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Showing 2,301 through 2,325 of 11,156 results

Damn Fine Cherry Pie: The Unauthorised Cookbook Inspired by the TV Show Twin Peaks

by Lindsey Bowden

Enjoy the taste of the cult classic TV series Twin Peaks with more than 100 recipes inspired by the show's scenes and characters - including Maple Ham Pancakes, Coffee Donuts, Icelandic Hangikjot, Percolator Fish Supper and Chocolate Chestnut Log. Along the way you'll discover fun facts and features - such as how to tie cherry stems in your mouth, and how to fold origami owls - and a diner jukebox selection inspired by the show that you can enjoy with a slice of damn fine cherry pie.This publication has not been prepared, approved or licensed by any entity or individual that created or produced the well-known TV programme Twin Peaks.

Damsons: An Ancient Fruit in the Modern Kitchen (The English Kitchen)

by Sarah Conrad Gothie

Tart, richly flavoured damsons have been growing in England since the island’s earliest recorded history.Whether wild or foraged, or cultivated, they have been a familiar part of the landscape for centuries, and have been used in a range of traditional jams, jellies, drinks, sauces and puddings. Sarah Conrad Gothie brings us a history of damson cultivation and use in the regions famous for the fruit, as well as practical advice for growing, buying and storing damsons. Her collection of historic and new recipes will inspire readers interested in heritage fruits and seasonal cookery to welcome the dazzling colour and inimitable flavour of damsons into their kitchen.

Dandelion Medicine: Remedies and Recipes to Detoxify, Nourish, and Stimulate

by Brigitte Mars

Dandelion is among the most nutrient-packed foods on earth, and one of the world&’s most widely used herbal medicines — and it&’s right in your own backyard! Use it to treat or prevent arthritis, high cholesterol, depression, diabetes, and a host of other health concerns. These easy and delicious recipes for biscuits, burgers, cookies, pizza, quiche, salads, and soup, as well as coffee, juice, beer, syrups, and even dandelion wine will help you incorporate this powerful plant into your daily diet. You&’ll also find dandelion herbal remedies in the form of teas, tinctures, tonics, ointments, massage oil, skin oil, and moisturizer.

Dandelion Medicine, 2nd Edition: Forage, Feast, and Nourish Yourself with This Extraordinary Weed

by Brigitte Mars

Discover the many healing and culinary uses of the familiar wild plant, the dandelion, with this colorful, accessible guide from a leading medical herbalist.Dandelion Medicine, 2nd Edition is a colorful dive into the many creative uses of dandelions for food and medicine. From dandelion root &“coffee&” to dandelion flower cookies, there are dozens of delicious ways to use the plant in food, and all parts of the dandelion are medicinal in a variety of ways. Dandelion is a flower that almost everyone knows from a young age, so there&’s little danger of harvesting the wrong plant—making it ideal for the novice forager. Author Brigitte Mars has been an herbalist for more than 50 years, and has developed an extensive knowledge of and love for the plant over that time. In addition to providing ideas for ways to use the plant, she also shares some of the history and lore surrounding the dandelion, creating a book that is both a practical guide and a fascinating read.

Darjeeling: A History of the World’s Greatest Tea

by Jeff Koehler

Darjeeling's tea bushes stretch across a picturesque landscape steeped in religious, sacred and mythical history. Planted at high elevation in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, in an area of northern India bound by Nepal to the west, Bhutan to the east and Sikkim to the north, the rows of brilliant green, waist-high shrubs that coat the steep slopes and valleys around this Victorian 'hill town' produce only a fraction of the world's tea, and less than one per cent of India's total. Yet the tea from this limited crop, with its characteristic bright, amber-coloured brew and muscatel flavours – delicate and flowery, with hints of apricots and peaches – is generally considered the best on the globe.This is the story of how Darjeeling developed its prodigious tea industry under Imperial British rule and eventually came to produce some of the highest-quality leaves in the world. It is a fascinating portrait of the region from the days of the Raj to that of the 'voodoo farmers' of the present day, who get world-record prices for their fine teas, all set against the backdrop of the looming Himalayas and drenching monsoons. It is a story rich in intrigue and empire, full of adventurers and unlikely successes in culture and religion, ecology and terroir, and one that began with one of the most audacious acts of corporate smuggling in history. It is also the tale of how the industry had spiralled into decline by the end of the twentieth century, and how this paradisiacal spot in the high Himalayas seethes with union unrest and a violent struggle for independent statehood. It is on the front line against the devastating effects of climate change and decades of harmful farming practices, a war that is being fought in some tea gardens – and, astonishingly, won – using radical methods.

