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Aneignung von Diasporawebsites: Eine medienethnografische Untersuchung in der marokkanischen und türkischen Diaspora

by Cigdem Bozdag

​Migration gehört neben der Globalisierung zu den wichtigsten Faktoren, die unsere soziale Welt, Kultur und Gesellschaft verändern. Diese Veränderungsprozesse werden wiederum von Entwicklungen des Medienwandels beeinflusst. Cigdem Bozdag untersucht am Beispiel von Webseiten der marokkanischen und türkischen Diaspora, wie sich Migrationsgemeinschaften durch die neuen Medientechnologien verändern. Ihre medienethnographische Analyse basiert auf qualitativen Interviews, Beobachtungen und Inhaltsanalysen. Zunächst untersucht die Autorin Fragen zur Aneignung: Wie interpretieren,benutzen und verändern Migranten diese Webseiten? Im zweiten Schritt behandelt sie die Wahrnehmung des Herkunfts- und Migrationslandes, Fragen zur Religion und fiktive Geschichten um Themen der Vergemeinschaftung.​

Angewandte Netzwerktechnik kompakt: Dateiformate, Übertragungsprotokolle und ihre Nutzung in Java-Applikationen (IT kompakt)

by Valentin Plenk

Dieses kompakte Lehrbuch zeigt an konkreten, in Java ausprogrammierten Beispielen, wie Information zwischen Systemen über ein Netzwerk ausgetauscht werden kann. Dabei werden übliche Datenaustauschformate und Datenaustauschprotokolle erklärt. Der im Buch behandelte Stoff deckt damit den gesamten Bereich technischer Kommunikation von Datenformaten über Protokolle bis hin zum Versenden von Netzwerktelegrammen ab. Durch diese breite Themenauswahl erlangt der Leser ein Verständnis der typischen Probleme in der Anwendung der Netzwerktechnik, von der Repräsentation der Daten in einem Dateiformat über den Austausch der Daten über Standardprotokolle bis hin zur Definition einfacher, eigener Protokolle auf der Basis von TCP/IP. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Anwendung von Netzwerken.

Angewandte Netzwerktechnik kompakt: Dateiformate, Übertragungsprotokolle und ihre Nutzung in Java-Applikationen (IT kompakt)

by Valentin Plenk

Erfahren Sie mit diesem Buch alles über die angewandte NetzwerktechnikIm privaten Bereich spielt Netzwerktechnik eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Dabei sorgt sie erst dafür, dass die Kommunikation via Internet funktioniert. Der industrielle Sektor hat die Vorteile des Datenaustauschs mit Hilfe von Netzwerken allmählich erkannt. Doch erst im Rahmen der „Industrie 4.0“ wird laut Valentin Plenk die Datenübertragung in Echtzeit mehr Bedeutung gewinnen. Mit Blick auf diese Entwicklung stellt er in seinem Buch im Sinne der angewandten Netzwerktechnik speziell die höheren Schichten der Netzwerktechnik in den Fokus. Dieses kompakte Lehrbuch zeigt Ihnen anhand von konkreten, in Java ausprogrammierten Beispielen, wie Informationen zwischen Systemen über ein Netzwerk ausgetauscht werden können. Pro Kapitel behandelt dieses Netzwerktechnik-Buch ein bestimmtes Thema. Nach der Einführung in die Grundlagen der Kommunikation geht der Autor zunächst auf Java-Streams, Zeichencodierung sowie die Netzwerkanalyse mit Wireshark ein. Anschließend schenkt Plenk speziell folgenden Datenaustauschformaten sowie Protokollen besonderes Augenmerk:• JSON• HTML• HTTP• OPC UA• TCP/IP• UDP/IPKonkrete Beispiele und Übungen geben Ihnen PraxiseinblickeAuf diese Weise deckt dieses Buch über die angewandte Netzwerktechnik den gesamten Bereich technischer Kommunikation ab, von den Netzwerkprotokollen bis hin zum Versenden von Netzwerktelegrammen. Durch diese breite Themenauswahl bekommen Sie als Leser ein tieferes Verständnis für die typischen Problemstellungen in der Anwendung der Netzwerktechnik. Sie erfahren mehr über die Darstellung von Daten in einem bestimmten Dateiformat und wie Sie Daten mittels Standardprotokollen austauschen können. Zudem lernen Sie, wie Sie eigene, einfache Protokolle auf der Basis von TCP/IP erstellen können. Schwerpunkt des Buches bildet dabei immer die Anwendung von Netzwerken.Mit Hilfe zahlreicher Übungsaufgaben (inklusive Lösungsvorschlägen) sowie Anwendungsbeispielen können Sie Ihren persönlichen Kenntnisstand überprüfen und das Gelernte vertiefen. So sind Sie ideal auf die Praxis vorbereitet. Die zweite Auflage des Buchs „Angewandte Netzwerktechnik kompakt“ wurde um den Themenbereich Webservices ergänzt. Im Abschnitt zu UDP/IP finden Sie jetzt außerdem hilfreiche Codebeispiele für Broadcast und Multicast.

