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Self-Repair Networks: A Mechanism Design (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #101)

by Yoshiteru Ishida

This book describes the struggle to introduce a mechanism that enables next-generation information systems to maintain themselves. Our generation observed the birth and growth of information systems, and the Internet in particular. Surprisingly information systems are quite different from conventional (energy, material-intensive) artificial systems, and rather resemble biological systems (information-intensive systems). Many artificial systems are designed based on (Newtonian) physics assuming that every element obeys simple and static rules; however, the experience of the Internet suggests a different way of designing where growth cannot be controlled but self-organized with autonomous and selfish agents. This book suggests using game theory, a mechanism design in particular, for designing next-generation information systems which will be self-organized by collective acts with autonomous components. The challenge of mapping a probability to time appears repeatedly in many forms throughout this book. The book contains interdisciplinary research encompassing game theory, complex systems, reliability theory and particle physics. All devoted to its central theme: what happens if systems self-repair themselves?

Self-Service AI mit Power BI: Maschinelles Lernen - Einblicke für Unternehmen

by Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

In diesem Buch wird erklärt, wie Sie die in Power BI Desktop geladenen Daten durch den Zugriff auf eine Reihe von Funktionen der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) anreichern können. Diese KI-Funktionen sind in Power BI Desktop integriert und helfen Ihnen, neue Erkenntnisse aus vorhandenen Daten zu gewinnen. Einige der Funktionen sind automatisiert und stehen Ihnen auf Knopfdruck oder durch das Schreiben von Datenanalyseausdrücken (DAX) zur Verfügung. Andere Funktionen sind durch das Schreiben von Code in den Sprachen R, Python oder M verfügbar. Dieses Buch eröffnet Ihnen die gesamte Palette der KI-Funktionen mit klaren Beispielen, die zeigen, wann sie am besten angewendet werden und wie Sie sie auf Ihre eigenen Datensätze anwenden können. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Geschäftsanwender, Analyst oder Datenwissenschaftler sind - Power BI verfügt über KI-Funktionen, die auf Sie zugeschnitten sind. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, welche Arten von Erkenntnissen Power BI automatisch liefern kann. Sie erfahren, wie Sie die Sprachen R und Python für Statistiken integrieren und nutzen können, wie Sie beim Laden von Daten mit Cognitive Services und Azure Machine Learning Services zusammenarbeiten, wie Sie Ihre Daten durch Fragen in einfachem Englisch erkunden können ... und vieles mehr! Es gibt KI-Funktionen für die Entdeckung Ihrer Daten, die Charakterisierung unerforschter Datensätze und die Erstellung von Was-wäre-wenn-Szenarien. Es gibt viel zu mögen und von diesem Buch zu lernen, ob Sie ein Neuling in Power BI oder ein erfahrener Benutzer sind. Power BI Desktop ist ein frei verfügbares Tool zur Visualisierung und Analyse. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, das Beste aus diesem Tool herauszuholen, indem Sie einige seiner neuesten und fortschrittlichsten Funktionen nutzen. Was Sie lernen werden: - Stellen Sie Fragen in natürlicher Sprache und erhalten Sie Antworten aus Ihren Daten - Lassen Sie sich von Power BI erklären, warum sich ein bestimmter Datenpunkt von den anderen unterscheidet - Lassen Sie Power BI die wichtigsten Einflussfaktoren über Datenkategorien anzeigen - Zugriff auf die in der Azure-Cloud verfügbaren Funktionen für künstliche Intelligenz - Gehen Sie denselben Drilldown-Pfad in verschiedenen Teilen Ihrer Hierarchie - Laden Sie Visualisierungen, um Ihre Berichte intelligenter zu gestalten - Simulieren Sie Änderungen an Daten und sehen Sie sofort die Folgen - Kennen Sie Ihre Daten, noch bevor Sie Ihren ersten Bericht erstellen - Erstellen Sie neue Spalten, indem Sie Beispiele für die benötigten Daten angeben - Transformieren und visualisieren Sie Ihre Daten mit Hilfe von R- und Python-Skripten Für wen dieses Buch gedacht ist: Für den begeisterten Power BI-Anwender, der modernste Funktionen der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) einsetzen möchte, um neue Erkenntnisse aus vorhandenen Daten zu gewinnen. Für Endanwender und IT-Fachleute, die sich nicht scheuen, in die neue Welt des maschinellen Lernens einzutauchen, und bereit sind, diesen Schritt zu tun und einen tieferen Blick in ihre Daten zu werfen. Für diejenigen, die von einfachen Berichten und Visualisierungen zu diagnostischen und prädiktiven Analysen übergehen wollen.

