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Error-Correction Coding and Decoding: Bounds, Codes, Decoders, Analysis and Applications (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Martin Tomlinson Cen Jung Tjhai Marcel A. Ambroze Mohammed Ahmed Mubarak Jibril

This book discusses both the theory and practical applications of self-correcting data, commonly known as error-correcting codes. The applications included demonstrate the importance of these codes in a wide range of everyday technologies, from smartphones to secure communications and transactions. Written in a readily understandable style, the book presents the authors’ twenty-five years of research organized into five parts:Part I is concerned with the theoretical performance attainable by using error correcting codes to achieve communications efficiency in digital communications systems.Part II explores the construction of error-correcting codes and explains the different families of codes and how they are designed. Techniques are described for producing the very best codes.Part III addresses the analysis of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, primarily to calculate their stopping sets and low-weight codeword spectrum which determines the performance of these codes.Part IV deals with decoders designed to realize optimum performance.Part V describes applications which include combined error correction and detection, public key cryptography using Goppa codes, correcting errors in passwords and watermarking.This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in error-correcting codes and their applications, ranging from non-experts to professionals at the forefront of research in their field.This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.

Errors-in-Variables Methods in System Identification (Communications and Control Engineering)

by Torsten Söderström

This book presents an overview of the different errors-in-variables (EIV) methods that can be used for system identification. Readers will explore the properties of an EIV problem. Such problems play an important role when the purpose is the determination of the physical laws that describe the process, rather than the prediction or control of its future behaviour. EIV problems typically occur when the purpose of the modelling is to get physical insight into a process. Identifiability of the model parameters for EIV problems is a non-trivial issue, and sufficient conditions for identifiability are given. The author covers various modelling aspects which, taken together, can find a solution, including the characterization of noise properties, extension to multivariable systems, and continuous-time models. The book finds solutions that are constituted of methods that are compatible with a set of noisy data, which traditional approaches to solutions, such as (total) least squares, do not find. A number of identification methods for the EIV problem are presented. Each method is accompanied with a detailed analysis based on statistical theory, and the relationship between the different methods is explained. A multitude of methods are covered, including: instrumental variables methods; methods based on bias-compensation; covariance matching methods; and prediction error and maximum-likelihood methods. The book shows how many of the methods can be applied in either the time or the frequency domain and provides special methods adapted to the case of periodic excitation. It concludes with a chapter specifically devoted to practical aspects and user perspectives that will facilitate the transfer of the theoretical material to application in real systems. Errors-in-Variables Methods in System Identification gives readers the possibility of recovering true system dynamics from noisy measurements, while solving over-determined systems of equations, making it suitable for statisticians and mathematicians alike. The book also acts as a reference for researchers and computer engineers because of its detailed exploration of EIV problems.

Erste Schritte im Online-Marketing: Suchmaschinen – Content – Soziale Medien (essentials)

by Philipp Eng

Dieses essential zeigt, welche ersten Schritte für den Aufbau und die Pflege von Online-Präsenzen notwendig sind, denn das Internet ist heute die erste Anlaufstelle für Informationen zu Unternehmen, ihren Dienstleistungen und Produkten. Philipp Eng erläutert die Grundlagen des Suchmaschinen- (SEO und SEA) und Content-Marketings. Dabei geht er außerdem auf die Wichtigkeit einer zugrundeliegenden Content-Strategie ein und erklärt den wichtigen Schritt in die sozialen Medien. Viele Unternehmen möchten den Sprung ins Netz wagen und grundlegendes Wissen zu Online-Marketing ist extrem wertvoll, um in der großen Informationsflut des Internets für Endkunden weiterhin sichtbar zu bleiben. Die Umsetzung der Theorie in die Praxis wird für sie durch den Einstieg eines fiktiven Traditionsunternehmens in die Online-Welt nachvollziehbar veranschaulicht.

Erwachsenenbildung und Migration: Internationale Kontexte und historische Bezüge

Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger dieses Sammelbandes untersuchen Migrationsbewegungen als Lern- und Bildungsanlässe. Es werden die deutsche Migrationsgeschichte, internationale Erfahrungen und aktuelle Herausforderungen analysiert, sodass Migration in einen historischen und vergleichenden Kontext eingeordnet werden kann. Migration wird als (individueller) Lernanlass und als (gesellschaftliche) Bildungsanforderung verstanden und auch als Herausforderung für Einrichtungen der formellen und informellen Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung betrachtet. Es werden Konzepte des (pädagogischen) Umgangs mit migrationsbedingter gesellschaftlicher Heterogenität in den Blick genommen.

