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Social Media Marketing for Business: Scaling an Integrated Social Media Strategy Across Your Organization
by Andrew JenkinsSocial media has become an imperative for almost every business. Discover how to successfully implement an effective social media strategy that is supported and integrated throughout every part of your organization, with this essential handbook to enhancing your online presence. Social Media Marketing for Business provides a step-by-step roadmap to setting up effective workflows, team configurations, governance models and social media policies, alongside creating and measuring content and social media campaigns that have the competitive edge. Featuring insights from leading industry experts, it covers areas such as balancing social media ownership, measuring success using analytics and conducting a social media audit. Containing an array of international case study examples from organizations such as The World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Deloitte Digital, Dell, Burger King and LVMH, Social Media Marketing for Business explores how to build a supportive culture, get buy-in and the common pitfalls to avoid. Supported by a content calendar templates, content marketing framework and online presentation slides, this book is a one-stop-shop for developing effective social media marketing strategies and integrating them within your business.
Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies (FÜr Dummies)
by Gero PflügerKein Zweifel: Über soziale Medien erreichen Sie Ihre Kunden am besten, am authentischsten, am persönlichsten. Was kann Ihnen Besseres passieren, als wenn jemand Ihr Produkt beispielsweise auf Facebook mit einer persönlichen Empfehlung versieht? Allerdings ist die Komplexität von Social-Media-Marketing hoch und die Gefahr extrem groß, jede Menge Zeit und Geld in den sozialen Medien zu verpulvern. Dieses Buch senkt die Hürde für den Einsteiger ins Social-Media-Marketing und gibt Ihnen einen einfachen Leitfaden an die Hand, um erfolgreicher im Social Web zu werben. Finden Sie Ihren Wunschkunden, definieren Sie Ihre Ziele und Ihre Marketingstrategie passend zu Ihren Ressourcen und optimieren Sie Ihren Arbeitseinsatz. Werden Sie Ihr eigener Influencer!
Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Gero PflügerMit Social Media in die Herzen Ihrer Kunden Kein Zweifel: Über soziale Medien erreichen Sie Ihre Kunden authentisch und persönlich. Allerdings ist die Komplexität von Social-Media-Marketing hoch und die Gefahr groß, Zeit und Geld zu verpulvern. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen einfachen Leitfaden an die Hand, mit dem Sie erfolgreich im Social Web werden. Profitieren Sie von der Erfahrung des Autors: Gero Pflüger zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihren Wunschkunden finden, Ihre Ziele definieren, eine Marketingstrategie passend zu Ihren Ressourcen planen, Ihren Erfolg messen und Ihren Arbeitseinsatz optimieren. Sie erfahren Wie Sie eine Social-Media-Strategie entwickeln Wie Sie die richtigen Plattformen auswählen Warum Sie keine Follower und Interaktionen kaufen sollten Wie Sie richtig auf Social-Media-Krisen reagieren
Social Media Marketing in China mit WeChat: Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Funktionen und Tools für ein erfolgreiches Mobile Business
by Yinyuan LiuDieses Buch zeigt, wie Unternehmen den Instant-Messaging-Dienst WeChat für ihr Social Media Marketing in China erfolgreich nutzen können. Denn WeChat ist viel mehr als ein mobiler Messenger – es ist Alltagsbegleiter und bezahlt beispielsweise Stromrechnungen, vereinbart Arzttermine, kauft Flug- und Zugtickets oder beantragt ein Visum. Für in China tätige Unternehmen ist das soziale Netzwerk als Absatzkanal und Internetplattform unabdingbar. Der Autor erklärt anschaulich, welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten WeChat bietet, beschreibt grundlegende Funktionen sowie das öffentliche WeChat-Konto spezifisch für das Unternehmensmarketing. Er erläutert den Bezahldienst „WeChat Pay“ und viele weitere Tools, wie beispielsweise Content-Marketing-Funktionen oder das Schalten von Anzeigen.Ein Must-read für Marketingverantwortliche und Führungskräfte von Unternehmen, die den chinesischen Markt erschließen wollen!
