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Showing 6,951 through 6,975 of 43,784 results

Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Applications: Lecture Notes of the XVII 'Jacques-Louis Lions' Spanish-French School (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series #13)

by Mariano Mateos Pedro Alonso

The first part of this volume gathers the lecture notes of the courses of the “XVII Escuela Hispano-Francesa”, held in Gijón, Spain, in June 2016. Each chapter is devoted to an advanced topic and presents state-of-the-art research in a didactic and self-contained way. Young researchers will find a complete guide to beginning advanced work in fields such as High Performance Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra, Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations and Quantum Mechanics Simulation, while experts in these areas will find a comprehensive reference guide, including some previously unpublished results, and teachers may find these chapters useful as textbooks in graduate courses.The second part features the extended abstracts of selected research work presented by the students during the School. It highlights new results and applications in Computational Algebra, Fluid Mechanics, Chemical Kinetics and Biomedicine, among others, offering interested researchers a convenient reference guide to these latest advances.

Computational Mechanics ’95: Volume 1 and Volume 2 Theory and Applications

by S. N. Atluri G. Yagawa Thomas A. Cruse

AI!, in the earlier conferences (Tokyo, 1986; Atlanta, 1988, Melbourne, 1991; and Hong Kong, 1992) the response to the call for presentations at ICES-95 in Hawaii has been overwhelming. A very careful screening of the extended abstracts resulted in about 500 paper being accepted for presentation. Out of these, written versions of about 480 papers reached the conference secretariat in Atlanta in time for inclusion in these proceedings. The topics covered at ICES-95 range over the broadest spectrum of computational engineering science. The editors thank the international scientific committee, for their advice and encouragement in making ICES-95 a successful scientific event. Special thanks are expressed to the International Association for Boundary Elements Methods for hosting IABEM-95 in conjunction with ICES-95. The editors here express their deepest gratitude to Ms. Stacy Morgan for her careful handling of a myriad of details of ICES-95, often times under severe time constraints. The editors hope that the readers of this proceedings will find a kaleidoscopic view of computational engineering in the year 1995, as practiced in various parts of the world. Satya N. Atluri Atlanta, Georgia, USA Genki Yagawa Tokyo,Japan Thomas A. Cruse Nashville, TN, USA Organizing Committee Professor Genki Yagawa, University of Tokyo, Japan, Chair Professor Satya Atluri, Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A.

Computational Mechanics of Fluid-Structure Interaction: Computational Methods for Coupled Fluid-Structure Analysis

by Rajeev Kumar Jaiman Vaibhav Joshi

This book is intended to provide a compilation of the state-of-the-art numerical methods for nonlinear fluid-structure interaction using the moving boundary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation. Single and two-phase viscous incompressible fluid flows are considered with the increasing complexity of structures ranging from rigid-body, linear elastic and nonlinear large deformation to fully-coupled flexible multibody system. This book is unique with regard to computational modeling of such complex fluid-structure interaction problems at high Reynolds numbers, whereby various coupling techniques are introduced and systematically discussed. The techniques are demonstrated for large-scale practical problems in aerospace and marine/offshore engineering. This book also provides a comprehensive understanding of underlying unsteady physics and coupled mechanical aspects of the fluid-structure interaction from a computational point of view. Using the body-fitted and moving mesh formulations, the physical insights associated with structure-to-fluid mass ratios (i.e., added mass effects), Reynolds number, large structural deformation, free surface, and other interacting physical fields are covered. The book includes the basic tools necessary to build the concepts required for modeling such coupled fluid-structure interaction problems, thus exposing the reader to advanced topics of multiphysics and multiscale phenomena.

A Computational Method in Plasma Physics (Scientific Computation)

by F. Bauer O. Betancourt P. Garabedian

Computational Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Cyberphysics and Engineering Applications 1

by Dmitri Koroliouk Sergiy Lyashko Nikolaos Limnios

Mathematical methods in engineering are characterized by a wide range of techniques for approaching various problems. Moreover, completely different analysis techniques can be applied to the same problem, which is justified by the difference in specific applications. Therefore, the study of the analyses and solutions of specific problems leads the researcher to generate their own techniques for the analysis of similar problems continuously arising in the process of technical development. Computational Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Cyberphysics and Engineering Applications contains solutions to specific problems in current areas of computational engineering and cyberphysics.

