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Security-aware Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Ning Zhang Jon W. Mark

This brief investigates spectrum efficient and energy efficient strategies, known as cognitive radio networks (CRNs), to ensure secure cooperation between licensed and unlicensed users. The authors address issues of spectrum scarcity, spectrum sensing, transmission performance, trust-aware cooperation, and secure communications. Two security-aware cooperation based spectrum access schemes are presented. The first is a trust-aware cooperative framework for CRNs to improve the throughput or energy efficiency of licensed users and offer transmission opportunities to unlicensed users, taking into consideration the trustworthiness of unlicensed users. The second scheme is a cooperative framework to enhance secure communications of licensed users. An introduction to CRNs and literature survey enhance the discussion while numerical results are provided to demonstrate the viability of the proposed schemes. The brief is designed for researchers and professionals working with cognitive radio networks or interested in cooperation based access. Advanced-level students studying computer communication networks and communications engineering will also find this brief useful.

Security-Aware Design for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Platform-Based Approach

by Chung-Wei Lin Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Addressing the rising security issues during the design stages of cyber-physical systems, this book develops a systematic approach to address security at early design stages together with all other design constraints. Cyber-attacks become more threatening as systems are becoming more connected with the surrounding environment, infrastructures, and other systems. Security mechanisms can be designed to protect against attacks and meet security requirements, but there are many challenges of applying security mechanisms to cyber-physical systems including open environments, limited resources, strict timing requirements, and large number of devices. Designed for researchers and professionals, this book is valuable for individuals working in network systems, security mechanisms, and system design. It is also suitable for advanced-level students of computer science.

Security-Aware Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Aiqing Zhang Liang Zhou Lei Wang

The objective of this SpringerBrief is to present security architectures and incentive mechanisms to realize system availability for D2D communications. D2D communications enable devices to communicate directly, improving resource utilization, enhancing user’s throughput, extending battery lifetime, etc. However, due to the open nature of D2D communications, there are two substantial technical challenges when applied to large-scale applications, that is, security and availability which is demonstrated in this book.This SpringerBrief proposes a secure data sharing protocol, which merges the advantages of public key cryptography and symmetric encryption, to achieve data security in D2D communications. Furthermore, a joint framework involving both the physical and application layer security technologies is proposed for multimedia service over D2D communications thus the scalable security service can be achieved without changing the current communication framework. Additionally, as the system availability largely depends on the cooperation degree of the users, a graph-theory based cooperative content dissemination scheme is proposed to achieve maximal Quality of Experience (QoE) with fairness and efficiency.This SpringerBrief will be a valuable resource for advanced-level students and researchers who want to learn more about cellular networks.

Security Awareness: Neue Wege zur erfolgreichen Mitarbeiter-Sensibilisierung (Edition <kes>)

by Michael Helisch Dietmar Pokoyski

Security ist in aller Munde. Und unbestritten gilt heute nach Jahren der Konzentration auf stets neue technische Tools der Mensch als Schlüssel zum Erfolg der Unternehmenssicherheit. In diesem Zusammenhang ist viel von Security Awareness die Rede. Doch was bedeutet eigentlich Awareness? Reicht „Sensibilisierung“? Reichen didaktische Veranstaltungen oder E-Learning-Tools aus oder sind vielmehr ganzheitliche Kommunikationsstrategien der Schlüssel für die oftmals beschworenen Verhaltensänderungen? Erfahrene Berater, Kommunikationsexperten, Psychologen und Software-Architekten aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz beschreiben, welche Rolle Sicherheitskultur im Rahmen von Awareness spielt, sowie Methoden für Analysen und Konzeption bzw. Implementierung von Maßnahmen. Checklisten und Quellenangaben für Tools und Kampagnen-Bausteine vervollständigen das Buch und machen es zu einem unverzichtbaren Führer durch eine hier erstmals beschriebene methodische Awareness-Kommunikation.