Angewandte Netzwerktechnik kompakt: Dateiformate, Übertragungsprotokolle und ihre Nutzung in Java-Applikationen (IT kompakt)

by Valentin Plenk

Erfahren Sie mit diesem Buch alles über die angewandte NetzwerktechnikIm privaten Bereich spielt Netzwerktechnik eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Dabei sorgt sie erst dafür, dass die Kommunikation via Internet funktioniert. Der industrielle Sektor hat die Vorteile des Datenaustauschs mit Hilfe von Netzwerken allmählich erkannt. Doch erst im Rahmen der „Industrie 4.0“ wird laut Valentin Plenk die Datenübertragung in Echtzeit mehr Bedeutung gewinnen. Mit Blick auf diese Entwicklung stellt er in seinem Buch im Sinne der angewandten Netzwerktechnik speziell die höheren Schichten der Netzwerktechnik in den Fokus. Dieses kompakte Lehrbuch zeigt Ihnen anhand von konkreten, in Java ausprogrammierten Beispielen, wie Informationen zwischen Systemen über ein Netzwerk ausgetauscht werden können. Pro Kapitel behandelt dieses Netzwerktechnik-Buch ein bestimmtes Thema. Nach der Einführung in die Grundlagen der Kommunikation geht derAutor zunächst auf Java-Streams, Zeichencodierung sowie die Netzwerkanalyse mit Wireshark ein. Anschließend schenkt Plenk speziell folgenden Datenaustauschformaten sowie Protokollen besonderes Augenmerk:• JSON• HTML• HTTP• OPC UA• TCP/IP• UDP/IPKonkrete Beispiele und Übungen geben Ihnen PraxiseinblickeAuf diese Weise deckt dieses Buch über die angewandte Netzwerktechnik den gesamten Bereich technischer Kommunikation ab, von den Netzwerkprotokollen bis hin zum Versenden von Netzwerktelegrammen. Durch diese breite Themenauswahl bekommen Sie als Leser ein tieferes Verständnis für die typischen Problemstellungen in der Anwendung der Netzwerktechnik. Sie erfahren mehr über die Darstellung von Daten in einem bestimmten Dateiformat und wie Sie Daten mittels Standardprotokollen austauschen können. Zudem lernen Sie, wie Sie eigene, einfache Protokolle auf der Basis von TCP/IP erstellen können. Schwerpunkt des Buches bildet dabei immer die Anwendung von Netzwerken.Mit Hilfe zahlreicher Übungsaufgaben (inklusive Lösungsvorschlägen) sowie Anwendungsbeispielen können Sie Ihren persönlichen Kenntnisstand überprüfen und das Gelernte vertiefen. So sind Sie ideal auf die Praxis vorbereitet. Die zweite Auflage des Buchs „Angewandte Netzwerktechnik kompakt“ wurde um den Themenbereich Webservices ergänzt. Im Abschnitt zu UDP/IP finden Sie jetzt außerdem hilfreiche Codebeispiele für Broadcast und Multicast.

