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Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Ellen Moore

This book explores tensions surrounding news media coverage of Indigenous environmental justice issues, identifying them as a fruitful lens through which to examine the political economy of journalism, American history, human rights, and contemporary U.S. politics. The book begins by evaluating contemporary American journalism through the lens of "deep media", focusing especially on the relationship between the drive for profit, professional journalism, and coverage of environmental justice issues. It then presents the results of a framing analysis of the Standing Rock movement (#NODAPL) coverage by news outlets in the USA and Canada. These findings are complemented by interviews with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose members provided their perspectives on the media and the pipeline. The discussion expands by considering the findings in light of current U.S. politics, including a Trump presidency that employs "law and order" rhetoric regarding people of color and that often subjects environmental issues to an economic "cost-benefit" analysis. The book concludes by considering the role of social media in the era of "Big Oil" and growing Indigenous resistance and power. Examining the complex interplay between social media, traditional journalism, and environmental justice issues, Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental communication, critical political economy, and journalism studies more broadly.

Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Ellen Moore

This book explores tensions surrounding news media coverage of Indigenous environmental justice issues, identifying them as a fruitful lens through which to examine the political economy of journalism, American history, human rights, and contemporary U.S. politics. The book begins by evaluating contemporary American journalism through the lens of "deep media", focusing especially on the relationship between the drive for profit, professional journalism, and coverage of environmental justice issues. It then presents the results of a framing analysis of the Standing Rock movement (#NODAPL) coverage by news outlets in the USA and Canada. These findings are complemented by interviews with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose members provided their perspectives on the media and the pipeline. The discussion expands by considering the findings in light of current U.S. politics, including a Trump presidency that employs "law and order" rhetoric regarding people of color and that often subjects environmental issues to an economic "cost-benefit" analysis. The book concludes by considering the role of social media in the era of "Big Oil" and growing Indigenous resistance and power. Examining the complex interplay between social media, traditional journalism, and environmental justice issues, Journalism, Politics, and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Standing Rock and the Framing of Injustice will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental communication, critical political economy, and journalism studies more broadly.

The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume II: The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure 1772-1775 (Hakluyt Society, Extra Series)

by J.C. Beaglehole

Captain James Cook’s first two voyages of exploration, in 1768-71 and 1772-75, had drawn the modern map of the South Pacific Ocean and had opened the door on the discovery of Antarctica. These expeditions were the subject of Volumes I and II of Dr J.C. Beaglehole’s edition of Cook’s Journals. The third voyage, on which Cook sailed in 1776, was directed to the Northern Hemisphere. Its objective was the discovery of ’a Northern Passage by sea from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean’ - the North-west Passage, sought since the 16th century, which would have transformed the pattern of world trade. The search was to take Cook into high latitudes where, as in the Antarctic, his skill in ice navigation was tested. Sailing north from Tahiti in 1778, Cook made the first recorded discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. On March 7 he sighted the Oregon coast in 44° N. The remarkable voyage which he made northward along the Canadian and Alaskan coasts and through Bering Strait to his farthest north in 70° nearly disproved the existence of a navigable passage towards the Atlantic and produced charts of impressive accuracy. Returning to Hawaii to refit, Cook met his death in a clash with the natives as tragic as it seems unnecessary. Dr Beaglehole discusses, with sympathy and insight, the tensions which led Cook, by then a tired man, into miscalculations alien to his own nature and habits. The volume and vitality of the records, both textual and graphic, for this voyage surpass those even for Cook’s second voyage. The surgeons William Anderson and David Samwell, both admirable observers, left journals which are also here printed in full for the first time. The documentation is completed, as in the previous volumes, by appendixes of documents and correspondence and by reproductions of original drawings and paintings mainly by John Webber, the artist of the expedition. In Dr Beaglehole’s words, ’no one can study attentively the records of Cook’s third, and last, v