Darjeeling: The Colorful History and Precarious Fate of the World's Greatest Tea

by Jeff Koehler

Darjeeling's tea bushes run across a mythical landscape steeped with the religious, the sacred, and the picturesque. Planted at high elevation in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, in an area of northern India bound by Nepal to the west, Bhutan to the east, and Sikkim to the north, the linear rows of brilliant green, waist-high shrubs that coat the steep slopes and valleys around this Victorian “hill town” produce only a fraction of the world's tea, and less than one percent of India's total. Yet the tea from that limited crop, with its characteristic bright, amber-colored brew and muscatel flavors - delicate and flowery, hinting of apricots and peaches - is generally considered the best in the world. This is the story of how Darjeeling tea began, was key to the largest tea industry on the globe under Imperial British rule, and came to produce the highest-quality tea leaves anywhere in the world. It is a story rich in history, intrigue and empire, full of adventurers and unlikely successes in culture, mythology and religions, ecology and terroir, all set with a backdrop of the looming Himalayas and drenching monsoons. The story is ripe with the imprint of the Raj as well as the contemporary clout of “voodoo farmers” getting world record prices for their fine teas - and all of it beginning with one of the most audacious acts of corporate smuggling in history. But it is also the story of how the industry spiraled into decline by the end of the twentieth century, and how this edenic spot in the high Himalayas seethes with union unrest and a violent independence struggle. It is also a front-line fight against the devastating effects of climate change and decades of harming farming practices, a fight that is being fought in some tea gardens - and, astonishingly, won - using radical methods. Jeff Koehler has written a fascinating chronicle of India and its most sought-after tea. Blending history, politics, and reportage together, along with a collection of recipes that tea-drinkers will love, Darjeeling is an indispensable volume for fans of micro-history and tea fanatics.

Dark Calories: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health and How We Can Get It Back

by Dr Catherine Shanahan

'Mind-blowing - will change the way you eat forever.' Davinia Taylor, Sunday Times number one bestselling author of It's Not a Diet and Hack Your HormonesDid you know that eating a single large serving of french fries cooked in vegetable oil delivers the toxicity of smoking 24 cigarettes?Somewhere between 25 and 45 percent of the calories in your diet are likely coming from a substance most people know nothing about, a seemingly innocuous oil with no colour or flavour, that is quite possibly more harmful to your health than smoking cigarettes.Whether you shop at a health food store or a discount supermarket, the ingredient labels on most products in your kitchen right now may contain the following phrase: Vegetable Oil (contains one or more of the following: cottonseed, corn, canola, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, safflower). And they're leading to uncontrollable hunger, inflammation, blood sugar swings and mental illness.Family doctor and New York Times bestselling author Dr Catherine Shanahan walks us through the science of how vegetable oils affect the body, exposes the corruption that deceives doctors and consumers into eating them, and gives us a clear and hopeful roadmap to recovery and rejuvenation.Dark Calories is the first book to definitively show that refined vegetable oil is the defining ingredient in both junk food and the entire modern diet and makes the case that eliminating it is the single best thing you can do for your health.