Erzählen über Gesellschaft: Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Reiner Keller (Neue Bibliothek der Sozialwissenschaften)

by Howard S. Becker

Howard S. Becker zählt zu den wichtigsten US-amerikanischen Soziologen der Gegenwart. Sein umfangreiches Werk umspannt weit mehr als ein halbes Jahrhundert und steht in der Tradition der interaktionistischen und interpretativen Soziologie, wie sie an der University of Chicago in den 1920er Jahren begründet wurde. Becker hat nicht nur höchst einflussreiche Schriften u.a. zur soziologischen Methodologie, zur Soziologie der Professionen, des Abweichenden Verhaltens und der Kunst vorgelegt, die allesamt zu Klassikern wurden, sondern gehört auch zu den frühen Pionieren und Wegbereitern der soziologischen Auseinandersetzung mit visuellen und anderen künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert nun zum ersten Mal in deutscher Sprache seine umfassenden vergleichenden Reflexionen dazu, was das soziologische „Erzählen über Gesellschaft“ mit anderen, künstlerischen Erzählformaten gemeinsam hat - und was es davon unterscheidet. Sein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer für eine präzise Soziologie verbindet sich darin disziplinüberschreitend mit einer anregenden Diskussion von künstlerischen Formen der Darstellung gesellschaftlicher Phänomene und den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die sich daraus auch für die soziologische Phantasie ergeben, ihre Erzählungen über Gesellschaftliches nicht nur diesseits, sondern vor allem auch jenseits ihrer kanonisierten Formate vorzustellen.

Eskalation durch Berichterstattung?: Massenmedien und fremdenfeindliche Gewalt

by Hans-Bernd Brosius Frank Esser

Selten sind Journalisten so massiv mit den möglichen negativen Konsequenzen ihrer Berichterstattung konfrontiert worden wie bei fremdenfeindlichen Straftaten. Der Umgang der Medien mit dem Thema "Ausländer und Asylbewerber" und vor allem die Darstellung von fremdenfeindlichen Straftaten sind - auch innerhalb des Journalismus - scharf kritisiert worden. Der Band untersucht die Rolle der Medien bei der Verbreitung fremdenfeindlicher Straftaten seit der Wiedervereinigung. Anhand der Entwicklung von Zuwanderungszahlen, Bevölkerungsmeinungen, Medienberichterstattung und Straftaten entwickeln die Autoren ein Eskalationsmodell der Gewalt. Vor allem die reflexhafte Reaktion des gesamten Mediensystems auf die besonders gewaltträchtigen Schlüsselereignisse (Hoyerswerda,Rostock, Mölln und Solingen) hat eine Fülle von Nachahmungstaten hervorgerufen. Es werden Möglichkeiten und Grenzen erörtert, wie Journalisten mit dem Thema umgehen können, ohne zur Verbreitung von Gewalt beizutragen.

Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community

by Guilherme Fians

This book explores how Esperanto – often regarded as a future-oriented utopian project that ended up confined to the past – persists in the present. Constructed in the late nineteenth century to promote global linguistic understanding, this language was historically linked to anarchism, communism and pacifism. Yet, what political relevance does Esperanto retain in the present? What impacts have emerging communication technologies had on the dynamics of this speech community? Unpacking how Esperanto speakers are everywhere, but concentrated nowhere, the author argues that digital media have provided tools for people to (re)politicise acts of communication, produce horizontal learning spaces and, ultimately, build an international community. As Esperanto speakers question the post-political consensus about communication rights, this language becomes an ally of activism for open-source software and global social justice. This book will be of relevance to students and scholars researching political activism, language use and community-building, as well as anyone with an interest in digital media more broadly.

ESPN The Company: The Story and Lessons Behind the Most Fanatical Brand in Sports

by Anthony F. Smith Keith Hollihan

A fascinating look at ESPN and its success as a brand ESPN The Company reveals the inside scoop on the biggest business story in sports, detailing the creative and innovative spirit and practices that drove the programming, products, and services of the most powerful and prominent name in sports media. The authors provide a behind-the-scenes perspective on how ESPN dealt with their many partners and how they handled mistakes and missteps along the way-from the humble beginnings of ESPN as an underrated startup to the pinnacle of their success as a major industry player. ESPN and other great organizations invest in their people. They train them. They believe that if you spend the time and resources turning talented performers into leaders, you're going to get better organizational performance and engender higher levels of commitment and sweat. ESPN The Company Explores the dedication to excellence that makes ESPN the "Worldwide Leader in Sports" Reveals how the steps ESPN has taken to excel can be applied to whatever type of business you're in Shares the lessons learned at ESPN about launching and growing a wildly successful enterprise Engaging and informative, this entertaining guide reveals how any company can benefit by embracing the best practices of ESPN.