Self-Service AI with Power BI Desktop: Machine Learning Insights for Business

by Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen

This book explains how you can enrich the data you have loaded into Power BI Desktop by accessing a suite of Artificial Intelligence (AI) features. These AI features are built into Power BI Desktop and help you to gain new insights from existing data. Some of the features are automated and are available to you at the click of a button or through writing Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). Other features are available through writing code in either the R, Python, or M languages. This book opens up the entire suite of AI features to you with clear examples showing when they are best applied and how to invoke them on your own datasets.No matter if you are a business user, analyst, or data scientist – Power BI has AI capabilities tailored to you. This book helps you learn what types of insights Power BI is capable of delivering automatically. You will learn how to integrate and leverage the use of the R and Python languages for statistics, how to integrate with Cognitive Services and Azure Machine Learning Services when loading data, how to explore your data by asking questions in plain English ... and more! There are AI features for discovering your data, characterizing unexplored datasets, and building what-if scenarios.There’s much to like and learn from this book whether you are a newcomer to Power BI or a seasoned user. Power BI Desktop is a freely available tool for visualization and analysis. This book helps you to get the most from that tool by exploiting some of its latest and most advanced features.What You Will LearnAsk questions in natural language and get answers from your dataLet Power BI explain why a certain data point differs from the restHave Power BI show key influencers over categories of dataAccess artificial intelligence features available in the Azure cloudWalk the same drill down path in different parts of your hierarchyLoad visualizations to add smartness to your reportsSimulate changes in data and immediately see the consequencesKnow your data, even before you build your first reportCreate new columns by giving examples of the data that you needTransform and visualize your data with the help of R and Python scriptsWho This Book Is ForFor the enthusiastic Power BI user who wants to apply state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) features to gain new insights from existing data. For end-users and IT professionals who are not shy of jumping into a new world of machine learning and are ready to make that step and take a deeper look into their data. For those wanting to step up their game from doing simple reporting and visualizations by making the move into diagnostic and predictive analysis.

Self-Service Data Analytics and Governance for Managers

by Nathan E. Myers Gregory Kogan

Project governance, investment governance, and risk governance precepts are woven together in Self-Service Data Analytics and Governance for Managers, equipping managers to structure the inevitable chaos that can result as end-users take matters into their own hands Motivated by the promise of control and efficiency benefits, the widespread adoption of data analytics tools has created a new fast-moving environment of digital transformation in the finance, accounting, and operations world, where entire functions spend their days processing in spreadsheets. With the decentralization of application development as users perform their own analysis on data sets and automate spreadsheet processing without the involvement of IT, governance must be revisited to maintain process control in the new environment. In this book, emergent technologies that have given rise to data analytics and which form the evolving backdrop for digital transformation are introduced and explained, and prominent data analytics tools and capabilities will be demonstrated based on real world scenarios. The authors will provide a much-needed process discovery methodology describing how to survey the processing landscape to identify opportunities to deploy these capabilities. Perhaps most importantly, the authors will digest the mature existing data governance, IT governance, and model governance frameworks, but demonstrate that they do not comprehensively cover the full suite of data analytics builds, leaving a considerable governance gap. This book is meant to fill the gap and provide the reader with a fit-for-purpose and actionable governance framework to protect the value created by analytics deployment at scale. Project governance, investment governance, and risk governance precepts will be woven together to equip managers to structure the inevitable chaos that can result as end-users take matters into their own hands.

