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Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve 'Unexplained' Infertility

by Jaclyn M. Downs

Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve 'Unexplained' Infertility provides cutting-edge information and solutions to help support the worldwide rise of fertility challenges. It addresses common, yet not commonly known, root causes of oxidative stress that are at the heart of reproductive issues (and all chronic health issues). These solutions can help enhance the outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) or support women to avoid them altogether. Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve 'Unexplained' Infertility will show you how to improve cell health (including egg and sperm), lower inflammation, balance nervous system functioning, and optimize genetic expression, allowing the body to return to its naturally fertile state. It details information on numerous root causes of health-derailing inflammation and oxidative stress, while the appendices discuss the genetic and biochemical pathways related to these topics. Each chapter also provides easy “Action Steps” that can be implemented immediately. Chapter topics include iron dysregulation; oxalates; mold/mycotoxins; phase 2 liver detoxification pathways; fat utilization; introductory information on genetics, epigenetics, and nutrigenomics; everything one needs to know about histamine intolerance; and how these factors adversely affect metabolic and reproductive functions. Enhancing Fertility through Functional Medicine: Using Nutrigenomics to Solve 'Unexplained' Infertility is the handbook for people wanting to achieve and sustain a healthy pregnancy. It highlights lesser-known causes of fertility challenges the reader can learn how to investigate. This book also serves as a reference guide for practitioners, providing them with additional tools to add to their repertoires when other protocols have not been effective. It may also provide clarity as to why other protocols did not work and will enable the practitioner to custom-tailor protocols for each patient.

Enjoy: New Veg With Dash

by Nadine Abensur

Contemporary vegetarian food – without a lentil in sight. Enjoy will appeal to vegetarians, certainly, but also to the large numbers of people who like eating fresh, full-flavoured, original food – which just happens not to have meat or fish in it.

Entertaining at Home

by Rachel Allen

Bestselling TV cook Rachel Allen brings her down-to-earth style and easy-to-follow recipes to entertaining in this, her ‘Entertaining At Home’ cookbook.

Entertaining with the Sopranos

by Allen Rucker David Chase Carmela Soprano Michele Scicolone Kathleen Renda

Fans of a certain multi-award-winning HBO® dramatic series and lovers of fine eating everywhere made The Sopranos Family Cookbook a runaway #1 bestseller, thanks to its intimate vignettes and delectable Old Country recipes. But that just got the party started. Now comes the ultimate guide to making every event the perfect occasion, served up by the Garden State's most gracious hostess, Carmela Soprano. From graduation parties to holiday gatherings to poolside barbecues, Carmela gives you everything you need to keep your personal crew as happy as a clam in red sauce: over 75 delicious new Neapolitan-based recipes as well as scores of Soprano-approved tips on picking the ideal location, choosing tasteful decorations, whipping up the best drinks, and selecting the right music. Sweetening the festa are dozens of never-seen illustrations and insightful commentaries from Soprano relatives and intimates. You'll find "AJ" Soprano's confirmation invitation, advice on "party anxiety" from therapist Dr. Jennifer Melfi, a term paper by Meadow Soprano on "Why My Grandmother Can't Cook," advice from family friend Paulie Walnuts on throwing a surprise party, and much, much more. Unsure about wine? Follow the advice of Artie Bucco, proprietor of the renowned Nuovo Vesuvio restaurant in Newark, New Jersey: "If you have steak, a `big' meat dish, think of a `big' red wine like a California Burgundy. I guess you could match it with a big white wine, too, but I don't know of any big white wines." Want to surprise with a birthday gift? Model yours after what Carmela plans on giving her husband, waste management executive Tony Soprano, on his fiftieth: a Dean Martin impersonator, an outdoor screening of his favorite film, The Public Enemy, starring James Cagney, and a monogrammed putter. (But no ritzy watch. He has a dozen of them.) Planning a wedding? Find inspiration in the vision of Carmela's sister-in-law, Janice Soprano Baccilieri: "As guests enter a cathedral of pines, they would pass an ancient wishing well where they could deposit small presents or deep thoughts about life and love. Ideally, I would love for the whole ceremony to be done in the nude, but unfortunately, the time for that kind of pagan openness has long passed." Flustered by funerals? Heed the wise suggestions for his own wake from Tony's Uncle Corrado "Junior" Soprano: "A lot of food, no crap, a lot of homemade Bucassi vino, a nice speech from Bobby Bacala, since he was always the nicest to me of all those bums, and me singing like Caruso on the Victrola." In Carmela's words: "What's closer to a celebration of life than celebrations? Look for them, jump into them, charger plates and all, and have a ball."