ESPN The Company: The Story and Lessons Behind the Most Fanatical Brand in Sports

by Anthony F. Smith Keith Hollihan

A fascinating look at ESPN and its success as a brand ESPN The Company reveals the inside scoop on the biggest business story in sports, detailing the creative and innovative spirit and practices that drove the programming, products, and services of the most powerful and prominent name in sports media. The authors provide a behind-the-scenes perspective on how ESPN dealt with their many partners and how they handled mistakes and missteps along the way-from the humble beginnings of ESPN as an underrated startup to the pinnacle of their success as a major industry player. ESPN and other great organizations invest in their people. They train them. They believe that if you spend the time and resources turning talented performers into leaders, you're going to get better organizational performance and engender higher levels of commitment and sweat. ESPN The Company Explores the dedication to excellence that makes ESPN the "Worldwide Leader in Sports" Reveals how the steps ESPN has taken to excel can be applied to whatever type of business you're in Shares the lessons learned at ESPN about launching and growing a wildly successful enterprise Engaging and informative, this entertaining guide reveals how any company can benefit by embracing the best practices of ESPN.

Esports and the Media: Challenges and Expectations in a Multi-Screen Society (Routledge Focus on Digital Media and Culture)

by Angel Torres-Toukoumidis

This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society. A diverse group of authors tackle the impact of esports and the ways in which it has grown within the entertainment industry around the world. Chapters offer a coherent response to the following questions: What role do esports play in the entertainment industry? What communication skills can be learned through esports? What do the media gain from broadcasting esports? What is the relationship between social networks and esports? What are the main marketing strategies used in esports? What effect does communicative globalization have on the development of esports? What is the relationship between merchandising and esports? What do communication experts think about esports? Offering clear insights into this rapidly developing area, this volume will be of great interest to scholars, students, and anyone working in game studies, new media, leisure, sport studies, communication studies, transmedia literacy, and digital culture.

Esports and the Media: Challenges and Expectations in a Multi-Screen Society (Routledge Focus on Digital Media and Culture)

by Angel Torres-Toukoumidis

This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of esports and their role in society. A diverse group of authors tackle the impact of esports and the ways in which it has grown within the entertainment industry around the world. Chapters offer a coherent response to the following questions: What role do esports play in the entertainment industry? What communication skills can be learned through esports? What do the media gain from broadcasting esports? What is the relationship between social networks and esports? What are the main marketing strategies used in esports? What effect does communicative globalization have on the development of esports? What is the relationship between merchandising and esports? What do communication experts think about esports? Offering clear insights into this rapidly developing area, this volume will be of great interest to scholars, students, and anyone working in game studies, new media, leisure, sport studies, communication studies, transmedia literacy, and digital culture.

ESPRIT ’90: Proceedings of the Annual ESPRIT Conference Brussels, November 12–15, 1990

by Dg For Telecommunications D. G. For Cec

The 1990 ESPRIT Conferene is being held in Brussels from the 12th November to the 15th November. Well over 1700 participants from all over Europe and overseas are expected to attend the various events. The Conference will offer the opportunity to be updated on the results ofthe ESPRITprojects and Basic Research actions andto develop international contacts with colleagues, both within a specific branch of Information Technology and across different branches. The first three days of the Conference are devoted to presentations of Esprit projects and Basic Research actions structured into plenary and parallel sessions; the scope of the Conference has been broadened this year by the inclusion of several well-known international speakers. All areas of Esprit work are covered: Microelectronics, Information Processing Systems, Office and Business Systems, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Basic Research and aspects of the Information Exchange System. During the IT Forum on Thursday November 15th, major European industrial and political decision-makers will address the audience in the morning. In the afternoon, a Round Table will discuss the impact of Information Technology on society. More than 100 projects and actions will display their major innovations and achieve­ ments at the Esprit Exhibition which will be, for the first time, open to the general public.

