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Showing 75,651 through 75,675 of 85,795 results

Software Evolution and Maintenance: A Practitioner's Approach

by Priyadarshi Tripathy Kshirasagar Naik

Provides students and engineers with the fundamental developments and common practices of software evolution and maintenance Software Evolution and Maintenance: A Practitioner’s Approach introduces readers to a set of well-rounded educational materials, covering the fundamental developments in software evolution and common maintenance practices in the industry. Each chapter gives a clear understanding of a particular topic in software evolution, and discusses the main ideas with detailed examples. The authors first explain the basic concepts and then drill deeper into the important aspects of software evolution. While designed as a text in an undergraduate course in software evolution and maintenance, the book is also a great resource forsoftware engineers, information technology professionals, and graduate students in software engineering. Based on the IEEE SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) Explains two maintenance standards: IEEE/EIA 1219 and ISO/IEC14764 Discusses several commercial reverse and domain engineering toolkits Slides for instructors are available online Software Evolution and Maintenance: A Practitioner’s Approach equips readers with a solid understanding of the laws of software engineering, evolution and maintenance models, reengineering techniques, legacy information systems, impact analysis, refactoring, program comprehension, and reuse.

Software Exorcism: A Handbook for Debugging and Optimizing Legacy Code

by Bill Blunden

This is a special title that will be both technically useful and visually stimulating to the reader.

Software Exorcism

by Bill Blunden

YOU HAVE TO OWN THIS BOOK! Software Exorcism: A Handbook for Debugging and Optimizing Legacy Code takes an unflinching, no bulls$&# look at behavioral problems in the software engineering industry, shedding much-needed light on the social forces that make it difficult for programmers to do their job. Do you have a co-worker who perpetually writes bad code that you are forced to clean up? This is your book. While there are plenty of books on the market that cover debugging and short-term workarounds for bad code, Reverend Bill Blunden takes a revolutionary step beyond them by bringing our attention to the underlying illnesses that plague the software industry as a whole. Further, Software Exorcism discusses tools and techniques for effective and aggressive debugging, gives optimization strategies that appeal to all levels of programmers, and presents in-depth treatments of technical issues with honest assessments that are not biased toward proprietary solutions.

Software Failure Investigation: A Near-Miss Analysis Approach

by Jan Eloff Madeleine Bihina Bella

This book reviews existing operational software failure analysis techniques and proposes near-miss analysis as a novel, and new technique for investigating and preventing software failures. The authors provide details on how near-miss analysis techniques focus on the time-window before the software failure actually unfolds, so as to detect the high-risk conditions that can lead to a major failure. They detail how by alerting system users of an upcoming software failure, the detection of near misses provides an opportunity to collect at runtime failure-related data that is complete and relevant. They present a near-miss management systems (NMS) for detecting upcoming software failures, which can contribute significantly to the improvement of the accuracy of the software failure analysis. A prototype of the NMS is implemented and is discussed in the book. The authors give a practical hands-on approach towards doing software failure investigations by means of near-miss analysis that is of use to industry and academia

Software Failure Risk: Measurement and Management (Applications of Modern Technology in Business)

by Susan A. Sherer

The author here presents a detailed explanation of the methodolgy of software reliablity evaluation, and then demonstrates its applications to a commercial loan system, a funds transfer security system, and a payables processing system. Her well-written, practical text enables users to design original software modules, as well as to critically assess commercial software products.

Software Fault Detection and Correction: Modeling and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Rui Peng Yan-Fu Li Yu Liu

This book focuses on software fault detection and correction processes, presenting 5 different paired models introduced over the last decade and discussing their applications, in particular to determining software release time. The first work incorporates the testing effort function and the fault introduction process into the paired fault detection and fault correction models. The second work incorporates fault dependency, while the third adopts a Markov approach for studying fault detection and correction processes. The fourth work considers the multi-release property of various software, and models fault detection and correction processes. The last work classifies faults into four types and models the fault-detection and correction processes. Enabling readers to familiarize themselves with how software reliability can be modeled when different factors need to be considered, and how the approaches can be used to analyze other systems, the book is important reference guide for researchers in the field of software reliability engineering and practitioners working on software projects. To gain the most from the book, readers should have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the stochastic process.

