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Showing 11,176 through 11,200 of 85,187 results

Bioinformatics - A Student's Companion

by Kalibulla Syed Ibrahim Guruswami Gurusubramanian Zothansanga Ravi Prakash Yadav Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar Shunmugiah Karutha Pandian Probodh Borah Surender Mohan

This manual offers a stand-alone reading companion, unique in simplifying the practical components of Bioinformatics in a unique and user-friendly manner. It covers the practical component of syllabi used at most leading universities and discusses the most extensively used tools and methodologies in Bioinformatics. Research in the biological sciences has made tremendous strides in recent years due in part to the increased automation in data generation. At the same time, storing, managing and interpreting huge volumes of data has become one of the most challenging tasks for scientists. These two aspects have ultimately necessitated the application of computers, giving rise to a highly interdisciplinary discipline–Bioinformatics. Despite the richness of bioinformatics resources and methods, the exposure of life sciences undergraduates and postgraduates to bioinformatics is extremely limited. Though the internet offers various tools for free, and provides guides for using them, it fails to help users interpret the processed data. Moreover, most sites fail to update their help pages to accommodate software upgrades. Though the market is flooded with books discussing the theoretical concepts in Bioinformatics, a manual of this kind is rarely found. The content developed to meet the needs of readers from diverse background and to incorporate the syllabi of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at various universities.

Bioinformatics Techniques for Drug Discovery: Applications for Complex Diseases (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Aman Chandra Kaushik Ajay Kumar Shiv Bharadwaj Ravi Chaudhary Shakti Sahi

The application of bioinformatics approaches in drug design involves an interdisciplinary array of sophisticated techniques and software tools to elucidate hidden or complex biological data. This work reviews the latest bioinformatics approaches used for drug discovery. The text covers ligand-based and structure-based approaches for computer-aided drug design, 3D pharmacophore modeling, molecular dynamics simulation, the thermodynamics of ligand−receptor and ligand−enzyme association, thermodynamic characterization and optimization, and techniques for computational genomics and proteomics.

Bioinformatics Technologies

by Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen

Solving modern biological problems requires advanced computational methods. Bioinformatics evolved from the active interaction of two fast-developing disciplines, biology and information technology. The central issue of this emerging field is the transformation of often distributed and unstructured biological data into meaningful information. This book describes the application of well-established concepts and techniques from areas like data mining, machine learning, database technologies, and visualization techniques to problems like protein data analysis, genome analysis and sequence databases. Chen has collected contributions from leading researchers in each area. The chapters can be read independently, as each offers a complete overview of its specific area, or, combined, this monograph is a comprehensive treatment that will appeal to students, researchers, and R&D professionals in industry who need a state-of-the-art introduction into this challenging and exciting young field.

Bioinformatics Tools and Big Data Analytics for Patient Care

by Rishabha Malviya Pramod Kumar Sharma Sonali Sundram Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj Balamurugan Balusamy

Nowadays, raw biological data can be easily stored as databases in computers but extracting the required information is the real challenge for researchers. For this reason, bioinformatics tools perform a vital role in extracting and analyzing information from databases. Bioinformatics Tools and Big Data Analytics for Patient describes the applications of bioinformatics, data management, and computational techniques in clinical studies and drug discovery for patient care. The book gives details about the recent developments in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics. It highlights the advances in computational techniques used to perform intelligent medical tasks. Features: • Presents recent developments in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics for improved patient care. • Describes the applications of bioinformatics, data management, and computational techniques in clinical studies and drug discovery. • Summarizes several strategies, analyses, and optimization methods for patient healthcare. • Focuses on drug discovery and development by cloud computing and data-driven research. The targeted audience comprises academics, research scholars, healthcare professionals, hospital managers, pharmaceutical chemists, the biomedical industry, software engineers, and IT professionals.