The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume III, Part I: The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery 1776-1780 (Hakluyt Society, Extra Series)

by J.C. Beaglehole

Captain James Cook’s first two voyages of exploration, in 1768-71 and 1772-75, had drawn the modern map of the South Pacific Ocean and had opened the door on the discovery of Antarctica. These expeditions were the subject of Volumes I and II of Dr J.C. Beaglehole’s edition of Cook’s Journals. The third voyage, on which Cook sailed in 1776, was directed to the Northern Hemisphere. Its objective was the discovery of ’a Northern Passage by sea from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean’ - the North-west Passage, sought since the 16th century, which would have transformed the pattern of world trade. The search was to take Cook into high latitudes where, as in the Antarctic, his skill in ice navigation was tested. Sailing north from Tahiti in 1778, Cook made the first recorded discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. On March 7 he sighted the Oregon coast in 44° N. The remarkable voyage which he made northward along the Canadian and Alaskan coasts and through Bering Strait to his farthest north in 70° nearly disproved the existence of a navigable passage towards the Atlantic and produced charts of impressive accuracy. Returning to Hawaii to refit, Cook met his death in a clash with the natives as tragic as it seems unnecessary. Dr Beaglehole discusses, with sympathy and insight, the tensions which led Cook, by then a tired man, into miscalculations alien to his own nature and habits. The volume and vitality of the records, both textual and graphic, for this voyage surpass those even for Cook’s second voyage. The surgeons William Anderson and David Samwell, both admirable observers, left journals which are also here printed in full for the first time. The documentation is completed, as in the previous volumes, by appendixes of documents and correspondence and by reproductions of original drawings and paintings mainly by John Webber, the artist of the expedition. In Dr Beaglehole’s words, ’no one can study attentively the records of Cook’s third, and last, v

The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume II: The Voyage of the Resolution and Adventure 1772-1775 (Hakluyt Society, Extra Series)

by J.C. Beaglehole

Captain James Cook’s first two voyages of exploration, in 1768-71 and 1772-75, had drawn the modern map of the South Pacific Ocean and had opened the door on the discovery of Antarctica. These expeditions were the subject of Volumes I and II of Dr J.C. Beaglehole’s edition of Cook’s Journals. The third voyage, on which Cook sailed in 1776, was directed to the Northern Hemisphere. Its objective was the discovery of ’a Northern Passage by sea from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean’ - the North-west Passage, sought since the 16th century, which would have transformed the pattern of world trade. The search was to take Cook into high latitudes where, as in the Antarctic, his skill in ice navigation was tested. Sailing north from Tahiti in 1778, Cook made the first recorded discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. On March 7 he sighted the Oregon coast in 44° N. The remarkable voyage which he made northward along the Canadian and Alaskan coasts and through Bering Strait to his farthest north in 70° nearly disproved the existence of a navigable passage towards the Atlantic and produced charts of impressive accuracy. Returning to Hawaii to refit, Cook met his death in a clash with the natives as tragic as it seems unnecessary. Dr Beaglehole discusses, with sympathy and insight, the tensions which led Cook, by then a tired man, into miscalculations alien to his own nature and habits. The volume and vitality of the records, both textual and graphic, for this voyage surpass those even for Cook’s second voyage. The surgeons William Anderson and David Samwell, both admirable observers, left journals which are also here printed in full for the first time. The documentation is completed, as in the previous volumes, by appendixes of documents and correspondence and by reproductions of original drawings and paintings mainly by John Webber, the artist of the expedition. In Dr Beaglehole’s words, ’no one can study attentively the records of Cook’s third, and last, v

The Journals of Captain James Cook on his Voyages of Discovery: Volume III, Part I: The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery 1776-1780 (Hakluyt Society, Extra Series)

