiten im Kulturverständnis? Inwieweit wird die Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz als disziplinübergreifende Herausforderung in Studium und Beruf verfolgt und wo gibt es Übereinstimmungen oder Besonderheiten im Verständnis, dem Design und den Formen der Vermittlung? Die Beitragenden zu diesem Sammelband sind seit Jahren in Lehre und Forschung mit Fragen interkultureller Kommunikation beschäftigt, als Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Disziplin oder als perspektivisch Betroffene in anderen Wissenschaftsbereichen, in denen Interkulturalität zur zentralen Lebens- und Arbeitsperspektive/Praxis gehört.

Deutsche Ärzte - Reden: Aus dem 19. Jahrhundert

by Erich Ebstein

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Deutsche Kino-Wochenschau und der wirtschaftliche Aufschwung in West und Ost: Audiovisuelle Gestaltung und Vermittlungsstrategie in Fallanalysen (1950-1965)

by Sigrun Lehnert

In der Zeit des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs Deutschlands nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg waren die Wochenschauen im Vorprogramm jeder Kinovorstellung eine bedeutende Informationsquelle. Mit eindrucksvollen Bildern auf einer großen Leinwand – begleitet von gesprochenem Kommentar, Musik und Geräusch – gaben sie Orientierung und prägten die Erinnerung. In zahlreichen dokumentarischen Film- und Fernsehformaten werden bis heute einzelne Bilder oder kurze Sequenzen aus der Kino-Wochenschau als historische Belege, als Illustrationen oder zur Dramatisierung verwendet. Die außergewöhnlichen Prinzipien der Informationsvermittlung kommen dabei jedoch nicht mehr zur Geltung. Um das Publikum zu erreichen, war damals eine Mischung aus informativen Berichten und unterhaltenden Beiträgen unerlässlich. Die in diesem Buch vorgenommenen Fallanalysen spiegeln elementare Themenbereiche der Zeit des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs beider deutscher Staaten (1950-1965) wider. Neben den Prinzipien der audiovisuellen Gestaltung wird auch die zentrale Vermittlungsstrategie herausgearbeitet. Transmediale und transnationale Aspekte, die hierbei eine Rolle spielen, weisen die Wochenschau als Teil eines (internationalen) Mediensystems aus.

Deutsche Stiftungen und ihre Kommunikation: Grundlagen und Kriterien für das Kommunikationsmanagement (Soziale Investitionen)

by Ulrike Posch

Ulrike Posch entwickelt bislang fehlende Kriterien für gute Stiftungskommunikation als Teil des Stiftungsmanagements. Auf der Basis der historischen Wurzeln von Stiftungen, ihrer phänomenologischen Ausprägungen sowie den gegenwärtigen normativen Anforderungen an das Stiftungsmanagement zeigt sie praktische Schritte zu einer zeitgemäßen Stiftungskommunikation. Hintergrund für diese Forschungsarbeit ist ein sichtbar wachsendes Stiftungswesen in Deutschland, das professioneller Kommunikation bedarf. Denn trotz der zunehmenden Bedeutung kann bislang weniger als die Hälfte der Bevölkerung eine Stiftung namentlich nennen und 80 Prozent geben an, noch nie Kontakt zu einer Stiftung gehabt zu haben.

Deutsche und türkische Stereotype: Ein inter- und intrakultureller Vergleich

by Stefan Ossenberg

Stefan Ossenberg erforscht in einer immer weiter zusammenwachsenden Welt mit multikulturellen Kulturen die vorherrschenden Bilder von und über Deutsche und Türken, die als Typisierungen unser Handeln und unsere Kommunikation mit Vertretern anderer Gruppen beeinflussen. In einer Untersuchung mit über 5000 Probanden in Deutschland und in der Türkei wurden deren Aussagen im Vergleich untersucht und analysiert. Zudem wurde eine Metaanalyse von Erhebungen mit dem Merkmallistenverfahren zu Stereotypen im deutschsprachigen Raum vorgenommen.

Deutschland denken: Beiträge für die reflektierte Republik

by Undine Ruge Daniel Morat

So viel Veränderung war nie. 15 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung ist der anschwellende Reformgesang unüberhörbar. Doch hat sich durch den Mauerfall nicht nur die deutsche Gesellschaft verändert, auch die Bedingungen für politisches Handeln und gesellschaftliche Vergemeinschaftung haben sich in Gesamtdeutschland dramatisch gewandelt. 16 jüngere Autorinnen und Autoren unternehmen es daher, Deutschland intellektuell neu zu vermessen: Was können Begriffe wie Republik und Patriotismus heute noch bedeuten? Welchen Herausforderungen steht der deutsche Sozial- und Nationalstaat gegenüber? Welche Aufgabe können Intellektuelle dabei für die Gesellschaft übernehmen? Gegen den Chor der Macher plädiert dieses Buch für die reflektierte Republik.