Anglophone Students Abroad: Identity, Social Relationships, and Language Learning

by Rosamond Mitchell Kevin McManus Nicole Tracy-Ventura

Anglophone students abroad: Identity, social relationships and language learning presents the findings of a major study of British students of French and Spanish undertaking residence abroad. The new dataset presented here provides both quantitative and qualitative information on language learning, social networking and integration and identity development during residence abroad. The book tracks in detail the language development of participants and relates this systematically to individual participants’ social and linguistic experiences and evolving relationship. It shows that language learning is increasingly dependent on students’ own agency and skill and the negotiation of identity in multilingual and lingua franca environments.

Anglophone Students Abroad: Identity, Social Relationships, and Language Learning

by Rosamond Mitchell Kevin McManus Nicole Tracy-Ventura

Anglophone students abroad: Identity, social relationships and language learning presents the findings of a major study of British students of French and Spanish undertaking residence abroad. The new dataset presented here provides both quantitative and qualitative information on language learning, social networking and integration and identity development during residence abroad. The book tracks in detail the language development of participants and relates this systematically to individual participants’ social and linguistic experiences and evolving relationship. It shows that language learning is increasingly dependent on students’ own agency and skill and the negotiation of identity in multilingual and lingua franca environments.

Angry People in Local Newspapers

by Alistair Coleman

The news can be overwhelming, with reports on post-Brexit food shortages, the underfunded NHS, and international trade wars, but local news is filled with many other serious matters.___________Naked gardener puts neighbour off sausagesSports coach irate because KFC staff 'didn't cook him chicken'Fury after Morrisons wouldn't sell couple meat pies before 9amHouse fire started by squirrel disrupts funeralPeople across the UK are suffering the horrors of naked neighbours, large potholes, and parking fines. Packed with the best that regional journalism can offer, there are chapters on antisocial behaviour, transport hell and fast-food nightmares. Local issues may not be worthy of national headlines, but they certainly make people very, very angry...

Angst und Leistung in Teams der Medienwirtschaft: Systemtheorie – Marktanforderungen – Wirkfaktoren

by Stefanie Sorge

Es kann anhand der Literaturanalyse gezeigt werden, dass Ängste auf den drei Systemebenen: Individuum, Team, Organisation - motivierend, integrierend, ordnend und organisierend auf das Denken und Handeln wirken. Die Angst kann motivierende oder hemmende Wirkungen auf die Arbeitsleistung in einem Team besitzen. Um Ängste sinnvoll in einem Medienunternehmen steuern zu können, werden Kenntnisse der Operatorwirkung der Angst, Reflexionskompetenz, emotionale Intelligenz und Selbstorganisationsfähigkeit benötigt. Diese Kenntnisse werden innerhalb der vier systemischen Wirkfaktoren: Wirkung angstbesetzter Stimmungslagen auf Arbeitsprozesse, Grad der Selbstreflexion in angstbesetzten Stimmungslagen zur Systemstabilisierung, Grad der Leistungsbeschränkung der durch Ängste verursachten Abwehrreaktionen und Strategien der Emotionsregulierung und Konfliktbewältigung erarbeitet. Durch die Beschreibung systemfunktionaler Operatorwirkungen der Angst können die Wechselwirkungen innerhalb unterschiedlicher Systemebenen auf die Teamleistung dargestellt werden.​

Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Núria Almiron

Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal-industrial complex—the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalised exploitation of animals.Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans’ (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics—which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration—and more recently by other approaches from the social sciences, including critical animal studies. In this volume, we aim to start an entirely unaddressed discussion within the field of public relations: The need to problematise the ethics of persuasion when nonhuman animal suffering is involved, particularly the impact of persuasion and lobbying on compassion towards other animals in the cases of food, experimentation, entertainment, and environmental management. This book provides an interdisciplinary, theoretical discussion illustrated with international case studies from experts in strategic communication, public relations, lobbying and advocacy, animal ethics, philosophy of law, political philosophy, and social psychology.This unique book merges the fields of critical public relations, animal ethics, and critical animal studies and will be of direct appeal to a wide range of researchers, academics, and doctoral students across related fields.

