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Geologischer Führer der Region Basel (Veröffentlichungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Musuem Basel #19)


Die Geologie eines überbauten, dicht besiedelten oder intensiv Basel und Umgebung» ist zurzeit noch erhältlich und kann als kultivierten Gebietes zu ermitteln, stellt an den kartierenden Einführung empfohlen werden; ebenso der stratigraphische Füh­ Geologen besondere Anforderungen. Oft bilden gelegentliche rer von C. DISLER (1941). Baugruben, zeitlich beschränkt sichtbare Weganschnitte und Einen Einblick in die Geologie im allgemeinen, in die mass­ 1 andere temporäre die einzigen direkten Beobach­ gebenden Prozesse und die hieraus entstehenden Gesteine ver­ mittelt in eindrücklicher Weise die Ausstellung «Die Erde» im tungspunkte. Auch die früher zahlreichen Steinbrüche, einen dokumentarischen Wert. Die von P.

Geologisches Wanderbuch: Eine Einführung in die Geologie an Bildern deutscher Charakterlandschaften (Teubners naturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek)

by Karl G. Volk

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Geologisches Wörterbuch

by Martin Meschede Hans Murawski Wilhelm Meyer

Von Aa-Lava bis ZylinderfalteÜber 5000 Begriffe aus der Geologie und ihren Nachbarwissenschaften stellt das Geologische Wörterbuch anhand kurzer Erläuterungen und einer Vielzahl von erklärenden Abbildungen vor. Das Buch wendet sich sowohl an Fachleute als auch an die Liebhaber der Geowissenschaften. Es will zum Verstehen geowissenschaftlicher Texte beitragen und ist zugleich ein wichtiger Studienbegleiter für angehende Geowissenschaftler.Die 13. Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und neugestaltet. Die Begriffe wurden konsequent im Sinne der aktuell gültigen Theorie der Plattentektonik erläutert, wobei alte, überkommene Begriffe (wie z. B. Geosynklinale) nicht herausgenommen, sondern mit entsprechenden Erklärungen versehen und als heute nicht mehr verwendet gekennzeichnet wurden. Neu hinzugekommen ist die englische Übersetzung für jeden einzelnen Fachbegriff als Hilfestellung zum Verfassen geowissenschaftlicher Texte in englischer Sprache. Sämtliche Abbildungen sind in der neuen Ausgabe farbig angelegt. Sie wurden z. T. aus der vorherigen Auflage in überarbeiteter Form übernommen, zum größten Teil aber ganz neu erstellt.

Geologisches Wörterbuch

by Hans Murawski Wilhelm Meyer

Das Ziel des Buches ist es, vor allem in der Deutschen Literatur auftretende Fachwörter aus der Geologie und ihren Grenzgebieten in möglichst umfassender, jedoch knapper Form zu erklären. Diese Grundkonz- tion verlangt eine sehr starke textliche Verdichtung, was sich vor allem bei den Texten der Sammelstichworte bemerkbar macht. Durch die Einführung dieser Erläuterungsmethode finden sich vielfach im Text Einzelsti- worte, die lediglich einen Hinweis auf die Erläuterung bei einem bestimmten Sammelstichwort aufweisen (z. B. : Axialgefälle? Querfaltung). Weiterhin wurde zur sinnvollen Verknüpfung von Stichwörtern im Text selber oder im Anschluss an ihn ein Hinweis auf verwandte Stichwörter gegeben (z. B. : bei ,Benthos‘, s. a. Nekton, Plankton). Weiterhin ist in der vorliegenden Auflage des Buches wieder – dem Wunsche zahlreicher Rezensenten folgend – in verstärktem Maße der Hinweis auf die jeweiligen Erstautoren der einzelnen Begriffe angebracht worden. Es ist hier zu beachten, dass die Signatur: (*L. MILCH, 1894) angeben soll, dass der genannte Autor diesen Begriff zum genannten Zeitpunkt in die wissenschaftliche Literatur eingeführt hat. Dabei wurde keine Rücksicht darauf genommen, ob der Begriff heute noch im gleichen Definitionssinne gebraucht wird. Vielfach gelang es trotz mühsamen Suchens nicht, den Erstautor zu entdecken (keine Angabe im Text oder – wenn möglich – der Vermerk: z. B. ,… schon bei C. F. NAUMANN, 1850‘), oder es blieb ungewiss, ob der Genannte wirklich der Erstautor gewesen ist (z. B. ,… wahrscheinlich A. G. WERNER‘ oder ,? *E. SUESS, 1883‘).

