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War and Embodied Memory: Becoming Disabled in Sierra Leone (PDF)

by Maria Berghs

How do you become an 'amputee', 'war-wounded', 'victim' or 'disabled' person? This book describes how an amputee and war-wounded community was created after a decade long conflict (1991-2002) in Sierra Leone. Beginning with a general socio-cultural and historical analysis of what is understood by impairment and disability, it also explains how disability was politically created both during the conflict and post-conflict, as violence became part of the everyday. Despite participating in the neoliberal rebuilding of the nation state, ex-combatants and the security of the nation were the government#65533;s main priorities, not amputee and war-wounded people. In order to survive, people had to form partnerships with NGOs and participate in new discourses and practices around disability and rights, thus accessing identities of 'disabled' or 'persons with disabilities'. NGOs, charities and religious organisations that understood impairment and disability were most successful at aiding this community of people. However, since discourse and practice on disability were mainly bureaucratic, top-down, and not democratic about mainstreaming disability, neoliberal organisations and INGOs have caused a new colonisation of consciousness, and amputee and war-wounded people have had to become skilled in negotiating these new forms of subjectivities to survive.

The War on Disabled People: Capitalism, Welfare and the Making of a Human Catastrophe

by Ellen Clifford

In 2016, a United Nations report found the UK government culpable for 'grave and systematic violations' of disabled people's rights. Since then, driven by the Tory government's obsessive drive to slash public spending whilst scapegoating the most disadvantaged in society, the situation for disabled people in Britain has continued to deteriorate. Punitive welfare regimes, the removal of essential support and services, and an ideological regime that seeks to deny disability has resulted in a situation described by the UN as a 'human catastrophe'.In this searing account, Ellen Clifford – an activist who has been at the heart of resistance against the war on disabled people – reveals precisely how and why this state of affairs has come about. From spineless political opposition to self-interested disability charities, rightwing ideological myopia to the media demonization of benefits claimants, a shocking picture emerges of how the government of the fifth-richest country in the world has been able to marginalize disabled people with near-impunity. Even so, and despite austerity biting ever deeper, the fightback has begun, with a vibrant movement of disabled activists and their supporters determined to hold the government to account – the slogan 'Nothing About Us Without Us' has never been so apt. As this book so powerfully demonstrates, if Britain is to stand any chance of being a just and equitable society, their battle is one we should all be fighting.

The War on Disabled People: Capitalism, Welfare and the Making of a Human Catastrophe

by Ellen Clifford

Shortlisted for the Bread and Roses Award for Radical Publishing Award 2021 In 2016, a United Nations report found the UK government culpable for 'grave and systematic violations' of disabled people's rights. Since then, driven by the Tory government's obsessive drive to slash public spending whilst scapegoating the most disadvantaged in society, the situation for disabled people in Britain has continued to deteriorate. Punitive welfare regimes, the removal of essential support and services, and an ideological regime that seeks to deny disability has resulted in a situation described by the UN as a 'human catastrophe'.In this searing account, Ellen Clifford – an activist who has been at the heart of resistance against the war on disabled people – reveals precisely how and why this state of affairs has come about. From spineless political opposition to self-interested disability charities, rightwing ideological myopia to the media demonization of benefits claimants, a shocking picture emerges of how the government of the fifth-richest country in the world has been able to marginalize disabled people with near-impunity. Even so, and despite austerity biting ever deeper, the fightback has begun, with a vibrant movement of disabled activists and their supporters determined to hold the government to account – the slogan 'Nothing About Us Without Us' has never been so apt. As this book so powerfully demonstrates, if Britain is to stand any chance of being a just and equitable society, their battle is one we should all be fighting.