Software Fault Prediction: A Road Map (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Sandeep Kumar Santosh Singh Rathore

This book focuses on exploring the use of software fault prediction in building reliable and robust software systems. It is divided into the following chapters: Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the study and also introduces basic concepts of software fault prediction. Chapter 2 explains the generalized architecture of the software fault prediction process and discusses its various components. In turn, Chapter 3 provides detailed information on types of fault prediction models and discusses the latest literature on each model. Chapter 4 describes the software fault datasets and diverse issues concerning fault datasets when building fault prediction models. Chapter 5 presents a study evaluating different techniques on the basis of their performance for software fault prediction. Chapter 6 presents another study evaluating techniques for predicting the number of faults in the software modules. In closing, Chapter 7 provides a summary of the topics discussed. The book will be of immense benefit to all readers who are interested in starting research in this area. In addition, it offers experienced researchers a valuable overview of the latest work in this area.

Software Fault Tolerance: Achievement and Assessment Strategies (Research Reports Esprit #1)

by Manfred Kersken Francesca Saglietti

The first ESPRIT programme contained several ambitious projects. of which REQUEST. with its wide brief covering all issues of assessment of quality and reliability of software process and product. was one. Within REQUEST. the research described in this volume. concerning those special problems of software that is required to have extremely high reliability. was particularly difficult and ambitious. The problems of software reliability are essentially twofold. On the one hand there is a concern with methods for achieving adequate reliability. on the other hand there is a need to evaluate what has actually been achieved in a particular case. Naturally. far more effort has been spent over the years on the former problem; indeed. there is a sense in which all of conventional software engineering can be seen as a response to this problem. However. it is becoming clearer than ever that we can only claim to have a truly sCientific approach. and so justify the description software engineering. when we are able to measure the attributes of process and product. It is still common to find software development methods recommended to users on purely anecdotal grounds. This is not good enough. Rational choices between rival approaches can only be made on the basis of quantified costs and benefits. Even more worrying is the tendency to argue that a software product can be depended upon merely because it has been developed by honest men using such anecdotal 'good practice'.

Software-Fehler erkennen und vermeiden (Studienbücher Informatik)

by Dieter Duschl

​Das Lehrbuch befasst sich mit Fehlern in der Software: Wie kann man diese Bugs und Programmfehler erkennen, benennen, erfassen und transparent machen? Ziel ist es, aus Fehlern zu lernen, um sie in der Zukunft zu vermeiden.Neben Grundlagen und der Definition von „Golden Rules“ werden Fehler anhand konkreter Praxisbeispiele aufgezeigt. Das Buch kann als Ergänzung zu Vorlesungen im Themenbereich C/C++ bzw. Einführung in die Informatik genutzt werden. Damit ist das Lehrbuch sowohl für Studierende der Informatik und verwandter Studiengänge geeignet als auch für Berufseinsteiger*innen.

Software-Fehlertoleranz und -Zuverlässigkeit (Informatik-Fachberichte #83)

by F. Belli S. Pfleger M. Seifert

1m vorliegenden Bericht tiber Software-Fehlertoleranz und -Zuverlassigkeit wird ein Problemkreis aus dem weitgefacherten Themenkomplex der Fehlertoleranz in Rechensystemen aufgegriffen, der in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung und Interesse gewonnen hat. Wahrend in der Vergangenheit ein Schwerpunkt der Fehlertoleranz-Konzepte und -Realisierungen darin lag, die Zuverlassigkeit von Rechensystemen durch MaBnahmen gegen den Ausfall von Hardware-Komponenten zu erhohen, wachst zusehends der Bedarf, auch Software in diese Bemtihungen mit einzubeziehen. Mit dem Einsatz von Rechensystemen in verschiedensten Bereichen steigen auch die Zahl und das AusmaB kritischer Anwendungen und somit die Anforderungen an die Zuverlassigkeit der eingesetzten Software. Techniken, die es gestatten, fehlerfreie, fehlertolerante und robuste Software zu erstellen, kommt daher eine neue Schltisselfunktion ftir zuklinftige Systeme zu. Bevor man jedoch spezielle Fragestellungen der Software-Fehlertoleranz und Software-Zuverlassigkeit angeht, erscheint es wichtig, den Stand der Technik in Theorie und Praxis zu erfassen und eine Bestandsaufnahme von laufenden Aktivitaten zu versuchen. Dieser Band gibt einen ersten Uberblick und will eine Basis ftir weitere Diskussionen schaffen. Er entstand im wesentlichen aus Beitragen zu einem Workshop an der Hochschule in Bremerhaven. Ziel des Workshops war der Informationsaustausch und die Diskussion zum oben erwahnten Problemkreis und zu verwandten Themen. Es nahmen 63 Fachleute aus den Bereichen Lehre, Forschung und Industrie teil.