by J.C. Beaglehole

Captain James Cook’s first two voyages of exploration, in 1768-71 and 1772-75, had drawn the modern map of the South Pacific Ocean and had opened the door on the discovery of Antarctica. These expeditions were the subject of Volumes I and II of Dr J.C. Beaglehole’s edition of Cook’s Journals. The third voyage, on which Cook sailed in 1776, was directed to the Northern Hemisphere. Its objective was the discovery of ’a Northern Passage by sea from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean’ - the North-west Passage, sought since the 16th century, which would have transformed the pattern of world trade. The search was to take Cook into high latitudes where, as in the Antarctic, his skill in ice navigation was tested. Sailing north from Tahiti in 1778, Cook made the first recorded discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. On March 7 he sighted the Oregon coast in 44° N. The remarkable voyage which he made northward along the Canadian and Alaskan coasts and through Bering Strait to his farthest north in 70° nearly disproved the existence of a navigable passage towards the Atlantic and produced charts of impressive accuracy. Returning to Hawaii to refit, Cook met his death in a clash with the natives as tragic as it seems unnecessary. Dr Beaglehole discusses, with sympathy and insight, the tensions which led Cook, by then a tired man, into miscalculations alien to his own nature and habits. The volume and vitality of the records, both textual and graphic, for this voyage surpass those even for Cook’s second voyage. The surgeons William Anderson and David Samwell, both admirable observers, left journals which are also here printed in full for the first time. The documentation is completed, as in the previous volumes, by appendixes of documents and correspondence and by reproductions of original drawings and paintings mainly by John Webber, the artist of the expedition. In Dr Beaglehole’s words, ’no one can study attentively the records of Cook’s third, and last, v

A Journey in Antarctica: Exploring the Future of the White Continent (Springer Praxis Books)

by Sergio Rossi

Having always been fascinated by these singular landscapes, Sergio Rossi reconstructs some of the episodes that have marked the exploration of these territories, such as the dramatic race between Amundsen and Scott to conquer the South Pole, and Captain Shackleton’s odyssey to save his crew from certain death. But also modern trips including his own to these remote areas, explaining many aspects of the current science and political competition that is underway. The book leads us on an entertaining overview of all the problems and opportunities that the planet’s most forgotten continent offers to humans. A remote mass of ice upon which our future as a species depends and which we cannot continue to ignore any longer.

A Journey in the Future of Water

by Terje Tvedt

Nourished by fears of global warming and climate change, water has become an issue of international concern. In Journey in the Future of Water leading water expert, TerjeTvedt, travels to 25 countries and all continents to find out more about the ways in which different nations are seeking to respond. From Project Moses, where gigantic underwater gates will rise to prevent the inundation of Venice, to India's River Link Plan, connecting 37 Himalayan rivers to major rivers in the south, the author examines the world's largest engineering projects, travels the great river valleys, visits 'the largest ocean under the Earth', and major cities of the world, to explore water's determining role in the life of the planet. The most comprehensive and accessible account of global water issues to date.

Journey to Diverse Microbial Worlds: Adaptation to Exotic Environments (Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology #2)

by Joseph Seckbach

In this Journey to Microbial Worlds we present the diversity of microorganisms, from the state of fossil microbes in Archaean age rocks to the possibilities of extraterrestrial life. This volume discusses the extremophiles living in harsh environments (from our anthropocentric point) and describes them in considerable detail. Some chapters also review topics such as symbiosis, bacterial luminescence, methanogens, and petroleum-grown cells. The final chapters of this book shed new light on astrobiology and speculate on extremophiles as candidates for extraterrestrial life. All chapters are updated to the latest research level.

Journey to the Bound States (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by Paul Hoyer

This book is a graduate-level self-study guide of bound states in elementary particle physics and consequently in the standard model. The author first recalls the usual quantum electrodynamics (QED) approach to atoms in terms of Feynman diagrams, which assume free states at asymptotic times. Motivated by general principles and data, he then develops a novel method based on a Fock expansion of bound states in temporal gauge. The properties of relativistic bound states are discussed for Dirac states, atoms in motion, QED in D=1+1 dimensions, and hadrons in quantum chromodynamics (including color confinement). This book provides complementary material for quantum field theory courses and is accessible for graduate students and more senior researchers.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth: The Remarkable Voyage of Scientific Discovery into the Heart of Our World

by Dr David Whitehouse

The journey to the centre of the earth is a voyage like no other we can imagine.Over 3,000 km below the earth's surface an extraordinary inner world the size of Mars awaits us.Dive through the molten iron of the outer core and eventually you will reach a solid sphere - an iron-clad world held within a metal sea and unattached to anything above.At the earth's core is the history of our planet written in temperature and pressure, crystals and minerals . . . Our planet appears tranquil from outer space. And yet the arcs of volcanoes, the earthquake zones and the auroral glow rippling above our heads are testimony to something remarkable happening inside . . .For thousands of years these phenomena were explained in legend and myth. Only in recent times has the brave new science of seismology emerged. One hundred and fifty years after the extraordinary, imaginative feat of Jules Verne's JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH, David Whitehouse embarks on a voyage of scientific discovery into the heart of our world.