Social Media Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality
by Roberta MinazziThis book describes ongoing developments in social media within the tourism and hospitality sector, highlighting impacts on both the demand and the supply side. It offers a combination of theory and practice, with discussion of real-life business experiences. The book is divided into three parts, the first of which provides an overview of recent trends in social media and user-generated content, clarifies concepts that are often used in an overlapping way and examines the “digitization of word of mouth” via online networks. The second part analyzes the impacts that social media can have on traveler behavior for each step in the travel process and also on suppliers, highlighting opportunities, threats and strategies. In the third part of the book, future potential trends deriving from the mobile marketing technologies are explored and possible methods for social monitoring by means of key performance indicators are examined. It is considered how engaging customers and prospects by means of social media might increase customer loyalty, foster electronic word-of-mouth communication, and consequently have important effects on corporate sales and revenues. The discussion encompasses methods to measure company performance on each of the social media in order to understand the optimal mix that will support and improve business strategies.
Social-Media-Marketing kompakt: Ausgestalten, Plattformen finden, messen, organisatorisch verankern
by Ralf T. KreutzerDieses Buch verdeutlicht, dass Social-Media-Marketing heute zu einem integralen Bestandteil der Online-Kommunikation geworden ist. Doch welche Ziele lassen sich damit erreichen? Welche Plattformen bieten welche Möglichkeiten? Wie kann der Erfolg einer Social-Media-Kampagne gemessen werden? Von welchen Plattformen sollte man die Finger lassen? Welche Erfolgsfaktoren zählen? Welche Social-Media-KPIs sind relevant? Ist Social-Media-Marketing gut für meine Suchmaschinen-Optimierung? In diesem Werk werden alle zentralen Fragen zum Social-Media-Marketing kompetent beantwortet.
Social-Media-Marketing kompakt: Ausgestalten, Plattformen finden, messen, organisatorisch verankern
by Ralf T. KreutzerDieses Buch verdeutlicht, dass Social-Media-Marketing heute zu einem integralen Bestandteil der Online-Kommunikation geworden ist. Doch welche Ziele lassen sich damit erreichen? Welche Plattformen bieten welche Möglichkeiten? Wie kann der Erfolg einer Social-Media-Kampagne gemessen werden? Von welchen Plattformen sollte man die Finger lassen? Welche Erfolgsfaktoren zählen? Welche Social-Media-KPIs sind relevant? Ist Social-Media-Marketing gut für meine Suchmaschinen-Optimierung? In diesem Werk werden alle zentralen Fragen zum Social-Media-Marketing kompetent beantwortet.In der 2. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel umfassend überarbeitet und zahlreiche neue Entwicklungen integriert. Darüber hinaus wurden Kapitel zum Influencer-Marketing und zu TikTok ergänzt.Der InhaltSocial Media und Social-Media-MarketingZiele und Konzeption des Social-Media-MarketingsInfluencer-MarketingPlattformen für den Einsatz des Social-Media-MarketingsAusgestaltung des Social-Media-MarketingsControlling des Social-Media-MarketingsOrganisatorische Verankerung des Social-Media-Marketings
Social Media Marketing und -Management im Tourismus
by Thomas Hinterholzer Mario JoossIm 21. Jahrhundert sind weite Teile der Gesellschaft geprägt von Schlagwörtern wie New und Social Economy, Social Web, Crowd Sourcing, Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Google+, Pinterest und Co. Die Relevanz einzelner Unternehmen und Unternehmer rückt in den Hintergrund des Agierens im Internet und dafür nimmt die soziale Komponente der Kommunikation und des vernetzten Denkens in und mit diversen Communities einen wesentlich bedeutenderen Stellenwert ein. Der Erkenntnisgegenstand des Buches fokussiert sich auf die Frage, wie unterschiedliche Personen und Unternehmen mit den Möglichkeiten und Risiken von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Bereich des Tourismus kommunizieren und agieren, um so zu neuen Lösungen gelangen oder auch durch die Veränderungen im IKT-Bereich zu neuen Lösungen gezwungen werden.Das Buch Social Media Marketing und –Management stellt einen neuartigen Zugang bei der Darstellung des Phänomens Social Media in der Betriebswirtschaft dar, da darin erstmals ein ganzheitlicher deduktiv aufgebauter Ansatz der Begriffslehre entwickelt wurde. Gleichzeitig hat der Leser die Möglichkeit, sich zu diesem spannenden Bereich anhand einer Vielzahl an Beispielen aus der Tourismusbranche zu orientieren und sich Ideen für eigene Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu erarbeiten.