Bioinformatics Tools and Big Data Analytics for Patient Care

by Rishabha Malviya Pramod Kumar Sharma Sonali Sundram Rajesh Kumar Dhanraj Balamurugan Balusamy Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj

Nowadays, raw biological data can be easily stored as databases in computers but extracting the required information is the real challenge for researchers. For this reason, bioinformatics tools perform a vital role in extracting and analyzing information from databases. Bioinformatics Tools and Big Data Analytics for Patient describes the applications of bioinformatics, data management, and computational techniques in clinical studies and drug discovery for patient care. The book gives details about the recent developments in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics. It highlights the advances in computational techniques used to perform intelligent medical tasks. Features: • Presents recent developments in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics for improved patient care. • Describes the applications of bioinformatics, data management, and computational techniques in clinical studies and drug discovery. • Summarizes several strategies, analyses, and optimization methods for patient healthcare. • Focuses on drug discovery and development by cloud computing and data-driven research. The targeted audience comprises academics, research scholars, healthcare professionals, hospital managers, pharmaceutical chemists, the biomedical industry, software engineers, and IT professionals.

Bioinformatics with Python Cookbook

by Tiago Antao

If you have intermediate-level knowledge of Python and are well aware of the main research and vocabulary in your bioinformatics topic of interest, this book will help you develop your knowledge further.

Bioinformatik: Ein einführendes Lehrbuch

by Thomas Dandekar Meik Kunz

Dieses Buch bietet eine packende Einführung in das am schnellsten wachsende Gebiet der Biologie mit leicht nachvollziehbaren Beispielen und einem gut aufbereitetem Anhang für den Leser, der so gleich alles direkt nachkochen und miterleben kann. Das Buch holt den Leser bei den Grundlagen ab, wie man zum Beispiel Sequenzinformationen einfach erhält und analysiert. In weiteren Kapiteln gehen die Autoren auf die verschiedenen Analysemöglichkeiten von RNA, DNA und Proteinen bis hinzu ganzen Stoffwechselwegen ein. Dabei werden in jedem Kapitel spannende Beispiele aus der Biologie gewählt, die zur Veranschaulichung der Analyse dienen. Jedes Kapitel wird mit einem Übungsteil abgeschlossen, welches das Gelernte sogleich zur Anwendung bringt. Das Thema dieses Buches ist ein Muss für jeden Biologiestudierenden, ob Bachelor- oder Masterstudium, da die Bioinformatik mittlerweile erstaunliche Einsichten in die molekularen Grundlagen aller Lebewesen zutage fördert.

Bioinformatik: Ein einführendes Lehrbuch

by Thomas Dandekar Meik Kunz

Dieses Buch bietet eine packende Einführung in das am schnellsten wachsende Gebiet der Biologie mit leicht nachvollziehbaren Beispielen und einem gut aufbereiteten Anhang für die Leserschaft, um so gleich alles direkt nachkochen und miterleben zu können.Das Buch holt den Leser und die Leserin bei den Grundlagen ab, wie man zum Beispiel Sequenzinformationen einfach findet und dann analysiert. In weiteren Kapiteln gehen die Autoren auf die verschiedenen Analysemöglichkeiten von RNA, DNA und Proteinen bis hin zu ganzen Stoffwechselwegen ein. Dabei werden in jedem Kapitel spannende Beispiele aus der Biologie gewählt, die zur Veranschaulichung der Analyse dienen. Jedes Kapitel wird mit einem Übungsteil abgeschlossen, welches das Gelernte sogleich zur Anwendung bringt.Das Thema dieses Buches ist ein Muss für jeden Biologiestudierenden, ob Bachelor- oder Masterstudium, da die Bioinformatik mittlerweile erstaunliche Einsichten in die molekularen Grundlagen aller Lebewesen zutage fördert. Informatikstudierende und andere Studierende aus angrenzenden Naturwissenschaften bekommen einen guten Einstieg in die Bioinformatik, denn neben der Software werden systematisch die Biologie und aktuelle Themen (z.B. KI) Schritt für Schritt eingeführt.Entdecken Sie gemeinsam mit den Autoren den Schlüssel zum Leben und lernen Sie die Sprache des Lebens verstehen.

