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Logical Foundations of Computer Science: International Symposium, LFCS 2007, New York, NY, USA, June 4-7, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4514)

by Sergei Artemov Anil Nerode

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2007, held in New York, NY, USA in June 2007. The volume presents 36 revised refereed papers that address all current aspects of logic in computer science.

Logical Foundations of Computer Science: International Symposium, LFCS 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, January 6-8, 2013. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #7734)

by Sergei Artemov Anil Nerode

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2013, held in San Diego, CA, USA in January 2013. The volume presents 29 revised refereed papers carefully selected by the program committee. The scope of the Symposium is broad and includes constructive mathematics and type theory; logic, automata and automatic structures; computability and randomness; logical foundations of programming; logical aspects of computational complexity; logic programming and constraints; automated deduction and interactive theorem proving; logical methods in protocol and program verification; logical methods in program specification and extraction; domain theory logic; logical foundations of database theory; equational logic and term rewriting; lambda and combinatory calculi; categorical logic and topological semantics; linear logic; epistemic and temporal logics; intelligent and multiple agent system logics; logics of proof and justification; nonmonotonic reasoning; logic in game theory and social software; logic of hybrid systems; distributed system logics; mathematical fuzzy logic; system design logics; and other logics in computer science.

Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems

by André Platzer

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) combine cyber capabilities, such as computation or communication, with physical capabilities, such as motion or other physical processes. Cars, aircraft, and robots are prime examples, because they move physically in space in a way that is determined by discrete computerized control algorithms. Designing these algorithms is challenging due to their tight coupling with physical behavior, while it is vital that these algorithms be correct because we rely on them for safety-critical tasks. This textbook teaches undergraduate students the core principles behind CPSs. It shows them how to develop models and controls; identify safety specifications and critical properties; reason rigorously about CPS models; leverage multi-dynamical systems compositionality to tame CPS complexity; identify required control constraints; verify CPS models of appropriate scale in logic; and develop an intuition for operational effects. The book is supported with homework exercises, lecture videos, and slides.

Logical Foundations of Mathematics and Computational Complexity: A Gentle Introduction (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by Pavel Pudlák

The two main themes of this book, logic and complexity, are both essential for understanding the main problems about the foundations of mathematics. Logical Foundations of Mathematics and Computational Complexity covers a broad spectrum of results in logic and set theory that are relevant to the foundations, as well as the results in computational complexity and the interdisciplinary area of proof complexity. The author presents his ideas on how these areas are connected, what are the most fundamental problems and how they should be approached. In particular, he argues that complexity is as important for foundations as are the more traditional concepts of computability and provability.Emphasis is on explaining the essence of concepts and the ideas of proofs, rather than presenting precise formal statements and full proofs. Each section starts with concepts and results easily explained, and gradually proceeds to more difficult ones. The notes after each section present some formal definitions, theorems and proofs.Logical Foundations of Mathematics and Computational Complexity is aimed at graduate students of all fields of mathematics who are interested in logic, complexity and foundations. It will also be of interest for both physicists and philosophers who are curious to learn the basics of logic and complexity theory.

Logical Investigative Methods: Critical Thinking and Reasoning for Successful Investigations

by Robert J. Girod

All too often, professional investigations fail because those involved jump to conclusions and draw faulty premises that leave the trail cold. Correct conclusions are not the result of guessing, but by applying efficient thought processes. Logical Investigative Methods: Critical Thinking and Reasoning for Successful Investigations is designed to he

