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Software Project Secrets: Why Software Projects Fail
by George Stepanek* No other writer on the popular topic of Agile methods and software development methods has identified project management’s best practices as a cause of software project failure. The analysis clearly shows how these best practices can create problems for software development projects. * The book assumes no technical knowledge, and is accessible to businesspeople—project managers, executives and customers—who may know nothing about software development. This book is geared towards a wide group of IT professionals and decision makers working in 2005. * This book is not just theoretical. The detailed case studies included make the material come to life. They illustrate how methodology choices influence the success or failure of software development projects.
Software-Projektmanagement kompakt: Für Studium und Praxis
by Ian W. RickettsSoftware-Projektmanagement ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Ausbildung in der Informatik. Dieses Buch ist ein verständlicher Leitfaden für alle, die sich mit Software-Projektmanagement befassen und beruht auf zehnjährigen Erfahrungen des Autors in der Arbeit mit Studenten. Es werden nützliche Hinweise gegeben, wie man organisatorische Herausforderungen bewältigt, aber auch Ratschläge, wie man mit unerwarteten Problemen umgeht. Die angesprochenen Themen sind: Planung, Bedarfsanalyse, Aufbau/Struktur, Zeitmanagement, wissenschaftliche Fähigkeiten/Forschung, praktische Werkzeuge usw. Eine sorgfältige Lektüre dieses Buches hilft Studenten, eigene Softwareprojekte erfolgreich zu managen. Viele praktische Beispiele runden das Buch ab.
Software Prototyping in Data and Knowledge Engineering (Mathematics and Its Applications #497)
by G. Guida G. Lamperti Marina ZanellaThis monograph describes an innovative prototyping framework for data and knowledge intensive systems. The proposed approach will prove especially useful for advanced and research-oriented projects that aim to develop a traditional database perspective into fully-fledged advanced database approaches and knowledge engineering technologies. The book is organised in two parts. The first part, comprising chapters 1 to 4, provides an introduction to the concept of prototyping, to database and knowledge-based technologies, and to the main issues involved in the integration of data and knowledge engineering. The second part, comprising chapters 5 to 12, illustrates the proposed approach in technical detail. Audience: This volume will be of interest to researchers in the field of databases and knowledge engineering in general, and for software designers and knowledge engineers who aim to expand their expertise in data and knowledge intensive systems.
Software-Qualität (eXamen.press)
by Dirk W. HoffmannComputerabstürze, Rückrufaktionen, Sicherheitslecks: Das Phänomen Software- Fehler hat sich zum festen Bestandteil unseres täglichen Lebens entwickelt. Mit dem unaufhaltsamen Vordringen der Computertechnik in immer mehr sicherheitskritische Bereiche wird die Software-Qualitätssicherung zu einer stetig wichtiger werdenden Disziplin der Informationstechnik. Aber warum ist die Qualität von Software heute so schlecht? Und viel wichtiger noch: Stehen wir der Misere hilflos gegenüber? Dieses Buch führt umfassend und praxisnah in das Gebiet der Software- Qualitätssicherung ein und gibt eine Antwort auf die oben gestellten Fragen. Zu Beginn werden die typischen Fehlerquellen der Programmentwicklung erörtert und anschließend die verschiedenen Methoden und Techniken behandelt, die uns zur Verbesserung der Qualität zur Verfügung stehen. Behandelt werden die zentralen Themenkomplexe aus den Gebieten der konstruktiven und analytischen Qualitätssicherung, der Software-Infrastruktur und der Managementprozesse. Die 2. Auflage wurde durchgehend aktualisiert und korrigiert.
Software-Qualität (eXamen.press)
by Dirk W. HoffmannComputerabstürze, Rückrufaktionen, Sicherheitslecks: Software-Fehler sind fast schon ein alltägliches Problem. Qualitätssicherung wird damit zu einer immer wichtigeren Aufgabe. Das Buch führt umfassend und praxisnah in die Software-Qualitätssicherung ein. Zunächst werden typische Fehlerquellen der Programmentwicklung erörtert, um anschließend Methoden und Techniken zur Qualitätssteigerung vorzustellen. Der Band behandelt die zentralen Fragen der konstruktiven und analytischen Qualitätssicherung, der Software-Infrastruktur und der Managementprozesse.
