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Showing 83,376 through 83,400 of 84,749 results

Webbasierte Datenintegration: Ansätze zur Messung und Sicherung der Informationsqualität in heterogenen Datenbeständen unter Verwendung eines vollständig webbasierten Werkzeuges (Ausgezeichnete Arbeiten zur Informationsqualität)

by Steven Helmis Robert Hollmann

Die Autoren diskutieren die Problematik der Datenqualität, und entwickeln ein webbasiertes Werkzeug, welches die Integration der Daten ermöglicht und die Qualität der Datenbestände testet. Die Analyse der Bestände, das Auffinden von Duplikaten und die Bereinigung der Daten stehen dabei im Fokus dieses Werkzeuges, welches eine Grundlage für eine umfassende Datenqualitäts- und Bereinigungslösung darstellen kann.

Webbasierte Dienste: Technologien, Märkte und Geschäftsmodelle

by Gerrit Tamm Oliver Günther

Dienstbasierte Architekturen bilden zunehmend eine attraktive Ergänzung zu den klassischen Geschäftsmodellen der Softwarenutzung. Das Buch erläutert die für webbasierte Dienste relevanten technischen und ökonomischen Konzepte. Anschließend werden unter Zuhilfenahme von empirischen Analysen und Experimenten aktuelle Markttrends und Marktprozesse beschrieben. Dabei gehen die Autoren auch auf die aus dem Konsumgüterbereich bekannten Vertrauensprobleme und Informationsasymmetrien ein und erörtern deren Konsequenzen für den Entwurf von erfolgreichen Geschäftsmodellen und Märkten. Einschlägige Fallstudien ergänzen die Darstellung.

Webble Technology: First Webble World Summit, WWS 2013, Erfurt, Germany, June 3-5, 2013. Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #372)

by Oksana Arnold Wolfgang Spickermann Nicolas Spyratos Yuzuru Tanaka

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First Webble World Summit, WWS 2013, held in Erfurt, Germany, in June 2013. The focus of the event is on Webble technology and its applications. The 14 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on challenging the Webble technology; Webble core technology; applications of Webble technology; outlook and vision; the big picture.

Webcasting Worldwide: Business Models of an Emerging Global Medium (Media Management and Economics Series)

by Louisa Ha Richard J. Ganahl III

Webcasting Worldwide tackles one of the most timely topics in mass communication today—the delivery of audio and video content via the Web, or webcasting—employing a global perspective to explore the subject. It is unique in providing a theoretical framework by which to analyze business models of emerging media, and it also examines the business practices of leading webcasters in the world’s most developed broadband markets. With webcasting in its early development, the approaches discussed in this volume set the standards for the webcasting industry. Representing the major broadband markets in the world, this text is an authoritative and valuable reference for both researchers and practitioners. The chapters relate the business practices of webcasting to the media market environment and established media industries, such as television and radio, as well as government and non-profit organizations. A CD-ROM accompanies the book, offering PowerPoint charts for use in training, education, and research, along with tables, graphs, screenshots, and hyperlinks. Webcasting Worldwide is essential reading for academic researchers and media industry practitioners, and the volume will be a useful text in advanced courses addressing media technology, media management, and international communication. For updates about the book chapters and latest commentaries on topics related to webcasting business models, please visit the Webcasting Business Models Blog at Winner of The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Picard Award for Media Management and Economics 2007.