Geology: Basics for Engineers

by Aurele Parriaux

Geology – Basics for Engineers presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space. The book shows the engineer how to take geological conditions into account in his projects, and how to exploit a wide range of natural resources in an intelligent way, reduce geological hazards, and manage subsurface pollution.Through a problem-based-learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students (undergraduate and graduate level), as well as to experts in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, architecture, land and urban planning. The DVD that supplements the book contains solutions to the problems and animations that show additional facets of the living Earth. *The original French edition of the book (2007) won the prestigious Roberval Prize, an international contest organized by the University of Technology of Compiegne in collaboration with the General Council of Oise, France. Geology, Basics for Engineers, was selected out of a total of 110 candidates.The jury praised the book as a “very well conceived teaching textbook” and underscored its highly didactic nature, as well as the excellent quality of its illustrations.

Geology: Basics for Engineers

by Aurele Parriaux

Geology – Basics for Engineers presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space. The book shows the engineer how to take geological conditions into account in his projects, and how to exploit a wide range of natural resources in an intelligent way, reduce geological hazards, and manage subsurface pollution.Through a problem-based-learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students (undergraduate and graduate level), as well as to experts in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, architecture, land and urban planning. The DVD that supplements the book contains solutions to the problems and animations that show additional facets of the living Earth. *The original French edition of the book (2007) won the prestigious Roberval Prize, an international contest organized by the University of Technology of Compiegne in collaboration with the General Council of Oise, France. Geology, Basics for Engineers, was selected out of a total of 110 candidates.The jury praised the book as a “very well conceived teaching textbook” and underscored its highly didactic nature, as well as the excellent quality of its illustrations.

Geology: Basics for Engineers, Second Edition

by Aurèle Parriaux

Geology – Basics for Engineers (second edition) presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the Earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space. The book shows the engineer how to take geological conditions into account in their projects, and how to exploit a wide range of natural resources in an intelligent way, reduce geological hazards, and manage subsurface pollution. This second edition has been fully revised and updated. Through a problem-based learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students (undergraduate and graduate level), as well as to experts in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, architecture, land and urban planning. Free digital supplements to the book, found on the book page, contain solutions to the problems and animations that show additional facets of the living Earth. The original French edition of the book (2007) won the prestigious Roberval Prize, an international contest organized by the University of Technology of Compiegne in collaboration with the General Council of Oise, France. Geology, Basics for Engineers was selected out of a total of 110 candidates. The jury praised the book as a "very well conceived teaching textbook" and underscored its highly didactic nature, as well as the excellent quality of its illustrations.

Geology: Basics for Engineers, Second Edition

by Aurèle Parriaux

Geology – Basics for Engineers (second edition) presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the Earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space. The book shows the engineer how to take geological conditions into account in their projects, and how to exploit a wide range of natural resources in an intelligent way, reduce geological hazards, and manage subsurface pollution. This second edition has been fully revised and updated. Through a problem-based learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students (undergraduate and graduate level), as well as to experts in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, architecture, land and urban planning. Free digital supplements to the book, found on the book page, contain solutions to the problems and animations that show additional facets of the living Earth. The original French edition of the book (2007) won the prestigious Roberval Prize, an international contest organized by the University of Technology of Compiegne in collaboration with the General Council of Oise, France. Geology, Basics for Engineers was selected out of a total of 110 candidates. The jury praised the book as a "very well conceived teaching textbook" and underscored its highly didactic nature, as well as the excellent quality of its illustrations. Features: Offers an exhaustive outline of the methods and techniques used in geology, with a study of the nature and properties of the principal soils and rocks Helps students understand how geological conditions should be taken into account by the engineer by taking a problem-solving approach Contains extensive figures and examples, solutions to probems, and illustrative animations Presents a highly didactic and synthetic work intended for engineering students as well as experts in civil engineering, environmental engineering, the earth sciences, and architecture