Software for Algebraic Geometry (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications #148)

by Michael E. Stillman Nobuki Takayama Jan Verschelde

Algorithms in algebraic geometry go hand in hand with software packages that implement them. Together they have established the modern field of computational algebraic geometry which has come to play a major role in both theoretical advances and applications. Over the past fifteen years, several excellent general purpose packages for computations in algebraic geometry have been developed, such as, CoCoA, Singular and Macaulay 2. While these packages evolve continuously, incorporating new mathematical advances, they both motivate and demand the creation of new mathematics and smarter algorithms. This volume reflects the workshop “Software for Algebraic Geometry” held in the week from 23 to 27 October 2006, as the second workshop in the thematic year on Applications of Algebraic Geometry at the IMA. The papers in this volume describe the software packages Bertini, PHClab, Gfan, DEMiCs, SYNAPS, TrIm, Gambit, ApaTools, and the application of Risa/Asir to a conjecture on multiple zeta values. They offer the reader a broad view of current trends in computational algebraic geometry through software development and applications.

Software for Computer Control 1986: Selected Papers from the Fourth IFAC/IFIP Symposium, Graz, Austria, 20-23 May 1986 (IFAC Symposia Series)

by D. Florian V. Haase

This volume studies the advances of software for computers, their development, applications and management. Topics covered include software project management, real time languages and their uses, and computer aided design techniques. The book also discusses how far artificial intelligence is integrated with business and industry to give a complete overview of the role of computer systems today.

Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R (Statistics and Computing)

by John Chambers

John Chambers turns his attention to R, the enormously successful open-source system based on the S language. His book guides the reader through programming with R, beginning with simple interactive use and progressing by gradual stages, starting with simple functions. More advanced programming techniques can be added as needed, allowing users to grow into software contributors, benefiting their careers and the community. R packages provide a powerful mechanism for contributions to be organized and communicated. This is the only advanced programming book on R, written by the author of the S language from which R evolved.

Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2013-2015 (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #113)

by Hans-Joachim Bungartz Philipp Neumann Wolfgang E. Nagel

The research and its outcomes presented in this collection focus on various aspects of high-performance computing (HPC) software and its development which is confronted with various challenges as today's supercomputer technology heads towards exascale computing. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The collection thereby highlights pioneering research findings as well as innovative concepts in exascale software development that have been conducted under the umbrella of the priority programme "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and that have been presented at the SPPEXA Symposium, Jan 25-27 2016, in Munich. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest.

Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019 (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #136)

by Hans-Joachim Bungartz Severin Reiz Benjamin Uekermann Philipp Neumann Wolfgang E. Nagel

This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest.

Software for Parallel Computation (NATO ASI Subseries F: #106)

by Janusz S. Kowalik Lucio Grandinetti

This volume contains papers presented at the NATO sponsored Advanced Research Workshop on "Software for Parallel Computation" held at the University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, from June 22 to June 26, 1992. The purpose of the workshop was to evaluate the current state-of-the-art of the software for parallel computation, identify the main factors inhibiting practical applications of parallel computers and suggest possible remedies. In particular it focused on parallel software, programming tools, and practical experience of using parallel computers for solving demanding problems. Critical issues relative to the practical use of parallel computing included: portability, reusability and debugging, parallelization of sequential programs, construction of parallel algorithms, and performance of parallel programs and systems. In addition to NATO, the principal sponsor, the following organizations provided a generous support for the workshop: CERFACS, France, C.I.R.A., Italy, C.N.R., Italy, University of Calabria, Italy, ALENIA, Italy, The Boeing Company, U.S.A., CISE, Italy, ENEL - D.S.R., Italy, Alliant Computer Systems, Bull RN Sud, Italy, Convex Computer, Digital Equipment Corporation, Rewlett Packard, Meiko Scientific, U.K., PARSYTEC Computer, Germany, TELMAT Informatique, France, Thinking Machines Corporation.

Software for People: Fundamentals, Trends and Best Practices (Management for Professionals)

by Alexander Maedche, Achim Botzenhardt and Ludwig Neer

The highly competitive and globalized software market is creating pressure on software companies. Given the current boundary conditions, it is critical to continuously increase time-to-market and reduce development costs. In parallel, driven by private life experiences with mobile computing devices, the World Wide Web and software-based services, peoples’ general expectations with regards to software are growing. They expect software that is simple and joyful to use. In the light of the changes that have taken place in recent years, software companies need to fundamentally reconsider the way they develop and deliver software to their customers. This book introduces fundamentals, trends and best practices in the software industry from a threefold perspective which equally takes into account design, management, and development of software. It demonstrates how cross-functional integration can be leveraged by software companies to successfully build software for people. Professionals from business and academia give an overview on state-of-the-art knowledge and report on key insights from their real-life experience. They provide guidance and hands-on recommendation on how to create winning products. This combined perspective fosters the transfer of knowledge between research and practice and offers a high practical value for both sides. The book targets both, practitioners and academics looking for successfully building software in the future. It is directed at Managing Directors of software companies, Software Project Managers, Product Managers and Designers, Software Developers as well as academics and students in the area of Software and Information Systems Engineering, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and Innovation Management.​