Software-Qualität: Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software
by Peter LiggesmeyerDieses Buch stellt den aktuellen Wissensstand über die Techniken, Methoden, Prinzipien und organisatorischen Aspekte der Software-Qualitätssicherung nahezu lückenlos dar. Beschrieben werden Testtechniken, automatische statische Analysen, die Software-Messung, Review- und Inspektionstechniken, formale Ansätze, Techniken zur Überprüfung objektorientierter und eingebetteter Software sowie Prüfstrategien, Prüfprozesse und Werkzeuge. Das Buch richtet sich gleichermaßen an Praktiker sowie an Informatik-Dozenten und -Studierende. Es kann „von vorn nach hinten" gelesen werden oder als Nachschlagewerk dienen. Jedes Kapitel ist ein allein verständliches „kleines Buch für sich". Es beginnt jeweils mit einer kurzen Inhaltsangabe zur Orientierung und schließt mit einer Bewertung und einer Checkliste, die insbesondere dem Praktiker Umsetzungshinweise gibt. Die 2. Auflage ist vollständig durchgesehen und aktualisiert. Neu aufgenommen wurde ein Kapitel zu modellbasierten Tests.
Software-Qualitätssicherung: Testen im Software-Lebenszyklus (Programm Angewandte Informatik)
by Paul SchmitzWenn Fehler in Software-Produkten während des Betriebs auftreten, ist dies nicht aus schließlich darauf zurückzuführen, daß in der Entwicklung zu wenig getestet worden ist. Durch verschiedene Umfragen konnten Anteile des Testaufwands (einschlißlich Pilottest) am Gesamtaufwand der Software-Entwicklung von bis zu 70 % ermittelt werden (siehe Abb. 0-1). Durchschnittlich kann man davon ausgehen daß zwischen 30 % und 50 % des Gesamtaufwands der Software-Entwicklung für Testen aufgewendet werden. Umfrage Testaufwand (U1) 20-30 % bzw. 20-40 % (U2) 60-70% inklusive Pilottest (U3) o 30-50 % für Anwendungssoftware o 30-40 % für Systemsoftware Abb. 0-1: Aufwand des Testens als Anteil des gesamten Entwicklungsaufwands /BONS82c/ Ul: /SCHM78/; U2: /SCHM80a/; U3: /SCHM8l/ Sofern der Aufwand für Testen nicht zu gering ist, sondern vielfach als zu hoch bezeichnet wird, ergibt sich zwangsläufig die Frage nach den Ursachen für die dennoch häufig be mängelte Qualität von Software-Produkten. Ursachen sind vielfach, daß zwar eine Viel zahl von Tests durchgeführt werden, jedoch überwiegend zum falschen Zeitpunkt und mit der falschen Vorgehensweise. Vorhandene Fehler werden zu spät gefunden, d. h. später als eigentlich möglich, wodurch zwangsläufig Folgefehler in den Entwicklungsschritten entstehen. Darüber hinaus werden teilweise Methoden verwendet, die nicht effizient sind. So werden z. B. für den Abnahmetest über einen bestimmten Zeitraum ausschließlich Parallelläufe durchgeführt, wobei von vornherein sicher ist, daß eine Vielzahl von Normal fällen verarbeitet werden, aber die - immer wieder zu Fehlverhalten führenden - Grenz werte oder Falschwerte nicht systematisch einbezogen werden.
Software-Qualitätssicherung — Testen im Software-Lebenszyklus (Programm Angewandte Informatik)
by Paul SchmitzSoftware Quality: 4th International Conference, SWQD 2012, Vienna, Austria, January 17-19, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #94)
by Stefan Biffl Dietmar Winkler Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th Software Quality Days Conference (SWQD) held in Vienna, Austria, in January 2012. The selection of presentations at the conference encompasses a mixture of practical presentations and scientific papers covering new research topics. The seven scientific full papers accepted for SWQD were each peer-reviewed by three or more reviewers and selected out of 18 high-quality submissions. Further, six short papers on promising research directions were also presented and included in order to spark discussions between researchers and practitioners. The papers are organized into topical sections on software product quality; software engineering processes; software process improvement; component-based architectures; risk management; and quality assurance and collaboration.
