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Software Architectures: Advances and Applications
by Leonor Barroca Jon Hall Patrick HallThis book provides a unique overview of different approaches to developing software that is flexible, adaptable and easy to maintain and reuse. It covers the most recent advances in software architecture research. In addition, it provides the reader with scalable solutions for engineering and reengineering business processes, including architectural components for business applications, framework design for Internet distributed business applications, and architectural standards for enterprise systems.
Software Architectures: Topics Usually Missed in Textbooks
by Manfred Nagl Bernhard WestfechtelThis textbook concentrates on processes, activities and results related to software architectures. It describes the separation of architecture artefacts corresponding to their nature, their logical or their modeling level on one hand and at the same time emphasizes their integration based on their mutual relations. Design or development processes demand for integration, as different artifacts must be elaborated, which are mutually dependent and need to be in a consistent form. The book is structured in four parts. The introductory Part I deals with the relevance of architectures, the central role of the design subprocess both in development or maintenance, and the importance of the decisions and artefacts in the overall result. Another topic is the spectrum of views an architecture language has to offer, and that there are different architectures to be regarded, from abstract and static to detailed, technical, and specific. Part II then discusses “important topics” onthe architecture level. It deals with adaptability especially for embedded systems, with integrating styles/ pattern notations, with different reuse forms and how to find them, with the role of architectures for integrating different existing systems, and with reverse and reengineering of legacy systems. Next, Part III covers architecture modeling and its relation to surrounding activities, as well as architectures to surrounding other results. The single chapters are on transformation between requirements and architectures, architectures and programming, architectures and project management and organization, as well as architectures and their relations to quality assurance or documentation. Eventually, Part IV summarizes the main messages and presents open problems, both for every single chapter and across chapters. Every chapter focuses on a specific problem it addresses, a question it answers, the attention it demands, a message it conveys, and further open questions it raises. The chapters are mostly independent, which implies a certain redundancy, yet it allows lecturers (and their students) to either use the book as the basis of teaching software architecture or design, or to just pick those aspects that need special attention in a more advanced course.
Software Architectures and Component Technology (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #648)
by Mehmed AksitSoftware architectures have gained wide popularity in the last decade. They generally play a fundamental role in coping with the inherent difficulties of the development of large-scale and complex software systems. Component-oriented and aspect-oriented programming enables software engineers to implement complex applications from a set of pre-defined components. Software Architectures and Component Technology collects excellent chapters on software architectures and component technologies from well-known authors, who not only explain the advantages, but also present the shortcomings of the current approaches while introducing novel solutions to overcome the shortcomings. The unique features of this book are: evaluates the current architecture design methods and component composition techniques and explains their shortcomings; presents three practical architecture design methods in detail; gives four industrial architecture design examples; presents conceptual models for distributed message-based architectures; explains techniques for refining architectures into components; presents the recent developments in component and aspect-oriented techniques; explains the status of research on Piccola, Hyper/J®, Pluggable Composite Adapters and Composition Filters. Software Architectures and Component Technology is a suitable text for graduate level students in computer science and engineering, and as a reference for researchers and practitioners in industry.
Software Architectures, Components, and Applications: Third International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures, QoSA 2007, Medford, MA, USA, July 11-13, 2007, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4880)
by Sven Overhage Clemens A. Szyperski Ralf H. Reussner Judith A. StaffordResearchers and professionals will find in this text the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures, QoSA 2007, held in Medford, MA, USA, in 2007. It was mounted in conjunction with the 10th International ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, CBSE 2007. The 13 revised full papers presented together with one keynote lecture were carefully reviewed and selected from 42 submissions.
Software Architectures for Product Families: International Workshop IW-SAPF-3. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, March 15-17, 2000 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1951)
by Frank Van Der LindenThis book contains the proceedings of a third workshop on the theme of Software Arc- tecture for Product Families. The first two workshops were organised by the ESPRIT project ARES, and were called “Development and Evolution of Software Architectures for Product Families”. Proceedings of the first workshop, held in November 1996, were only published electronically at: “http://www.dit.upm.es/~ares/”. Proceedings of the second workshop, held in February 1998, were published as Springer LNCS 1429. The ARES project was finished in February 1999. Several partners continued - operation in a larger consortium, ITEA project 99005, ESAPS. As such it is part of the European Eureka ! 2023 programme. The third workshop was organised as part of the ESAPS project. In order to make the theme of the workshop more generic we decided to rename it “International Workshop on Software Architectures for Product Families”. As with the earlier two workshops we managed to bring together people working in the so- ware architecture of product families and in software product-line engineering. Submitted papers were grouped in five sessions. Moreover, we introduced two s- sions, one on configuration management and one on evolution, because we felt that d- cussion was needed on these topics, but there were no submitted papers for these subjects. Finally, we introduced a surveys session, giving an overview of the present situation in Europe, focussed on ESAPS, and in the USA, focussed on the SEI Product Line Systems Program.
