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Allmächtige PR, ohnmächtige PR: Die doppelte Vertrauenskrise der PR

by Olaf Hoffjann René Seidenglanz

Thema des Bandes ist die doppelte Vertrauenskrise der PR: Wer vertraut PR-Praktikern überhaupt? Journalisten und kritische Öffentlichkeit stehen dem Berufsfeld zunehmend skeptisch gegenüber. Greenwashing, Spin-Doctoring, heimlicher Verführer sind nur einige Schlagwörter, hinter denen die Unterstellung steht, dass PR (zu) oft erfolgreich manipuliere. Man misstraut der PR, weil man sie für mächtig hält, aber gleichermaßen auch, weil man sie als wirk- und machtlos empfindet. Hier setzt dieser Band an. Die Beiträge analysieren, worin Vertrauen in PR besteht und wie es sich theoretisch fassen lässt. Sie beschreiben, wie vertrauenswürdig Journalisten, Öffentlichkeit oder Top-Management die PR tatsächlich einschätzen. Der Band geht auf Strategien ein, mit denen PR sich als vertrauenswürdig zu inszenieren sucht und klärt, wie sie wirklich vertrauenswürdiger werden kann. Es wird aber auch aufgezeigt, wie PR ihrer eigenen Vertrauenswürdigkeit schadet.

Alltag, Geld und Medien: Die kommunikative Konstruktion monetärer Identität

by Pia Krisch

Die Idee zu dieser Arbeit entstand während meiner Tätigkeit in einem Bankhaus. Hier wurde mir bewusst, wie vielfältig die Projektionen auf Geld sind, die hinter bestimmten Handlungen stehen, wie komplex und wie einfach zugleich das Wissen über Geld sein kann, wie sehr Monetäres Gegenstand von Kommunikation ist. Beim Versuch, in einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit zu klären, wie das Wissen eines Menschen über Geld entsteht, sah ich mich zunächst vor die Schwierigkeit gestellt, vertrauten, vielfach ver?ochtenen, oft banalen – kurz – alltäglichen Dingen auf den Grund gehen zu wollen. In einem längeren Prozess der Suche, des Findens und - neuter Suche habe ich schließlich innerhalb der interpretativen Theorietradition das nötige Handwerkszeug gefunden, um den Fluss und die Selbstverständlichkeit der alltäglichen Lebensbewältigung aufzubrechen und das Besondere darin zu - hen. Ich möchte mich für die inspirierende Begleitung dieses Suchprozesses und die Freiheit, das Thema, welches auf den ersten Blick wenig Anleihen bei der tradit- nellen Kommunikationswissenschaft nimmt, auszugestalten, bei Prof. Dr. J- chim Höflich bedanken. Prof. Dr. Patrick Rössler, der überdies die Zweit- gutachtung übernahm, stand mir während der gesamten Zeit mit wertvollen H- weisen zur Seite. Sein Doktorandenkolloquium an der Universität Erfurt bot eine sehr förderliche Atmosphäre, in der eigene Ansätze in konstruktiven Diskussionen getestet werden konnten und auch mentale Unterstützung gegeben wurde. Darüber hinaus habe ich sehr aus den Gesprächen mit Kathleen Arendt, Swantje Lingenberg und Isabel Schlote (alle Universität Erfurt) pro?tieren können.

Alltag in den Medien - Medien im Alltag (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Jutta Röser Tanja Thomas Corinna Peil

Den Alltag auffällig zu machen und ihn als Bezugspunkt der Medienkommunikationsforschung in den Blick zu rücken, ist Ziel des vorliegenden Bandes. Im ersten Teil werden Konstruktionen von Alltag in medialen Deutungsangeboten thematisiert: Alltag in den Medien wird u.a. anhand von Reality-TV, Geschlechterinszenierungen in Serien sowie Konventionen im Journalismus untersucht. In den Beiträgen des zweiten Teils stehen Prozesse der Medienaneignung in Alltagskontexten im Mittelpunkt: Um Medien im Alltag zu beleuchten, wird der Gebrauch von Print-, Digital- und anderen Medien in ihrer Verflechtung mit alltäglichen Praktiken analysiert. Die versammelten Beiträge stellen dabei vielfältige Theoriebezüge her, so zu den Cultural Studies, den Gender Media Studies und den Arbeiten von Pierre Bourdieu.

Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit Beyond the Prose Poem: Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit Beyond the Prose Poem

by Valentina Gosetti

Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit (1842) is a familiar title to music lovers, thanks to Ravel’s piano work of the same name, and to specialists of French literature, especially those interested in Baudelaire’s prose poetry. Yet until very recently the collection and its author have generally been viewed almost exclusively through the prism of their pioneering role in the development of the prose poem. By placing Bertrand back in his original context, adopting a comparative approach and engaging with recent critical work on the collection, Valentina Gosetti proposes a substantial reassessment of Gaspard de la Nuit and promotes a new understanding of Bertrand in his own terms, rather than those of his successors. Through his playful and ironic reinterpretation of Romantic clichés, and his overt defiance of the boundaries of poetry and beauty, Bertrand emerges as a fascinating figure in his own right. This book is one of the first full-length studies of Bertrand’s work, and it will be of particular interest to specialists of the nineteenth century and of provincial literature, and to students of nineteenth-century poetry or the fantastic.

Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit Beyond the Prose Poem: Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit Beyond the Prose Poem

by Valentina Gosetti

Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit (1842) is a familiar title to music lovers, thanks to Ravel’s piano work of the same name, and to specialists of French literature, especially those interested in Baudelaire’s prose poetry. Yet until very recently the collection and its author have generally been viewed almost exclusively through the prism of their pioneering role in the development of the prose poem. By placing Bertrand back in his original context, adopting a comparative approach and engaging with recent critical work on the collection, Valentina Gosetti proposes a substantial reassessment of Gaspard de la Nuit and promotes a new understanding of Bertrand in his own terms, rather than those of his successors. Through his playful and ironic reinterpretation of Romantic clichés, and his overt defiance of the boundaries of poetry and beauty, Bertrand emerges as a fascinating figure in his own right. This book is one of the first full-length studies of Bertrand’s work, and it will be of particular interest to specialists of the nineteenth century and of provincial literature, and to students of nineteenth-century poetry or the fantastic.

Alphabet: The Becoming of Google (Global Media Giants)

by Micky Lee

Google is synonymous with searching, but in this innovative new research volume, Micky Lee explores how the Alphabet Corporation, now the parent company of Google, is more than just a search engine. Using a political economic approach, Lee draws on the concept of networks to investigate the growth of this key media player. The establishment of the parent company, Alphabet, shows the company is expanding to other industries from equity investment to self-driving cars. This book first examines this history of expansion, before delving into the economic, political, and cultural profiles of the corporation. Lee ultimately finds that what makes Google powerful is not one genius idea, but rather networks of people, places, and capital. Alphabet: The Becoming of Google is a compelling dive into the sometimes inscrutable world of Google, ideal for students, scholars, and researchers interested in the fields of digital media studies, the politics and economies of online media, and the history of the internet.

Alphabet: The Becoming of Google (Global Media Giants)

by Micky Lee

Google is synonymous with searching, but in this innovative new research volume, Micky Lee explores how the Alphabet Corporation, now the parent company of Google, is more than just a search engine. Using a political economic approach, Lee draws on the concept of networks to investigate the growth of this key media player. The establishment of the parent company, Alphabet, shows the company is expanding to other industries from equity investment to self-driving cars. This book first examines this history of expansion, before delving into the economic, political, and cultural profiles of the corporation. Lee ultimately finds that what makes Google powerful is not one genius idea, but rather networks of people, places, and capital. Alphabet: The Becoming of Google is a compelling dive into the sometimes inscrutable world of Google, ideal for students, scholars, and researchers interested in the fields of digital media studies, the politics and economies of online media, and the history of the internet.