Webcasting Worldwide: Business Models of an Emerging Global Medium (Media Management and Economics Series)

by Louisa S. Ha Richard J. Ganahl

Webcasting Worldwide tackles one of the most timely topics in mass communication today—the delivery of audio and video content via the Web, or webcasting—employing a global perspective to explore the subject. It is unique in providing a theoretical framework by which to analyze business models of emerging media, and it also examines the business practices of leading webcasters in the world’s most developed broadband markets. With webcasting in its early development, the approaches discussed in this volume set the standards for the webcasting industry. Representing the major broadband markets in the world, this text is an authoritative and valuable reference for both researchers and practitioners. The chapters relate the business practices of webcasting to the media market environment and established media industries, such as television and radio, as well as government and non-profit organizations. A CD-ROM accompanies the book, offering PowerPoint charts for use in training, education, and research, along with tables, graphs, screenshots, and hyperlinks. Webcasting Worldwide is essential reading for academic researchers and media industry practitioners, and the volume will be a useful text in advanced courses addressing media technology, media management, and international communication. For updates about the book chapters and latest commentaries on topics related to webcasting business models, please visit the Webcasting Business Models Blog at Winner of The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Picard Award for Media Management and Economics 2007.

Webdesign: Interfacedesign - Screendesign - Mobiles Webdesign (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Dieser Band der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ behandelt die Konzeption und Gestaltung von Webanwendungen mit Fokus auf Screen- und Interfacedesign für mobile Endgeräte. Für diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklungen in der Werbe- und Medienbranche sowie die Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rahmenpläne und Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge.Die Bände der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ enthalten zahlreiche praxisorientierte Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen und eignen sich als Lehr- und Arbeitsbücher an Schulen und Hochschulen sowie zum Selbststudium.

Webdesign für Studium und Beruf: Webseiten planen, gestalten und umsetzen (

by Norbert Hammer Karen Bensmann

Mit dem Buch sollen Leser dazu befähigt werden, ein Webprojekt einschließlich Sitearchitektur, kreativer Entwurfsphase, Navigations- und Screendesign mit (X)HTML und CSS umzusetzen. Ziel des Autors ist es, die Andersartigkeit des Gestaltens für elektronische Medien bewusst zu machen und Wege zu optimalen Entwürfen für dieses Medium aufzuzeigen. Ein Fachbuch für Studierende und Auszubildende der gestalterischen Berufe und für all diejenigen, die einfache bis komplexe Webdesign-Aufgaben eigenständig bewältigen müssen.

Webdesign für Studium und Beruf: Webseiten planen, gestalten und umsetzen (

by Norbert Hammer Karen Bensmann

Ziel des Buchs ist es, Lesern die Andersartigkeit der Gestaltung für elektronische Medien bewusst zu machen und Wege zu einem mediengerechten Entwurf aufzuzeigen: von der Sitearchitektur über die kreative Entwurfsphase bis zum Navigations- und Screendesign und der Umsetzung eines Internetauftritts mit (X)HTML und CSS. Begleitend werden Grundlagen im Web-Projektmanagement vermittelt. Der Kenntnisstand kann mithilfe von Aufgaben und Quizfragen überprüft und anhand komplexer Entwurfsaufgaben erprobt werden.

WebEx Web Meetings For Dummies

by Nancy Stevenson

More than 11,000 customers–ranging from independent consultants to large corporations–use WebEx online services to decrease the cost and increase the effectiveness of meetings, presentations, conferences, support, and training Input from WebEx has enriched the book with actual examples and case studies of how individuals, small businesses, and large corporations are making use of the WebEx services

WebGL Beginner's Guide

by Diego Cantor Brandon Jones

This book is a step-by-step tutorial that includes complete source code for all of the examples covered. Every chapter builds on top of the previous one thereby giving the reader an immediate feeling of progression. Each block of code is explained, and 3D web development concepts are diagrammed and covered in detail. This book is written for JavaScript developers who are interested in 3D web development. A basic understanding of the DOM object model and the jQuery library is ideal but not required. No prior WebGL knowledge is expected.

WebGL Game Development

by Sumeet Arora

This book is set-by-step, example-based tutorial that provides details on gaming logic using Web GL. If you are a programmer who wants to transform the skill of blending imagination and throughput in games, this is the book for you. You need to have a good understanding of object-oriented programming, JavaScript, and vector and matrix operations.