Security Awareness Design in the New Normal Age

by Wendy F. Goucher

People working in our cyber world have access to a wide range of information including sensitive personal or corporate information which increases the risk to it. One of the aspects of the protection of this data is to train the user to behave more securely. This means that every person who handles sensitive information, their own or that of other people, be aware of the risks that their use can pose as well as how to do their job in such a way as to reduce that risk. The approach we use for that is called ‘Security awareness’ but would be more accurately described as security ‘un-awareness’ because most of the problems come where the user doesn’t know about a risk from their behaviour, or its potential impact. In these post COVID days of ‘New Normal’ working, in which staff spend more of their time working at home, organisations are still responsible for the protection of sensitive personal and corporate data. This means that it is more important than ever to create an effective security awareness communication process. This book will primarily consider the problem of hitting that ‘Sweet Spot’ in the age of ‘New Normal' working, which means that the knowledge about secure practice is not only understood and remembered, but also reliably put into practice – even when a person is working alone. This will be informed by academic research as well as experience, both my own and learnt from my fellow professionals, and then will be used to demonstrate how ‘New Normal’ working can improve security awareness as well as challenge it.

Security Awareness Design in the New Normal Age

by Wendy F. Goucher

People working in our cyber world have access to a wide range of information including sensitive personal or corporate information which increases the risk to it. One of the aspects of the protection of this data is to train the user to behave more securely. This means that every person who handles sensitive information, their own or that of other people, be aware of the risks that their use can pose as well as how to do their job in such a way as to reduce that risk. The approach we use for that is called ‘Security awareness’ but would be more accurately described as security ‘un-awareness’ because most of the problems come where the user doesn’t know about a risk from their behaviour, or its potential impact. In these post COVID days of ‘New Normal’ working, in which staff spend more of their time working at home, organisations are still responsible for the protection of sensitive personal and corporate data. This means that it is more important than ever to create an effective security awareness communication process. This book will primarily consider the problem of hitting that ‘Sweet Spot’ in the age of ‘New Normal' working, which means that the knowledge about secure practice is not only understood and remembered, but also reliably put into practice – even when a person is working alone. This will be informed by academic research as well as experience, both my own and learnt from my fellow professionals, and then will be used to demonstrate how ‘New Normal’ working can improve security awareness as well as challenge it.

Security Awareness For Dummies

by Ira Winkler

Make security a priority on your team Every organization needs a strong security program. One recent study estimated that a hacker attack occurs somewhere every 37 seconds. Since security programs are only as effective as a team’s willingness to follow their rules and protocols, it’s increasingly necessary to have not just a widely accessible gold standard of security, but also a practical plan for rolling it out and getting others on board with following it. Security Awareness For Dummies gives you the blueprint for implementing this sort of holistic and hyper-secure program in your organization. Written by one of the world’s most influential security professionals—and an Information Systems Security Association Hall of Famer—this pragmatic and easy-to-follow book provides a framework for creating new and highly effective awareness programs from scratch, as well as steps to take to improve on existing ones. It also covers how to measure and evaluate the success of your program and highlight its value to management. Customize and create your own program Make employees aware of the importance of security Develop metrics for success Follow industry-specific sample programs Cyberattacks aren’t going away anytime soon: get this smart, friendly guide on how to get a workgroup on board with their role in security and save your organization big money in the long run.

Security Awareness For Dummies

by Ira Winkler

Make security a priority on your team Every organization needs a strong security program. One recent study estimated that a hacker attack occurs somewhere every 37 seconds. Since security programs are only as effective as a team’s willingness to follow their rules and protocols, it’s increasingly necessary to have not just a widely accessible gold standard of security, but also a practical plan for rolling it out and getting others on board with following it. Security Awareness For Dummies gives you the blueprint for implementing this sort of holistic and hyper-secure program in your organization. Written by one of the world’s most influential security professionals—and an Information Systems Security Association Hall of Famer—this pragmatic and easy-to-follow book provides a framework for creating new and highly effective awareness programs from scratch, as well as steps to take to improve on existing ones. It also covers how to measure and evaluate the success of your program and highlight its value to management. Customize and create your own program Make employees aware of the importance of security Develop metrics for success Follow industry-specific sample programs Cyberattacks aren’t going away anytime soon: get this smart, friendly guide on how to get a workgroup on board with their role in security and save your organization big money in the long run.