Entwicklung und Transfer pflegewissenschaftlicher Konzepte in die Praxis: Ernährungsversorgung im Krankenhaus (Best of Pflege)

by Renate Wientjens

In diesem Buch untersucht die Autorin am Beispiel Ernährung, wie wissenschaftliche Konzepte für die Praxis entwickelt und eingeführt werden können. Mit der Anwendung in Gesundheits- und Pflegeeinrichtungen können Leistungen der Berufsgruppen inhaltlich aufeinander abgestimmt und verschiedene Instrumente und Verfahren miteinander kombiniert werden. Am konkreten Beispiel des Phänomens Mangelernährung im Krankenhaus wird in Form von zentralen Themenbereichen die Basis für ein zu entwickelndes Praxiskonzept zur Verfügung gestellt. Ein Good-Practice-Beispiel rundet die Untersuchung ab.

Enzyme Inactivation in Food Processing: Technologies, Materials, and Applications (Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering)

by Megh R. Goyal Junaid Ahmad Malik Ravi Pandiselvam

Enzyme inactivation in fruits and vegetables is of utmost importance regarding food quality during storage. This new volume explores important emerging technologies for the inactivation of enzymes in the design and preservation of food. The book covers the basic concepts and chemical methods and then introduces novel processing technologies for inactivating food enzymes. The new technologies are many: pulsed electric field, ultraviolet and light-emitting diodes, ohmic heating, dense-phased carbon dioxide, cold plasma, ultrasonication, microwave processing, radiofrequency, extraction, and others. The volume also looks at the design of nutraceutical-based functional foods, specific foods for gut-microbiodata, the use of omega-3 fatty acids to fortify food products, and the characteristics of dairy-based dry powders, and characteristics of millet starches. It also considers the role of the bioactive compounds and metal ions for catalases secreted by medicinal plants and mushrooms for enzyme inactivation and biosensing, along with the role of bionanomaterials in nanoencapsulation and catalysis.

Enzyme Inactivation in Food Processing: Technologies, Materials, and Applications (Innovations in Agricultural & Biological Engineering)

by Megh R. Goyal Junaid Ahmad Malik Ravi Pandiselvam

Enzyme inactivation in fruits and vegetables is of utmost importance regarding food quality during storage. This new volume explores important emerging technologies for the inactivation of enzymes in the design and preservation of food. The book covers the basic concepts and chemical methods and then introduces novel processing technologies for inactivating food enzymes. The new technologies are many: pulsed electric field, ultraviolet and light-emitting diodes, ohmic heating, dense-phased carbon dioxide, cold plasma, ultrasonication, microwave processing, radiofrequency, extraction, and others. The volume also looks at the design of nutraceutical-based functional foods, specific foods for gut-microbiodata, the use of omega-3 fatty acids to fortify food products, and the characteristics of dairy-based dry powders, and characteristics of millet starches. It also considers the role of the bioactive compounds and metal ions for catalases secreted by medicinal plants and mushrooms for enzyme inactivation and biosensing, along with the role of bionanomaterials in nanoencapsulation and catalysis.

