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Showing 75,451 through 75,475 of 85,789 results

Software Engineering: Eine Einführung für Informatiker und Ingenieure: Systeme, Erfahrungen, Methoden, Tools

by Reiner Dumke

Zum Lernen, Nachschlagen und die erfolgreiche Praxis des Software Engineering. Das Buch ist so aufbereitet, dass es die wesentlichen Teilgebiete des internationalen "Software Engineering Body of Knowledge" (SWEBOK) abdeckt: die Grundlage für eine Ausbildung im Software Engineering nach internationalem Standard. Hier erfahren Sie alles über die Grundprinzipien, Methoden und Technologien jeweils im Kontext ihrer erfolgreichen Umsetzung und Anwendung. Die Darstellung folgt der UML-Methode mit den jeweiligen Tool-Anwendungen. Die neue Auflage wurde gänzlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach

by Elvis Foster

This text provides a comprehensive, but concise introduction to software engineering. It adopts a methodical approach to solving software engineering problems proven over several years of teaching, with outstanding results.The book covers concepts, principles, design, construction, implementation, and management issues of software systems. Each chapter is organized systematically into brief, reader-friendly sections, with itemization of the important points to be remembered. Diagrams and illustrations also sum up the salient points to enhance learning. Additionally, the book includes a number of the author’s original methodologies that add clarity and creativity to the software engineering experience, while making a novel contribution to the discipline.Upholding his aim for brevity, comprehensive coverage, and relevance, Foster’s practical and methodical discussion style gets straight to the salient issues, and avoids unnecessary topics and minimizes theoretical coverage.

Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach, 2nd Edition

by Elvis C. Foster Bradford A. Towle Jr.

Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach (Second Edition) provides a comprehensive, but concise introduction to software engineering. It adopts a methodical approach to solving software engineering problems, proven over several years of teaching, with outstanding results. The book covers concepts, principles, design, construction, implementation, and management issues of software engineering. Each chapter is organized systematically into brief, reader-friendly sections, with itemization of the important points to be remembered. Diagrams and illustrations also sum up the salient points to enhance learning. Additionally, the book includes the author’s original methodologies that add clarity and creativity to the software engineering experience. New in the Second Edition are chapters on software engineering projects, management support systems, software engineering frameworks and patterns as a significant building block for the design and construction of contemporary software systems, and emerging software engineering frontiers. The text starts with an introduction of software engineering and the role of the software engineer. The following chapters examine in-depth software analysis, design, development, implementation, and management. Covering object-oriented methodologies and the principles of object-oriented information engineering, the book reinforces an object-oriented approach to the early phases of the software development life cycle. It covers various diagramming techniques and emphasizes object classification and object behavior. The text features comprehensive treatments of: Project management aids that are commonly used in software engineering An overview of the software design phase, including a discussion of the software design process, design strategies, architectural design, interface design, database design, and design and development standards User interface design Operations design Design considerations including system catalog, product documentation, user message management, design for real-time software, design for reuse, system security, and the agile effect Human resource management from a software engineering perspective Software economics Software implementation issues that range from operating environments to the marketing of software Software maintenance, legacy systems, and re-engineering This textbook can be used as a one-semester or two-semester course in software engineering, augmented with an appropriate CASE or RAD tool. It emphasizes a practical, methodical approach to software engineering, avoiding an overkill of theoretical calculations where possible. The primary objective is to help students gain a solid grasp of the activities in the software development life cycle to be confident about taking on new software engineering projects.

Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach, 2nd Edition

by Elvis C. Foster Bradford A. Towle Jr.

Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach (Second Edition) provides a comprehensive, but concise introduction to software engineering. It adopts a methodical approach to solving software engineering problems, proven over several years of teaching, with outstanding results. The book covers concepts, principles, design, construction, implementation, and management issues of software engineering. Each chapter is organized systematically into brief, reader-friendly sections, with itemization of the important points to be remembered. Diagrams and illustrations also sum up the salient points to enhance learning. Additionally, the book includes the author’s original methodologies that add clarity and creativity to the software engineering experience. New in the Second Edition are chapters on software engineering projects, management support systems, software engineering frameworks and patterns as a significant building block for the design and construction of contemporary software systems, and emerging software engineering frontiers. The text starts with an introduction of software engineering and the role of the software engineer. The following chapters examine in-depth software analysis, design, development, implementation, and management. Covering object-oriented methodologies and the principles of object-oriented information engineering, the book reinforces an object-oriented approach to the early phases of the software development life cycle. It covers various diagramming techniques and emphasizes object classification and object behavior. The text features comprehensive treatments of: Project management aids that are commonly used in software engineering An overview of the software design phase, including a discussion of the software design process, design strategies, architectural design, interface design, database design, and design and development standards User interface design Operations design Design considerations including system catalog, product documentation, user message management, design for real-time software, design for reuse, system security, and the agile effect Human resource management from a software engineering perspective Software economics Software implementation issues that range from operating environments to the marketing of software Software maintenance, legacy systems, and re-engineering This textbook can be used as a one-semester or two-semester course in software engineering, augmented with an appropriate CASE or RAD tool. It emphasizes a practical, methodical approach to software engineering, avoiding an overkill of theoretical calculations where possible. The primary objective is to help students gain a solid grasp of the activities in the software development life cycle to be confident about taking on new software engineering projects.