Animal Suffering and Public Relations: The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex (Routledge New Directions in PR & Communication Research)

by Núria Almiron

Animal Suffering and Public Relations conducts an ethical assessment of public relations, mainly persuasive communication and lobbying, as deployed by some of the main businesses involved in the animal-industrial complex—the industries participating in the systematic and institutionalised exploitation of animals.Society has been experiencing a growing ethical concern regarding humans’ (ab)use of other animals. This is a trend first promoted by the development of animal ethics—which claims any sentient being, because of sentience, deserves moral consideration—and more recently by other approaches from the social sciences, including critical animal studies. In this volume, we aim to start an entirely unaddressed discussion within the field of public relations: The need to problematise the ethics of persuasion when nonhuman animal suffering is involved, particularly the impact of persuasion and lobbying on compassion towards other animals in the cases of food, experimentation, entertainment, and environmental management. This book provides an interdisciplinary, theoretical discussion illustrated with international case studies from experts in strategic communication, public relations, lobbying and advocacy, animal ethics, philosophy of law, political philosophy, and social psychology.This unique book merges the fields of critical public relations, animal ethics, and critical animal studies and will be of direct appeal to a wide range of researchers, academics, and doctoral students across related fields.

Animation: Grundlagen - 2D-Animation - 3D-Animation (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Dieser Band der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ behandelt die Prinzipien der Animation und führt in die grundlegenden Techniken zur Erstellung von 2D- und 3D-Animationen ein. Für diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklungen in der Werbe- und Medienbranche sowie die Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rahmenpläne und Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge.Die Bände der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ enthalten zahlreiche praxisorientierte Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen und eignen sich als Lehr- und Arbeitsbücher an Schulen und Hochschulen sowie zum Selbststudium.

Anleitung zur Niederschrift und Veröffentlichung medizinischer Arbeiten: Bearbeitet unter Zugrundelegung der amerikanischen Ausgabe von The Art and Practice of Medical Writing

by G.H. Simmons M. Fishbein

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Announcing for Broadcasting and the Internet: The Modern Guide to Performing in the Electronic Media

by Carl Hausman Philip G. Benoit Fritz Messere

Announcing for Broadcasting and the Internet is the standard text for traditional broadcasters and emerging pioneers. While many still pursue careers in traditional fields such as television and radio news announcing, broadcast performance has expanded to Internet radio, podcasting, home voice-over production, and performance on YouTube and other Internet video venues. This text is an update of the classic text Announcing. The practical guide to mastering the techniques and mechanics of broadcast announcing remains, updated to give readers the ability to produce their own portfolio of performance products and get started in the career they want. It covers audio and video editing programs, new streaming media, and how to develop a powerful, consistent, and noteworthy speaking voice.

Announcing for Broadcasting and the Internet: The Modern Guide to Performing in the Electronic Media

by Carl Hausman Philip G. Benoit Fritz Messere

Announcing for Broadcasting and the Internet is the standard text for traditional broadcasters and emerging pioneers. While many still pursue careers in traditional fields such as television and radio news announcing, broadcast performance has expanded to Internet radio, podcasting, home voice-over production, and performance on YouTube and other Internet video venues. This text is an update of the classic text Announcing. The practical guide to mastering the techniques and mechanics of broadcast announcing remains, updated to give readers the ability to produce their own portfolio of performance products and get started in the career they want. It covers audio and video editing programs, new streaming media, and how to develop a powerful, consistent, and noteworthy speaking voice.

Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries: Volume 31 (Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries #31)

by Department of Information and Collections Staff

The Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries aims at recording articles of scholarly value which relate to the history of the printed book, to the history of arts, crafts, techniques and equipment, and of the economic social and cultural environment, involved in its production, distribution, conservation and description.

