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Showing 32,801 through 32,825 of 85,072 results

Formative Assessment, Learning Data Analytics and Gamification: In ICT Education (Intelligent Data-Centric Systems: Sensor Collected Intelligence)

by Santi Caballé Robert Clarisó

Formative Assessment, Learning Data Analytics and Gamification: An ICT Education discusses the challenges associated with assessing student progress given the explosion of e-learning environments, such as MOOCs and online courses that incorporate activities such as design and modeling. This book shows educators how to effectively garner intelligent data from online educational environments that combine assessment and gamification. This data, when used effectively, can have a positive impact on learning environments and be used for building learner profiles, community building, and as a tactic to create a collaborative team. Using numerous illustrative examples and theoretical and practical results, leading international experts discuss application of automatic techniques for e-assessment of learning activities, methods to collect, analyze, and correctly visualize learning data in educational environments, applications, benefits and challenges of using gamification techniques in academic contexts, and solutions and strategies for increasing student participation and performance. Indexing: The books of this series are submitted to EI-Compendex and SCOPUSDiscusses application of automatic techniques for e-assessment of learning activitiesPresents strategies to provide immediate and useful feedback on students’ activitiesProvides methods to collect, analyze, and correctly visualize learning data in educational environmentsExplains the applications, benefits, and challenges of using gamification techniques in academic contextsOffers solutions to increase students’ participation and performance while lowering drop-out rates and retention levels

Formel, Farbe, Form: Computerästhetik für Medien und Design

by Georg Nees

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Computerkunst! Mit mehr als 200 Abbildungen und 83 Farbtafeln zeigt Ihnen das Buch, wie Sie graphisch-geometrische Programmiersysteme für Kunst, Design, Werbung und Wissenschaft realisieren.

Formoptimierung elastischer Bauteile mit gewichteten B-Splines (BestMasters)

by Florian Martin

Florian Martin verbindet verschiedene Verfahren mit einer auf gewichteten B-Splines basierenden Finite-Elemente-Methode, um die optimale Form eines elastischen Bauteils unter Krafteinwirkung zu ermitteln. Durch den Wegfall der Vernetzung und die hohe Genauigkeit und Glattheit der B-Splines werden bei der Variation des Gebietsrandes während der Optimierung massive Geschwindigkeitsvorteile erzielt. Darüber hinaus spielen B-Splines in vielen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften und ihren zahlreichen Anwendungsgebieten, wie beispielsweise in der Computergrafik, eine fundamentale Rolle. Insbesondere bei Finite-Elemente-Verfahren bieten diese gegenüber klassischen Methoden zahlreiche Vorteile.

FORMS/FORMAT 2010: Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems

by Eckehard Schnieder Geza Tarnai

Complexity in automation- and safety systems in railway as well as automotive applications are dominated more and more by formal description means, methods and tools. Formal techniques provide next to correctness and integrity checkups – especially for safety relevant systems – the possibility to model, prove, simulate and check the specification of the system as well as to generate the system implementations. Requirements of the CENELEC- and IEC-Standards on formal techniques, particularly with regard to the handling of safety analysis, are to be treated in FORMS/FORMAT 2010. The main focus lies on topics facing formal techniques for railway applications and intelligent transportation systems as well as for automotive applications. Gained findings, experiences and also difficulties associated with the handling of the subject matter as well as description means and tools are to be shown.

Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability (Interactive Technologies)

by Caroline Jarrett Gerry Gaffney

Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability clearly explains exactly how to design great forms for the web. The book provides proven and practical advice that will help you avoid pitfalls, and produce forms that are aesthetically pleasing, efficient and cost-effective. It features invaluable design methods, tips, and tricks to help ensure accurate data and satisfied customers. It includes dozens of examples - from nitty-gritty details (label alignment, mandatory fields) to visual designs (creating good grids, use of color). This book isn’t just about colons and choosing the right widgets. It’s about the whole process of making good forms, which has a lot more to do with making sure you’re asking the right questions in a way that your users can answer than it does with whether you use a drop-down list or radio buttons. In an easy-to-read format with lots of examples, the authors present their three-layer model - relationship, conversation, appearance. You need all three for a successful form - a form that looks good, flows well, asks the right questions in the right way, and, most important of all, gets people to fill it out. Liberally illustrated with full-color examples, this book guides readers on how to define requirements, how to write questions that users will understand and want to answer, and how to deal with instructions, progress indicators and errors. This book is essential reading for HCI professionals, web designers, software developers, user interface designers, HCI academics and students, market research professionals, and financial professionals.*Provides proven and practical advice that will help you avoid pitfalls, and produce forms that are aesthetically pleasing, efficient and cost-effective. *Features invaluable design methods, tips, and tricks to help ensure accurate data and satisfied customers. *Includes dozens of examples -- from nitty-gritty details (label alignment, mandatory fields) to visual designs (creating good grids, use of color).*Foreword by Steve Krug, author of the best selling Don't Make Me Think!