Epilepsy and the Ketogenic Diet (Nutrition and Health)

by Carl E. Stafstrom and Jong M. Rho

The Nutrition and Health series of books has an overriding mission to provide health professionals with texts that are considered essential because each includes: (1) a synthe­ sis of the state of the science, (2) timely, in -depth reviews by the leading researchers in their respective fields, (3) extensive, up-to-date, fully annotated reference lists, (4) a detailed index, (5) relevant tables and figures, (6) identification of paradigm shifts and the consequences, (7) suggestions of areas for future research, and (8) balanced, data­ driven answers to patient /health professionals questions that are based upon the totality of evidence rather than the findings of any single study. The series volumes are not the outcome of a symposium. Rather, each editor has the potential to examine a chosen area with a broad perspective, both in subject matter as well as in the choice of chapter authors. The international perspective, especially with regard to public health initiatives, is emphasized where appropriate. The editors, whose trainings are both research- and practice-oriented, have the opportunity to develop a primary objective for their book; define the scope and focus, and then invite the leading authorities from around the world to be part oftheir initiative. The authors are encouraged to provide an overview of the field, discuss their own research, and relate the research findings to potential human health consequences.

Eric Lanlard's Afternoon Tea

by Eric Lanlard

Master pâtissier and baker to the stars Eric Lanlard returns with a gorgeous new book crammed with deliciously achievable recipes for the perfect afternoon tea.With 90 recipes for sweet and savoury treats, this book contains all the cakes, pastries, tarts and biscuits you could wish for, from Gruyère Eclairs to Pistachio and Rosewater Scones. In addition, menu ideas offer the perfect combination of flavours for your afternoon tea.Whether you're throwing a lavish tea party or simply looking for that perfect Coffee Cake recipe, this is the must-have afternoon tea cookbook.

Erica White’s Beat Candida Cookbook: Over 250 Recipes With A 4-point Plan For Attacking Candidiasis

by Erica White

The bestseller that has transformed the lives of thousands – this new edition is thoroughly updated with full factual revisions according to the latest research. From Erica White, nutritionist and one-time candida sufferer, this is the definitive guide to the anti-candida diet, with easy-to-make recipes that will cure you for good.

Ernährung bei Eisenmangel: Stoffwechsel - Bioverfügbarkeit - Diagnostik

by Klaus Günther

Rund ein Viertel der Weltbevölkerung ist von Eisenmangel betroffen, als besondere Risikogruppe gelten Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter sowie Kinder und Jugendliche. Das Fachbuch beschäftigt sich mit den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen rund um die Eisenversorgung des menschlichen Organismus mit natürlichen Lebensmittel. Dabei räumt es mit dem Irrglauben auf, dass pflanzliches Eisen weniger wertvoll ist als tierisches Eisen, indem es die Eisenaufnahme aus pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln über einen neu entdeckten Stoffwechselweg vorstellt. Daraus lassen sich neue Gesichtspunkte für Vegetarier und Veganer ableiten, die bislang zur Risikogruppe zählten. Des Weiteren widmet es sich den vielfältigen Diagnosemöglichkeiten eines Eisenmangels und beschreibt gängige Methoden zur Bestimmung der Bioverfügbarkeit von Eisen in Lebensmitteln. Neue Erkenntnisse über die Biochemie des Eisens im Hirnstoffwechsel, die Wechselwirkung von Eisen mit anderen Spurenelementen sowie praktische Hinweise für besondere Ernährungsweisen, Risikogruppen und Altersklassen und Kochrezepte mit einfachen Angaben zur Eisenaufnahme komplettieren das Werk. Das Buch richtet sich an Ernährungs- und Allgemeinmediziner, Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschafter, Diätologen, Apotheker und Ernährungsberater.

Ernährung bei Krebs nach den 5 Elementen der TCM

by Leo Auerbach Alexander Meng Susanne Schunder-Tatzber Shi Chun Wen

Die "Ernährung nach den fünf Elementen" fußt auf dem jahrtausendealten Erfahrungsschatz der traditionelle chinesischen Medizin (TCM) und wird auch zunehmend als Ergänzung zu modernen Krebstherapien angewendet. Dieses Buch liefert erstmalig einen guten und umfassenden Überblick. Jedes Nahrungsmittel wird nach TCM klassifiziert und kann nach Beschwerdebild und chinesischer Diagnostik individuell eingesetzt werden. Alle, die auch während einer Krebserkrankung mit einfachen Mitteln aktiv die eigene Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Familie optimieren wollen, finden in diesem Buch hilfreiche Ratschläge. Die zahlreich illustrierten und leicht nachvollziehbaren Rezepte erleichtern das Nachkochen auch wenn man keinen exotischen Gaumen hat und "ganz normal" kochen will. Durch eine konsequente Ernährung nach TCM können viele Begleitmedikamente weggelassen werden, sowie die Lebensqualität und der Heilungserfolg verbessert werden.