Alte Medien — neue Medien: Theorieperspektiven, Medienprofile, Einsatzfelder Festschrift für Jan Tonnemacher (Public Relations)

by Klaus Arnold Christoph Neuberger

Der Sammelband geht zum einen der Frage nach, inwieweit Randbedingungen wie Medientechnik, -politik und -nutzung den Wandel der Medien beeinflusst haben. Zum anderen werden einzelne "alte" und "neue" Medien analysiert. Dabei wird ihre Entwicklung im intermedialen Beziehungsgeflecht verdeutlicht.

Alternative Journalism

by Dr James F. Hamilton Professor Chris Atton

"A provocative, inspiring and challenging intervention in both journalism and media studies.... Alternative Journalism is that rare book that services students as much as scholars. It widens the trajectory of media studies and creates different modes of reading, writing and thinking... It offers an alternative history beyond the tales of great men, great newspapers, great editors and great technologies. It adds value and content to overused and ambiguous words such as "community" and "citizenship" and captures the spark of new information environments." - THE, (Times Higher Education) Alternative Journalism investigates and analyses the diverse forms and genres of journalism that have arisen as challenges to mainstream news coverage. From the radical content of emancipatory media to the dizzying range of citizen journalist blogs and fanzine subcultures, this book charts the historical and cultural practices of this diverse and globalized phenomenon. This exploration goes to the heart of journalism itself, prompting a critical inquiry into the epistemology of news, the professional norms of objectivity, the elite basis of journalism and the hierarchical commerce of news production. In investigating the challenges to media power presented by alternative journalism, Atton addresses not just the issues of politics and empowerment but also the journalism of popular culture and the everyday. The result is essential reading for students of journalism - both mainstream and alternative.

Alternative Journalism (PDF)

by Dr James F. Hamilton Professor Chris Atton

"A provocative, inspiring and challenging intervention in both journalism and media studies.... Alternative Journalism is that rare book that services students as much as scholars. It widens the trajectory of media studies and creates different modes of reading, writing and thinking... It offers an alternative history beyond the tales of great men, great newspapers, great editors and great technologies. It adds value and content to overused and ambiguous words such as "community" and "citizenship" and captures the spark of new information environments." - THE, (Times Higher Education) Alternative Journalism investigates and analyses the diverse forms and genres of journalism that have arisen as challenges to mainstream news coverage. From the radical content of emancipatory media to the dizzying range of citizen journalist blogs and fanzine subcultures, this book charts the historical and cultural practices of this diverse and globalized phenomenon. This exploration goes to the heart of journalism itself, prompting a critical inquiry into the epistemology of news, the professional norms of objectivity, the elite basis of journalism and the hierarchical commerce of news production. In investigating the challenges to media power presented by alternative journalism, Atton addresses not just the issues of politics and empowerment but also the journalism of popular culture and the everyday. The result is essential reading for students of journalism - both mainstream and alternative.

Alternative Media

by Chris Atton

What are `alternative media'? Are they the same as underground, radical or oppositional media? In this book, Chris Atton offers a fresh introduction to alternative media: one which is not limited to `radical' media, but can also account for newer cultural forms such as zines, fanzines, and personal websites. Alternative Media: #65533; Examines how and why people produce and use alternative media - to make meaning, to interpret, and to change the world in which they live #65533; Encompasses a wide range of alternative media and draws on examples from both the United States and United Kingdom #65533; Locates contemporary alternative media in their cultural, historical and political contexts Alternative Media provides a timely corrective to media theorizing which focuses almost exclusively on the output of the media conglomerates. As such it will be an essential purchase for all students and researchers with an interest in the true nature of the contemporary media environment.

Alternative Media (PDF)

by Professor Chris Atton

What are `alternative media'? Are they the same as underground, radical or oppositional media? In this book, Chris Atton offers a fresh introduction to alternative media: one which is not limited to `radical' media, but can also account for newer cultural forms such as zines, fanzines, and personal websites. Alternative Media: · Examines how and why people produce and use alternative media - to make meaning, to interpret, and to change the world in which they live · Encompasses a wide range of alternative media and draws on examples from both the United States and United Kingdom · Locates contemporary alternative media in their cultural, historical and political contexts Alternative Media provides a timely corrective to media theorizing which focuses almost exclusively on the output of the media conglomerates. As such it will be an essential purchase for all students and researchers with an interest in the true nature of the contemporary media environment.