Formula 4.0 for Digital Transformation: A Business-Driven Digital Transformation Framework for Industry 4.0

by Venkatesh Upadrista

A staggering 70% of digital transformations have failed as per McKinsey. The key reason why enterprises are failing in their digital transformation journey is because there is no standard framework existing in the industry that enterprises can use to transform themselves to digital. There are several books that speak about technologies such as Cloud, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in silos, but none of these provides a holistic view on how enterprises can embark on a digital transformation journey and be successful using a combination of these technologies. FORMULA 4.0 is a methodology that provides clear guidance for enterprises aspiring to transform their traditional operating model to digital. Enterprises can use this framework as a readymade guide and plan their digital transformation journey. This book is intended for all chief executives, software managers, and leaders who intend to successfully lead this digital transformation journey. An enterprise can achieve success in digital transformation only of it can create an IT Platform that will enable them to adopt any new technology seamlessly into existing IT estate; deliver new products and services to the market in shorter durations; make business decisions with IT as an enabler and utilize automation in all its major business and IT processes. Achieving these goals is what defines a digital enterprise -- Formula 4.0 is a methodology for enterprises to achieve these goals and become digital. Essentially, there is no existing framework in the market that provides a step-by-step guide to enterprises on how to embark on their successful digital transformation journey. This book enables such transformations. Overall, the Formula 4.0 is an enterprise digital transformation framework that enables organizations to become truly digital.

Formula 4.0 for Digital Transformation: A Business-Driven Digital Transformation Framework for Industry 4.0

by Venkatesh Upadrista

A staggering 70% of digital transformations have failed as per McKinsey. The key reason why enterprises are failing in their digital transformation journey is because there is no standard framework existing in the industry that enterprises can use to transform themselves to digital. There are several books that speak about technologies such as Cloud, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in silos, but none of these provides a holistic view on how enterprises can embark on a digital transformation journey and be successful using a combination of these technologies. FORMULA 4.0 is a methodology that provides clear guidance for enterprises aspiring to transform their traditional operating model to digital. Enterprises can use this framework as a readymade guide and plan their digital transformation journey. This book is intended for all chief executives, software managers, and leaders who intend to successfully lead this digital transformation journey. An enterprise can achieve success in digital transformation only of it can create an IT Platform that will enable them to adopt any new technology seamlessly into existing IT estate; deliver new products and services to the market in shorter durations; make business decisions with IT as an enabler and utilize automation in all its major business and IT processes. Achieving these goals is what defines a digital enterprise -- Formula 4.0 is a methodology for enterprises to achieve these goals and become digital. Essentially, there is no existing framework in the market that provides a step-by-step guide to enterprises on how to embark on their successful digital transformation journey. This book enables such transformations. Overall, the Formula 4.0 is an enterprise digital transformation framework that enables organizations to become truly digital.

Formulating Research Methods for Information Systems: Volume 1

by Leslie P. Willcocks Mary C. Lacity Chris Sauer

This edited two-volume collection presents the most interesting and compelling articles pertaining to the formulation of research methods used to study information systems from the 30-year publication history of the Journal of Information Technology .

Formulating Research Methods for Information Systems: Volume 2

by Leslie P. Willcocks Mary C. Lacity Chris Sauer

This edited two-volume collection presents the most interesting and compelling articles pertaining to the formulation of research methods used to study information systems from the 30 year publication history of the Journal of Information Technology (JIT).

Formulation of Uncertainty Relation Between Error and Disturbance in Quantum Measurement by Using Quantum Estimation Theory (Springer Theses)

by Yu Watanabe

In this thesis, quantum estimation theory is applied to investigate uncertainty relations between error and disturbance in quantum measurement. The author argues that the best solution for clarifying the attainable bound of the error and disturbance is to invoke the estimation process from the measurement outcomes such as signals from a photodetector in a quantum optical system. The error and disturbance in terms of the Fisher information content have been successfully formulated and provide the upper bound of the accuracy of the estimation. Moreover, the attainable bound of the error and disturbance in quantum measurement has been derived.The obtained bound is determined for the first time by the quantum fluctuations and correlation functions of the observables, which characterize the non-classical fluctuation of the observables. The result provides the upper bound of our knowledge obtained by quantum measurements.The method developed in this thesis will be applied to a broad class of problems related to quantum measurement to build a next-generation clock standard and to successfully detect gravitational waves.