Bioinformatik: Sequenz - Struktur - Funktion

by Reinhard Rauhut

Die Bioinformatik ist für die Weiterentwicklung der modernen Biowissenschaften von herausragender Bedeutung. In Grundzügen wird sie Teil einer jeden Ausbildung zum Biologen oder Biochemiker werden. Obwohl die Zahl der angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen rapide zunimmt, gibt es bisher auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt noch kein Lehrbuch zu dieser Thematik. Das vorliegende Werk schließt diese Lücke. Reich bebildert und mit relativ wenig mathematischem Formelaufwand werden die Grundlagen der Bioinformatik gut verständlich aufbereitet. Die Themenauswahl ist dabei auf die Bedürfnisse der experimentell tätigen Biochemiker, Biologen und Mediziner abgestimmt. Auf die wichtigsten Hilfsmittel, die das Internet kostenlos bietet, wird ausführlich eingegangen. Die Inhalte werden in der Abfolge Sequenz - Struktur - Funktion entwickelt: · Sequenzdatenbanken · Genomprojekte · Proteinorientierte Datenbanken · Techniken des eukaryontischen Genomassembly · Strukturdatenbanken · Expressionsanalyse mit DNA Chips · Proteomics · Phylogenie und Sequenz · DNA Computing Die Bioinformatik betrifft die tägliche Arbeit eines jeden Biowissenschaftlers. Es sollte sich daher jeder mit den grundlegenden Ansätzen vertraut machen.

Bioinformatik: Sequenz - Struktur - Funktion

by Reinhard Rauhut

Die Bioinformatik ist für die Weiterentwicklung der modernen Biowissenschaften von herausragender Bedeutung. In Grundzügen wird sie Teil einer jeden Ausbildung zum Biologen oder Biochemiker werden. Obwohl die Zahl der angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen rapide zunimmt, gibt es bisher auf dem deutschsprachigen Markt noch kein Lehrbuch zu dieser Thematik. Das vorliegende Werk schließt diese Lücke. Reich bebildert und mit relativ wenig mathematischem Formelaufwand werden die Grundlagen der Bioinformatik gut verständlich aufbereitet. Die Themenauswahl ist dabei auf die Bedürfnisse der experimentell tätigen Biochemiker, Biologen und Mediziner abgestimmt. Auf die wichtigsten Hilfsmittel, die das Internet kostenlos bietet, wird ausführlich eingegangen. Die Inhalte werden in der Abfolge Sequenz - Struktur - Funktion entwickelt: · Sequenzdatenbanken · Genomprojekte · Proteinorientierte Datenbanken · Techniken des eukaryontischen Genomassembly · Strukturdatenbanken · Expressionsanalyse mit DNA Chips · Proteomics · Phylogenie und Sequenz · DNA Computing Die Bioinformatik betrifft die tägliche Arbeit eines jeden Biowissenschaftlers. Es sollte sich daher jeder mit den grundlegenden Ansätzen vertraut machen.

Bioinformatik im Handlungsfeld der Forensik

by Dirk Labudde Marleen Mohaupt

Dieses Lehrbuch soll Studierenden den Einstieg in die Gebiete der Forensik und Bioinformatik gleichermaßen erleichtern. Anhand eines fiktiven Falls, der sich durch das gesamte Buch zieht, wird die Bioinformatik und deren Grundlagen in das Gebiet der Forensik übertragen. Der Fall deckt eine Vielzahl an biologischen Spuren, sowie deren klassische Analyse ab und definiert neue Handlungsfelder in der Bioinformatik und Forensik.In diesem Werk werden verschiedenste Bereiche der Forensik bioinformatisch aufbereitet: Genetischer Fingerabdruck: Auswertung auf Sequenz- statt auf Profilebene Fingerspuren: krankheitsbedingte bzw. genetisch bedingte VeränderungenUntersuchungen zum Phänotyp einer PersonGrundlegende Erkenntnisse zur Wundheilung sowie zur Blutalterung in- und ex-vivo Dieses Buch zeigt die Notwendigkeit auf, die Forensik um weitere Wissensbereiche zu ergänzen und gibt Einblicke in eine Vielzahl moderner Themen der Forensik wie zum Beispiel Populationsgenetik; Wundaltersbestimmung, Daktyloskopie oder Menschen ohne Fingerabdruck.Vor allem Studierende aus den Lebenswissenschaften sowie Dozierende ebendieser Fachrichtung, werden durch dieses Lehrbuch spannende Einblicke in topaktuelle Fragestellungen bekommen.