Logical Methods: The Art of Thinking Abstractly and Mathematically

by Roger Antonsen

Many believe mathematics is only about calculations, formulas, numbers, and strange letters. But mathematics is much more than just crunching numbers or manipulating symbols. Mathematics is about discovering patterns, uncovering hidden structures, finding counterexamples, and thinking logically. Mathematics is a way of thinking. It is an activity that is both highly creative and challenging. This book offers an introduction to mathematical reasoning for beginning university or college students, providing a solid foundation for further study in mathematics, computer science, and related disciplines. Written in a manner that directly conveys the sense of excitement and discovery at the heart of doing science, its 25 short and visually appealing chapters cover the basics of set theory, logic, proof methods, combinatorics, graph theory, and much more. In the book you will, among other things, find answers to:What is a proof? What is a counterexample?What does it mean to say that something follows logically from a set of premises?What does it mean to abstract over something?How can knowledge and information be represented and used in calculations?What is the connection between Morse code and Fibonacci numbers?Why could it take billions of years to solve Hanoi's Tower? Logical Methods is especially appropriate for students encountering such concepts for the very first time. Designed to ease the transition to a university or college level study of mathematics or computer science, it also provides an accessible and fascinating gateway to logical thinking for students of all disciplines.

Logical Methods: In Honor of Anil Nerode’s Sixtieth Birthday (Progress in Computer Science and Applied Logic #12)

by John N. Crossley Jeffrey B. Remmel Richard Shore Moss E. Sweedler

The twenty-six papers in this volume reflect the wide and still expanding range of Anil Nerode's work. A conference on Logical Methods was held in honor of Nerode's sixtieth birthday (4 June 1992) at the Mathematical Sciences Institute, Cornell University, 1-3 June 1992. Some of the conference papers are here, but others are from students, co-workers and other colleagues. The intention of the conference was to look forward, and to see the directions currently being pursued, in the development of work by, or with, Nerode. Here is a brief summary of the contents of this book. We give a retrospective view of Nerode's work. A number of specific areas are readily discerned: recursive equivalence types, recursive algebra and model theory, the theory of Turing degrees and r.e. sets, polynomial-time computability and computer science. Nerode began with automata theory and has also taken a keen interest in the history of mathematics. All these areas are represented. The one area missing is Nerode's applied mathematical work relating to the environment. Kozen's paper builds on Nerode's early work on automata. Recursive equivalence types are covered by Dekker and Barback, the latter using directly a fundamental metatheorem of Nerode. Recursive algebra is treated by Ge & Richards (group representations). Recursive model theory is the subject of papers by Hird, Moses, and Khoussainov & Dadajanov, while a combinatorial problem in recursive model theory is discussed in Cherlin & Martin's paper. Cenzer presents a paper on recursive dynamics.

Logical Reasoning with Diagrams (Studies in Logic and Computation)

by Gerard Allwein Jon Barwise

One effect of information technology is the increasing need to present information visually. The trend raises intriguing questions. What is the logical status of reasoning that employs visualization? What are the cognitive advantages and pitfalls of this reasoning? What kinds of tools can be developed to aid in the use of visual representation? This newest volume on the Studies in Logic and Computation series addresses the logical aspects of the visualization of information. The authors of these specially commissioned papers explore the properties of diagrams, charts, and maps, and their use in problem solving and teaching basic reasoning skills. As computers make visual representations more commonplace, it is important for professionals, researchers and students in computer science, philosophy, and logic to develop an understanding of these tools; this book can clarify the relationship between visuals and information.

Logical Structures for Representation of Knowledge and Uncertainty (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #14)

by Ellen Hisdal

It is the business of science not to create laws, but to discover them. We do not originate the constitution of our own minds, greatly as it may be in our power to modify their character. And as the laws of the human intellect do not depend upon our will, so the forms of science, of (1. 1) which they constitute the basis, are in all essential regards independent of individual choice. George Boole [10, p. llJ 1. 1 Comparison with Traditional Logic The logic of this book is a probability logic built on top of a yes-no or 2-valued logic. It is divided into two parts, part I: BP Logic, and part II: M Logic. 'BP' stands for 'Bayes Postulate'. This postulate says that in the absence of knowl­ edge concerning a probability distribution over a universe or space one should assume 1 a uniform distribution. 2 The M logic of part II does not make use of Bayes postulate or of any other postulates or axioms. It relies exclusively on purely deductive reasoning following from the definition of probabilities. The M logic goes an important step further than the BP logic in that it can distinguish between certain types of information supply sentences which have the same representation in the BP logic as well as in traditional first order logic, although they clearly have different meanings (see example 6. 1. 2; also comments to the Paris-Rome problem of eqs. (1. 8), (1. 9) below).