Computational Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Cyberphysics and Engineering Applications 1

by Dmitri Koroliouk Sergiy Lyashko Nikolaos Limnios

Mathematical methods in engineering are characterized by a wide range of techniques for approaching various problems. Moreover, completely different analysis techniques can be applied to the same problem, which is justified by the difference in specific applications. Therefore, the study of the analyses and solutions of specific problems leads the researcher to generate their own techniques for the analysis of similar problems continuously arising in the process of technical development. Computational Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Cyberphysics and Engineering Applications contains solutions to specific problems in current areas of computational engineering and cyberphysics.

Computational Methods for Astrophysical Fluid Flow: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 27. Lecture Notes 1997 Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy (Saas-Fee Advanced Course #27)

by Randall J. LeVeque Dimitri Mihalas E.A. Dorfi Ewald Müller

This book leads directly to the most modern numerical techniques for compressible fluid flow, with special consideration given to astrophysical applications. Emphasis is put on high-resolution shock-capturing finite-volume schemes based on Riemann solvers. The applications of such schemes, in particular the PPM method, are given and include large-scale simulations of supernova explosions by core collapse and thermonuclear burning and astrophysical jets. Parts two and three treat radiation hydrodynamics. The power of adaptive (moving) grids is demonstrated with a number of stellar-physical simulations showing very crispy shock-front structures.

Computational Methods for Electron—Molecule Collisions

by Franco A. Gianturco W. M. Huo

The collision of electrons with molecules and molecular ions is a fundamental pro­ cess in atomic and molecular physics and in chemistry. At high incident electron en­ ergies, electron-molecule collisions are used to deduce molecular geometries, oscillator strengths for optically allowed transitions, and in the case of electron-impact ionization, to probe the momentum distribution of the molecule itself. When the incident electron energy is comparable to or below those of the molecular valence electrons, the physics involved is particularly rich. Correlation and exchange effects necessary to describe such collision processes bear a close resemblance to similar efft:cts in the theory of electronic structure in molecules. Compound state formations, in the form of resonances and vir­ tual states, manifest themselves in experimental observables which provide details of the electron-molecule interactions. Ro-vibrational excitations by low-energy electron collisions exemplify energy transfer between the electronic and nuclear motion. The role of nonadiabatic interaction is raised here. When the final vibrational state is in the continuum, molecular dissociation occurs. Dissociative recombination and dissociative attachment are examples of such fragmentation processes. In addition to its fundamental nature, the study of electron-molecule collisions is also motivated by its relation to other fields of study and by its technological appli­ cations. The study of planetary atmospheres and the interstellar medium necessarily involve collision processes of electrons with molecules and molecular ions.

Computational Methods for Flow and Transport in Porous Media (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media #17)

by J. M. Crolet

The first Symposium on Recent Advances in Problems of Flow and Transport in Porous Media was held in Marrakech in June '96 and has provided a focus for the utilization of computer methods for solving the many complex problems encountered in the field of solute transport in porous media. This symposium has been successful in bringing together scientists, physicists, hydrogeologists, researchers in soil and fluid mechanics and engineers involved in this multidisciplinary subject. It is clear that the utilization of computer-based models in this domain is still rapidly expanding and that new and novel solutions are being developed. The contributed papers which form this book reflect the recent advances, in particular with respect to new methods, inverse problems, reactive transport, unsaturated media and upscaling. These have been subdivided into the following sections: I. Numerical methods II. Mass transport and heat transfer III. Comparison with experimentation and simulation of real cases This book contains reviewed articles of the top presentations held during the International Symposium on Computer Methods in Porous Media Engineering which took place in Giens (France) in October 1998. All of the presentations and the optimism shown during the meeting provided further evidence that computer modeling is making remarkable progress and is indeed becoming an essential toolkit in the field of porous media and solute transport. I believe that the content of this book provides evidence of this and furthermore gives a comprehensive review of the theoretical developments and applications.