WebGL Hotshot

by Mitch Williams

Every chapter starts with a 'mission briefing' section that describes what is to be achieved by the end of the chapter. This is followed with the decisions and steps required to accomplish the mission objective with challenges to take the project further. The scope for the book thus mimics the real-life requirements of a developer and gets you ready to successfully build your own project. If you are a web designer looking to expand your knowledge of 3D graphics concepts and broaden your existing skill set, then this book is for you. Those looking for an introduction to 3D graphics will benefit from WebGL Hotshot as it is a perfect guide to master 3D concepts, helping you build and deploy 3D worlds much quicker. The book assumes a basic knowledge of HTML, though it can be learned concurrently while reading this book. Basic programming knowledge is useful; however, the graphical nature of web 3D content allows you to learn programming through experimentation.

WebGL Insights

by Patrick Cozzi

Given its ubiquity, plugin-free deployment, and ease of development, the adoption of WebGL is on the rise. Skilled WebGL developers provide organizations with the ability to develop and implement efficient and robust solutions-creating a growing demand for skilled WebGL developers.WebGL Insights shares experience-backed lessons learned by the WebGL

Webinare – alles ganz anders hier!: So gestalten Sie wirkungsvolle und nachhaltige Webinare (essentials)

by Winfried Krieger

Webinare sind eine Legierung mit Bestandteilen aus Lehr-Lern-Formaten, aus Genres der Massenkommunikation und aus analogen Seminaren. Die Stärke von Webinaren liegt darin, diese Elemente zu einem neuen Format mit neuen Chancen und digitalen Mehrwerten zu verschmelzen. Dafür müssen technologische Rahmenbedingungen stimmen, Inhalte didaktisch aufbereitet und alle Aktivitäten teilnehmerorientiert ausgerichtet sein. Dieses essential vermittelt Ihnen komprimiert und sofort umsetzbar alles Notwendige, damit Ihre Webinare erfolgreich werden – mit Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen, die aufmerksam und interessiert dabeibleiben sowie mit Inhalten, die nachhaltige Veränderungswirkungen entfalten.

Webinars For Dummies

by Sharat Sharan John Carucci

Gather an audience from around the globe with webinars Webinars For Dummies takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of webinar creation. Written by John Carucci under the guidance of webinar technology company ON24, the book provides a roadmap for creating a webinar that effectively communicates to the audience without boring them to sleep. Webinars For Dummies gives you the insider's perspective on techniques that have been proven effective time and again. Webinars are becoming increasingly common as a way for businesses to connect with customers and partners without distance being a factor. Whether they take the form of a live presentation, a PowerPoint slideshow, or a combination of both, the beauty of the webinar is that it can be archived and viewed again after the initial set presentation. But this feature also adds a burden to the webinar creator, as the presentation must be understood outside of the live context. Creating what is essentially an archival presentation means considering a host of factors surrounding both content and organization. Webinars For Dummies includes all the information your business needs to start creating custom webcasts, including: A webinar overview, and how to determine your need, budget, and available tools Topic selection, script creation, graphic production, and marketing Creation advice, including live troubleshooting and how to handle viewer questions Archiving tips, and how to integrate webinars into a marketing plan You'll also find special tips for effective production and marketing, tips for readying yourself for the webinar, and case studies that illustrate successful webinar techniques. Modern business is rarely localized, and webinars are an effective way to communicate live, on a global scale. Webinars For Dummies helps you ensure your business doesn't get left behind.