Software-Engineering: Mit 77 Bildern und 22 Übungsaufgaben

by Ekbert Hering

Die Kosten zur Erstellung von Software steigen im Vergleich zu den Hardwarekosten ständig. Um die wachsenden Anwenderansprüche zu befriedigen und mit dem rapiden technischen Fortschritt im Hardwarebereich Schritt halten zu können, wurde eine eigene Ingenieurdisziplin "Software-Engineering" notwendig. Das ingenieurmäßige Vorgehen soll sicherstellen, daß die Software-Herstellung termingerecht, kostengünstig, rationell und qualitätsbewußt geschieht. Software-Engineering ist ein ganz junges Gebiet der Informationswissenschaft. Deshalb sind die meisten Werke über diesen Bereich von der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion geprägt und im Anspruchsniveau relativ hoch. Für viele in der Programmierpraxis stehende Per­ sonen fehlt ein Lehrbuch einfacheren Charakters, das die Methoden und Hilfsmittel für die besonders wichtigen und kostenintensiven Phasen Entwurf und Test beschreibt. ln diese Lücke möchte dieses Buch stoßen. Aus der Fülle der in der Literatur vorgeschlagenen Methoden wurden diejenigen ausge­ wählt, die einerseits auf Grund ihrer systematischen Vorgehensweise besonders effizient sind und die andererseits wegen ihrer leichten Lernbarkeit und Einsetzbarkeit in der Praxis am häufigsten und erfolgreichsten Anwendung finden. Aus Gründen der Klarheit wurde auf eine eingehende Problematisierung der vorgestellten Methoden verzichtet. Der an einer kritischen Hinterfragung interessierte Leser sei auf das ausführliche Literaturver­ zeichnis verwiesen.

Software Engineering: Proceedings of CSI 2015 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #731)

by M. N. Hoda Naresh Chauhan S. M. Quadri Praveen Ranjan Srivastava

This book presents selected proceedings of the annual convention of the Computer Society of India. Divided into 10 topical volumes, the proceedings present papers on state-of-the-art research, surveys, and succinct reviews. They cover diverse topics ranging from communications networks to big data analytics, and from system architecture to cyber security. This book focuses on Software Engineering, and informs readers about the state of the art in software engineering by gathering high-quality papers that represent the outcomes of consolidated research and innovations in Software Engineering and related areas. In addition to helping practitioners and researchers understand the chief issues involved in designing, developing, evolving and validating complex software systems, it provides comprehensive information on developing professional careers in Software Engineering. It also provides insights into various research issues such as software reliability, verification and validation, security and extensibility, as well as the latest concepts like component-based development, software process models, process-driven systems and human-computer collaborative systems.

Software Engineering: Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung mit der Unified Modeling Language