Anomaly-Detection and Health-Analysis Techniques for Core Router Systems

by Krishnendu Chakrabarty Zhaobo Zhang Xinli Gu Shi Jin

This book tackles important problems of anomaly detection and health status analysis in complex core router systems, integral to today’s Internet Protocol (IP) networks. The techniques described provide the first comprehensive set of data-driven resiliency solutions for core router systems. The authors present an anomaly detector for core router systems using correlation-based time series analysis, which monitors a set of features of a complex core router system. They also describe the design of a changepoint-based anomaly detector such that anomaly detection can be adaptive to changes in the statistical features of data streams. The presentation also includes a symbol-based health status analyzer that first encodes, as a symbol sequence, the long-term complex time series collected from a number of core routers, and then utilizes the symbol sequence for health analysis. Finally, the authors describe an iterative, self-learning procedure for assessing the health status.Enables Accurate Anomaly Detection Using Correlation-Based Time-Series Analysis;Presents the design of a changepoint-based anomaly detector;Includes Hierarchical Symbol-based Health-Status Analysis;Describes an iterative, self-learning procedure for assessing the health status.

Another Country – Growing Up In ’50s Ireland: Memoirs of a Dublin Childhood

by Gene Kerrigan

From First Communions to CIÉ Mystery Tours – the heartwarming story of award-winning journalist Gene Kerrigan’s childhood in Dublin in the ’50sIn his highly addictive style, Gene Kerrigan effortlessly reconstructs the Ireland of the 1950s and early ’60s in which he grew up. An adult world of absolute moral certainties, casual cruelties and mass emigration; for children an age of innocence, but an innocence hemmed in by fear and guilt.In this brilliant and humorous memoir, Kerrigan tells of a world that now seems as distant as another country. Into the details of school, street and family life, of Christmas, First Communion, school violence, CIE Mystery Tours and the arrival of television are woven the political background of the day and recollections of the impact of major figures: Michael O Hehir, Seán Lemass, Eamon ‘Dev’ De Valera, JFK, not to mention Hector Grey, Shane, Davy Crockett and Audie Murphy.It’s a compelling, touching and often very funny account of a happy childhood in a country that was itself far from happy.

Ansible for Kubernetes by Example: Automate Your Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible

by Luca Berton

Learn how to automate your Kubernetes infrastructure using Ansible. This book will enable you to automate more tasks and save time with this human-readable platform. Containerized microservices deployed via Kubernetes allows you to save time, reduce human interaction and errors, and create applications that are more robust. You’ll learn how to automate the most redundant activities such as reports, services, the launch of a pod, adding permanent storage, configuring load balancing, and adding or modifying any Kubernetes parameter. You'll also gain an understanding of end-to-end use cases and how advanced cluster automation, such as Helm packages and node states, are evolving. Each lesson utilizes a specific use-case for the modern Kubernetes cluster and focuses on a single module from the most crucial parameter, complete with code demonstrations. Each code example is battle-proven in real-life with console interaction and verification.What You'll LearnAutomate Kubernetes cluster management, cloud services, pods, and storage with AnsibleConfigure your Ansible controller nodeWrite and execute Ansible Playbook code that follows best practicesAugment your productivity by applying Infrastructure as Code (IaC)Troubleshoot Ansible Who This Book Is ForIT professionals who would like a jargon-free understanding of Ansible technology, Windows Systems Administrators, DevOps professionals, thought leaders, and infrastructure-as-code enthusiasts.

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ

by Brian Glibkowski

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ is a book about six answers: story, metaphor, theory, concept, procedure, and action. By fully incorporating questions into those answers, Brian Glibkowski showcases how readers can not only elevate their understanding of questions and answers, but also reimagine what it means to communicate effectively. The book identifies five High AQ practices that distinguish expert communicators. Featuring chapters which each cover a different form of AQ such as Sales AQ, Interview AQ, Coaching AQ, and more, the book includes real-life examples of elevated answers. With contributions from representatives of organizations such as Salesforce, Center for Healthcare Innovation, Boston Mutual Life Insurance, as well as academics, the book provides comprehensive insight into AQ from across the professional and research spaces. Giving readers access to an app allowing them to do an AQ self-assessment, the author equips his audience to use the skills and behaviours presented to improve and hone their own AQ.