Self-Service Data Analytics and Governance for Managers

by Nathan E. Myers Gregory Kogan

Project governance, investment governance, and risk governance precepts are woven together in Self-Service Data Analytics and Governance for Managers, equipping managers to structure the inevitable chaos that can result as end-users take matters into their own hands Motivated by the promise of control and efficiency benefits, the widespread adoption of data analytics tools has created a new fast-moving environment of digital transformation in the finance, accounting, and operations world, where entire functions spend their days processing in spreadsheets. With the decentralization of application development as users perform their own analysis on data sets and automate spreadsheet processing without the involvement of IT, governance must be revisited to maintain process control in the new environment. In this book, emergent technologies that have given rise to data analytics and which form the evolving backdrop for digital transformation are introduced and explained, and prominent data analytics tools and capabilities will be demonstrated based on real world scenarios. The authors will provide a much-needed process discovery methodology describing how to survey the processing landscape to identify opportunities to deploy these capabilities. Perhaps most importantly, the authors will digest the mature existing data governance, IT governance, and model governance frameworks, but demonstrate that they do not comprehensively cover the full suite of data analytics builds, leaving a considerable governance gap. This book is meant to fill the gap and provide the reader with a fit-for-purpose and actionable governance framework to protect the value created by analytics deployment at scale. Project governance, investment governance, and risk governance precepts will be woven together to equip managers to structure the inevitable chaos that can result as end-users take matters into their own hands.

Self-Service in the Internet Age: Expectations and Experiences (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)

by Fay Sudweeks Celia Romm Livermore David Oliver

Dave Oliver, Celia Romm and Fay Sudweeks This book follows previous texts: Celia Romm and Fay Sudweeks (eds) (1998), Doing Business Electronically: A Global Perspective of Electronic Commerce, and Fay Sudweeks and Celia Romm (eds) (1999) Doing Business on the Internet: Opportunities and Pitfalls. Not only is this current book about doing something, but it also aims to present insights into how electronic commerce impacts upon the lives of everyday people; in other words, how electronic commerce is received, as well as how it is ‘done’. Accessing the Internet on a regular basis has become an established activity for many people. This activity gives academics and researchers the opportunity to observe and study the nature and effects of this engagement in society. The influence of the Internet in our social fabric also provides the incentive for organizations to implement a web presence. As expressed in the title Self-Service on the Internet: Expectations and Experiences, we aim to present the expectations or reasons for the availability of various services on the Internet, and social responses to these developments, i. e. the experiences. These are the two main dimensions to the chapters presented in this book. The major component in the title is self-service on the Internet. The term electronic commerce is too restrictive for our purpose as it tends towards commercial overtones, which do not especially concern us.

Self-Stabilizing Systems: 5th International Workshop, WSS 2001, Lisbon, Portugal, October 1-2, 2001 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2194)

by Ajoy K. Datta Ted Herman

Physicalsystemswhichrightthemselvesafterbeingdisturbedevokeourcuriosity becausewe wantto understand howsuchsystemsareableto reactto unexpected stimuli. Themechanismsareallthe morefascinatingwhensystemsarecomposed of small, simple units, and the ability of the system to self-stabilize emerges out of its components. Faithful computer simulations of such physical systems exhibit the self-stabilizing property, but in the realm of computing, particularly for distributed systems, wehavegreaterambition. We imaginethat all manner of software, ranging from basic communication protocols to high-level applications, could enjoy self-corrective properties. Self-stabilizing software o?ers a unique, non-traditional approach to the c- cial problem of transient fault tolerance. Many successful instances of modern fault-tolerant networks are based on principles of self-stabilization. Surprisingly, the most widely accepted technical de?nition of a self-stabilizing system does not refer to faults: it is the property that the system can be started in any i- tial state, possibly an “illegal state,” and yet the system guarantees to behave properly in ?nite time. This, and similar de?nitions, break many traditional approaches to program design, in which the programmer by habit makes - sumptions about initial conditions. The composition of self-stabilizing systems, initially seen as a daunting challenge, has been transformed into a mana- able task, thanks to an accumulation of discoveries by many investigators. - search on various topics in self-stabilization continues to supply new methods for constructing self-stabilizing systems, determines limits and applicability of the paradigm of self-stabilization, and connects self-stabilization to related areas of fault tolerance and distributed computing.

Self-Stabilizing Systems: 6th International Symposium, SSS 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 24-25, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2704)

by Shing-Tsaan Huang Ted Herman

The refereed proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Self-Stabilizing Systems, SSS 2003, held in San Francisco, CA, USA, in June 2003. The 15 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 27 submissions. The papers address self-stabilization issues for various types of systems and software including communication protocols, sensor networks, biological systems, and directed networks; several new algorithms are presented.