by Bernd Kahlbrandt

Nach erster Euphorie und der folgenden Ernüchterung herrscht im Augenblick wieder starkes Interesse an objektorientierten Themen. Der Schwerpunkt der Diskussionen und Entwicklungen liegt jetzt auf Methoden. Vereinfacht wird diese Diskussion durch die absehbare Standardisierung einer Notation zur Darstellung objektorientierter Modelle, der Unified Modeling Language (UML). Erschwert wird die Diskussion und die sachgerechte Entscheidung über den Einsatz objektorientierter Methoden durch den unterschiedlichen Hintergrund der Beteiligten. Hinzukommt eine vielfältig verwobene Begriffs­ welt, die verwirrend erscheinen kann und es wohl zum Teil auch ist. Hier setzt dieses Buch an. Es ist aus Vorlesungen über Software-Engineer­ ing an der Fachhochschule Harnburg hervorgegangen. Die Studierenden tru­ gen durch ihr konsequentes Nachfragen nach der Bedeutung der eingeführten oder einfach so verwendeten Begriffe dazu bei, dass ich mich systematisch um Definitionen und Hinweise auf abweichende Verwendung aller Begriffe bemüht habe. So ist ein Buch entstanden, das sich an Leser wendet, die aus unterschied­ lichen Gründen, aber ohne umfangreiche theoretische Vorbildung, objektori­ entierte Entwicklung lernen wollen oder müssen: • Studierende an Universitäten oder Fachhochschulen, • Software-Entwickler, die Programmiersprachen und klassische Methoden, wie Entity-Relationship-Modellierung oder strukturierte Analyse, einset­ zen und Objektorientierung lernen wollen, • Entwickler, die objektorientierte Programmierung kennen und nun die UML kennen lernen wollen. Dabei habe ich versucht, mir wichtig erscheinende Themen mit einigen Akzen­ ten zu behandeln, die ich in anderen Werken vermisst habe. Die wichtigsten Punkte, die behandelt werden, sind: • Darstellung eines systematischen, qualitätsorientierten Ansatzes. • Klare Definitionen aller vorkommenden Begriffe und Konzepte.

Software Engineering: International Summer Schools, ISSSE 2009-2011, Salerno, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #7171)

by Andrea De Lucia Filomena Ferrucci

Software engineering is widely recognized as one of the most exciting, stimulating, and profitable research areas, with a significant practical impact on the software industry. Thus, training future generations of software engineering researchers and bridging the gap between academia and industry are vital to the field. The International Summer School on Software Engineering (ISSSE), which started in 2003, aims to contribute both to training future researchers and to facilitating the exchange of knowledge between academia and industry. This volume consists of chapters originating from a number of tutorial lectures given in 2009, 2010, and 2011 at the International Summer School on Software Engineering, ISSSE, held in Salerno, Italy. The volume has been organized into three parts, focusing on software measurement and empirical software engineering, software analysis, and software management. The topics covered include software architectures, software product lines, model driven software engineering, mechatronic systems, aspect oriented software development, agile development processes, empirical software engineering, software maintenance, impact analysis, traceability management, software testing, and search-based software engineering.

Software Engineering: International Summer Schools, ISSSE 2006-2008, Salerno, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #5413)

by Andrea De Lucia Filomena Ferrucci

Software engineering is widely recognized as one of the most exciting, stimulating, and profitable research areas, with a significant practical impact on the software industry. Thus, training future generations of software engineering researchers and bridging the gap between academia and industry are vital to the field. The International Summer School on Software Engineering (ISSSE), which started in 2003, aims to contribute both to training future researchers and to facilitating the exchange of knowledge between academia and industry. This volume constitutes a collection of articles originating from tutorial lectures given during the last three ISSSE summer schools, as well as a number of contributions on some of the latest findings in the field of software engineering. The book is organized in three parts on software requirements and design; software testing and reverse engineering; and management.

Software Engineering: Results of the XVIII KKIO 2016 Software Engineering Conference 2016 held at September 15-17 2016 in Wroclaw, Poland (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #504)

by Lech Madeyski Michał Śmiałek Bogumiła Hnatkowska Zbigniev Huzar

This book presents the proceedings of the KKIO Software Engineering Conference held in Wrocław, Poland in September 15-17, 2016. It contains the carefully reviewed and selected scientific outcome of the conference, which had the motto: “Better software = more efficient enterprise: challenges and solutions”. Following this mission, this book is a compilation of challenges and needs of the industry, as well as research findings and achievements that could address the posed problems in software engineering. Some of these challenges included in the book are: increasing levels of abstraction for programming constructs, increasing levels of software reuse, increasing levels of automation, optimizing software development cycles. The book provides a platform for communication between researchers, young and established, and practitioners.

Software Engineering: International Summer Schools, LASER 2013-2014, Elba, Italy, Revised Tutorial Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8987)

by Bertrand Meyer Martin Nordio

The LASER Summer School is intended for professionals from industry (engineers and managers) as well as university researchers, including PhD students. Participants learn about the most important software technology advances from pioneers in the field. Since its inception in 2004, the LASER Summer School has focused on an important software engineering topic each year. This volume contains selected lecture notes from the 10th LASER Summer School on Software Engineering: Leading-Edge Software Engineering.