Security Basics for Computer Architects (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)

by Ruby B. Lee

Design for security is an essential aspect of the design of future computers. However, security is not well understood by the computer architecture community. Many important security aspects have evolved over the last several decades in the cryptography, operating systems, and networking communities. This book attempts to introduce the computer architecture student, researcher, or practitioner to the basic concepts of security and threat-based design. Past work in different security communities can inform our thinking and provide a rich set of technologies for building architectural support for security into all future computers and embedded computing devices and appliances. I have tried to keep the book short, which means that many interesting topics and applications could not be included. What the book focuses on are the fundamental security concepts, across different security communities, that should be understood by any computer architect trying to design or evaluate security-aware computer architectures.

Security by Design: Security Engineering informationstechnischer Systeme

by Armin Lunkeit Wolf Zimmer

Der Softwareingenieur von heute muss die grundlegende Disziplin der Entwicklung sicherer informationstechnischer Systeme verstehen. Nicht, weil es eine ein „gute Idee“ ist, sondern weil unsere Arbeits- und Lebenswelten zunehmend auf die Funktionsfähigkeit und die Sicherheit hochkomplexer und dynamischer informationstechnischer Infrastrukturen angewiesen sind. Die Vorstellung, dass die Sicherheit informationstechnischer Systeme etwas Besonderes ist, ist ein Trugschluss. Tatsächlich ist Sicherheit nur ein Aspekt der Zuverlässigkeit. Wir können keine zuverlässigen Anwendungen und Systeme haben, wenn diese nicht sicher sind.Vor diesem Hintergrund gehen die Autoren der Frage nach, ob und in welchem Ausmaß die mit dem Einsatz der Artefakte der digitalen Revolution einhergehenden Risiken beherrschbar bleiben, und welche Möglichkeiten wir bereits heute haben, die Eindämmung von Risiken und Gefahren schon beim Entwurf informationstechnischer Systeme zu berücksichtigen. Die Antwort ist ein systematischer praxis- und modellbasierter Ansatz für das Security-Engineering von Informationssystemen.

Security by Design: Innovative Perspectives on Complex Problems (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Anthony J. Masys

This edited book captures salient global security challenges and presents ‘design’ solutions in dealing with wicked problems. Through case studies and applied research this book reveals the many perspectives, tools and approaches to support security design. Security design thereby can support risk and threat analysis, risk communication, problem framing and development of interventions strategies. From the refugee crisis to economic slowdowns in emerging markets, from ever-rising numbers of terrorist and cyberattacks to global water shortages, to the proliferation of the Internet of Things and its impact on the security of our homes, cities and critical infrastructure, the current security landscape is diverse and complex. These global risks have been in the headlines in the last year (Global Risks Report) and pose significant security challenges both nationally and globally. In fact, national security is no longer just national. Non-state actors, cyber NGO, rising powers, and hybrid wars and crimes in strategic areas pose complex challenges to global security. In the words of Horst Rittel (1968):"Design is an activity, which aims at the production of a plan, which plan -if implemented- is intended to bring about a situation with specific desired characteristics without creating unforeseen and undesired side and after effects."

Security Challenges and Approaches in Internet of Things (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Sridipta Misra Muthucumaru Maheswaran Salman Hashmi

This book provides a comprehensive survey of the security and privacy research advancements in Internet of Things (IoT). The book lays the context for the discussion by introducing a system model for IoT. Since IoT is very varied and has been introduced in many different contexts, the system model introduced plays a crucial role in integrating the concepts into a coherent framework. After the system model, the book introduces the vulnerable features of the IoT. By providing a comprehensive discussion of the vulnerable features, the book highlights the problem areas of IoT that should be studied concerning security and privacy. Using the vulnerable features as a motivation, the book presents a vast survey of existing security and privacy approaches for IoT. The survey is a good way for the reader to pick up interesting directions of research that have already been explored and also hints at directions that could take additional investigation. Finally, the book presents four case studies that provide a detailed view of how some of the security and privacy concerns are addressed in specific problem areas.