Deutungskämpfe: Theorie und Praxis Kritischer Diskursanalyse (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Margarete Jäger Siegfried Jäger

Das Buch stellt eine Einführung in Theorie, Methode und Praxis einer an Michel Foucault orientierten angewandten Diskurstheorie dar. Neben Artikeln zu Theorie, Methode, Kollektivsymbolik, Normalismus als zentralen diskurstragenden Kategorien werden Analysen zu brisanten Diskursen vorgelegt, insbesondere zu den Themen Einwanderung, Rechtsextremismus, Krieg und Biopolitik. Dabei werden unterschiedliche theoretische und methodologische Aspekte angewandter Diskursanalyse unter Rückgriff auf zahlreiche Projekte vorgestellt, wodurch die Bandbreite der Anwendungsmöglichkeiten Kritischer Diskursanalyse zumindest angedeutet werden kann.

Develop Your PR Skills: Get The Competitive Edge, Think Strategically, Learn To Use Social Networks (Creating Success #14)

by Neil Richardson Lucy Laville

Develop Your PR Skills is a simple, straightforward guide to maximising your company's potential through effective PR. It will help the reader to gain a quick understanding of the concepts and principles and learn how to use them in actual business scenarios.It covers strategic public relations, public relations and the internet, working with the media, how to deal with different stakeholders and customers, dealing with a crisis, using internal communications, using research to get a competitive edge, evaluating the success of your PR, and ethics and sustainability.Direct and to the point, each chapter is concise, can stand alone and ends with a summary of key points. Readers are also be pointed towards key websites and reading materials.

Develop Your Presentation Skills (Creating Success #68)

by Theo Theobald

Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step realistic advice to improve your confidence, prepare effectively and nail that presentation.Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting PowerPoint slides, Develop Your Presentation Skills provides you with a practical toolkit for developing a belting presentation and improving your confidence along the way. It includes practical help with unpicking the original brief, understanding just what the audience wants, facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content that will keep your audience rapt with attention. Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, this new edition also includes two brand new chapters, which help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. Develop Your Presentation Skills will help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress.The creating success series of books...With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers.

Develop Your Presentation Skills: How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence (Creating Success #68)

by Theo Theobald

Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step advice to prepare effectively and nail that presentation. Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting slides, this quick and easy guide provides a practical toolkit for developing a winning presentation and improving your confidence along the way. From unpicking the original brief and understanding just what the audience wants, to facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content, you will keep your audience rapt with attention.Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, Develop Your Presentation Skills also includes content to help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. Fully updated for 2019, this 4th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress.The Creating Success series of books...Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Develop Your Presentation Skills: How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence (Creating Success)

by Theo Theobald

Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step advice to prepare effectively and nail that presentation. Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting slides, this quick and easy guide provides a practical toolkit for developing a winning presentation and improving your confidence along the way. From unpicking the original brief and understanding just what the audience wants, to facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content, you will keep your audience rapt with attention.Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, Develop Your Presentation Skills also includes content to help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. Fully updated for 2019, this 4th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress.The Creating Success series of books...Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Develop Your Presentation Skills: How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence (Creating Success #11)

by Theo Theobald

Provides step-by-step advice to prepare effectively and nail that presentation. This quick and easy guide provides a practical toolkit for developing a winning presentation and improving your confidence. Complete with case studies and expert input to help you avoid disaster, Develop Your Presentation Skills includes content to help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. This fully updated 5th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates and top tips to help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress. From unpicking the original brief and understanding just what the audience wants, to facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content, you will keep your audience rapt with attention.The Creating Success series of books...Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Develop Your Presentation Skills: How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence (Creating Success #11)

by Theo Theobald

Provides step-by-step advice to prepare effectively and nail that presentation. This quick and easy guide provides a practical toolkit for developing a winning presentation and improving your confidence. Complete with case studies and expert input to help you avoid disaster, Develop Your Presentation Skills includes content to help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. This fully updated 5th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates and top tips to help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress. From unpicking the original brief and understanding just what the audience wants, to facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content, you will keep your audience rapt with attention.The Creating Success series of books...Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you'll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Develop Your Presentation Skills (PDF)

by Theo Theobald

Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step realistic advice to improve your confidence, prepare effectively and nail that presentation. Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting PowerPoint slides, Develop Your Presentation Skills provides you with a practical toolkit for developing a belting presentation and improving your confidence along the way. It includes practical help with unpicking the original brief, understanding just what the audience wants, facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content that will keep your audience rapt with attention. Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, this new edition also includes two brand new chapters, which help you to deliver a presentation 'stripped bare' and to use new media to engage with your audience. Develop Your Presentation Skills will help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress. The creating success series of books. . . With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers.