Alternative News Reporting in Brazil (Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South)

by Claudia Sarmento

This book examines the emergence of alternative forms of news reporting in Brazil with a focus on progressive not-for-profit initiatives. In combining different genres of non-commercial journalism, this study allows us to better understand the potential of alternative news producers in times of continuing technological shifts and their efforts to diversify the news production.Sarmento explores a range of significant questions, including: what does it mean to practice “alternative” journalism? To what extent do non-mainstream practices subvert the taxonomy of news values? Do alternative journalists adhere to or reject journalism’s core values? And, more specifically, as more and more journalists or media producers are collecting, disseminating and interpreting news without being employed by large media groups, what insights can they provide in relation to the economics of digital journalism?Using the turbulent political landscape of Brazil as a case study, Sarmento asks us to reflect on what the erosion of traditional journalism really means. The resulting conclusions will be of value to all those who study or practice journalism around the world, in addition to media researchers and activists.

Alternatives Considered But Not Disclosed: The Ambiguous Role of PowerPoint in Cross-Project Learning

by Dennis Schoeneborn

Despite the increased use of Microsoft PowerPoint on all levels of business and educational communication, slideware ranks among the least explored media in communication studies. This study investigates PowerPoint´s role in organizational communication, particularly in terms of a functional dilemma between its application for documentation as opposed to presentation purposes.

Alumni-Netzwerke von Unternehmen: Theoretische und praktische Perspektiven (essentials)

by Christian Schwägerl

Christian Schwägerl beschreibt, wie Alumni-Netzwerke in die Kommunikationsfunktion von Unternehmen integriert sind. Das essentialvermittelt Reflexionswissen über das Spannungsfeld der netzwerkkonstituierenden Peer-to-Peer-Kommunikation und der interessengeleiteten Kommunikation des Unternehmens mit den ehemaligen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Darüber hinaus stellt der Autor die Wertbeiträge dar, die Unternehmen auf ihrem Absatz-, Ressourcen- und Meinungsmarkt mithilfe von Alumni-Netzwerken erzielen können.

Always Day One: How the Tech Titans Stay on Top

by Alex Kantrowitz

At Amazon, 'Day One' is code for inventing like a startup with little regard for legacy. Day Two is, in Jeff Bezos's own words, is 'stasis, followed by irrelevance, followed by excruciating, painful decline, followed by death.'Most companies today are set up for Day Two. They build advantages and defend them fiercely rather than invent the future. But Amazon and fellow tech titans Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are operating in Day One: they prioritize reinvention over tradition and collaboration over ownership.Through 130 interviews with insiders, from Mark Zuckerberg to hourly workers, Always Day One reveals the tech giants' blueprint for sustainable success. Kantrowitz uncovers the engine propelling the tech giants' continued dominance at a stage when most big companies begin to decline. And he shows the way forward for everyone who wants to compete with, and beat, the titans.

Always Get the Name of the Dog: A Guide to Media Interviewing

by Nicole Kraft

Always Get the Name of the Dog is a guide to journalistic interviewing, written by a journalist, for journalists. It features advice from some of the best writers and reporters in the business, and takes a comprehensive view of media interviewing across multiple platforms, while emphasizing active learning to give readers actionable steps to become great media interviewers. Through real scenarios and examples, this text takes future journalists through the steps of the interview, from research to source identification to question development and beyond. Whether you are a journalism student or an experienced reporter looking to sharpen your skills, this text can help make sure you get all you need from every interview you conduct.

Always Get the Name of the Dog: A Guide to Media Interviewing

by Nicole Kraft

Always Get the Name of the Dog is a guide to journalistic interviewing, written by a journalist, for journalists. It features advice from some of the best writers and reporters in the business, and takes a comprehensive view of media interviewing across multiple platforms, while emphasizing active learning to give readers actionable steps to become great media interviewers. Through real scenarios and examples, this text takes future journalists through the steps of the interview, from research to source identification to question development and beyond. Whether you are a journalism student or an experienced reporter looking to sharpen your skills, this text can help make sure you get all you need from every interview you conduct.