Webinars For Dummies

by Sharat Sharan John Carucci

Gather an audience from around the globe with webinars Webinars For Dummies takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of webinar creation. Written by John Carucci under the guidance of webinar technology company ON24, the book provides a roadmap for creating a webinar that effectively communicates to the audience without boring them to sleep. Webinars For Dummies gives you the insider's perspective on techniques that have been proven effective time and again. Webinars are becoming increasingly common as a way for businesses to connect with customers and partners without distance being a factor. Whether they take the form of a live presentation, a PowerPoint slideshow, or a combination of both, the beauty of the webinar is that it can be archived and viewed again after the initial set presentation. But this feature also adds a burden to the webinar creator, as the presentation must be understood outside of the live context. Creating what is essentially an archival presentation means considering a host of factors surrounding both content and organization. Webinars For Dummies includes all the information your business needs to start creating custom webcasts, including: A webinar overview, and how to determine your need, budget, and available tools Topic selection, script creation, graphic production, and marketing Creation advice, including live troubleshooting and how to handle viewer questions Archiving tips, and how to integrate webinars into a marketing plan You'll also find special tips for effective production and marketing, tips for readying yourself for the webinar, and case studies that illustrate successful webinar techniques. Modern business is rarely localized, and webinars are an effective way to communicate live, on a global scale. Webinars For Dummies helps you ensure your business doesn't get left behind.

WEBKDD 2001 - Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch Points: Third International Workshop, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 26, 2001, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2356)

by Ron Kohavi Brij M. Masand Myra Spiliopoulou Jaideep Srivastava

WorkshopTheme The ease and speed with which business transactions can be carried out over the Web has been a key driving force in the rapid growth of electronic commerce. In addition, customer interactions, including personalized content, e-mail c- paigns, and online feedback provide new channels of communication that were not previously available or were very ine?cient. The Web presents a key driving force in the rapid growth of electronic c- merceandanewchannelforcontentproviders.Knowledgeaboutthecustomeris fundamental for the establishment of viable e-commerce solutions. Rich web logs provide companies with data about their customers and prospective customers, allowing micro-segmentation and personalized interactions. Customer acqui- tion costs in the hundreds of dollars per customer are common, justifying heavy emphasis on correct targeting. Once customers are acquired, customer retention becomes the target. Retention through customer satisfaction and loyalty can be greatly improved by acquiring and exploiting knowledge about these customers and their needs. Althoughweblogsarethesourceforvaluableknowledgepatterns,oneshould keep in mind that the Web is only one of the interaction channels between a company and its customers. Data obtained from conventional channels provide invaluable knowledge on existing market segments, while mobile communication adds further customer groups. In response, companies are beginning to integrate multiple sources of data including web, wireless, call centers, and brick-a- mortar store data into a single data warehouse that provides a multifaceted view of their customers, their preferences, interests, and expectations.

WEBKDD 2002 - Mining Web Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles: 4th International Workshop, Edmonton, Canada, July 23, 2002, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2703)

by Osmar R. Zaiane Jaideep Srivastava Myra Spiliopoulou Brij Masand

1 WorkshopTheme Data mining as a discipline aims to relate the analysis of large amounts of user data to shed light on key business questions. Web usage mining in particular, a relatively young discipline, investigates methodologies and techniques that - dress the unique challenges of discovering insights from Web usage data, aiming toevaluateWebusability,understandtheinterestsandexpectationsofusersand assess the e?ectiveness of content delivery. The maturing and expanding Web presents a key driving force in the rapid growth of electronic commerce and a new channel for content providers. Customized o?ers and content, made possible by discovered knowledge about the customer, are fundamental for the establi- ment of viable e-commerce solutions and sustained and e?ective content delivery in noncommercial domains. Rich Web logs provide companies with data about their online visitors and prospective customers, allowing microsegmentation and personalized interactions. While Web mining as a domain is several years old, the challenges that characterize data analysis in this area continue to be formidable. Though p- processing data routinely takes up a major part of the e?ort in data mining, Web usage data presents further challenges based on the di?culties of assigning data streams to unique users and tracking them over time. New innovations are required to reliably reconstruct sessions, to ascertain similarity and di?erences between sessions, and to be able to segment online users into relevant groups.

