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Zap! Clap! Boom!: The Story of a Thunderstorm

by Laura Purdie Salas

Explore the life cycle of a thunderstorm in this informative and engaging picture book. Morning's calm. Outside is still. A blue-forever day until . . .The real beginning of a thunderstorm happens long before the first raindrop falls. No rain yet. It's just a threat-a rising cloud, a towering plume, then . . .Follow along as the weather changes, from a blue-sky day to a brewing storm, from a brewing storm to a dazzling downpour, and from a dazzling downpour to the breathtaking moment when the sky emits a-ZAP! CLAP! BOOM! Laura Purdie Salas's dynamic text and Elly MacKay's vibrant art offer the perfect introduction to the science of weather and the forces that work together to create a storm. The next time nature puts on a dramatic thunder and lightning show, readers will be ready to find a cozy spot near a window and watch the storm unfold. An author's note delves deeper into the science of thunderstorms.


by Bill Dunster

The argument for low-cost, zero-energy, zero-waste architecture has never been timelier, while the mainstream has largely abandoned or neglected this agenda: in the UK the recent mandatory zero-carbon performance targets for new homes have been postponed or forgotten at a time when thousands of new homes will be built, and there is already a shortage of electric generating capacity. This book offers a forceful challenge to the current addiction to overconsumption of natural capital and energy, and provides workable, sustainable solutions for zero-carbon, zero-waste design.


by Bill Dunster

The argument for low-cost, zero-energy, zero-waste architecture has never been timelier, while the mainstream has largely abandoned or neglected this agenda: in the UK the recent mandatory zero-carbon performance targets for new homes have been postponed or forgotten at a time when thousands of new homes will be built, and there is already a shortage of electric generating capacity. This book offers a forceful challenge to the current addiction to overconsumption of natural capital and energy, and provides workable, sustainable solutions for zero-carbon, zero-waste design.

Zeitpfad: Die Geschichte unseres Universums und unseres Planeten

by Jörg Resag

Unser Wissen über die Vergangenheit des Universums und unseres Planeten hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten enorm zugenommen. Sowohl in der Kosmologie und Astronomie als auch in der Biologie und den Geo­wissenschaften wurden große Fortschritte erzielt, die sich mittlerweile zu einem umfassenden und detailreichen Gesamtbild zusammenfügen.Moderne Teleskope und Satelliten schauen tiefer ins Weltall als jemals zuvor und ergründen damit zugleich die ferne Vergangenheit des Universums. Fortschritte in der Physik ermöglichen es, den Lauf unserer Welt immer weiter in Richtung Urknall zurückzuverfolgen und vermitteln sogar eine Vorstellung davon, was den Urknall selbst ausgelöst haben könnte.Zugleich gelingt es den Geowissenschaften, die Vergangenheit unseres Planeten immer genauer zu entschlüsseln, während neue Fossilfunde und molekularbiologische Analysen ein immer präziseres Bild von der Evolution des Lebens zeichnen.Das durchgängig vierfarbige und reich illustrierte Buch von Jörg Resag stellt dieses moderne Gesamtbild umfassend dar und lädt den Leser zu einer Zeitreise ein, die beim Urknall beginnt und bis in die Zukunft des Universums führt. Diese Reise durch die Tiefen der Zeit verändert die Sicht auf unsere Welt und macht deutlich, wie wertvoll und zugleich wie kurz und zerbrechlich unsere eigene Existenz in diesem wundervollen Universum ist.