Bioinformation Discovery: Data to Knowledge in Biology

by Pandjassarame Kangueane

Bioinformation Discovery illustrates the power of biological data in knowledge discovery. It describes biological data types and representations with examples for creating a workflow in Bioinformation discovery. The concepts in knowledge discovery from data are illustrated using line diagrams. The principles and concepts in knowledge discovery are used for the development of prediction models for simulations of biological reactions and events. Advanced topics in molecular evolution and cellular & molecular biology are addressed using Bioinformation gleaned through discovery. Each chapter contains approximately 10 exercises for practice. This will help students to expand their problem solving skills in Bioinformation Discovery. Each chapter concludes with a number of good problem sets to test mastery of the material.

Bioinformation Discovery: Data to Knowledge in Biology

by Pandjassarame Kangueane

This new edition continues to illustrate the power of biological data in knowledge discovery. It describes biological data types and representations with examples for creating a workflow in bioinformation discovery. The concepts in knowledge discovery from data are illustrated using line diagrams. The principles and concepts in knowledge discovery are used for the development of prediction models for simulations of biological reactions and events. Advanced topics in molecular evolution and cellular & molecular biology are addressed using bioinformation gleaned through discovery. Each chapter contains approximately 10 exercises for practice. This will help students to expand their problem solving skills in Bioinformation Discovery. In this new edition, there are three new chapters covering single nucleotide polymorphism, genes, proteins and disease, and protein functions driven by surface electrostatics.

BioInformation Processing: A Primer on Computational Cognitive Science (Cognitive Science and Technology)

by James K. Peterson

This book shows how mathematics, computer science and science can be usefully and seamlessly intertwined. It begins with a general model of cognitive processes in a network of computational nodes, such as neurons, using a variety of tools from mathematics, computational science and neurobiology. It then moves on to solve the diffusion model from a low-level random walk point of view. It also demonstrates how this idea can be used in a new approach to solving the cable equation, in order to better understand the neural computation approximations. It introduces specialized data for emotional content, which allows a brain model to be built using MatLab tools, and also highlights a simple model of cognitive dysfunction.

Bioinspired Applications in Artificial and Natural Computation: Third International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 22-26, 2009, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #5602)

by Jose Mira José M. Ferrández Jose-Ramon Alvarez Sanchez Felix Paz Javier Toledo

The two-volume set LNCS 5601 and LNCS 5602 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2009, held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in June 2009. The 108 revised papers presented are thematically divided into two volumes. The first volume includes papers relating the most recent collaborations with Professor Mira and contributions mainly related with theoretical, conceptual and methodological aspects linking AI and knowledge engineering with neurophysiology, clinics and cognition. The second volume contains all the contributions connected with biologically inspired methods and techniques for solving AI and knowledge engineering problems in different application domains.

Bioinspired Computation in Artificial Systems: International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2015, Elche, Spain, June 1-5, 2015, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9108)

by José Manuel Ferrández Vicente José Ramón Álvarez-Sánchez Félix De La Paz López Fco. Javier Toledo-Moreo Hojjat Adeli

The two volumes LNCS 9107 and 9108 constitute the proceedings of the International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2015, held in Elche, Spain, in June 2015.The total of 103 contributions was carefully reviewed and selected from 190 submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers are organized in two volumes, one on artificial computation and biology and medicine, addressing topics such as computational neuroscience, neural coding and neuro-informatics, as well as computational foundations and approaches to the study of cognition. The second volume deals with bioinspired computation in artificial systems; topics alluded are bio-inspired circuits and mechanisms, bioinspired programming strategies, and bioinspired engineering AI&KE.

Bioinspired Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Their Computational Complexity (Natural Computing Series)

by Frank Neumann Carsten Witt

Bioinspired computation methods such as evolutionary algorithms and ant colony optimization are being applied successfully to complex engineering problems and to problems from combinatorial optimization, and with this comes the requirement to more fully understand the computational complexity of these search heuristics. This is the first textbook covering the most important results achieved in this area. The authors study the computational complexity of bioinspired computation and show how runtime behavior can be analyzed in a rigorous way using some of the best-known combinatorial optimization problems -- minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum matching, covering and scheduling problems. A feature of the book is the separate treatment of single- and multiobjective problems, the latter a domain where the development of the underlying theory seems to be lagging practical successes.This book will be very valuable for teaching courses on bioinspired computation and combinatorial optimization. Researchers will also benefit as the presentation of the theory covers the most important developments in the field over the last 10 years. Finally, with a focus on well-studied combinatorial optimization problems rather than toy problems, the book will also be very valuable for practitioners in this field.