Forschung erfolgreich vermarkten: Ein Ratgeber für die Praxis

by Universität Dortmund

Wissenschaftler sind darauf angewiesen, mehr und mehr Forschungsprojekte in Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen durchzuführen. Für den Erfolg dieser Kooperationen müssen sie etwas tun, was ihnen zunächst einmal fremd sein dürfte: sich und ihre Forschung vermarkten. Professionelles Marketing zu lernen, dazu blieb aber während des Studiums weder Zeit noch Gelegenheit. Der vorliegende Ratgeber füllt diese Lücke und vermittelt in übersichtlichen Abschnitten die Inhalte einer Workshopreihe, die für Wissenschaftler aller Fachrichtungen entwickelt wurde.

Forschungs- und Entwicklungsmanagement 2000plus: Konzepte und Herausforderungen für die Zukunft (Edition Alcatel SEL Stiftung)

by S. Hess S. Kleinert

Im vorliegenden Buch werden die erfolgskritischen Koordinaten für die Realisierung einer auf Zukunftssicherung ausgerichteten integrierten F&E-Strategie identifiziert. Die Möglichkeiten wechselseitiger Befruchtung von Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft sowie die veränderten Anforderungen an öffentliche und industrielle Forschung und Entwicklung, aber auch die sich neu ergebenden Chancen im Zuge der fortschreitenden Internationalisierung und Globalisierung werden ebenso diskutiert wie der intelligente Umgang mit der ubiquitären Unternehmensressource "Wissen" und Optionen zur Aktivierung des in den Köpfen der Mitarbeiter vorhandenen Humankapitals.Ergänzt wird die vorwiegend praxisorientierte Betrachtung durch die Behandlung der Fragestellung, inwieweit die Theorie derartige Aspekte abdeckt und wie insbesondere die Technologie in den Rahmen einer Unternehmenstheorie eingebettet ist.

Forschungsdesigns der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Empfehlungen für die Bachelor- und Masterarbeit (essentials)

by Dominic Lindner

In diesem Buch werden Grundlagen zur empirischen Sozialforschung erläutert und Empfehlungen zur Findung eines Themas für die Abschlussarbeit gegeben. Anschließend werden vier Forschungsdesigns vorgestellt, ergänzt durch Tipps für die Kooperation mit einem Praxispartner. Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit Themen wie Plagiat und Zitierweise runden das Essential ab. Die Inhalte sollen Studierenden aus dem Bereich der Betriebswirtschaft und der Wirtschaftsinformatik als Hilfestellung bei der Konzeption und Erstellung einer Abschlussarbeit dienen.

Fortgeschrittene Programmiertechniken in Turbo Pascal (Programmieren von Mikrocomputern #19)

by Ekbert Hering

Während sich die Besitzer von Homecomputern meist nur mit überschaubaren Problemen beschäftigen, müssen die Programmierer kommerziell anwendbarer Systeme überwiegend komplexe Fragestellungen bewältigen. Eine bewährte Methode, solche Aufgaben zu lösen besteht darin, diese in einfacher zu lösende Teilprobleme zu zerlegen. Eine weitere Stei· gerung der Produktivität ist möglich, wenn Teilbereiche, die sich wiederholen, zusammen· gefaßt werden. Die einzelnen Teilprobleme und ihre programmtechnischen Lösungen wer­ den standardisiert und in Programmbibliotheken abgelegt. Durch deren Verwendung wird es möglich, komplexe Probleme mit vertretbarem Zeitaufwand wirtschaftlich zu lösen. Leider sind viele in der EDV-Ausbildung Lehrende vorwiegend immer noch der Ansicht, daß es genügt, ihren Schülern die Fähigkeiten eines .. Homecomputer-Programmierers" bei­ zubringen. Aus .. pädagogischen Gründen" erhalten die Schüler vereinfachte oder praktisch irrelevante Problemstellungen mit dem Ergebnis, daß den meisten Absolventen derartiger Lehrgänge das Verständnis für die Notwendigkeit einer Systematik in der Programmierung abgeht. Daß dies heute noch üblich ist, erfuhr einer der Verfasser, als er für seine Firma auf einen Lehrgang zur .. Erweiterung seiner Programmierkenntnisse" geschickt wurde.