Zeitpfad: Die Geschichte unseres Universums und unseres Planeten

by Jörg Resag

Unser Wissen über die Vergangenheit des Universums und unseres Planeten hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten enorm zugenommen. Sowohl in der Kosmologie und Astronomie als auch in der Biologie und den Geo­wissenschaften wurden große Fortschritte erzielt, die sich mittlerweile zu einem umfassenden und detailreichen Gesamtbild zusammenfügen.Moderne Teleskope und Satelliten schauen tiefer ins Weltall als jemals zuvor und ergründen damit zugleich die ferne Vergangenheit des Universums. Fortschritte in der Physik ermöglichen es, den Lauf unserer Welt immer weiter in Richtung Urknall zurückzuverfolgen und vermitteln sogar eine Vorstellung davon, was den Urknall selbst ausgelöst haben könnte.Zugleich gelingt es den Geowissenschaften, die Vergangenheit unseres Planeten immer genauer zu entschlüsseln, während neue Fossilfunde und molekularbiologische Analysen ein immer präziseres Bild von der Evolution des Lebens zeichnen.Das durchgängig vierfarbige und reich illustrierte Buch von Jörg Resag stellt dieses moderne Gesamtbild umfassend dar und lädt den Leser zu einer Zeitreise ein, die beim Urknall beginnt und bis in die Zukunft des Universums führt. Diese Reise durch die Tiefen der Zeit verändert die Sicht auf unsere Welt und macht deutlich, wie wertvoll und zugleich wie kurz und zerbrechlich unsere eigene Existenz in diesem wundervollen Universum ist.

The Zen of Ecopoetics: Cosmological Imaginations in Modernist American Poetry (Routledge Environmental Literature, Culture and Media)

by Enaiê Mairê Azambuja

This book is the first comprehensive study investigating the cultural affinities and resonances of Zen in early twentieth-century American poetry and its contribution to current definitions of ecopoetics, focusing on four key poets: William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and E.E. Cummings. Bringing together a range of texts and perspectives and using an interdisciplinary approach that draws on Eastern and Western philosophies, including Zen and Taoism, posthumanism and new materialism, this book adds to and extends the field of ecocriticism into new debates. Its broad approach, informed by literary studies, ecocriticism, and religious studies, proposes the expansion of ecopoetics to include the relationship between poetic materiality and spirituality. It develops ‘cosmopoetics’ as a new literary-theoretical concept of the poetic imagination as a contemplative means to achieving a deeper understanding of the human interdependence with the non-human. Addressing the critical gap between materialism and spirituality in modernist American poetry, The Zen of Ecopoetics promotes new forms of awareness and understanding about our relationship with non-human beings and environments. It will be of interest to scholars, researchers, and students in ecocriticism, literary theory, poetry, and religious studies.

The Zen of Ecopoetics: Cosmological Imaginations in Modernist American Poetry (Routledge Environmental Literature, Culture and Media)

by Enaiê Mairê Azambuja

This book is the first comprehensive study investigating the cultural affinities and resonances of Zen in early twentieth-century American poetry and its contribution to current definitions of ecopoetics, focusing on four key poets: William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, and E.E. Cummings. Bringing together a range of texts and perspectives and using an interdisciplinary approach that draws on Eastern and Western philosophies, including Zen and Taoism, posthumanism and new materialism, this book adds to and extends the field of ecocriticism into new debates. Its broad approach, informed by literary studies, ecocriticism, and religious studies, proposes the expansion of ecopoetics to include the relationship between poetic materiality and spirituality. It develops ‘cosmopoetics’ as a new literary-theoretical concept of the poetic imagination as a contemplative means to achieving a deeper understanding of the human interdependence with the non-human. Addressing the critical gap between materialism and spirituality in modernist American poetry, The Zen of Ecopoetics promotes new forms of awareness and understanding about our relationship with non-human beings and environments. It will be of interest to scholars, researchers, and students in ecocriticism, literary theory, poetry, and religious studies.

Zentralasien und die Seidenstraße: Wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung und Niedergang über mehrere Jahrtausende

by Stephan Barisitz

Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die vormoderne Wirtschaftsgeschichte Zentralasiens und der Seidenstraße, die mehrere Jahrtausende umfasst. Durch die Analyse einer Fülle von Quellen und Materialien veranschaulicht es die wiederholten wirtschaftlichen Blütezeiten der Seidenstraße, in denen sie über viele Jahrhunderte Orient und Okzident verband. Nomadische Steppenreiche beherrschten häufig Zentralasien, prägten dessen Wirtschaft und beeinflussten den Handel entlang der Seidenstraße. Das Buch untersucht die Ursachen und Auswirkungen des weitreichenden Booms des Überlandhandels und erörtert gleichzeitig verschiedene interne und externe Faktoren, die zum allmählichen wirtschaftlichen Niedergang Zentralasiens und letztlichzum Ende der Seidenstraße führten. Schließlich wird erläutert, wie der wirtschaftliche Niedergang zum chinesischen und russischen Kolonialismus im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert beitrug. Detaillierte Informationen, z.B. über den Verlauf der Seidenstraße in den verschiedenen Epochen, werden in Form zahlreicher neu erstellter Karten angeboten.