The Social Media MBA: Your Competitive Edge in Social Media Strategy Development and Delivery
by Christer HollomanIt's a fact that companies so far have only scratched the surface of what can be achieved with social media. Whatever continent, industry, company size, current degree of social media adoption or your job title, the purpose of this book is to inspire you to see how you can raise the bar further to reap new rewards. It will give you the tools to make a difference to your organisation's social media strategy development and delivery going forward. In addition it will also give you more intellectual support and confidence to discuss social media on a higher level with peers, inspire colleagues or negotiate and create support for increased investments from your leadership team. In The Social Media MBA editor Christer Holloman has crowd sourced 15 thought leaders from 4 continents to offer an exceptional educational programme written for experienced social media professionals just like you. In addition, learn through cases studies produced by the social leaders at these brands: ARM by Kerry McGuire Balanza – Director of Strategic Marketing Aviva by Jan Gooding – Global Brand Director Dell by Stuart Handley – Communications Director Evans Cycles by Will Lockie – Head of Social Media GlaxoSmithKlein (Ribena) by Verity Clifton – Brand Marketing Manager Kodak by Madlen Nicolaus – Social Media Manager Phillips by Hans Notenboom – Global Director B2B Online Sage by Cath Sheldon – Online PR Specialist There is more, connect with the co-authors and other readers by joining The Social Media MBA Alumi group, visit http://www.socialmedia-mba.com or search or the group on LinkedIn to stay updated on the latest, ask questions or join the discussions.
The Social Media MBA: Your Competitive Edge in Social Media Strategy Development and Delivery
by Christer HollomanIt's a fact that companies so far have only scratched the surface of what can be achieved with social media. Whatever continent, industry, company size, current degree of social media adoption or your job title, the purpose of this book is to inspire you to see how you can raise the bar further to reap new rewards. It will give you the tools to make a difference to your organisation's social media strategy development and delivery going forward. In addition it will also give you more intellectual support and confidence to discuss social media on a higher level with peers, inspire colleagues or negotiate and create support for increased investments from your leadership team. In The Social Media MBA editor Christer Holloman has crowd sourced 15 thought leaders from 4 continents to offer an exceptional educational programme written for experienced social media professionals just like you. In addition, learn through cases studies produced by the social leaders at these brands: ARM by Kerry McGuire Balanza – Director of Strategic Marketing Aviva by Jan Gooding – Global Brand Director Dell by Stuart Handley – Communications Director Evans Cycles by Will Lockie – Head of Social Media GlaxoSmithKlein (Ribena) by Verity Clifton – Brand Marketing Manager Kodak by Madlen Nicolaus – Social Media Manager Phillips by Hans Notenboom – Global Director B2B Online Sage by Cath Sheldon – Online PR Specialist There is more, connect with the co-authors and other readers by joining The Social Media MBA Alumi group, visit http://www.socialmedia-mba.com or search or the group on LinkedIn to stay updated on the latest, ask questions or join the discussions.
The Social Media MBA Guide to ROI: How to Measure and Improve Your Return on Investment
by Christer HollomanThe first book to explain how you can measure social media ROI across multiple departments, for internal/external social media based activities, as well as for new business models (product/services). This book provides help in establishing a thorough social media plan, examining your goals, audience and channel strategy, before examining tools and techniques to measure social media metrics and key performance indicators. This book debunks the myth that ROI, web metrics and social media measuring is a ‘black art’, and makes it easy to understand and use, enabling the reader to create bespoke ROI metrics and improve the return on activity. Practical, straightforward and informed by the key principles which the author has explored in his Social Media MBA, this transformative look at ROI will inspire a move away from ‘Likes’, ‘Followers’ and ‘mentions’ and towards pounds, euros and dollars.
The Social Media MBA Guide to ROI: How to Measure and Improve Your Return on Investment
by Christer HollomanThe first book to explain how you can measure social media ROI across multiple departments, for internal/external social media based activities, as well as for new business models (product/services). This book provides help in establishing a thorough social media plan, examining your goals, audience and channel strategy, before examining tools and techniques to measure social media metrics and key performance indicators. This book debunks the myth that ROI, web metrics and social media measuring is a ‘black art’, and makes it easy to understand and use, enabling the reader to create bespoke ROI metrics and improve the return on activity. Practical, straightforward and informed by the key principles which the author has explored in his Social Media MBA, this transformative look at ROI will inspire a move away from ‘Likes’, ‘Followers’ and ‘mentions’ and towards pounds, euros and dollars.