Geology: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub

by David Rothery

Written by David Rothery, who is Professor of Planetary Geosciences at the Open University, Geology: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear English, and then providing added-value features like a glossary of the essential jargon terms, links to useful websites, and even examples of questions you might be asked in a seminar or exam.The book uses a structure chosen to cover the essentials of most school and university courses on Geology. Topics covered include the Earth's structure, earthquakes, plate tectonics, volcanoes, igneous intrusions, metamorphism, weathering, erosion, deposition, deformation, physical resources, past life and fossils, the history of the Earth, Solar System geology, and geological fieldwork. There are useful appendices of minerals, rock names and geological time.

Geology and Ecosystems

by Igor S. Zektser Brian Marker John Ridgway Liliya Rogachevskaya Genrikh Vartanyan

This book was prepared for publication by an International Working Group of experts under the auspices of COGEOENVIRONMENT - the Commission of the International Union of Geological Sciences (lUGS) on Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning and lUGS-GEM (Commission on Geosciences for Environmental Management). The main aim of the Working Group "Geology and Ecosystems" was to develop an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the mechanisms and special features within the "living tissue - inert nature" system under different regional, geological, and anthropogenic conditions. This activity requires international contributions from many scientific fields. It requires efforts from scientists specializing in fields such as: environmental impacts of extractive industries, anthropogenic development and medical problems related to geology and ecosystem interaction, the prediction of the geoenvironmental evolution of ecosystems, etc. The Working Group determined the goal and objectives of the book, developed the main content, discussed the parts and chapters, and formed the team of authors and the Editorial Board. The Meetings of the Working Group (Vilnius, Lithuania, 2002 and Warsaw-Kielniki, Poland, 2003) were dedicated to discussion and approval of the main content of all chapters in the Book.

Geology and Environment In Britain and Ireland

by Nigel Woodcock

A complete introductory text on an increasingly popular subject, "Geology and Environment in Britain and Ireland" aims to provide suitably broad coverage for students requiring a treatment clearly foucused on familiar examples but retaining a global perspective. The book summarizes for Earth and environmental scientists the ways in which geology re

Geology and Geochemistry of Molybdenum Deposits in the Qinling Orogen, P R China (Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences #22)

by YanJing Chen Franco Pirajno Nuo Li XiaoHua Deng YongFei Yang

This book is the first systematic treatise of available data and view-points obtained from geological and geochemical studies of the Mo deposits in Qinling Orogen, China. Qinling Orogen has a minimum reserve of 8.7 Mt Mo, ranking the largest molybdenum province both in China and the world. Incorporating all known Mo deposit types in the world, it presents extensive studies of Mo deposits of world-class and unusual types within tectonic settings. The Qinling Orogen was finally formed during continental collision between Yangtze and North China cratons, following the Triassic closure of the northernmost paleo-Tethys. It hosts 49 Mo deposits formed in seven mineralization events since 1850 Ma, with all the world-class deposits being formed during 160-105 Ma, coeval with collisional orogeny. These deposits are assigned to magmatic and metamorphic hydrothermal classes. The magmatic hydrothermal class includes porphyries, skarns, and intrusion-related veins (carbonatite, fluorite and quartz). The porphyry Mo systems in Qinling Orogen are predominated by Dabie-type formed in continental collision setting, followed by Endako- and Climax-types formed in continental arcs and rifts, respectively. The metamorphic hydrothermal Mo deposits are only reported in Qinling Orogen, and thus a new crustal continuum model for the orogenic class mineral systems is proposed. A scientific linkage between ore geology and fluid inclusions is introduced and verified both by theory and case studies. This is the first research book comprehensively displaying continental collision metallogeny. This literature will benefit both Western and Chinese mineral explorers and miners, as well as research scientists and students.