Das LBB der Smoothies & Shakes: Coole und gesunde Vitaminkicks für jede Gelegenheit (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Heike Kügler-Anger

Smoothies und Shakes sind voll im Trend. Sie lassen sich superschnell und leicht zubereiten. Man wirft einfach knackig-frisches Obst und Gemüse sowie aromatische Kräuter mit Eiswürfeln in einen Mixer, der sie mühelos zerkleinert, und in Sekundenschnelle sind sie servierbereit. Eine Abwechslung zum klassischen Smoothie bilden Fruchtshakes, in denen sich süße und saure Früchtchen von Apfel bis Zwetschge in Kombination mit Milch, Sahne, Joghurt oder Speiseeis zu einem cremig-erfrischenden Genuss verbinden. Wie das geht und wie jeder selbst zu Hause diese leckeren Getränke zubereiten kann, zeigt das "Little Black Book der Smoothies & Shakes". Smoothies und Shakes bringen einen Vitaminkick ins Glas und sorgen für köstlichen Genuss, der gleichzeitig fresh, soft und cool ist.

Das Little Black Book der Pasta: Ein bissfestes Lesevergnügen rund um die Nudel (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Barbara Grundler

Farfalle, Cannelloni, Spaghetti, Ravioli, Fusilli, Makkaroni, Lasagne -- die italienische Nudelvielfalt kennt keine Grenzen. Auch die Liste der Pastagerichte scheint endlos und lecker! Appetit bekommen? Barbara Grundler hält in diesem kleinen schwarzen Büchlein eine Menge köstlicher Nudelrezepte bereit: ob Pasta mit Gemüse, Meeresfrüchten, Fleisch oder aus dem Ofen -- für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei! Außerdem geht sie der Geschichte der Nudel auf die Spur, sie reist nach China und zurück in die Antike, und fragt, woher kommt die Nudel überhaupt? Schließlich erklärt Barbara Grundler die Bedeutung der Pastagerichte im (italienischen) Menü und die wichtigsten Pastaformen sowie das Rezept für einen echten Pastateig.

Das Little Black Book der Salate und Dressings: Knackige Rezepte - gesund und lecker (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Anke Hennig

Ob als eigenständiges Gericht oder leckere Beilage, ob Partysalate oder Fruchtsalate - Salate gehören zu den vielseitigsten Gerichten auf unserem Speiseplan. Seit geraumer Zeit schon hat der Salat seinen zweifelhaften Ruf als "Kaninchenfutter" abgelegt und ist mittlerweile schwer angesagt. Die Menschen fangen an, bewusster zu essen und eine leichte, gesunde Küche zu bevorzugen. Salatbars boomen und selbst das Fastfood-Restaurant McDonald's hat mittlerweile zahlreiche Salate im Angebot. Was läge da näher, als mit einem Little Black Book der Salate diesem Trend zu folgen? Im bewährt humorvollen und zum Mitmachen anregenden Schreibstil der Little Black Books geht die begeisterte Köchin Anke Hennig dem Phänomen des Salats auf den Grund. Ihr Ziel ist es, dem Leser kulinarische Anregungen mitzugeben und ihn zu motivieren, nach der Lektüre des Buches ganz nach Belieben seine persönlichen Salatkreationen herzustellen. Oder auch nicht, denn bei Couscoussalat mit Granatapfel, gebackenem Kürbis auf Salat mit Heidelbeeren oder Gorgonzolasalat mit Trauben bleiben vielleicht gar keine Wünsche mehr offen. Leckere Soßen und Dressings sowie Tipps zur Aufbewahrung und zum "richtigen" Improvisieren runden das Büchlein ab.

Das Little Black Book für kreative Sparkoche - Leckere Rezepte für kleine Geldbeutel (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Helga Schmidt

Preiswert kochen mit günstigen Rezepten, die auch noch schmecken?! Ja, das geht. Wie und mit welchen Zutaten zeigt Helga Schmidt in ihrem "Little Black Book für kreative Sparköche". Klassisch aufgeteilt nach Vorspeisen/Salaten, Hauptspeisen und Desserts finden sich hier kreative Zusammenstellungen ganz gewöhnlicher, leicht erhältlicher und preisgünstiger Zutaten, die jedem schmecken. Anregungen für die Spar-Rezepte nimmt Helga Schmidt aus Küchen aus aller Welt, z. B. der indischen oder chinesischen Küche. Und das Besondere: Jedes der vorgestellten Rezepte kostet pro Person maximal 1 Euro - versprochen! Ein kleines Geschenkbuch ideal für Kochanfänger, Studenten und einfach alle mit kleinem Geldbeutel!