Journeys From The Centre Of The Earth

by Dr Iain Stewart

Man with hammer, rucksack and GSOH offers gritty adventure holidays. Looking for sun, sea, sand and - science. Scheduled to tie in with a major new BBC series, Hot Rocks explores the Mediterranean - the cradle of western civilisation - and discovers alongside its tranquil, sun-lapped shores, one of the most volatile places on an ever-changing earth. The Mediterranean we know today has been forged in a violent crucible of clashing continents, rising mountains, restless seas and a turbulent climate. Millions of Britons are drawn to the Mediterranean every year and whether they go for the beautiful scenery and relaxing beaches or the culture and architecture or food, none of it would be there were it not for geology. Forward-thinking geologist and television presenter Dr Iain Stewart, uncovers the hidden Mediterranean and brings a fresh and dramatic eye to geology to show just why it is that geology should be restored to its rightful place as the grandfather of sciences. From earthquakes and volcanoes to Roman architecture and cuisine, Iain discovers just how geology has shaped our lives and how we can expect it to affect us in years to come.

Judaism And Ecology: Created World And Revealed Word (PDF)

by Jerome I. Gellman Neil Gillman Lenn E. Goodman Arthur Green Edward K. Kaplan Barry S. Kogan David Kraemer Jon D. Levenson Shaul Magid David Novak Hava Tirosh-Samuelson Shalom Rosenberg Moshe Sokol Elliot R. Wolfson Mark X. Jacobs Elion Schwartz Tsvi Blanchard Eliezer Diamond Evan Eisenberg Michael Fishbane Stephen A. Geller

Jewish ecological discourse has shown that Judaism harbors deep concern for the well-being of the natural world. However, the movement has not articulated a Jewish theology of nature, nor has it submitted the sources of Judaism to a systematic, philosophical examination. This volume intends to contribute to the nascent discourse on Judaism and ecology by clarifying diverse conceptions of nature in Jewish thought and by using the insights of Judaism to formulate a constructive Jewish theology of nature. The twenty-one contributors consider the Bible and rabbinic literature, examine the relationship between the doctrine of creation and the doctrine of revelation in the context of natural law, and wrestle with questions of nature and morality. They look at nature in the Jewish mystical tradition, and they face the challenges to Jewish environmental activism caused by the tension between the secular nature of the environmental discourse and Jewish religious commitments.

Judging Extreme Weather: Climate Science in Action

by Randy Cerveny

Written by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Rapporteur of Weather and Climate Extremes, this book addresses the reality of extreme weather—how it occurs, how we measure it, and what it means for our future. Weather affects everybody, and with the increasing impact of climate change and the prevalence of storms, droughts and floods, it is clear that we are affecting all aspects of weather. Consequently, people love to talk about weather, complain about it, argue about it—and be intrigued by it. Twenty-four/seven coverage of the weather, however, has helped foster a tendency for marked overstatement—the creation of misconceptions, exaggerations and, frankly, even outright lies. Leading expert in weather and climate, Randy Cerveny, draws on his extensive experience with the WMO and personal research to give the reader a behind-the-scenes look at how weather and climate extremes are recorded and defined. He unpacks the science behind these extremes through a number of specific WMO investigations that span a diverse range of countries and weather events, including lightning, rain, hurricanes and tornadoes. Cerveny balances these factual accounts with playful interludes that detail bizarre and intriguing weather-related stories and anecdotes. This compelling book is a must read for all those interested in the science behind extreme weather.