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ

by Brian Glibkowski

Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ is a book about six answers: story, metaphor, theory, concept, procedure, and action. By fully incorporating questions into those answers, Brian Glibkowski showcases how readers can not only elevate their understanding of questions and answers, but also reimagine what it means to communicate effectively. The book identifies five High AQ practices that distinguish expert communicators. Featuring chapters which each cover a different form of AQ such as Sales AQ, Interview AQ, Coaching AQ, and more, the book includes real-life examples of elevated answers. With contributions from representatives of organizations such as Salesforce, Center for Healthcare Innovation, Boston Mutual Life Insurance, as well as academics, the book provides comprehensive insight into AQ from across the professional and research spaces. Giving readers access to an app allowing them to do an AQ self-assessment, the author equips his audience to use the skills and behaviours presented to improve and hone their own AQ.

Answers for Ethical Marketers: A Guide to Good Practice in Business Communication

by Deirdre K. Breakenridge

With recent changes in technology, media, and the communication landscape, the journey to ethics has become more complicated than ever before. This book aims to answer ethical questions, from applying ethics and sound judgment through your organization and communication channels to taking your ethics and values into every media interview. With the understanding of how personal and professional ethics align, business leaders, managers, and students will maneuver their way around this new landscape showcasing their values in ethical conduct. This book is divided into eight important areas based on where and why a breakdown in ethical behavior is likely to occur, and delivers advice from experts on the frontlines of business communications who know what it means to face the inherent changes and challenges in this field. With more than 80 questions and answers focused on guiding marketing, PR and business professionals, readers will uncover situations where ethics are challenged, and their values will be tested. This straightforward Q&A guidebook is for professionals who realize ethics are a crucial part of decision-making in their communications and who want to maintain trust with the public and their positive brand reputations in business. Readers will receive answers to pressing ethical questions to help them apply best practice guidelines and good judgment in their own situations, based on the stories, theories, and practical instruction from the author’s 30 years of experience as well as the thought leaders featured in this book.

Answers for Ethical Marketers: A Guide to Good Practice in Business Communication

by Deirdre K. Breakenridge

With recent changes in technology, media, and the communication landscape, the journey to ethics has become more complicated than ever before. This book aims to answer ethical questions, from applying ethics and sound judgment through your organization and communication channels to taking your ethics and values into every media interview. With the understanding of how personal and professional ethics align, business leaders, managers, and students will maneuver their way around this new landscape showcasing their values in ethical conduct. This book is divided into eight important areas based on where and why a breakdown in ethical behavior is likely to occur, and delivers advice from experts on the frontlines of business communications who know what it means to face the inherent changes and challenges in this field. With more than 80 questions and answers focused on guiding marketing, PR and business professionals, readers will uncover situations where ethics are challenged, and their values will be tested. This straightforward Q&A guidebook is for professionals who realize ethics are a crucial part of decision-making in their communications and who want to maintain trust with the public and their positive brand reputations in business. Readers will receive answers to pressing ethical questions to help them apply best practice guidelines and good judgment in their own situations, based on the stories, theories, and practical instruction from the author’s 30 years of experience as well as the thought leaders featured in this book.

Answers for Modern Communicators: A Guide to Effective Business Communication

by Deirdre Breakenridge

This book provides students and professionals with practical answers to important career and communication questions, helping them to communicate successfully in a business setting. Communication expert, Deirdre Breakenridge, examines the ways in which professionals can make the most of their careers in a fast-changing media landscape, offering advice on how new and seasoned executives can utilize and adapt to the latest modes of communication. The author breaks down the eight most critical areas for professionals seeking to develop their communication skills, opening with essentials that will prove useful in any setting. She then details the ways in which organizations can adapt to changes in technology and consumer behavior to improve relationships, social media presence, and brand recognition. The easy to follow question–answer format walks readers through the most pressing, confusing, and frequently asked questions about successful communication with plenty of advice and examples for a better learning experience. Covering traditional business communication topics like partnerships and storytelling, the book also includes material on digital and social media channels as well as a chapter on giving back as a mentor. "Experts Weigh In" boxes feature advice from other top professionals, exposing the reader to multiple perspectives from the field. Grounded in decades of experience, Answers for Modern Communicators will benefit all students getting ready to enter the workforce as well as professionals looking to enhance their communication skills.

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