Self-Sufficiency of an Autonomous Reconfigurable Modular Robotic Organism (Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization #17)

by Raja Humza Qadir

This book describes how the principle of self-sufficiency can be applied to a reconfigurable modular robotic organism. It shows the design considerations for a novel REPLICATOR robotic platform, both hardware and software, featuring the behavioral characteristics of social insect colonies. Following a comprehensive overview of some of the bio-inspired techniques already available, and of the state-of-the-art in re-configurable modular robotic systems, the book presents a novel power management system with fault-tolerant energy sharing, as well as its implementation in the REPLICATOR robotic modules. In addition, the book discusses, for the first time, the concept of “artificial energy homeostasis” in the context of a modular robotic organism, and shows its verification on a custom-designed simulation framework in different dynamic power distribution and fault tolerance scenarios. This book offers an ideal reference guide for both hardware engineers and software developers involved in the design and implementation of autonomous robotic systems.

Self-Sustaining Systems: First Workshop, S3 2008 Potsdam, Germany, May 15-16, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #5146)

by Robert Hirschfeld Kim Rose

The Workshop on Self-sustaining Systems (S3) is a forum for the discussion of topics relating to computer systems and languages that are able to bootstrap, implement, modify, and maintain themselves. One property of these systems is that their implementation is based onsmall but powerfulabstractions;examples include (amongst others) Squeak/Smalltalk, COLA, Klein/Self, PyPy/Python, Rubinius/Ruby,andLisp.Suchsystemsaretheenginesoftheirownreplacement, giving researchers and developers great power to experiment with, and explore future directions from within, their own small language kernels. S3 took place on May 15–16, 2008 at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany. It was an exciting opportunity for researchers and prac- tioners interested in self-sustaining systems to meet and share their knowledge, experience, and ideas for future research and development. S3 provided an - portunity for a community to gather and discuss the need for self-sustainability in software systems, and to share and explore thoughts on why such systems are needed and how they can be created and deployed. Analogies were made, for example, with evolutionary cycles, and with urban design and the subsequent inevitable socially-driven change. TheS3participantsleftwithagreatersenseofcommunityandanenthusiasm for probing more deeply into this subject. We see the need for self-sustaining systems becoming critical not only to the developer’s community, but to e- users in business, academia, learning and play, and so we hope that this S3 workshop will become the ?rst of many.

The Self-Taught Cloud Computing Engineer: A comprehensive professional study guide to AWS, Azure, and GCP

by Dr. Logan Song

Begin your exploration into cloud computing by developing deep knowledge of cloud technologies, enhancing hands-on skills, and achieving proficiency in cloudKey FeaturesTeach yourself all about cloud computing with this easy-to-follow guideDevelop a well-rounded skillset—from fundamentals to data, machine learning, and securityWork on real life industrial projects, business use cases, and personal cloud career developmentPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionThis book is an all-inclusive guide for IT professionals to master cloud computing concepts by building a broad and deep cloud knowledge base, developing hands-on cloud skills, and achieving professional cloud certifications. If you’re a beginner with basic computer hardware and software understanding, this book provides the means to transitions into a cloud computing career. Starting with a focus on the Amazon cloud, you’ll be introduced to fundamental AWS cloud services, followed by advanced AWS cloud services in the domains of data, machine learning, and security. Next, you’ll build proficiency in Microsoft Azure cloud and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by examining the common attributes of the three clouds, differentiating their unique features, along with leveraging real-life cloud project implementations on these cloud platforms. Finally, you’ll get guidance on cloud certifications and career development. Walking through this cloud computing book, you’ll systematically establish a robust footing in AWS, Azure, and GCP, and emerge as a cloud-savvy professional, equipped with cloud certificates to validate your skills.What you will learnDevelop the core skills needed to work with cloud computing platforms such as AWS, Azure, and GCPGain proficiency in compute, storage, and networking services across multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud environmentsIntegrate cloud databases, big data, and machine learning services in multi-cloud environmentsDesign and develop data pipelines, encompassing data ingestion, storage, processing, and visualization in the cloudsImplement machine learning pipelines in multi-cloud environmentSecure cloud infrastructure ecosystems with advanced cloud security servicesWho this book is forWhether you're a beginner in cloud computing or an experienced professional seeking to expand your skills, this meticulously designed study book is for anyone in the information technology domain aiming to thrive in the realm of cloud computing. With this comprehensive roadmap, you’ll have the tools to build a successful cloud computing career.