Developer Advocacy: Establishing Trust, Creating Connections, and Inspiring Developers to Build Better

by Chris Riley Chris Tozzi

No matter which point you're currently at on the developer advocacy journey – whether you've already implemented a developer advocate function or you're exploring the possibility – this book is for you. This book provides actionable guidance that business and technology leaders can use to understand the benefits of advocacy, identify what goes into the function, and learn how to maximize the success of developer advocate teams.Developer advocacy is a role that is sometimes hard to quantify and build – but you feel it when you’re missing it. Companies are struggling to solidify advocacy despite a strong desire to do so and little guidance exists for businesses seeking to build a developer advocacy program or assess its effectiveness. This book will show you how to get an advocacy program in your business: the basics of having an advocacy program, what tasks and processes need to be set up, and how to identify key stakeholders. You'll see how companies of all types that sell to or engage with technical audiences can develop a developer advocacy strategy. Specifically, you'll learn what developer advocates do, how business can start an advocacy practice in your organization and how to scale and operationalize such a practice once it is in place. The book will further explore the metrics for measuring advocacy success and ways the scale advocacy teams internally and externally. The Power of Developer Advocacy explores the exciting career path of advocacy for developers and engineers. What You Will LearnDiscover what developer advocacy isDetermine which sorts of companies need the functionUnderstand what the primary strategic considerations for developer advocacy isWho This Book is For Existing and future advocacy leaders, would-be developer advocates, developer marketers and DevRel teams and leaders

Developer Relations: How to Build and Grow a Successful Developer Program

by Caroline Lewko James Parton

Increasingly, business leaders are either looking to start a new developer program at their company or looking to increase the impact of their existing DevRel program. In this context, software developers are finally recognized as legitimate decision makers in the technology buying process, regardless of the size of their organization. New companies are appearing with the sole purpose of making tools for developers, and even companies whose primary focus was elsewhere are waking up to the developer opportunity. Even as the need and demand for DevRel has grown, there are still re-occurring challenges for DevRel leaders. It is these challenges that this book addresses, covering all aspects of a DevRel program. It is an essential reference to professionalize the practice of developer relations by providing you with strategic, repeatable, and adoptable frameworks, processes, and tools, including developer segmentation and personas, and developer experience frameworks. In Developer Relations, you’ll find the answers to the following questions: How do we convince stakeholders to support a program?How do we go about creating a program?How do we make developers aware of our offer?How do we stand out from the crowd?How do we get developers to use our products?How do we ensure developers are successful using our products?How do we measure success?How do we maintain the support of our stakeholders? After reading this book you’ll have a clear definition of what developer relations is, the type of companies that engage in DevRel, and the scope and business models involved. What You Will Learn Discover what developer relations is and how it contributes to a company’s successLaunch a DevRel program Operate a successful program Measure the success of your programManage stakeholders Who This Book Is For Those interested in starting a new developer program or looking to increase the impact of their existing one. From executives to investors, from marketing professionals to engineers, all will find this book useful to realize the impact of developer relations.

Developing a Neo-Peircean Approach to Signs (Bloomsbury Advances in Semiotics)

by Tony Jappy

This book takes up a number of Charles Sanders Peirce's undeveloped semiotic concepts and highlights their theoretical interest for a general semiotics. Peirce's career as a logician spanned almost half a century, during which time he produced several increasingly complex sign systems. The best-known, from 1903, defined amongst other things a signifying process involving sign, object and interpretant, the universally-known icon-index-symbol division and a set of 10 distinct classes of signs. Peirce subsequently expanded this process to include 2 objects, the sign and 3 interpretants. Uncoincidentally, in the 5 years between 1903 and the final system of 1908, he introduced a number of highly innovative semiotic concepts which he never developed. One such concept is hypoiconicity, which comprises 3 levels of isomorphism holding between sign and object and, in spite of the mutations these varieties of icon subsequently underwent, offers qualitative analysis as a complement to the traditional literal-figurative binarism in the discussion of verbal and nonverbal signs. Another is semiosis, which Peirce introduced and defined in 1907 but only rarely illustrated. Involving a complex combination of object, perception, interpretation and a medium, this is shown to be a far more complex signifying process than the one implicit in the three-correlate definition of the sign of 1903. Exploring the evolving theoretical background to the emergence of these new concepts and showing how they differ from certain contemporary conceptions of sign, mind and signification, the book proposes an introduction to, and explanations and illustrations of, these important developments.