Software-Architektur: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Praxis
by Oliver Vogel Ingo Arnold Arif Chughtai Edmund Ihler Timo Kehrer Uwe Mehlig Uwe Zdun(Autor) O. Vogel et al. (Titel) Software-Architektur (Untertitel) Grundlagen - Konzepte - Praxis (HL) Der umfassende Einstieg in die Software - Architektur! (copy) Dieser Titel behandelt das Thema Software- Architektur umfassend und strukturiert die Thematik mit Hilfe eines architektonischen Ordnungsrahmens. Es stellt den "Architekten" in den Mittelpunkt und bietet ihm langfristige Orientierung. Das Buch vermittelt essenzielles Wissen und zeigt, wie das erworbene Wissen konkret und in entsprechenden Projekten eingesetzt werden kann. Zu diesem Zweck enthält das Buch Anwendungsszenarien und Fallstudien aus verschiedenen Industriezweigen und Anwendungsdomänen. Das optimale Einstiegswerk für Softwareentwickler und Studenten. (Biblio)
Software-Architektur kompakt: - angemessen und zielorientiert (IT kompakt)
by Gernot Starke Peter HruschkaSoftware Architektur kompakt gibt Ihnen alles, was Sie zu einem reibungslosen und schnellen Start in das Thema benötigen. Lernen Sie Systeme zukunftssicher, flexibel und transparent zu konstruieren. Sie finden hier sofort einsetzbare und erprobte Muster und Vorlagen zur Erstellung praxistauglicher IT-Architekturen. Das Buch liefert allen relevanten Projektbeteiligten maßgeschneiderte Antworten zu Entwurfsentscheidungen, Systemstruktur und Implementierung. Der Ansatz von Software-Architektur kompakt hilft Ihnen, das Berufsbild und die Verantwortung von Software-Architekten besser zu verstehen und in Ihren Projekten zu etablieren. Sie finden auch passende Antworten auf verbreitete Einwände wie „zu viel Aufwand", „keine Zeit" oder „zu teuer".
Software-Architektur kompakt: - angemessen und zielorientiert (IT kompakt)
by Gernot Starke Peter HruschkaSoftware Architektur kompakt gibt Ihnen alles, was Sie zu einem reibungslosen und schnellen Start in das Thema benötigen. Lernen Sie Systeme zukunftssicher, flexibel und transparent zu konstruieren. Sie finden hier sofort einsetzbare und erprobte Muster und Vorlagen zur Erstellung praxistauglicher IT-Architekturen.Das Buch liefert allen relevanten Projektbeteiligten maßgeschneiderte Antworten zu Entwurfsentscheidungen, Systemstruktur und Implementierung.
Software-Architekturen für das E-Business: Enterprise-Application-Integration mit verteilten Systemen (eXamen.press)
by Sebastian Herden Jorge Marx Gómez Claus Rautenstrauch André ZwanzigerUmfassende Einführung in alle relevanten Grundlagen, Methoden und Technologien, wobei im Gegensatz zur aktuellen Literatur zu diesem Thema, Software-Architekturen aus den betriebswirtschaftlichen Anforderungen hergeleitet und zum Lehrbuch für Systementwicklung zusammengefasst werden. Dafür sind erstmalig Ideen zu Pattern, Patternsprachen, Fachkomponenten und Web-Services in einem Vorgehensmodell zur Systementwicklung vereint.
Software-Architekturen für Verteilte Systeme: Prinzipien, Bausteine und Standardarchitekturen für moderne Software (Xpert.press)
by Schahram Dustdar Harald Gall Manfred HauswirthSoftware Automatic Tuning: From Concepts to State-of-the-Art Results
by Ken Naono Keita Teranishi John Cavazos Reiji SudaAutomatic Performance Tuning is a new software paradigm which enables software to be high performance in any computing environment. Its methodologies have been developed over the past decade, and it is now rapidly growing in terms of its scope and applicability, as well as in its scientific knowledge and technological methods. Software developers and researchers in the area of scientific and technical computing, high performance database systems, optimized compilers, high performance systems software, and low-power computing will find this book to be an invaluable reference to this powerful new paradigm.