Security Compliance in Model-driven Development of Software Systems in Presence of Long-Term Evolution and Variants

by Sven Matthias Peldszus

For ensuring a software system's security, it is vital to keep up with changing security precautions, attacks, and mitigations. Although model-based development enables addressing security already at design-time, design models are often inconsistent with the implementation or among themselves. An additional burden are variants of software systems. To ensure security in this context, we present an approach based on continuous automated change propagation, allowing security experts to specify security requirements on the most suitable system representation. We automatically check all system representations against these requirements and provide security-preserving refactorings for preserving security compliance. For both, we show the application to variant-rich software systems. To support legacy systems, we allow to reverse-engineer variability-aware UML models and semi-automatically map existing design models to the implementation. Besides evaluations of the individual contributions, we demonstrate the approach in two open-source case studies, the iTrust electronics health records system and the Eclipse Secure Storage.

Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook

by Leighton Johnson

Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook provides a current and well-developed approach to evaluation and testing of security controls to prove they are functioning correctly in today's IT systems. This handbook shows you how to evaluate, examine, and test installed security controls in the world of threats and potential breach actions surrounding all industries and systems. If a system is subject to external or internal threats and vulnerabilities - which most are - then this book will provide a useful handbook for how to evaluate the effectiveness of the security controls that are in place. Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook shows you what your security controls are doing and how they are standing up to various inside and outside threats. This handbook provides guidance and techniques for evaluating and testing various computer security controls in IT systems. Author Leighton Johnson shows you how to take FISMA, NIST Guidance, and DOD actions and provide a detailed, hands-on guide to performing assessment events for information security professionals who work with US federal agencies. As of March 2014, all agencies are following the same guidelines under the NIST-based Risk Management Framework. This handbook uses the DOD Knowledge Service and the NIST Families assessment guides as the basis for needs assessment, requirements, and evaluation efforts for all of the security controls. Each of the controls can and should be evaluated in its own unique way, through testing, examination, and key personnel interviews. Each of these methods is discussed.Provides direction on how to use SP800-53A, SP800-115, DOD Knowledge Service, and the NIST Families assessment guides to implement thorough evaluation efforts for the security controls in your organization.Learn how to implement proper evaluation, testing, and assessment procedures and methodologies with step-by-step walkthroughs of all key concepts.Shows you how to implement assessment techniques for each type of control, provide evidence of assessment, and proper reporting techniques.

Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook

by Leighton Johnson

Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook, Second Edition, provides a current and well-developed approach to evaluate and test IT security controls to prove they are functioning correctly. This handbook discusses the world of threats and potential breach actions surrounding all industries and systems. Sections cover how to take FISMA, NIST Guidance, and DOD actions, while also providing a detailed, hands-on guide to performing assessment events for information security professionals in US federal agencies. This handbook uses the DOD Knowledge Service and the NIST Families assessment guides as the basis for needs assessment, requirements and evaluation efforts.Provides direction on how to use SP800-53A, SP800-115, DOD Knowledge Service, and the NIST Families assessment guides to implement thorough evaluation efforts Shows readers how to implement proper evaluation, testing, assessment procedures and methodologies, with step-by-step walkthroughs of all key conceptsPresents assessment techniques for each type of control, provides evidence of assessment, and includes proper reporting techniques

Security Convergence: Managing Enterprise Security Risk

by Dave Tyson

Security Convergence describes the movement in business to combine the roles of physical security and security management with network computer security measures within an organization. This is the first book to discuss the subject of security convergence, providing real-world illustrations of implementation and the cost-saving benefits that result. Security Convergence discusses security management, electronic security solutions, and network security and the manner in which all of these interact. Combining security procedures and arriving at complete security solutions improves efficiency, greatly improves security, and saves companies money. Implementation of convergence principles has increased rapidly and the number of businesses moving to this model will continue to grow over the next few years. All security professionals, regardless of background, will find this a useful reference and a practical look at the benefits of convergence and a look to the future of how organizations and corporations will protect their assets.* A high-level, manager's overview of the movement in corporations to combine the physical and IT Security functions * Details the challenges and benefits of convergence with an assessment of the future outlook for this growing industry trend* Contains case examples that detail how convergence can be implemented to save money and improve efficiencies