Developing a Neo-Peircean Approach to Signs (Bloomsbury Advances in Semiotics)

by Tony Jappy

This book takes up a number of Charles Sanders Peirce's undeveloped semiotic concepts and highlights their theoretical interest for a general semiotics. Peirce's career as a logician spanned almost half a century, during which time he produced several increasingly complex sign systems. The best-known, from 1903, defined amongst other things a signifying process involving sign, object and interpretant, the universally-known icon-index-symbol division and a set of 10 distinct classes of signs. Peirce subsequently expanded this process to include 2 objects, the sign and 3 interpretants. Uncoincidentally, in the 5 years between 1903 and the final system of 1908, he introduced a number of highly innovative semiotic concepts which he never developed. One such concept is hypoiconicity, which comprises 3 levels of isomorphism holding between sign and object and, in spite of the mutations these varieties of icon subsequently underwent, offers qualitative analysis as a complement to the traditional literal-figurative binarism in the discussion of verbal and nonverbal signs. Another is semiosis, which Peirce introduced and defined in 1907 but only rarely illustrated. Involving a complex combination of object, perception, interpretation and a medium, this is shown to be a far more complex signifying process than the one implicit in the three-correlate definition of the sign of 1903. Exploring the evolving theoretical background to the emergence of these new concepts and showing how they differ from certain contemporary conceptions of sign, mind and signification, the book proposes an introduction to, and explanations and illustrations of, these important developments.

Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems: NSF Workshop IMWS 2001, Scottsdale, AZ, October 15, 2001, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2538)

by S. A. M. Makki Niki Pissinou Peter Scheuermann Birgitta König-Ries Kia Makki

The workshop on an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems was held in Scottsdale, Arizona on October 15, 2001 and was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and sponsored by the Telecommunications and Information Technology Institute of the College of Engineering at Florida International U- versity (FIU), to establish a common infrastructure for the discipline of mobile and wireless networking, and to serve its rapidly emerging mobile and wireless community of researchers and practitioners. The workshop provides a single, cohesive, and high-quality forum for disseminating research and experience in this emerging ?eld. Of signi?cance is the integration of many diverse com- nities. The areas of mobile and wireless networking combine the best of both worlds, namely academia and industry. The objective of the workshop is to - ?ne and establish a common infrastructure of the discipline and to develop a consensus-based document that will provide a foundation for implementation, standardization, and further research. Workshop Program Chairs Dr. Birgitta K¨ onig-Ries (Universit¨at Karlsruhe), and Dr. Peter Scheuermann (Northwestern University) and Vice Program Chair Dr. S. A. M. Makki (Queensland University of Technology), assembled a truly - pressive program committee. Together with the program committee, they worked diligently to select papers and speakers that met the criteria of high quality and relevance to our various ?elds of interest. It takes time and e?ort to review a - per carefully, and every member of the program committee is to be commended for his/her contribution to the success of this workshop.

Developing Creative Economies in Africa: Spaces and Working Practices (Routledge Contemporary Africa)

by Brian J. Hracs

Bringing together the experience of academics and practitioners, this book discusses creative economies in Africa, focusing on changing dynamics related to working, co-working and clustering. The contributors in this volume examine how strategies and opportunities such as co-working spaces, clustering and hubs facilitate the emergence of creative industries in a range of African countries including Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania and South Africa. They also consider the importance of creative intermediaries in providing opportunities and platforms for the development of creative economies in Africa. The chapters present a range of case studies and practices that engage with how creative and cultural producers embrace some of the limits and challenges of their local context to creatively deliver opportunities for economic as well as social and cultural development in their cities and regions. This book will be of interest to students, scholars and professionals researching the creative economies in Africa across the humanities and social sciences. All the royalties from the publication of this book will be donated to the not-for-profit organisation The Craft and Design Institute (CDI) ( in South Africa, supporting capacity building for young creative practitioners from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Developing Creative Economies in Africa: Spaces and Working Practices (Routledge Contemporary Africa)

by Brian J. Hracs Roberta Comunian Lauren England

Bringing together the experience of academics and practitioners, this book discusses creative economies in Africa, focusing on changing dynamics related to working, co-working and clustering. The contributors in this volume examine how strategies and opportunities such as co-working spaces, clustering and hubs facilitate the emergence of creative industries in a range of African countries including Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania and South Africa. They also consider the importance of creative intermediaries in providing opportunities and platforms for the development of creative economies in Africa. The chapters present a range of case studies and practices that engage with how creative and cultural producers embrace some of the limits and challenges of their local context to creatively deliver opportunities for economic as well as social and cultural development in their cities and regions. This book will be of interest to students, scholars and professionals researching the creative economies in Africa across the humanities and social sciences. All the royalties from the publication of this book will be donated to the not-for-profit organisation The Craft and Design Institute (CDI) ( in South Africa, supporting capacity building for young creative practitioners from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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