Alzheimer Discourse: Some Sociolinguistic Dimensions (Routledge Communication Series)

by Vai Ramanathan

This book deals with the narrative discourse--specifically lifestories--of 16 patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). It attempts to understand the discourse of these patients in contextual terms. Thus far, the dominant explanation for "incoherence" in AD speech has been largely provided by research in psycholinguistics, much of which has understood AD speech in terms of the progressively deteriorating nature of the disease. This study provides a complementary view by examining ways in which some social factors--audiences, setting, and time--influence the extensiveness and meaningfulness of AD talk. By offering both an examination of interactions across the data as well as analyzing particular cases in detail, this unusual study attempts to juxtapose some general insights regarding AD discourse with case-specific ones. Sociolinguistic analyses of the data demonstrate how certain audiences and particular settings set in motion discourse activities that either facilitate the patients' ability to recall their pasts or impede it. This analysis also includes a critical look at the researcher's contribution in negotiating and reinforcing these activities. Ethnographic details about the social worlds of some of these patients shed light on how larger social contexts at least indirectly contribute to exacerbating the patients' conditions or stabilizing them. The analyses of both context and language provides a more global understanding of the Alzheimer experience. This study also discusses some interactional strategies by which professionals can begin to engage AD patients in meaningful talk as well as ways by which they can better "hear" AD patients' cues at narrating. Throughout, this book underscores the need to factor in social factors when making assessments regarding AD patients' communicative abilities.

Alzheimer Discourse: Some Sociolinguistic Dimensions (Routledge Communication Series)

by Vai Ramanathan

This book deals with the narrative discourse--specifically lifestories--of 16 patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). It attempts to understand the discourse of these patients in contextual terms. Thus far, the dominant explanation for "incoherence" in AD speech has been largely provided by research in psycholinguistics, much of which has understood AD speech in terms of the progressively deteriorating nature of the disease. This study provides a complementary view by examining ways in which some social factors--audiences, setting, and time--influence the extensiveness and meaningfulness of AD talk. By offering both an examination of interactions across the data as well as analyzing particular cases in detail, this unusual study attempts to juxtapose some general insights regarding AD discourse with case-specific ones. Sociolinguistic analyses of the data demonstrate how certain audiences and particular settings set in motion discourse activities that either facilitate the patients' ability to recall their pasts or impede it. This analysis also includes a critical look at the researcher's contribution in negotiating and reinforcing these activities. Ethnographic details about the social worlds of some of these patients shed light on how larger social contexts at least indirectly contribute to exacerbating the patients' conditions or stabilizing them. The analyses of both context and language provides a more global understanding of the Alzheimer experience. This study also discusses some interactional strategies by which professionals can begin to engage AD patients in meaningful talk as well as ways by which they can better "hear" AD patients' cues at narrating. Throughout, this book underscores the need to factor in social factors when making assessments regarding AD patients' communicative abilities.

Am I Making Myself Clear?: A Scientist's Guide to Talking to the Public

by Cornelia Dean

What we don’t know can hurt us—and does so every day. Climate change, health care policy, weapons of mass destruction, an aging infrastructure, stem cell research, endangered species, space exploration—all affect our lives as citizens and human beings in practical and profound ways. But unless we understand the science behind these issues, we cannot make reasonable decisions—and worse, we are susceptible to propaganda cloaked in scientific rhetoric. To convey the facts, this book suggests, scientists must take a more active role in making their work accessible to the media, and thus to the public. In Am I Making Myself Clear? Cornelia Dean, a distinguished science editor and reporter, urges scientists to overcome their institutional reticence and let their voices be heard beyond the forum of scholarly publication. By offering useful hints for improving their interactions with policymakers, the public, and her fellow journalists, Dean aims to change the attitude of scientists who scorn the mass media as an arena where important work is too often misrepresented or hyped. Even more important, she seeks to convince them of the value and urgency of communicating to the public. Am I Making Myself Clear? shows scientists how to speak to the public, handle the media, and describe their work to a lay audience on paper, online, and over the airwaves. It is a book that will improve the tone and content of debate over critical issues and will serve the interests of science and society.