The Security Culture Playbook: An Executive Guide To Reducing Risk and Developing Your Human Defense Layer

by Perry Carpenter Kai Roer

Mitigate human risk and bake security into your organization’s culture from top to bottom with insights from leading experts in security awareness, behavior, and culture. The topic of security culture is mysterious and confusing to most leaders. But it doesn’t have to be. In The Security Culture Playbook, Perry Carpenter and Kai Roer, two veteran cybersecurity strategists deliver experience-driven, actionable insights into how to transform your organization’s security culture and reduce human risk at every level. This book exposes the gaps between how organizations have traditionally approached human risk and it provides security and business executives with the necessary information and tools needed to understand, measure, and improve facets of security culture across the organization. The book offers: An expose of what security culture really is and how it can be measured A careful exploration of the 7 dimensions that comprise security culture Practical tools for managing your security culture program, such as the Security Culture Framework and the Security Culture Maturity Model Insights into building support within the executive team and Board of Directors for your culture management programAlso including several revealing interviews from security culture thought leaders in a variety of industries, The Security Culture Playbook is an essential resource for cybersecurity professionals, risk and compliance managers, executives, board members, and other business leaders seeking to proactively manage and reduce risk.

The Security Culture Playbook: An Executive Guide To Reducing Risk and Developing Your Human Defense Layer

by Perry Carpenter Kai Roer

Mitigate human risk and bake security into your organization’s culture from top to bottom with insights from leading experts in security awareness, behavior, and culture. The topic of security culture is mysterious and confusing to most leaders. But it doesn’t have to be. In The Security Culture Playbook, Perry Carpenter and Kai Roer, two veteran cybersecurity strategists deliver experience-driven, actionable insights into how to transform your organization’s security culture and reduce human risk at every level. This book exposes the gaps between how organizations have traditionally approached human risk and it provides security and business executives with the necessary information and tools needed to understand, measure, and improve facets of security culture across the organization. The book offers: An expose of what security culture really is and how it can be measured A careful exploration of the 7 dimensions that comprise security culture Practical tools for managing your security culture program, such as the Security Culture Framework and the Security Culture Maturity Model Insights into building support within the executive team and Board of Directors for your culture management programAlso including several revealing interviews from security culture thought leaders in a variety of industries, The Security Culture Playbook is an essential resource for cybersecurity professionals, risk and compliance managers, executives, board members, and other business leaders seeking to proactively manage and reduce risk.

Security De-Engineering: Solving the Problems in Information Risk Management

by Ian Tibble

As hacker organizations surpass drug cartels in terms of revenue generation, it is clear that the good guys are doing something wrong in information security. Providing a simple foundational remedy for our security ills, Security De-Engineering: Solving the Problems in Information Risk Management is a definitive guide to the current problems i

Security Designs for the Cloud, IoT, and Social Networking

by Dac-Nhuong Le Chintan Bhatt Mani Madhukar

Security concerns around the rapid growth and variety of devices that are controlled and managed over the Internet is an immediate potential threat to all who own or use them. This book examines the issues surrounding these problems, vulnerabilities, what can be done to solve the problems, investigating the roots of the problems and how programming and attention to good security practice can combat the threats today that are a result of lax security processes on the Internet of Things, cloud computing and social media.

Security Designs for the Cloud, IoT, and Social Networking

by Dac-Nhuong Le Chintan Bhatt Mani Madhukar

Security concerns around the rapid growth and variety of devices that are controlled and managed over the Internet is an immediate potential threat to all who own or use them. This book examines the issues surrounding these problems, vulnerabilities, what can be done to solve the problems, investigating the roots of the problems and how programming and attention to good security practice can combat the threats today that are a result of lax security processes on the Internet of Things, cloud computing and social media.

