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Überlast in Rechensystemen: Modellierung und Verhinderung (Informatik-Fachberichte #165)

by Hans-Ulrich Heiß

Dieses Buch ist eine leicht gekürzte, überarbeitete Fassung der Karlsruher Dissertation des Verfassers. Das Buch befaßt sich mit dem Problem der Überlast in auftragsverarbeitenden Systemen. Eine Steigerung der Auftragslast in solchen Systemen bewirkt oft zunächst auch eine Steigerung des Durchsatzes, dann wird jedoch ein Sättigungspunkt erreicht, bei dessen Überschreiten der Durchsatz jäh abfällt. Dieser vor allem vom virtuellen Speicher her als Thrashing bekannte und gefürchtete Effekt ist auch in Paketvermittlungsnetzen und Datenbanken vorzufinden und entpuppt sich zunehmend als allgemeines Phänomen. Um den drohenden Leistungsabfall zu verhindern, muß die Auftragslast entsprechend begrenzt werden. Während bisherige Ansätze sich diesem Phänomen auf den jeweiligen Gebieten in sehr dedizierter und spezifischer Weise näherten, wird hier ein Ansatz verfolgt, der keinerlei Kenntnisse über interne Zusammenhänge in den Systemen benötigt, sondern mit der Betrachtung der beiden extern beobachtbaren Größen Last und Durchsatz auskommt und so der Allgemeinheit des Effektes Rechnung trägt. Insbesondere werden folgende Themen behandelt: Modellierung des Überlastphänomens im Rahmen der Warteschlangentheorie, Integration von Mechanismen zur Lastkontrolle, Entwicklung von Regelverfahren zur online-Kontrolle der Last bei dynamischem Verhalten. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die an einem verbesserten Verständnis dieses häufig anzutreffenden Phänomens interessiert oder mit Kontrollmechanismen zur Vermeidung eines Überlasteffektes befaßt sind.

Übersetzen im Wandel: Wie Technologisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz das Übersetzen verändern

by Christoph Rösener Carmen Canfora Torsten Dörflinger Felix Hoberg Simon Varga

Der Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTSK) Germersheim der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz feierte im Jahr 2022 sein 75-jähriges Bestehen. Dieses Jubiläum nahm der Germersheimer Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Translationstechnologie (ASTT) zum Anlass, im Rahmen einer Tagung 2022 einen Blick nicht auf die Vergangenheit, sondern die Zukunft des Übersetzerberufs zu werfen. Im Zentrum des Interesses standen dabei die Auswirkungen, die der Übersetzerberuf und die Übersetzerausbildung im Zuge des digitalen Wandels erfahren, der insbesondere in Gestalt der Maschinellen Übersetzung und der fortschreitenden Automatisierung von Übersetzungsprozessen die Branche zunehmend prägt.Welche Kompetenzen müssen Studierenden heute vermittelt werden, damit sie in der Berufswelt von morgen ihren Platz finden? Wie kann man sie mit einer positiven Haltung dem digitalen Wandel gegenüber ausstatten und ihnen somit eine aktive Rolle in diesemSystem ermöglichen?​

Übersetzerbau: Techniken, Werkzeuge, Anwendungen (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Ralf Hartmut Güting Martin Erwig

Das Buch bietet eine kompakte Einführung in die Grundlagen und Techniken des Übersetzerbaus. Übersetzer transformieren Texte einer Quellsprache, deren Struktur durch eine formale Grammatik beschrieben ist, in eine Zielsprache. Die Übersetzung imperativer Programmiersprachen in Maschinensprache ist dabei nur ein Spezialfall. Dieses Lehrbuch betont die vielseitige Verwendbarkeit von Übersetzerbau-Techniken. Insbesondere kann man mit Methoden der Syntaxanalyse Strukturen in Texten, Dateien oder Byte-Strömen identifizieren. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Verbindung von Theorie und Praxis und der Einübung der Benutzung von Werkzeugen wie Lex und Yacc. So wird u.a. die vollständige Implementierung eines Übersetzers einer einfachen Dokument-Beschreibungssprache nach LaTeX vorgeführt. Angemessen berücksichtigt wird auch die Implementierung imperativer und funktionaler Sprachen. Das didaktisch ansprechende Buch enthält Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen und ist auch zum Selbststudium geeignet.