Am Limit – Wie Sportstars Krisen meistern: Mit einem Interview mit Valentin Z. Markser

by Johannes Seemüller

Medaillen und Titel sind die Währung erfolgreicher Sportler. Wer ganz oben steht, wird von den Medien zum Star gemacht und von den Fans verehrt. Hierfür gehen Leistungssportler an ihre körperlichen und mentalen Grenzen – und oft darüber hinaus. In diesem Buch erzählen Olympiasieger, Weltmeister und Champions League-Sieger durch exklusiv geführte Interviews über ihre Leidenschaft für den Sport. Sie berichten aber auch ungeschminkt über die Schattenseiten. Leistungsdruck, Burnout, Schmerzen, Magersucht, Depressionen, Ängste – nichts ist ihnen fremd. Gerald Asamoah · Matthias Behr · Karla Borger · Timo Hildebrand · Ottmar Hitzfeld · Clara Klug · Michael Köllner · Dominik Nerz · Elisabeth Seitz · Frank Stäbler · Kristina Vogel Selten sprachen Spitzensportler so offen darüber, wie sie mit Rückschlägen und Krisen umgegangen sind. Das Buch enthält abrufbare Videoausschnitte aus den geführten Gesprächen. Ergänzt werden die Porträts durch ein ausführliches Interview mit Dr. Valentin Z. Markser, einem der renommiertesten deutschen Sportpsychiater.

An Amazing Murmur Of The Heart (PDF)

by Cecil Helman

Cecil Helman - GP, award-winning anthropologist and acclaimed writer - looks back on a life-time of encounters with patients to ask: 'Where has the patient gone?' And answers that patients 'are still here, waiting for their doctors to notice them again, to shift their attention away from all their magic machines and high tech tests, and to listen to their stories again. And hidden away in those stories, to hear the faint, almost inaudible, murmuring of their hearts.' An Amazing Murmur of the Heart mingles those patients' stories with Cecil's understanding that medicine is an art, though rooted in science, and that by listening to what the sick are saying - not necessarily just in words - healthcare professionals can do more than simply cure symptoms - they can heal.

Amazon S3 Cookbook

by Naoya Hashimoto

Over 30 hands-on recipes that will get you up and running with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) efficiently About This Book • Learn how to store, manage, and access your data with AWS SDKs • Study the Amazon S3 pricing model and learn how to calculate costs by simulating practical scenarios • Optimize your Amazon S3 bucket by following step-by-step instructions of how to deliver your content with CloudFront, secure the S3 bucket with IAM, and lower costs with object life cycle management Who This Book Is For This book is for cloud developers who have experience of using Amazon S3 and are also familiar with Amazon S3. What You Will Learn • Host a static website on Amazon S3 • Calculate costs with AWS Simple Monthly Calculators • Deploy a static website via CloudFormation • Distribute your content via CloudFront • Secure resources with bucket policies and IAM • Protect objects using server-side and client-side encryption • Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing • Manage objects' life cycles to lower costs • Optimize performance for uploading as well as downloading objects • Enable S3 event notifications and create Lambda functions • Manage common operations with AWS SDKs In Detail Amazon S3 is one of the most famous and trailblazing cloud object storage services, which is highly scalable, low-latency, and economical. Users only pay for what they use and can store and retrieve any amount of data at any time over the Internet, which attracts Hadoop users who run clusters on EC2. The book starts by showing you how to install several AWS SDKs such as iOS, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby and shows you how to manage objects. Then, you'll be taught how to use the installed AWS SDKs to develop applications with Amazon S3. Furthermore, you will explore the Amazon S3 pricing model and will learn how to annotate S3 billing with cost allocation tagging. In addition to this, the book covers several practical recipes about how to distribute your content with CloudFront, secure your content with IAM, optimize Amazon S3 performance, and notify S3 events with Lambada. By the end of this book, you will be successfully implementing pro-level practices, techniques, and solutions in Amazon S3. Style and approach A step-by-step practical guide that will show you how to efficiently store, manage, and control your data in Amazon S3.

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