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics

by Joel H. Ferziger Milovan Perić Robert L. Street

This book is a guide to numerical methods for solving fluid dynamics problems. The most widely used discretization and solution methods, which are also found in most commercial CFD-programs, are described in detail. Some advanced topics, like moving grids, simulation of turbulence, computation of free-surface flows, multigrid methods and parallel computing, are also covered. Since CFD is a very broad field, we provide fundamental methods and ideas, with some illustrative examples, upon which more advanced techniques are built. Numerical accuracy and estimation of errors are important aspects and are discussed in many examples. Computer codes that include many of the methods described in the book can be obtained online. This 4th edition includes major revision of all chapters; some new methods are described and references to more recent publications with new approaches are included. Former Chapter 7 on solution of the Navier-Stokes equations has been split into two Chapters to allow for a more detailed description of several variants of the Fractional Step Method and a comparison with SIMPLE-like approaches. In Chapters 7 to 13, most examples have been replaced or recomputed, and hints regarding practical applications are made. Several new sections have been added, to cover, e.g., immersed-boundary methods, overset grids methods, fluid-structure interaction and conjugate heat transfer.

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics

by Joel H. Ferziger Milovan Peric

In its third revised and extended edition the book offers an overview of the techniques used to solve problems in fluid mechanics on computers. The authors describe in detail the most often used techniques. Included are advanced techniques in computational fluid dynamics, such as direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence. Moreover, a new section deals with grid quality and an extended description of discretization methods has also been included. Common roots and basic principles for many apparently different methods are explained. The book also contains a great deal of practical advice for code developers and users.

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics

by Joel H. Ferziger Milovan Peric

A detailed description of the methods most often used in practice. The authors are experts in their fields and cover such advanced techniques as direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence, multigrid methods, parallel computing, moving grids, structured, block-structured and unstructured boundary-fitted grids, and free surface flows. The book shows common roots and basic principles for many apparently different methods, while also containing a great deal of practical advice for code developers and users. All the computer codes can be accessed from the Springer server on the internet. Designed to be equally useful for beginners and experts.

Computational Methods for Fluid Flow (Scientific Computation)

by Roger Peyret Thomas D. Taylor

In developing this book, we decided to emphasize applications and to provide methods for solving problems. As a result, we limited the mathematical devel­ opments and we tried as far as possible to get insight into the behavior of numerical methods by considering simple mathematical models. The text contains three sections. The first is intended to give the fundamen­ tals of most types of numerical approaches employed to solve fluid-mechanics problems. The topics of finite differences, finite elements, and spectral meth­ ods are included, as well as a number of special techniques. The second section is devoted to the solution of incompressible flows by the various numerical approaches. We have included solutions of laminar and turbulent-flow prob­ lems using finite difference, finite element, and spectral methods. The third section of the book is concerned with compressible flows. We divided this last section into inviscid and viscous flows and attempted to outline the methods for each area and give examples.

Computational Methods for Kinetic Models of Magnetically Confined Plasmas (Scientific Computation)

by J. Killeen G.D. Kerbel M.G. McCoy A.A. Mirin

Because magnetically confined plasmas are generally not found in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, they have been studied extensively with methods of applied kinetic theory. In closed magnetic field line confinement devices such as the tokamak, non-Maxwellian distortions usually occur as a result of auxiliary heating and transport. In magnetic mirror configurations even the intended steady state plasma is far from local thermodynamic equilibrium because of losses along open magnetic field lines. In both of these major fusion devices, kinetic models based on the Boltzmann equation with Fokker-Planck collision terms have been successful in representing plasma behavior. The heating of plasmas by energetic neutral beams or microwaves, the production and thermalization of a-particles in thermonuclear reactor plasmas, the study of runaway electrons in tokamaks, and the performance of two-energy compo­ nent fusion reactors are some examples of processes in which the solution of kinetic equations is appropriate and, moreover, generally necessary for an understanding of the plasma dynamics. Ultimately, the problem is to solve a nonlinear partial differential equation for the distribution function of each charged plasma species in terms of six phase space variables and time. The dimensionality of the problem may be reduced through imposing certain symmetry conditions. For example, fewer spatial dimensions are needed if either the magnetic field is taken to be uniform or the magnetic field inhomogeneity enters principally through its variation along the direction of the field.