Zero Altitude: How I Learned to Fly Less and Travel More

by Helen Coffey

In recent decades, private jets have become status symbols for the world’s wealthiest, while quick and easy flights have brought far-flung destinations within the reach of everyone. But at what cost to the environment? Around the world, flying emits around 860 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, and until the outbreak of Covid-19, the aviation industry was one of the planet’s fastest-growing polluters. Now is the perfect time to pause and take stock of our toxic relationship with flying. Part climate-change investigation, part travel memoir, Zero Altitude follows Helen Coffey as she journeys as far as she can in the course of her job as a top travel journalist – all without getting on a single flight. Between trips by train, car, boat and bike, she meets climate experts and activists at the forefront of the burgeoning flight-free movement. Over the course of her travels, she discovers that keeping both feet on the ground is not only possible but that it can be an exhilarating opportunity for adventure. Her book is brimming with tips and ideas for swapping the middle seat for the open road.

Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009: Proceedings of the First International Symposium of Global COE Program "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming - Toward CO2 Zero-emission Energy System" (Green Energy and Technology)

by Takeshi Yao

Emissions of CO2 have come to be regarded as the main factor in climate change in recent years, and how to control them has become a pressing issue. The problem cannot simply be labeled a technological one, however, because it is deeply involved with social and economic issues. Since 2008, the Global Center of Excellence (COE) program titled “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming—Toward a CO2 Zero-Emission Energy System” has been held at Kyoto University, Japan. The program aims to establish an international education and research platform to foster educators, researchers, and policy makers who can develop technologies and propose policies toward a zero-emission society by the year 2100. Setting out a zero-emission technology roadmap, Global COE promotes socioeconomic studies of energy, the study of new technologies for renewable energies, and research in advanced nuclear energy. A compilation of the lectures and presentations from the first symposium of Global COE held at Kyoto University, this book is intended to provide the impetus for the establishment of low carbon energy science to bring about harmony between mankind and the environment.

Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2010: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Global COE Program "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming—Toward CO2 Zero-emission Energy System" (Green Energy and Technology)

by Takeshi Yao

Since 2008, the Global Center of Excellence (COE) at Kyoto University, Japan, has been engaged in a program called “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming—Toward a CO2 Zero-Emission Energy System.” Its aim is to establish an international education and research platform to foster educators, researchers, and policy makers who can develop technologies and propose policies for establishing a CO2 zero-emission society no longer dependent on fossil fuels. It is well known that the energy problem cannot simply be labeled a technological one, as it is also deeply involved with social and economic issues. The establishment of a “low-carbon energy science” as an interdisciplinary field integrating social sciences with natural sciences is necessary. The Global COE is setting out a zero-emission technology roadmap and is promoting socioeconomic studies of energy, studies of new technologies for renewable energies, and research for advanced nuclear energy. It has also established the Global COE Unit for Energy Science Education to support young researchers as they apply their skills and knowledge and a broad international perspective to respond to issues of energy and the environment in our societies. Comprising the proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Global COE Program, this book follows on the earlier volume Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009, published in March 2010.

Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2011: Special Edition of Jointed Symposium of Kyoto University Global COE "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming" and Ajou University BK21 (Green Energy and Technology)

by Takeshi Yao

Since 2008, the Global Center of Excellence (COE) at Kyoto University, Japan, has been engaged in a program called “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming—Toward a CO2 Zero-Emission Energy System.” Its aim is to establish an international education and research platform to foster educators, researchers, and policy makers who can develop technologies and propose policies for establishing a CO2 zero-emission society no longer dependent on fossil fuels. It is well known that the energy problem cannot simply be labeled a technological one, as it is also deeply involved with social and economic issues. The establishment of a “low-carbon energy science” as an interdisciplinary field integrating social sciences with natural sciences is necessary. The Global COE is setting out a zero-emission technology roadmap and is promoting socioeconomic studies of energy, studies of new technologies for renewable energies, and research for advanced nuclear energy. It has also established the Global COE Unit for Energy Science Education to support young researchers as they apply their skills and knowledge and a broad international perspective to respond to issues of energy and the environment in our societies. Comprising the proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the Global COE Program, this book follows on the earlier volumes Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009 and 2010, published in March 2010 and February 2011, respectively.

Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2012: Special Edition of the Joint Symposium "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming" of the Kyoto University Global COE Program and the JGSEE/CEE-KMUTT (Green Energy and Technology)

by Takeshi Yao

The Global COE is setting out a zero-emission technology roadmap and is promoting socioeconomic studies of energy, studies of new technologies for renewable energies, and research for advanced nuclear energy. It has also established the Global COE Unit for Energy Science Education to support young researchers as they apply their skills and knowledge and a broad international perspective to respond to issues of energy and the environment in our societies. This book follows on the earlier volumes Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009, 2010, and 2011.

Zero Degrees: Geographies of the Prime Meridian

by Charles W. Withers

Charles Withers explains how the choice of Greenwich to mark 0° longitude solved problems of global measurement that had engaged geographers, astronomers, and mariners since ancient times. This history is a testament to the power of maps, the challenges of global measurement, and the role of scientific authority in creating the modern world.

Zero Degrees: Geographies of the Prime Meridian

by Charles W. Withers

Charles Withers explains how the choice of Greenwich to mark 0° longitude solved problems of global measurement that had engaged geographers, astronomers, and mariners since ancient times. This history is a testament to the power of maps, the challenges of global measurement, and the role of scientific authority in creating the modern world.

Zero Waste: Management Practices for Environmental Sustainability

by Ashok K. Rathoure

Zero Waste: Management Practices for Environmental Sustainability presents approaches for resource management centered on reducing waste and reusing and recycling materials. It aims to save energy by reducing energy consumption associated with extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials and waste, and also to reduce and eventually eliminate the need for landfills and incinerators. This book presents the various principles, methods, and tools that can be used to address different issues in the areas of industrial waste reduction and sustainability. It examines how to eliminate waste at the source and at all points of a supply chain, and how to shift from the current one-way linear resource model to a sustainable "closed-loop" system. Proposes strategies for businesses to reduce and reuse waste with a goal of reaching a zero waste status. Focuses on how mitigating waste and promoting recycling can save vast amounts of energy. Explains how the zero waste approach would be a key measure to ensure environmental sustainability and help to offset global climate change.

Zero Waste: Management Practices for Environmental Sustainability

by Ashok K. Rathoure

Zero Waste: Management Practices for Environmental Sustainability presents approaches for resource management centered on reducing waste and reusing and recycling materials. It aims to save energy by reducing energy consumption associated with extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials and waste, and also to reduce and eventually eliminate the need for landfills and incinerators. This book presents the various principles, methods, and tools that can be used to address different issues in the areas of industrial waste reduction and sustainability. It examines how to eliminate waste at the source and at all points of a supply chain, and how to shift from the current one-way linear resource model to a sustainable "closed-loop" system. Proposes strategies for businesses to reduce and reuse waste with a goal of reaching a zero waste status. Focuses on how mitigating waste and promoting recycling can save vast amounts of energy. Explains how the zero waste approach would be a key measure to ensure environmental sustainability and help to offset global climate change.

Zero-Waste: Reconsidering Waste Management for the Future (Routledge Studies in Waste Management and Policy)

by Atiq Zaman Tahmina Ahsan

This book analyses ‘zero-waste’ (ZW) as an emerging waste management strategy for the future, which considers waste prevention through innovative design and sustainable consumption practices. Drawing on a diverse range of case studies from Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, and the USA, this book explores why urban waste management systems still remain a major challenge for almost all cities around the world. Rejecting waste as an ‘end-of-life’ problem, Atiq Zaman and Tahmina Ahsan instead consider waste prevention through the ZW model, in which resources are utilized and consumed with minimum environmental degradation. In addition, the authors give extended discussion on why embracing the ZW concept will be beneficial for the circular economy (CE). Providing a strategic zero-waste framework and an evaluation tool to measure waste management performance aimed towards ZW goals, this book will be of great relevance to students, scholars, and policymakers with an interest in waste management, sustainable consumption, urban planning, and sustainable development.