Bioinspired Heuristics for Optimization (Studies in Computational Intelligence #774)

by El-Ghazali Talbi Amir Nakib

This book presents recent research on bioinspired heuristics for optimization. Learning- based and black-box optimization exhibit some properties of intrinsic parallelization, and can be used for various optimizations problems. Featuring the most relevant work presented at the 6th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, held at Marrakech (Morocco) from 27th to 31st October 2016, the book presents solutions, methods, algorithms, case studies, and software. It is a valuable resource for research academics and industrial practitioners.

Bioinspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems: 4th International Conference, December 9-11, 2009, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #39)

by Iacopo Carrera Eitan Altman Yezekael Hayel Emma Hart Rachid El-Azouzi

This volume of LNICST is a collection of the papers of the 4th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (Bionetics). The event took place in the medieval city of Avignon, known also as the City of the Popes, during December 9 to 11, 2009. Bionetics main objective is to bring b- inspired paradigms into computer engineereing and networking, and to enhance the fruitful interactions between these fields and biology. The program of the conference indeed includes applications of various paradigms that have their origin in biology: population dynamics, branching processes, ant c- ony optimization. The proceedings include 19 papers covering a broad range of - portant issues in areas related to bio-inspired technologies. They correspond to pr- entations at 6 technical sessions. Four papers correspond to an invited session on the Epidemic-type forwarding in DTNs (sparse mobile ad-hoc wireless networks) org- ized by Dr Francesco De Pellegrini, (Italy, CREATE-NET). The following 9 papers (selected out of 15 submissions) correspond to contributions to regular sessions on Bio-inspired security, Bio-Inspired Networking, Bioinspired algorithms and software systems. The remaining 6 papers (selected out of a total of 9 submissions) are de- cated to work in progress. For each paper, we have provided at least two independent reviews, most of which were offered by members of the TPC.

Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications: 9th International Conference, BIOMA 2020, Brussels, Belgium, November 19–20, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12438)

by Bogdan Filipič Edmondo Minisci Massimiliano Vasile

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications, BIOMA 2020, held in Brussels, Belgium, in November 2020. The 24 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. The papers in this BIOMA proceedings specialized in bioinspired algorithms as a means for solving the optimization problems and came in two categories: theoretical studies and methodology advancements on the one hand, and algorithm adjustments and their applications on the other. Due to the Corona pandemic BIOMA 2020 was held as a virtual event.

Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications: 8th International Conference, BIOMA 2018, Paris, France, May 16-18, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10835)

by Peter Korošec Nouredine Melab El-Ghazali Talbi

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed revised selected papers of the 10th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Models and Their Applications, BIOMA 2018, held in Paris, France, in May 2018. The 27 revised full papers were selected from 53 submissions and present papers in all aspects of bioinspired optimization research such as new algorithmic developments, high-impact applications, new research challenges, theoretical contributions, implementation issues, and experimental studies.

Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications: 10th International Conference, BIOMA 2022, Maribor, Slovenia, November 17–18, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13627)

by Marjan Mernik Tome Eftimov Matej Črepinšek

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and Their Applications, BIOMA 2022, held in Maribor, Slovenia, in November 2022.The 19 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions.The papers in this BIOMA proceedings specialized in bioinspired algorithms as a means for solving the optimization problems and came in two categories: theoretical studies and methodology advancements on the one hand, and algorithm adjustments and their applications on the other.

Bioinspired Systems for Translational Applications: 10th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2024, Olhâo, Portugal, June 4–7, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14675)

by Hojjat Adeli José Manuel Ferrández Vicente Mikel Val Calvo

The two volume set LNCS 14674 and 14675 constitutes the proceedings of the 10th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2024, which took place in Olhâo, Portugal, during June 4–7, 2024. The 99 full papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 193 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Machine learning in neuroscience; artificial intelligence in neurophysiology; neuromotor and cognitive disorders; intelligent systems for assessment, treatment, and assistance in early stages of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias; socio-cognitive, affective and physiological computing; affective computing and context awareness in ambientintelliigence; learning tools to lecture; Part II: Machine learning in computer vision and robotics; bio-inspired computing approaches; social and civil engineering through human AI translations; smart renewable energies: advancing AI algorithms in the renewable energy industry; bioinspired applications.

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