Software automatisch testen: Verfahren, Handhabung und Leistung (Xpert.press)
by Elfriede Dustin Jeff Rashka John PaulDie Autoren stellen die praktische Handhabung und die Werkzeuge für automatische Software-Testverfahren ausführlich dar. Besondere Berücksichtigung findet dabei die Qualitätssicherung sowohl beim Test-Design, bei den verwendeten Testwerkzeugen als auch bei der Dokumentation der Ergebnisse. Das Buch führt den Praktiker Schritt für Schritt durch den Test-Prozeß von der anfänglichen Planung, Implementierung, Management bis zum Report.Die CD-ROM enthält umfangreiche PDF-Dokumente zu automatischen Testverfahren, insbesondere zu ATLM (Automated Test Life-Cycle Methodology).
Software-Based Acoustical Measurements (Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing)
by Federico MiyaraThis textbook provides a detailed introduction to the use of software in combination with simple and economical hardware (a sound level meter with calibrated AC output and a digital recording system) to obtain sophisticated measurements usually requiring expensive equipment. It emphasizes the use of free, open source, and multiplatform software. Many commercial acoustical measurement systems use software algorithms as an integral component; however the methods are not disclosed. This book enables the reader to develop useful algorithms and provides insight into the use of digital audio editing tools to document features in the signal. Topics covered include acoustical measurement principles, in-depth critical study of uncertainty applied to acoustical measurements, digital signal processing from the basics, and metrologically-oriented spectral and statistical analysis of signals. The student will gain a deep understanding of the use of software for measurement purposes; the ability to implement software-based measurement systems; familiarity with the hardware necessary to acquire and store signals; an appreciation for the key issue of long-term preservation of signals; and a full grasp of the often neglected issue of uncertainty in acoustical measurements. Pedagogical features include in-text worked-out examples, end-of-chapter problems, a glossary of metrology terms, and extensive appendices covering statistics, proofs, additional examples, file formats, and underlying theory.
Software-Bewertung: Ein semantischer Ansatz für Infomationsmaße (Informatik-Fachberichte #299)
by Peter BaumannSoftware Business: 13th International Conference, ICSOB 2022, Bolzano, Italy, November 8–11, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #463)
by Noel Carroll Anh Nguyen-Duc Xiaofeng Wang Viktoria StrayThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2022, which was held during November 8-11, 2022 in Bolzano, Italy. The special theme of ICSOB 2022 was “Software for Digital Transformation”. The 19 full papers together with 6 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The conference is covering different aspects of Digital Transformation, Software Startups, Software Ecosystems, Software Processes, Platform Economy, Software Sustainability, and People and Process Analytics.
Software Business: Third International Conference, ICSOB 2012, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 18-20, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #114)
by Michael A. Cusumano Bala Iyer N. VenkatramanThis book contains the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB) held in Cambridge, MA, USA, in June 2012. The software business refers to commercial activities in the software industry, aimed at generating revenues from the design, delivery, and maintenance of software products and IT services to enterprises and individual customers, as well as from digital content. Although this business shares common features with other knowledge-intensive markets, it carries many inherent features making it a challenging domain for research. The 20 full and 10 short papers accepted for ICSOB were selected from 60 submissions and are organized in sections on software product management, organizational transformation, industry transformation, software platforms and ecosystems, and emerging trends.
Software Business: 6th International Conference, ICSOB 2015, Braga, Portugal, June 10-12, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #210)
by João M. Fernandes Ricardo J. Machado Krzysztof WnukThis book contains the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2015, held in Braga, Portugal, in June 2015. The theme of the event was "Enterprising Cities" focusing on a noticeable spillover of software within other industries enabling new business models: Companies bundle their physical products and software services into solutions and start to sell independent software products in addition to physical products.The 16 full, five short, and three doctoral symposium papers accepted for ICSOB were selected from 42 submissions. The papers span a wide range of issues related to contemporary software business—from strategic aspects that include external reuse, ecosystem participation, and acquisitions to operational challenges associated with running software business.
Software Business: 14th International Conference, ICSOB 2023, Lahti, Finland, November 27–29, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #500)
by Sami Hyrynsalmi Jürgen Münch Kari Smolander Jorge MelegatiThis open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2023, which was held in Lahti, Finland, during November 27–29, 2023. The special theme of ICSOB 2023 was Digital Agility: Mastering Change in Software Business and Digital Services.The 27 full papers and 8 short papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Requirements; software procurement; platforms, ecosystems and data; artificial intelligence; software startups; software product management; software and business co-development; and emerging digital world.
Software Business: 10th International Conference, ICSOB 2019, Jyväskylä, Finland, November 18–20, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #370)
by Sami Hyrynsalmi Mari Suoranta Anh Nguyen-Duc Pasi Tyrväinen Pekka AbrahamssonThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2019, held in Jyväskylä, Finland, in November 2019. On the occasion of its tenth anniversary the conference theme this year was “The First Decade and Beyond” and focused on the development during the past decade, addressing the future of software-intensive business as well as studies on new and emerging ideas. The 18 full papers and 10 short papers presented together with 3 invited talks, 6 emerging research papers and a tutorial were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: software ecosystems; management of software products; continual improvement and product development; impacts of digitalization; software business education; software startups and digital business.