Übersetzerbau: Skriptum für Informatiker im Hauptstudium

by Stefan Jähnichen

Übersetzerbau: Theorie, Konstruktion, Generierung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dieter Maurer

Dieses Buch vermittelt Studenten der Informatik Fundament und Rüstzeug des Übersetzerbaus für imperative, funktionale und logische Programmiersprachen. Die ersten vier Kapitel führen in die Thematik und die theoretischen Grundlagen ein. In den weiteren sieben Kapiteln werden konstruktive Verfahren zur automatischen Erzeugung von lexikalischen, syntaktischen und semantischen Analysatoren und von Codeerzeugern vorgestellt. Neben der Übersetzung konventioneller, imperativer Programmiersprachen, wie Fortran, Pascal und C, werden auch die Klassen der funktionalen und der logischen Programmiersprachen mit Lisp und Miranda bzw. Prolog als prominenten Vertretern erfaßt. Bei der automatischen Codeerzeugung finden moderne parallele Zielarchitekturen gebührende Berücksichtigung. Die statische Analyse von Programmen, die für die Unterstützung des Softwareentwicklungsprozesses im allgemeinen ebenso wichtig ist wie hier für die Erzeugung effizienter Zielprogramme, wird semantisch fundiert. Die erforderlichen Grundkenntnisse aus der Theorie der formalen Sprachen und Automaten werden hergeleitet. Zahlreiche Aufgaben ermöglichen eine gründliche Einübung der Lehrinhalte. Das Buch eignet sich zum Gebrauch für ein- oder zweisemestrige Vorlesungen ebenso wie zum Selbststudium.

Übersetzerbau: Theorie, Konstruktion, Generierung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dieter Maurer

Diese zweite, überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage vermittelt Studenten der Informatik Fundament und Rüstzeug des Übersetzerbaus für imperative, funktionale, logische und - neu hinzugekommen - objektorientierte Programmiersprachen und moderne Zielarchitekturen: von den theoretischen Grundlagen bis zu konstruktiven und generativen Verfahren.Die statische Analyse von Programmen, die für die Unterstützung des Softwareentwicklungsprozesses ebenso wichtig ist wie hier für die Erzeugung effizienter Zielprogramme, wird semantisch fundiert. Die erforderlichen Grundkenntnisse aus der Theorie der formalen Sprachen und Automaten werden passend bereitgestellt.Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben und eignet sich zur Vorlesungsbegleitung ebenso wie zum Selbststudium.

Übersetzerbau: Band 2: Syntaktische und semantische Analyse (

by Reinhard Wilhelm Helmut Seidl Sebastian Hack

Das Buch behandelt die Analysephase von Übersetzern für Programmiersprachen. Die Autoren beschreiben die lexikalische, syntaktische und semantische Analyse sowie Spezifikationsmechanismen für diese Aufgaben aus der Theorie der formalen Sprachen und automatische Erzeugungsverfahren aus der Theorie der Automaten. Vorgestellt wird eine konzeptionelle Übersetzerstruktur, mit der ein Eingabe- in ein Maschinenprogramm transformiert wird. Das Buch enthält neben der notwendigen Theorie auch Hinweise zur Implementierung von Übersetzern.

Übersetzung objektorientierter Programmiersprachen: Konzepte, abstrakte Maschinen und Praktikum „Java-Compiler“ (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Bernhard Bauer Riitta Höllerer

Das Lehrbuch führt umfassend in die verschiedenen Übersetzungstechniken ein. Im Praxisteil entwickeln die Autoren die Spezifikation eines Übersetzers für Java. Sie kann als Eingabe für einen Übersetzergenerator verwendet werden, der daraus ein ablauffähiges C-Programm erzeugt. Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Abbildungen, Übungen und ein komplettes Software-Engineering-Praktikum zum Bau eines Java-Compilers.