A Logical Theory of Nonmonotonic Inference and Belief Change (Artificial Intelligence)

by Alexander Bochman

This is the first book that integrates nonmonotonic reasoning and belief change into a single framework from an artificial intelligence logic point-of-view. The approach to both these subjects is based on a powerful notion of an epistemic state that subsumes both existing models for nonmonotonic inference and current models for belief change. Many results and constructions in the book are completely new and have not appeared earlier in the literature.

Logical Tools for Handling Change in Agent-Based Systems (Cognitive Technologies)

by Dov M. Gabbay Karl Schlechta

Agents act on the basis of their beliefs and these beliefs change as they interact with other agents. In this book the authors propose and explain general logical tools for handling change. These tools include preferential reasoning, theory revision, and reasoning in inheritance systems, and the authors use these tools to examine nonmonotonic logic, deontic logic, counterfactuals, modal logic, intuitionistic logic, and temporal logic. This book will be of benefit to researchers engaged with artificial intelligence, and in particular agents, multiagent systems and nonmonotonic logic.

Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument: A Study of Defeasible Reasoning in Law (Law and Philosophy Library #32)

by H. Prakken

This book is a revised and extended version of my PhD Thesis 'Logical Tools for Modelling Legal Argument', which I defended on 14 January 1993 at the Free University Amsterdam. The first five chapters of the thesis have remained almost completely unchanged but the other chapters have undergone considerable revision and expansion. Most importantly, I have replaced the formal argument-based system of the old Chapters 6, 7 and 8 with a revised and extended system, whieh I have developed during the last three years in collaboration with Giovanni Sartor. Apart from some technical improvements, the main additions to the old system are the enriehment of its language with a nonprovability operator, and the ability to formalise reasoning about preference criteria. Moreover, the new system has a very intuitive dialectieal form, as opposed to the rather unintuitive fixed-point appearance of the old system. Another important revision is the split of the old Chapter 9 into two new chapters. The old Section 9. 1 on related research has been updated and expanded into a whole chapter, while the rest of the old chapter is now in revised form in Chapter 10. This chapter also contains two new contributions, a detailed discussion of Gordon's Pleadings Game, and a general description of a multi-Iayered overall view on the structure of argu­ mentation, comprising a logieal, dialectical, procedural and strategie layer. Finally, in the revised conclusion I have paid more attention to the relevance of my investigations for legal philosophy and argumentation theory.

The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age

by Paul J. Nahin

Boolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use—from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.

The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age

by Paul J. Nahin

Boolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use—from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.

Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Semantics (Trends in Logic #40)

by Andreas Kapsner

This volume examines the concept of falsification as a central notion of semantic theories and its effects on logical laws. The point of departure is the general constructivist line of argument that Michael Dummett has offered over the last decades. From there, the author examines the ways in which falsifications can enter into a constructivist semantics, displays the full spectrum of options, and discusses the logical systems most suitable to each one of them. While the idea of introducing falsifications into the semantic account is Dummett's own, the many ways in which falsificationism departs quite radically from verificationism are here spelled out in detail for the first time.The volume is divided into three large parts. The first part provides important background information about Dummett’s program, intuitionism and logics with gaps and gluts. The second part is devoted to the introduction of falsifications into the constructive account and shows that there is more than one way in which one can do this. The third part details the logical effects of these various moves. In the end, the book shows that the constructive path may branch in different directions: towards intuitionistic logic, dual intuitionistic logic and several variations of Nelson logics. The author argues that, on balance, the latter are the more promising routes to take."Kapsner’s book is the first detailed investigation of how to incorporate the notion of falsification into formal logic. This is a fascinating logico-philosophical investigation, which will interest non-classical logicians of all stripes."Graham Priest, Graduate Center, City University of New York and University of Melbourne