Ernährung im Alter: Praxishandbuch mit Checklisten für Pflege und Betreuung

by Brigitte Pleyer Alexandra Raidl

Das Buch befasst sich mit der veränderten Ernährungssituation im fortgeschrittenen Alter. Praxisnah werden Wege aufgezeigt, die hin zu einer gesunden, abwechslungsreichen und bedarfsgerechten Ernährung ohne viel Aufwand führen und im Pflegealltag integrierbar sind. Nach der übersichtlichen Darstellung der physiologischen und psychologischen Veränderungen werden hilfreiche Maßnahmen für den Alltag aus der Trias Ernährung, Bewegung und Psyche behandelt. Beispiele und zahlreiche Checklisten sind dabei für das Dokumentieren von Verbesserungen nützlich. Da Essen mehr Funktionen als nur eine reine Nahrungsaufnahme erfüllt, kommen auch soziale Aspekte, wie das gemeinsame Essen und die Bedeutung der Mahlzeit als Struktur für den Tagesablauf vor. Im umfangreichen Praxisteil sind Auswahl, Einkauf, Portionsgrößen und Zubereitung ebenso, wie die Küchenausstattung und das altersadaptierte Anrichten von Speisen behandelt. Zudem werden im Rezeptteil einfache Basisgerichte und Kombinationsbeispiele für den Essalltag angeboten. Nützliche Kontaktadressen runden das Thema ab. Das Buch richtet sich an stationäre und ambulante Pflegepersonen, Altenbetreuung, Heimhilfe, Ernährungsexperten und andere Gesundheitsberufe sowie Betroffene und Angehörige. Durch den didaktischen Aufbau ist es auch als Lehrbuch für die Aus- und Fortbildung in Ernährung im Alter geeignet.

Ernährung im Alter: Praxishandbuch mit Checklisten für Pflege und Betreuung

by Brigitte Pleyer Alexandra Raidl

Das Buch befasst sich mit der veränderten Ernährungssituation im fortgeschrittenen Alter. Praxisnah werden Wege aufgezeigt, die hin zu einer gesunden, abwechslungsreichen und bedarfsgerechten Ernährung ohne viel Aufwand führen und im Pflegealltag integrierbar sind. Nach der übersichtlichen Darstellung der physiologischen und psychologischen Veränderungen werden hilfreiche Maßnahmen für den Alltag aus der Trias Ernährung, Bewegung und Psyche behandelt. Beispiele und zahlreiche Checklisten sind dabei für das Dokumentieren von Verbesserungen nützlich. Essen erfüllt auch soziale Aspekte, wie das gemeinsame Essen und die Bedeutung der Mahlzeit als Struktur für den Tagesablauf. Es wird auch auf Folgen von Isolation wie zu Zeiten der Pandemie (COVID 19) eingegangen.Im umfangreichen Praxisteil sind Auswahl, Einkauf, Portionsgrößen und Zubereitung ebenso, wie die Küchenausstattung und das altersadaptierte Anrichten von Speisen behandelt. Zudem werden im Rezeptteil einfacheBasisgerichte und Kombinationsbeispiele für den Essalltag angeboten. Nützliche Kontaktadressen runden die Inhalte ab. Neu sind Informationen zu den kostenlosen iMooX-Selbstlernkursen: Essgenuss im Alter sowie Demenz und Ernährung.Das Buch richtet sich an stationäre und ambulante Pflegepersonen, Altenbetreuung, Heimhilfe, Ernährungsexperten und andere Gesundheitsberufe sowie Betroffene und Angehörige. Durch den didaktischen Aufbau ist es auch als Lehrbuch für die Aus- und Fortbildung geeignet.