Security-Driven Software Development: Learn to analyze and mitigate risks in your software projects

by Aspen Olmsted

Trace security requirements through each development phase, mitigating multiple-layer attacks with practical examples, and emerge equipped with the skills to build resilient applicationsKey FeaturesExplore the practical application of secure software development methodologiesModel security vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC)Develop the skills to trace requirements, from requirements gathering through to implementationPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionExtend your software development skills to integrate security into every aspect of your projects. Perfect for any programmer or developer working on mission-critical applications, this hands-on guide helps you adopt secure software development practices. Explore core concepts like security specifi cation, modeling, and threat mitigation with the iterative approach of this book that allows you to trace security requirements through each phase of software development. You won’t stop at the basics; you’ll delve into multiple-layer att acks and develop the mindset to prevent them. Through an example application project involving an entertainment ticketing software system, you’ll look at high-profi le security incidents that have aff ected popular music stars and performers. Drawing from the author’s decades of experience building secure applications in this domain, this book off ers comprehensive techniques where problem-solving meets practicality for secure development. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the expertise to systematically secure software projects, from crafting robust security specifi cations to adeptly mitigating multifaceted threats, ensuring your applications stand resilient in the face of evolving cybersecurity challenges.What you will learnFind out non-functional requirements crucial for software security, performance, and reliabilityDevelop the skills to identify and model vulnerabilities in software design and analysisAnalyze and model various threat vectors that pose risks to software applicationsAcquire strategies to mitigate security threats specific to web applicationsAddress threats to the database layer of an applicationTrace non-functional requirements through secure software designWho this book is forMany software development jobs require developing, maintaining, enhancing, administering, and defending software applications, websites, and scripts. This book is designed for software developers and web developers seeking to excel in these roles, offering concise explanations and applied example use-cases.

Security Education and Critical Infrastructures: IFIP TC11 / WG11.8 Third Annual World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE3) June 26–28, 2003, Monterey, California, USA (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #125)

by Helen Armstrong Cynthia Irvine

Security Education and Critical Infrastructures presents the most recent developments in research and practice on teaching information security, and covers topics including: -Curriculum design; -Laboratory systems and exercises; -Security education program assessment; -Distance learning and web-based teaching of security; -Teaching computer forensics; -Laboratory-based system defense games; -Security education tools; -Education in security policies, management and system certification; -Case studies.

Security Einfach Machen: IT-Sicherheit als Sprungbrett für die Digitalisierung

by Ferri Abolhassan

In diesem Buch beleuchten Autoren aus der Politik, Wirtschaft und Forschung das Thema Security: Was wird sie kosten und wer wird sie anbieten? Wird Security vielleicht sogar Spaß machen? Das Internet der Dinge wird nicht einmal zehn Jahre brauchen, um 2020 mehr als 50 Milliarden Geräte zu vernetzen. Digitalisierung rast durch alle Bereiche der Wirtschaft und des Lebens. Sie bringt Geschwindigkeit und Kosteneffizienz, aber sie vergrößert auch unsere Angriffsfläche – der Menschen und unserer Unternehmen. Im Ergebnis wird erst Security zum Möglichmacher sicherer Digitalisierung, in der Daten, Netze, Rechenzentren und Endgeräte künftig maximal möglich geschützt werden. Security muss in Zukunft ganz einfach zu bedienen sein. Und zwar für alle: vom Rentner über die Hausfrau und den Studenten bis zum Mittelstand und Großunternehmen.

Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems

by Ross Anderson

Now that there’s software in everything, how can you make anything secure? Understand how to engineer dependable systems with this newly updated classic In Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Third Edition Cambridge University professor Ross Anderson updates his classic textbook and teaches readers how to design, implement, and test systems to withstand both error and attack. This book became a best-seller in 2001 and helped establish the discipline of security engineering. By the second edition in 2008, underground dark markets had let the bad guys specialize and scale up; attacks were increasingly on users rather than on technology. The book repeated its success by showing how security engineers can focus on usability. Now the third edition brings it up to date for 2020. As people now go online from phones more than laptops, most servers are in the cloud, online advertising drives the Internet and social networks have taken over much human interaction, many patterns of crime and abuse are the same, but the methods have evolved. Ross Anderson explores what security engineering means in 2020, including: How the basic elements of cryptography, protocols, and access control translate to the new world of phones, cloud services, social media and the Internet of Things Who the attackers are – from nation states and business competitors through criminal gangs to stalkers and playground bullies What they do – from phishing and carding through SIM swapping and software exploits to DDoS and fake news Security psychology, from privacy through ease-of-use to deception The economics of security and dependability – why companies build vulnerable systems and governments look the other way How dozens of industries went online – well or badly <l

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