Judging Extreme Weather: Climate Science in Action

by Randy Cerveny

Written by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Rapporteur of Weather and Climate Extremes, this book addresses the reality of extreme weather—how it occurs, how we measure it, and what it means for our future. Weather affects everybody, and with the increasing impact of climate change and the prevalence of storms, droughts and floods, it is clear that we are affecting all aspects of weather. Consequently, people love to talk about weather, complain about it, argue about it—and be intrigued by it. Twenty-four/seven coverage of the weather, however, has helped foster a tendency for marked overstatement—the creation of misconceptions, exaggerations and, frankly, even outright lies. Leading expert in weather and climate, Randy Cerveny, draws on his extensive experience with the WMO and personal research to give the reader a behind-the-scenes look at how weather and climate extremes are recorded and defined. He unpacks the science behind these extremes through a number of specific WMO investigations that span a diverse range of countries and weather events, including lightning, rain, hurricanes and tornadoes. Cerveny balances these factual accounts with playful interludes that detail bizarre and intriguing weather-related stories and anecdotes. This compelling book is a must read for all those interested in the science behind extreme weather.

Judicial Responses to Climate Change in the Global South: A Jurisdictional and Thematic Review (Living Signs of Law #2)

by Shuma Talukdar Valéria Emília de Aquino

This book explores how judiciaries in different parts of the world are responding to climate change and how climate change intersects with the law. It offers feminist approaches to the judicial responses to climate change in the Global South, providing both jurisdictional and thematic reviews. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues facing humankind, and is currently reshaping geopolitics, governance, law, and international relations around the world.The book’s originality lies in its endeavour to highlight judicial perspectives on climate change from prominent female researchers who have been working on this subject professionally and/or academically, bringing both regional and international views to the subject. The main objective is to give a new meaning to the study of climate change by bringing together the most recent aspects, including climate litigation, eco-constitutionalism and the environmental rule of law, climate and environmental justice, climate geopolitics and climate governance.The book will be of interest to students, academics, and scholars of climate law and environmental law around the world.

Jumbo: The Most Famous Elephant Who Ever Lived

by Alexandra Stewart

Roll up! Roll up! And meet the incredible, the colossal, the world-famous … JUMBO!Our story begins in 1860, in the mountains of East Africa, where a baby elephant struggles to his feet and takes his first shaky steps … This is the deeply touching story of an elephant who captured the world's imagination, brought beautifully to life with enchanting storytelling and gorgeous artwork. Follow Jumbo's amazing journey from his remote home in the rugged mountains of East Africa and the time he spent delighting visitors with elephant rides and comedy routines at London Zoo. Be amazed by his spectacular stint in P.T. Barnum's 'Greatest Show on Earth' and how he led a herd of elephants across the newly-built Brooklyn Bridge to test its strength. Discover how Jumbo's remarkable life and legacy transformed our understanding and treatment of these magnificent creatures. With a page-turning narrative by Alexandra Stewart and breathtakingly beautiful artwork by Emily Sutton, the true story of Jumbo's incredible life will fascinate young and old alike.

Jungle: How Tropical Forests Shaped the World – and Us

by Patrick Roberts

'A bold, ambitious and truly wonderful history of the world' Peter Wohlleben, author of The Hidden Life of Trees'A fascinating story and a crucial revision of the momentous importance of tropical forests to human history' Lewis Dartnell, author of Origins_________________________ Jungle tells the remarkable story of the world's tropical forests, from the arrival of the first plants millions of years ago to the role of tropical forests in the evolution of the world's atmosphere, the dinosaurs, the first mammals and even our own species and ancestors. Highlighting provocative new evidence garnered from cutting-edge research, Dr Roberts shows, for example, that our view of humans as 'savannah specialists' is wildly wrong, and that the 'Anthropocene' began not with the Industrial Revolution, but potentially as early as 6,000 years ago in the tropics. We see that the relationship between humankind and 'jungles' is deep-rooted, that we are all connected to their destruction, and that we must all act to save them. Urgent, clear-sighted and original, Jungle challenges the way we think about the world - and ourselves. _________________________ 'Welcome to the "Jungle" - a breathtaking book' Mark Maslin, author of How to Save Our Planet'Timely, readable and highly relevant' Steve Brusatte, author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs'Its revelations and stories will stir, rearrange and populate your mind for years to come' Paul Hawken, editor of Drawdown'Brilliant ... it delivers a timely warning about our abuse of the environment' David Abulafia, author of The Great Sea'Finally, a book on rainforests that does justice to their majesty and importance' Simon Lewis, co-author of The Human Planet