Ernährungsmedizin Pädiatrie: Infusionstherapie und Diätetik

by Frank Jochum

Die Basis für eine gesunde Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist die bedarfsgerechte Zufuhr von Nährstoffen. Da eine systematische Lehre auf diesem Gebiet fehlt, bestehen häufig Wissensdefizite. Orientiert am Zertifikat Ernährungsmedizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, wurden für den Leitfaden die Grundlagen zusammengefasst und das therapeutische Vorgehen beschrieben. Die 2. Auflage bietet einen Praxisteil mit Übersichten und Berechnungshilfen zur klinischen Ernährung sowie Empfehlungen für die Nährstoffzufuhr.

Escape Into Cottagecore: Embrace Cosy Countryside Comfort In Your Everyday

by Ramona Jones

Find happiness in the natural world, be fully present where you are and free yourself from the expectations of others.

Escape the Diet Trap

by Dr. John Briffa

‘No need to count calories, go hungry or diet ever again’ The Times


by Ollie Dabbous

Ollie Dabbous is one of the UK's most exciting chefs. His restrained but stunning dishes celebrate the essence of ingredients and flavour. Essential is his first cookbook for home cooks and it is made up of 100 everyday recipes which Ollie has made faultless. These are pitch-perfect versions of familiar dishes like cauliflower cheese, risotto, tuna steak, roast beef and cheesecake. Each chapter takes a different ingredient type – from Grains through to Fruit and Berries – and the recipes are simple, unfussy and incredibly elegant.Ollie may be Michelin-starred but in this book he doesn't use complicated techniques or tools. He simply shares his intuitive approach to balancing, layering and tweaking ingredients to create perfect results time and again.

The Essential Air Fryer Cookbook: The Only Book You Need for Your Small, Medium, or Large Air Fryer

by Bruce Weinstein

Unleash the power of your air fryer with this comprehensive air fryer bible, featuring 300+ recipes designed for every size, brand, and model, from the authors of the bestselling Instant Pot Bible. Welcome to the air fryer revolution. More than 7 million Americans use air fryers to make the crispiest French fries or crunchiest chicken tenders without the mess or health concerns of deep-frying. But your air fryer can also sear a rib-eye steak in half the time it takes to heat up the grill, roast perfect vegetables, and reheat leftovers while putting your microwave to shame.Only The Essential Air Fryer Cookbook can show you how to make the most of this versatile kitchen appliance, for every meal of the day. Each of the 300-plus recipes gives ingredients and timings for every size of air fryer (from small 2-quart models to 10-quart ones), plus extra recipes to make each dish a complete, delicious meal.This comprehensive air fryer bible will help you make delicious roasted chicken and healthy vegetable sides, decadent desserts, delightful snacks, and crispy wings and tenders that beat take-out by a mile. And air-frying experts Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough offer customized ingredient lists and timings alongside clear, easy-to-follow directions that will have you cooking like a pro, no matter your skill level.You'll enjoy:Kale ChipsBetter-Than-Chinese-Take-Out Orange ChickenHearty Roasted Vegetable SoupCauliflower-Crust PizzaCrispy Ranch Chicken ThighsFried Green TomatoesJalapeño PoppersPerfect BroccoliniEasy CarnitasShrimp TeriyakiZucchini FriesBlueberry CrispChewy Coconut CakeFried OreosAnd more!