FORTH — ganz einfach

by Thom Hogan

Wahre und falsche Aussagen werden vom Computer durch das Setzen und Loschen von Flags ausgedruckt, wobei der Wert 1 fur wahr und 0 fur falsch steht. Flags, auch Boole'sche Werte genannt, werden unter anderem bei der bedingten Programmausfuhrung benutzt. Auch bei den Vergleichen: {}(groBer als), {=} (gleich) werden Flags gesetzt. Das gleiche gilt fur: {O>} (groBer Null), {O

Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the AIoT Era: Second International Conference FoNeS-AIoT 2024 - Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1036)

by Jawad Rasheed Muhammad Fahim Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz

This book introduces a groundbreaking approach to enhancing IoT device security, providing a comprehensive overview of its applications and methodologies. Covering a wide array of topics, from crime prediction to cyberbullying detection, from facial recognition to analyzing email spam, it addresses diverse challenges in contemporary society. Aimed at researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, this book equips readers with practical tools to tackle real-world issues using advanced machine learning algorithms. Whether you're a data scientist, law enforcement officer, or urban planner, this book is a valuable resource for implementing predictive models and enhancing public safety measures. It is a comprehensive guide for implementing machine learning solutions across various domains, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Whether you're delving into IoT security or exploring the potential of AI in urban landscapes, this book provides invaluable insights and tools to navigate the evolving landscape of technology and data science. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and solutions in contemporary cybersecurity. Through case studies and practical examples, readers gain a deeper understanding of the security concerns surrounding IoT devices and learn how to mitigate risks effectively. The book's interdisciplinary approach caters to a diverse audience, including academics, industry professionals, and government officials, who seek to address the growing cybersecurity threats in IoT environments. Key uses of this book include implementing robust security measures for IoT devices, conducting research on machine learning algorithms for attack detection, and developing policies to enhance cybersecurity in IoT ecosystems. By leveraging advanced machine learning techniques, readers can effectively detect and mitigate cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and reliability of IoT systems. Overall, this book is a valuable resource for anyone involved in designing, implementing, or regulating IoT devices and systems.

Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the AIoT Era: Second International Conference FoNeS-AIoT 2024 - Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1035)

by Jawad Rasheed Muhammad Fahim Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz

This book introduces a groundbreaking approach to enhancing IoT device security, providing a comprehensive overview of its applications and methodologies. Covering a wide array of topics, from crime prediction to cyberbullying detection, from facial recognition to analyzing email spam, it addresses diverse challenges in contemporary society. Aimed at researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, this book equips readers with practical tools to tackle real-world issues using advanced machine learning algorithms. Whether you're a data scientist, law enforcement officer, or urban planner, this book is a valuable resource for implementing predictive models and enhancing public safety measures. It is a comprehensive guide for implementing machine learning solutions across various domains, ensuring optimal performance and reliability. Whether you're delving into IoT security or exploring the potential of AI in urban landscapes, this book provides invaluable insights and tools to navigate the evolving landscape of technology and data science. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and solutions in contemporary cybersecurity. Through case studies and practical examples, readers gain a deeper understanding of the security concerns surrounding IoT devices and learn how to mitigate risks effectively. The book's interdisciplinary approach caters to a diverse audience, including academics, industry professionals, and government officials, who seek to address the growing cybersecurity threats in IoT environments. Key uses of this book include implementing robust security measures for IoT devices, conducting research on machine learning algorithms for attack detection, and developing policies to enhance cybersecurity in IoT ecosystems. By leveraging advanced machine learning techniques, readers can effectively detect and mitigate cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and reliability of IoT systems. Overall, this book is a valuable resource for anyone involved in designing, implementing, or regulating IoT devices and systems.

Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the IoT Era: First EAI International Conference, FoNeS – IoT 2020, Virtual Event, October 1-2, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #353)

by Enver Ever Fadi Al-Turjman

This proceedings constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First EAI International Conference on Forthcoming Networks and Sustainability in the IoT Era, FoNeS 2020, held in October 2020. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 13 papers presented were carefully selected from 28 submissions. The papers focus application areas for advanced communication systems and development of new services, in an attempt to facilitate the tremendous growth of new devices and smart things that need to be connected to the Internet through a variety of wireless technologies. The papers are organized in topical sections on IoT and network applications; machine learning and distributed computing; and cellular networks and security.

Fortnite For Dummies

by Bill Loguidice

Play—and survive—in the game of Fortnite! Zombies. Battle. Survival. Fortnite has it all—and if you want to keep your gameplay going until the bitter end to outlast your competition, this book is the ace in your back pocket! Choose a gaming platform Download and optimize the game Play in each of the gameplay modes Scavenge, loot, and collect resources Avoid death and outlast your opponents Who will be the last person standing? When you want to outlast the competition and make Fortnite yours, this book makes it easier than ever to come out on top.