Das Little Black Book für Wok & Co.: Einfache und raffinierte Kostlichkeiten aus Fernost (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Anke Hennig

Das kleine Schwarze von Anke Hennig befasst sich mit den Besonderheiten der Köstlichkeiten aus Fernost. Hier findet der Leser alles Wissenswerte zum Wok und den Küchen, wo dieses besondere Utensil Anwendung findet. Ob aus China, Indien, Thailand oder Vietnam - der Wok ist vielseitig einsetzbar. Außerdem werden die wichtigsten Gewürze erklärt. Und natürlich fehlen nicht zahlreiche leckere Wok-Rezepte, zum Beispiel Kokossuppe mit Hühnerfleisch, gebratener Spargel mit Vanilleerdbeeren und gedämpfte Hackfleisch-Wantan. Da möchte man doch gleich loskochen ...

Das Little Black Book vom Picknick: Dinieren auf der Decke - von romantisch bis spontan (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Werner Schwanfelder

Im Little Black Book vom Picknick geht es darum, was Picknicken eigentlich bedeutet, welche Picknicktypen es gibt, wo, wann und womit man eigentlich picknicken kann. Erfahren Sie, wie man sich allein rein logistisch auf solch ein Unterfangen vorbereitet und mit welchen Rezepten man begeistern kann. Verschiedene Fragen werden beantwortet: Muss man zum Beispiel zu einer vorgegebenen Zeit picknicken? Muss es immer am Wochenende sein oder geht es nicht auch mal spontan abends unter der Woche? Oder: Wie wäre es mit einem Picknick zum Frühstück? Andere wichtige Fragen drehen sich um die Dekoration, das Geschirr und die damit unweigerlich verbundene Müllfrage, die richtige Kleidung, Mückenschutz und Hundeabwehr sowie Tipps und Tricks rund um Speisen und Getränke, inklusive deren Transport.

Das Little Black Book vom Rum: Sonne, Strand und Palmen im Glas (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Arno Gänsmantel

In seinem neuen Büchlein "Das Little Black Book vom Rum" beschäftigt sich Arno Gänsmantel mit der neuesten Lieblingsspirituose. Rum ist mittlerweile aus jeder gutsortierten (Haus-)Bar nicht mehr wegzudenken. Jahrelang vorrangig als Bestandteil von Kuchen oder zusammen mit Cola verwendet, nimmt die Zahl der Rumgenießer - gern auch pur - stetig zu. Arno Gänsmantel liefert allerlei Wissenswertes über den Herstellprozess, historische Hintergründe, Regionen und Länder, wo Rum gebrannt wird, sowie Rummarken und -genuss. Ein kleines, feines Buch für alle Liebhaber der karibischen Köstlichkeit!

Das Little Black Book vom Single Malt Whisky (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Arno Gänsmantel

Der schottische Whisky, insbesondere die Single Malts, haben mit Abstand das meiste Interesse bei den Whiskyinteressierten. Deshalb beschäftigt sich das neue Little Black Book von Arno Gänsmantel nur mit den Single Malt Whiskys und ihren Brennereien. Das Buch beginnt mit einem Kapitel, das Wissenswertes rund um das "Wasser des Lebens", Details zur Produktion und Vorschriften für Single Malts enthält. Im Anschluss findet der Leser für ca. 100 Brennereien jeweils ein Kurzportrait mit den wichtigsten Informationen. Die Reihenfolge der Brennereien erfolgt nach dem Alphabet. Außerdem bietet das "Little Black Book vom Single Malt Whisky" auch jede Menge Platz für nützliche Notizen, zum Beispiel Verkostungsnotizen bei Tastings, Flaschen, die der Leser in seiner Sammlung hat, Lieblingssorten usw. Ein kleines Buch, das richtig Lust macht, einfach mal nach Schottland aufzubrechen und eine oder mehrere der genannten Brennereien zu besuchen!