The Social Media MBA in Practice: An Essential Collection of Inspirational Case Studies to Influence your Social Media Strategy
by Christer HollomanThe inside information that marketers and social media practitioners have been dying to get their hands on... It seems like every day another self-appointed social media "guru" appears on the scene, offering to sell you his or her "surefire" cure for what ails you. Don't you think it's time you heard from the real experts—i.e., folks like you who are responsible for delivering their companies' social media strategies? Based on extensive interviews with marketing, media and networking professionals at many of today's most admired brands and companies, The Social Media MBA in Practice provides you with detailed examples of the social media strategies in place at ADP, Allianz, Barclaycard, Cisco, Confused.com, Dell, Electrolux, F5, Getty Images, giffgaff, Go-Ahead Group, HCL, Hobart, Honda, Israel Foreign Office, LivingSocial, Macmillan, Nationwide, NHL Minnesota Wild, Nokia, Play.com, PwC, Rentokil, Sony Mobile and Xerox. This book offers: The most comprehensive set of "blueprints" available in one book for delivering social media strategies more successfully. Includes in-depth case studies packed with hand-on-advice that you can put to work in your company immediately. Covers all-important strategic social media activities - from improving relationships with customers to generating more sales, product testing to team building.
The Social Media MBA in Practice: An Essential Collection of Inspirational Case Studies to Influence your Social Media Strategy
by Christer HollomanThe inside information that marketers and social media practitioners have been dying to get their hands on... It seems like every day another self-appointed social media "guru" appears on the scene, offering to sell you his or her "surefire" cure for what ails you. Don't you think it's time you heard from the real experts—i.e., folks like you who are responsible for delivering their companies' social media strategies? Based on extensive interviews with marketing, media and networking professionals at many of today's most admired brands and companies, The Social Media MBA in Practice provides you with detailed examples of the social media strategies in place at ADP, Allianz, Barclaycard, Cisco, Confused.com, Dell, Electrolux, F5, Getty Images, giffgaff, Go-Ahead Group, HCL, Hobart, Honda, Israel Foreign Office, LivingSocial, Macmillan, Nationwide, NHL Minnesota Wild, Nokia, Play.com, PwC, Rentokil, Sony Mobile and Xerox. This book offers: The most comprehensive set of "blueprints" available in one book for delivering social media strategies more successfully. Includes in-depth case studies packed with hand-on-advice that you can put to work in your company immediately. Covers all-important strategic social media activities - from improving relationships with customers to generating more sales, product testing to team building.
Social Media Metrics Secrets (Secrets #159)
by John LovettInvaluable advice on analyzing and measuring the effects of social media Do you wish you could sit down with an expert to figure out whether or not your social media initiatives are working? With Social Media Metrics Secrets, you can! Expert John Lovett taps into his years of training and experience to reveal tips, tricks, and advice on how to analyze and measure the effects of social media and gauge the success of your initiatives. He uses mini case studies to demonstrate how to manage social operations with process and technology by applying key performance indicators, and assessing the business value of social media. Highlights how social media can impact all aspects of your business and transform the way you quantify successful interactions with customers Shares innovative techniques for managing the massive volume of social analytics data by putting data to work in ways that contribute to your organizational goals Details techniques for adopting a Social Analytics Framework for understanding evolving consumer behavior necessary to compete in a socially networked future Written in a conversational tone, Social Media Metrics Secrets goes behind the scenes to present you with unbeatable advice and unparalleled insight into social media metrics.
Social Media Metrics Secrets (Secrets #159)
by John LovettInvaluable advice on analyzing and measuring the effects of social media Do you wish you could sit down with an expert to figure out whether or not your social media initiatives are working? With Social Media Metrics Secrets, you can! Expert John Lovett taps into his years of training and experience to reveal tips, tricks, and advice on how to analyze and measure the effects of social media and gauge the success of your initiatives. He uses mini case studies to demonstrate how to manage social operations with process and technology by applying key performance indicators, and assessing the business value of social media. Highlights how social media can impact all aspects of your business and transform the way you quantify successful interactions with customers Shares innovative techniques for managing the massive volume of social analytics data by putting data to work in ways that contribute to your organizational goals Details techniques for adopting a Social Analytics Framework for understanding evolving consumer behavior necessary to compete in a socially networked future Written in a conversational tone, Social Media Metrics Secrets goes behind the scenes to present you with unbeatable advice and unparalleled insight into social media metrics.
