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Aspects of a Stratigraphic System: Devonian (pdf)

by David Dineley

Aspects of Brazilian Floristic Diversity: From Botany to Traditional Communities

by Maria Franco Trindade Medeiros Bárbara de Sá Haiad

Aspects of Brazilian Floristic Diversity: From Botany to Traditional Communities offers a unique approach in floristic diversity of the Neotropical region, specifically encompassing the Brazilian flora. This volume combines both theoretical and applied aspects of scientific making knowledge in different perspectives of Botanical Science. In this volume, botanical specialists discuss the many different approaches of taxonomic, reproductive, ecological and ethnobotanical aspects of Brazilian floristic diversity, thereby enlightening the global interest in Neotropical species, in particular those from the Brazilian territory. The book addresses relevant questions from many points of view, including anatomy, reproduction, palinology, conservation and ethnobotany, creating an in-depth perception of the flora in its complexity constitution.The book provides a comprehensive outlook on Botany Sciences, considering the history and traditional knowledge of plants, and relating it to contemporary problems and concerns of flora conservation today. With this current perspective, this book reaches a vast audience from the research lines of Botany, and encompasses a broader and interdisciplinary understanding of Aspects of Brazilian Floristic Diversity.

Aspects of Ergodic, Qualitative and Statistical Theory of Motion (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

by Giovanni Gallavotti Federico Bonetto Guido Gentile

Intended for beginners in ergodic theory, this introductory textbook addresses students as well as researchers in mathematical physics. The main novelty is the systematic treatment of characteristic problems in ergodic theory by a unified method in terms of convergent power series and renormalization group methods, in particular. Basic concepts of ergodicity, like Gibbs states, are developed and applied to, e.g., Asonov systems or KAM Theroy. Many examples illustrate the ideas and, in addition, a substantial number of interesting topics are treated in the form of guided problems.

Aspects of Integrability of Differential Systems and Fields: A Mathematical Primer for Physicists (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by Costas J. Papachristou

This book serves as an introduction to the concept of integrability as it applies to systems of differential equations as well as to vector-valued fields. The author focuses on specific aspects of integrability that are often encountered in a variety of problems in applied mathematics, physics and engineering. The following general cases of integrability are examined: (a) path-independence of line integrals of vector fields on the plane and in space; (b) integration of a system of ordinary differential equations by using first integrals; and (c) integrable systems of partial differential equations. Special topics include the integration of analytic functions and some elements from the geometric theory of differential systems. Certain more advanced subjects, such as Lax pairs and Bäcklund transformations, are also discussed. The book is written at an intermediate level for educational purposes. The presentation is as simple as the topics allow, often sacrificing mathematical rigor in favor of pedagogical efficiency.

Aspects of Physical Biology: Biological Water, Protein Solutions, Transport and Replication (Lecture Notes in Physics #752)

by Giancarlo Franzese Miguel Rubi

The application to Biology of the methodologies developed in Physics is attracting an increasing interest from the scientific community. It has led to the emergence of a new interdisciplinary field, called Physical Biology, with the aim of reaching a better understanding of the biological mechanisms at molecular and cellular levels. Statistical Mechanics in particular plays an important role in the development of this new field. For this reason, the XXth session of the famous Sitges Conference on Statistical Physics was dedicated to "Physical Biology: from Molecular Interactions to Cellular Behavior". As is by now tradition, a number of lectures were subsequently selected, expanded and updated for publication as lecture notes, so as to provide both a state-of-the-art introduction and overview to a number of subjects of broader interest and to favor the interchange and cross-fertilization of ideas between biologists and physicists. The present volume focuses on three main subtopics (biological water, protein solutions as well as transport and replication), presenting for each of them the on-going debates on recent results. The role of water in biological processes, the mechanisms of protein folding, the phases and cooperative effects in biological solutions, the thermodynamic description of replication, transport and neural activity, all are subjects that are revised in this volume, based on new experiments and new theoretical interpretations.