Essay Writing for Adolescents with Language and Learning Difficulties: Practical Strategies for English Teachers

by Kim Knight

Essay Writing for Adolescents with Language and Learning Difficulties is a step-by-step guide for educators teaching secondary students with language difficulties how to write an English essay and, more importantly, how to do this on their own. Essay writing is one of the most difficult skills that secondary school students need to develop, though there are limited resources available to support these students and their teachers. Based on research into language disorders in adolescence and language processing, the strategies in this book are easy to apply and represent a scaffolded and sequenced approach to teaching essay writing. The book's structure encourages students' skills and confidence to be developed gradually, each chapter building on the last, beginning with the early stages of text analysis and progressing through to writing a complete essay. While written with students with language difficulties in mind, the strategies in this book are applicable to teaching all secondary school students. Written by a speech pathologist with over a decade’s experience working in secondary schools, this book is an essential resource for all high school English teachers and any education professionals responsible for teaching adolescents how to write essays competently and confidently.

Essay Writing for Adolescents with Language and Learning Difficulties: Practical Strategies for English Teachers

by Kim Knight

Essay Writing for Adolescents with Language and Learning Difficulties is a step-by-step guide for educators teaching secondary students with language difficulties how to write an English essay and, more importantly, how to do this on their own. Essay writing is one of the most difficult skills that secondary school students need to develop, though there are limited resources available to support these students and their teachers. Based on research into language disorders in adolescence and language processing, the strategies in this book are easy to apply and represent a scaffolded and sequenced approach to teaching essay writing. The book's structure encourages students' skills and confidence to be developed gradually, each chapter building on the last, beginning with the early stages of text analysis and progressing through to writing a complete essay. While written with students with language difficulties in mind, the strategies in this book are applicable to teaching all secondary school students. Written by a speech pathologist with over a decade’s experience working in secondary schools, this book is an essential resource for all high school English teachers and any education professionals responsible for teaching adolescents how to write essays competently and confidently.

Essay Writing Skills: Essential Techniques to Gain Top Marks (Elite Students Series)

by Jacqueline Connelly Patrick Forsyth

Writing essays is a major part of many further education courses. In coursework assignments, dissertations and exams, a well-written essay can make the difference between a pass and a fail, and these essays provide you with the stepping stones that take you towards the degree, qualification and career that you desire. Nothing will expose your uncertainty or lack of knowledge more than a poorly written essay; what Essay Writing Skills does is let you know what is expected of you and how best to go about your research, thus allowing you to get on top of your workload quickly. Essay Writing Skills offers practical and proven ways to maximise your success in all aspects of essay writing. From planning your first essay to assessing primary and secondary sources, it will help you to write in a systematic way that presents a convincing and academically sound argument. A comprehensive guide, it provides guidance and advice on good research techniques, grammar and accuracy, creating an essay plan and correctly citing your sources. It also includes a range of real life example essays and insider knowledge on how your essays are assessed, Essay Writing Skills is an indispensible source of advice, making the writing process clear and manageable to help you improve the quality of your written work.

Essay Writing Skills: Essential Techniques to Gain Top Marks (Elite Students Series)

by Jacqueline Connelly Patrick Forsyth

Writing essays is a major part of many further education courses. In coursework assignments, dissertations and exams, a well-written essay can make the difference between a pass and a fail, and these essays provide you with the stepping stones that take you towards the degree, qualification and career that you desire. Nothing will expose your uncertainty or lack of knowledge more than a poorly written essay; what Essay Writing Skills does is let you know what is expected of you and how best to go about your research, thus allowing you to get on top of your workload quickly. Essay Writing Skills offers practical and proven ways to maximise your success in all aspects of essay writing. From planning your first essay to assessing primary and secondary sources, it will help you to write in a systematic way that presents a convincing and academically sound argument. A comprehensive guide, it provides guidance and advice on good research techniques, grammar and accuracy, creating an essay plan and correctly citing your sources. It also includes a range of real life example essays and insider knowledge on how your essays are assessed, Essay Writing Skills is an indispensible source of advice, making the writing process clear and manageable to help you improve the quality of your written work.