Geology and Geomorphology of Holocene Coastal Barriers of Brazil (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences #107)

by Sérgio R. Dillenburg Patrick A. Hesp

This is the first book to cover the Holocene geology and geomorphology of the 9,200 kilometers of the Brazilian coast. It is written for third and fourth year undergraduates, post-graduate students, scientists and man- ers. It characterizes the Brazilian coast in terms of the Holocene geology, geomorphology, oceanographic and climatic conditions, and the location, morphology and evolution of the barrier types. Separate chapters outline the types of barriers and coastal dynamics in each state, beginning in the south and proceeding to the north. Some emphasis is placed on the stretches of coast where the detailed morphology and stratigraphy of b- riers has been previously determined. To date, the Brazilian coastal barriers have been largely ignored by the international community, partly perhaps because much of the past research has tended to concentrate on barrier islands, of which there are very few in Brazil. In contrast, the Brazilian coastal barriers display a much wider range of types than is generally assumed. The biggest and most spectacular transgressive dunefield barriers in the world exist in Brazil, and dominate the southern and northeastern coasts. Many have never been described - fore. This volume provides a wealth of information on Holocene barrier types, evolution and dynamics. It provides managers, ecologists, biologists and botanists with much needed information on the geology, geomorph- ogy and dynamics of the genesis, types, functioning and ecosystems of the Holocene barriers extending along the entire Brazilian coast.

Geology and Habitability of Terrestrial Planets (Space Sciences Series of ISSI #24)

by Kathryn E. Fishbaugh O. Korablev P. Lognonné David J. Des Marais F. Raulin Oleg Korablev François Raulin K. E. Fishbaugh Phillipe Lognonné D. J. Des Marais

Given the universal interest in whether extraterrestrial life has developed or could eventually develop, it is vital that an examination of planetary habitability go beyond simple assumptions. This book has resulted from a workshop at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) which brought together experts to discuss the multi-faceted problem of how the habitability of a planet co-evolves with the geology of the surface and interior, the atmosphere, and the magnetosphere.

Geology and Health: Closing the Gap

by H. Catherine W. Skinner Antony R. Berger

Geology and Health is an integration of papers from geo-bio-chemical scientists on health issues of concern to humankind worldwide, demonstrating how the health and well-being of populations now and in the future can benefit through coordinated scientific efforts. International examples on dusts, coal, arsenic, fluorine, lead, mercury, and water borne chemicals, that lead to health effects are documented and explored. They were selected to illustrate how hazards and potential hazards may be from natural materials and processes and how anthropomorphic changes may have contributed to disease and debilitation instead of solutions. Introductory essays by the editors highlight some of the progress toward scientific integration that could be applied to other geographic sites and research efforts. A global purview and integration of earth and health sciences expertise could benefit the future of populations from many countries. Effective solutions to combat present and future hazards will arise when the full scope of human interactions with the total environment is appreciated by the wide range of people in positions to make important and probably expensive decisions. A case to illustrate the point of necessary crossover between Geology and Health was the drilling of shallow tube wells in Bangladesh to provide non-contaminated ground water. This "good" solution unfortunately mobilized arsenic from rocks into the aquifer and created an unforeseen or 'silent' hazard: arsenic. Geologists produce maps of earth materials and are concerned with natural processes in the environment with long time-frame horizons. The health effects encountered through changing the water source might have been avoided if the hydrological characteristics of the Bangladesh delta had been known and any chemical hazards had been investigated and documented. A recurrence of this type of oversight should be avoidable when responsible parties, often government officials, appreciate the necessity of such integrated efforts. The book extols the virtues of cooperation between the earth, life and health sciences, as the most practical approach to better public health worldwide.