The Self-Taught Computer Scientist: The Beginner's Guide to Data Structures & Algorithms

by Cory Althoff

The Self-Taught Computer Scientist is Cory Althoff's follow-up to The Self-Taught Programmer, which inspired hundreds of thousands of professionals to learn how to program outside of school. In The Self-Taught Programmer, Cory showed readers why you don't need a computer science degree to program professionally and taught the programming fundamentals he used to go from a complete beginner to a software engineer at eBay without one. In The Self-Taught Computer Scientist, Cory teaches you the computer science concepts that all self-taught programmers should understand to have outstanding careers. The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will not only make you a better programmer; it will also help you pass your technical interview: the interview all programmers have to pass to land a new job. Whether you are preparing to apply for jobs or sharpen your computer science knowledge, reading The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will improve your programming career. It's written for complete beginners, so you should have no problem reading it even if you've never studied computer science before.

The Self-Taught Computer Scientist: The Beginner's Guide to Data Structures & Algorithms

by Cory Althoff

The Self-Taught Computer Scientist is Cory Althoff's follow-up to The Self-Taught Programmer, which inspired hundreds of thousands of professionals to learn how to program outside of school. In The Self-Taught Programmer, Cory showed readers why you don't need a computer science degree to program professionally and taught the programming fundamentals he used to go from a complete beginner to a software engineer at eBay without one. In The Self-Taught Computer Scientist, Cory teaches you the computer science concepts that all self-taught programmers should understand to have outstanding careers. The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will not only make you a better programmer; it will also help you pass your technical interview: the interview all programmers have to pass to land a new job. Whether you are preparing to apply for jobs or sharpen your computer science knowledge, reading The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will improve your programming career. It's written for complete beginners, so you should have no problem reading it even if you've never studied computer science before.

The Self-taught Programmer: The Definitive Guide to Programming Professionally

by Cory Althoff

'One of the best software design books of all time' - BookAuthorityCory Althoff is a self-taught programmer. After a year of self-study, he learned to program well enough to land a job as a software engineer II at eBay. But once he got there, he realised he was severely under-prepared. He was overwhelmed by the amount of things he needed to know but hadn't learned. His journey learning to program, and his experience in first software engineering job were the inspiration for this book. This book is not just about learning to program, although you will learn to code. If you want to program professionally, it is not enough to learn to code; that is why, in addition to helping you learn to program, Althoff also cover the rest of the things you need to know to program professionally that classes and books don't teach you. The Self-taught Programmer is a roadmap, a guide to take you from writing your first Python program to passing your first technical interview. The book is divided into five sections: 1. Learn to program in Python 3 and build your first program. 2. Learn object-oriented programming and create a powerful Python program to get you hooked. 3. Learn to use tools like Git, Bash and regular expressions. Then use your new coding skills to build a web scraper. 4. Study computer science fundamentals like data structures and algorithms. 5. Finish with best coding practices, tips for working with a team and advice on landing a programming job.You can learn to program professionally. The path is there. Will you take it?From the authorI spent one year writing The Self-Taught Programmer. It was an exciting and rewarding experience. I treated my book like a software project. After I finished writing it, I created a program to pick out all of the code examples from the book and execute them in Python to make sure all 300+ examples worked properly. Then I wrote software to add line numbers and color to every code example. Finally, I had a group of 200 new programmers 'beta read' the book to identify poorly explained concepts and look for any errors my program missed. I hope you learn as much reading my book as I did writing it. Best of luck with your programming!

Self-Tracking: Empirical and Philosophical Investigations

by Btihaj Ajana

This book provides an empirical and philosophical investigation of self-tracking practices. In recent years, there has been an explosion of apps and devices that enable the data capturing and monitoring of everyday activities, behaviours and habits. Encouraged by movements such as the Quantified Self, a growing number of people are embracing this culture of quantification and tracking in the spirit of improving their health and wellbeing. The aim of this book is to enhance understanding of this fast-growing trend, bringing together scholars who are working at the forefront of the critical study of self-tracking practices. Each chapter provides a different conceptual lens through which one can examine these practices, while grounding the discussion in relevant empirical examples. From phenomenology to discourse analysis, from questions of identity, privacy and agency to issues of surveillance and tracking at the workplace, this edited collection takes on a wide, and yet focused, approach to the timely topic of self-tracking. It constitutes a useful companion for scholars, students and everyday users interested in the Quantified Self phenomenon.