The Waves: For Children Living With OCD (Therapeutic Fairy Tales)

by Pia Jones

This beautifully illustrated and sensitive fairy tale has been created for children experiencing OCD (obsessive thoughts/compulsive behaviours). With engaging and gentle illustrations to help prompt conversation, it tells the story of a girl helped by an animal-guide to find ways to manage overwhelming feelings and intrusive thoughts. This book is also available to buy as part of the Therapeutic Fairy Tales, Volume 2 set, which includes The Sky Fox and Into The Forest. Therapeutic Fairy Tales Volume 1 (2021) and Volume 2 are both a series of short, modern tales dedicated to exploring challenging feelings and life situations that might be faced by young children.. Each fairy tale is designed to be used by parents, caregivers and professionals as they use stories therapeutically to support children’s mental and emotional health. Other books in the series include: ● The Sky Fox: For Children Experiencing Loneliness And Isolation ● Into The Forest: For Children Living With Anxiety ● The Night Crossing: A Lullaby For Children On Life’s Last Journey ● The Storm: For Children Growing Through Parents’ Separation ● The Island: For Children With A Parent Living With Depression ● Storybook Manual: An Introduction To Working With Storybooks Therapeutically And Creatively The Waves – part of the Therapeutic Fairy Tales series – is born out of a creative collaboration between Pia Jones and Sarah Pimenta.

We Are All Different: A Celebration of Diversity!

by Tracey Turner

Meet the children from one school, and their teachers, parents and carers. They have different kinds of families, likes and dislikes, cultures, ethnicities, abilities and disabilities... and LOTS in common!There are BILLIONS of wonderful ways to be human – as many ways as there are people on planet Earth. We Are All Different is an inspiring celebration of the fact that all of us are individuals. Written by Tracey Turner, it has been created in collaboration with several Inclusion Ambassadors from the Inclusive Minds organization.Vibrant and diverse, We Are All Different is both a beautiful gift book and a highly accessible home reference. It reinforces that everyone has something to offer, that diversity enriches our lives, and it also considers what all human beings have in common – that there is more that unites us than divides us.

We Carry Kevan: Six Friends. Three Countries. No Wheelchair.

by Kevan Chandler

Kevan is just one of the guys. It's impossible to know him and not become a little more excited about life. He is an inspiring man permeated by joy, unafraid of sorrow, full of vitality and life! His sense of humor is infectious and so is his story.He grew up, he says, at "belt-buckle level" and stayed there until Kevan's beloved posse decided to leave his wheelchair at the Atlanta airport, board a plane for France, and have his friends carry him around Europe to accomplish their dream to see the world together! Kevan's beloved posse traveled to Paris, England, and Ireland where, in the climax of their adventure, they scale 600 feet up to the 1,400-year-old monastic fortress of Skellig Michael.In WE CARRY KEVAN the reader sits with Kevan, one head-level above everyone else for the first time in his life and enjoys camaraderie unlike anything most people ever experience. Along the way they encounter the curiosity and beauty of strangers, the human family disarmed by grace, and the constant love of God so rich and beautiful in the company of good friends. WE CARRY KEVAN displays the profound power of friendship and self-sacrifice.

We Rule the Night

by Claire Eliza Bartlett

Two girls use forbidden magic to fly and fight--for their country and for themselves--in this riveting debut that's part Shadow and Bone, part Code Name Verity.Seventeen-year-old Revna is a factory worker, manufacturing war machines for the Union of the North. When she's caught using illegal magic, she fears being branded a traitor and imprisoned. Meanwhile, on the front lines, Linné defied her father, a Union general, and disguised herself as a boy to join the army. They're both offered a reprieve from punishment if they use their magic in a special women's military flight unit and undertake terrifying, deadly missions under cover of darkness. Revna and Linné can hardly stand to be in the same cockpit, but if they can't fly together, and if they can't find a way to fly well, the enemy's superior firepower will destroy them--if they don't destroy each other first.We Rule the Night is a fiercely compelling story about sacrifice, complicated friendships, and survival against impossible odds.