Geology and Landscapes of Scotland

by Con Gillen

The six hundred miles between the northernmost Shetland island and the Mull of Galloway in the South of Scotland contain some of the most interesting geology and most varied landscapes in Europe. This variety was the inspiration for a tradition of geological investigation that stretches back to the earliest earth scientists. The origins of the Scotland that we know today lie in five quite distinct geological histories.The Geology and landscapes of Scotland takes the reader on a tour of each of these regions in turn, starting with the Northwest Highlands and Outer Hebrides, which contain some of the oldest rocks on Earth, through the mountain terrains of the Highlands and Uplands to the Lowlands and then the fringes of the North Sea. A section describes the volcanic provinces of Scotland; another deals with the effects of the Ice Ages while a final section looks at Scotland's natural resources.Of equal appeal to the professional geologist seeking a broad overview of a much-studied terrain and a resource for the resident, visitor, walker, climber or angler who wants to understand the origins of the landforms they observe, Geology and landscapes of Scotland has proved itself as a reliable guide. In this thoroughly revised edition the many illustrations are presented in colour.

Geology and Landscapes of the Eastern Pyrenees: A Field Guide with Excursions (GeoGuide)

by Marc Calvet Magali Delmas Yanni Gunnell Bernard Laumonier

This book provides a synthesis of the physiography and geodynamics of the entire Pyrenean orogen and its foreland basins, providing the "big picture" (structure of the orogen and chronology of its formation, overview of its post-orogenic evolution, and Quaternary and recent landscape history). One part of the book proposes a 6–7 day itinerary across the eastern and east-central Pyrenees, two areas that currently provide the richest, best-documented, and most carefully curated database on the post-orogenic evolution of the mountain belt. The book deals with three complementary topics: (i) geodynamics, i.e. the long-term post-orogenic evolution of the Pyrenees since the declining stages of tectonic collision ca. 30 million years ago, and within the wider reference frame of Iberia, the Western Mediterranean, and the Atlantic margin; (ii) geomorphological processes and landforms that have conspired to shape the eastern part of the French and Spanish Pyrenees in response to base-level and climate-related changes over than same time period; (iii) geoheritage, i.e. educational vignettes of the flagship landscape units and typical geological sections of the study area. Written as a field guide, it is designed to help readers to construct discovery-based itineraries through the region (with options and variants depending on time and physical ability), allowing them to appreciate the key landscape and geoheritage features over the course of 1 week, with potential for much more.This GeoGuide is primarily aimed at confirmed geoscientists from most disciplines in Earth science, at postgraduate students engaged in field studies, and at curiosity-driven, educated amateurs keen to enhance their understanding of spectacular or enigmatic features encountered on their travels.

The Geology and Mapping of Granite Batholiths (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences #96)

by John Cobbing

This book is mainly about the field geology of granites at all scales from that of a single outcrop to plutons and batholiths. All field geologists work initially at the scale of the outcrop, consequently most of the phenomena treated herein are those which are visible at outcrop scale. However, granites typically occur as plutons and batholiths, some of which are so large as to apparently defy any effort at systematic treatment. Having had the opportunity of mapping two very large and very different batholiths, namely the Coastal Batholith of Peru and the tin granites of Southeast Asia, I have found that it is possible to map large batholiths within a relatively short time, so that the geology of the batholith as a whole can be appreciated. Moreover batholiths are one of the most common modes of granite occurrence, so it makes sense to study them at their natural scale. During my working life I have worked with many geologists from underdevel oped countries and this book is mainly to help them in unravelling the geology of their native batholiths. I have been lucky with my friends and colleagues of many nationalities, and I particularly thank Wallace Pitcher, who took me on as an untried apprentice in Peru, and who, by his kindness and example, showed me how to look at granites properly.

Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences #120)

by Nuhu George Obaje

Contains details on the geological units of Nigeria and the associated mineral resources. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 discusses the geology of the crystalline rocks and their regional distribution while the sedimentary basins constitute the subject of Part 2. Part 3 takes the mineral resources of Nigeria one on one, their geological environment, mode of occurrence, localities and where possible the reserves estimation. Thereafter, an account of the previous and current mining policies (including that of petroleum) of the Nigerian government is given and goes ahead to list some specific investment opportunities in the solid minerals sector.