Fortnite For Dummies

by Bill Loguidice

Play—and survive—in the game of Fortnite! Zombies. Battle. Survival. Fortnite has it all—and if you want to keep your gameplay going until the bitter end to outlast your competition, this book is the ace in your back pocket! Choose a gaming platform Download and optimize the game Play in each of the gameplay modes Scavenge, loot, and collect resources Avoid death and outlast your opponents Who will be the last person standing? When you want to outlast the competition and make Fortnite yours, this book makes it easier than ever to come out on top.

FORTNITE Official: Test Your Knowledge of Battle Royale (Official Fortnite Books)

by Epic Games

TEST YOUR BATTLE ROYALE BRAIN! Fancy facing a full-on Fortnite trivia test? If you're clued up on Outfits, emotes, seasons, LTMs, locations, weapons, and everything else Battle Royale-related, then the Official Fortnite: The Ultimate Trivia Book is perfect for you! The 350 questions are split into Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary sections to push you to the limit. Accept the challenge, because it's time to take your Fortnite trivia knowledge to the next level. The vast range of exciting multiple-choice and visual questions will have you scratching your head, but whether you're an experienced Battle Royaler or new to the island, you can take on the quiz quest and see what you score. Your Fortnite trivia test starts here - good luck!

FORTNITE Official: Become the ultimate Battle Royale Boss! (Official Fortnite Books)

by Epic Games

The OFFICIAL Battle Royale Survival Guide from Epic Games, creators of FORTNITE, the BIGGEST gaming brand in the world. Includes all the top tips and tricks you'll need to dominate Battle Royale!From basic gameplay to more advanced maneuvers, this handbook lists all the essential tips and tricks you need to become the last player standing. Immerse yourself in island walk-throughs, weapons rundowns, combat hacks, building guides, team tactics, and more. Featuring:FULL ISLAND GUIDEAll the key places to land and loot--and how to get around the island with easeSNEAKY SURVIVAL TACTICSSmart ways to use the Storm to your benefit, top tips for building your way out of trouble, and the outfit options that offer the best camouflageHOW TO FIGHT BETTER AND SMARTERCrazy and creative ideas for using game elements to your advantage, whether playing solo or in a team

FORTNITE Official: How to Draw (Official Fortnite Books)

by Epic Games

Draw your favorite Outfits, vehicles, weapons, and more with Epic Games' ONLY official how to draw book, including tips to make your sketches as epic as your in-game achievements and featuring the authentic Fortnite holographic seal. Learn how to draw 35 of the game's most popular icons - including Outfits, weapons, building materials and vehicles. In easy-to-follow stages, you'll go step-by-step from rough sketch to detailed finish. INCLUDES: · 16 iconic Outfits· 8 fearsome weapons· The craziest in-game vehicles· Drawing guide· Top art tips, including advanced shading and texture techniquesWhether you're a complete novice or an experienced artist, this book will inspire you to pick up a pencil and get sketching! LET'S GO!

FORTNITE Official How to Draw Volume 2: Over 30 Weapons, Outfits and Items! (Official Fortnite Books)

by Epic Games

An easy, step-by-step guide to enable YOU to draw Fortnite's most iconic Outfits, weapons, accessories, and more, brought to you by Epic Games and featuring the authentic Fortnite holographic seal.Think the intricate designs in Fortnite look difficult to reproduce? Think again. This all-new collection breaks down each drawing into simple, step-by-step stages, zeroing in on the details and providing expert tips and hints along the way. Armed with nothing more than a pencil and paper, YOU TOO can create drawings that will strike fear into your enemies. LET'S DO IT!* From Peely to Rippley, Black Shield to Bonesy, Lavawing to Laser Chomp, HOW TO DRAW: VOLUME 2 is crammed full of your favorite Fortnite items* Featuring a drawing tutorial intro to help you brush up on your techniques, plus helpful tips and hints throughout* Aimed at a range of abilities, progressing from easier sketches to more challenging designs

FORTNITE (Official): The Ultimate Trivia Book

by Epic Games

Are you a true Fortnite expert? Find out in this official Epic Games trivia book, featuring the authentic Fortnite holographic seal.Packed with hundreds of quiz questions in five different levels of difficulty, this official trivia book from Epic Games is jam-packed with Battle Royale brainteasers to test your Fortnite expertise. Whether you're new to the game or an old hand, these questions will level up your knowledge and provide hours of fun. Are you up for the challenge? Your trivia test starts here!

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