We Walk: Life with Severe Autism (The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work)

by Amy S. Lutz

In this collection of beautiful and raw essays, Amy S. F. Lutz writes openly about her experience—the positive and the negative—as a mother of a now twenty-one-year-old son with severe autism. Lutz's human emotion drives through each page and challenges commonly held ideas that define autism either as a disease or as neurodiversity. We Walk is inspired by her own questions: What is the place of intellectually and developmentally disabled people in society? What responsibilities do we, as citizens and human beings, have to one another? Who should decide for those who cannot decide for themselves? What is the meaning of religion to someone with no abstract language? Exploring these questions, We Walk directly—and humanly—examines social issues such as inclusion, religion, therapeutics, and friendship through the lens of severe autism. In a world where public perception of autism is largely shaped by the "quirky geniuses" featured on television shows like The Big Bang Theory and The Good Doctor, We Walk demands that we center our debates about this disorder on those who are most affected by its impacts.

The Weighted Blanket Guide: Everything You Need to Know about Weighted Blankets and Deep Pressure for Autism, Chronic Pain, and Other Conditions

by Eileen Parker Cara Koscinski

This concise guide provides everything you need to know about deep pressure and using weighted blankets to help with sensory integration, improve sleep, lessen anxiety, ease chronic pain, and more. Based on up-to-date research, it dispels online myths and provides reliable information on selecting safe and effective weighted blankets.

Wem gehört die Gebärdensprache?: Essays zu einer Kritik des Hörens (Edition Kulturwissenschaft #242)

by Tomas Vollhaber

Gebärdensprache ist sichtbar. Die Anwesenheit von Gebärdensprachdolmetscher*innen im öffentlichen Raum ist vertraut. Doch nicht nur für Gehörlose ist Gebärdensprache wichtig. Gebärdensprachkurse und -studiengänge sind bei Hörenden beliebt und zeugen von einer wachsenden Neugierde an dieser besonderen Sprache. Tomas Vollhaber bewegt sich auf einem Grat zwischen der Forderung nach Anerkennung der Interessen Gehörloser und der Entdeckung der Gebärdensprache durch Hörende. Mit seinen Essays wendet er sich an Menschen aus dem Bereich der Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft, der Deaf Studies und Disability Studies und an jene, die mehr vom Körper und seinen Sprachen erfahren wollen.

We're All Neurodiverse: How to Build a Neurodiversity-Affirming Future and Challenge Neuronormativity

by Sonny Jane Wise

"Neurodiversity has helped me understand myself and provided a sense of relief that I'm a whole neurodivergent person functioning as my brain intends.""It's provided me with the language to advocate for myself.""I no longer hated myself. I no longer felt broken. I found a sense of community. A sense of belonging"This affirming and thoughtful guide outlines how and why we need to fundamentally shift our thinking about neurodivergent people. We need to accept differences rather than framing them as a problem, abnormality or disorder. Welcome to the neurodiversity paradigm.At times challenging and radical, Sonny Jane Wise explores the intersections of neurodivergence with disability, gender, sexuality and race. Through interviews, narratives, and the lens of their own raw experiences, they consider how current systems and structures that impact neurodivergent people are rooted in outdated capitalist and racist frameworks, and how these need to change and adapt to be neurodiversity affirming. Sonny Jane's words are a rallying cry to challenge the pathology paradigm. They offer nine principles for facilitating change, reflected in deeply personal stories from the neurodivergent community.Powerful and persuasive, this book is a clarion call for a kinder and more neurodiversity affirming society.