Essays Two

by Lydia Davis

Lydia Davis returns with a timeless collection of essays on literature and language.'Precise, concentrated, lyrical. No one writes like Lydia Davis, and everyone should read her' Hanif Kureishi'A writer as mighty as Kafka, as subtle as Flaubert, and as epoch-making, in her own way, as Proust'(Ali Smith)Lydia Davis gathered a selection of her non-fiction writing for the first time in 2019 with Essays. Now, she continues the project with Essays Two, focusing on the art of translation, the learning of foreign languages through reading, and her experience of translating, amongst others, Flaubert and Proust, about whom she writes with an unmatched understanding of the nuances of their styles.Every essay in this book is a revelation.

The Essence of Dielectric Waveguides

by C. Yeh F. Shimabukuro

The Essence of Dielectric Waveguides provides an overview of the fundamental behavior of guided waves, essential to finding and interpreting the results of electromagnetic waveguide problems. Clearly and concisely written as well as brilliantly organized, this volume includes a detailed description of the fundamentals of electromagnetics, as well as a new discussion on boundary conditions and attenuation. It also covers the propagation characteristics of guided waves along classical canonical dielectric structures – planar, circular cylindrical, rectangular and elliptical waveguides. What’s more, the authors have included extensive coverage of inhomogeneous structures and approximate methods, as well as several powerful numerical approaches specifically applicable to dielectric waveguides.

The "Essence" of Network Security: An End-to-End Panorama (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #163)

by Mohuya Chakraborty Moutushi Singh Valentina E. Balas Indraneel Mukhopadhyay

This edited book provides an optimal portrayal of the principles and applications related to network security. The book is thematically divided into five segments: Part A describes the introductory issues related to network security with some concepts of cutting-edge technologies; Part B builds from there and exposes the readers to the digital, cloud and IoT forensics; Part C presents readers with blockchain and cryptography techniques; Part D deals with the role of AI and machine learning in the context of network security. And lastly, Part E is written on different security networking methodologies. This is a great book on network security, which has lucid and well-planned chapters. All the latest security technologies are thoroughly explained with upcoming research issues. Details on Internet architecture, security needs, encryption, cryptography along with the usages of machine learning and artificial intelligence for network security are presented in a single cover. The broad-ranging text/reference comprehensively surveys network security concepts, methods, and practices and covers network security policies and goals in an integrated manner. It is an essential security resource for practitioners in networks and professionals who develop and maintain secure computer networks.

Essential Communication

by Ronald B. Adler George Rodman Athena du Pré

An essential part of effective communication involves listening to and learning from one another in a world that's quickly changing. The third edition of Essential Communication excels in its coverage of diversity, social media, and career success. This edition builds upon the engaging design and practical advice that have made the first editions of Essential Communication so popular. It stands out for its commitment to active learning with real-life examples, self-quizzes, reflection opportunities, and communication checklists to help students think critically about the material and put what they learn to good use.

Essential Communication Strategies: For Scientists, Engineers, and Technology Professionals

by Herbert Hirsch

Learn the tricks-of-the-trade of becoming a great technical communicator Remember when you were an undergraduate and freshman composition seemed so irrelevant to your life? After all, you were going to conquer the world with technological know-how. Your spellcheck software would handle the details. Now that you're a professional - pitching an idea, vying for a contract or grant, or presenting at a meeting - getting your point across effectively suddenly seems pretty essential for success, doesn't it? Fear not. This light-hearted text, brimming with proven techniques, good advice, and real-world examples that you can easily apply to your own case, will turn you into an adept communicator. Written expressly for technologists, this is a simple, concise, and practical guide to the communication dynamics of writing, presentation delivery, and meeting interaction. Herbert Hirsch, in-demand consultant who developed these techniques for his own prolific engineering career, teaches you how to use "scripting" to plan for communication events. More than a mere outline or storyboard, scripting is a powerful technique that assists you in getting the right structure and content, in the proper order. Using scripting, you will master the fundamental principles of communicating: How to grab the reader's or audience's attention from the start How to maintain the connection while proceeding smoothly from topic to topic How to provide the substantiation for the points you made How to communicate with people from other groups, such as marketers, investors, users, and others How to overcome such obstacles as fear, boredom, and aversion to your material Distilling the art of communication to its essence, Essential Communication Strategies empowers you to communicate with confidence and authority in every situation, to every audience.