Software Business: 11th International Conference, ICSOB 2020, Karlskrona, Sweden, November 16–18, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #407)
by Eriks Klotins Krzysztof WnukThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2020, which was held during November 16-18, 2020. The conference was originally planned to take place in Karlskrona, Sweden, but changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 13 full papers and 5 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. They deal with a range of topics including practices for engineering and marketing software-intensive products, extracting business value from machine learning based software components, ethical considerations of the software business, software ecosystems, and pedagogy of teaching entrepreneurship and software business.
Software Business: 7th International Conference, ICSOB 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-14, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #240)
by Andrey Maglyas Anna-Lena LamprechtThis book contains the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2016, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in June 2016. Software business refers to commercial activities in and around the software industry aimed at generating income from the delivery of software products and services. The theme of the event was "Software as a New Way of Providing Cutting-edge Solutions".The 10 full and 5 short papers for ICSOB were selected from 38 submissions. The papers span a wide range of issues related to contemporary software business, ranging from strategic aspects to operational challenges. The strong presence of software ecosystem papers confirms the importance of this topic and influence on software business. In addition, a short abstract of the key note by Peter Lick and Hans-Bernd Kittlaus is also included.
Software Business: 8th International Conference, ICSOB 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-13, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #304)
by Arto Ojala Helena Holmström Olsson Karl WerderThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2017, held in Essen, Germany, in June 2017. The 11 full papers and 5 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: software startups and platform governance; software business development; software ecosystems and App stores.
Software Business: Second International Conference, ICSOB 2011, Brussels, Belgium, June 8-10, 2011, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #80)
by Bjö Regnell Inge Van De Weerd Olga De TroyerThis book contains the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB) held in Brussels, Belgium, in June 2011.This year's conference theme "Managing Software Innovation for Tomorrow's Business" reflects the specific challenges in the research domain of software business. The 14 papers accepted for ICSOB were selected from 27 submissions covering topics like software ecosystems, usage of open source software, software as a service, and software product and project management. The volume is completed by a short summary of the keynote and the two workshops (EPIC 2011 "Third Workshop on Leveraging Empirical Research Results for Software Business," and IWSECO 2011 "Third International Workshop on Software Ecosystems") preceding the main conference.
Software Business: First International Conference, ICSOB 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 21-23, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #51)
by Pasi Tyrväinen Slinger Jansen Michael A. CusumanoThe advancementof the softwareindustry has hada substantialimpact notonly onproductivityandonGDPgrowthglobally,butalsoonourdailyworkandlife. Software business refers to commercial activity of the software industry, aimed at generating income from delivery of software products and software services. Although software business shares common features with other international knowledge-intensive businesses, it carries many inherent features making it an intriguing and challenging domain for research. Until now, however, software business has received little attention from the academic community. The First International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB 2010) was organized in Jyv¨ askyl¨ a during June 21–23, 2010. This inaugural conference brought together a strong Program Committee of 52 members with research disciplines from various ?elds of business management and technology mana- mentaswellasinternational?avorwithmemberscomingfrom17countriesfrom South and North America to Europe, India and Australia. Wereceived35researchpapersubmissions.Thepaperswentthroughadoub- blind review process producing at least three reviews for each accepted paper. The ProgramCommittee accepted 13 submissions to be presented as full papers in the conference, equaling 37% of the submissions. In addition, ten papers were accepted as short papers. The accepted papers represent the wide variety of - searchactivityonsoftwarebusiness.Forthepurposesoftheconferenceprogram, the papers were organized under eight themes: business models, business m- agement, ecosystems, education and research, internationalization, open source software and social media, product management, and software as a service. In addition to the paper sessions, the conference program included three keynote presentations and a Business Innovation Track containing best-practice presentations from the software industry. The conference program also included two workshops, three tutorials and an adjunct meeting of the Cloud Software Consortia.
Software Business: 12th International Conference, ICSOB 2021, Drammen, Norway, December 2–3, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #434)
by Xiaofeng Wang Antonio Martini Anh Nguyen-Duc Viktoria StrayThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Business, ICSOB 2021, which was held during December 2-3, 2021. The conference was originally planned to take place in Drammen, Norway, but changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The special theme of ICSOB 2021 was software sustainability. The 13 full papers and 5 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. They deal with a range of topics including software sustainability, Agile development, DevOps, software startups, prototyping, software ecosystems, crowdsourcing platforms, technical debts, and risk management.