Aspects of Scattering Amplitudes and Moduli Space Localization (Springer Theses)

by Sebastian Mizera

This thesis proposes a new perspective on scattering amplitudes in quantum field theories. Their standard formulation in terms of sums over Feynman diagrams is replaced by a computation of geometric invariants, called intersection numbers, on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. It therefore gives a physical interpretation of intersection numbers, which have been extensively studied in the mathematics literature in the context of generalized hypergeometric functions. This book explores physical consequences of this formulation, such as recursion relations, connections to geometry and string theory, as well as a phenomenon called moduli space localization. After reviewing necessary mathematical background, including topology of moduli spaces of Riemann spheres with punctures and its fundamental group, the definition and properties of intersection numbers are presented. A comprehensive list of applications and relations to other objects is given, including those to scattering amplitudes in open- and closed-string theories. The highlights of the thesis are the results regarding localization properties of intersection numbers in two opposite limits: in the low- and the high-energy expansion. In order to facilitate efficient computations of intersection numbers the author introduces recursion relations that exploit fibration properties of the moduli space. These are formulated in terms of so-called braid matrices that encode the information of how points braid around each other on the corresponding Riemann surface. Numerous application of this approach are presented for computation of scattering amplitudes in various gauge and gravity theories. This book comes with an extensive appendix that gives a pedagogical introduction to the topic of homologies with coefficients in a local system.

Aspects of Seismic Reflection Data Processing

by R. Marschall

Aspects of Tectonic Faulting: In Honour of Georg Mandl

by W. Van Zee

This Volume brings together twelve contributions to a symposium held in hon­ our of GEORG MANDL at the University of Graz, Austria on December 1-2, 1995, in the year of his 70th anniversary. It is a tribute to a formidable scientist colleague and friend and a gift of gratitude to an inspiring leader and great in­ stigator. A man, who began as a theoretical physicist, made fundamental contri­ butions to the theory of transport processes in porous media and the mechanics of granular materials, but in his forties turned to structural geology and the me­ chanics of tectonic faulting - a subject that has since remained at the center of his interests and the understanding of which was substantially advanced by Georg Mandl's work. In addressing different aspects of tectonic faulting, mostly if not entirely from a theoretician's or modeler's point of view, the contribu­ tions to this Volume reveal some of the astonishing richness of the subject, the corresponding diversity in approaches and also challenges that lie ahead. They aptly evoke the broad scientific culture brought by Georg Mandl to the study of his favourite subject, a culture he had acquired in the course of a career in a nowadays rare environment of industrial research and which interested readers will find sketched in the Biographical Note included in this Volume. As such, as well as in their own right, the papers contributed to this Festschrift should be of interest to a wider community of Earth scientists.

Aspects of the Energy Union: Application and Effects of European Energy Policies in SE Europe and Eastern Mediterranean (Energy, Climate and the Environment)

by Michalis Mathioulakis

This book provides a comprehensive exploration of some of the most critical issues regarding the EU’s Energy Union policy. Applied European energy policies face a number of challenges ranging from the geopolitics of energy and energy regulation, to climate change, advancing renewable and gas technologies, and consumer empowerment structures. This book takes a multi-dimensional look into some of these vital issues regarding the European energy sector with a special focus on the effects the Energy Union policy has in two sensitive regional systems, Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean.Energy, being by definition a multi-disciplinary field, presents a challenge for readers of any specific disciplinary background that need to grasp an overall understanding of the various aspects of this exciting sector. This book’s objective is to offer the opportunity for readers to get a quality, hands-on overview of the Energy Union by the professionals and academics that interact with it on a daily basis.

Aspekte des Managements der Digitalisierung (Business - Innovation - High Tech)

Jeder redet heutzutage von Digitalisierung. Und dass Unternehmen unter Digitalisierungsdruck stehen, ist ein geflügeltes Wort. Aber was heißt das konkret? Welche Aufgaben stellen sich Führungskräften und welche Lösungsansätze gibt es dafür? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, klärt das Buch zunächst die Begriffe „Digitalisierung“ und „Management“. Auf dieser begrifflichen Grundlage werden dann wichtige Aspekte des Managements der Digitalisierung analysiert. Experten aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft zeigen, wie sich der Kundennutzen optimieren lässt, wie maschinelles Lernen das Entscheiden unterstützt und wie man virtuelle Realität im Unternehmen praktisch einsetzen kann. Vorgestellt werden außerdem neue Entwicklungen in Regulatorik und Berichtswesen sowie Möglichkeiten der IT-gestützten Wirtschaftsförderung. Führungskräfte erhalten so eine Fülle wertvoller Anregungen, um ihre Unternehmen längerfristig noch erfolgreicher zu machen