Software Quality: 10th International Conference, SWQD 2018, Vienna, Austria, January 16–19, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #302)
by Dietmar Winkler, Stefan Biffl and Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2018, held in Vienna, Austria, in January 2018. The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conferences on software quality in Europe with a strong community. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2018 is “Software Quality 4.0: Methods and Tools for better Software and Systems”, as novel technologies include new challenges and might require new and adapted methods and tools to support quality assurance activities early. The 6 full papers and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions. The volume also contains 2 invited talks. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: safety and security; requirements engineering and requirements-based testing; crowdsourcing in software engineering; software and systems architecture; experimentation in software engineering; and smart environments.
Software Quality: Concepts and Practice
by Daniel GalinThe book presents a comprehensive discussion on software quality issues and software quality assurance (SQA) principles and practices, and lays special emphasis on implementing and managing SQA. Primarily designed to serve three audiences; universities and college students, vocational training participants, and software engineers and software development managers, the book may be applicable to all personnel engaged in a software projects Features: A broad view of SQA. The book delves into SQA issues, going beyond the classic boundaries of custom-made software development to also cover in-house software development, subcontractors, and readymade software. An up-to-date wide-range coverage of SQA and SQA related topics. Providing comprehensive coverage on multifarious SQA subjects, including topics, hardly explored till in SQA texts. A systematic presentation of the SQA function and its tasks: establishing the SQA processes, planning, coordinating, follow-up, review and evaluation of SQA processes. Focus on SQA implementation issues. Specialized chapter sections, examples, implementation tips, and topics for discussion. Pedagogical support: Each chapter includes a real-life mini case study, examples, a summary, selected bibliography, review questions and topics for discussion. The book is also supported by an Instructor’s Guide.
Software Quality: Concepts and Practice
by Daniel GalinThe book presents a comprehensive discussion on software quality issues and software quality assurance (SQA) principles and practices, and lays special emphasis on implementing and managing SQA. Primarily designed to serve three audiences; universities and college students, vocational training participants, and software engineers and software development managers, the book may be applicable to all personnel engaged in a software projects Features: A broad view of SQA. The book delves into SQA issues, going beyond the classic boundaries of custom-made software development to also cover in-house software development, subcontractors, and readymade software. An up-to-date wide-range coverage of SQA and SQA related topics. Providing comprehensive coverage on multifarious SQA subjects, including topics, hardly explored till in SQA texts. A systematic presentation of the SQA function and its tasks: establishing the SQA processes, planning, coordinating, follow-up, review and evaluation of SQA processes. Focus on SQA implementation issues. Specialized chapter sections, examples, implementation tips, and topics for discussion. Pedagogical support: Each chapter includes a real-life mini case study, examples, a summary, selected bibliography, review questions and topics for discussion. The book is also supported by an Instructor’s Guide.
Software Quality: 14th International Conference on Software Quality, SWQD 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 17–19, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #439)
by Daniel Mendez Manuel Wimmer Dietmar Winkler Stefan Biffl Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2022, held in Vienna, Austria, during May 17-19, 2022.The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conference on software quality in Europe. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2022 is “What's The Next Big Thing in Software Engineering and Quality?”.The 4 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 8 submissions. The contributions were organized in two topical sections named: AI in Software Engineering; and Quality Assurance for Software-Intensive Systems. The book also contains two invited talks.
Software Quality: 15th International Conference, SWQD 2023, Munich, Germany, May 23-25, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #472)
by Daniel Mendez Dietmar Winkler Johannes Kross Stefan Biffl Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2023, held in Munich, Germany, during May 23-25, 2023. The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conference on software quality in Europe. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2023 is “Higher Software Quality through Zero Waste Development”. The 4 full papers and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 10 submissions. The volume also contains one invited talk.