Logics and Models of Concurrent Systems (NATO ASI Subseries F: #13)

by Krzysztof R. Apt

The cooperation test [Apt, Francez & de Roever] was originally conceived to capture the proof theoretical analogue of distributed message exchange between disjoint processes, as opposed to the interference freedom test [Owicki & Gries], being the proof theoretical analogue of concurrent communication by means of interference through jointly shared variables. Some authors ([Levin & Gries, Lamport & Schneider, Schlichting and Schneider]) stress that both forms of communication can be proof theoretically characterized using interference freedom only, since proofs for both ultimately amount to an invariance proof of a big global assertion [Ashcroft], invariance of whose parts amounts to interference freedom. Yet I feel that the characteristic nature of the cooperation test is still preserved in the analysis of these authors, because in their analysis of CSP the part dealing with interference freedom specializes to maintenance of a global invariant, the expression of which requires per process the introduction of auxiliary variables which are updated in that process only, thus preserving the concept of disjointness (as opposed to sharing), since now all variables from different processes are disjoint. The cooperation test has been applied to characterize concurrent communication as occurring in Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) [Hoare 2], Ichbiah's ADA [ARM], and Brinch Hansen's Distributed Processes (DP) [Brinch Hansen]. This characterization has been certified through soundness and completeness proofs [Apt 2, Gerth]. As in the interference freedom test this characterization consists of two stages, a local sequential stage and a global stage.

Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Herman Geuvers on The Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14560)

by Freek Wiedijk Venanzio Capretta Robbert Krebbers

This Festschrift, dedicated to Herman Geuvers on the occasion of his 60th birthday, contains papers written by many of his closest collaborators. Herman Geuvers is a full professor at Radboud University Nijmegen and holds a part-time professorship at Eindhoven University of Technology. He received his PhD from Radboud University in 1993 and he was promoted to full professor in Computer Assisted Reasoning in 2006. Prof. Geuvers is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of proof assistants, logic in computer science, lambda calculus, and type theory. He has been a steering committee chair of the TYPES and FSCD conferences, chair of related EU Cost Action projects, and program chair or editor of related conferences and special issues in the area of computer science logic. He is a successful, generous and inspiring advisor and educator. He has been director of education and director of research of the Computer Science Institute at Radboud University Nijmegen, and he is currently chair of the examination board of computer science and chair of the board of the Institute for Programming Research and Algorithmics, a Dutch national inter-university research school. The contributions in this volume reflect Prof. Geuvers’ main research interests.

Logics for Computer and Data Sciences, and Artificial Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence #992)

by Lech T. Polkowski

This volume offers the reader a systematic and throughout account of branches of logic instrumental for computer science, data science and artificial intelligence. Addressed in it are propositional, predicate, modal, epistemic, dynamic, temporal logics as well as applicable in data science many-valued logics and logics of concepts (rough logics). It offers a look into second-order logics and approximate logics of parts.The book concludes with appendices on set theory, algebraic structures, computability, complexity, MV-algebras and transition systems, automata and formal grammars.By this composition of the text, the reader obtains a self-contained exposition that can serve as the textbook on logics and relevant disciplines as well as a reference text.

Logics for Computer Science: Classical And Non-classical

by Anita Wasilewska

Providing an in-depth introduction to fundamental classical and non-classical logics, this textbook offers a comprehensive survey of logics for computer scientists. Logics for Computer Science contains intuitive introductory chapters explaining the need for logical investigations, motivations for different types of logics and some of their history. They are followed by strict formal approach chapters. All chapters contain many detailed examples explaining each of the introduced notions and definitions, well chosen sets of exercises with carefully written solutions, and sets of homework. While many logic books are available, they were written by logicians for logicians, not for computer scientists. They usually choose one particular way of presenting the material and use a specialized language. Logics for Computer Science discusses Gentzen as well as Hilbert formalizations, first order theories, the Hilbert Program, Godel's first and second incompleteness theorems and their proofs. It also introduces and discusses some many valued logics, modal logics and introduces algebraic models for classical, intuitionistic, and modal S4 and S5 logics.The theory of computation is based on concepts defined by logicians and mathematicians. Logic plays a fundamental role in computer science, and this book explains the basic theorems, as well as different techniques of proving them in classical and some non-classical logics. Important applications derived from concepts of logic for computer technology include Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. In addition to Computer Science, this book may also find an audience in mathematics and philosophy courses, and some of the chapters are also useful for a course in Artificial Intelligence.