Asphaltstraßen und Teerstraßen: Bituminöse Straßenanlagen

by B.J. Kerkhof E. Ilse

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

ASA S3/SC1.4 TR-2014 Sound Exposure Guidelines for Fishes and Sea Turtles: A Technical Report Prepared By Ansi-accredited Standards Committee S3/sc1 And Registered With Ansi (SpringerBriefs in Oceanography)

by Arthur N. Popper Anthony D. Hawkins Richard R. Fay David A. Mann Soraya Bartol Thomas J. Carlson Sheryl Coombs William T. Ellison Roger L. Gentry Michele B. Halvorsen Svein Løkkeborg Peter H. Rogers Brandon L. Southall David G. Zeddies William N. Tavolga

This Technical Report presents the outcome of a Working Group that was established to determine broadly applicable sound exposure guidelines for fishes and sea turtles. After consideration of the diversity of fish and sea turtles, guidelines were developed for broad groups of animals, defined by the way they detect sound. Different sound sources were considered in terms of their acoustic characteristics and appropriate metrics defined for measurement of the received levels. The resultant sound exposure guidelines are presented in a set of tables. In some cases numerical guidelines are provided, expressed in appropriate metrics. When there were insufficient data to support numerical values, the relative likelihood of effects occurring was evaluated, although the actual likelihood of effects depends on the received level. These sound exposure guidelines, which are based on the best scientific information at the time of writing, should be treated as interim. The expectation is that with more research the guidelines can be refined and more cells in the tables completed. Recommendations are put forward defining the research requirements of highest priority for extending these interim exposure guidelines.

Assembling Nusantara: Mimicry, Friction, and Resonance in the New Capital Development (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)

by Lilis Mulyani Henny Warsilah Ivan Kurniawan Nasution

Today, the new Indonesian capital city, Nusantara, planning is being anticipated as “representing national identity,” “a model city,” or “a gift to the world,” and many other extraordinary labels. This book examines the reality of an ongoing developmental transformation of the Nusantara beyond those labels. It approaches its assemblage of humans, their works (plans, documents, policies, and others), non-human objects (biodiversity, landscape, geography, physical infrastructure, buildings, and public spaces), processes, social relationships, social infrastructures, and others. It is organized into three themes—mimicry, friction, and resonance. The mimicry illustrates the similarities (and differences) between Nusantara and other capital cities in urban narratives, imageries, and forms. The friction studies how Nusantara moves actors who do not always agree, processes that do not always align or collaboration between diverse contradicting groups that intersect. The resonance observes how Nusantara resonates with, yet communicates its voice toward, the world. The three concepts (originated from geography, anthropology, and sociology) frame the analytics of the various contributions of local and foreign scientists from multiple disciplines. Overall, the book recommends “Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara” (Nusantara capital city authority) on the current experimentation and implementation of the urban vision and provides a reference for social scientists to study Nusantara. And more broadly, the book offers the current socio-spatial practices of capital city-making in Asia that are valuable for the region.

Assembling Petroleum Production and Climate Change in Ecuador and Norway (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies)

by Elisabeth Marta Tómmerbakk

This book addresses some of the controversies and uncertainties associated with reducing the extensive exploitation of fossil fuels due to their role in global warming. Elisabeth Marta Tómmerbakk explores why a transition towards a post-carbon society is so difficult to accomplish by examining how the relationship between petroleum production and climate change is politically framed and negotiated in contested cases. This question is approached through a process-oriented comparative case study of Lofoten, located in the Norwegian Sea above the Arctic Circle, and Yasuní-ITT (Ishpingo, Tambococha, and Tiputini) located in the Ecuadorian Amazon: regions that both belong to oil-exporting countries with highly oil-dependent economies. Tómmerbakk draws on rich empirical data that includes qualitative interviews with subjects in both countries and applies an Actor-Network Theory framework to show that oil and climate are intricately entangled in knowledge and policy practices. Overall, Assembling Petroleum Production and Climate Change in Ecuador and Norway provides an in-depth examination of how climate science and petroleum extraction are negotiated, adapted, assembled, and coordinated with other national policies and political aims. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of petroleum production, climate change, environmental policy, and environmental sociology.