Das Little Black Book vom Whisky: Das kleine Handbuch uber das Wasser des Lebens (Little Black Books (Deutsche Ausgabe))

by Arno Gänsmantel

Die Bezeichnung "Whisky" ist abgeleitet aus dem Schottisch-Gälischen und Irischen und bedeutet "Wasser des Lebens". Whiskyliebhaber genießen den Geschmack und die zahlreichen Aromen, die das Getränk haben kann. So schwärmen sie von Aromen, wie Kräuter, Honig, Beeren, Karamell oder dem Geruch nach torfiger Landschaft. Das LBB vom Whisky zeigt, dass es zu Whisky weit mehr zu sagen gibt, als dass es sich um eine aus Getreide durch alkoholische Gärung und Destillation gewonnene Spirituose handelt. So schreibt Arno Gänsmantel z. B. über die Herstellung des edlen Getränks sowie über die verschiedenen Sorten und Produktionsorte. Denn Whisky kommt mittlerweile aus aller Welt. Er wird nicht nur in Schottland hergestellt, sondern auch in Japan oder Neuseeland.

The DASH Diet: Lower your blood pressure in just 21 days

by Priya Tew

*Featuring metric and imperial measurements for UK readers*Reduce your blood pressure and improve your health with this beginner's guide to the DASH diet.Millions of people worldwide suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure, and the DASH diet is a tried-and-tested programme designed to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and combat other health issues, such as diabetes and excessive weight gain.DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is grounded in healthy eating principles and focuses on unprocessed foods. It is rich in fruit, vegetables, low-fat and non-fat dairy, lean protein, nuts and seeds, beans, heart-healthy fats and a limited amount of whole grains.This book will tell you everything you need to know, including the latest research about how the diet works and its nutritional benefits. It features a 21-day plan to help you get started with more than 40 heart-healthy recipes to help you on your way.

The DASH Diet Action Plan: Proven to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Without Medication (A DASH Diet Book)

by Marla Heller

New York Times bestselling author Marla Heller shares a revolutionary new DASH diet plan, proven to boost weight loss and lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels through 28 days of healthy meal plans. Finally, the #1 ranked Dash diet is popularized and user-friendly. Unlike any diet before it, DASH, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, came out of groundbreaking NIH-funded research. Now, Marla Heller, MS, RD, who was trained by one of the primary architects of the DASH diet and is herself the leading dietician putting DASH into action for over ten years, shares the secret to making the diet easy and accessible, in The Dash Diet Action Plan. Rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, lean meats, fish, beans, and nuts, Dash is grounded in healthy eating principles that lower blood pressure; reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer; and support reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. No diet has a medical pedigree like DASH, and this book is a simple, actionable plan that can fit seamlessly into everyone's life and lifestyle. It includes:28 days of meal plans at different calorie ranges Simple tools to help you personalize a Dash Diet Action Plan for guaranteed success DASH-friendly recipes and shopping lists Tips for eating on-the-run Advice on healthy weight loss and exercise for every lifestyle. Now, you can revolutionize your health and change your life-without medication.