Zero-Waste: Reconsidering Waste Management for the Future (Routledge Studies in Waste Management and Policy)

by Atiq Zaman Tahmina Ahsan

This book analyses ‘zero-waste’ (ZW) as an emerging waste management strategy for the future, which considers waste prevention through innovative design and sustainable consumption practices. Drawing on a diverse range of case studies from Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden, and the USA, this book explores why urban waste management systems still remain a major challenge for almost all cities around the world. Rejecting waste as an ‘end-of-life’ problem, Atiq Zaman and Tahmina Ahsan instead consider waste prevention through the ZW model, in which resources are utilized and consumed with minimum environmental degradation. In addition, the authors give extended discussion on why embracing the ZW concept will be beneficial for the circular economy (CE). Providing a strategic zero-waste framework and an evaluation tool to measure waste management performance aimed towards ZW goals, this book will be of great relevance to students, scholars, and policymakers with an interest in waste management, sustainable consumption, urban planning, and sustainable development.

The Zero Waste Solution: Untrashing the Planet One Community at a Time

by Paul Connett Jeremy Irons

Waste is something we all make every day but often pay little attention to. That's changing, and model programs around the globe show the many different ways a community can strive for, and achieve, zero-waste status. Scientist-turned-activist Paul Connett, a leading international figure in decades-long battles to fight pollution, has championed efforts to curtail overconsumption and keep industrial toxins out of our air and drinking water and bodies. But he’s best known around the world for leading efforts to help communities deal with their waste in sustainable ways—in other words, to eliminate and reuse waste rather than burn it or stow it away in landfills. In The Zero Waste Solution, Connett profiles the most successful zero-waste initiatives around the world, showing activists, planners, and entrepreneurs how to re-envision their community’s waste-handling process—by consuming less, turning organic waste into compost, recycling, reusing other waste, demanding nonwasteful product design, and creating jobs and bringing community members together in the process. The book also exposes the greenwashing behind renewed efforts to promote waste incinerators as safe, nontoxic energy suppliers, and gives detailed information on how communities can battle incineration projects that, even at their best, emit dangerous particles into the atmosphere, many of which remain unregulated or poorly regulated. An important toolkit for anyone interested in creating sustainable communities, generating secure local jobs, and keeping toxic alternatives at bay.

Zeta Functions, Topology and Quantum Physics (Developments in Mathematics #14)

by Takashi Aoki Shigeru Kanemitsu Mikio Nakahara Yasuo Ohno

This volume contains papers by invited speakers of the symposium "Zeta Functions, Topology and Quantum Physics" held at Kinki U- versity in Osaka, Japan, during the period of March 3-6, 2003. The aims of this symposium were to establish mutual understanding and to exchange ideas among researchers working in various fields which have relation to zeta functions and zeta values. We are very happy to add this volume to the series Developments in Mathematics from Springer. In this respect, Professor Krishnaswami Alladi helped us a lot by showing his keen and enthusiastic interest in publishing this volume and by contributing his paper with Alexander Berkovich. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from Kinki University. We would like to thank Professor Megumu Munakata, Vice-Rector of Kinki University, and Professor Nobuki Kawashima, Director of School of Interdisciplinary Studies of Science and Engineering, Kinki Univ- sity, for their interest and support. We also thank John Martindale of Springer for his excellent editorial work.

Zinc in Soils and Plants: Proceedings of the International Symposium on ‘Zinc in Soils and Plants’ held at The University of Western Australia, 27–28 September, 1993 (Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences #55)

by A. D. Robson

Proceedings of the International Symposium on `Zinc in Soils and Plants', held at The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, 27--28 September 1993

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