Assembling Petroleum Production and Climate Change in Ecuador and Norway (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies)

by Elisabeth Marta Tómmerbakk

This book addresses some of the controversies and uncertainties associated with reducing the extensive exploitation of fossil fuels due to their role in global warming. Elisabeth Marta Tómmerbakk explores why a transition towards a post-carbon society is so difficult to accomplish by examining how the relationship between petroleum production and climate change is politically framed and negotiated in contested cases. This question is approached through a process-oriented comparative case study of Lofoten, located in the Norwegian Sea above the Arctic Circle, and Yasuní-ITT (Ishpingo, Tambococha, and Tiputini) located in the Ecuadorian Amazon: regions that both belong to oil-exporting countries with highly oil-dependent economies. Tómmerbakk draws on rich empirical data that includes qualitative interviews with subjects in both countries and applies an Actor-Network Theory framework to show that oil and climate are intricately entangled in knowledge and policy practices. Overall, Assembling Petroleum Production and Climate Change in Ecuador and Norway provides an in-depth examination of how climate science and petroleum extraction are negotiated, adapted, assembled, and coordinated with other national policies and political aims. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of petroleum production, climate change, environmental policy, and environmental sociology.

Assessing and Managing Earthquake Risk: Geo-scientific and Engineering Knowledge for Earthquake Risk Mitigation: developments, tools, techniques (Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering #2)

by Carlos Sousa Oliveira Antoni Roca Xavier Goula

* Multidisciplinary approach of risk assessment and management, which can provide more efficient earthquake mitigation.* Transfer of Geo-scientific and engineering knowledge to Civil Protection and insurance agents* Approaches and common practices directly related to the preparation of earthquake emergency plans* Illustrated examples of actual applications, including web sites * Case-studies and information on relevant international projects

Assessing and Managing Groundwater in Different Environments (IAH - Selected Papers on Hydrogeology)

by Jude Cobbing Shafick Adams Ingrid Dennis Kornelius Riemann

This collection of papers is a snapshot of modern hydrogeology in which highly technical methods and approaches sit side-by-side with overlapping legal, social, organisational, institutional and governance considerations. Groundwater is integral to many human and environmental systems. Indeed, there appears to be a growing realisation that some of the most pressing physical problems in the field of hydrogeology - over-abstraction, salinization or pollution - can only really be solved by taking a multi-disciplinary approach to the issues that takes all other related professions into account. Whilst a ‘technical’ solution may be readily deciphered, the larger challenge usually lies in the sustainably-funded and widely-accepted implementation of that measure. This book ranges from discussion and debate on the hot topic of hydraulic fracturing of wells or ‘fraccing’ for shale gas and its potential to disrupt groundwater systems, to the application of highly technical modelling procedures to help solve complex, real world problems. It is a window on the preoccupations of modern hydrogeologists and an insight into the way in which hydrogeological techniques and methods are being holistically adapted to address problems in the real world. This book is targeted at professional hydrogeologists, sociologists, experts in governance, law and policy as well as ecologists and other professionals that nowadays all sit alongside groundwater understanding. The book will also appeal to politicians, resource managers, regulators and others interested in sustainable water supply.

Assessing Climate Change: Temperatures, Solar Radiation and Heat Balance (Springer Praxis Books)

by Donald Rapp

This updated and revised new edition of Assessing Climate Change deals with the full gamut of essential questions in relation to global warming and climate change, uniquely providing a balanced and impartial discussion of this controversial subject. It shows that most of what is “known”about the Sun, historical climates and projections for the future lacks foundation and leaves great room for doubt.Assessing Climate Change (3rd Edition) examines the credibility of the global climate models which accuse greenhouse gases of causing the temperature rise of the 20th century, and provides a better understanding of the uncertainties regarding what might lie ahead in the future. Carefully considering the “evidence” brought forward by both alarmists and skeptics, this book:• has been brought completely up to date to end 2013;• examines the measurements of near surface temperatureson Earth and how much we can rely on them;• includes hundreds of graphs showing the data;• compares the current global warming trend with past climate fluctuations;• provides a systematic review of climate change in nearly all of its aspects;• expands the discussion of potential impacts of global warming (from whatever cause);• includes nearly 1000 references specific to the climate literature.