Selfie Biometrics: Advances and Challenges (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

by Ajita Rattani Reza Derakhshani Arun Ross

This book highlights the field of selfie biometrics, providing a clear overview and presenting recent advances and challenges. It also discusses numerous selfie authentication techniques on mobile devices. Biometric authentication using mobile devices is becoming a convenient and important means of verifying identity for secured access and services such as telebanking and electronic transactions. In this context, face and ocular biometrics in the visible spectrum has gained increased attention from the research community. However, device mobility and operation in uncontrolled environments mean that facial and ocular images captured with mobile devices exhibit substantial degradation as a result of adverse lighting conditions, specular reflections and motion and defocus blur. In addition, low spatial resolution and the small sensor of front-facing mobile cameras further degrade the sample quality, reducing the recognition accuracy of face and ocular recognition technology when integrated into smartphones. Presenting the state of the art in mobile biometric research and technology, and offering an overview of the potential problems in real-time integration of biometrics in mobile devices, this book is a valuable resource for final-year undergraduate students, postgraduate students, engineers, researchers and academics in various fields of computer engineering.

SELinux Cookbook

by Sven Vermeulen

If you are a Linux system administrator or a Linux-based service administrator and want to fine-tune SELinux to implement a supported, mature, and proven access control system, then this book is for you. Basic experience with SELinux enabled distributions is expected.

SELinux System Administration

by Sven Vermeulen

A step-by-step guide to learn how to set up security on Linux servers by taking SELinux policies into your own hands.Linux administrators will enjoy the various SELinux features that this book covers and the approach used to guide the admin into understanding how SELinux works. The book assumes that you have basic knowledge in Linux administration, especially Linux permission and user management.

SELinux System Administration - Second Edition

by Sven Vermeulen

Ward off traditional security permissions and effectively secure your Linux systems with SELinux About This Book • Leverage SELinux to improve the secure state of your Linux system • A clear approach to adopting SELinux within your organization • Essential skills and techniques to help further your system administration career Who This Book Is For This book is for Linux administrators who want to control the secure state of their systems. It's packed with the latest information on SELinux operations and administrative procedures so you'll be able to further harden your system through mandatory access control (MAC) – a security strategy that has been shaping Linux security for years. What You Will Learn • Analyze SELinux events and selectively enable or disable SELinux enforcement • Manage Linux users and associate them with the right role and permission set • Secure network communications through SELinux access controls • Tune the full service flexibility by dynamically assigning resource labels • Handle SELinux access patterns enforced through the system • Query the SELinux policy in depth In Detail Do you have the crucial job of protecting your private and company systems from malicious attacks and undefined application behavior? Are you looking to secure your Linux systems with improved access controls? Look no further, intrepid administrator! This book will show you how to enhance your system's secure state across Linux distributions, helping you keep application vulnerabilities at bay. This book covers the core SELinux concepts and shows you how to leverage SELinux to improve the protection measures of a Linux system. You will learn the SELinux fundamentals and all of SELinux's configuration handles including conditional policies, constraints, policy types, and audit capabilities. These topics are paired with genuine examples of situations and issues you may come across as an administrator. In addition, you will learn how to further harden the virtualization offering of both libvirt (sVirt) and Docker through SELinux. By the end of the book you will know how SELinux works and how you can tune it to meet your needs. Style and approach This book offers a complete overview of SELinux administration and how it integrates with other components on a Linux system. It covers the majority of SELinux features with a mix of real life scenarios, descriptions, and examples. This book contains everything an administrator needs to customize SELinux.

SELinux System Administration - Third Edition: Implement mandatory access control to secure applications, users, and information flows on Linux