Software Foundations for Data Interoperability: 5th International Workshop, SFDI 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 16, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1457)

by George Fletcher Keisuke Nakano Yuya Sasaki

This book constitutes selected papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Software Foundations for Data Interoperability, SFDI 2021, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August 2021. The 4 full papers and one short paper were thorougly reviewed and selected from 8 submissions. They present discussions in research and development in software foundations for data interoperability as well as the applications in real-world systems such as data markets.

Software Foundations for Data Interoperability and Large Scale Graph Data Analytics: 4th International Workshop, SFDI 2020, and 2nd International Workshop, LSGDA 2020, held in Conjunction with VLDB 2020, Tokyo, Japan, September 4, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1281)

by Lu Qin Wenjie Zhang Ying Zhang You Peng Hiroyuki Kato Wei Wang Chuan Xiao

This book constitutes refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Foundations for Data Interoperability, SFDI 2020, and 2nd International Workshop on Large Scale Graph Data Analytics, LSGDA 2020, held in Conjunction with VLDB 2020, in September 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online. The 11 full papers and 4 short papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 38 submissions. The volme presents original research and application papers on the development of novel graph analytics models, scalable graph analytics techniques and systems, data integration, and data exchange.

A Software Framework for Mobile Apps in the Museum Application Domain (Gabler Theses)

by Tobias Baumgärtner

This book is concerned with “How to provide guidance for small cultural heritage institutions to govern digital transformation, and how to align the possibilities with the available capabilities by creating a Software Framework for Mobile Apps in the Museum Application Domain?”. The role of the museum has shifted from a keeper of artifacts to a provider of information. In this context mobile applications are intended to generate added value for the museum visitor. However, the tension between the application’s creator, its content, and the consumer operating the app needs to be examined holistically. As it is not trivial to create an integrated user experience, the unique usability-centered perspective on the requirements engineering pursued throughout, allows for the suggested data-driven solution to address the specific domain issues and serve the intended audience. Based on the insights gained during this examination and under the utilization of design science research, human-centered design, and domain-driven design “A Software Framework for Mobile Apps in the Museum Application Domain” is created and implemented using web technologies.

Software Frameworks and Embedded Control Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2231)

by Alessandro Pasetti

Although framework technology has proven its worth as a software reuse technique in many domains, there have been reservations regarding its application in embedded systems, mostly due to limited CPU and memory resources. Recent hardware advances, however, have changed this picture.This book shows how object-oriented software frameworks can be applied to embedded control systems. A case study of a framework using a set of application dependent design patterns for the orbit control system of satellites is presented.

Software für die Arbeit von morgen: Bilanz und Perspektiven anwendungsorientierter Forschung

by Heinz Riesenhuber

Herausgegeben für die Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Projektträger "Arbeit und Technik"

Software im Automobil: Ein maschinell-generierter Literaturüberblick

by Fabian Wolf

Dieses Fach- und Lehrbuch enthält die maschinengenerierten Zusammenfassungen einer Datenbankrecherche zum Thema „Software im Automobil“. Die Vorgabe der Stichworte, die Struktur und die Selektion der Inhalte wurde vom Autor vorgenommen. Darüber hinaus hat der Autor die enthaltenen Artikel durch Einleitungen und Bewertungen in einen übergreifenden Zusammenhang gebracht und kommentiert. Auf diese Weise ist ein Werk entstanden, das Studierenden sowie Berufseinsteigern einen breiten Überblick über das fachliche Feld sowie Hinweise zur weiterführenden Literatur gibt und auf die weitere Arbeit in diesem Bereich vorbereitet.

Software-Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance

by Olga Goloubeva Maurizio Rebaudengo Matteo Sonza Reorda Massimo Violante

This book presents the theory behind software-implemented hardware fault tolerance, as well as the practical aspects needed to put it to work on real examples. By evaluating accurately the advantages and disadvantages of the already available approaches, the book provides a guide to developers willing to adopt software-implemented hardware fault tolerance in their applications. Moreover, the book identifies open issues for researchers willing to improve the already available techniques.

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