Essential Fatty Acids: Sources, Processing Effects, and Health Benefits

by Sanju Bala Dhull Sneh Punia Kawaljit Singh Sandhu

Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that humans must ingest because the body requires them for good health, but it cannot synthesize itself. Therefore, such nutrients need to be supplied from either diet or dietary supplements. Recent studies raised scientific and medical interest in the beneficial effects of these fatty acids on brain and retina function, as well as reducing ill health effects, such as cardio-metabolic diseases. Thus, there is an interest in developing requirements and dietary recommendations. Essential Fatty Acids: Sources, Processing Effects, and Health Benefits provides a systematic introduction and comprehensive information about the essentiality of diets rich in omega fatty acids for successful human growth, development and disease prevention. This book presents detailed knowledge about essential fatty acids, their different food sources, biochemistry, and metabolism. It provides a comprehensive assessment of current knowledge about the effects of various processing and storage conditions on essential fatty acids, their bioavailability and supplementation in foods and diet. Chapters highlight the contribution of essential fatty acids in prevention and improvement of various conditions such as heart problems, arthritis, cancer, brain and bone health, especially in developing fetuses and children. Key Features: Presents comprehensive information on nutritional and health aspects of fats and essential fatty acids Contains a wealth of information on the structure, sources, biochemistry and nutritional properties of essential fatty acids Provides the latest information about the changes in essential fatty acids during various processing and storage conditions Highlights the bioavailability, supplementation and dietary requirements of these fatty acids By bringing together diverse areas of biochemistry, storage, as well as processing behavior and dietary requirements, this book lays the groundwork for striking expansion in our understanding of these important biochemicals and their role in health and disease prevention. Essential Fatty Acids will be of interest to a large and varied audience of researchers in academia, industry, nutrition, dietetics, food science, agriculture, and regulators.

Essential Fatty Acids: Sources, Processing Effects, and Health Benefits

by Sanju Bala Dhull, Sneh Punia, Kawaljit Singh Sandhu

Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that humans must ingest because the body requires them for good health, but it cannot synthesize itself. Therefore, such nutrients need to be supplied from either diet or dietary supplements. Recent studies raised scientific and medical interest in the beneficial effects of these fatty acids on brain and retina function, as well as reducing ill health effects, such as cardio-metabolic diseases. Thus, there is an interest in developing requirements and dietary recommendations. Essential Fatty Acids: Sources, Processing Effects, and Health Benefits provides a systematic introduction and comprehensive information about the essentiality of diets rich in omega fatty acids for successful human growth, development and disease prevention. This book presents detailed knowledge about essential fatty acids, their different food sources, biochemistry, and metabolism. It provides a comprehensive assessment of current knowledge about the effects of various processing and storage conditions on essential fatty acids, their bioavailability and supplementation in foods and diet. Chapters highlight the contribution of essential fatty acids in prevention and improvement of various conditions such as heart problems, arthritis, cancer, brain and bone health, especially in developing fetuses and children. Key Features: Presents comprehensive information on nutritional and health aspects of fats and essential fatty acids Contains a wealth of information on the structure, sources, biochemistry and nutritional properties of essential fatty acids Provides the latest information about the changes in essential fatty acids during various processing and storage conditions Highlights the bioavailability, supplementation and dietary requirements of these fatty acids By bringing together diverse areas of biochemistry, storage, as well as processing behavior and dietary requirements, this book lays the groundwork for striking expansion in our understanding of these important biochemicals and their role in health and disease prevention. Essential Fatty Acids will be of interest to a large and varied audience of researchers in academia, industry, nutrition, dietetics, food science, agriculture, and regulators.

The Essential Guide to Foods that Heal

by Suzannah Olivier

Nutritionist Suzannah Olivier reveals the active chemicals in food that boost our immune system and help us to fight disease. She explains how what we eat can improve our energy levels and lift our mood, and why arthritis, high blood pressure and many other chronic conditions can be relieved by simple changes to the food we eat.

The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements

by Dr Sarah Brewer

A bewildering range of vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements is now widely available to us all, but information about their health benefits cannot be given on the packaging as it would constitute a health claim. In this jargon-free guide leading expert on sensible supplementation, Dr Sarah Brewer, sets out all you need to know about the main supplements, and suggests which to take for specific health problems. It includes:A-Z guide to 150 supplements for a brighter and healthier life.Clearly explains the benefits, possible side effects and contraindications.Thoroughly sets out the research evidence to back their efficacy.Recommends supplements for common problems such as IBS, chronic fatigue, recurrent candida and arthritis.Packed with clear and concise answers, this essential guide explains the use of supplements to maintain or improve your daily health.

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