Werten und Verwerten: Konventionen der Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Wirtschaft und Wohlfahrtstaat (Soziologie der Konventionen)

by Eva Nadai Alan Canonica Anna Gonon Fabienne Rotzetter Martin Lengwiler

Der Wohlfahrtstaat kann die Arbeitsmarktinklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen fördern, aber die Entscheidung über die Beschäftigung liegt bei der Wirtschaft. Diese Studie untersucht die Koordination von Arbeitgebern und Invalidenversicherung in der Schweiz und fragt, wie die Wertbestimmung von Arbeitskraft in politischen und betrieblichen Arenen verhandelt wird. Sie rekonstruiert historisch und ethnografisch die Strukturen und widersprüchlichen Rechtfertigungen der beruflichen Eingliederung, die im Konzept der begrenzten freiwilligen sozialen Verantwortung von Arbeitgebern zum Ausdruck kommen.

What Color is Monday?: How Autism Changed One Family for the Better

by Carrie Cariello

"One day Jack asked me, 'What color do you see for Monday?' 'What?' I said distractedly. 'Do you see days as colors?" Raising five children would be challenge enough for most parents, but when one of them has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, life becomes a bit more chaotic, a lot more emotional, and full of fascinating glimpses into a unique child's different way of thinking. In this moving memoir, Carrie Cariello invites us to take a peek into exactly what it takes to get through each day juggling the needs of her whole family. Through hilarious mishaps, honest insights, and heartfelt letters addressed to her children, she shows us the beauty and wonder of raising a child who views the world through a different lens, and how ultimately autism changed her family for the better.

What Color is Monday?: How Autism Changed One Family for the Better (PDF)

by Carrie Cariello

"One day Jack asked me, 'What color do you see for Monday?' 'What?' I said distractedly. 'Do you see days as colors?" Raising five children would be challenge enough for most parents, but when one of them has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, life becomes a bit more chaotic, a lot more emotional, and full of fascinating glimpses into a unique child's different way of thinking. In this moving memoir, Carrie Cariello invites us to take a peek into exactly what it takes to get through each day juggling the needs of her whole family. Through hilarious mishaps, honest insights, and heartfelt letters addressed to her children, she shows us the beauty and wonder of raising a child who views the world through a different lens, and how ultimately autism changed her family for the better.

What Did You Say? What Do You Mean?: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding Metaphors

by Jude Welton

Welton looks at one hundred of the most common figures of speech in this visual workbook designed as a springboard for family and classroom discussions. Each figure of speech is accompanied by an illustration showing its literal meaning, which will help AS children recognize and learn to enjoy metaphors and figurative language.

What I Want to Talk About: How Autistic Special Interests Shape a Life

by Pete Wharmby

'This book isn't a memoir. It is a love letter to the phenomenon of autistic hyperfixation.'In What I Want to Talk About popular autism advocate Pete Wharmby takes readers on a journey through his special interests, illuminating the challenges of autistic experience along the way. Funny, revealing, celebratory and powerful in equal measure, this is a book that will resonate with many, and which should be required reading for anyone who wants to understand autism with more accuracy and empathy.

What is it? (Rollercoaster Series)

by Paula Nagel

This is a focus on low mood associated with bereavement. Sam feels low and fed up, but doesn't understand why he feels this way. Everyone else has an opinion on the change in his behaviour. His teacher thinks he is being lazy and can't be bothered to finish his work, his mum thinks he is moody and bad tempered, his friends think he is no fun any more and turning into a bore. Comments like, 'Cheer up it might never happen', ' What has got into you?' and 'Do you want to talk about it?' just upset him even more. He doesn't know what the 'it' is, that is making him feel this way. He didn't even feel this bad when his cousin died a year ago! When he is kept behind in class for not completing his work he tells the teacher how confused and sad he feels. Connections are made between his feelings and the looming anniversary of his cousin's death. Sam is helped to understand that thoughts and feelings associated with bereavement can come and go for a long time, and can cause strong emotions. He is shown how to notice and share his feelings and to think about things he can do when he feels this way. He makes a memory box so he can also remember all the happy things about his cousin. In the 'Let's talk about .sadness and loss,' section, feelings associated with bereavement and helpful coping strategies are shared. Paul Nagel has worked as an educational psychologist for 17 years. This has included working as a Lead Professional Educational Psychologist managing a traded service, as well as holding Senior Specialist posts for early years and disability. Over the years Paula has worked in multi agency teams within paediatric services, youth offending teams, Sure Start and an anti bullying service. She is currently Principal Educational Psychologist (North) for the national children's mental health charity, Place2Be. Before qualifying as an Educational Psychologist Paula was a primary school teacher. Gary Bainbridge is an artist, comics creator and secondary school Art, Photography and Media Studies teacher from Durham. He's best known for the North East based kitchen sink superhero comic Sugar Glider and the Newcastle-set crime fiction comic, Nightbus. Gary teaches at an academy in Northumberland.