Ubicomp 2001: International Conference Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 30 - October 2, 2001 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2201)

by Gregory D. Abowd Barry Brumitt Steven Shafer

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Ubicomp 2001, held in Atlanta, GA, USA in September/October 2001. The 14 revised full papers and 15 revised technical notes were carefully selected during a highly competitive reviewing process from a total of 160 submissions (90 paper submissions and 70 technical notes submissions). All current aspects of research and development in the booming area of ubiquitous computing are addressed. The book offers topical sections on location awareness, tools and infrastructure, applications for groups, applications and design spaces, research challenges and novel input, and output.

UbiComp 2002: 4th International Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, September 29 - October 1, 2002. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2498)

by Gaetano Borriello Lars E. Holmquist

Ubiquitous computing is coming of age. In the few short years of the lifetime of this conference, we have seen major changes in our emerging research community. When the conference started in 1999, as Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, the field was still in its formative stage. In 2002, we see the Ubicomp conference (the name was shortened last year) emerging as an established player attracting research submissions of very high quality from all over the world. Virtually all major research centers and universities now have research programs broadly in the field of ubiquitous computing. Whether we choose to call it ubiquitous, pervasive, invisible, disappearing, embodied, or some other variant of computing, it is clear that Mark Weiser’s original vision has only become more and more relevant since the term was coined over 10 years ago. But, most important in our context, the interest in the field can be gauged from the rising number of full paper submissions to the conference: from about 70 in both 1999 and 2000, to 90 in 2001, to this year's record breaking 136! Counting technical notes, workshops, poster and video submissions, there were over 250 original works submitted to this year’s conference. This is an impressive effort by the research community, and we are grateful to everyone who took time to submit their work – without this, the conference would simply not exist.

UbiComp 2003: 5th International Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, October 12-15, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2864)

by Anind K. Dey Albrecht Schmidt Joseph F. McCarthy

UbiComp 2003, the 5th Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, is the premier forum for presentation of research results in all areas relating to the - sign, implementation, deployment and evaluation of ubiquitous computing te- nologies. The conference brings together leading researchers, from a variety of disciplines, perspectives and geographical areas, who are exploring the impli- tions of computing as it moves beyond the desktop and becomes increasingly interwoven into the fabrics of our lives. This volume, the conference proceedings, contains the entire collection of high-quality full papers and technical notes from UbiComp 2003. There were 16 full papers in this year’s conference, selected by our international program committee from among 117 submissions. There were also 11 technical notes in the program: 8 taken from the 36 technical note submissions, and 3 that were adapted from full paper submissions. We are very grateful to Tim Kindberg and Bernt Schiele, our Technical Notes Co-chairs, and to all the authors and reviewers of both papers and technical notes who contributed to maintaining the high standards of quality for the conference. In addition to the full papers and technical notes, UbiComp 2003 also p- vided a number of other participation categories, including workshops, dem- strations, interactive posters, a panel, a doctoral colloquium and a video p- gram. While accepted submissions in these categories were also of high quality, timing and size constraints prevented us from including them in this volume.

UbiComp 2006: 8th International Conference, UbiComp 2006, Orange County, CA, USA, September 17-21, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4206)

by Paul Dourish Adrian Friday

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2006. The book presents 30 revised full papers, carefully reviewed and selected from 232 submissions. The papers address all current issues in the area of ubiquitous, pervasive and handheld computing systems and their applications. Topics include improving natural interaction, constructing ubicomp systems, embedding computation, understanding ubicomp and its consequences, and deploying ubicomp technologies.

UbiComp 2007: 9th International Conference, UbiComp 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, September 16-19, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4717)

by John Krumm Gregory D. Abowd Aruna Seneviratne Thomas Strang

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2007. It covers all current issues in ubiquitous, pervasive and handheld computing systems and their applications, including tools and techniques for designing, implementing, and evaluating ubiquitous computing systems; mobile, wireless, and ad hoc networking infrastructures for ubiquitous computing; privacy, security, and trust in ubiquitous and pervasive systems.

Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning in the Digital Age

by Demetrios G. Sampson, Pedro Isaias, Dirk Ifenthaler and J. Michael Spector

​This edited volume with selected expanded papers from CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2011 (http://www.celda-­‐ will focus on Ubiquitous and Mobile Informal and Formal Learning in the Digital Age, with sub-topics: Mobile and Ubiquitous Informal and Formal Learning Environments (Part I), Social Web Technologies for new knowledge representation, retrieval, creation and sharing in Informal and Formal Educational Settings (Part II), Virtual Worlds and Game-­‐based Informal and Formal Learning (Part III), Location-­‐based and Context-­‐ Aware Environments for Formal and Informal Learning Integration (Part IV) There will be approximately twenty chapters selected for this edited volume from among peer-­‐reviewed papers presented at the CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age) 2011 Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in November, 2011.

Ubiquitous and Pervasive Commerce: New Frontiers for Electronic Business (Computer Communications and Networks)

by George Roussos

At the core of this book is the interplay between technological and business innovation and social practice. Although the bene?ts of 50 years of rapid advances in digital telecommunications and computing technology have not bene?ted everyone equally, they have nevertheless transformed almost every aspectofthewaywelive.Oneareawheretechnologyhashada clearimpactis in the way we conduct business. The rate of change that brings about mod- nity has been considerably strengthened by technological advances applied to product manufacturing, distribution, ?nancing, and management, which arguably form the substrate for globalization and consumerism. It is thus no surprise that businesses closely monitor advances in techn- ogy and invest considerable resources in exploring possible new applications and market opportunities. Yet, consumers’ acceptance of new ways of buying and selling depends as much on business and technology as on our society’s culture and the culture of the material environment that de?nes our values, sensibilities, and thus our commitments. Moreover, the rate of technological innovation is such that to the c- sumer, technology implementation is fully opaque.Nonetheless, opportunities to carry out commerce in novel ways also introduce risk to established - cial structures, conventions, and institutions. In modernity, risk management is one of the core functions of society and to be successful in this, societies depend on their trust of experts. Experts take risks on behalf of society and are responsible for evaluating the full extent of a particular set of hazards including those associated with a particular technology.

Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Challenges and Applications

by Yassine Maleh Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj A. Suresh Kumar Daniel Arockiam

In an increasingly interconnected digital realm, Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Challenges and Applications emerges as a guiding beacon through the intricate web of modern cybersecurity. This comprehensive tome meticulously dissects the multifaceted challenges faced in safeguarding our digital infrastructure. From the omnipresence of threats to the evolving landscape of vulnerabilities, this book navigates the complexities with a keen eye, offering a panoramic view of the security terrain.Drawing on a rich tapestry of insights from leading experts, this book transcends the traditional boundaries of security discourse. It unveils innovative strategies and technologies, illuminating the path toward a future where security seamlessly integrates with the fabric of our digital existence. With a keen focus on transparency, it delves deep into the mechanisms that enable a clear, holistic view of security, empowering stakeholders to navigate this dynamic landscape with confidence.From cutting-edge applications to the ethical considerations of ubiquitous security, each chapter acts as a guiding compass, providing actionable insights and fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate balance between accessibility and protection. Ubiquitous and Transparent Security is not merely a book; it’s a roadmap for practitioners, policymakers, and enthusiasts alike, navigating the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.Each chapter within this compendium illuminates the diverse challenges that confront security practitioners, policymakers, and technologists today. It goes beyond the conventional paradigms, exploring the nuanced intersections between accessibility, transparency, and robust protection. Through a rich amalgamation of research-backed insights, real-world case studies, and visionary forecasts, this book offers a holistic understanding of the evolving threat landscape, empowering stakeholders to fortify their defenses proactively.

Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Challenges and Applications

In an increasingly interconnected digital realm, Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Challenges and Applications emerges as a guiding beacon through the intricate web of modern cybersecurity. This comprehensive tome meticulously dissects the multifaceted challenges faced in safeguarding our digital infrastructure. From the omnipresence of threats to the evolving landscape of vulnerabilities, this book navigates the complexities with a keen eye, offering a panoramic view of the security terrain.Drawing on a rich tapestry of insights from leading experts, this book transcends the traditional boundaries of security discourse. It unveils innovative strategies and technologies, illuminating the path toward a future where security seamlessly integrates with the fabric of our digital existence. With a keen focus on transparency, it delves deep into the mechanisms that enable a clear, holistic view of security, empowering stakeholders to navigate this dynamic landscape with confidence.From cutting-edge applications to the ethical considerations of ubiquitous security, each chapter acts as a guiding compass, providing actionable insights and fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate balance between accessibility and protection. Ubiquitous and Transparent Security is not merely a book; it’s a roadmap for practitioners, policymakers, and enthusiasts alike, navigating the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.Each chapter within this compendium illuminates the diverse challenges that confront security practitioners, policymakers, and technologists today. It goes beyond the conventional paradigms, exploring the nuanced intersections between accessibility, transparency, and robust protection. Through a rich amalgamation of research-backed insights, real-world case studies, and visionary forecasts, this book offers a holistic understanding of the evolving threat landscape, empowering stakeholders to fortify their defenses proactively.

Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing: Second EAI International Conference, Bangalore, India, February 8–10, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #276)

by Navin Kumar R. Venkatesha Prasad

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing, UBICNET 2019, held in Bangalore, India, in February 2019. The 19 full papers were selected from 52 submissions and are basically arranged in different sessions on security and energy efficient computing, software defined networks, cloud computing and internet of things applications, and the advanced communication systems and networks.

Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing: First International Conference, UBICNET 2017, Bangalore, India, August 3-5, 2017, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #218)

by Navin Kumar Arpita Thakre

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing, UBICNET 2017, held in Bangalore, India, in August 2017. The 23 full papers were selected from 71 submissions and are grouped in topical sections on safety and energy efficient computing, cloud computing and mobile commerce, advanced and software defined networks, and advanced communication systems and networks.

Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing: 4th EAI International Conference, UBICNET 2021, Virtual Event, March 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #383)

by Navin Kumar M. Vinodhini Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing, UBICNET 2021, held in March 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 17 full papers were selected from 59 submissions and are basically arranged in different sessions on 5G networks, millimeter wave communication systems and emerging applications; quantum communication, IoT and emerging applications; data analytics and cloud computing; artificial neural network, machine learning and emerging applications.

Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence: 6th International Conference, UCAmI 2012, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, December 3-5, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #7656)

by José Bravo Diego López-De-Ipina Francisco Moya

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI 2012, held in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, in December 2012. The 70 research papers were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The main focus of this book has been to explore how Ambient Intelligence can contribute towards smarter but still more sustainable environments. Beyond sustainable computing the proceedings also include research work describing progress on other key research topics for AmI such as human environment mobile-mediated (through NFC or AR) interaction, artificial intelligence techniques to foster user- and context-aware environment adaptation, future internet trends such as social networks analysis, linked data or crowd-sourcing applied to AmI, internet-connected object ecosystems collaborating to give place to smarter environments.

Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence: 10th International Conference, UCAmI 2016, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Spain, November 29 – December 2, 2016, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10069)

by Carmelo R. García Pino Caballero-Gil Mike Burmester Alexis Quesada-Arencibia

This LNCS double volume LNCS 10069-10070 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI 2016, which includes the International Work Conference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL), and the International Conference on Am-bient Intelligence for Health (AmIHEALTH), held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, in November/December 2016. The 69 full papers presented together with 40 short papers and 5 doctoral consortium papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 145 submissions. UCAmI 2016 is focused on research topics related to ambient assisted living, internet of things, smart cities, ambient intelligence for health, human-computer interaction, ad-hoc and sensor networks, and security.

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