Software Engineering: The Current Practice (Chapman & Hall/CRC Innovations in Software Engineering and Software Development Series)

by Vaclav Rajlich

This text teaches students basic software engineering skills and helps practitioners refresh their knowledge and explore recent developments in the field, including software changes and iterative processes of software development. The book discusses the software change and its phases, including concept location, impact analysis, refactoring, actualization, and verification. It then covers the most common iterative processes: agile, directed, and centralized processes. The text also journeys through the initial development of software from scratch to the final stages that lead toward software closedown.

Software Engineering: The Current Practice (Chapman & Hall/CRC Innovations in Software Engineering and Software Development Series)

by Vaclav Rajlich

This text teaches students basic software engineering skills and helps practitioners refresh their knowledge and explore recent developments in the field, including software changes and iterative processes of software development. The book discusses the software change and its phases, including concept location, impact analysis, refactoring, actualization, and verification. It then covers the most common iterative processes: agile, directed, and centralized processes. The text also journeys through the initial development of software from scratch to the final stages that lead toward software closedown.

Software Engineering: Architecture-driven Software Development

by Richard F Schmidt

Software Engineering: Architecture-driven Software Development is the first comprehensive guide to the underlying skills embodied in the IEEE's Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) standard. Standards expert Richard Schmidt explains the traditional software engineering practices recognized for developing projects for government or corporate systems. Software engineering education often lacks standardization, with many institutions focusing on implementation rather than design as it impacts product architecture. Many graduates join the workforce with incomplete skills, leading to software projects that either fail outright or run woefully over budget and behind schedule. Additionally, software engineers need to understand system engineering and architecture—the hardware and peripherals their programs will run on. This issue will only grow in importance as more programs leverage parallel computing, requiring an understanding of the parallel capabilities of processors and hardware. This book gives both software developers and system engineers key insights into how their skillsets support and complement each other. With a focus on these key knowledge areas, Software Engineering offers a set of best practices that can be applied to any industry or domain involved in developing software products. - A thorough, integrated compilation on the engineering of software products, addressing the majority of the standard knowledge areas and topics - Offers best practices focused on those key skills common to many industries and domains that develop software - Learn how software engineering relates to systems engineering for better communication with other engineering professionals within a project environment

Software Engineering: Principles and Practice

by Hans Van Vliet

In-depth coverage of the latest advances in software engineering Aimed at defining inherent problems and providing appropriate solutions when constructing large software systems, the study of software engineering is an essential practice in order to create and maintain successful software development. This new edition shows you how to appreciate the issues, design trade-offs, and teamwork required for successful software development. With a special emphasis placed on the managerial aspects and human factors involved in software projects, this book reflects the changes taking place within software engineering and includes a major update on architecture and the increasingly hybrid character of software engineering. Offers comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of software engineering as well as revised and updated text on the latest advances in the field, including agile methods, open source, and UML2 Incorporates discussion of commercial off-the-shelf products and open source Examines the impact of lightweight versus heavyweight methods, paying particular attention to agile approaches Addresses the globalization of software development and the impact of the Web This new edition is an invaluable resource for anyone involved in software development and maintenance.

Software Engineering 1: Abstraction and Modelling (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)

by Dines Bjørner

The art, craft, discipline, logic, practice, and science of developing large-scale software products needs a believable, professional base. The textbooks in this three-volume set combine informal, engineeringly sound practice with the rigour of formal, mathematics-based approaches. Volume 1 covers the basic principles and techniques of formal methods abstraction and modelling. First this book provides a sound, but simple basis of insight into discrete mathematics: numbers, sets, Cartesians, types, functions, the Lambda Calculus, algebras, and mathematical logic. Then it trains its readers in basic property- and model-oriented specification principles and techniques. The model-oriented concepts that are common to such specification languages as B, VDM-SL, and Z are explained here using the RAISE specification language (RSL). This book then covers the basic principles of applicative (functional), imperative, and concurrent (parallel) specification programming. Finally, the volume contains a comprehensive glossary of software engineering, and extensive indexes and references. These volumes are suitable for self-study by practicing software engineers and for use in university undergraduate and graduate courses on software engineering. Lecturers will be supported with a comprehensive guide to designing modules based on the textbooks, with solutions to many of the exercises presented, and with a complete set of lecture slides.