What is it?: But What If...; Mind Reading; Stuck On A Loop; Waht Is It? (Rollercoaster Series)

by Paula Nagel

This is a focus on low mood associated with bereavement. Sam feels low and fed up, but doesn't understand why he feels this way. Everyone else has an opinion on the change in his behaviour. His teacher thinks he is being lazy and can't be bothered to finish his work, his mum thinks he is moody and bad tempered, his friends think he is no fun any more and turning into a bore. Comments like, 'Cheer up it might never happen', ' What has got into you?' and 'Do you want to talk about it?' just upset him even more. He doesn't know what the 'it' is, that is making him feel this way. He didn't even feel this bad when his cousin died a year ago! When he is kept behind in class for not completing his work he tells the teacher how confused and sad he feels. Connections are made between his feelings and the looming anniversary of his cousin's death. Sam is helped to understand that thoughts and feelings associated with bereavement can come and go for a long time, and can cause strong emotions. He is shown how to notice and share his feelings and to think about things he can do when he feels this way. He makes a memory box so he can also remember all the happy things about his cousin. In the 'Let's talk about .sadness and loss,' section, feelings associated with bereavement and helpful coping strategies are shared. Paul Nagel has worked as an educational psychologist for 17 years. This has included working as a Lead Professional Educational Psychologist managing a traded service, as well as holding Senior Specialist posts for early years and disability. Over the years Paula has worked in multi agency teams within paediatric services, youth offending teams, Sure Start and an anti bullying service. She is currently Principal Educational Psychologist (North) for the national children's mental health charity, Place2Be. Before qualifying as an Educational Psychologist Paula was a primary school teacher. Gary Bainbridge is an artist, comics creator and secondary school Art, Photography and Media Studies teacher from Durham. He's best known for the North East based kitchen sink superhero comic Sugar Glider and the Newcastle-set crime fiction comic, Nightbus. Gary teaches at an academy in Northumberland.

What Is It Like to Be Me?: A Book About a Boy with Asperger's Syndrome

by Katarina Kompan Erzar Branka D Jurisic Tony Attwood Alenka Klemenc Ursa Rozic

Join Greg, a young boy with Asperger's syndrome (AS), as he tells us all about the world as he sees and experiences it. We learn about all the things he loves, including his routine and numbers, as well as his special interest in batteries (he even has a rectangular one!). Greg also tells us about the things that he finds challenging, from a change in his beloved routine to reading facial expressions, and how these things can sometimes leave him upset and overwhelmed. By explaining the way he feels and how best to calm him down when it all gets too much, Greg helps us to understand AS and how it affects the way he views the people and objects around him. With comprehensive sections for parents and professionals on AS and the impact it can have on the family unit and life in the wider community, this charmingly illustrated book helps to increase awareness and understanding of Asperger's syndrome. It will be of interest to families of children with autism spectrum disorders, as well as teachers and other professionals working with children on the autism spectrum.