Social Media Mining with R
by Nathan Danneman Richard HeimannA concise, hands-on guide with many practical examples and a detailed treatise on inference and social science research that will help you in mining data in the real world. Whether you are an undergraduate who wishes to get hands-on experience working with social data from the Web, a practitioner wishing to expand your competencies and learn unsupervised sentiment analysis, or you are simply interested in social data analysis, this book will prove to be an essential asset. No previous experience with R or statistics is required, though having knowledge of both will enrich your experience.
Social Media, Mobile and Cloud Technology Use in Accounting: Value-Analyses in Developing Economies
by Femi Oladele Timothy Gbemiga OyewoleThe rapidly evolving nature of emerging technologies, and the transformative and disruptive tendencies offered by these are reshaping professional activities, operations and functions as well as value creation.Exploring the wide ranging implications of the use of multiple emerging technologies by professional accountants, Social Media and Cloud Technology Use in Accounting providing illuminating insights in an exploratory study that reviews emerging technologies within an developing economy.Femi Oladele and Timothy Oyewole present a robust analysis of the literature surrounding established concepts and constructs within Accounting and explore changes for training and the wider framework for all areas of Accounting practice.The results of an in-depth predictive and interpretive value-analyses of Accountants’ Training Framework (ATF) and Perception (PCT) on professional accountants’ use of SoMoClo technologies are presented.The book offers reviews of existing theories presented alongside a brand new theoretical framework, drawing on interdisciplinary approaches to define new conceptual understandings of this fast moving business area.
Social Media, Mobile and Cloud Technology Use in Accounting: Value-Analyses in Developing Economies
by Femi Oladele Timothy Gbemiga OyewoleThe rapidly evolving nature of emerging technologies, and the transformative and disruptive tendencies offered by these are reshaping professional activities, operations and functions as well as value creation.Exploring the wide ranging implications of the use of multiple emerging technologies by professional accountants, Social Media and Cloud Technology Use in Accounting providing illuminating insights in an exploratory study that reviews emerging technologies within an developing economy.Femi Oladele and Timothy Oyewole present a robust analysis of the literature surrounding established concepts and constructs within Accounting and explore changes for training and the wider framework for all areas of Accounting practice.The results of an in-depth predictive and interpretive value-analyses of Accountants’ Training Framework (ATF) and Perception (PCT) on professional accountants’ use of SoMoClo technologies are presented.The book offers reviews of existing theories presented alongside a brand new theoretical framework, drawing on interdisciplinary approaches to define new conceptual understandings of this fast moving business area.
Social Media Modeling and Computing
by Steven C.H. Hoi, Jiebo Luo, Susanne Boll, Dong Xu, Rong Jin and Irwin KingThis timely text/reference presents the latest advances in various aspects of social media modeling and social media computing research. Gathering together superb research from a range of established international conferences and workshops, the editors coherently organize and present each of the topics in relation to the basic principles and practices of social media modeling and computing. Individual chapters can be also be used as self-contained references on the material covered. Topics and features: presents contributions from an international selection of preeminent experts in the field; discusses topics on social-media content analysis; examines social-media system design and analysis, and visual analytic tools for event analysis; investigates access control for privacy and security issues in social networks; describes emerging applications of social media, for music recommendation, automatic image annotation, and the analysis and improvement of photo-books.
Social Media on the Road: The Future of Car Based Computing (Computer Supported Cooperative Work #50)
by Oskar JuhlinIn the future, everyday life in traffic will be intricately meshed with city life. Today motorways, cities and streets are places where we spend a considerable amount of time, and where a large number of everyday encounters between people occur. Any road user’s journey coincides with hundreds or even thousands of others. This book unpacks the details of the practical achievements involved in socially engaging with people at high speed. Although, generally speaking, these encounters are brief and interaction is slight, the recent emergence of mobile technologies offers opportunities to support drivers and passengers beyond just helping them to reach their destination. New social media could enhance interaction in traffic making life on the road more interesting and meaningful. Such innovative applications could include car stereos that share music amongst drivers; digital games that interact with the landscape passing outside the car windows, or with passengers in surrounding cars; message systems that allow drivers to help each other; and web applications that allow motorcyclists to socialize on the road. Social Media on the Road - The Future of Car Based Computing provides a bridge between research in transport planning and traffic technology, and new media areas such as Computer Human Interaction and Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Those studying and researching in the areas of human computer interaction in mobile use contexts, and those interested in developing new forms of mobile applications and services will find this book an excellent resource. Oskar Juhlin is Associate Professor and Director of the Mobile Life VinnExcellence Centre at Stockholm University and Interactive Institute. 'This book represents a pioneering and key research work that examines the future of transportation being merged with communication and interactive media. It also provides a glimpse of the future potential of mixed reality entertainment for children and family on the move. It is essential for scientists, designers, and engineers working on mobile social media, as well as for business people looking for new potential urban transport media services.' Professor Adrian D. Cheok, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University.