Geology and Mineral Resources of West Africa

by Wright

In this text, attention is focused mainly on those literature is accessible, however, it is to be expected countries in western Africa lying south of the Sahara, that teachers and lecturers will know of it and will be that is, between about SON and 15°N, and westward able to acquaint their students with it, where neces­ of about 15°E. Parts of the region as far north as sary. about 200N are considered from time to time, for A glossary of terms is provided at the end of the purposes of correlation and cQntinuity. The map on volume, and there is a summary at the beginning of p. xiii indicates the approximate extent of the cover­ each chapter. age. This book is dedicated to the many colleagues and The principal aim is to provide a broad view of students with whom we have worked in West Africa West African geology as a whole, for undergraduates and who have stimulated and encouraged our teach­ who are studying for honours degrees in geology and ing and research in various ways. We hope also that it may help the work of international organizations who already have an understanding of basic geologi­ cal principles. It is increasingly important that such as AGID, CIFEG and UNESCO to encourage the growing trend towards geological co-operation geologists working in this region should see it as made up of geological 'provinces' which transcend and correlation between different countries in West national boundaries. Africa.

Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones (AGU Advanced Textbooks)

by David Turner Lee A. Groat

Understanding gemstones in a geological context Gemstones are colorful treasures of the Earth that have captivated humans for thousands of years. The physical and chemical characteristics of each type of gem provides insights into the geological processes that created them. Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones is a textbook aimed at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. It presents the basic mineralogical and geological knowledge needed to understand gemstones and examines the characteristics and geological origins of different types of gemstone. Volume highlights include: Concepts in mineralogy Structure and chemical composition of minerals Geological processes that lead to the formation and movement of gemstones Equipment and tools used to examine gemstones and their physical properties Description of small- and large-scale methods of gemstone mining The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones (AGU Advanced Textbooks)

by David Turner Lee A. Groat

Understanding gemstones in a geological context Gemstones are colorful treasures of the Earth that have captivated humans for thousands of years. The physical and chemical characteristics of each type of gem provides insights into the geological processes that created them. Geology and Mineralogy of Gemstones is a textbook aimed at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students. It presents the basic mineralogical and geological knowledge needed to understand gemstones and examines the characteristics and geological origins of different types of gemstone. Volume highlights include: Concepts in mineralogy Structure and chemical composition of minerals Geological processes that lead to the formation and movement of gemstones Equipment and tools used to examine gemstones and their physical properties Description of small- and large-scale methods of gemstone mining The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Geology and Natural Resources of Nigeria

by Silas S. Dada Samuel B. Olobaniyi Kamaldeen O.L Omosanya

Geology and Natural Resources of Nigeria is an up‑to‑date and comprehensive overview of the geological framework of the continental crust of Nigeria, its evolution, and the natural resources it holds. It covers a wide set of topics and provides a detailed description of the rock units of the Nigerian continental crust, their geological settings and structural characteristics, and the potential of their mineral, energy, and water resources. The book discusses the impact of geo‑resources on the Nigerian economy, includes recommendations on how to fully exploit geo‑resources, and explains how to prevent geological processes that could lead to natural hazards.FEATURES Provides different aspects of the Nigerian continental crust from a multidisciplinary approach Draws on the latest findings in geoscience research to present new insights and perspectives into the development and resource potential of the Nigerian continental crust Includes multiple case studies to illustrate the exploration and evaluation of the geological resources of Nigeria Explores the potential of geological resources for economic and industrial development Presents scientific achievements of authors and researchers from various disciplines and provides recommendations for mitigating natural hazards This handbook is intended for industry professionals, academics, researchers, and students studying earth sciences with a special interest in Africa and learning how its geology impacts the natural resources and overall economy of the continent.

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