What Is It Like to Be Me?: A Book About a Boy with Asperger's Syndrome (PDF)

by Alenka Klemenc Branka D Jurisic Katarina Kompan Erzar Tony Attwood Ursa Rozic

Join Greg, a young boy with Asperger's syndrome (AS), as he tells us all about the world as he sees and experiences it. We learn about all the things he loves, including his routine and numbers, as well as his special interest in batteries (he even has a rectangular one!). Greg also tells us about the things that he finds challenging, from a change in his beloved routine to reading facial expressions, and how these things can sometimes leave him upset and overwhelmed. By explaining the way he feels and how best to calm him down when it all gets too much, Greg helps us to understand AS and how it affects the way he views the people and objects around him. With comprehensive sections for parents and professionals on AS and the impact it can have on the family unit and life in the wider community, this charmingly illustrated book helps to increase awareness and understanding of Asperger's syndrome. It will be of interest to families of children with autism spectrum disorders, as well as teachers and other professionals working with children on the autism spectrum.

What Is Menopause?: A Guide for People with Autism, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

by Kate E. Reynolds

This carefully written and explicitly illustrated book provides an explanation of menopause for people with autism and special education needs and disabilities (SEND). It helps readers to understand the physical processes and symptoms of menopause, as well as important practical information, such as how to cope with the emotional and hormonal changes in menopause, complementary therapies and tips on how to effectively communicate your experiences to support networks and professionals such as, doctors and therapists.Menopause is rarely recognised or addressed with people who have autism, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) yet it has a significant impact on their daily living. This book frankly explains what constitutes menopause, that it is part of the life course and can be actively managed. As part of the 'Healthy Loving, Healthy Living' series, this book is written in gender neutral and inclusive language.

What Is Pregnancy?: A Guide for People with Autism, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Healthy Loving, Healthy Living)

by Kate E. Reynolds

This carefully written and illustrated book provides an explanation of pregnancy for people with autism and special education needs and disabilities (SEND). It helps readers to understand the physical processes of pregnancy, as well as important practical information, such as how to stay healthy in pregnancy, antenatal care, the role of the midwife and the involvement of partners.Many people with autism and SEND may want or plan to have children. Many women who have autism, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have poor experiences of prenatal and postnatal care and high levels of stress, anxiety and depression or do not disclose their pregnancy until far into their terms due to fears of forced termination. This book frankly explains pregnancy so that the reader has a clear understanding of what constitutes pregnancy, what happens during labour and is aware of their legal right to create a family.

What Is Sex?: A Guide for People with Autism, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (Healthy Loving, Healthy Living)

by Kate E. Reynolds

This carefully written and illustrated book provides an explanation of sex for people with autism and special education needs and disabilities (SEND). It helps readers to understand the physical processes as well as important issues such as consent and sexual safety, helping them to develop positive relationships.Many people with autism and SEND have or will have intimate relationships. Often sex is alluded to, rather than being carefully explored. This can create confusion around consent, sexual health, and pregnancy, and cause people to turn to dubious online information. This book frankly explains sex so that the reader has a clear understanding of what constitutes sex, knowledge of the proper names for sexual organs and sexual activities, and is aware of the potential physical consequences of having sex.

What it Means to be Human: An Intimate Story Of What It Means To Be Human

by Robert Rowland Smith

What is the role of fate in our lives? Why should we avoid repeating patterns? And how can we identify our purpose?

What Makes Us Stronger

by Freya Lewis

The Manchester Arena attack nearly destroyed her.Love and courage saved her.Freya Lewis was just three metres away from the terrorist who detonated the bomb at the Manchester arena on the night of 22nd May 2017. Her best friend Nell was tragically killed, but Freya - thrown forwards by the blast - somehow survived. She suffered 29 separate injuries, was in a coma for five days, and wheelchair-bound for three months.Yet just 12 months later, she was on her feet, running the Junior Great Manchester Run and raising £60,000 for the hospital that saved her. From her darkest moment, she found the determination to live life to the fullest, for herself, and for those who lost their lives.This is Freya's courageous story. But it is also the story of the amazing community that surrounded her, uplifted her, and ultimately saved her life.What Makes Us Stronger is a testament to the power of hope and positivity.

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