Assessing Climate Change: Temperatures, Solar Radiation and Heat Balance (Springer Praxis Books)

by Donald Rapp

In this book Donald Rapp provides a balanced assessment of global warming, tending neither to the views of alarmists or nay-sayers. Rapp has the ability to move into a highly technical field, assimilate the content, organize the knowledge base and succinctly describe the field, its content, its unresolved issues and achievements. This is precisely what he does in this book in relation to global climate change. As such his approach is refreshingly different.

Assessing Global Water Megatrends (Water Resources Development and Management)

by Asit K. Biswas Cecilia Tortajada Philippe Rohner

This book highlights what are likely to be the future megatrends in the water sector and why and how they should be incorporated to improve water governance in the coming decades. In this first ever book on megatrends for the water sector, 22 leading world experts from different disciplines representing academia, business, government, national and international organisations discuss what the major megatrends of the future are and how they will radically change water governance in the coming decades.

Assessing, Mapping and Modelling of Mangrove Ecosystem Services in the Asia-Pacific Region (Science for Sustainable Societies)

by Rajarshi Dasgupta Shizuka Hashimoto Osamu Saito

This book presents the state-of-the-art of knowledge in assessing, mapping, and modeling mangrove ecosystem services and outlines various scientific tools and techniques, including environmental scenario-building, spatial and econometric modelling to understand the fluctuations and future availability of mangrove ecosystem services. The book also highlights the current gaps and measures in policy planning and outlines the avenues for capacity building. Through case studies and thematic reviews, the book plans to cater to a wide range of audiences, including students, researchers, and decision-makers at various levels involved in mangrove conservation and land use optimization for sustainable and resilient development. This book is particularly useful to researchers and students in the field of landscape and spatial ecology, coastal zone management, ecosystem services, and resilience planning. It is also a must-read for policymakers, conservators, coastal zone managers, foresters, and general administrators in understanding the current and future roles of mangroves in ecosystem-based adaptation through informed decision-making.

Assessing Recent Soil Erosion Rates through the Use of Beryllium-7 (Be-7)

by Lionel Mabit William Blake

This open access book is the first comprehensive guideline for the beryllium-7 (Be-7) technique that can be applied to evaluate short-term patterns and budgets of soil redistribution in agricultural landscapes. While covering the fundamental and basic concepts of the approach, this book distinguishes itself from other publications by offering step-by-step instructions on how to use this isotopic technique effectively. It covers experimental design considerations and clear instruction is given on data processing. As accurate laboratory measurement is crucial to ensure successful use of Be-7 to investigate soil erosion, a full chapter is devoted to its specific determination by gamma spectrometry. This open access contribution further describes new developments in the Be-7 technique and includes a concluding chapter highlighting its potential benefits to support the implementation of area-wide soil conservation policy.

Assessing Surprises and Nonlinearities in Greenhouse Warming: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Workshop (Routledge Revivals)

by Joel Darmstadter Michael A. Toman

In 1992, Resources for the Future conducted a workshop concerning the issues of global climate change. This title, originally published in 1993, is a collection of the revised versions of the papers commissioned for the workshop with an added introduction and overview. Each paper emphasises the potential nonlinearities or surprises in physical effects caused by humans loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases and examines how shifts in the natural environment from climate change may affect human well-being. This collection is a valuable resource for any student interested in environmental studies and climate change issues.

Assessing Surprises and Nonlinearities in Greenhouse Warming: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Workshop (Routledge Revivals)

by Joel Darmstadter Michael A. Toman

In 1992, Resources for the Future conducted a workshop concerning the issues of global climate change. This title, originally published in 1993, is a collection of the revised versions of the papers commissioned for the workshop with an added introduction and overview. Each paper emphasises the potential nonlinearities or surprises in physical effects caused by humans loading the atmosphere with greenhouse gases and examines how shifts in the natural environment from climate change may affect human well-being. This collection is a valuable resource for any student interested in environmental studies and climate change issues.

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