Computational Methods for Nanoscale Applications: Particles, Plasmons and Waves (Nanostructure Science and Technology)

by Igor Tsukerman

Positioning itself at the common boundaries of several disciplines, this work provides new perspectives on modern nanoscale problems where fundamental science meets technology and computer modeling. In addition to well-known computational techniques such as finite-difference schemes and Ewald summation, the book presents a new finite-difference calculus of Flexible Local Approximation Methods (FLAME) that qualitatively improves the numerical accuracy in a variety of problems.

Computational Methods for Nanoscale Applications: Particles, Plasmons and Waves (Nanostructure Science and Technology)

by Igor Tsukerman

Positioning itself at the common boundaries of several disciplines, this work provides new perspectives on modern nanoscale problems where fundamental science meets technology and computer modeling. In addition to well-known computational techniques such as finite-difference schemes and Ewald summation, the book presents a new finite-difference calculus of Flexible Local Approximation Methods (FLAME) that qualitatively improves the numerical accuracy in a variety of problems.

Computational Methods for Physicists: Compendium for Students (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by Simon Sirca Martin Horvat

This book helps advanced undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students in their daily work by offering them a compendium of numerical methods. The choice of methods pays significant attention to error estimates, stability and convergence issues as well as to the ways to optimize program execution speeds. Many examples are given throughout the chapters, and each chapter is followed by at least a handful of more comprehensive problems which may be dealt with, for example, on a weekly basis in a one- or two-semester course. In these end-of-chapter problems the physics background is pronounced, and the main text preceding them is intended as an introduction or as a later reference. Less stress is given to the explanation of individual algorithms. It is tried to induce in the reader an own independent thinking and a certain amount of scepticism and scrutiny instead of blindly following readily available commercial tools.

Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids: Multiscale Analysis, Probability Aspects and Model Reduction (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #41)

by Adnan Ibrahimbegovic

This volume contains the best papers presented at the 2nd ECCOMAS International Conference on Multiscale Computations for Solids and Fluids, held June 10-12, 2015. Topics dealt with include multiscale strategy for efficient development of scientific software for large-scale computations, coupled probability-nonlinear-mechanics problems and solution methods, and modern mathematical and computational setting for multi-phase flows and fluid-structure interaction. The papers consist of contributions by six experts who taught short courses prior to the conference, along with several selected articles from other participants dealing with complementary issues, covering both solid mechanics and applied mathematics.

Computational Methods in Bifurcation Theory and Dissipative Structures (Scientific Computation)

by M. Kubicek M. Marek

"Dissipative structures" is a concept which has recently been used in physics to discuss the formation of structures organized in space and/or time at the expense of the energy flowing into the system from the outside. The space-time structural organization of biological systems starting from the subcellular level up to the level of ecological systems, coherent structures in laser and of elastic stability in mechanics, instability in hydro­ plasma physics, problems dynamics leading to the development of turbulence, behavior of electrical networks and chemical reactors form just a short list of problems treated in this framework. Mathematical models constructed to describe these systems are usually nonlinear, often formed by complicated systems of algebraic, ordinary differ­ ential, or partial differential equations and include a number of character­ istic parameters. In problems of theoretical interest as well as engineering practice, we are concerned with the dependence of solutions on parameters and particularly with the values of parameters where qualitatively new types of solutions, e.g., oscillatory solutions, new stationary states, and chaotic attractors, appear (bifurcate). Numerical techniques to determine both bifurcation points and the depen­ dence of steady-state and oscillatory solutions on parameters are developed and discussed in detail in this text. The text is intended to serve as a working manual not only for students and research workers who are interested in dissipative structures, but also for practicing engineers who deal with the problems of constructing models and solving complicated nonlinear systems.

Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #21)

by Manolis Papadrakakis, Michalis Fragiadakis and Nikos D. Lagaros

This book provides an insight in advanced methods and concepts for structural analysis and design against seismic loading. The book consists of 25 chapters dealing with a wide range of timely issues in contemporary Earthquake Engineering. In brief, the topics covered are: collapse assessment, record selection, effect of soil conditions, problems in seismic design, protection of monuments, earth dam structures and liquid containers, numerical methods, lifetime assessment, post-earthquake measures.A common ground of understanding is provided between the communities of Earth Sciences and Computational Mechanics towards mitigating seismic risk. The topic is of great social and scientific interest, due to the large number of scientists and practicing engineers currently working in the field and due to the great social and economic consequences of earthquakes.

Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering: Volume 2 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #30)

by Manolis Papadrakakis, Michalis Fragiadakis and Vagelis Plevris

This book provides an insight on advanced methods and concepts for the design and analysis of structures against earthquake loading. This second volume is a collection of 28 chapters written by leading experts in the field of structural analysis and earthquake engineering. Emphasis is given on current state-of-the-art methods and concepts in computing methods and their application in engineering practice. The book content is suitable for both practicing engineers and academics, covering a wide variety of topics in an effort to assist the timely dissemination of research findings for the mitigation of seismic risk. Due to the devastating socioeconomic consequences of seismic events, the topic is of great scientific interest and is expected to be of valuable help to scientists and engineers. The chapters of this volume are extended versions of selected papers presented at the COMPDYN 2011 conference, held in the island of Corfu, Greece, under the auspices of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS).

Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering: Volume 3 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences #44)

by Manolis Papadrakakis Vagelis Plevris Nikos D. Lagaros

This is the third book in a series on Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering. The purpose of this volume is to bring together the scientific communities of Computational Mechanics and Structural Dynamics, offering a wide coverage of timely issues on contemporary Earthquake Engineering. This volume will facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interest and can serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities. The computational aspects are emphasized in order to address difficult engineering problems of great social and economic importance.

Computational Methods in Physics: Compendium for Students (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by Simon Širca Martin Horvat

This book is intended to help advanced undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students in their daily work by offering them a compendium of numerical methods. The choice of methods pays significant attention to error estimates, stability and convergence issues, as well as optimization of program execution speeds. Numerous examples are given throughout the chapters, followed by comprehensive end-of-chapter problems with a more pronounced physics background, while less stress is given to the explanation of individual algorithms. The readers are encouraged to develop a certain amount of skepticism and scrutiny instead of blindly following readily available commercial tools. The second edition has been enriched by a chapter on inverse problems dealing with the solution of integral equations, inverse Sturm-Liouville problems, as well as retrospective and recovery problems for partial differential equations. The revised text now includes an introduction to sparse matrix methods, the solution of matrix equations, and pseudospectra of matrices; it discusses the sparse Fourier, non-uniform Fourier and discrete wavelet transformations, the basics of non-linear regression and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; it demonstrates the key concepts in solving stiff differential equations and the asymptotics of Sturm-Liouville eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Among other updates, it also presents the techniques of state-space reconstruction, methods to calculate the matrix exponential, generate random permutations and compute stable derivatives.

Computational Methods in Transport: Granlibakken 2004 (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering #48)

by Frank Graziani

Thereexistawiderangeofapplicationswhereasigni?cantfractionofthe- mentum and energy present in a physical problem is carried by the transport of particles. Depending on the speci?capplication, the particles involved may be photons, neutrons, neutrinos, or charged particles. Regardless of which phenomena is being described, at the heart of each application is the fact that a Boltzmann like transport equation has to be solved. The complexity, and hence expense, involved in solving the transport problem can be understood by realizing that the general solution to the 3D Boltzmann transport equation is in fact really seven dimensional: 3 spatial coordinates, 2 angles, 1 time, and 1 for speed or energy. Low-order appro- mations to the transport equation are frequently used due in part to physical justi?cation but many in cases, simply because a solution to the full tra- port problem is too computationally expensive. An example is the di?usion equation, which e?ectively drops the two angles in phase space by assuming that a linear representation in angle is adequate. Another approximation is the grey approximation, which drops the energy variable by averaging over it. If the grey approximation is applied to the di?usion equation, the expense of solving what amounts to the simplest possible description of transport is roughly equal to the cost of implicit computational ?uid dynamics. It is clear therefore, that for those application areas needing some form of transport, fast, accurate and robust transport algorithms can lead to an increase in overall code performance and a decrease in time to solution.

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