Software Quality: State of the Art in Management, Testing, and Tools
by Martin Wieczorek Dirk Meyerhoff1. 1 The Pressure on Information Technology (IT) "In today's environment, the ability to react quickly to change by reducing the devel opment life cycle in order to be first to market will give a company an important com petitive edge. " -James Martin The market conditions of the 21 st century put business under continual pressure. The most successful companies are those who are able to reduce their time to market, to launch initiatives before their competitors, to respond very rapidly to opportunities in the marketplace or to change direction in response to a move by the competition or a change in circumstances. All of these business initiatives rely on support from Infor mation Technology (IT). For a business to launch a new product in three months time, the supporting IT processes must be available and working in that three month time frame. In this fast moving environment, late IT delivery is not acceptable and may pose a major risk to the business. The marketplace of 21 st century business measures timescales in months, whereas in the past, timescales of two to three years were more typical. Internet related and e business projects frequently require even tighter timescales, measured in days rather than months. This need for speed puts tremendous pressure on IT departments. Pressure does not just come from the need for speed. There is also an ever-increasing rate of change within business.
Software Quality: 11th International Conference, SWQD 2019, Vienna, Austria, January 15–18, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #338)
by Dietmar Winkler Stefan Biffl Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2019, held in Vienna, Austria, in January 2019. The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conference on software quality in Europe with a strong community. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2019 is “The Complexity and Challenges of Software Engineering and Software Quality in the Cloud”. The 5 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. The volume also contains 2 invited talks. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: multi-disciplinary systems and software engineering; software quality and process improvement; software testing; knowledge engineering and machine learning; source code analysis; and software maintenance.
Software Quality: 12th International Conference, SWQD 2020, Vienna, Austria, January 14–17, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #371)
by Dietmar Winkler Stefan Biffl Daniel Mendez Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2020, held in Vienna, Austria, in January 2020.The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conference on software quality in Europe with a strong community. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2020 is “Quality Intelligence in Software and Systems Engineering”. The 5 full papers and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 submissions. The volume also contains 2 invited talks. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: industry challenges and collaborations; software testing approaches; social aspects in software engineering; natural language processing; and software quality assurance concepts.
Software Quality: 13th International Conference, SWQD 2021, Vienna, Austria, January 19–21, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #404)
by Dietmar Winkler Stefan Biffl Daniel Mendez Manuel Wimmer Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2021, which was planned to be held in Vienna, Austria, during January 19–21, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was cancelled and will be merged with SWQD 2022. The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conference on software quality in Europe with a strong community. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2021 is “Future Perspectives on Software Engineering Quality”. The 3 full papers and 5 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 13 submissions. The volume also contains 2 invited talks and one introductory paper for an interactive session. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: automation in software engineering; quality assurance for AI-based systems; machine learning applications; industry-academia collaboration; and experimentation in software engineering.
Software Quality and Productivity: Theory, practice, education and training (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology)
by M. Lee Ben-Zion Barta Peter JuliffAs the world becomes increasingly dependent on the use of computers, the need for quality software which can be produced at reasonable cost increases. This IFIP proceedings brings together the work of leading researchers and practitioners who are concerned with the efficient production of quality software.
Software Quality and Software Testing in Internet Times
by Dirk Meyerhoff Begoña Laibarra Rob van der Pouw Kraan Alan WalletThis publication deals with two major software quality management challenges. The first one involves how to deliver a software product within a competitive time frame and with a satisfying quality to the customer. The second one concerns how to best deal with the growing complexity of software applications using Internet technology. Due to faster development cycles the quality of an application has to be monitored during operation, since the usage of the application and the technology around it might change from day-to-day. The book compiles experiences from different industries and perspectives. Its goal is to give practical insights into high-tech software development projects of today.