Webmasters Guide To The Wireless Internet

by Syngress

The wireless Web is a reality - don't get left behind!The wireless Web is not a future dream. It is here today. Already, more than 20 million people have access the Internet through PDAs, mobile phones, pagers and other wireless devices. What will people find on the Wireless Internet? This is the question that every Webmaster and Web developer is being challenged to answer. The Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet provides the Wireless Webmaster with all of the tools necessary to build the next generation Internet. Packed with the essential information they need to design, develop, and secure robust, e-commerce enabled wireless Web sites. This book is written for advanced Webmasters who are experienced with conventional Web site design and are now faced with the challenge of creating sites that fit on the display of a Web enabled phone or PDA.The rapid expansion of wireless devices presents a huge challenge for Webmasters - this book addresses that need for reliable informationThere are lots of books for wireless developers - this is the first designed specifically for Webmasters Looks at security issues in a Wireless environment

Webmin Administrator's Cookbook

by Michal Karzynski

Written in a cookbook format with practical recipes this book helps you to perform various administrative tasks using Webmin and enables you to perform common jobs more efficiently. This book is perfect for System administrators who want to learn more advanced concepts of Webmin and how it can help to set up a server for development, testing or deployment.

Webpack for Beginners: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Webpack 4

by Mohamed Bouzid

Learn how to use Webpack from installation to configuration without the hassle of complex examples. Webpack has become one of the most popular module bundlers in recent years; it’s widely used by developers, companies, and organizations of all sizes, and many web frameworks use it for the management of their assets. If you are serious about web development these days then you must learn and understand Webpack.You will begin by installing and configuring Webpack, and learn how to write modular code. You’ll then move onto understanding the usage of loaders and plugins with practical use cases, how to make aliases and resolve folders, cache busting, and installing third-party libraries such as jQuery, Bootstrap, QuillJS, and more. By the end of this book you will feel confident and ready to start using Webpack in your projects.Free from complex examples and intended to be as easy-to-follow as possible, this book is ideal for anyone who knows basic HTML, JavaScript, and how to work on the command line. Upgrade your developer skillset using Webpack for Beginners today.What You Will LearnInstall and configure Webpack beyond the default settingsEfficiently work with plugins and loadersOptimize Webpack for productionUse instant refreshing with the Webpack dev server and hot module replacementExplore how to install some common JavaScript librariesWho This Book Is For This book is conceived for beginners and newcomers to Webpack, and assumes you have some very basic knowledge in JavaScript, HTML and working on the command line. This step-by-step guide will help you understand and clarify everything you need to know to bundle your JavaScript hassle-free.

Webprojekte realisieren nach neuesten OOP-Kriterien: Ein Workshop über die Kooperation von PHP/XSL/JavaScript

by Peter Stender

Erstellen Sie mit Hilfe dieses Buches ein Projekt, das alle Anforderungen modernster OOP-Programmierung beinhaltet. Lernen Sie das perfekte Zusammenspiel von XML/XSL(T)/PHP und JavaScript, sowie den JavaScript Framework Prototyp kennen. Staunen Sie über den schnelleren Datentransport beim Aufbau Ihres Projektes dank logisch richtiger Reihenfolge bei der Programmierung. Alle hier erarbeiteten Klassen können für spätere Projekte zu 100% genutzt und beliebig erweitert werden.

WebRTC Blueprints

by Andrii Sergiienko

This book is a step-by-step project-based guide that aims to teach you how to develop your own web applications and services with WebRTC in a concise, practical manner. This book will be perfect for you if you are a WebRTC developer and want to build complex WebRTC applications and projects, or if you want to gain practical experience in developing web applications, advanced WebRTC media handling, server and client signaling, call flows, or third-party integration. It is essential to have prior knowledge of building simple applications using WebRTC.

WebRTC Cookbook

by Andrii Sergiienko

If you are a JavaScript developer with a basic knowledge of WebRTC and software development, but want to explore how to use it in more depth, this book is for you.

WebRTC Integrator's Guide

by Altanai

This book is for programmers who want to learn about real-time communication and utilize the full potential of WebRTC. It is assumed that you have working knowledge of setting up a basic telecom infrastructure as well as basic programming and scripting knowledge.

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