DASH Diet For Dummies

by Sarah Samaan Rust Cynthia Kleckner

Lower your blood pressure in just two weeks with the #1 rated diet When high blood pressure becomes chronic, it's called hypertension—a condition that affects 970 million people worldwide, and is classified by the World Health Organization as a leading cause of premature death. While medications can help, nothing beats dietary and lifestyle modifications in the fight against high blood pressure, and the DASH diet is a powerful tool in your arsenal. Focusing on lowering sodium intake and increasing fiber, vitamins, and minerals can help lower your blood pressure in as little as two weeks. It's no wonder that the DASH Diet is ranked as the number 1 diet for three years in a row and is endorsed by the American Heart Association, The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, and The Mayo Clinic. DASH Diet for Dummies is your ultimate guide to taking control of your body once and for all. Originally conceived to alleviate hypertension, the DASH Diet has been proven effective against a number of conditions including Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS, weight loss, and more. DASH Diet for Dummies contains all the information you need to put the diet into practice, including: Over 40 DASH-approved recipes, including meals, snacks, and desserts 100+ DASH-approved foods, including meats, seafood, sweets, and more Tips for navigating the grocery store and choosing healthier fare A 14-day Menu Planner to help you get started today The DASH Diet is built upon the principles of healthy eating and getting the most nutritional bang for your buck. Doctors even recommend DASH to their healthy patients as an easy, stress-free way to adopt the food habits that will serve them for life. DASH Diet for Dummies is your roadmap on the journey to good health, so get ready to start feeling better every day.

DASH Diet For Dummies

by Sarah Samaan Rust Cynthia Kleckner

Lower your blood pressure in just two weeks with the #1 rated diet When high blood pressure becomes chronic, it's called hypertension—a condition that affects 970 million people worldwide, and is classified by the World Health Organization as a leading cause of premature death. While medications can help, nothing beats dietary and lifestyle modifications in the fight against high blood pressure, and the DASH diet is a powerful tool in your arsenal. Focusing on lowering sodium intake and increasing fiber, vitamins, and minerals can help lower your blood pressure in as little as two weeks. It's no wonder that the DASH Diet is ranked as the number 1 diet for three years in a row and is endorsed by the American Heart Association, The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, and The Mayo Clinic. DASH Diet for Dummies is your ultimate guide to taking control of your body once and for all. Originally conceived to alleviate hypertension, the DASH Diet has been proven effective against a number of conditions including Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS, weight loss, and more. DASH Diet for Dummies contains all the information you need to put the diet into practice, including: Over 40 DASH-approved recipes, including meals, snacks, and desserts 100+ DASH-approved foods, including meats, seafood, sweets, and more Tips for navigating the grocery store and choosing healthier fare A 14-day Menu Planner to help you get started today The DASH Diet is built upon the principles of healthy eating and getting the most nutritional bang for your buck. Doctors even recommend DASH to their healthy patients as an easy, stress-free way to adopt the food habits that will serve them for life. DASH Diet for Dummies is your roadmap on the journey to good health, so get ready to start feeling better every day.

DASH Diet For Dummies

by Sarah Samaan Rosanne Rust Cindy Kleckner

Get on track to lower your blood pressure in just two weeks! Almost half of all adults in the United States have high blood pressure—but many of us are not aware of it. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, has serious health implications. It is classified as a leading cause of premature death by the World Health Organization, contributing to strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, kidney failure, and even dementia. While medications are often necessary to keep blood pressure in the safe zone, a judicious dietary and lifestyle overhaul will greatly help manage your blood pressure and your overall heart health. Written in an easy-to-follow, friendly style by three heart and nutrition experts, DASH Diet For Dummies hows you how increasing fiber, vitamins, and minerals, along with reducing your sodium intake when needed, can lower your blood pressure in just two weeks! Ranked the #1 Best Diet for Healthy Eating as well as #2 Best Diets Overall by U.S. News & World Report, the DASH Diet is specifically aimed at relieving hypertension and is endorsed by the American Heart Association, The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, and the Mayo Clinic—and is also proven to be effective against conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS, and more. Improve heart health with lower blood pressure Reduce cholesterol Lose wight Follow simple, tasty recipes So, don't let hypertension scare you. Along with good medical care, the DASH diet makes lowering your blood pressure achievable - and tasty! By following the straightforward meal plans and trying out our favorite recipes in DASH Die for Dummies, you'll set yourself on the fast, proven journey to etter blood pressure - and be on your way to a healthy and heart-smart future!