Software Engineering 2: Specification of Systems and Languages (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)

by Dines Bjørner

The art, craft, discipline, logic, practice and science of developing large-scale software products needs a professional base. The textbooks in this three-volume set combine informal, engineeringly sound approaches with the rigor of formal, mathematics-based approaches. This volume covers the basic principles and techniques of specifying systems and languages. It deals with modelling the semiotics (pragmatics, semantics and syntax of systems and languages), modelling spatial and simple temporal phenomena, and such specialized topics as modularity (incl. UML class diagrams), Petri nets, live sequence charts, statecharts, and temporal logics, including the duration calculus. Finally, the book presents techniques for interpreter and compiler development of functional, imperative, modular and parallel programming languages. This book is targeted at late undergraduate to early graduate university students, and researchers of programming methodologies. Vol. 1 of this series is a prerequisite text.

Software Engineering 3: Domains, Requirements, and Software Design (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)

by Dines Bjørner

The final installment in this three-volume set is based on this maxim: "Before software can be designed its requirements must be well understood, and before the requirements can be expressed properly the domain of the application must be well understood." The book covers the process from the development of domain descriptions, through the derivation of requirements prescriptions from domain models, to the refinement of requirements into software architectures and component design.

Software Engineering and Algorithms: Proceedings of 10th Computer Science On-line Conference 2021, Vol. 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #230)

by Radek Silhavy

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Software Engineering and Algorithms section of the 10th Computer Science On-line Conference 2021 (CSOC 2021), held on-line in April 2021. Software engineering research and its applications to intelligent algorithms take an essential role in computer science research. In this book, modern research methods, application of machine and statistical learning in the software engineering research are presented.

Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of 7th Computer Science On-line Conference 2018, Volume 1 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #763)

by Radek Silhavy

This book presents new software engineering approaches and methods, discussing real-world problems and exploratory research that describes novel approaches, modern design techniques, hybrid algorithms and empirical methods. This book constitutes part of the refereed proceedings of the Software Engineering and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems Section of the 7th Computer Science On-line Conference 2018 (CSOC 2018), held in April 2018.

Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part I: Second International Conference, ICSECS 2011, Kuantan, Malaysia, June 27-29, 2011. Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #179)

by Jasni Mohamad Zain Wan Maseri Wan Mohd Eyas El-Qawasmeh

This Three-Volume-Set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, ICSECS 2011, held in Kuantan, Malaysia, in June 2011. The 190 revised full papers presented together with invited papers in the three volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on software engineering; network; bioinformatics and e-health; biometrics technologies; Web engineering; neural network; parallel and distributed; e-learning; ontology; image processing; information and data management; engineering; software security; graphics and multimedia; databases; algorithms; signal processing; software design/testing; e- technology; ad hoc networks; social networks; software process modeling; miscellaneous topics in software engineering and computer systems.

Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part II: Second International Conference ICSECS 2011, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, June 27-29, 2011, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #180)

by Jasni Mohamad Zain Wan Maseri Wan Mohd Eyas El-Qawasmeh

This Three-Volume-Set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, ICSECS 2011, held in Kuantan, Malaysia, in June 2011. The 190 revised full papers presented together with invited papers in the three volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on software engineering; network; bioinformatics and e-health; biometrics technologies; Web engineering; neural network; parallel and distributed e-learning; ontology; image processing; information and data management; engineering; software security; graphics and multimedia; databases; algorithms; signal processing; software design/testing; e- technology; ad hoc networks; social networks; software process modeling; miscellaneous topics in software engineering and computer systems.

Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part III: Second International Conference, ICSECS 2011, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, June 27-29, 2011, Proceedings, Part III (Communications in Computer and Information Science #181)

by Jasni Mohamad Zain Wan Maseri Wan Mohd Eyas El-Qawasmeh

This Three-Volume-Set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems, ICSECS 2011, held in Kuantan, Malaysia, in June 2011. The 190 revised full papers presented together with invited papers in the three volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on software engineering; network; bioinformatics and e-health; biometrics technologies; Web engineering; neural network; parallel and distributed; e-learning; ontology; image processing; information and data management; engineering; software security; graphics and multimedia; databases; algorithms; signal processing; software design/testing; e- technology; ad hoc networks; social networks; software process modeling; miscellaneous topics in software engineering and computer systems.

Software Engineering and Environment: An Object-Oriented Perspective (Software Science and Engineering)

by Phillip C.-Y. Sheu

Software Engineering and Environment examines the various aspects of software development, describing a number of software life cycle models. Twelve in-depth chapters discuss the different phases of a software life cycle, with an emphasis on the object-oriented paradigm. In addition to technical models, algorithms, and programming styles, the author also covers several managerial issues key to software project management. Featuring an abundance of helpful illustrations, this cogent work is an excellent resource for project managers, programmers, and other computer scientists involved in software production.

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