Jupiter: and How to Observe It (Astronomers' Observing Guides)

by John W. McAnally

With the increasing sensitivity of the equipment available to the home astronomer, and increasing interest in celestial bodies, this Springer series is a huge helping hand to skywatchers who want to hone their skills. Astronomers' observing guides provide up-to-date information for amateur astronomers who want to know all about what it is they are observing. This is the basis of the first part of the book. The second part details observation techniques for practical astronomers, working with a range of different instruments. The book reviews the latest findings and satellite observations of Jupiter, as well as presenting superb pictures of Jupiter taken by McAnally himself, who proceeds to explain to the reader how to arrive at such beautiful results.

Just Conservation: Biodiversity, Wellbeing and Sustainability (Earthscan Conservation and Development)

by Adrian Martin

Loss of biodiversity is one of the great environmental challenges facing humanity but unfortunately efforts to reduce the rate of loss have so far failed. At the same time, these efforts have too often resulted in unjust social outcomes in which people living in or near to areas designated for conservation lose access to their territories and resources. In this book the author argues that our approach to biodiversity conservation needs to be more strongly informed by a concern for and understanding of social justice issues. Injustice can be a driver of biodiversity loss and a barrier to efforts at preservation. Conversely, the pursuit of social justice can be a strong motivation to find solutions to environmental problems. The book therefore argues that the pursuit of socially just conservation is not only intrinsically the right thing to do, but will also be instrumental in bringing about greater success. The argument for a more socially just conservation is initially developed conceptually, drawing upon ideas of environmental justice that incorporate concerns for distribution, procedure and recognition. It is then applied to a range of approaches to conservation including benefit sharing arrangements, integrated conservation and development projects and market-based approaches such as sustainable timber certification and payments for ecosystem services schemes. Case studies are drawn from the author's research in Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Laos, Bolivia, China and India.

Just Conservation: Biodiversity, Wellbeing and Sustainability (Earthscan Conservation and Development)

by Adrian Martin

Loss of biodiversity is one of the great environmental challenges facing humanity but unfortunately efforts to reduce the rate of loss have so far failed. At the same time, these efforts have too often resulted in unjust social outcomes in which people living in or near to areas designated for conservation lose access to their territories and resources. In this book the author argues that our approach to biodiversity conservation needs to be more strongly informed by a concern for and understanding of social justice issues. Injustice can be a driver of biodiversity loss and a barrier to efforts at preservation. Conversely, the pursuit of social justice can be a strong motivation to find solutions to environmental problems. The book therefore argues that the pursuit of socially just conservation is not only intrinsically the right thing to do, but will also be instrumental in bringing about greater success. The argument for a more socially just conservation is initially developed conceptually, drawing upon ideas of environmental justice that incorporate concerns for distribution, procedure and recognition. It is then applied to a range of approaches to conservation including benefit sharing arrangements, integrated conservation and development projects and market-based approaches such as sustainable timber certification and payments for ecosystem services schemes. Case studies are drawn from the author's research in Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Laos, Bolivia, China and India.

Just Energy Transitions and Coal Bed Methane: The case of Indonesia (Energy, Climate and the Environment)

by Theresia Betty Sumarno

This book discusses how Coal Bed Methane (CBM) could help the acceleration of the energy transition in a ‘just’ way in Indonesia, due to the country's potential CBM reserves (and current dependence on climate damaging coal). Developing countries face multiple challenges in achieving their energy transitions. CBM in Indonesia could potentially be a catalyst for energy transition and subsequently improve access to energy. However, CBM faces numerous challenges and although Indonesia first developed its domestic CBM sector over more than a decade ago, they are still to implement this successfully. This book exposes the challenges and opportunities of CBM, exploring what lessons other countries could learn from Indonesia to improve the industry with a view to achieving energy transition and climate change targets. This book will be an invaluable reference for researchers and practitioners working in this field.

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