DASH Diet For Dummies

by Sarah Samaan Rosanne Rust Cindy Kleckner

Get on track to lower your blood pressure in just two weeks! Almost half of all adults in the United States have high blood pressure—but many of us are not aware of it. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, has serious health implications. It is classified as a leading cause of premature death by the World Health Organization, contributing to strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, kidney failure, and even dementia. While medications are often necessary to keep blood pressure in the safe zone, a judicious dietary and lifestyle overhaul will greatly help manage your blood pressure and your overall heart health. Written in an easy-to-follow, friendly style by three heart and nutrition experts, DASH Diet For Dummies hows you how increasing fiber, vitamins, and minerals, along with reducing your sodium intake when needed, can lower your blood pressure in just two weeks! Ranked the #1 Best Diet for Healthy Eating as well as #2 Best Diets Overall by U.S. News & World Report, the DASH Diet is specifically aimed at relieving hypertension and is endorsed by the American Heart Association, The National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, and the Mayo Clinic—and is also proven to be effective against conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, PCOS, and more. Improve heart health with lower blood pressure Reduce cholesterol Lose wight Follow simple, tasty recipes So, don't let hypertension scare you. Along with good medical care, the DASH diet makes lowering your blood pressure achievable - and tasty! By following the straightforward meal plans and trying out our favorite recipes in DASH Die for Dummies, you'll set yourself on the fast, proven journey to etter blood pressure - and be on your way to a healthy and heart-smart future!

The DASH Diet Mediterranean Solution: The Best Eating Plan to Control Your Weight and Improve Your Health for Life (A DASH Diet Book)

by Marla Heller

From the New York Times bestselling author, this guide to healthy living features the latest science and research and a Mediterranean diet-inspired meal plan to make this the most healthy and effective DASH diet ever.The DASH diet has been a staple of the dieting world, recommended by doctors, nutritionists, and crowned the US News and World Report's #1 best diet for 8 years in a row. But popular tastes and medical guidelines have evolved, and The Dash Diet Mediterranean Solution presents a new approach to the time tested diet program that highlights the benefits of whole foods. Marla Heller, MS RD has overhauled the DASH plan to reflect the latest, cutting-edge research on hypertension, diabetes, depression, and other health issues that impact millions of Americans. Meal planning gets a new focus on unprocessed foods (less sugar free jello, more fresh fruits!), seafood options, and even a whole section examining vegan and vegetarian choices. Filled with four weeks of menus and tons of strategies and research, The Dash Diet Mediterranean Solution offers readers a new approach to their best health the DASH diet way.

Date Night Cookbook

by Rebecca Warbis

Date nights should all be magical occasions filled with fun, flirting and, most importantly, food! Whether you’re nervously planning a first date, enjoying a lazy night in or marking a special anniversary, Date Night Cookbook has the perfect creative and memorable foodie accompaniment to your romantic plans. Happy cooking! #datenightcookbook

Date Night In: More than 120 Recipes to Nourish Your Relationship

by Ashley Rodriguez

Rekindle the romance at home with a weekly date night, one on one, over an absolutely delicious meal for two.Sweethearts, spouses, and parents Ashley and Gabe Rodriguez found themselves deep into marriage and child-rearing when they realized they were missing the connection of their early relationship, and needed to prioritize each other. They instituted a weekly date night at home to sauté, roast, mix, dice, and spend time reconnecting over delicious meals like: Crostini with Ricotta, Prosciutto, and Peas Tomato and Fennel Gazpacho with Dungeness Crab Fennel-Crusted Lamb Chops Dulce de Leche and Nectarine Creamsicles Simply carving out time to talk, cook, and eat together can be the relationship-booster you need to keep the spark alive. Just don't forget the cocktail (try a Rhubarb Sour or a Grapefruit 75). Make date night an integral part of your week and woo your partner all over again with food, drink, and sparkling conversation.Packed with tantalizing and delicious recipes, Date Night In is a must-have cookbook for any couple who wants to spice things up with special seasonal meals at home around a table for two.

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