Logics for Databases and Information Systems (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #436)

by Jan Chomicki Gunter Saake

Time is ubiquitous in information systems. Almost every enterprise faces the problem of its data becoming out of date. However, such data is often valu­ able, so it should be archived and some means to access it should be provided. Also, some data may be inherently historical, e.g., medical, cadastral, or ju­ dicial records. Temporal databases provide a uniform and systematic way of dealing with historical data. Many languages have been proposed for tem­ poral databases, among others temporal logic. Temporal logic combines ab­ stract, formal semantics with the amenability to efficient implementation. This chapter shows how temporal logic can be used in temporal database applica­ tions. Rather than presenting new results, we report on recent developments and survey the field in a systematic way using a unified formal framework [GHR94; Ch094]. The handbook [GHR94] is a comprehensive reference on mathematical foundations of temporal logic. In this chapter we study how temporal logic is used as a query and integrity constraint language. Consequently, model-theoretic notions, particularly for­ mula satisfaction, are of primary interest. Axiomatic systems and proof meth­ ods for temporal logic [GHR94] have found so far relatively few applications in the context of information systems. Moreover, one needs to bear in mind that for the standard linearly-ordered time domains temporal logic is not re­ cursively axiomatizable [GHR94]' so recursive axiomatizations are by necessity incomplete.

Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases

by Jan Chomicki Ron Van Der Meyden Gunter Saake

In this era of heterogeneous and distributed data sources, ranging from semistructured documents to knowledge about coordination processes or workflows, logic provides a rich set of tools and techniques with which to address the questions of how to represent, query and reason about complex data. This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of research on the application of logic-based methods to information systems, covering highly topical and emerging fields: XML programming and querying, intelligent agents, workflow modeling and verification, data integration, temporal and dynamic information, data mining, authorization, and security. It provides both scientists and graduate students with a wealth of material and references for their own research and education.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 16th European Conference, JELIA 2019, Rende, Italy, May 7–11, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11468)

by Francesco Calimeri Nicola Leone Marco Manna

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2019, held in Rende, Italy, in May 2019. The 50 full papers and 10 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 101 submissions. Additionally, the book contains 3 invited papers. The accepted papers span a number of areas within Logics in AI, including: belief revision and argumentation; causal, defeasible and inductive reasoning; conditional, probabilistic and propositional logic; description logics; logic programming; modal and default logic; and temporal logic.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: European Workshop, JELIA ’98 Dagstuhl, Germany, October 12–15, 1998 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1489)

by Farinas Luis Del Cerro Ulrich Furbach

This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the conference and two abstracts from invited speakers. The programme committee selected these 25 papers from 12 countries out of 65 submissions from 17 countries. The rst JELIA meeting was in Rosco , France, ten years ago. Afterwards, it took place in the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, and now again in Germany. The proceedings of the last four meetings appeared in the Springer-Verlag LNCS series, and a selected series of papers of the English and the Portuguese meeting appeared as special issues in the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics and in the Journal of Automated Reasoning, respectively. The aim of JELIA was and still is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and results in the domain of foundations of AI, focusing on rigorous descriptions of some aspects of intelligence. These descriptions are promoted by applications, and produced by logical tools and methods. The papers contained in this volume cover the following topics: 1. Logic programming 2. Epistemic logics 3. Theorem proving 4. Non-monotonic reasoning 5. Non-standard logics 6. Knowledge representation 7. Higher order logics We would like to warmly thank the authors, the invited speakers, the m- bers of the program committee, and the additional reviewers listed below. They all have made these proceedings possible and ensured their quality.

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 13th European Conference, JELIA 2012, Toulouse, France, September 26-28, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #7519)

by Luis Fariñas Del Cerro Andreas Herzig Jérôme Mengin

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, held in Toulouse, France, in September 2012. The book includes 3 invited talks, 36 regular papers, and 5 system descriptions, selected from 107 submissions. The papers cover various aspects of theory and methods of logic for artificial intelligence.

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