Software Quality Approaches: Software Best Practice 1
by Michael Haug Eric W. Olsen Luisa ConsoliniC. Amting Directorate General Information Society, European Commission, Brussels th Under the 4 Framework of European Research, the European Systems and Soft ware Initiative (ESSI) was part ofthe ESPRIT Programme. This initiative funded more than 470 projects in the area ofsoftware and system process improvements. The majority of these projects were process improvement experiments carrying out and taking up new development processes, methods and technology within the software development process ofa company. In addition, nodes (centres ofexper tise), European networks (organisations managing local activities), training and dissemination actions complemented the process improvementexperiments. ESSI aimed at improving the software development capabilities of European enterprises. It focused on best practice and helped European companies to develop world class skills and associated technologies to build the increasingly complex and varied systems needed to compete in the marketplace. The dissemination activities were designed to build a forum, at European level, to exchange information and knowledge gained within process improvement ex periments. Their major objective was to spread the message and the results of experiments to awider audience, through a variety ofdifferent channels. The European Experience Exchange ~UR~X) project has been one ofthese dis semination activities within the European Systems and Software Initiative.~UR~)( has collected the results of practitioner reports from numerous workshops in Europe and presents, in this series of books, the results of Best Practice achieve ments in European Companies over the last few years.
Software Quality as a Foundation for Security: 16th International Conference on Software Quality, SWQD 2024, Vienna, Austria, April 23–25, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #505)
by Peter Bludau Rudolf Ramler Dietmar Winkler Johannes BergsmannThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th Software Quality Days Conference, SWQD 2024, held in Vienna, Austria, during April 23-25, 2024. The Software Quality Days (SWQD) conference started in 2009 and has grown to the biggest conference on software quality in Europe. The program of the SWQD conference is designed to encompass a stimulating mixture of practical presentations and new research topics in scientific presentations. The guiding conference topic of the SWQD 2024 is “Software Quality as a Foundation for Security”. The 7 full papers and 2 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 16 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections as follows: Requirements engineering; software quality; continuous integration and deployment; communication and collaboration; artificial intelligence; and security and compliance.
Software Quality Assurance (Computer Science Series)
by M. Coleman T. MannsA thoroughly revised and expanded new edition that devotes more space to the use of metrics in planning, monitoring and controlling the software development process, as well as for the certification of the product. A text for students and professionals; exercises are included.
Software Quality Assurance: Integrating Testing, Security, and Audit (Internal Audit And It Audit Ser.)
by Abu Sayed MahfuzSoftware Quality Assurance: Integrating Testing, Security, and Audit focuses on the importance of software quality and security. It defines various types of testing, recognizes factors that propose value to software quality, and provides theoretical and real-world scenarios that offer value and contribute quality to projects and applications. The p
Software Quality Assurance: In Large Scale and Complex Software-intensive Systems
by Ivan Mistrik Richard Soley Nour Ali John Grundy Bedir TekinerdoganSoftware Quality Assurance in Large Scale and Complex Software-intensive Systems presents novel and high-quality research related approaches that relate the quality of software architecture to system requirements, system architecture and enterprise-architecture, or software testing. Modern software has become complex and adaptable due to the emergence of globalization and new software technologies, devices and networks. These changes challenge both traditional software quality assurance techniques and software engineers to ensure software quality when building today (and tomorrow's) adaptive, context-sensitive, and highly diverse applications. This edited volume presents state of the art techniques, methodologies, tools, best practices and guidelines for software quality assurance and offers guidance for future software engineering research and practice. Each contributed chapter considers the practical application of the topic through case studies, experiments, empirical validation, or systematic comparisons with other approaches already in practice. Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to: quality attributes of system/software architectures; aligning enterprise, system, and software architecture from the point of view of total quality; design decisions and their influence on the quality of system/software architecture; methods and processes for evaluating architecture quality; quality assessment of legacy systems and third party applications; lessons learned and empirical validation of theories and frameworks on architectural quality; empirical validation and testing for assessing architecture quality. - Focused on quality assurance at all levels of software design and development - Covers domain-specific software quality assurance issues e.g. for cloud, mobile, security, context-sensitive, mash-up and autonomic systems - Explains likely trade-offs from design decisions in the context of complex software system engineering and quality assurance - Includes practical case studies of software quality assurance for complex, adaptive and context-critical systems