Essential Concepts of Environmental Communication: An A–Z Guide (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Pat Brereton

This book draws on a broad spectrum of environmental communications and related cross-disciplinary literature to help students and scholars grasp the interconnecting key concepts within this ever-expanding field of study. Aligning climate change and environmental learning through media and communications, particularly taking into account the post-COVID challenge of sustainability, remains one of the most important concerns within environmental communications. Addressing this challenge, Essential Concepts for Environmental Communication synthesises summary writings from a broad range of environmental theorists, while teasing out provocative concepts and key ideas that frame this evolving, multi-disciplinary field. Each entry maps out an important concept or environmental idea and illustrates how it relates more broadly across the growing field of environmental communication debates. Included in this volume is a full section dedicated to exploring what environmental communication might look like in a post-COVID setting: • Offers cutting-edge analysis of the current state of environmental communications. • Presents an up-to-date exploration of environmental and sustainable development models at a local and global level. • Provides an in-depth exploration of key concepts across the ever-expanding environmental communications field. • Examines the interaction between environmental and media communications at all levels. • Provides a critical review of contemporary environmental communications literature and scholarship. With key bibliographical references and further reading included alongside the entries, this innovative and accessible volume will be of great interest to students, scholars and practitioners alike.

Essential Concepts of Environmental Communication: An A–Z Guide (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Pat Brereton

This book draws on a broad spectrum of environmental communications and related cross-disciplinary literature to help students and scholars grasp the interconnecting key concepts within this ever-expanding field of study. Aligning climate change and environmental learning through media and communications, particularly taking into account the post-COVID challenge of sustainability, remains one of the most important concerns within environmental communications. Addressing this challenge, Essential Concepts for Environmental Communication synthesises summary writings from a broad range of environmental theorists, while teasing out provocative concepts and key ideas that frame this evolving, multi-disciplinary field. Each entry maps out an important concept or environmental idea and illustrates how it relates more broadly across the growing field of environmental communication debates. Included in this volume is a full section dedicated to exploring what environmental communication might look like in a post-COVID setting: • Offers cutting-edge analysis of the current state of environmental communications. • Presents an up-to-date exploration of environmental and sustainable development models at a local and global level. • Provides an in-depth exploration of key concepts across the ever-expanding environmental communications field. • Examines the interaction between environmental and media communications at all levels. • Provides a critical review of contemporary environmental communications literature and scholarship. With key bibliographical references and further reading included alongside the entries, this innovative and accessible volume will be of great interest to students, scholars and practitioners alike.

Essential French Grammar (Essential Language Grammars)

by Mike Thacker Casimir d'Angelo

Essential French Grammar is a student-friendly French grammar designed to give learners a firm foundation on which to build a real understanding of both spoken and written French. Clear explanations of grammar are supported by contemporary examples, lively cartoon drawings and a variety of exercises. Key features of the second edition include: each grammar point explained initially with reference to English parallels between English and French provided where relevant 'Key points' box and tables that summarize grammar concepts real-life language examples in French, with English translations a variety of exercises to reinforce learning a contemporary primary source or literary extract to illustrate grammar in context more detailed coverage of punctuation, accents, spelling and the specific sounds of French This second edition includes an introductory chapter that describes the lexical and grammatical differences between French and English. A glossary of grammatical terms in French and English, useful verb tables, and a key to the exercises are also provided, making this an ideal resource for both independent and class-based learners. Essential French Grammar is an innovative reference grammar and workbook for intermediate and advanced undergraduate students of French. This text is ideal for students at CEFR levels B1 to C1, or Intermediate High to Advanced on the ACTFL scale.

Essential French Grammar (Essential Language Grammars)

by Mike Thacker Casimir d'Angelo

Essential French Grammar is a student-friendly French grammar designed to give learners a firm foundation on which to build a real understanding of both spoken and written French. Clear explanations of grammar are supported by contemporary examples, lively cartoon drawings and a variety of exercises. Key features of the second edition include: each grammar point explained initially with reference to English parallels between English and French provided where relevant 'Key points' box and tables that summarize grammar concepts real-life language examples in French, with English translations a variety of exercises to reinforce learning a contemporary primary source or literary extract to illustrate grammar in context more detailed coverage of punctuation, accents, spelling and the specific sounds of French This second edition includes an introductory chapter that describes the lexical and grammatical differences between French and English. A glossary of grammatical terms in French and English, useful verb tables, and a key to the exercises are also provided, making this an ideal resource for both independent and class-based learners. Essential French Grammar is an innovative reference grammar and workbook for intermediate and advanced undergraduate students of French. This text is ideal for students at CEFR levels B1 to C1, or Intermediate High to Advanced on the ACTFL scale.

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