by Sven Vermeulen

Enhance Linux security, application platforms, and virtualization solutions with SELinux to work within your boundaries, your rules, and your policiesKey FeaturesLearn what SELinux is, and how it acts as a mandatory access control system on LinuxApply and tune SELinux enforcement to users, applications, platforms, and virtualization solutionsUse real-life examples and custom policies to strengthen the security posture of your systemsBook DescriptionLinux is a dominant player in many organizations and in the cloud. Securing the Linux environment is extremely important for any organization, and Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) acts as an additional layer to Linux system security.SELinux System Administration covers basic SELinux concepts and shows you how to enhance Linux system protection measures. You will get to grips with SELinux and understand how it is integrated. As you progress, you'll get hands-on experience of tuning and configuring SELinux and integrating it into day-to-day administration tasks such as user management, network management, and application maintenance. Platforms such as Kubernetes, system services like systemd, and virtualization solutions like libvirt and Xen, all of which offer SELinux-specific controls, will be explained effectively so that you understand how to apply and configure SELinux within these applications. If applications do not exert the expected behavior, you'll learn how to fine-tune policies to securely host these applications. In case no policies exist, the book will guide you through developing custom policies on your own.By the end of this Linux book, you'll be able to harden any Linux system using SELinux to suit your needs and fine-tune existing policies and develop custom ones to protect any app and service running on your Linux systems.What you will learnUnderstand what SELinux is and how it is integrated into LinuxTune Linux security using policies and their configurable settingsManage Linux users with least-privilege roles and access controlsUse SELinux controls in system services and virtualization solutionsAnalyze SELinux behavior through log events and policy analysis toolsProtect systems against unexpected and malicious behaviorEnhance existing policies or develop custom onesWho this book is forThis Linux sysadmin book is for Linux administrators who want to control the secure state of their systems using SELinux, and for security professionals who have experience in maintaining a Linux system and want to know about SELinux. Experience in maintaining Linux systems, covering user management, software installation and maintenance, Linux security controls, and network configuration is required to get the most out of this book.

Selling IT: The Science of Selling, Buying, and Deal-Making

by Sandip Mukhopadhyay Srinivas Pingali Amitabh Satyam

Information technology (IT) is an essential core of the economy today. Corporations and governments worldwide rely on it to drive their core strategy and develop and execute business models. Amounting to over 3.7 trillion US dollars of worldwide spending, the growing significance of the IT industry in the global economy is now well established. Hence, it is crucial to understand the marketplace within which it exists, and this book presents a systematic analysis of the processes, techniques, and methods involved in IT sales and marketing. In Selling IT, the book: Integrates a large IT provider’s selling process with the enterprise user’s IT buying process to highlight the nuances of selling, marketing, and developing IT solutions that create value for customers. Discusses various key concepts such as value-based IT selling, business case for IT acquisition, vendor evaluation and management, account and customer relationship management, customer segmentation, and techniques for customer acquisition and retention. Analyses the challenges and opportunities involved in selling digital IT and examines the evolution of jobs and careers based on the changed IT landscape. Includes lesson plans, case studies, and chapter-wise practice questions to support teaching and learning. The book boasts a robust theoretical foundation supported by a clear exposition of concepts and management theories. It will be of benefit to professionals using organisation-mandated selling processes. Young executives with a technology background looking for a sales and marketing career in the IT industry can also effectively use this book. It will also be an essential read for scholars and researchers in B2B marketing, IT consulting, technology sales, and digital transformation.

Selling IT: The Science of Selling, Buying, and Deal-Making

by Sandip Mukhopadhyay Srinivas Pingali Amitabh Satyam

Information technology (IT) is an essential core of the economy today. Corporations and governments worldwide rely on it to drive their core strategy and develop and execute business models. Amounting to over 3.7 trillion US dollars of worldwide spending, the growing significance of the IT industry in the global economy is now well established. Hence, it is crucial to understand the marketplace within which it exists, and this book presents a systematic analysis of the processes, techniques, and methods involved in IT sales and marketing. In Selling IT, the book: Integrates a large IT provider’s selling process with the enterprise user’s IT buying process to highlight the nuances of selling, marketing, and developing IT solutions that create value for customers. Discusses various key concepts such as value-based IT selling, business case for IT acquisition, vendor evaluation and management, account and customer relationship management, customer segmentation, and techniques for customer acquisition and retention. Analyses the challenges and opportunities involved in selling digital IT and examines the evolution of jobs and careers based on the changed IT landscape. Includes lesson plans, case studies, and chapter-wise practice questions to support teaching and learning. The book boasts a robust theoretical foundation supported by a clear exposition of concepts and management theories. It will be of benefit to professionals using organisation-mandated selling processes. Young executives with a technology background looking for a sales and marketing career in the IT industry can also effectively use this book. It will also be an essential read for scholars and researchers in B2B marketing, IT consulting, technology sales, and digital transformation.

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