Social Media Optimization For Dummies
by Ric ShrevesOptimize, optimize, optimize to get the most out of your company's social media presence As it turns out, social media is good for a lot more than funny cat videos, memes, and sharing what you're eating for lunch with the world. As the social media sphere continues to grow and be redefined, it's more important than ever to arm yourself with the latest information on how you can use it to drive traffic to your website, raise awareness of your brand, and promote your products or services. If you're a marketer who has asked yourself how you can possibly stay afloat in these newly chartered and oft overcrowded waters, Social Media Optimization For Dummies serves as your roadmap to smart marketing in the digital age. So, what is Social Media Optimization (SMO), exactly? Well, it's comprised of two closely related practices. First, SMO refers to a set of techniques in which social media is used to drive traffic to a website and create an interest in a product or service. Second, SMO concerns the optimization of the social media presence itself with the goal of building followers, increasing engagement, and, again, generating interest in a product or service. Each of these parts supports the other and, when the channels are managed efficiently, enhances the other's effectiveness. In this plain English, easy-to-follow guide, you'll quickly discover how to apply SMO practices to your marketing plan to accomplish those goals. Integrate social media into your website Drive traffic to your website Build followers and generate a buzz Increase engagement with customers From integrating social media into your website to building your social media presence to everything in between, Social Media Optimization For Dummies points your business toward success.
Social Media Optimization For Dummies
by Ric ShrevesOptimize, optimize, optimize to get the most out of your company's social media presence As it turns out, social media is good for a lot more than funny cat videos, memes, and sharing what you're eating for lunch with the world. As the social media sphere continues to grow and be redefined, it's more important than ever to arm yourself with the latest information on how you can use it to drive traffic to your website, raise awareness of your brand, and promote your products or services. If you're a marketer who has asked yourself how you can possibly stay afloat in these newly chartered and oft overcrowded waters, Social Media Optimization For Dummies serves as your roadmap to smart marketing in the digital age. So, what is Social Media Optimization (SMO), exactly? Well, it's comprised of two closely related practices. First, SMO refers to a set of techniques in which social media is used to drive traffic to a website and create an interest in a product or service. Second, SMO concerns the optimization of the social media presence itself with the goal of building followers, increasing engagement, and, again, generating interest in a product or service. Each of these parts supports the other and, when the channels are managed efficiently, enhances the other's effectiveness. In this plain English, easy-to-follow guide, you'll quickly discover how to apply SMO practices to your marketing plan to accomplish those goals. Integrate social media into your website Drive traffic to your website Build followers and generate a buzz Increase engagement with customers From integrating social media into your website to building your social media presence to everything in between, Social Media Optimization For Dummies points your business toward success.
Social Media, Parties, and Political Inequalities
by Niels Spierings Kristof JacobsThis book examines how social media have transformed politics in established democracies. Specifically, the authors examine the influence of the unique qualities of social media on the power balance between and within parties. They present a general theory as well as an in-depth case study of the Netherlands and compare it to the US and European democracies. The authors show how and why social media's introduction leads to equalization for some and normalization for others. Additional to national politics, Jacobs and Spierings investigate often-overlooked topics such as local and European politics and the impact on women and ethnic minorities.
Social Media Playbook for Business: Reaching Your Online Community with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and More
by Tom FunkThis practical guide can help any business or organization make sense of the social media buzz and build a successful online community.Social media can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool that brings a company or organization huge rewards. But for beginners in this new world, the potential risks are also high. Consumers are particularly passionate in the online world; the most active social networkers are poised to be your brand's gushing fans—or your most scathing critics. Both multimillion-dollar profits and self-inflicted PR fiascos are possible via social media.This guidebook begins by defining "social media," "social networking," and other terms that may be ambiguous, then details what recent market research reveals about the scope and growth rate of the social media landscape. Real-world examples of both large and small organizations who have successfully implemented social media strategies are showcased, and the hype and failed promise of famous flash-in-the-pan social networks are examined. The author outlines a comprehensive strategy for success with social media, including practical information on watching metrics, establishing beachheads, determining your driver, building a checklist of driver "amplifications," and combating the "what now?" factor.